In' DAiitrcows WMhlxicto«t«»HFranklin Rooee- l^B P^ldent' at the —‘ X ited.States fox.six months. In that halt .«a§r he has started hiwre‘jimmeroBs and mom dras- tle Pelortos than'an; President fetter imtlated In hte‘ whole term of ottiee. He has a'little under tluee years lett-~Hhat is, until th«. eatly_ Sommer of 1936—to naalm Ms work. His suc- «MSO# trill be'lt^inated hi June or July 'at that y^r. If the re- ^•Ofrery program as laid out has anweeeded by that time in pulling i^fChe nation back to Its prosperous «oadiUon of 1925-27, nobody ^oahts that he will be renominat- «4 and reelected. No man and no Sarty will be able to stand [-i|«Ksinst him. JTnst at the moment it looks as It .the Administration’s major ex- yariments were going to be suc- aessfol. The people of the Unit- States hare rallied under the '•nslgn' of the Blue Bagle as they ,-*aTs nerer rallied before for any •aanse in time of peace. But there ,tare still many industries and p iSSronps of industries which have not accepted the Recovery Code -In all its implications, and there =mrs plenty of signs of trouble mhead. li, OoIIectlve Bargfaining Perhaps the most serious trou- ; ift*- S . ' -Ji The Famfiy - irOCTOR 1 dollar — food! No procn mors ,3* By John Joseph Gains, M> D* in sMiLiiwMitniinini II mr hiifftrl OOMHBROIALlBBil VS HEAI/TH Enough at commercialism kiNs. falsa claim leTsr. made, and tor me. White hrMd has ^a food stripped of alt its iron ment, by the cereal-cmploltere.^ Listen; White bread is oi most wholesome and Bmftl obtainable. If it is iljMm*ffrt»d chicken atm first-class cafe^ ^bylon died—of commerelallsm. Egypt suffered the ^ same fate. Rbme^Sollki^;'^tilc being ruler of the knowhl wo|ld. I^t our- own American beware. Let eveiybody think. . . •■^■.7?;,, It is commercialism that-^wis the, people what to eatrr-peiple with all sorts * of 8THTF SELL. I have seen the ^faimer sell his wheat for thirty cents a bdshel—to hare the > bran strlpp- ble in the application of the Code will be a sharp conflict between organized labor and the manage ment of industry. The Recovery Act, by its terms, gives all em ployees of any industry the right to organize and to bargain col lectively through representatives of their own choosing. This may mean that the employees may or ganize a “company union or join an outside union affiliated with the Federation of Labor. Employers are forbidden to com pel them to Join company unions, and the Federation of Labor is seizing the opportunity to at tempt to organize every industry and so extend its membership to include all of the nation s work- Green Lantern Cafe Clean - Modem - Sanitary WELCOMES FAIR VISITORS TO NORTH WILKESBORO Whether it’s a sandwich, a cold drink, a Dutch lunch, or a complete chicken tlinner, we can serve you promptly at low cost. Make our Cafe your stopping place while here for the Fair. FURNISHED ROO.MS ESPECIALLY FOR FAIR VISITORS . . . REASONABLE RATES BEACH KELLER, Manager Many of the industrial leaders ! have tried to write provisions in- i to their codes declaring their ' right to maintain an open shop, j regardless of the union ations of their employees. Gen- [eral Johnson has refused to per mit the words “open shop” to ap- j pear in any code. His Labor Ad- ! visory Board has gone farther 'thr“. r.n.1 la.sists that only j by jjU.l.'.s r-a'.ioual ,;!iio;;o can the rights of employees to. col- 'lective bargaining be safeguaid- ed. Mention of Labor Parly There have been several strikes already in different arising from conditions under the codes that have been adopted. That there will be many more, and perhaps serious strikes, is rc-gari!c(l as more than probable. There is a very strong element .among the group of live officials here which is frankly in favor of the buildine up of a “Labor Party,” composed of unionized workers and their sympathizers, and who are try ing to utilize the present situ ation to make workers class-con scious, as they are in Europe. Sooner or later the President will he compelled to Intervene personally in this situation. In approving the automobile code, which provides that “employers in this Industry may exercise their right to select, retain or ad vance employees on the basis of individual merit, without regard to their membership or non membership in any organlza- affili- aligned himself with the open shop element. One of the hitches in the gen eral application of the Recovery Code is the inability of many small employers, who have been barely getting by without bank ruptcy during the period of de pression, to carry the added load st expense which the application of the code imposes upon them, when their business has not pick ed up to a point of profit. Gen industries ieral Johnson’s demand upon the banks to he more liberal _wlth credit has had no effect except to cause considerable resentment among bankers,^ who ask how they can lend their depositors’ money to business men who are administra- i "ot yet sure they can repay the loans. Will Credif Bring Inflation? Methods of providing funds to business directly by the Recon struction Finance Corporation are under consideration, to carry good business men over until enough people are hack at work at good wages to create the add ed buying power which is the main purpose of the recovery program. That the financing of industry under tlie XRA will make some sort of currency inflation abso lutely necessary is the growing opinion of observers here. Busi ness cannot run without profits. Profits cannot he earned without higher prices, especially when costs have been increased by hir ing more workers and raising j wages. The public cannot pay higher prices with dollars at their present high value. There fore the only way out is to cheapen the dollar at home, as it has already been cheapened abroad. Thus the inflationists. Politicians ami Economists The organization of the Ad ministration is beginning to sep arate into district layers. The I two principal strata are the prac- , tical politicians and the economic theorists. Each is again subdivld- i ed into groups and cliques which have their own ideas of how ■ things ought to be done and are gradually getting themselves or- i ganized to put their ideas over. There is going to be plenty of inside politics played here in the next three years. Each group is trying to line up Senators and I Congressmen to help put its I particular program over when Congress meets again. Some of the theorist* bavp found the game of politics not at nil to their liking and have pull ed hut of it. file most notable of these is Professor Raymond Mo- ley, reputed to be closer in the President’s confidence than any one else except Col. Louis Mc Henry Howe. Mr. Moley, as as- jlsistant Secretary of State, found nothing to do that he liked to do. He was ;Tent” to the Attor ney General to make a study of hlB spfeCialty, which is the con trol and extermination of crime. But as long ago as last May he was looking for a Way hut. He has found it and is td be editor of a weekly perfhtllcal called "Today’’ which will be financed by the President’s friend, Vln- icent Astor, W. Averlll Harrlmap. ison of the late railroad magnate, and his sister, Mrs. May Harri- ! man Rumsey, who pulls a very 'strong oar in Washington I through her activity In the con sumers’ section of the NRA, doh* ping on yal kftch . opener! I don't .belleye In . . ncakee adl'jiyntfietlc, buttef. t ieiwlce of^ y-rlghte J: bread, all the better \ . . It is >. iM'hTn, reprehensible . mistake "tff bttr lieft,.’ of odr nourishmeiit “factory-«ia4e,”^^i> One reason' for th^'^j^er- ished condition of many-^ple is, they pay ont all they';'^hn rake and scrape together for "serylce,’’ that - they had . ?'£' tM^^lng themselresl No^ lTte Is so proddetire of 111 health as a Hfn-.srof,-; inactivity—IDLENESS. God wlli^. th^,^all men and MMk' yesterday: this WM might been killed hy^a ^ freHfM train running over U. Bn# it. look ed, tempting on the ootside. .• One- only has to reesdl a plab;J ter of country-friend. toiv4’'th ap- Relate the,^difference! ^ There Is ‘no^«vi»g;_BO vile machine living.* ed from" it and sell back to the | women ahonTd''’'work—004"'-; He farmer in fancy wrapper for a I provided us with everything gopd. ’ The cost' of 'adrainiittatkm and eotlectio& at gasoline taxeiSr irideh 61.102,187 ' In 1080, nearly 'Hn 1931. was NOW More Than Ever BIED - REMODEL PHONE YOU CAN STILL SAVE —ON MILL WORK ^AND—_ Buildup Materials of All Kinds But Prices Are Rapidly Chai^g COME TO THE GREAT WILKES FAIR—SEPT. 19-20-21-22 —WHILE IN NORTH WILKESBORO LET US HELP YOU SOLVE YOUR BUILDING PROBLEMS Wilkesboro Manufacturing Company NORTH WILKESBORO, ►0.1 ►f)^ ►o^ ►o^ ►OH ►OH ►OH ►OH SMALL REPAIRS PREVENT LARGER ONES AP-., Every car on the road requires a certain amount of attention. But few of them get it until neg lect makes the cost of repair run up much higher. Drive in and let us check your car free of all charges. “A stitch in time saves nine.” We carry a complete stock of used parts for cars and trucks, and also have a complete stock of re built Radiators. If you want to save money on your ear and radiator repairing and parts, us first. We employ expert workmen who have had years of experience in our line of business. Every job guaranteed to give satisfaction. We Specialize IN Radiator Welding, Me. GLASS INSTALLED IN WINDSHIELDS, DOORS AND WINDOWS—An makra of cars . w I