PnUldied Oiondaya and Thiini&ya JoTirnaUPatriot has^Waied thejptl (If i^ess in the R. n mVEIl MET ON MOtt TUIL Local Team Over Grier Nine Flinch Title TRitS BIG CASE Spurt of Six bt Victories Gives . ^. Them the Title ^%9t£QS DATE Worth WHkesboro scored an to * victory over Grier B Bine Sathrday afternoon -._j ttk the final gamie of the sea- ^ ea* BBd «BBM in under the wire FT OB tho Biiime of the second half ~fl title oC tbO-^UXea County Base- ‘^^hai>>4;^Kne. * After » poor start, the local ^ hoys sUgff: .jl^nsatlonal spurt to teke R-^siz games wlth- . , mt A'delip^t^ilght games were [ Id'Ste second half. TliO date of the series between Jones To Appear For City h Tax Fight On Friday Solicitor Is Employed As Special Counsel By City Commissicmei's Merchants Assaciation Is Discussed By Mr, Johnston 'oitliilifI Pcudnutct 1 CITY’S ANSWER IS FILED Commissioners Deny Allega tion That They Had No Authority In Matter Abovel federal Judge Edgar S. Vaught before whom was tried the defendants charged with the kidnapping of Charles F. Urschel, millionaire oil man of Tulsa, Okla. The trial was held at Okla homa City. the first half winner and | CI^D DCtArt second half-winner will he an-iMtJr^E. F VflV iXWALf iwvneed following a meeting of dke 'board of league managers to- blght Wilkesboro Wins ikesboro came through with ;ory over Moravian Falla on liter’s diamond Saturday in, the score being 12 to Moravian Falls boys without hope of getting the cellar and no great lent was found In the contest. C. C. Camp Wln.s le C. C. Camp defeated Pur- lear 6 to 5 Saturday afternoon to win second place in the county laoi^e race, hut were denied a the leaders when North o came through with a FROM ELKIN TO CITY REVIVED IH‘togation Confers With Chair man K. B.; Survey To Be Made Soon Hope for the early construc tion of the Elkin-North Wilkes boro road flares anew as a result | Solicitor John R. Jones was employed Thursday by the board of city commissioners as special counsel to appear for the city In the case growing out of the ef forts of a number of citizens to restrain the city from collection of the ten-cent school taz supple ment. After being employed in the case. Solicitor Jones immediately entered into preparation of the answer to the complaint of the plaintiffs and the answer was filed today. A hearing to determine wheth er the temporary restraining or der signed by Judge Wilson War- lick several days ago shall be made permanent is scheduled to be held Friday of this week be- i fore Judge T. B. Finley. The answer of the city com- Another Meeting Is Planned Soon Merchants To Go Into Matter of Organiziiis: Further On October 10 MANY ARE INTERESTED Small Number.Heard Discas- sion Thursday Evening at the City Hall Mrs. Nellie B. Donohoe ot Oak land, Calif., has been named post master at Oakland at a salary of $7,000 per year, the highest paid postal post to go to a woman under this administration. Meetings of Dry Forces Announced of the conference which a dele- missioners denies the allegation gallon of Wilkes and Surry citi- local board was without zens held with Chairman E. B. j authority to call the special elec- Jeffress a few days ago. I non to vote on the school tax Jeffress did not commit | gappigment. It was admitted that was learned, but the I there was an Irregularity In the delegation received the impres-1 tj^tes on which the registration Sion tha.t the road authorities Mr. himself. Conference Be Held Soon Gnmp To Meet ly At Gl^e Valley In AUegbany County OroBn.BO(||lerence No. 4 of the Wtnston-Saiem Presbyterlal will b* held Thursday, October 5, at Valley, with Mrs. T. A. j^aley, of this city, presiding. T%B {eature address of the day held, the morning session begin- tBiifdon. Two sessions will be la to ^ Buide by Dr. Samuel B. niag at eleven o’clock. A picnic lunch ■will be served on' the grounds at the noon hour. All' membef* are urged to ent aiid the public is bad already decided to b illd the road. Engineers. Mr. Jeffress, stated, are to be sent to Elkin immedi ately to go over the two proposed routes and to possibly run a mid dle route in an effort to locate a highway as advantageously as possible. A delegation from Roaring River was headed by C. J. Lam beth. books were kept open,- bui-H was denied that this was material in view of the fact that the public •was advised of these dates and that the books were kept open the usual four Saturdays. Invited to attend. Homecoming Day I’lannejl Boone, Sept. 30.—Saturday, October 21, has been designated at homecoming day at Appalach ian State Teachers college. It is learned from Dr. Dougherty that all forme^.students of the Insti tution are Invited to come back at that time, mingle together, re new old friendships, make new bp pres-' acquaintance, and observe cordially ] progress that the college Tent Revival Is Now In Progress Series of Revival Services Is Begun By Evangelists From Taylorsville made along all lines. Evangelistic Services At First Baptist Church In Second Week Rev. J. P. Mesimore and Rev. J. L. Rufty, evangelists of Taylors ville, began a series of revival services at their tent on “A” street near the Southern railway station last night. A large congregation heard an inspiring gospel message, they The services will begin at 7:30 has o’clock each evening and rhe pub- [ lie generally is cordially invited to — attend. The Taylorsville ministers con- I ducted a successful revival on Tenth street last year and are evangelists of ability. Appointments For Number of Speakers Made Public; Casey To Speak Sat- Ther^vangellstic services being condMjM by the pastor. Rev. Enge^wjOllve. at the First Bap tist eRreh began their second week on Sunday with enlarged ^ atendance in the morning, while tl^-'«vettlng congregation was eonstderably smaller on account of the hea'^ Tainfall. At 7:45 a. m. today the early morning serv ices were resumed auA. will be continued throughout the week. It was announced on yester day‘that the large men’s Bible Edward Finley Is Pledged By Kappa Sigma Fraternity To Do With One’s Life”; 7:301 p. m. "If Not Jesus, Whom Or I What?’’ i Thursday: '7:45 a. m. "The] ^ o Dullness of Goodness”; 7:30 p. Student At Davidson .Collie Re. ra. "Why Men Will Not Come to I ceive Bids From Ten Na- jggug;,. I tional Fraternities Friday: 7:45 a. m. "Am I a I Christian?"; 7:30 p. m. “The | Life Abundant." | Sunday: 11 a. m. “The Golden | Milestone”; 7:30 p. m. “Jesus’! Last Will. class, taught 'by Mr. A. H. Casey, was attending the service in a body. The pastor took occasion to commend the class for its co operation, speaking also in high terms of the loyalty and fine spi^t of other classes, the teach- and officers of the Sunday school, the faithfulness and ef- ‘ Hclency of the choir, the helplnl- ness of the ereacons- and other of ficers of the church, and of the dOpendableness of snch a large ' nnmber of those not in official positions. ’ ’t As during last week, the regu lar ushers are to be on duty for , the Sunday services, the deacons 'on Monday and Wednesday, mom- - bors of tbe Berean Bible class on MEN TAKEN FOR VIOLATION OF WHISKEY LAWS Agents Active In WUkes During Past Several Days; Three . Arrests Operating in Wilkes county for several days, federal prohibition investigators made several ar rests last week. • Rastus Durham and Adam | Wiles were arrested at a dis-j ;tlllery in the L.omaz section Thursday by Agents N. A. Coop er and J. F. Ratledge, assisted by R. C. Brown and G. D. Rat- ledge. Brought before Conunls- sloner J. W. Dula for a preliml- Davidson, Sept. 30—Ten na tional fraternities at Davidson col lege last week pledged 111 men from the students recently enter ing the college. The fratemitpa sent out written bids Tuesday night, and Thursday night the men went to the house of their choice. This is one of the largest groups ever to be pledged by the ten groups- It comprises about 56 per cent of the freshman class. The Kappa Sigma fraternity pledged Mr. Edward Finley, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Finley, of North Wilkesboro. Announcement was made urday of several speaking en gagements for the dry forces of Wilkes county. The list of speakers Includes Pr6f. T. E. Story, who is the can didate of the anti-repeal forces. Attorney A. H. Casey, Attorney C. G. Gllreath, Attorney Kyle Hayes and Rev. Seymour Tay lor. The public is invited to hear the messages of these speakers. The appointments follow: Traphill sch'oolhouse, Thurs day, October 6, 7:30 p. m.. Rev. Seymour Taylor and Prof. T. E. Story, speakers. Maplesprlngs, October' 8, 2:30 p. m.. Rev. Seymour Taylor and Prof. T. E. Story, speakers. Pattons Ridge, October 8, 11 a. m.. Attorney Kyle Hayes, speaker. Big Ivey, October 8, 11 a. m.. Attorney C. G. Gllreath, speaker. Yellow Hill, October 15, 11 a. m.. Attorney A. H. Casey, speak er. The small number of merch ants who beard J. B. Johnstun, of Thomasville, explain a mer chants association at the cltf hall were so interested in a pro posed organization for North Wilkesboro that arrangements were made for Mr. Johnstun to return here on the evening of October 10 at which time it is hoped to have all the merchants and many of the professional men present. The Thomasville man lolnted out the benefits to be derived from an efficient merchants as sociation and considerable Inter est was shown by everyone pres ent. However, It was decided that it would be unwise to attempt to organize until a majority of the merchants could get together and discuss tbe matter fully. Mr. Johnstun explained the many features of a merchants as sociation to the small group and advised the merchants not to at tempt to organize and set up an association unless an one could be maintained. An all- time secretary is an absolute necessity, the merchants were told. The speaker told how In many Instances almost" eveir dollaj*’'’! business house spent as a mem ber of an association is returned directly. He further stated that the savings in various ways that could be effected through such an organization would Indirectly i pay- the cost several times over. Friday morning Mr. Johnstun talked to a number of merchants privately and the interest was sufficient to arrange for the meeting on Tuesday evening of next week. The meeting will be held at 7:30 o’clock at the city hall. Superior Court Convened Today World Series To Start Tomorrow Some Fans To Attend and Many More Will Listen In On the Radio Broadcast Civil Cases To Come Up -\t Two Weeks’ Term; Judge Finley Presiding Superior court for the trial of civil cases convened In Wilkes boro this morning with Judge T. B. Finley presiding. The term Is for two weeks and some Important litigation Is on "the calendar for trial. Wilkesboro was crowded this morning as people came from various sections of the county to attend isourt and to be present for the meetings of the board of education and the board of coun ty commissioners. I Baseball fans all over the na tion will have either their eyes or their ears in the directioi of N\v York tomorrow when the World Series between the New York Giants and the Washington Sena tors gfets under way. The grame will get under way at 1:30 o’clock. A number of local people are planning to journey to Washing ton to see the third and fourth Mrs. J. C. Smoot, of this city, spent the past week-end In Charlotte with her daughter, Mrs. R. M. Pound. games of the series. Those not “on among relief famlllw,- Says Arkansas Is Dry iWashington, Sept. 29—J. M. . - . Futrell believes his state of At- ministration. It Is said Tuesday and Friday, and mem-1 nary hearing, their bonds were ton of the young men’s class on Thuraday. ^ waa made ^n the topics to be dls- fintrr* •*"• tbe sermoaa this week next Sunday m tbllowa: Monday: T:*« f. *• “Where SvafK jfiil & 8u»»tted. a. tt. ' "Wtth "Win* fixed at *600 each. Homer Oakley, was arrested at a sUll in tbe Windy «ai> se^lon by D. P.^ Wldenhouse and L* M. Stewart' on last Tuesday.-Bond of 1501 -waa leanlnd. Mrt'and Mn. “P. A. Tyndall, of Mto^lsT ifent the •’WouldsL.Tlfllt .TWJL* ^ ^ 1*4 ifii, W. A. Taylor, ot tbS etty. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCT. 6-7, ARE TO BE KNOWN AS NORTH WILKESBORO DOLLAR DAY^ IliyliA rffiii FJiringliam and Mrx Coopc^ COMING^-WILKES I Judge and ' Donated Rendectous Mian*. tain To thfe State"' GIVEN AS STATE PARK Arrangements Pw UnrrfttiR of Dil^t On October lA Now Being IMbde.- 9 Announcement that a marking the point where tto traveller leaves the Boone Trail highway to go to Rendesvoun Mountain will be unveiled , Saturday, October 14, by tbs Daughters of the American Rev olution and that the program will (include an address by Governor J. C. B. Ehringhaus was made- j Saturday. ! TTie program also Includee ,, ■ a scene of wildest disorders as ‘ (addresses by Judge T. B. Fl^^ ,ley, who donated Rendezvous-, « ' T n n • Mountain to North Carolina as * (^veraor J. C. B. Ehringhaus wU deliver an address at the unj ^ ^ veiling of the D. A. R. tablet on ^ ^ chairman October 14. ' jof the state committee on con- ‘I4FAVF1M ROIIND’ 'servatlon and thrift. rlUrAVE-lN I deliver Ren- WILL BE GIVEN dezvous Mountain to North Car- TWICE TONIGHT • excellency, Qover- Noted PUy To Be Presented Wilkesboro School Audi torium 7 and 8:30 At nor Ehringhaus, will formally^, accept It for the people of ^ state. --i^- The magnificent.-glfti-ut and Mrs. Finley Is located S short play, I distance from lioylosr »nd^“Hto The remarkable stage ,— — •Heaven Bound,” will be given in j James Civilian Wilkesboro high school auditor-iig located near the foot of ths ium this evening at 7 o’clock and at 8:30 o’clock. The Wilkesboro Woman’s Club, sponsors of the presentation, be- effirient they are fortunate In being able to bring to Wilkesboro a play of such renown and the auditorium Is expected to be fill ed to capacity at each perform ance. The cast Is composed of 30 colored people who are well trained and who give the play with unusual ability. The story Is one of unusual interest and is suited for both children and adults. mountain. The conservation army Is now engaged In building tralla on the mountain. The unveiling program on Oc tober 14 Is expected to attract the largest concourse of people In years. This will be the first visit of-Mr. Ehringhaus to Wilke* since he became governor. Three tablets have been donat ed to mark this state park by Mrs. Sydney Perry Cooper, the State D. A. R. Regent. They are of solid bronze, heavily carved and are very handsome. It Is a signal honor for Wilke* county for these tablets to to . „ (placed here and It Is the wlsli PRINCIPALS MEET WITHkj {iioge working on the pro- SUPERINTENDENT ELLER [ gram that a large crowd distinguished visitors. greet Principals of the seven high schools of the county met with County Superintendent C. B. El ler at his office In the court house Thursday afternoon at 4:30. Matters relative to the op eration of the schools were dls- cusse(t and methods to be used in making out and sending in re-i ports and other Information were i outlined by Mr. Eller. All the, principals were present. tbe Woman’s Club To M^t ^ Ota Wedneaday Aftorno«» The North Wilkesboro 'Wo-i' man’s Club will hold th* fir*€ meeting of the fall after the sum-_ mer Intermission Wednesday aft*., ernoon at 4 o’clock' at the Girl Scouts’ "Little House.” All mem bers are urgently requested to be present. 607,500 Pounds of Pork Will Be Distributed In North CaroHnu Raleigh, Oct. 1.—On or about October 7, North Carolina will receive 607,500 pounds of pork from the Federal Emergency Re lief Administration for dlstribu- being- cording to information just ac re- able to get away and make the trip - ^ ^ _ will more than likely be found at celved by Mrs. Thomas 0 Berry, a radio listening to the broadcast of the games play by play This pork represents the hogs whlcrh havd been purchased re cently throughout the country by the Agricultural Adjustment Ad- that it was Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt kansas, which ratified the prohi- - , . bition repeal amendment by about two to one, is going to remain le- * gaily dry. Friday and Saturday, October 6-7; have been set Mide,as North Wilkesboro Fall Dollar Days and merchants have annoumced their, intention to co-operat*,.with .the administration, to 'thsTSllBllMj ex-.^ make this a clty--wlde event TheM days hlirt>eeia set aside for the sacrifle* of merchandise dh the price tor tbe go^ will of store patrons and to emphasize' the importaao* oi North Wilkes hero a* ' Goaeral JiBtnitcB' of the ] leoveiy AeC annoBh^ bofitaaiai ot movement and North'T^l^esboro offer abundant evidencd;.ot why the "buy now” (^palgn should begin in, the early fall., A dollar will go further iu>w than It will later In the season when inflation prices go into ef fect as they nndonbtedly -will. Bptrons of North W^htofigrt!; now”|aMe nwretatoMso. Ths rspntaUon of the merchant Is at'stake and Ing this surplus supply of meat available for the needy ' rather than destroy lt.‘- ,’i> i • Mrs. O’Berry announced that the 607,500 pounds would be ali (located, to North’ Carolina coun- |,tles ,on the, bahft dljlho averaige case load In the co^nsles for. the months 'of April, ,and June, ’individual tamillOT entitled to the OI tae liiercuauv id »uu — ^ -7: rj . - he would not think of Jeopard!*- nioat wllf rwelVe It by HS^lrtylns ing Jthta ^wely for the sake of a wusesooro^iuai^uunai wo administration, to the oliiueej Mi. temporazy - btotnesB^lneto^. , the .ipensUaiUaHrfr the‘city pfan and . j. t .1 nt vhv oueratinx in North. Wilkesboio's operating In North. Wllkesboro’s Fell Dollar Days vriU display ,, a pla^d .and readersof .The Journal-Patriot are requested no note this placard when 4otng 'iQMlr buying Friday and Salur- should realise -that U»*|. boro merehants la regard to thW event is, not..inero lMMlyhIlO) appear In A^unKlay’s '*aai for thes* annouMements jmotlye .J _ rted that a' second shipment from Washington of '& similar'" amount ^•wiil? to reeeivoi some time in Novemfer.. ' Mrs. O’Berry ha* just mailed a letter to an coonty relief dlree- tora Informing thenf that this WofiMt Ik not to , to .given a*.'js Th* messagee of NoiHt tailtailtiitS^for the^meat, hud, or tOf grocery alroady being given to relief taaUlaa and pvretaasd ihy relief tnada. The new gnilDr: mutt to glv«i In amounts of meat already consumed by relief families. The pork has the Oovem- ment’s certification of quality and cleanliness. It will to dry, salt-cured, and will he packed in packages containing three and six pounds each. j Elkin Will Play Golden Tornado Here October 21 West Jefferson High School T**« Schedules Game To Be Played , In This City West Jefferson high school’s.. Golden Tornado has scheduled ,, game wjth the Elkin high school eleven to be played at the fair^^'- grounds. in this city on the after*!- , noon of October 21, according to>. , an announcement received from Wf H. Coble, Golden Tornado .aada .Wilkesboro and North; to the feUef offices In the set ^litvo Will be playing in Boone and. ‘-ii, Morganton respectively on thl^ v^k-eiid of October 20-21 and the BUdn-Gelden Tornado ganm will to the only opportonit|r..l®o*l foot-",i.>^ half fan* wfll hav* to gp * grid- "' iaron contest that we^,. \ . The two teams afaoliJ^ to to]^,' ' atope by the* dhte awFatoy aha'?,; ,>'§ h^ved to be atofift evenfyjktotoi^* to. . — Tto town oflfiflir wOl reeaivn 20 yate nea^la jtodmtiiiMg

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