Unemployed ihitToWoiitOn C.WA Project) a That Was Total For Last Week; New Projects Are Bdng Started APPROVE SEVERAL JOBS Work On Some Of Them To Be Held Up Until Infor- matkin Arrives veil. The nnentployment situation 1b Wllkoe has been relieved con- ' Ot^ezablr by the civil works ad- minlatratlon, according to in- foziaatlOB obtained late yester day from Mrs. G. G. Foster, ad ministrator. iiast week’s payroll shows that 404 Mrsons are at- work on CWA ' ttof^ In Rilkes. Of this num ber, S4S are listed as “relief cas- aa,**, while the remaining 60 were recruited from those who have ^ registered with the re-employ- w ment office here. Eight of the 60 not OB relief eases are women # Wko have been given work. . The payroll for last week T fiBwntiteil to 14,393.85, placing! ^ this large sum of money in the' hands of many who have been supported out of relief funds for some time. The payroll for this week has not been completed and although It is. known that several other other people have been put to work this week, the exact figures were not available. | Councilor Wilkes county’s quota will be filled just as soon as preliminary details on several projects can be worked out. Several projects •were returned approved yester day, but none of them will be started until some information regarding other projects Is re ceived from the state administra tor. — " .ll'.-. . - Reinstatement Of Local Trains?k Sought By Lions Petitions Are Forwaid^ To Railway Company Officials At Winston-Salem NEED IS EMPHASIZED The reinstatement of Southern j'Rallway Trains Nos. 3 and 4 oper- ‘ ating between Winston-Salem ! and North Wilkesboro was urged' In petitions forwarded to South ern Railway company officials at Winston-Salem yesterday by the North Wilkesboro Lions Club, j The petitions contained the Joseph H. Choate, of New. names of hundreds of interested York, chairman of the «o^ern-j ^nd along [ ment’s Alcohol Control Admlnis-j tration 18 now one j jnuiative in securing the slgna- Sams busiest executes Le was communl- appointed by President Roose-! ^ i cation with the company regard- of the ' ing the reinstatement 'trains for some time, i Citing the need for these 1 trains, the petitions asked that j the railway company give the ! matter full consideration. I Trains Nos. 3 and 4 w«.re dis continued several months ago I and since that time North Wll- — (kesboro has had only one incom- All Officers Elected At Meet-, lag and one out-going train dally, ing Of Council On Tues- | The late evening and early day Evening morning train was of great serv- RECEIVE NEW MEMBERSjScL'servlcf ;,n mall" express Chas. G. Horton was elected I and freight than is now provld- C. G. Horton Is Elected To Head Juniors Of City| Here are Empress Marla Loui sa’s jewels given to her by Na poleon Bonaparte upon the birth of the long hoped for heir to the Emperor’s throne. They are be ing worn here by our own Mary Plckford at Hollywood. They are owned by New York jewelers and valued at 6600,000. Local Druggists On New ^hedule of North Wilkesboro 1®*^ Council No. 51, J. O. U. A. M„ at the annual election of officers Tuesday evening. Other officers were elected as follows: Paul Swanson. vice councilor: C. A. Canter, record ing secretary; C. O. McNeill, as sistant recording secretary; Bank of North Wilkesboro, treasurer: H. L. Mechem, chaplain; A. G. Hendren, warden; C. O. McNeill, j Wilkesboro And Moravian Falls Schools Closed —' ' ' — •* • ■ ‘fa - Many Values OMefed By Merchants^^r Holiday Many InqiortaiP Christmas Cheer Getting Program Well Under Way Peo|rie Asked To Notify Head- qnartcTS Or Committee of Needy Families GET STORE ROOM MAN The Christmas Cheer Commit tee, working under the slogan, "Sharing Is Caring," is getting plans for spreading Christmas cheer among the children and needy families of the city well under way. Headquarters were opened in the Call Hotel store room Mon day and Mrs. 0, O. Foster, CWA The benefit that the reinstate ment of these trains will be to hotels, business houses and the public generally is sufficient to > Ar*TW tawtttadV 9 justify the efforts of everybody j OPEN AGAIN JANUARY « toward that end. Measles Epidemic Results In Many Absences; 165 Out At Wilkesboro Veteran Minister Is Seriously 111 Rev. W. C. Meadows, Of Pmres Knob, Is PatlMit At Tlie WUkes Hospital Wilkesboro high school and Moravian Falls elementary school closed Tuesday afternoon until after the Christmas holidays on account of the measles epidemic. In the Wilkesboro school alone, 135 grade children and 30 high Drug Stores Will Be Opeai From 8 A. M. To 10 P. M.; Oosed Sunday i Clay Pardue and J. B. Williams, McDuffie -B- Eller ' W- C^M^ows, of Pores | school students -were absent this. t. J. .icDuiiie, J. venerable Baptist minister, week because of measles. The George A. Hart and B. r. Bent- „ _ In order to conform to the new code for druggists, local drug gists announced Tuesday that a new schedule of hours has been put into effect. The four local drug stores, namely Wilkes Drug company. North Wilkesboro Drug company, Horton Drug company and Brame Drug company, will open at 8 a. m. and close at 10 pi m. Under the new code, all of the drug stores will be closed on Sun day.' In the past an arrangement whereby the druggists alternated in remaining open on Sundays. This will be discontinued and all LTeorge a. nan aiiu x>. c. oein.- , jit a *1. tt-- lev were received Into the coun-; seriously 111 at the WUkes Hos- ley were received into tne coun regret to learn. ell as new members. , Rev. Mr. Meadows’ . . , V , *. I nev. 'jur. meauowo condition. A. A. (Dick) Cashion won tne; J 1 I was slightly Improved yesterday attendance prize which was do- ^ . J V n n and a speedy recovery for the nated by C. G. Day. The attend- ... , , j .... , „ 1 aged minister Is anxiously hoped ance prize for the next meeting^ ance prize lor lae uexi. uiccuuf. i will be given by Gilbert Pardue. i*®-- his many acquaintances. Dr. Moore Heard i In l^noir Friday At Local Church situation at Moravian Falls was proportionately unfavorable and director, has assigned Jesse Par- lier to take charge of the store room. A lady assistant will also be assigned by Mts. Foster to morrow. The Christmas Cheer work is primarily to see that Santa Claus visits even the humblest homes this year and the committee re quests that those who know of needy families who should re ceive the attention of the com- 'mlttee to report them to W. A. Bnliis or Christmas Cheer head quarters at once. Chairman W. D. Halfacre stat ed yesterday afternoon that the committee had estimated that the need will be fully as great this year as it was last. Anyone having old clothes, second-hand toys or other things suitable for the Christmas Cheer work are requested to get In touch with headquarters. The Presbyterian troop of the Boy Scouts will repair toys for the committee, Mr. stated. Janet Snowden, 19, wealthy American oil heiress and recent bride of five days,, now has mov ie-screen ambitions and is will ing to take "extra” parts at only 660 per week. AU^oolsTo Close December 21 For Holidays Superintendent C. B. Eller Announces Hiat 7-Day Holiday Is ADowed TO REOPEN JANUARY 2 WUkes Cage Tournament Continues Today county schools will close for the Christmas holidays on Thursday afternoon, Decem ber 21, Prof. C. B. Eller, county superintendent. Indicated in an Interview Tuesday afternoon. The re-openlng date 'has been set for Tuesday, January 2. The superintendent said this Halfacre was a compromise of the views of the two groups, one group haring favored the two weeks period, while another group preferred a one-week holiday. Two full week-ends with New vav/tsMvua, v w. - 1 WU mil WWIl-CUUO WllU JllCW school authorities held a confer- j g|^ Quints And Six Sextets To j Year’s Day for the ont-of-county ai.. ww- ci M A4- ^ founhorn t.fl TAtlirTl tO theif Providence, R. I. Minister Will Preach To Presbyter ians Again Soon Dr. R. S. Moore, of Providence, R. I., delivered a most inspiring sermon at the North Wilkesboro Presbyterian church Sunday. Dr. Moore is here on a visit ! Wilkesboro Principal To Ad- , drees Caldwell County , Teachers’ Meeting I Prof. T. E. Story, principal of ' Wilkesboro high school, will ad dress the teachers of Caldwell of them will be closed. It was pointed out, however, that the druggists will be per mitted to respond to emergency calls for their services. Play To Be Given At Mountain View School I with his daughter, Mrs. Robert I Morehouse, of Oakwoods, and will again occupy the pulpit of the local church on the Sunday before Christmas. He has been heard on several occasions at the local church and has made many friends In the Wllkesboros. A p4ay entitled. “The Right Anawer." will be given In the Mountain View high school audi torium on Weaiiesuay evening of next week at 7:30 o’clock. The ndmlsslon will be only 15 and SO cents. "The Right Answer" promises be jpne of the most delightful of the current season. Union Singing At Baptist Home Soon Choirs and Quartets ’To Partlci- 4>ate In Regular Program On December 31st uicaa me me.-......, .... F. D. Fotester, secretary-treas- coun- at a county-wide meeting in „fer of Wilkes Auto Sales, Inc., T t?,.i.tair ovATiincr At 7:80 o’- n n. Hjr/.'NrAlU l^tf vAotoritAV Lenoir Friday evening at 7:30 o' clock. The subject of Prof. Story’s ad dress will be “Language Objectives and Materials,’’ a phase of the sub ject which Caldwell teachers selec ted as the theme of their teachers meeting programs. Gymnasium To Be Completed Soon Hope To Have It Ready 'To Be Used Next Month; It Is ' CWA Project NEWS BITS Teachers Meet Saturday All white teachers of the eonnty will meet in Wilkesboro 'The regular fifth Sunday union singing will be held at Baptist Home church five miles from the city on Highway No. 18, Mr. J. A. Gilliam, chairman, announced yesterday. The singing association will The city high school gymnas ium, located opposite the ele mentary school building, will probably be completea and ready for use by the middle of January, It was stated yesterday. The completion of the gymnas ium Is a CWA project and six men are now at work on the Job. convene on the morning of De- When finished, the local gym- cember 31 at 10 o’clock and will | — — -- be In session throughout the day. | this section and late season bas- haiium will be one of the best in leHboI auditorium Saturday j-j-hose who attend lorning at 10:30 o’clock forj^j, take their their third county-wide meeting; ^jj mv- —rill ; of the year. The program will be pweented b y principals and linehers. are requested j ketball games will be played In lunch and remain [it. The high school teams have been greatly handicapped in their Meets Today Tke Wilkesboro Parent-Teach- W AMOCiatlon meets this after noon at 3:15 o’clock. An excel lent program has been arranged. Play At Roaring River ’‘Her Honor^ the Mayor" Is the of a delightful comedy rhlek will be presented at Roar ing River high school auditorium Jatnrday evening at 7:30 o’clock. > proceeds will be used for the git of the school. I4>cal P.-T. A. To Meet by a playlet, the lb Wllkeeborp Parenb-Teach- i^ociaUon meeting for this (tb Be held In the school ■dKorfnm this agtemoon at A number of choirs and quar- [ early season practice by the lack tets are expected to participate, 'of indoor courts. W3kes County White Com Is Winner At Interaatioiial %ow Fammis Variety Developed By D. V. Nichols And His Sons Scores At Chicago Show; Same Variety Took B4ir Honors At State Fair This Year the standard County White as variety. Wilkes County White has had. a colorful and interesting ex istence. Developed out of no par- Belk’s Wilkes County White, a va riety of corn deyeloped by the late D. V. Nichols and his sons in the Purlear community, took high honors at the International, Grain and Hay Show at ChlMgo I ttcular variety Jby the Niehtds B»4k’8 for the sixth consecutive year, family, it is now recognized It was dlscloeed this week by I one of the flneet varieties in the Moore’s Market some of those who entered ex-,state. At the State Fair this year, Tomlinson’s It won eight out of ten first plac- Rexall St®re es and has won honors at several ' hlbiU in the world’s largest grain eriifbUion. Entries were made, by several monnm t — .r . .a _ l|T o’clock. Parents and patrons persons In the Puripar comdiun- r^ested to attend. ,lty who have adapted Wilkes shows. ence in which the decision was reached to close the schools un til after the holidays. ’The schools will re-open along with other schools of the county on January 2. Wilkesboro teachere who re side outside the county have al ready left for their respective homes. Be Seen In Action At This Afternoon teachers to return to schools are thus allowed. Leave To Purchaae New Dodge And Plymouth Cars and R. T. McNeill left yesterday for Detroit, Mich., where they will visit Dodge and Plymouth automobile factories. They will bring back two Dodge trucks, one Dodge automobile and one Plymouth automobile for the Wilkes Auto Sales, local Dodge and Plymouth dealers. Index To Today’s Advertisers First Section Advertiser Page J. T. Prevette's n - 5 Coca-Cola Bottling Co. 5 Vick’s —- » Carl A. Lowe 4 Wisteria Beanty Salon — 4 Reins-Stnrdlvant Burial Ass’n. 4 Lyon Hectrlc Co. —» 4 Radio Sales Co — 4 Bine Ridge Hatchery 8 Christmas Cards .HaMr dievrolet Co. Motor Service Oo. —^— Druggists’ Code ... Shop in North Wilkesboro Smlthey-Henderson Church Hardware Oo Mayflower Beanty Shoppe 6 Atlantic Greyhound Bus Unee 0 Vylley View Nursery ....^ * Ford • «fy Auto Plates —.— » Second Section Goodwill Store 1 R. M. Brame & Son X Hanes Unctorwear * Wilkes Electric Oo. 8 SUndard OU Oompany ... * jMIph Ihmcaa — • Southern Public Utilities Oo. _ 8 4 E. M. Blackburn & Sons Bine Ridge Studio — fairs in this sUte, South -Qaro-j Jfluklns Hardware Co. Una, and the international grain Yadkin Valley Motor. ft Ing that the Oarter-Hubbord PnMlshlng Oo. 8 ' The county basketball tourna ment which got under way last week is continued today with Roaring River at Traphlll, Mil lers Creek at Wilkesboro and Mount Pleasant at Mountain View. The games start at 2 o'clock. An Interesting observation of last Thursday’s results was that in every Instance the double bill was divided, with the boys team of one school winning after the girls team had gone down In de feat. The standing among the girls’ team was just the reverse of the standing for the boys. City Schools To Close Wednesday Superintendent Halfacre An nounces Holiday Period For Schools Here The city 'schools will close next Wednesday for the Christmas holidays and will re-open on Jan uary 3, it was learned this morn ing from Super>nenoent W. D. Halfacre. Teachers from out of the city are expected to leave Wednes day afternoon for their homes. their Pastors, Deacons Meeting Dec. 30th stone Mountain Group To Meet At Walnut Grove > On That Date Announcement was made yes terday that the pastors’ and dea cons’ meeting of the Stone Moun tain Association will be held on Saturday evening, December 30, at Walnut Grove Baptist church near New Life. The meeting will begin at 7 o’clock. Rev. H. A. Bullls and Rev. T. E. Blevins will lead the discus sions. Rev. Mr. Bullls will intro duce the discussion of the theme, "Do we as Baptists protect and execute justly the stewardship entrusted by God to us?” Rev. Mr. Blevins will lead the discus sion on the subject, “What sym bols protrayed In Solomon’s Tem ple represent the church of today and how sho'uld 'they best be exercised by the church?” Attend District Meet Of Chevrolet Dealers Marriage License Two couples were issued mar riage licenses by Register of Deeds T. H. Settle since the last Issue of The Jonmal-Patriot: Dexter Caudill, of North Wllkes- boro, and Pearl Wood, of Wilkes boro: Crom Wadklns and Elmo Bentley, both of North Wilkes boro.' Messrs. U. L, Hafer, J. H. Alexander and R. R. Church, of ,the Hafer Chevrolet company, lo- |cal Chevrolet dealers, attended a meeting of dealers and salesmen of district No. 2 of the Charlotte zone in Hickory Monday after noon. Information regarding the new 1984 Chevrolet truck which was announced Monday was furnish ed Chevrolet dealers men at the meeting. Wilkes Cou^ Poultry Takes Prizes At Big Charlotte Show Poultry Entered By Blue Ridge Hatchery Tafces Eight Fiat way in tte .. ^ M A J—A 4 /vP ilM d«1n1lT fffi tllA Ti Places In Southwn Poid^ Assodathm Show At Chariette; Wins 5 Secimd Places Wilkes county poultry won eight first prises for Barred Rocks and Leghorns in the an- nual poultry Show of the South ern Poultry Association at Char lotte this week. .John W. Nichola, manager of ftithe Blue Ridge Hatchery, recelv- 8 ed a telegram late yesterday stat- thirteen ' entries made by the local firm had taken elftht first' places and five „ ond places. The telegram was baskettmll ganid Thu from James Pennell who attend- Tuesday on aoooont of tits ed rite show as the representaUve mas holidays. AH gaaiM * of the hatchery. played two days, earikv. Bine Ridge Hatchery poultry .decided has estidiliBhed an enviable repna: tation and has scored In some of . the largest poultry shows in the third Monday in Uttt aonth. south. The honors won at the au rural lugq , ncuwia » CharlolhB show this week speak county were so&iw Moudxv enolBB. ' well for the hatchery. Messages Foani In Paper Todaf 1 Local Stores Adrertiae "‘1 oeBent Varidy Of Yi^. tidfrfiferchandiaft' GIFT OFFERINGS ' iak Stores AU Dressed Holiday Attira For Christmas with only eight 'mofe ping days after today Christmas, North Wilke merchants are presenting nlfieent array of merchand the holiday season. Stores of the dty are‘-alr dressed up in their holiday atUn with their attractive Yuletlfts stocks displayed in a most efl^ tlve manner. ^ A tour of the stores vthoaa aA^ rertisements appear in toiUj^*- issne of The Journal-Patriot nia- closes hundreds of att^ttva sad worthwhile r ment stores are showing many new Items in gift merchandiftfh tn addition to the regular stpeks. Other stores are offering ioAtlin- erable gift suggestions In their windows and on the dlaplsr counters. North Wilkeeboro, famed aa the “Christmas City," often R shopping center this year such will meet the approval of most careful buyer and from now until Saturday night before Christmas, thousands of people from Wilkes and. adjoining coun ties are expected to crowd tie city and take advantage of the many values which the stores have obtained for the 'lioHifay trade. Many of the Christmas gift suggestions were obtained by the managements of the local stbrw especially for the Christmas sea son and the most discriminating shopper will find ample variety of merchandise. The merchants whose advei^ tisements appear today remind the buying public that prices are as low here as to be found any where and they Invite an inspec tion of their stocks. Additional help assures prompt and courteous service to those who do their shopping in the city during the next eight days. OKve Speaks At School Glib Meet Urges Schoolmasters To Car ry Forward Their Prograat of Character Teaching Speaking from the subject, "Change the Desires of Those Whom You Teach,” Rev. Elugmp Olive, pastor of the PHrst Bapim church, advocated greater emphaifi upon diaracter education in arr ad dress to the WiUces County SchoqV- masters’ Club Monday evening. The local minister addressed^Ae schoolmasters following a ful dinner which was served home economics rooms of the Wil kes boro higfh school building. He was presented by E R- Spruffl, principal of Mountain View U|A school, who is club program chair man. Introducing his excellent address with a brief diesussion of songs. Rev. Mr. Olive said a recent survey- had revealed that the most populw songs in recent days have.^hMBl “Blue Heaven.” “Among My’Soh- ^ and “Singing In. The Rain.” ’The popularity of songs expresshig and s^to- ***® sentiments that these do is evi dence that the yonth Ame^ ip not steeled against the finer ni&gs of life so much as it mayfa9*''t9 appear at timea the speaker stat ed. Rev. Mr. Olive urged the sdm^- masters to help hfthe program of character education and to lead the desires of the chfld Hi channel The dub votaij to 4pte of next 1 ■sieek’p The next meeting of the school- wnTb^bdd on January 15, AU rural higb schooln, leet^ Monday «Tiiiin|9^

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