'Vt ■ !4’--' -r'i'i'i^irfS- ■■ vV, f■ ■■ A-', ,■ -'■ 'S--"“:-:--.PTivfi";1 tliA.%iia of pro- ill For M^omt. talr Md •ad «H« tnta to groM of Willow , xxvn, NO. «5 PnbU^^ ikiid tltiirsi^s ^ -Service .GindiictedToday F^T-M-Crysel F M _ Cittxen of Wilkes- bim Oied Suddenly Sun- « day Afternoon LONG IN PU^C LIFE ^ Served As Sftd Crier For ■^. :46 Years; md Been Conn- ty Treasurer ^^^Tkomas M. CryBel, one of the " best known citizens in Wilkes county, who died suddenly while -Bitting in the yard of his home ; in Wllkesboro yesterday, was laid to rest today while hundreds of ^ Borrowing friends and relatives paid final tribute to his useful life. i The last rites were conducted from the residence about noon mth Rev. Seymour Taylor. Rev. J H Armbrust and Rev. W. K- Legion j^osPOpposles Purdori of To Assist In Laying Plcmi For Repeal Election Fight Says State Must Be Kept In Dry Column Nov. 7th George J. Burnett, County Or ganizer, of State Dry Forces Speaks MET AT COURTHOUSE Says Problem Is To Induce Voters To Cast Ballots On November 7 ceremony "Our slogan la for North fiuai6'=‘ Carolina to stay on the side of f^The'Masonic Order ^or peonv -aising._ He I tbe elfhteePtll anjendment if ev- ^Jnney in charge. The burial Mr. A. M. Brand, on his farm near Faribault. Minn., went in was used. Interment being made In the Presbyterian cemetery near the home of the deceased. Mr. Crysl had been in poor health for the past two years but ontil the first of May had been able to attend to his duties as a Justice of the peace and court crier. He became .seriously 111 and was taken to a Statesville hos pital just prior to the May term M court. His condition improv ed, however, and for some time he had been going about as usual. He was sitting in the yard of his heme yesterday afternoon s nd suddenly fell over dead. His death occurred at 1:35. ^ He was 72 years, 7 months ^ and 18 days of age, being born , Kevember 26. ISGO. He was the! Stm of the late James and Eliza-, beth Rash Crysel. , Mr. Crysel was twice married. ^ His first marriage was to Miss Nancy Elvira Rller. One daught er, Mrs. Charlie Morrison, sur- Tlvee from this union. His sec-; oni marriage was to Miss Cora lee Foster, who with three chil-• dren. Mrs. J. L. Pegg. Mrs. Ouy, Lyon and .Mr. Ed Crysel. survive XiP- He is also survived by two pvhers, George and Charlie j 3rysel. Entering public while yet some remarkable H a n s e h I blooms. He entered them in the Century of Progress world fair at Chicago . . . and his peony won the gold medal as best in the show. Former Resident of Wilkes Heard At Helper, Utah ;efy other state in thS UHtOTl votes tor repeal,” George J. Burnett, county organizer for the United Dry Forces of North Carolina, declared Friday in an informal address at a meeting looking to the organization of the dry forces of Wilkes county. ’ ‘Tf North Carolina should vote tq,r repeal, the next leglsla- ' ture will take it as a mandate to Turlington act,” Okie of Thossaiids Dry Organizer Here Frulayl Good N(iws About Wilkes County, Of the tfioMCSJs of^btudehts with whom she c^e in contact as assistant librarian at Colum bia University, Miss Frances Ei leen Yqrn of New Yjfi fell iu love with Dr. Toyzo W. Nakarai, Japanese instructor at Butler University, and they were wed. repeal the (North Carolina’s dry legisla tion) Mr. Burnett said. The meeting, the purpose of Mrs. Sylvia Crouch, Formerly which was te perfect the skeleton , —; _ organization for Wilkes county,. County Superintendent AuVIS was held at the courthouse Fri- j gj qJ High Rating By Local Ekmat^ School Is Rated Highly By State of Hays, Speaks At Big Celebration IS NATIONAL WORKER In of! ^ ^ Miss Devers National Miners’ Union Biggest Celebration In Its History young man, Mr. prominent in politics affairs throughout a useful career. HELPER. Utah.i.JjiJjk.J,J—Sev en thousand people participated in the National Miners Union July 1th celebration in the Help er public park and listened to speeches by Charles Giiynn, mem ber of the National Executive Board of the Union. Charles Wetherbee, acting district secre- , tary, Mrs. Sylvia Crouch, nation- I al representative of the Women’s Crv.sel was! and public Krissmart, of the Youth long andi^®P*‘°P- I Mrs. Sylvia Crouch is a former day morning. ~ - The United Dry Forces North Carolina is the name of j gHE GIVES IT CLASS A-1 the new organization under which j , the drvs of the state will battle i The North Wilkesboro Ele- tor votes against repeal in the I mentary school was given a election which will be held No-! Class 1-A rating for the session vember 7. Dr. William L. Po- 3«st closed, according to a letter teat, president emeritus of Wake Forest college, is president of the organization. Two ballots will be voted upon received a few days ago by Coun ty Superintendent C. B. Eller from Miss Nancy O. Devers, di rector of elementary school sup- iwo naiiois win ue yulcu «inu -- in the November election, Mr. ervislon of the state department Burnett pointed out. One of these is to determine whether the people of the state want to hold a constitutional convention to consider he fjiiestion of repealing of education. This very gratifying informa tion was made public the latter part of the week. Miss Devers said; “We are pleased to have He served as official court iof Hays. Wilkes county, crier for Wilkes durins: a period i ^'*^***^^ Carolina. ^ Z U years, the May term of H}an tour thousand took f: , . fu.p.i ; part in the parade, which was court this year being the third court he missed in this long per ,v , . mho 1 the good report from the North the eighteenth amendment. The | o,.hr,ni , 4„i iWilkesboro Elementary school, other is the selection of delegates'-”* . . land are continuing this school in to this convention if tile conven- "*"* „n . , , , L ii . Otass 1-A, which will be a small tion should be called, e wss In other word.s, the drys have I y®®''- two Chances, the organizer said. The ‘i«iellent rating is concrete The dry forces should first seek j Felice ^ the fact that the lo- (Note—(During the past few vveefcs Wilkes county has had consideraWe unfavorable publicity even t^the Mteat of editorials in big city papers. It is re^rt^ toiim papers carried articles stating that the homicide rate in Wilkes county (N. C- was higher than that of New Y^ and Chicago, and advising touriste to miss this county. From time to time Hie writer wifi att^pl;-to^ve favor able publicity about Wilkes vrife a change to these pa pers to publish and editorialize'the good things). Govem« ^ Notin' ^geali atizois ot Cpimty Not To ^ ItetttteBs For Gfemeiicy - POST MEf^XafcvFIWiiiY Oppoi^ To For ^ g - - Yh -KM MAaa On July Fourth there gathered in the county cour^ house in Wilkesboro over one thousand citizens from all sections of the county. These p^ple voluntarily came for the purpose of engaging in singing. Singing clM^ from all sections presented programs of songs that brougW cheer to the hearts of the aged and inspiration to the young. Not jazz nor ritzy songs were sung, but ^eat hyn^ from the hymnology of our Holy Christian religion. The different classes w^e not in contest, but were there te sing the praises of eur God- The vrnter was uplifi^ by the swelling volumns of song. One old man stated with tears in his eyes that he was carried back to the days of yore. A youth said that he was thnUed by that kind of singing. It is not claimed that there were a^ Ponzelles, Carusos, Schuman-Heinks, nor other great artists, put a frr6uD oi go6a people from the movintain to^ and valleys of ttdX-Ce coXty lo enjoy eaAott^pan^nd the program of songs. In that company were representd every type of people. The one-galloused inan, the man in overalls, the farmer and worker, the lawyer, doctor, preacher, school teacher- Mothers and fathers, young inSn and inalclehi, wise and good people, babies and grandfathers, rich and poor, home ly and pretty. Just a great crowd of Wilkes county peo ple gathered spontaneously for a day together to sing, talk and fraternize. No sheriff, deputies, policemen, detectives, nor ^y guardians of the law were necessary to keep order. The vreat crowd was peaceful, quiet, happy and glad. Let the state papers and the big city dailies copy this and- editorialize it. Watch for my next article- j* 5^, _ BOOSTER BILL, Service Men For Reason of Secwcaw A resolution caui;is a p o n Oovernor Ehriaghaw sot to not grant any pardong .oT'^toloi to any person or pereo&s cofiTicteS of any crime Ip W4k^, (^^4 during his tenure 'of '-itii- lesB new evidence poSoUii# to tlio innocence of the eontticted per-, son or persons is discovered was passed by Wilkes. Conaty Po^ No, 125, Amerlean Legion, at ib| meeting here Friday evening, • The resolution placed eal pest upon record All epppfCMl to the idea th^t fth? Should ask (9? (jf ghfflj in the Courts beeause ibt Labor Representative To Deliver . Address Here Wednesday Evenii^ Factory Employees and Woodworkers To Hear Advantages of Organization Discussed At Meeting Which Will Be Held At the Armory At 8;00 O’clock absence imvler- the larsost in the history of this county. Three thou.sand more citizens of Helper and Carbon county joined in the celebration at the park. Every mining camp in the county was represented. to garner votes against calling'®al schools rdhk with the best in lod. Illness forced hi: on each occasion, it atoad. He affiliated with the Repub- lican party which elected him as , county treasurer for several • terms. He was ;ong active in the . councils ot the party and stood j high with those who associated with him both in public and pri-, Tate life. , ;— He had served as mayor of: Gollector’s Office Is Now Wilkesboro and deputy sheriff, Busy Informing Millers New Wheat Tax Law In Effect a convention, thus saving the!thi« .section of ik« state, state the expense of same, he 1 At the present Ume Wi kes stated. But should the conven-'standard tion be called, it is the plan of schools — namely, the dry forces to have sufficient ,'Vt'kesboro and Lincoln dry delegates to prevent repeal. Heights. The convention will be called if, a majority of the voters of the ' state vote for the convention, but A representative Of the American Federation of I.abor and two representatives of the government are expected here Wetlnesdaj- evening, July 12, for a meeting which wUl be licld at the armory at the fair- gi-ouhd.s, accortling to on an- nouttccliient made today by George Stroud, local wood worker. Factorj' employees and wood-* workers will hear the advant ages of labor organizations dis cussed in detail by tlie labor representative. Wie public gen erally is invited to attend. The meeting will be held at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, it was announced. The names of the speakers were not available this morn ing, although definite arrange ments have been completed for their appearance here. »nd at the time of his death was j magis-1 and Merchants delegates to it will' be elected on the basis of repres'Ciltatfon in the state legislature. Sixteen states have already ratified the twenty-first amend- (Continued on page tour) Vouchers Mailed Out To Teachers County Health Officer and Nurse To Give Vaccinations This Week .. foiirta te^use ’it -MeS«e of M»* countr^ Citizens of Wilke*, county u* asked to refuse to’sign any and Eli petitions asking for the par don or parole of convicted per sons. . A copy ot the resolntlon was forwarded to Governor Bbring- baus following the meeting. Following is a copy of the. resolution: Whereas, on account of the breakdown of respect for law and constituted authority. In Wilkes county, and; ' f15 ! ' —.Whereas, the lives and prop erty of the citizens ot said coun ty are constantly endangered by the lawless element ot the coun ty, and; - Whereas, it is the belief of the membership of Wilkes County Post No. 125, American Legion, that it is the leniency of om courts of Justice and the pardon ing power invested in constitut ed authority, in turning loose this lawless element on our coun ty before the completion of thelf sentence, that is causing the largest part of this situation, (Continued on pa^e five) B. Y. P. U. Meetinfir Be Held July 24 Will Be Held At Pleasant Home Baptist Church; Splendid Program li- The Brushy Mountain B. Y. P. U. Associatioual meeting will be held at Pleasant Hmm .RMtlst church Sunday, JxiVf2t, aV'2:30 o’clock, Mrs. John W. Cushion, • - --- u viucn., 1U19. sivyuit vv . Visits Will Be Made To Twelve Different Points In County, associatlonal presidjent, announc- TtiY/rinninar Tnmnrrnwr* Vneeinutinn.Q Offered For flmall- ®d today. Beginning Tomorrow; Vaccinations Offered For Small pox, Typhoid and Diphtheria To All Persons one of the best known itiatea in the county. The office of the Collector of In early life, Mr. Crysel join- Internal Revenue is working und- ' Union Methodist church. He 1 er pre.ssure to Inform millers and All of Tax Reduction Fund Is Paid Out; Districts Are Delinquent la!ter moved his membership to Wilkesboro and was a faithful attendant upon church services. merchants as to the processing and floor taxes on wheat and wheat products, according to a Be aoani u|juu w. , , llVed an exemplary life and | statement issued at Raleigh. The tax became effective at midnight of July 8. Millers grind ing wheat for the farmer for con sumption by the farmer, his fam ily or tenants, will require an af- Afethodlsts and the Baptists. iiln giucere attention to spiritual fvfalra was never doubted. for many years he was a mem- A *er of the Masonic Lodge at Wil- 'kaBboro and the burial was with •• ZLoaic honors. ' Ifidavit of the farmer to that ef- t"/, ^ I feet. -i: UzkVe«-StOUt Reunion' if farmer sells the flour, no i exemption is allowed. fgro FtomlUes Will Gather At j x wholesaler who is also a jfugiear Home Sunday retailer, carrying on business at I the same place must pay the tax j on his entire processed wheat ' stocks as though the ret^ phase I of the business did not l|^st. If a retail merchant has such The Journal-Patriot has re ceived two advance publicity ar ticles on the baseball game Thursday afternoon between the • -A reunion of the Hayes and fltAUt families will be held Sun day, Joly 1*’ T and Mrs. W. H. Nichols, of Pur-, ^ retail mercnani nas suen i^ lear, near the old home-p ace stocks stored elsewhere than his ‘ the tote J. M- ‘h gtont. A cordial invitation is ex- ~ and tended to both the Hayes Htottt yetotlons to attend. 4 ime table will he provided all attend are asked to take ■wltb^ them well filled bas- xme to the ahortneas of the _5me pewonal Imritetions will be laeltod end relatives ' are to consider this news- , MMiWl>qen>ent a* their in- .•**y Information' thoee totetoBted M* asked to get to toneii*wltl» la. ot tW» dty. W, H. l«^oto,'% Pnriear. Thoee who to atlen*-»W ~ ^thBrt - aatoioon as eo«r#n- retail floor, the tax attaches to such stocks. A floor tax is Imiposed on all processed wheat products in the hands of millers, wholesalers, If they play 'baseball as well as they write, the game will be a corker. Anyway, The Journal-Pa triot is asked' to publish them and the public in turn is asked to attend the game. Here they are: Baptist Baptism The Baptist Sunday school and the Methodist Sunday school of the First churches of North Wilkesboro, will engage in a baseball game on Thursday after noon, July 13th. The game is ex pected to start at about 3:30 I’clBck. The public is cordially invited to be present. A small Vouchers for the balance of the tax reduction fund due teach ers of the county were mailed out last week. j Prof. C. B. Eller, superinten dent of Wilkes county schools, stated that in some instances the vouchers did not pay all that is ■due the teachers. This was due to the fact that some school dis tricts have not met the require ments in tax collections. Under an act of the recent general assembly, the tax reduc tion fund was paid out by the state without Vhe counties hav ing matched the fund as was for merly required. Teachers who did not receive their full pay are advised that payment of the remainder of their salaries cannot be made un til local tax districts pay their taxes to meet this oblfgation. Dr. A. J. Eller and Mrs. Bertha Bell will begin tomorrow a series of visits to a number of places in the county for the purpose of giving vaccinations for smallpox, diphtheria and typhoid. The schedule announced Sat urday will carry them to twelYe different places. Any person de siring vaccinations Is asked to meet them at the most convenient point. The vaccinations are offered without charge by the county health department and it is ex pected that quite a number ere expected to meet them. Following is the schedule:’ Tnesda& July 12tli Oakwoods sAooI—9:30 a. m. Mountain Crest school—10::10 E. C. Moore’s house—11:00. Gllreath school—1:00 p. m. Thursday, July 18th Moravian Falls school—9:30 a. m. Pores Kneb postoffice—10:30 a. m. Boomer school—1:00 p. m. Little Rock school—2:30 p.m. Friday, July 14th Union school—9:30 a. m. Miners Creek school—10:30 a. m'. Pearson’s store on No. 60-^- 1:00 p; m. New Hope school—2:00 p. m. ed today. All B. Y. P. U. members and those Interested in this work are urged to attend the meeting. .The program promises to ;b« ; of spe cial interest to the young people. Haler Ch«Yr4et/ Co. Now (^len Formal Made Today; Lo^t^’Tn (Md Place On ‘C*, Street U11UU9 miiicio, w bakers, hotels, restaurants, cafe’s admission will be charged to de- and cafeterias, as well as to Ibe expense of the game and stocks held by retailers in stor- ““J age. Retailers have until 7th in which to dispose of all stocks on hand in his store at midnight, July 8th, but must keep a record of goods received from July 9th to August 7th, and make an inventory August 7th of stocks on hand at the close of business then: surplus funds accumulated will be given to a charitable August cause. The Baptists pride themselves on being excellent ball idayere. They hope to give the “Metho dist Sprinklers” a genuine old- fashioned baptism,' baptising them with runs. The Baptist boys wiU select their team from the membership Mr. J. A. Blsrlns, of haa SH>i^ U Hays, K 'of their Snnday schsoi and it to Ronda ■ expected that the foHowln« will C, j (pantinMd on MOf/t-jkmf) Brushy Mountain Citizens* Group To Meet Tuesday Pomona Grange To Meet Next Friday County ChalruMin J. H. Armbrust Will DeUver Address At' Mountain Cteet Meeting WIU Be . Held At The Courthouse In Wilkesboro St 8 o'clock MR. HOUCK IMPROVED Friends here oti Mr.' R- M. Houck will be gratified to learn that he is much improved follow ing an operation performed at the* hospiUl in Lenoir, last week. If Mr. Houck’s condition .rn- tinues to improve, he will be able to leave the' hoEpftal * ta about ten days,'it is — Mr. Houck is,#eU,known here, in tow enforcement, are The Brushy Mountain Town-, ship unit of the Wilkes County CKizens Association will hold a meeting at Mountain Crest scfaoolbonse tomon;ow^ (Tues day) at 2 o’clock. An announce ment to this effect was 'made by the township leaders Friday. Rev. J. H. Armbrust, county ehafirmsn, will be prooent and de- Uves\ an address. All cltiseiu in- ^ asaa* ms* ,, v,*, , aaa aw** where be resided for a number urged to attqnd. .i^ of years befofs going to LeiaKi^ to make his home. Hr: j. R. Ray and dagghter. Not, trad Mr.sand Mrs. J. *>W. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hahnv «»* Weatherly, of DuKhate,^ spent A* meeting of Wilkes Pomona Grange will be held at the court- 1 house in Wilkesboro Friday eve- •nlng, July 14, at 8 o’clock, ac cording to an announcement made Saturday. ^ This will be the regular moot ing and local Granges are expect ed to be represented. A specUU meeting ol'' the Orange .irna held last Wednes day evening In Wilkesboro. W. Rem Scott,^^40f Haw River, who is state master, was present and addressed the Grange -.members •oft vlBltors. -- 1 ler, mrs Cvtottsd Hi^s Bto- Snndar to N. B. S^they, J^. L. 8. Lows. Mr. RayJtoti ITrs. J. S. WUUams, Mrs, A. H. Casey and Mrs. Casey's ms- tke city with Mr. »«i tiwr,- Mr^?^ J ot Formal announcement^ tons made today of the opening of the Hafer Chevrolet company Ijt thq Woodruff building on "C^stfltot between Ninth and Tenth nrhets. U. L. Hafer, prominent busi ness man of Taylorsville, Who has had many years of exper ience in the antomoblto business, is proprietor of the new company. The Hafer Chevrolet company now holds the franchise aa a Chevrolet dealer for this terri tory. The Woodruff iHdIdtotf which was formerly, the home-of the local Chevrolw' dealer, has been comidetely renoviaed tand put In shape for the nsw^huei- ness. A complete line. of*';PartB and accessories has been: pissed la stock add aU necMtoin' eapip- ment has been Iniitalled Jn th8j service department/ 'jH® R. R. Ahurqh and J. der, expertaicM antomoWle sam ^ men, will- be conneebed with company in the ealee ’ " jt was ahnoons^^ W. M. White of tbs' servioe' It to _ osjKtotosiJBr Q( ■i: I