3 1 in Mr. Jolm Eahelman vu -High Point tor the week-end. Mias Jeeele Mae Wall la ei>end- tbe week In Rural HalU iMt. W.' a. etroad. Wlkea- koro, waa a bualness riaitor to Charlotte yeaterday. Mra. C. I>. Comer, ot Jenntnga, }ia Tleltlng Mra. W. J. Templeton, F«t Haya, thia week. ■ilr^ Charles Clapp is spending Taoatlon In Burlington this sk. Mr. J. B. Turner, of this city, ‘Waa a business ylsitor to Jeffer son Monday for a few hours. Miss Myrtle Yates, of Wllkes- boro, spent last week in Wlnston- l^fialem Tlaiting relatiyes. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Billings re- I tnmed seyeral days ago from the World’s Fair in Chicago. t Mr. C. C. WaUon, of Wilbar, was a business visitor here Sat- nrday, Mias Mary Frances Hunter, of ’.Raleigh, is visiting Miss Bliza- beth Duncan, of this city. Miss Pansy Gilliam returned iSnhday from a trip to the eWorld’s Fhir at Chicago. '•Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Myers and twig, children, John I. and' Ina, were visitors in Lenoir and Mor- ganton, Sunday. Mrs. Harold Avis and Miss gCar^lyn Taylor visited Mr. and i^Irs. C. W. Irvin in Greenshoro "over the week-end. Mrs. B. C. Taylor, Mrs. Harvey Elmore,' Preston and B. C. Tay- , Jor, Jr., all of Mt. Holy, were Wlsltors in the city Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. G. W. and daughters, Sarah' and Caro line, of Mooresville, visited rela- tlyea in the city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hodges spent the week-end in Charlotte with (Mrs. Hodges parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. DeLaney. Mrs. W. B. K-Llap, of Savan nah, Ga., is visiting parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Estep, and other relatives In Brushy Mountains. Mr. Charlie R. Lane, who has heen a patient in the veteran’s hospital at Asheville, is visiting relatives at Fores Knoh. Mrs. R. W. Hunter, of Raleigh, is a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Duncan, of this city, this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Moore and son, Billy, left ’Tuesday for Chl- caijo to attend the World’s Fair for several days. Mr. A, A. . Bumgarner and daughters, Vera, Dare, Arlee and Virgie, spent Sunday in Greens boro visiting relatives. Mr. J. D. Moore, Jr., of this city, will leave tomorrow lor a ten days’ vacation at Beaufort, N. C. Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Allen were here a short while Monday. They were en route to Concord alter a trip through the mountains. Miss Helen Bumgarner, o f Wilkesboro, spent last week at Mt. Pleasant with Miss Avis Fos ter. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bentley and Mrs. R. M. Yale, of this city, spent Sunday at Boone vis iting friends and relatives. BUY- Your Cotton Goods Before Sept. 1st And Save Having To Pay Process Tax. Beautiful quality tissue ginghams, in the newest colors and plaids, 32 inches wide, guaranteed fast color— 17c yd. 27 inches wide— Good gi-ade Apron Ginghams, fcyd. Dress Prints, in the newest patterns, stripes, plaids and floral designs. 36 inches wide, guaran tee fast color— 15c yd. Nice quality mercerized Sateen, 36 inches wide, in assorted colors— 10c yd. Nice quality heavy weight LL Sheeting, 36 inches wide— 10c yd. Men’s heavy cotton Sox, only— 5c pr. Nice heavy Turkish Towels with colored borders, size 20 X 38— 10c each Children’s Dresses, made of fine quality, guaran tee fast color prints, size 7 to 14— 48c each Ladies’ Print Dresse., in stylish tailored models, both long and short sleeves— 48c and up Boys’ Overalls, good weight, blue denim, size 2 to 16 years— 48c pair Men’s Overalls, made of heavy weight Blue Denim, cut full and roomy— 69c pair Men’s Work Shirts, made of extra good quality Chambray, assorted sizes— 49c Boys’ blue chambray Work Shirts, in assorted sizes 29c each Men’s extra nice quality Broadcloth Dress Shirts, in assorted (colors, sizes 14 to 17— 50c each Curtain Marquisette, in a beautiful assortment of patterns and colors, 36 inches wide— lOcyard Miss Helen Wt* ot MorevlnnV. Fftlls, Is Bpendlaf; the week In' Charlotte .M the gneet of Miss Addle Lee Pardne. Mr. S. M. Turner, of Forest Hill, Md., arrived the first of the •week for a visit with friends In the county. ** 5 Mr. Marvin Lowe, who Molds a Taylor position in Jenkins, Ky,, is spend ing a few days In Wilkesboro ‘with his family. Mr, Alfred Dula, Ot Wilkes- boro, left Sunday for Jenkins, Ky., where he has secured em- ployafent. ‘ Mr. A. M. Hadley, who holds a position, with the Jenkins Hard ware company, has been quite ill for several days. Miss Ruth Vannoy, who holds a position with the Wilkes Hos iery Mills, Is spending her vaca tion at Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. George R. Ander son and son, Billy, of Statesville, spent Sunday here with Chief of Police Jimmie Anderson and Mrs. Anderson. Miss Grace Gilreath and bro ther. Edward, returned home Sunday following a week’s visit with their grandfather, Mr. Moore, at Gilreath. Miss Ella Mae Foster, of Pur- lear, is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wellborn in Wilkesboro. Miss Poster is a sist er of Mrs. Wellborn. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Oofley and daughter, Miss Laura Coffey, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Forester will leave this week for Chicago to attend the World’s Fair. Mrs. Willard G. Cole and daughter, Mary Joe, spent Tues day at Trade, Tenn. with Mrs. Cole’s mother, Mrs. G. M. Don nelly. Mr. and Mrs. James O’Daniel, Miss Margaret Ford and Mr Fred Burgess returned Tuesday from a few days’ trip to Washington, D. C. Mrs. C. J. Cowles and son, Mr. Santford Cowles, returned to Winston-Salem this week after a week’s visit in Wilkesboro in the home of Hon. and Mrs. Charles H. Cowles. Mr. T. G. McLaughlin, secre tary-treasurer of the Wilkes Hos iery Mills, will return today from New York City where he has been spending a few days in the Interest of the company. Misses Virginia 'Whittington and Edna Dean and Mr. Terry Whittington, of Ashland, W. Va., are spending a few days with Miss Kate Whittington at Red dles River. Mrs. T. B. Scott, and son, Thomas Barrett, and little daugh ter, Frances Elizabeth, from Englewood, N. J. are visiting Mrs. Scott’s mother, Mrs. George W. Johnson, and sister, Miss Lena Faw. Mr. uod Mrs.iChi». 0..-£arker pronied two sobs, Leslie and Dale, of Moline, III., Is here on a vlslf and Oscar Smlthi bperatiag fith Mr, Parker’s mother,? Mrs. jl, L. Parker, and brothers. Ford White, Ford -Monns Messrs. Parker. Dewey tor vehicle while under influence of intoxicants; Joe Brook, as- and Sitnrgeon’ sault on female; Cicero Adams, WANT ADS PX3R ' SALE—Hotpoint Electric Range; half price: In excel lent condition. Mrs. F. G. Hol man, Wilkesboro, N. C. 8-24-lt-pd. A revival meetini wUi. open Sunday night at Cub Creek Ba^ tist church. The •pastor. Rev. N. T. Jarvis' will bn assisted by Rev. W, E. Llnney. ’The public Is cor dially invited to attend all serv- Mr. and Mrs. W. T. J Ritchie, Mltchie, Miss Bella Ritchie, Mrs. K. 0. Ritchie and son, William, of Rahway, N. J., are spending two weeks in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchie at Pores Knob. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Eshelman and sons, Ward and Tom, of this city, motored to Charlotte Mon day to attend the celebration of the golden or fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mrs. Eahelman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mc Laughlin. Mr. P. W. Eshelman, of this city. Is In Asheboro today con ducting the sale of the Keystone Knitting Mills. Mr. Eshelman is receiver for the mdlls, having been appointed by Judge John son J. Hayes a few days ago. Mrs. R. S. Shoal, son Paul, and daughter, Alma, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Green and Miss Laura Reynolds, are .planning to leave Saturday for Chicago where they will attend the World’s Fair. Mrs. Greene Is also the daughter of Mrs. Shoaf. Mrs. R. D. Waldlng, accom panied by her nelces. Miss Mary Jean Whitley, Misseh Annie Lau rie and Tiny Williams, and neph ew, Francis Williams, all of Letohatchee, Ala., are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Brown. Mrs. Waldlng Is a sister of Mrs.-Brown. Mrs. E. B. Eller returned to her home here Tuesday after a ten days visit with relatives at Jefferson. She was accompanied home by her neice. Miss Kath erine McNeil and two nephews, Willard and W. B. McNeil, Jr., Miss McNeil will be here with Mrs. Eller for several days, the others returned t o Jefferson Wednesday. iMrs. R. B. Laffltte, Misses Pearl and Elsie Lafltte, Inez Bush and Pauline Taylor, of Florida, who are spending three weeks at the Dr. 'White cottage on the Brushy Mountains, Mrs. J. E. Spainhour, Mrs. J. W. White, Mrs. Julius Hubbard and Mrs. W. J. Bason visited In the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Spainhour in Hickory yesterday. Mrs. M. W. Beach and daugh ters, Misses Marion and Annelle Beach, moved to Boone Tuesday where they will resldte in the fu ture. Mr. Beach will continue to hold his position here with thci Carter-Hubbard Publishing Co., going to and fro between this city and Boone once or twice a week, '.The change of residence to Boone was made with the hope o f benefitting Miss Marlon Beach’s health. **} burning fence; R. D. Grier, em- henlemeBt; Bill Caudill, ebea- donment; George Wood and Dan Gray, Stonsehreaklng; Baxter Fletcher and Edith Anderaon, t aad a.; Isadore Walker, keeping disorderly house; l^nk Johnson and Julius JohnNh, rape; May Jdbnson and J. A. Russell, pros* titutlon and assignation; Baxter Jletcher and Clove Hallond, v«>- lating prohibition law; George V. Blevins, ahendonment; Vernon Sprinkle, violating prohlbitloA law; Clay Anderson ”and Coy Anderson, storeibreeking; Char lie Harris, Eli Combs and' Lon Hamby, larceny and - receiving; Wes Harris, a. with d. w. Lltha-'Harris, cursing; Will Raeh, joperatlng motor vehicle while Influence of liquor; T. G. Thomaff, larceny; Bonson Bauguess, a. with d. w.; Jones Walsh, H. G. Minton and W. B. Horton, aiding and abetting in assault and battery; W. A. Jones, Clinard Jones, Elisha Minton and Mat Minton, assault and battery; Grey Taylor, murder; Will Mc- Glammery, forgery;"Vertle Ed- mlnsten, receiving stolen goods. Win Be Real Money-Saving Days At i& Prevette’s W:- . Men’s eortra size odd pants, summer weight, only 79c pair.— The Goodwill Store. SPECIAL FOB SUNDAY Fried Chicken Dinner GREEN LANTERN CAFE Clean—Modern—Sanitary 10th St. North Wilkesboro Notice-—If“''ywr‘want”'dry klnd- llng wood at a bargain price, phone 236. 8-24-2t Approximately 160 Cases Disposed at 4-Weeks Court our serv ice to bie just what your needs re quire, and we feel that we are doing our best to make it such by keeping the best in materials, equipment and em ployees who under stand and desire to help you. Reins-Sturdivant Inc. “THE FUNERAL HOME” Phones— Day - 86 Night • 86-nt MEN WANTED for Rawlelgh Routes of 800 Consumers In Surry county. Reliable hustler cam start earning 625 'weekly and Increase every month. Write immediately. Rawleigh Co., Dept. NC-14-S, Richmond, Va. Aug. 17-24-24-31 I, FOB SALE—An extra good milk cow; fresh last spring. J. H. Fennel, Cricket, N. C. 8-24-lt-pd. I notice;—I will have several I nice young Jerseys (fresh) for j sale or trade tor dry cattle at ! Finley’s stables at Reddies River bridge on Saturday Aug. 26. Terms if desired. Leonard Templeton, Harmony, N. C. 8-24-3t-pd (Continued from page one) BEST 5c TO $1 STORE next door to deposit & SAVINGS BANK NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. NOTICE In the Superior Ceurt. Tom Obey vs Mollie Obey. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced In the Superior Court of Wilkes county for divorce, and the said defendant will further take notice that she Is required to appear on the 16th of Septem ber, 1933, before the clerk of the Superior Court for said' coun ty and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court tor the relief demanded in said complaint. This 14th day of August, 1933. PEARL STROUD, Assistant Clerk of Superior Court 9-7-4t of the court: Ernie Brooks et al, assault on •female, one year on roads. Azer Combs, assault with In tent to commit rape, 15 months on roads^ | Dexter Bowman, ahondonment, j ordered to pay 610.00 |each month for the support of| his wife and' child. Pet Hayes, Harlow Hayes and Roscoe Hayes, conspiracy to as sault Crom Dancy, 4 years on roads as to Pet and 2 years on roads as to Harlow; case against Roscoe Hayes transferred t o juvenile court. Tidwell FYazier, housebreak ing, 12 months on road. J. C. Hamby vs Ora Hamby, divorce granted. C. O. Bumgarner vs Cora Bum garner, divorce granted. Mrs. N. E. Nicholson vs M. C. Nicholson, divorce granted. The following cases were nol FOR SALE I have a number of good used “reconditioned Del- co Light Plants,” also re duced prices on New plants. Can furnish— Delco Exide Batteries Delco Water Systems Delco 32-Volt Radios New Perfection Super- fix” OU Burning Refrigerators SEE OR WRITE Hunter B. Keck North Wilkesboro, N. C Representative For Wilkes, Ashe, Alleghany, Watauga Alexander, Caldwell NOTICE! Pay Your Town Taxes Now, and avoid cost of advertising. Only a few days left P. L. LENDERMAN, ■ Tax Collector, ^tfwn of Wilkesboro, N. C. YALE DEPARTMENT STORE OFFERS THE PUBLIC MANY OUTSTANDING VALUES -FOR TRADE CARNIVAL WEEK BUY,YOUR COTTON GOODS BEFORE THE ^ 'V PROCHSS TAX GOES ON , -Hi The process, cotton tax will be added to the price of all cotton goods on the shelves of merchants . on September 1st. "This will necessarily increase the price of all merchandise in which cotton is used, especially affecting the price of work shirts, overalls, work pants, hose, and many other items too numerous to mention. ' Visit our store during Trade Carni val Week—Buy all you can at the present low prices. Specials For Trade Carnival Week Ladies’ Sandals, value— 98c ?2.00 STRAW HATS YOUR OWN PRICE One lot $2.50 Shoes— $1.45 Work SUMMER SUITS ranging in price from $16.00 to $26.00— Half Price One lot Men’s Hose— 5c Men’s Summer Pants— Half Price All Good quality Cotton Sox, while they last— lOc Summer Under wear at— Cost One lot Men’s Dress Shirts, neckbands and collars attached, to be closed out at— 79c J. T. Prevette “The Home of Star Brand Shoes” North Wilkesboro, N. C. Bargains Factory-To-YouSale Our Factory-To-You Sale ends on Thursday, August 31st. Buy what you need in ToUet Articles, etc., whUe prices are so low. Come to North Wilkesboro during TRADE CARNIVAL WEEK, and by ::11 means share in the values we are offering for the remainder of August. Here are just a few of the many bargains of fered during this sale; $2 Box Cara Nome Powder D^iL CO AA $1 Jar Cara Nome Cream DOlU lOl .. ^L.UU 59c Bottle Mi 31 60c Bottle Rubbing Alcohol Both for . ..59c 59c Bottle Mi 31 50c Bottle Milk of Magnesia Both for .159c 59c Bottle Mi 31 100 Aspirin Tablets Both for 59c 59^c Bottle Mi 31 50c Klenzo Dental Cream Both for .....59c $1 Puretest Cod Liver Oil for 69c GAUZETTS Sanitaiy. Naipldns. 23c S-- $1.25 Fountain Syringe • 59c Space will not permit the listing of tiie hnndreds oi. bargains, includhig Medicines, Toflet Goods, Station ery, Hitir Tonics, Tooth Pastes, etc. Be sore to vkdt our store daring tills sale. You wfll be amazed at the tremendoos savings. ..-.7 '.'■ft The REXAU Store (North Wilkesboro Drag Co.) NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C.. a