^ V■«-^^^l&3l Wfii - Wmi To tVOL. XXVni, NO. • PabHsbed Mmidays and Hinradays NORTH WILKB8BOBO, N. C., THUK8PAY, DEC 21, !. 11.00 IN THE STATE—11^ OUT Of THE 8TA1 Schell Issues Statement About pSanitary Privies MARRIED 64 YEARS ^Supervisor of Sanitary Proj ect Calls Attention To Law^ Requiienents Knives bhx biaterials Sdiosds Especially Are Urged i To Secure Materials For Sanitary Privies ^S. P. Mitchell, who was^ re- •ently appointed supervisor ol ' sanitary itrojects under the civil Yorks administration, issued statement yesterday In which he called attention to the law re- ( I carding the construction of san-' Itary privies. Mr. Mitchell lists the bill of j materials necessary for the privy and particularly urges the schools to secure the materials, thus taking advan^ge of the CWA labor which Is offered free. The supervisor’s statement allows: "ff,. "Mrs. Foster, the county direc- tor of the CWA has had approved project for construction of San- lH^f^ry Privies in Wilkes county r whereever these privies are need- Jbd In meeting the requirements of the sanitary laws of the state as under the direction of the State Board of Health. T’nder | these laws It is required that any j residence within 300 yards of i another residence, erect and | maintain a sanitary privy or sep tic tank approved by the State I Board of Health. This of course i does, not apply or effect resldenc- es "Where sewerage systems are i provided by towns, but It does apply to those residences In a town that Is not provided with a - aewerage system. “.Under the CW.\ program the property owner benefits In sev- ' eral ways. Firsf he secures tree labor In the construction of a jfiikes Poultry ^ Is Winner Over Excellent IKrds iChrirtmasWSI Be Observed In W. C. Meaiows, Pioneer Baj^t Minister, IHei James Pennell Says Qiaiiotte Show Furnished UnuraaOy V Strong Competitiott Approitfiafe'^ Pro^jSms Ar ranged Firir Churches of Williesbotos M-jy Aimikes 8 FIRST PLACES WON PROGRAMS BE SUNDAY i The Southern Poultry Associ ation show at Charlotte last week ' was featured by the strongest ' competition he had ever Men, I Mr. James Pennell, who entered poultry in the show for the Blue , Ridge Hatchery, stated upon his ] return here Saturday. Approximately 2,000 birds, the best in the South, were entered, i Mr. Pennell said. I Mr. Pennell was accompanied to the poultry show by Mrs. Pen- Chr^tmas Tree At First Bap tist Tonight; One At St. Paul’s ^turday V Christmas will he appropriate ly observed by the congregations of local churches. The observance starts tonight with a Christmas Gee at the First Baptist church and will continue through Sun day evening, with most Of the Christmas programs on Sunday. Following are the announce ments of the special Christmas nell and their daughter, Mary, j services for churches in the Wll- The Blue Ridge Hatchery’s y.3 | kesboros: entries won the following hon- Leg- I ors for Barred Rocks and • horns; Two firsts for cocks; two sec- ' ends for cocks; three flrqts on old pens; two firsts on youag pens; first and second hen; two seconds on cockerels. MR. AND MRS. JAMES A. FORESTER. Liberty Theatre Opens Saturday (Cut is used by courtesy of Charlotte Observir)- FORESTERS CELEBRATE THEIR 64TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Western Electric Equipment InstaDed; Goqd Picture To Be Seen ! After Installing Western Elec tric sound equipment, celotexlng j the walls and decorating the lob- At First Baptist Two special celebrations of the Christmas season will take place at the First Baptist church. On Thursday night at seven o’clock there will be a -program given by the elementary departments of the Sunday school. The church will be decorated with Christmas tree and accessories, and it Is re ported that Santa Claus is ex pected to make his appearance. All boys and girls from the Cra dle Roll through the Junior de- Sound partment will be given a treat by the Sunday school. On Sunday night at seven- thirty o’clock the church choir will render a program ol Christ mas music, consisting of an thems, quartets and solos. The by, Mr. M. L. Curry, the new (By G. M. \. Barker In Charlotte .Mr. and Mrs. Forester have seen manager, will reopen the Liberty Ob.sei"ver) many modernisms flit by. but ^ Theatre Saturday, December 23, Mr. and Mrs. James A. For- none took them oft their feet. ^ with “The Thundering Herd ester of Wllkesboro on Friday on the philoso-1 ‘I*® famous novel by Zane celebrated their 64th wedding jg ^^yg j„ {unda-' anniversary. Mr. Forester was p^gnt^ig than in frills; that In | "r**® sound will be the t^ry born in Wilkes county July 16, life’s lasting ladder the topmost | needed privy. The property owner 1847, and Mrs. Forester October round is nearest the ground. | P«*>nc Is cordially • s ni2S. 1S50, They were married De- go^g'th7 nTtional domestic | “...".".m b,„e.. .o„,d bo w.„ .o*'"■ ..a lomoer lo DO 0.00 1 J ‘ „„„a, to Mr., j “boorvo tb. mon, Imtro.ooi.iiB ^ 1 , rs I"" '»-■ WrL.0, ...a .o.r» 1,00 „ m me pnv>. oecuuu ue ^ere born, three of w-nom nave i^orester and learn how to fry; . [Christmas at st. Faurs ropiscopa. of sMur ng a P*’yy p*® . passed from secular to seraphic (.[jigjjen, make souce-meat and i The-person who guesses closesthistoric edifice of wor- requlrements of the law gjtj^euship. The others are: Mrs. in the ’ t® number of nickels in the wilkesboro. The program special program will consume the full period ol worship at the eve ning hour, including the singing of some Christmas carols by the congregation. At the morning service there will be special Christmas music and a sermon by the pastor on the theme: Sweetest Story Ever Told.’’ At St. Paul’s A Christmas tree and exercises will mark the observance of Christmas at St. Paul’s Episcopal requirements of the 1®^ g^i^gughip. The others are: Mrs. And some in the ’ t® the number of nickels m the thereafter has only to maintain Princeton. Ky.; Mr. „^tig^al agrl.ulture department window of the Brame Drug com- it. Second every resident In t^e Forester. Washington. do well to drop down to P®®y be given a pass to see community benef. s n that alF ^ -The Thundering Herd’ Satur- prlvles are made fly tight and ^ -day. thus preventing the (Warren W- Finney, 60, Emporia, Kansas banker, who was sentenced Funeral Is Hdtf At Wain* Grove Baptist Chnrdt;- Hondr^ Attend WAS ILL FOB TKNaDAra 51 Pores Knob lllbui Was Bi M» istry 63 Years; Invnted Meadows Mill ■■■- ' .f Ber. W. C. Meadows, of Poew Knob, pioneer Baptist minister and one of the best known citi zens of the county, was claimed; by death at the Wilkes Hospitid’ Monday evening at 6:15 o’clock. He had been a -patient at the bo»> pltal for 10 days. Although not in the best of health for several months, well known minister was a fre quent visitor In the city and had attended the most important nansas oaiiaer, wno wa» ^ 36 to 600 years’ imprisonment for sious of his church s assodstJona- embezzlement. He was convictied on 12 counts, the embezzlement totaling 163,000. Auto Owners Are Asked To Secure Cards For Tags Patrolman Moore Says State License Cannot Be Obtain ed Without Card SHOULD WRITE RALEIGH “rat proof risk of spreading contagious di ll goes without saying that (Continued on page tour) (Continued on page four) NEWS BITS "Food Sale Friday - , „ , The Young People’s Division of Outside Team Composed of; 400 Dodge Dealer l^e-View the North Wllkesboro Methodist I Ex-Service Men and Army j New Models At Meeting church will sponsor a Food Sale' Men Issues Challenge At Sedgefield at Spalnhour-Sydnor’s Store on; rifle tram of Com- T. S. Kenerly, F. D. Forester. Friday afternoon. December 22. j tluard | R. I. Moore and Henry Moore Company A Rifle Local Men Go To Team Challenged! Dealers Meetii^ Work Started At Ferguson School Unemidoyed Put To Work Yesterday; Hope To Fin ish In February With the project for rebuilding of Ferguson school building ap proved. the civil works admlnls I pany .v , locai .Naujimi uuaiuiiv. x. ic * *>, #i * h vpnt .Stor.'s Open Nights | has been challenged ’.o ® j attended a regional Dodge dealers P" ° Stores of the city are remain-! shooting match by an outside meeting at Sed.getield n e a r i Ing open at nights this week ln!tpam, it was learned yesterday ■•Qppg„si,o..o Monday as represen- order to accommodate t he ^ Captain R R. Reins. i Christmas shoppers. Trade at The challenging team will be .1 TN.#.. A n 4 T>l vrm /xil 1" n uorisimas houc cnauenging team wm ue , ^ ^ ^ evening has been very satisfac-1 ^(„np„se(j ex-soldiers, army 6f-:I®® - '®®®' Dodge and Plymouth tory, local merchants report. | fleers or others who may qualify i dealers. for the competition, it was stated. . .r,. V .vif lor me cumpex.x.-.i. .X Approximately 400 Dodge au- PUy Given Ixast .Nigiit ^ Caotain Reins said the chal-j tomobile dealers and salesmen An excellent three-act comedy, j jjad been accepted but no from Virginia, Tennessee, North “The Right Answer, ” was given | and South Carolina attended. The at Mountain View high school] The challenging team will , meeting was held under the sup- laat night for the benefit of the j p^phably be composed of Captain , envision of W. M. Purves, asslst- ecbool. Individual eharacteriza-1 (.Q^mandant of the James ant sales manager of the Dodge tions were splendid and the au-1 ^ p Purlear, Lieuten- Brothers corporation, Detroit, dlence accorded the performance Wolff, Newton Bumgarner. Mich. a cordial reception. |t a. Finley, Mr. Hill and ilr. | The gathering was one of 22 of men on the job yesterday. The building will be of brick veneer construction and will have seven large rooms and an audi torium. It Is hoped to complete the ship. In Wllkesboro. The program will be given at 2 p. m. Saturday No service will be held Sunday. Automobile owners who have not received their new registra tion card should write to the Mo tor Vehicle Department at Ra leigh Immediately and secure the 'The *card In time to purcdiase their T934 plates before January 1, 'Patrolman -S. D. Moore, who Is located here, stated yesterday. Automobile licenses cannot be secured without this card or the title, Patrolman Moore pointed out. Patrolman Moore issued the following statement: “Inquiring Into the reason for the failure of a number of auto mobile owners to purchase their new license plates, I find that there are a num-ber of motorists At Methodist Church A Christmas pageant will be presented at the Methodist uumuci ox xxxovo.xoxo church Sunday afternoon by the ^ failed to get their new regls- _ A s tratlon cards because of changes of address and other reasons. Young People’s Division, A. S. Cassel, Sunday school superin tendent, announced yesterday. There will be a treat for the chil dren of the Sunday school. The program will be given at 5 o’clock. this year. William Calloway Meadows bom in Alexander county and would have been 89 years of had he lived until February 11 of next year. Mr. Meadows’ lon^ and usefid career included service in the Con federate army, ,63 years in the ministry and adventures in the field of invention, one of his me- jor achievements in the latter be ing the invention of the worM famous Meadows Mill. Joining the Confederate foreee at the age of 17 yemre, Mr. Mi^ dows served under General' IM- with honor and distlnetion- Ibi- was wounded in atjAi eegagemcilfr near Richmond and-was later tured and held prisoner of war at Hart’s Island. New Toric, dur ing the last three months of thfS War Between the States. After the war, Mr. Meadows secured the pza^itjr on vriiidli the Meadows farht -is located and lived there throughout his life. When only 11 years old, Mr. Meadows united with the Baptist church in his home community in Alexander county. He mas or dained as a minister of the gos pel at the age of 25 and continued active in the ministry until about ten years ago. During hia 53 :or more years as an active minister, Rev. Mr. Meadows served a num ber of churches as pastor and was instrumental in founding a num- -ber of churches and through hia efforts helped many churches to “All who have not received j these cards should write imme-’i (Continued on page five) At Presbyterian A Christmas pageant will he given by the Sunday school chil dren at the North Wllkesboro Presbyterian church Sunday aft- subject to a fine of not ernoon-at 5 o’clock. This will fea-r diately'“r the ToTor Vehicle” D^- j CHEVROLET DEALER partment, giving name, present | RETURNS FROM DETROIT address, make of car, motor num- b,th local ber and requesting that the card I ^ are decidedly on the be forwarded at once. ^ l. Haf- “This is a final warning tba^^^ Chevrolet Co., lo- people caught operating their dealers, who has just cars after sunrise on January 1 ... Christ- ture the observance of mas at the church. 1 Dr. R. S. Moore, of Providence, j less than $10.00." building by the latter February. part of IR. I., who will deliver the ser- Lions Meeting To Be Held Tonight -1 „ . J I Blake. AU members of the team regional meetings being held for -A J are reported to be excellent shots the two-fold purpose of pre-vlew- M The StatesVtlle Record, pu - expected to give the ing the company’s 1934 models ^Hbbed by J. V. Jennings and Ben plenty of competition, and of reviewing the new sea- L. Bronce. has been sold to John ^ „>,,iionFP l« e.xnected to son’s sales program. Five of the McCarthy, of Washington. D. C. Both Mr. Jennings and Mr. Sronce. the latter a former news paperman here, are continuing their connection with the paper under the new management. Let 5 Miles Of Road • Tlve miles of the Millers Creek- Jefferson road will be let in the near future, according to an ar ticle In the Skyland Post, pub lished at West Jefferson. The Weet Jefferson papoc *>®8®1 statement upon information fur nished Judge T. C. Bowie by Chairman B. B. Jeffress of the state highway commission. ’ ’Tobacco Fanners Meet Tobacco farmers of Wilkes will meet at the following places this week to study contracU offered b% the government for acreage reduction: Dennyvllle school- . boOM tonight at 7 o’clock: Cedar ?.HiU schoolhonse tomorrow eve ning at 7 o’clock; Maple Springs Mhoolbouse in Edwards town- ahlp Saturday afternoon.; at 2 o’Moek hnd at LltUe Mountain li^hoolhoaBe Satnrday evening at ’ 'i o’clock. AH tobacco farmers era requested to attend one ot ; theee meetings. The challenge Is expected to son’s sales program. Five of the result in spirited practice ses- new 1934 Dodge cars, which were sions for both teams, neither of'Shipped here by express, were on which will want to lose to the' display In the ball-room of the other. j manor. The showing Included varying Dollar Shows Jump I London, Dec. 18—After cheap ening to $5.16 to the pound on announcement of the United States’ increase 'n the price of gold, the dollar rallied appreci ably In a quiet market today and ended after the official exchange close at 5.10 1-8 to the pound. : color specimens ol the line, which will be offered In two wheelbas es. The bodies of the two series are entirely different in charac ter. Both chasses are equipped with six-cylinder floating power motors. BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS. Office of Civil Works Is Moved To Old Bank of Wilkes Building ’The office of the Civil Works Administration was moved Tues day and yesterday from the coun ty courthouse to the old Bank of Wilkes building. The bulldliig was prepared for occupancy by the county commissioners. Use of the building for Civil Works headquarters was donated by the owner, County Account ant C. H, Ferguson. The office of County Welfare Officer Charles McNeill, which the Civil Works Administration has been using. Is now being renovated and he will have the entire office for his use after the Christmas holidays. The Civil Works Administra tion office force at the present time Is composed of Mrs. O. O. Poster, administrator; Miss Ber tie Rose, disbursing officer; Mrs. J. H. Alexander, clerk; Mrs. James O’Daniel, bookkeeper; and Miss Ines Absher, federal emer gency relief clerk. Program of Final Meeting of Year To Be In Oiarge of Mr. Frank P. Eller Frank P. Eller will be in charge of the final 1933 meet ing of the North Wllkesboro Lions Club this evening at Hotel Wilkes. The meeting starts at 7:30 o’clock. Gifts will be exchanged and a mon at the Sunday morning serv ice. Is expected to use Christmas I as the subject of his message. | Yuletide jProgram Given At School returned from Detroit, where he and other dealers from this section “pre-viewed” the new 1934 Chev rolet, soon to be announced- Mr. Hafer spent an entire day at the General Motors Proving Ground. There W. E. Holler, gen eral sales manager of Chevrolet, presented the new line of cars, Club Sings series of planned. Christmas talks Is Vets Asked To Apply For Jobs “ In Near Future January 15 Is Ir’lnal Date To Ac cept V4erans For Conser vation Work At Wllkesboro Methodist Church A special sermon on the sub-. lect "To Whom Does the World j The Christmas program given Belong”’ by the pastor. Rev.: at the city high school audltor- Seymour Taylor, and Christmas j turn Tuesday evening was Im- songs and music under the direc tion of Mrs. R. E. Prevette, will feature the observance of Christ mas at Wllkesboro Methodist church. 'The special Christmas service will be held at 11 o’clock Sunday morning. The Christmas theme will also be emphasized at the Sunday evening service. Impressive Pageant Presented I ®"tl'."®^ P’®"® By Grade ChUdren; Glee i ?®ve every deal- Unemployed veterans who seek jobs in the Civilian Conservation Corps should apply at ®a®®- Charies McNeill, county welfare officer, stated yesterday. January 16 Is the last Aate on whldh applicants will be accept ed. Mr. McNeill aald he did not know how many veterans could be accepted, hut requested that applications be made at once. Application blanks may be ob tained at Mr. McNeill’s office In the county courthouse. Attorney B. T. Henderson, of this city, was a professional bus iness visitor to Galax and Ind»* pendenee, Va. yesterday. At Wilkesboro Baptist A Christmas pageant, followed by a treat for the children of the Sunday school, will be given at Wilkesboro Baptist church Sun day evening at 7 o’clock. The pub lic is cordially invited to attend. pressive in every detail. More than 50 members of the high school glee club rendered several numbers very effectively under the direction of Miss Tim Crawford. A Christmas pageant, man directed the performance. Despite the inclement weather, a large audience witnessed the Christmas program. Stockholders Of Wilkesboro B. & L. Meet Friday telling the story of the first Christmas, was given by about 75 grade children. Misses Ruby — , x.-‘ • xi. • ' Blackburn and Kathryn Trout- wou d revolutaomze the experience ftf riding ann rtnvintr. er present an opportunity not only to inspect each model but also to put it through its paces on the rugged hills, rough roads, and 4 1-2 mile speed track which the Proving Ground provides. “iWith cars like those new Chev- rolets to sell, I’m enthusiastie about business prosp'"ts for next year,’’ said Mr. Hafer. “I went up there expecting a lot, for of courte General Motors’ ‘knee-action’ front wheels had already been announc ed, with the promise that they ASHE YOUTH LOSES FINGER^AND THUMB Joe Yearick, 10-year-old son of Annual Meeting Will Be Held S. H. Yearick, of Sturgills, Ashej Tomorrow Evening At The coun^, lost the thumb and fore-1 Goonty Courthouse finder of his right hand Saturday | of riding and driving. "I found this literally true. llMy told us to ‘give her the works,’ to put the car, at 50 and 60. over bumps and ruts we’d ordinarily take in second gear—or better yet, , avoid altogether.' The abaencfr^df j jolts, jars or shocks Is simply yond description; it must be perienced to be believed. Yet ‘knee- action’ is only one of a dozen ms* jor features embodied in .the near Chevrolet.” ■a'*' • when his hand was caught in com mill. The Ashe boy was brought to the Wilkes Hospital for treatment and is getting along nicely. ^ The annual meeting of the u Stockholders of the Wllkesboro Correct Labels Sought New York, Dec. 18.—Pressing his campaign against sabterfnge In the selUng of whisky, Dr. Shir ley Wynne, city health commis sioner, declared today he would seek a lew to make tallare to apedtleal^ label UahoF punish able aa a misdemeanor. Building and Loan Association wlU be held tomorrow evening at 7:80 o’clock, it was announced Tuesday by Wm. A. Strond, sec retary-treasurer. It/ls rellaWy reported that the association had an exceUent year. AH stockholders are asked to be repreranted at the meeting. Mr. George Reeves, ot All»- ghany connty, waa a bttoWa visitor In the city Tuesday. if a %■ Pensioa Checks For Ctmfederate Vets Here The semi-annual pennon for Cmifederate Tetrimna and widows have arrived and are readf for dlstribation» .Cleric of Coptfc W. A. Strond tmammi ymOOP- day. . North Wllkeaboro dly sehqsja City Sch closed, yesterday aftsrndoAP. ? the Christmaa hoUtiya. h School bells will ring ag^ on i the morning 8.

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