By City Board At Session Tbnrsday W Day Set Aside To Register For Nov. 7 Tax Rate of $1.70 On Hun dred Dollars Valuation Is Also Confirmed NAME FAIR OFFICERS W. E. Winkler Succeeds B. J. Robinson On Regular Po lice Force The appropriations ordinance or budg^et of the town of North Wilkesboro for the year of 1933-34, which was adopted on August 24. was confirmed by the board of city commissioners at a special meet ing at the city hall Thursday aft ernoon- The levy of $1.70 on the hundred dollars valuation was also confirmed. The budget was published in this newspaper and 20 days was allowed fof protest. However, no protest was filed against confir mation. B. J. Robinson, who was ap pointed policeman to serve during the absence of James M. Anderson, who was named acting postmas ter, tendered his resignation to the. commissioners and the vacancy was [ filled by the appointment of W. E. Winkler, a son of Mr. and Mrs. J- E. Winkler, of Straw, who resides at 412 “C” street, this city. Mr. Winkler entered upon his new du ties Thursday night. The new policeman has been in an employee of the South East Public Service company for sev- * eral years. Nine special officers to serve during the Great Wilkes Fair were named by th® commissioners. The men named are John Faw, J. V. Baug^ess, Walter T. Colvard, J. M. Bumgarner, H. H. Beshears. W. B. Raymer. Mont E- Miller and “. E. Valentine. The first three list ed will be paid by the city, while the remaining five will be paid by the Great Wilkes Fair association. An order for paint to be used on the standpipe was authorized. Mayor J. X. Rousseau and four 4^'*rco’mmissioners, J. C. Reins. S. V. Tomlin.son, I. E- Pearson and Ralph Duncan, were present at the meeting. October 28 To Be Day Reg istrars Will Be At Polling Places With Books OTHER FACTS SET FORTH Registered Those Already Are Not Required To Reg ister Names Again Postmaster General James A. Parley. In addressing the nation al convention of Young Demo cratic riiihs of .\merica at Kan sas City, said that repeal of pro hibition, now at hand, would lower taxes and make possible a balanced national bud.get. Formal Opening Of School Held Brief Talks Made Friday Morning By Number Of School Patrons Some valuable information re lative to the election which will be held to vote on the question of repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment was obtained by The Journal-Patriot from Mr. E. B. Barkley, secretary of county i board of elections, Saturday. In the electoon of November 7 the voters will consider two ques tions. The first first is the ques tion as to whether they favor a state convention to consider the proposed adoption of the 21st amendment to the federal constitu- jtion, repealing the 18th or prohi- ibition amendment. The other mat- iter for the voters is the election !of delegates to the state conven tion. ^ ' Each county is allowed one dele- ^gate for each member of the state house of representatives. so : Wilkes is entitled to one. In the I event of a majority vote in the state for a convention the conven tion will be held in Raleigh, be ginning Wednesday, December 6. The dry or wet affiliations of the I majority of the delegates will, of ' 4-l.« The century plant in the New York Botanical Gardens was due to blossom, which is once in every 100 years. Great disappointment was felt when the bloom failed to appear. Ten days later it burst into bloom, as shown above, and thous ands of visitors went to see it. Federal Jurist Left State Sat urday For New Yoric To Hear Case TRIAL BEGINS TOPAY Mike Stefanoff Was No Amateur Judge Johnson J- Hayes, of Uni ted States district court, left Greensboro Saturday mominy'for New York city in order to preside over the trail of United States Senator James J. Davis, of Penn sylvania, for alleged violation of the federal lottery law. The Davis trial was expected to begin this morning. In the order commissioning Judge Hayes to conduct that term of court in New Ad&ess By General MsflM IVfcCMey To Fdlow At | Use Fairgrounds - 3 FAIR OFFICIALS READT Fairgrounds Scene of Activity Today As Exhibits Are Being Received, Friendship Church Will Observe Home Coming Day Sunday Former .MemlH-rs .\m(1 Residents Of ('omimuiily To Return l'’or This Event Home Coming Hay will he ob served at Friendship Methodist church near Millers Creek next Sunday. X suitable program on which is included many former members of the church has been arranged. It is to be an all-day affair, starting with the Sunday school at the regular hour. X special service will be held at 11 o'clock. Dinner will be served at 12 o'clock and the visitors will have a ‘‘get-acquainted hour.” Every body is requested to bring a well-filled basket. A splendid program has also been arranged lor the afternoon. Named 1’ti.stma.ster Xt Walsh Washington. Sept. IT.—-Thom as J. Walsh has been appointed postmaster , at Walsh, Wilkes county, North Carolina, to suc- The formal opening of the North 'Wilkesboro high school was held in the school auditor ium Friday morning and was at tended by several patrons. The brief opening program was opened with a song, which was followed by a splendid talk and prayer led by Rev. Eugene Olive, pastor of the First Bap tist church. Mr. Olive used as the text tor his sermonette, “Know Ye the Truth.” Among the other speakers were Mrs. A. W. Horti nT repre senting the Parent-Teacher As sociation, Rev. C. W. Robinson, paste;- of the Presbyterian church, and J. R. McCoy and J. R. Hix, who are members of the local school board. i;. the course of a few remarks to the students, Prof. W. D. Haltacre. superintendent of the city school system, announced that extra curricular activities will be organized next week. He urged the students to partici pate in one or more of these ac tivities. Mr. Halfacre praised the stu dents for their splendid school spirit and stated the appreciation of the faculty and the school board for the fine manner Ic which the boys and girls entered upon the work of the new year. effhrse. determine the question of retention or repeal of the 18th amendment, so far as North Caro- |lina is concerned. October 7 is to be the last day United States supreme court, four weeks are set apart for trial of the Davis cases. Originally these cases against Senator Da-vis, for many years head of the Loyal Order of Moose, jwere set for trial, with Judge i Hayes presiding, last February, w> 1 li 1 ^ continuance was ordered £\CCOrCl IVCVCSllS'''^" necessary for the j defendant to have a surgical opera- Solicitor Jones Hm Criminal j * “jj q Record of Man from lo- ijjgy several years an intimate ledo Police [friend of Senator Davis, is one of [the lawyers representing the sena tor in the case involving the R. R. Lawrence, of Wlnston- York city—in the .southern districti Salem, president of the State .^.pruer, uuc i,a»auc —. of New York-as si^ed by Chief | federation of Labor and a mem-j trom of the grandstand at JusSe CharL LuS^HugLs. ofl^er of the NRA State Reejery fairgrounds. - . * RaapH- snnkA tn a larre audietico, nr»v»«» nt»nk The Great Wilkes Fair, annual - attraction for thousands i a Wilkes and adjoining countiea, will open tomorrow morning. The five-day program will op en with a parade, beginning at the corner of Tenth and “D** streets. From that point, the pro cession will move down Tenth street to ‘‘B'' street and theft follow "B” street to the Blair corner, the parade ending ift- the IS NOW IN DEATH ROW Mike Stefanoff. one of the charges of lottery law violation two men convicted and sentenced _ _ 11T*|1 Vl* to die for the attempted robbery j I4 U||I| U||>p of the Merchants and Farmers 26 Miners Entombe-d ceed Walter A. Blackburn, signed. re- Mukden, Manchuria, Sept. IS. — (Monday) — Twenty-six Chi nese miners were entombed in an explosion at Pengchihu coal mine southeast of Mukden. Three bodies were recovered. The re mains were feared also to have been killed. mpon which persons who wish to become candidates for election to ! the state convention fnay fil^ their ^petitions and notice of candidacy I with the county board of elections. I Only one day, October 28, is ! provided for registration. On that day all registrars are to be at I their respective polling places in the county to register new voters I and electors not now properly reg- jistered. j November 4 will be challenge [day. On that day from 9 a. m. to j3 p. m. all registrars are to be at their polling places with their reg istration books, which during that time ‘‘will be open to inspection of the public for the purpose of chal lenging electors registered.’ No- vcm'ner 4 will also be the last day I for the distribution to the regis- |trars of the official ballots, sup- iplipc and ballot boxes by the ! county board of elections. ! For the purpose of making the county canvass of the precinct re- j turns the county board of elections 'will meet at the courthouse at 11 ^a. m. November 9. All registrars I must attend the canvass and take iwith tiiem their returns- i Special attention is being called Ito the fact that the a-t of the 11933 legislature providing for this ielecfon limits the registration to one day. “This,” says Mr. E. B. Barkley, secretary of the Wilkes county board of elections, “does not mean, however, that everyone wish ing to vote in the election must register on October 28. The old registration books -will be used and anyone now properly registered is 'entitled to vote. The registration [books will be open on October 28 I for the purpose of registering ■those who are not now properly Bank at Taylorsville and the j murder of the cashier, T. C. Barnes, was no amateur in crime when he participated *ifi the at tempted robbery at Taylorsville, according to information obtain ed from the office of Solicitor John R. Jones. The solicitor, who prosecuted Stefanoff and R. E. Black, both of whom w-ere sentenced to death, has on file In his office the crim inal record of Stefanoff as fur- Addressing a large audience at the city scllbol auditorium Thurs day evening, R. R. Lawrence, of ,Winston-Salem, president of the North Carolina Federation of La bor and a member of the state NRA recovery board, urged the . _ 4,1™ [co-operation of labor.and cipltaT Legfion Convmander Asked To president Roosevelt’s program Enroll Jobless Ex-Service 5,000 Veterans Board, spoke to a large audience here Thursday evening. Labor Is Backing NRA To Man, R. R. Lawrence Says Winston-Salem Man Address ed Splendid Audience In City Thursday HE IS, labor" LEADER Men For Ford Detroit, Sept. 16.—Rex Hum phrey, commander of the Wayne County (Detroit) council of the American Legion, announced Fri day that the Ford Motor com pany had authorized him to em^ nished by the department of Pub-1 pjQy 5^000 war veterans for the ”5 safety of Toledo, Ohio. j company‘s Starting with August 23, 1919, | He safety of Toledo, Ohio. j company‘s Detroit plants. Starting with August 23, 1919, j Humphrey said 300 veterans a the record shows that Stefanoff. be hired -by him, begln- was arrested in Detroit. Mich, on \ ning Monday, until the quota Is a charge of breaking and enter-j fjUgj Tbe Ford company declin ing. No final disposition of the -q make any comment on the furnished the Toledo I employment. to bring back prosperity. Mr. Lawrence, who was in-vited here by the North Wilkesboro NRA committee, spoke strictly on the national recovery program during the first part of his address. How ever, since so many members of the local labor union were present, Mr. Lawrence was asked to speak as | !a representative of labor and re sponded by stating the position or ganized labor is taking and -will take during the drive for econo mic rehabilitation. ^ The Winston-Salem man ex-‘ The parade 10 a. m. will start about Admission To Fair Is Fifteen And 25 Cents Twenty-five rents will be the admission charge to fllft Great WUkes Fair for adults. The admission will be the same at both day and night. The admission for children between the ages of 6 and 12 years will be 15 cents. Company “A”, 105th Engi neers of the North Carolina Na tional Guard, commanded by Captain Ralph R. Reins, will march to music furnished by the Regimental Band of the 105th Engineers, of Charlotte, and many others will join in the parade. General Manus McCloskey, commanding officer at- "Fort Bragg, will deliver an address formally opening the fair about 11 o’clock. He will be Introduced by Congressman R. L. Doughton. The five-day program has been completed and everything is In readiness for the great event. Thousands are expected tomor row, which will be “School Chil dren’s Day.” The fairgrounds are the scene of much activity today as fair officials make final preparation for the opening of the exhibit hall tomorrow morning. Exhibits are being received and placed on plained the purpose of the con-! display, isumers’ pledge cards and the Blue The public wedding scheduled case was ..... . - police. In the same year he was Humphrey said that all men Eagle driver*He spoke briefly also ^ for Wednesday evening between returned to Toledo from Detroit hired must produce papers to ' . . . for larceny of an automobile, but; ghow that they have “a fine war the grand jury did not return a j record bill on the charge. At the offices of the Ford Two months later, however, company today It was said the he was arrested by Lorain. Ohio, authorities for grand larceny riSgie urive. rwj spuKt: uxieiij ai»u lui »vcuucou.aj c*v.***«o — on the purposes and duties of the j 7 and 8 p. m. is expected to at- ' compliance boards which are now tract one of the largest crowds -- — __ _ , urjfoiui&cu muuif j -.addition of the 5,000 men to the clared that labor is backing ' employment rolls “has nothingcontinue to being set up. Speaking as a representative of organized labor, Mr. Lawrence de- and support the na- — °|Wiu continue to support tne na an automobile. He p ea e gu | whatever to do with the NRA. jgcovery program one hun- ty to receiving stolen property i,„j .^jjij t]jg expansion of Pr°-' dred per cent- and was sentenced to from one - ,• -•.■->-1 -» .i-- _ . . to seven years in Mansfield Re formatory by Judge Reddington. He was paroled 14 months later. The apparent attempt of Stef anoff to leave the impression that he Is crazy is ridiculed by the authorities. Solicitor Jones pointed to the criminal record of the man as evidence that he had long been engaged In crime. Stefanoff is now occupying a cell In death row. duction.” One official of the company said that with the ad ditional workers the total Ford employment In the Detroit area will be approximately 50,000. AUTO JUMPS HIGHWAY TO SINK IN LAKE LURE of the fair. Fair officials today declined to divulge the names of any couples which may have filed application with them. ’Twenty-five dollars in gold and a large number of gifts, estimat ed to be worth $75, will be given I (Continued on page four) Name Anti-Repeal Delegate Tonight Dry Forces Will Select Candi date at Meeting To Be Held At Wilkesboro Nutrition Class In City Schools Is Again Sponsored By Lions Club Undemouri^ed Children Will Again Receive Help From Club; Eye Clinic Will Also Be Continued By Lifms; Business Meeting Is Held • TTie Wilkes county organiza tion of the United Dry Forces of North Carolina will name a dele gate to be voted upon in the re peal election at a meeting at the S ourthouse In Wilkesboro tonight t 8 o’clock. The delegate, if elected, will represent this county in the con- 1 atitntlonal convention In the event a- convention is called. Re-peal forces have given out no word as to when they expect to name their delegate. They have nntil October 28 to make the selection. As yet those favor ing repeal have not announced an active campaign. The North Wilkesboro Lions j Club is again sponsoring a nutrl- 1 tion class in the city schools, it I was learned Saturday from B. A. Shook, secretary of the club. The information that the und erweight children will receive the attention and help of this progressive civic organization is most welcome news. Students in tb^ class will be supplied a graham cracker and a bottle of milk at some conven ient time during the day. ’Those who are able to pay a small charge’ will be required to do so, but those who are unable to pay will bring milk from home or be supplied at the expense of the Lions Club. The club will also continue Its eye clinic and will supply glass es for those who are absolutely unable to purchase the glasses for themselves. An investigation will be made of each caw to de termine the need and the merit of the request. The eye clinic is not limited to North Wilkesboro. Last year glasses were fitted for a number of needy children. A business meeting of the lo cal Lions Club was held Thurs day evening. ’The program was In charge of Jule Deans. The discussion of the NRA program was continued from the last semi-monthly meeting. Whicker Speaks To Boys At C. C. Camp At Purlear Attorney J. H. Whicker and Mr. D. L. Minton, of this city, conducted a service at the James Civilian Conservation camp near Purlear Sunday afternoon. Mr. Whicker made a splendid talk, while Mr. Minton conducted the singing. Members of the Wilkes Evan gelistic Club have been holding services at the camp each Sun day afternoon for the past sev eral weeks. Stockholders of Hotel WiU Meet dred per cent- eu to oc — =-• — He declared that unfair compe-lthe couple selected. Applications tition had caused much of the dis-'should be filed with W. A. Rous- tress and suffering, which came eeau, Willard G. Cole or Miss about when men either lost their Gail Bumgarner. They will be jobs or received a wage that was received until 6 p. m. Wednes- inadequate even for the necessities i’day. of life. The automobile race between J. C. Reins, chairman of the;ten professional drivers will fea- Lake Lure, Sept. 17.—An an- local NRA committee, presided |-ture Saturday’s program. The tomoblle, believed to have been during the meeting and called upon'face will begin at 2 p. m. and will occupied by only one person, i Albert Beck, of Lenoir, to present i continue until the 250-mlle plunged from a highway 20 feet the speaker of the evening. {course has been completed. In the opinion of fair officials. Into Lake Lure near here today. Shortly afterward a suitcase appeared on, the surfin'3. In it was a letter addressed co Morris Dominetz, Blltmore, N. C., route five. The water is 40 feet deep at the spot. Using a brassie for a secondly greater number of attractions shot on the 18th hole of a golf never been offered before match, John T. Russell, of Win-i^^^^ record-breaking attendance Chester, Mass., sliced into a expected. brook the other day and killed a two-pound rainbow trout. Dr. D. C. Blevins, Son of Wilkes, Is Named President Maryland Dentists Gabriel Elected As Club Leader Centerville Man Is Son of Giiorge E. Blevin^ of the Spi^g- field Community, Wilkes County; He Is ^ Maryland’s Outstanding Professional Member Officers of Wilkes Evangelis tic Club Elected At Meet ing In City re-eleeted W. G. Gabriel was president of the Wilkes Evange- (Baltlmore Sun) For the first time half a century the The honor has particular slg-,llstlc Club at the regular mwt- itiff nf the club Thursday evening. North Wilkesboro Hotel Com pany Shareholders Will Meet Tomorrow A meeting of the stockholders of the North Wilkesboro Hhtel wm- pany, owners of the- Hotel Wilkes property, will be held at Hotel Wilkes tomorrow evening at 8 o’clock. An important session will be held and a notice urging all stock holders to attend has been issued by the secretary of the company. State Dental -Association, at Its annual convention In Baltimore, elected an Eastern Shore presi dent when Dr. Denzell C. Blev ins, of Centrevllle, was unanl- moTsly chosen to head the or ganization for the ensuing year. Dr. Blevins In 1928 and 1929 was vice-president of the Associ ation. Other officers of the Associ ation are Dr. Noel Smith, vice- president; Dr. Walter . L. Ogges- sen, secretary and Dr. Walter B. /i-oan tvAiuiiirep- all of Baltl- In exactly r nlficance In that the Association Maryland 1 yggr selects the most out ing of the club Thursday evening. Other officers named ^ere: C; 0. GamblU, flRst vice P5(eldent; standing professional m^oer m ^ ^ Raymeiu^second vlop prasl- Its president, and Is a tribute Dewey L. Minton, secre- Dr. Blevins’ achievements and regard and esteem in the high which he Is held by leaders of his profession throughout Maryland. Sentiment had been crystalii- Ing for Dr. Blevins tor more than a year and when the convention assembled his election was the unanimous action of his associ ates. Dr. Blevins Is a charter mem ber and former president of the i tsryrtreasurer; C. C. QamWll, captain of Team No. 1, and W» O. Gabriel, assistant leadsr; a7 S. Cassel, capUin of Team No- and B. C. Jeimlngs, assistant leader. ^ , The club has been doing some very effective work durlag the imst several years and any church or reUglous group anywhere de siring the assIsUnce of the club Is requested to get In touch with • II - Hill aril

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