J s % J i ¥0L. XXVU, NOv 60 Piifalished Mondays, and ThursdaysNORTB WILKESBORO, N. C. Gtjr Board Asks Yadkin Bridge Be Extended To 10th Request Highway Comniis* sion To Build Bridge Across Bottom BOARD MET SATURDAY V- Board Votes To Reject Pro visions Of Bill Regarding .. Tax Penalties A resolution-memorializing the atate highway commission to ex tend the new bridge across the -Yadkin River to Tenth street ■was passed at a special meeting of the board of city commissioners Sat urday. Under the present arrange ment, the bridge is now com plete on the north side of the river. From the last span will extend a fill, sloping to a point near Forester’s Nu-Way Service Station. A similar resolution wa.s und er consideration by the local board, it is stated, at the time the contract was let, but word went out that the shortage of funds would make it impossible for the highway department to build the bridge as originally planned. However, now that new federal funds are available, hoire PR0F.CB:ELLERSW0RHINAS SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOL (Took Oath of Office Yester day Afternoon Before Mrs. W. A. Stroud TAKES UP WORK TODAY Klliotl Roosevelt, below, son of I’resident and Mrs. Roosevelt, now in the we.st. will seek di vorce from hi.s wife on the icueiai luuus are ava.iau.r, ^ grounds of incompatibility. .Mrs. is expressed that the bridge may j Elliott Roosevelt, above, is the be extended to connect with former Elizabeth Donner, daugh- Tenth street. The commissioners at their special meeting also rejected the provision of the Senate bill which would permit the commis sioners to release delinquent tax payers of the penalties. This view was taken of the matter because no provision is made for the re funding of penalties already col lected and it would be unjust, i’ was believed, to release some from the penalties while collect ing from others. Mayor J. A. Rousseau and Commissioners S. V. Tomlinson. L. A. Harris and I. E. Pearson were present for the meeting. ter of Wm. H. Donner of Phila.. and owner of The Donner Steel I Corporation of Itnffalo. They ; were married in January, 1932, \ and have one child. Lions Officials To Be Installed Meetinir Will Be Held .\t Ho tel Wilkes Tonight; Smith Is President Grayson Memorial Fund Is Growing Officers of the Idons Club for I the ensuing year will 1>e install- I ed at the regular semi-monthly I dinner meeting tonight (Thurs- Iday) at TIotel Wilkes. Delegates to the district Lions Marker To Cost .Approximately meeting at .Asheville last week , $55.0t; .Many Turn In Their jure also expected to make re- IPonations [ports. ' , . . , ■ At the meeting tliis evening. , The Grayson Memorial Fund. | ^ ^ Aponsored by The JoiTbal-i a-j director, will step down Min favor of Dr. H. 13. Smith, who i was elected president at the an nual election of officers. I The program begins at 7 ; o’clock. Sponsored by The Journal-Pa- t|rlot. is growing and indications j a^re that the amount necessary to brect a permanent marker at the sjrave of the slain officer will be ; Contributed without any person al solicitations. It was learned yesterday that! tlhe marker which will be the lift of citizens of North Wilkes- iro and others who wish to con- ribute is to cost approximately |:')5.00. .An exact layout of the [•oposed marker is now on dis- IV in The Journal-Patriot win Ih-iiti.sts .loin Local Finns Taking Half-Day Off Each Week In Dentists of the city will close Utlong with merchants and other Anyone wno wishes to contri-. houses on Thursday aft- ,te should leave tlieir dona-I week tor the suin- jn at- the newspaper office and months, it was announced record of the amount and the. ypg(pj.(jgy statement advising me of the donor will be made, their clients of the half-holiday Following is a list of contribu-1 made yesterday by the den- B. Williams, B. lists. irs to date; J. Rousseau, .A. B. Johnston. | pj. p Jones, who for the !arlyle Ingle, Carter-Hubhard j jsi rnontlis has closed his offices on Wednesday afternoon, will Join the other dentists and !»ublishing company (Journal Patriot). Lieutenant L. R. Fish- M. in the future will he in his of- er, James M. Amlersqn, W. ... Morrison, L. .A. Harris, Ralph! (tj,y Wediiesda;'. Juncan. S. V. Tomlinson, I. E.; ^ Pearson. Ice Cream Supper .Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Jones, of Ibis city, left Sunday for a two reeks’ visit in the home of Mrs. lones’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. t. Haskell, of Fairfax. S. C. levival Now On At Moravian Falls Being Conducted By Pastor At Methodist Church; One Service Daily 1 The Young Ladies’ Bible class of Wilkesboro Methodist church will give an ice cream supper on the I courthouse lawn Th’ursday evening, ' June 29. , String and band music and sing- : ing will featuri' the entertainment 1 program, and a guessing contest with a prize for the winner will add zest to the evening- Home-made ice cream and cake will be served. The revival meeting which be gan at Moravian Falls Methodist church Sunday evening is being attended by large congregations and Rev. R. H. Kennington. pas tor of the church. Is preaching soul-stliTlng Gospel messages. Services are being held only at evening, the hour of the service being 8 o'clock. Tkinlght (Thursday) he will preach on the subject, “The Most Popular Sin In Moravian Falls.’’ The' public Is invited to hear this aermon. Sunday ■ftemoon at 3 o’clock, he will preach to women only and on the following Sunday at the same hour ha will preach a serm- Hundred-Y ear-Old Visitor In City ITobably the oldest visitor The Journal-Patriot has ever had was here NIonday. O. C. Biddlt-k, of Chase City, Va., who is here on a visit with friemls, came in quietly, al most without the use of a cane despite the fact that he is more than a hundred years old. He was born May 8, 1833. The nentui^on has visited in the city on several occasions during the past few years. While here he and his grand daughter, Miss Blanche Red dick, wUl be a guests in the home of J. Jf. Brewer, J. V. Baugucss and Mrs. P. T. John son. C. C. Wright Leaves Office He Has Filled For Past 34 Years Three Arrested In Myers Death Case Yesterday Herman Handy, Everett Bil lings and C* E. Billings Involved MYERS WAS THE DRIVER Thursday Afternoon Prof. Chelsie B. Eller, who was elected county superinten-i dent of schools at the June meet-' ing of the board of ’education, was sworn in yesterday afternoon before Mrs. W. A. Stroud, assist ant clerk of Superior court, and Prof. C. C. Wright, tired and worn from thirty-four years of .service in that capacity, left of fice tor the last time. The superintendent received his credentials yesterday at noon, his election having been approv ed by the state school commis sion and Dr. A. T. Allen a few days ago. He takes up his new duties today. Despite his 70 years, Mr. Wright leaves office in the full vigor of his mental powers and although weary tropi the strain of 3-1 consecutive years in of fice. he left the courthouse with firm step and smiled as he turn ed over the keys of his office to his successor. There was pathos in the scene as the man whom even those who tire up in years remember as superintendent became a private citizen. But there was the satis faction which came to friends and to Mr. AVright himself that the quiet and peace of home will add years to the venerable edu cator's life. Billings Brothers Not In Vi cinity of Accident, They Say Three arrests were made yes terday in connection with the death of Hobart Myers, of Halls Mills, who was killed on the night of June 10 in an automo- I bile accident. Herman Handy, who was in I the car with -Myers when the I fatal accident took place, Ever ett Billings and C. E. Billings were the three arrested. They were taken into custody by Deputy Sheriff Silas Shumate on a warrant issued by the solici tor. • ». At the county jail yesterday afternoon, Everett Billings said he was at a local movie house the night of the accident an-d knew nothing regarding the tragic af fair. C. E. Billings said he was at the home of a neighbor. Handy admitted that he was with young Myers and said he escaped death by jumping from the car as it left the highway. Myers, a comparatively inexper ienced driver, was at the wheel, Handy said. The car plunged down a 30- foot embankment, killing young Myers almost instantly. Railway Officials Pass Through City Two Weens- dpeaai^i em m§ffwr Coart For Trial of Criminal Docket Is Requested; Would Begin My 24 SPEAKERS AT GOVERNMENT INSTITUTE Law Observance Would Run hto t Regular kagaxt Term; Many Cases Governor Ehringhaus Petit ioned To Call Term By County Board SEEK ONE GRAND JURY Ten or Twelve Murder Cases Would Come Up During Four Weeks .f’ wY'"* ! In keeping with the sen timent expressed at the county-wide mass meeting at the courthouse Sunday, Wilkes county’s board of commissioners met Monday and passed a resolution re- ^ questing Governor Ehring- Great Northern Officials Vis-! ited D. H. Waters Tues day Evening Township Committee Chair men To Meet With Arm brust Here Friday C. O. Jenks, James H. O’Neal and Ralph Budd, officials of the Great Northern Railway com pany, passed through the city Tuesday evening en route from .Atlantic City, N. J. to Hot Springs, Arkansas, by way of .Asheville. The party, ten in number, was composed of the officials, four chauffeurs and three secretaries. In Wilkesboro they called upon D. H. Waters, an old acquaint ance, who was associated with them on the Great Northern twenty-five years ago. and Mr. W’aters accompanied them as far as Asheville. Mr. Budd is general manager of the entire Great Norther i Rev, J. H. Armbrust, chair man of the newly formed coun ty-wide organization for law en forcement and law observance, on Tuesday announced the ap- ponitment of members of the executive committee for the var ious townships of the county. Al though announcing the appoint ments, the list was not released for publication. The chairman from each town ship has been requested to meet at the office of Solicitor John R. Jones Friday morning, June 23. at 10 o’clock. Rev. Mr. Armbrust was em powered to appoint the commit tees at the time of his election haus to order a special t'wo weeks’ term of Superior court for the trial of crimi nal cases. The commissioners asked the governor to set the [term for the two weeks im mediately preceding the i regular August terra. If I called, the term would be- igin Monday, July 24, giving ( Wilkes four consecutive [weeks of court, j The governor will be re- *1- . , [quested to order a grand Invited To Attend State Institute which win replace the [regular court grand jury. Group Will Meet| Local, City and County Officials V 1 nn A .. 1 ■ Y Governor to Open Program at Chapel Hill Friday; Main.The grand jury would thus Theme of Meeting Will Be Interpretation and Discus- , pass upon bills of indict- sion of Legislation Passed By General As- ' sembly and Congress I ment sent to it by the soHci- 1 tor for both the special and City and county Wilkes county have to attend the 1933 the Institute of In.iy and the National Congress of Tegular terms. In this way, been invited 1933, for the ’ ■’* ^ ‘ ^ officials iji.Toa, lui me benefit of govern- sesslons of ■ mental units and all groups of Government | officials affected thereby which are fo be held at the Uni-j The formal opening of the In- versity of North Carolina on Frl-|sl1tute will be held in the Gra- day and Saturday of this week,; ham Memorial Friday night at 7 June 23 and 24. I o’clock, when Governor J. C. B. Members of the North Carolina I Ehringhaus. Lieut.-Gov. A. H. delegation in Congress and rep- Graham, and Speaker R. L. Har- resentatives of city, county, state, iris will address the gathering and federal officials will partici-j Presidents of 8rm.ps of off.cers pate In the sessions. ^nd citizens affl ated with the The main theme of the two-1 Institute will outline the work tees at the time ol ms eiecuon|day program, which has been an-,done during the past year and Sunday at the mass meeting atinounced by Albert Coates direc- Indicate the program for e the county courthouse. However. | tor of the Institute, will be de- members of the committee will; tailed interpTetation and discus-1 Preceding the expense of two grand juries would be saved. Ten or twelve murder cases are included in the criminal docket which is clogged with several hun dred cases. Court officials are of the opinion that one week of the term will be required to dispose of the jail cases, several alleged murders being in jail with out bond pending trial. 01 me enure Uieat 1 niemoers Ot me comniiuee >vMi;Laiieu niLciiJiciatiA/« . noht^nn system, while Mr. Jenks is super-1 approve organization ! .sion of legislation passed by the,"’* e a u . •••• ... ^ a i A . . - . « * _4,__ V4 _ ^ — 1 A Vx. I T meeting in BVIJLHUI, -Ml. ailU cljliuuvr! v.-'l x/i ^ . X • J S4-\ iiitendent of the division east of i pij„g a„(i map out a program for North Carolina General Assemb-1 (Continued on page eigut) Board Of Education Asks For Estimates Havre. Montana, and Mr. O’Neal carrying on the work, is superintendent of the division west of Havre. At the time Mr. Waters was conductor on the run between Havre and Wilson. N. D., Mr. O'Neal was conductor on anoth er train operating between the same points. .Mr. Waters was as- ociated with all three of the men who have risen to important positions with the company. From Hot Springs, Ark., the officials will go to St. Paul, Min- nessota. Fishing Laws Are Cited By Warden Blanks Mailed Out Yesterday FYoni Superintendent’s Office Blanks were mailed out yes terday from the office of the county superintendent and the board of education to chairmen of the old school committees asking for information will be 'necessary in making out the budget for the school year of 1933-34. The information requested Fire Threatens Reddies River Blithe; Firemen Extinguish It Date For Dancy Hearii^ Not Set Fire threatened to destroy Red-1 The fire department acted dies River bridge yesterday ajt-1 ^^'^^Ycals^trevtnfed^'' ernoon about 5:30, but was dis- ^ . ,—,j — i Members of Brjwn Party Re- ; ported to Have Rocked Dancy s Home Date of a hearing for Crom destruction Dancy, who is charged with fa- of the bridge. ; shooting Noah Brown In covered in time to prevent any I rp,,g Reddies River bridge is i the Haymeadow section Sunday, damage o"® of the few covered bridges | had not been set yesterday aft- When seen by a passerby, the [ in use today. Practically all | ernoon Dancy is still in jail QittG6s * ij ui r\f the i hrififfpa of this tvDG havG bGGH • without 'bond, which '"Sish uLler-i replaced hy steel structures, but! The best information obtain- '‘"fth t^e bridge was' smoulder- sentimental’r e a s o n s together | able tends to sho"’ nrt ready to burst Into- with economical reasons have i shot in defense of his home and mg and ready service. I that Brown was an innocent yic- flames. — jtira of trouble which members of T. .\. L'inley I.ssues Relative To Basket Fishing .A nd Seining .Statement . must he supplied and the blanks T. A. Finley, county game warden, issued a statement Tues day relative to the f^hing laws /rrVs. The state- for Wilkes county ment follows: “Residents of Wilkes county, who have purchased a 1933 coun ty fishing license, will be per mitted to seine in the Yadkin River, during the months of July returned to the office by Monday, June 26. No funds will be ex pended on any school which does not comply with this request, it is stated. Reavis Will Take 2 Scouts On Trip Elder E. A. Long To Preach At Rock Springs Church Elder E. A. L^g. of Laurel Springs, will preach at Rock Springs Baptist church Sunday evening, June 25, at 7:30 o clock. Will fJo To Chicago In August To Take PAt In Scout Celebration Dr. Gordon To Speak, To Men’s Bible Class R. H. Reavis, Scoutmaster of Methodist Boy Scout Troop No. 3 4, and two Boy Scouts will leave August 1 on a four-weeks’ tour ; his party had started. I Dancy’s home furnishei evi dence, it is reported, that Other Will Uecturr~XrPresb,-terian;®e™be^«.°f Brown’s party had 'engaged m rocking the house. Hut ^ ‘ ! Brown was slain apparently when ■■ i Dancy attempted to shoot • Pet Mr. J. C. McDiarmid, president I Hayes, who is said to have a of the Men’s Bible class the'court record. First Presbyterian of church. the an- • • The public is invited to hear him. and August. No other streams in * ** . the county are open for, seining this year. Drabbing fish Is un- lowful at any time. It is now lawful to use trot lines and bas kets In Wilkes county, provided permission is secured from the land owner adjoining the stream In which the baskets or trot lines are placed. “The county warden has been advised by the Raleigh office that trot line fishing would come under the olassiflcation of the Anglers’ Act and would require a county fishing license, when said line or lines were placetj on property belonging to another person. “There is no license require^ ment for the use of fish basket^ I in Wilkes county." Cheaper Local Postage Is Authorized For July First' Wa-shington, June 19.—An order restoring the two-cent local rate on first class post- >age on July 1 was signed to day by Postmaster General Parley. The reduction from the present three-cent rate is be ing made under a recently en acted law and Parley hopes the volume of business wUl be Increased to a point where work Will be*'provided for tbonsands of postal employes who otherwiie might be fnr- lougined , August 1 on a four-weeks yesterday that Dr. S. D. which will take them into e g i Winston-Salem, noted ^‘m?. ^Re^v^s "announced yester-[ lecturer and author, has been se- day that the winners in the Scout cure^ to make an address before contest for the privilege^ ol mak- yjg Men’s Bible class at the Pres- ing the trip were Fred Hubbard | gunday morning at and Lewis Irvin. Young Hubbard Mr. McDiarmid urges all mem bers of the class to be present Sun- stood first and is expected to make the trip. Young Irvin will be unable to go and Bob Ford, Ross Scroggs and Vaughn Beeson day moriiing to hear Dr, Gordon, are alternates, the former being I ^j^tends on behglf of the the one expected to accompany j ^ hearty invitation for visi- 1?aavfa. . « j. Must Apply For Federal License To Handle Beer t Mr. Reavls. The route of their trip will take In Washington, D. C., Balti more, Philadelphia, New York, points In Canada,^ the World’s Fair at Chicago, Indianapolis and Cincinnati. ' ' , _ In Chicago they will spend some ! time attending the - fair. On August 24 they wlll^ partlcl- nate in -4he World Boy*5: tors also to be present. celebration which Is to be a part of the World’s Fair and which will be attended by Scouts of all natlonalltleB of the world. V Scoutmaster Reavis and his two’ boys win be accompanied by one other person who will as- stsr in drivtoK.' -.*4 Deputy Revenue Collector “ Cttea.) Law On This Point ■^( 3 W. M. Thomas, deputy ooUi^| tor of revenue for the-, federal^ government, while In ths^ Tuesday called altentloa io the law regarding the handling of beer and wine. ■ 'iH. , Dealers must apply for a fed-' eral license within, ^tho month they start buslafiSE anii .failw^ to do so will rwalt 1« a speefBo i fine of |5.«0 which nojond''ha!»s the privilege- of refunding. - Ap-1^ plication, .ahonld ha made to tk ooUootar "of . revenue at Ral^ ’The! tedeyal tax tor handl while thw-dac 'beer and^wfner li't26. , I ’ ■