- ';‘i: f ^ '^V l»'?fr' ^ _ _ 151Sr“’^r^Kl.&triot~ligs' bl&d the trail of prog^ek in t^“State of Wiite” 1^ ■m, -VOL. xxvn, NO. 86 Pumif^. Mondays NORTH WILKESBORO, N. G, THURSDAY, SEPT. 21, $1.00 IN THE gfAlE—llJfO OUT OF THE STi fonshyMoffl^dn ^Baptists Sept. 28 t- '> PitHnotioiT Meeting Will Be Held At Mount Pleasant Church Thursday PERR\^fORGAN COMING Splendid Program Announced; All-Day Prgoram To Be- ; gin ^t 10 A. M. On Thuraday, September 28th, beginning at ten o'clock in the morning thore will be held an Associationhl Promotion Meet ing tor the churches of the Brush3T iMoantain Baptist Assocl- r ation at the Mount Pleasant Bap tist church. This meeting is in accord with action taken by the last annual session of the Asso- .. .Jlatlon In requesting Mr. Perry Ib ^^organ of Raieigh. and Dr. Clay I. Hudson of Nashville. Tenn., to arrange tor such a meeting. It Is expected that there will be _ representatives from each of the I- twenty-eight churches of the .As sociation in attendance. All pas tors, deacons, church treasurers and finance committees, officers of the missionary societies and of the Young People s organiza tions, together with any other in terested laymen or women, are expected to •.ttend. The object of this meeting, it Is announced, is to confer with and offer help to the leaders of the churches in order to bring about sounder and more success ful financial plans. Both .Mr. Mor gan and Dr. Hudson have had wide experience in such matters, . , It is said, and will be able to ^ bring practical suggestions of great value to those who are in- r terested in finding and working ' better plans of Kingdom finance. ^ Inasmuch as the Mount Pleas ant church has had notice of this meeting h»t a few days, all those attending during the morning and afternoon sessions are re quested to carry their own lunch. , Xhe Associational Executive has requested the f Mount Pleasant church not to F furnish lunch for the visitors. -'I -j' T. £ Sto Wilkes Dry Delegate Prominent Educator Will Be Voted Upon In Repeal Election In November; More Than 1,000 Names Placed Upon Pe tition To Be Presented Board of ElectiMS Prof. T. E. Story, principal of Wilkesboro high school and prominent civic le.ider, was chos en as Wilkes county’s anti-repeal 'candidate at a meeting of the Wilkes county unit of the United Dry Forces of North Carolina at ! the courthouse Monday evening. The selection of the well known educator had the unani mous approval of the dry organ- j ization. Wilkes county will have one delegate to the constitutional convention to vote on the ques tion of repealing the Eighteenth Amendment, if a convention is called. Those favoring repeal are expected to select a candidate ■within the near., future. They have until October 7 to file their petition with the county board of elections. In order to place a candidate in the field, a petition bearing the names of 247 qualified voters must be presented to the hoard of elections. It was learned yes terday that the various petitions being circulated by the dry forc es already bear the signatures of more than 1,000 citizens. It has been emphasized that those opposing repeal are expect ed to vote against a convention and for the anti-repeal candidate, while those favoring repeal will vote for the convention and for the repeal candidate. A famous 300 year old clock which standf 14 feet hig.. and made of solid black oak is tick ing time again. A 20 year old girl clock maker. Miss Ixmise Weyer, succeeding in starting it Wilkes Man, Life Termer, Killed In Prison Break In Louisiana Weyer, succeeding in siarung ii ortiiTC rADDIFR after many men experts had fail- STAR ROUTE CARRIE ed. fThe clock has been in the \ KILLED IN ACCIDENT lobby of years. a New York hotel for Federal Highway Number Is Sought For Route No. 16 Wilmington, Sept. 18.—B. F. - Lane, star route mall carrier be tween Wilmington and Hamp stead, was fatally injured this afternoon at 1:30 o’clock - when ; his automobile overturned on I the Market street road just east of Seven Mile Post. Movement Is Already Way: Is -\n laiportant and Scenic Iloute Mrs. Clayton Davis Under Claimed By Death IMPROVEMENT NEEDED I Passed Away Tnraday Afternoon ! .At Davis Hospital In Statesville Wife of John Anderson Learns That He Died In JaU Break GRANDFATHER HERE (Prom A movement is under way u, jj^nnie Lee uavis. wiie oi , secure a federal highway number, Clayton Davis, popular local taxi married a man Wednesday’s Winston- Salem Journal) A name—the name of John Anderson, life termer—shc>t to death—caught and held the eye of Mrs. Dollle King Anderson, who lives on the ClemmonsvlUe Road near Winston-Salem, as she read the other day of a bloody prison break at Marks- vllle. La., and of the bloodier aftermath. The name, you see. had held . ; 1. , „.i,o of' particular significance for her Mrs. Nannie Lee Davis, ixife of With Addresses By Congressman Lambeth and General McCIod^ Is Subscriber For Twenty-Five Years “Pop” Warner, now dean of great American football' coaches, is on the job at Temple Univer sity, launching a new coaching career. He formerly coached at Carlisle and at Stanford U. Revival To Begin At First Baptist Church on Sunday Series of Services To Be Con ducted by the Pastor, Rev. Eugene Olive TWO SERVICES DAILY (Continued on back page) Dry Speakings Prohibition Forces To Meet .At Vaniioy .\nd .Antioch ifor No. 16 from the Tennessee' driver, was claimed by death in ! - ‘ riflvin Hosoital at StalGsville 'state line at Trade by way of^’^'*“ ' I I Tuesday afternoon at l.ou {Jefferson, North Wilkesboro.: condition had been Taylorsville and Newton to the serious for two weeks and little South Carolina line. hope had been held out for her According to sponsors of the recovery. , no knowledge . Airs Davis was the daughter ’ this route is not only * | • ruorUo iiuhon whereabouts. but it ^ | Strangely convinced that she , . , . She was 22 years of age. | received news, though ; is also one of the most scenic in j ghe is survived by her . bus- ^ husband, Mrs. An- ago when she married a man named John Anderson in New ark, N. J., and with their tiny baby, was abandoned by him more than a year later. Since that time she said she had not seen him, had not heard from of his I movement, I one of great importance. r Prohibition rallies will he belli at Antioch schoolhouse and at Vannoy during th? coming w»c’: to organize for the November election. Rev. Seymour Taylor will speak at the Millers schoolhouse at Vannoy Saturday night and Attorney F. J. McDuffie will de liver an address at Antioch schoolhouse Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Every interested citizen is in vited to attend these meetings. I the western part of the state. | ^and. her father and mother one —- Louisiana authorl- .-.^rting at the Tennessee line, ^ .mother. Paul and one ^ description and „.e services when there the route directs the niotonsts jjjgg Kathleen Bishop. ! . , ■ . Next Sunday marks the begin ning of a series of evangelistic services at the First Baptist church, coiiduclo.1 by the pastor. Rev. Eugene Olive, assisted ’oy the choir and members of the congregatior. Sunday services will be held at 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. with •week-day services at an early morning hour and at 7:30 p. m. At a meeting of the board of deacons this week, it was decided to make a house-to-house vi.sita- tion on next Sunday afternoon to extend to all the people of North Wilkesboro an invitation to at tend the services. People of all other churches are heartily in vited to attend and take part in no Free Acts Are Witne^wA^ Hjr Great Thronig; Amonf ipltfu Ever Seen Locally . L. W. Wood, of North Wil kesboro, Ronte a, WB8 a vlaltor In the city Monday and renew ed his subscription to The Jonmal-Patrlot. Mr. Wood said he had been a subscriber to the P«P«r for 26 years and has never had his paper discontinued at any time. Grier Mflls Nine Wins First Half EXHIBITS excellent PubUcWeddtBg Was Stiw^ In Frwit of Grandstand^ , ‘ Last Evening The Oreat Wilkes Fair, whteh is now in progress, opened a*-; spiolously Tuesday ■wftn a ertmi, estimated at I2,u00, tbroaStdic the midway and visiting tli* htblt hall and other sections the fairgrounds auring trie datSi Tuesday was “School Chtt- dren’s Day” and thousands cam# to the city and*‘t»eik advant"^ Wilkesboro DrfiSIted 8 To 5! /^e opportunity to kttend wli At Fair Grounds Satur day Afternoon Grier Mills defeated boro 8 to 5 here Saturday after noon in a first half playoff con test and earned the right to ent er the “little world series” for the Wilkes League champion ship. Both teams showed up well in the contest and a lucky drive along the foul line which led to three runs decided the game In favor of the cotton mill boys. Prohibition Rally Sunday Afternoon Rev. Eugene OUve Will Deliver Address At Wilkesboro M. I E. Church Sunday The prohibition or anti-repeal forces of Wilkesboro township will hold a rally at Wilkesboro Methodist church Sunday after noon at 2:30 o’clock. An address dealing with the question of repeal will be deliv- j out cost. _ ' The fair was formally opennd with a parade which started at Wilkes-1 the corner of D and Tenth ’ Streets. The Regimental band of the 105th Engineers, National Guard of Charlotte, led the pro cession. The band was followed by Company A, local National Guard urit, cars bearing dlgna- taries of the occasion and others.. A number of floats were entered In the parade by local firms. General Manus McCloskoy, commanding officer a t Fort Bragg, Fayetteville, delivered the opening address at the falf-, grounds. General McCloskey was so Im pressed with hls visit here that he promised fair officials he would send airplanes and a bat tery for the fair next year. A brief talk was also aeiivered by Congressman Walter Lam beth, of Thomasville. He was In troduced by Mayor J. A. Rous seau. The exhibits this year are worthy of display and the armory □ ueaiiuil icpcoi nut lyc uc... . J t , ered by Rev. Eugene Olive, pas- hall has been visited 'by large tor of the First Baptist church. Leaders of the township forces are especially anxious that a large audience hear Rev. Mr. Olive’s message and the public generally is invited. numbers who are interested in the excellent products brought in by the farmers. The midway attractions are among the best offered by any show on the road and the free acts are considered unusually good. Grandstand spectators wltness- To Be Held a7 AVUkesboro M. E.jed excellent performances on the CTiurch On Friday ! band a concert in addition The fourth quarterly confer-! to the^^gular features that arec. Quarterly Meeting ence for Wilkesboro Methodist being offered tw;ice daily. through the scenic New River \ impressive funeral service section and offers one of conducted from the home oi,° details concerning imprisonment I Yesterday she received a reply s most beautiful drives. ' Mrs. Davis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs,, j j. Jeansonnes of Efforts to obtain improvement Bishop, near Wilkesboro yester- ^ ‘ i^h. The descrip- in their Junior Rally 8. O. McGuire To Speak At Hon da September SOth on the sections between Trade | afternoon at 3 o’clock ^ T^’^photograph made and Warrensville and between {jjev. Seymour Taylor, pastor of' Glendale Springs and Millers, wilkesboro Methodist church. Creek apparently are to be sue-j j„(er„ient was made in the ceme- cessful and when these sections' jgry near St. Paul’s Episcopal Home Coming Day Old S. O. McGuire, prominent El- '^.kin citizen and for many years ^ a leader in Surry county affairs, will d.eliver an address at a Jun ior Order rally at Ronda high school auditorium Saturday eve ning, September 30, at 7:30 o’clock. ♦ The Elkin man is a forceful speaker arid the public is Invited to hear him. All members of the North Wil kesboro, Cllngman and Elkin Councils, J. O. U- A. M., are es- ^ peclally Invited to attend the ral- . ly- are improved, the entire road | church in Wilkesboro will be in excellent condition. These links will be built, it is understood, within the next few months. North Wilkesboro citizens, who are Interested in obtaining a federal number for No. 16 are ! requesting that citizens of Jef ferson. Taylorsville and Newton join them in urging consider ation of this move. Baseball Game Will Be Played At Moravian Falls Mr. N. G. Snyder, well known citizen of Wilkesboro, Route 1, was a business visitor in the city a few hours yesterday. Members To Gather FYlendshlp On Sunday At identification positive, Mrs. An derson declared. John Anderson was one of 11 long-term convicts who started a (Continued on nack page) R. C. Rivers Dies At Davis Hospital Many former members and at tendants of Friendship Methodist, church, located near Millers | Publisher of WataU^ Demo- Creek, are expected to attend Sunday which has been designat ed as Home Coming Day. An appropriate program has crat Passed Away Monday Afternoon ^ ^ Boone, Sept. 18—R. C. Rivers, been arranged and everybody Is: 72. one of this section’s best invited to attend and join In the known citizens, died at Davis “get-acqualnted hour.' ■ — : Miss Pauline Jarvis Becomes Bride Of Mr. Henderson In Public Wedding A throng of people, filling the grandstand and all available space adjacent to the platform at the Great Wilkes Fair, last night witnessed in a hushed sil- lence befitting the sacredness of of the high school.. Mr. Hender son holds a position with the Wilkes Bakery, having been con nected with the local firm for several years. The beautifully impressive Due to the fact that the auto mobile race will be in progress at the Great Wilkes FWr Satur day afternoon, the North Wllkes- boro-'Wllkesboro baseball game Trill be played at Moravian Falls about 2 o’clock. The contest Is wpected to attract a large crowd. Ithe occasion the public weddingceremony was begun with prayer uniting Miss Pauline Jarvis, of!by Rev, Mr. Jarvis who thanked .the Dellaplane community, and j God for the institution of mar- " ’ " riage and invoked the blessings Horton Reunion A reunion of the Horton fam ily will be held at the old Hor ton place on Ne'w River near Boone Sunday. All relatives of the family are invited. Mrs. A. W. Horton and .Mrs. W. R. Nefwtoa,' of thto ^ty' are spending today In Charlotte. Mr. James Henderson., of Wilkes- boro, members of two of the county’s best known families. Rev. N. T. Jarvibr, an uncle of the bride and one of the most widely known Baptist ministers In Wilkes, officiated, using the Impressive ring ceremony. The bride was given In mar riage by her father, while Mr. Frank Henderson, a brother of the groom, was best man. The wedding climaxed a ro mance begun several years ago when Miss Jarvis- and Mr. Hen- deiium attended - Wilkesboro high school. They are 'both graduates of the Almighty upon those Join ed together by the sacred vows. Relatives of the bride and groom were on the platform dar ing the ceremony. The bride Is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. — Jarvis, while Mr. Henderson Is Frarik McGee, of hospital, Statesville, yesterday afternoon after an illness of one ■week. He was prominently iden tified with civic and social life of this community, and represented Watauga county In the general assembly In 1929. He was publisher of the Wa tauga Democrat, one of the old est newspapers In these moun tain counties. The newspaper celebrated its 46th birthday this year. Mr. Rivers was a shrlner, a director In the Watauga Build ing and Loan association, chair man of the American Red Cross of the county, and was a recog nized leader In the Democratic party. He was one of the men In fluential In the construction of the Daniel Boone hotel here. He Is survived by two sons, R. C. Rivers, Jr., and J. C. Rivers, of Boone: a daughter, Mrs. Boone; two conflict with services own churches. Rev. Mr. Olive has announced that sermons on Sundays and each night during the series will be based on the Gospel of John, the purpose of which is express ed in the twentieth chapter, verse thirty-one: “that ye may believe that Jesus Is the Christ, the Son of God: and that believ ing ye may have life in his name.” At the early morning Services, so timed that business and professional men and school ■children may attend, the book of Acts win form the basis of study and worship. charge will be held in Wilkesboro Methodist church tomorrow eve ning at 7:30 o’clock Each feature is broadcast over amplifiers supplied through the courtesy of the D. & M. Electrlo . Rev. J. H. Arrabrust will act company. John Carey Is doinE as presiding elder and the business session. conduct C. C. JACOBS, 28, DIES FROM HIS INJURIES Lumberton, Sept. 18.—C. C. Jacobs, 28, of Bahama, near Durham, died In a Lumberton sanatorium today of a wound received Sunday after noon when he lost control of hls automobile ori a curve on high way 21, a mile from Dublin, and I nos la worsnip crashed into a tree. The music promises to be an ! Hardeman of Linden, riding with Inspiring part of the special j him. was not hurt. evangelistic season. Special ““sj^hild Dies After Eating leal numbers, appropriate for Entire Box of Pills the occasion, will be rendered from time to time In the form of solos, duets, quartets and chorus- Thomasvllle, Sept. 18.—Fu neral service was held yesterday es. It Is planned to use a large: for BilUe Deberry, two-year-old number of boys and girls to sing In a Junior choir. No Kiwanis Meeting On account of the Great Wilkes Fair which is now In progress, there will be no meeting of the Klwanls Club tomorrow. The next regular luncheon will he held Friday of next week. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alton De berry, who died Saturday morn ing In less than an hour after he had eaten an eritlre box of some 76 or 80 pills. The pills, it was said, were left within the child’s reach after having been taken down from a higher shelf. The rites were held at Wadesvllle, Montgomery county. the announcing. The free acts, starting at 2 p. , m., include the Jackamese, re volving ladder act, selections bjr,^ the Mt. Airy band under the dl- j ■ rectlon of Prof. Wagoner; Erlc-V., Dodge dolni^ the single trapese- act; Little Aimee and her swing- scalp ’"S ladder; the El-Ray Sisters,, sensational roller skaters: tb»>s Aerial Cowdens, double trapeze act, and the Funny Makers, buck ing Ford performers. The public -wedding was a fea-- ture of. last nighNs program. Thousands are xapected to crowd the riiidway dh^g the remainder of the week the special attractions yet to ci The chief attraction on schedule will he the 250-1 automobile race starting Satur day afternoon ak 2 o’clock. Ten well known professional dirt track drivers are entered In the race. The race will require the attention of fair-goers through out most of the afternoon. '' North Wilkesboro Gridders Will Open Season With Elkin Tomorrow B. the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Henderson, of Wilkesboro. The young couple received twenty-five dollars In gold as a gift from the Great Wllkee Fair Association and many other gilts from - merchants and bnslness firms of North Wilkesboro. sisters, Mrs. J. W. Farthing, and Miss Nanny Rivers, both of Boone. Funeral services were conduct ed Tuesday morning at 11 o’clock at Boone. Friends from widely separated communities at tended. The Mountain Lions of North Wilkesboro high school will open the 1988 gridiron season with Elkin at the fairgrounds here tomorrow afternoon. Oo^ H. V. Ovorcash has been working hard with the 0iaterial he has on hand and pm^Acts ate no* too bri^t for the season jost ahead. The high school coach is not at- tampthiif to assume a pcaalmla- tie attUnde for puHlcIty pur poses. With so few lettw mea on the squad and the new ma terial none too promising, the outlook Is not as good as In former years. The Elkin eleven Is said to have el^it letter men and some ezcellmit new materiaL The local team Is expected to pat iw a real scrap against tbd Sorry eleven. The game trill be pl*ybd at 8:80 o'clock and thiMe wfll he no admisafam diarge except the regolar admlsskm to the fahv groonds. Two More States' Vote Fmr Repeid New Mexico and Idalio Are 30th and Slat States To Join Parade ' New Mexico and Idaho Joined the big parade Tuesday and vot ed to repeal the Eighteenth Amendment. The wet delegatee were elected by big majMitlee. New Mexico and. Idaho beeams the SOth and Slat states to Toipa' protest against' Ih* ^ prohlblttoa amendment. No. -state has yet voted to retalri ;ihsl amendment., . FITS more sUtes are noeessasy- to insure rop^ of the amend ment. There Ks 17 »tataa Tote.

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