Regular Dividendl[ Steel Finance Chainnan D^ared Friday By B.&L Group iM^Okesboro Assntiation En- « If ■ joys A Successful Year, Report Indicates ^OFFICERS RE-ELECTED Shareholders Pleased With | Work Done By Board Of Directors Last Year i WOfiMi J. nibert, Nm York, win beeomo ClwtraM it tli« Pioance Committee of Ute XT. 8. Steel Corp., on Janmry 1, wicceeding Myron C. Taylor who eontinoea as ekief execu- tiee and ckeirman of Uie Board of Direeton. ^ After hearing tlie excellent report of Secretary - Treasurer Wm. A. Stroud, directors of the Wilkesboro Building and Loan Association declared the regular dividends at fieir meeting 'n the courthouse Friday evening. Checks to stockholders were i>ut, In the marts Saturday. The dividend was declared at the meeting of the direotors im mediately following their re- election for another year. The j dividend is .'i per cent on paid j up stock and fi per cent on in stallment stock. Shareholders of the Wilkes | . • cc- c • boro association at their annual j Two Have Died Since Semi- aession heard .Mr. Stroud report 1 Annual Payments Were that the year had been a very i Made Last June SeventeenWearers , Of Grey Living To I Get Vets Pensions successful one in every re.spect. i ^ ppirp rHFrK«i Collections, while slower than in I o2 WIDOWS LL1 (.nhOKb some yeais, were good. Mr. seventeen of the hundreds' Stroud reported. , * , The stockholders elected the ' of Wilkes men who wore the grey; following hoard of directors: J. of the Confederacy arc living to H. Johnson. T. E. Story. Wm. A. receive their semi-annual pension Stroud, J. T. Prevette, W. C. | according to information Pearson. J. W. ^ula W. E. ^ Clerk of Court Wm. Smithev, R. B. Pharr. W. E. Lm- . ^ ^ . ley. H. A. Cranor. J. R. Rous- A. Stroud. Two v-h-rans have seau and B. J. Kennedy. answered the final roll call since, At the dire«tDrs’ meeting the last semi-annual payment in which followed, the following of- June and their families will receive fleers were re-elected: J. H. their checks- Johnson, president: T. E. Story, i Only one colored man, Jeff For-1 Tice president, ami Wm. A. ’ ester, w'ho was a bodyguard of Stroud, secretary-treasurer. J. W. Dula, W. E. Smithey, J. T. Preveite, W. C. Pearson and J. H. Johnson were appointed as members of the loan committee. Liberty Reopens With New Sound Management Announces Ex cellent Program For This Week; Sound Good The reopening of the Liberty Theatre Saturday under the ne\v management was accorded a gener ous reception, large crowds wit- Lieut nant S. J. Fore.ster, is on the list. He received a check for $100. Fifty-two widows of Confederate vrterg :s are on the pension Twenty-three of these are Class A, j while the remaining 29 are in , Class B. The living veterans receive' $182.50 each, the Class A widows j $150 each and the Class B widows | $50 each. Pension cheeks for all clases total $8,43T 50, distributed as fol lows: Veterans, $3,467.50; Class A widows, $3.4.50; Class B widows, OUR YULETIDE GREETINGS TO ALL There are some things about which nothing more can be said, but which when repeated arouse the inter est they awakened when first spoken. If the song were true when it started on its journey, it will be sung as long as human hearts vibrate and tongues retain the gift of speech. x . i Christmas is like that. Santa Claus, the most real and human being in all the world, will ride with fleet reindeer, hurry down sooty chimneys and fill empty stockings as long as children are bom unto man And manhood and womanhood with less conception of the physical reality of the \dsitor at Yuletide will cherish the spirit of peace on earth and good will toward man as long as Christianity survives. _ Today as we observe the 1933rd anniversary of the birth of the Prince of Peace, God’s magnanimous gift to man is realized in all its fullness. Sent into the world by supernatural conception, the Prince of Peace abides with us as the eternal intermediary between the finite and infinite. Nineteen hundred and thirty-three years ago a positive hope filled a void in the hearte m those who understood the significance of the Star in the East and the Child in a Manger; today, the Pnnee of Peace is still our advocate before the Throne. The petty things of life recede; hope spring anew. Life’s cares and sorrows sink into oblivion; joy and o'ood cheer refresh our souls. We erase the seliisn wilting of our daily life and pen instead a message of good cheer. ^ . The Journal-Patriot joins in the season s greetings. We wish for all who read these lines the Merriest Christmas and trust that the fullest blessing from this annivei'sary of the birth of the Prince of Peace may be received. CWAEi^eej’U ' Here To Inspect Number Of Sito I I Robert M. Dunn Confers Wifli I City, Authorities About Several Details SIX SITES INSPECTED Municipal Golf Course Is Al so Possibility; Use Qvfl Works Rmds 4 '-g This young lady is going skiing in the newest green and brown knii ski cestume. Even the mittens are green and brown. The hat is brown. Carlisle Higgins I$NamedToU.S. Attorney Office Sparta Man Gets Recommen dation Of Senator Bailey; Carr For East CAPITAL NOT SURPRISED NewOrpheumHas|N^/*-*^ To Be Splendid Program i Issued Thursday $1,450 .and the colored bodyguard, | $100. ; The 17 living veterans are: J. j J. Bentley, M. C. Campbell, Iredell! The Thursday lssu?i of The Journal-Patriot will be omitted 1 T 1 Affarai Utls week In order to give the Popular L^ Theatre Wfers ^ ^^n-eamed Christmas Exceflent Christmas Week Attractions The New Orpheum, popular local OU8 reception, larj^e Ciuwua \o. A>ciM,ivrv, ivi. v,/. —... auc aiiw r . . J. -nessinz both the afternoon and eve- i Carter. T M- Crouch, Lowery Dula,: movie house, offers an outstanding , . T 'T’ T? V To-rvic. J- TT. I ning shows. , J- T. Edwards, R. F. Jarvis. J. H. Western Electric equipment was’Jones, T. C. Minton, John H-i „i8telled while the theatre was Sheets, Presley Shepherd, Jacob; closed last week and those who vis-' Shew, W. P. Shew, Harvey S. Ited the theatre Saturday were en-; Vannoy, T. B. Walsh, Ralph C. thusiastic about the new sound ef-; Holbrook and Richard G- Phillips. I The December pension checks “I want every former patron of; are being distributed as fast as the theatre to visit the theatre and' they are called for at the clerk’s note the improvement In the office. .sound,” Mr. M. L- Curry, the new manager, steted Saturday. “I am I Iaca Synced that our newly installed^ OtDUUlb ^1U»C •(juipment and our pictures for the j next several weeks will meet the | approval of the public.” Mr. Curry announced the follow- jjoiijays Began Thursday For Christmas ign progn’am for Christinas week: Monday and Tuesday, “Take a Chance,” featuring James Dunn and Buddy Rogers. Wednesday. “Murder at Mid night,” with Aileen Pringle and Alice White. ^^lursday and Friday, Sing, Sinner Sing,” with Paul Lukas and Leila Hyams. Saturday, “Rawhide Romance. Afternoon and CAintinue Until January 2nd An RockefeHers Wffl Be Home, First Time 15 Years ‘Tanytown. N. Y.. Dec. 20.—^For '. the first time in 15 years all the Bodefeller family will be at Po- sols for Christinas. jf tte fllneas of JAn D. Rockefel- Jfo, Sr, kept the ofl nnJti-mlllion- ‘ sire from going to his winter horn* .fai Floiids Mid Us son, grandcUl- l^anen and gwat-grandcUldren are ^ at the family eataSs- Christmas holidays for schools of the county began Thursday aft ernoon and will continue through xivi.. January 2. The reopening date j by Sinclair Lewis, will be shown Vipa Kppn Rpt for January 2. ! fr-rlHov nn/I ^ptYirHAir. Iranfi prograin for Chnstmas week. During the next six days, such stars as Warner Baxter, Helen Vinson, Eddie Cantor, Jack Holt, Irene Dunne, Walter Huston, Ce cilia Parker, Ginger Rogers and Norman Foster will be brought to the theatre in some of their out standing pictures. Christmas Day, “As Husbands Go” will be the picture shown. Warner Baxter and Helen Vinson play opposite each other in an ultra-modem drama of life. And Tuesday, the inimitable Eddie Canter brings the movie going public his roaring comedy, ‘iWhoopee.” Jack Holt and Fay Wray will be seen in “Master of Men” on Wednesday which is family day, “Ann Vickers,” from the novel has been set for January 2. I Friday and Saturday. The North Wilkesboro schools.! Dunne and WalWr Huston which closed Wednesday, will not starred, reopen until Wednesday, January 3rd. are MURRAY TO PREACH AT MT. PISGAH CHURCH Rev. L. B. Murray wffl preadi at the Mt. Pisgah Baptist church, located near Dockeiy, on the fith Sunday in December, at 11 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. Attorney J. M. Brown, of this eMy, was a professional haaliMas visitor to SUtesvffle Tuesday. A double bill , offering pictures, “Rainbow Ranch” “Rafter Romance,” will be nished Saturday. Re!x Bell Cecilia Parker play in “Rainbow Ranch” and Ginger Rogers and Norman Foster are featured in sr Romance.” two and fur- and Mr. C. M. Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Myers and son, B. V.,' Jt, Mni. A. B. Brown and Mr. Bnrlie witii Mr. Clark’f .. parents. Myers, of Union Grove, wisk« in the Iff. and Mrs. J. D. Clark, of 6n^ force a well-earnei Christmas vacation. Today’s Issue is is sued earlier than usual in or der that the force may observe Christmas Day. The force will return to work Friday and the regular i.ssue, carrying all the usual news features, will appear on next Monday, January 1. Fon Combs Shot In Right Knee Washington, Dec. 22.—Sena tor Bailey today made a number of recommendations for appoint ments in the middle and eastern judicial district. Carlisle Higgins. Sparta, has the support of the senator for I district attorney In the middle I district, while Bryce Holt, of I Greensboro, and Robert Mc Neill, of Mocksvllle, were recom mended for appointment as as sistants. It had been assumed that three assistants would be named for service In the middle district, but one assistant was dropped in the Interest of economy. For district attorney In thejflculty will arise. A municipal airport for Nortb Wilkesboro, built out of Civil Works Administration funds. Is a strong possibility. It is iSSrsed from a reliable source. Robert M. Dunn, of Ashertrtlle, eWA engineer in charge of aero nautics in Western North Caro lina, was here Friday and Sat urday to inspect possible sites and to confer with city authori ties about necessary details. Those behind the movement informed a Journal-Patriot rep resentative that their plans in clude the construction of a mu nicipal golf course in connection with the airport. Mrs. 0. G. Fos- } ter, civil works administrator for ' Wilkes county, has-indicated her willingness to furnish CWA la bor for the golf course project. The engineer looked ov6r sev eral possible sites for the airport and found two particularly de sirable on the Millers Creek high way, it was stated. Either of the sites is as close in as desired and are ideal for a golf course and municipal club house. The latter cannot be erected at this time. It is said. Following a conference be tween Mr. Dunn and the city au thorities, it was reliably reported that prospects are bright for se curing the airport. The number of men w-hich would be employ ed in building the airport would not affect the regular CWA quota, for Wilkes county and the em ployment thus provided could not be given on any other type of project. The only possible hitch which eponsors of the movement can see at this time jS the failure ta secure a five-year lease upon de sirable property. It is not con sidered like'v that any such dlf- however. Charlie Sparks In Jail On Charge Of Shooting Him; Combs Recovering DAN CUPID IS GEimiGBUSY Pre-Christnias Marriage Li censes Reached Peak We^esday Dan Cupid is getting busy and the marriage licenses business gives promise of reaching large proportions. The pre-Christmas sale of mar riage permits reached its peak Wednesday when six couples ap plied at the office of Register of Deeds T. H. SetCe. The following conples were granted licenses: Frank Woods, of Deep Gap, and Inez Greene, of Stony Fork; Wes ley Marlow, of Gilreath, and Delsy Baity, of Spurgeon; Hugh Poteat and Louvella Reid, both of Union Grove; Luther Hargrave, of Mur ray, Ky., and Inez Garner, ef Chattanooga, Tenn.; Lee Woods and Hattie Drum, Iwth of Ronda. Mr. and Mrs. W A. F. (Fon) Combs Is in the Wilkes Hospital with a serious wound in the knee and Charlie Sparks is In the county jail as the result of a shooting scrape which took place In the section between Cycle and Union Grove late Thursday afternoon. According to the best Infor mation that could be obtained, Sparks had a long-standing grudge against Combs and went to the Combs residence Thursday afternoon and without Htny pro vocation shot Combs in the knee of the right leg. After shooting Combs, Sparks Is said to have stood guard with his gun and refused to permit Mrs. Combs or anyone else give .first aid. A crowd gathered and a neighbor succeeded In taking the gun away from Sparks. Combs was rushed to the hos pital and Is getting along nicely. It was learned Saturday. The full load of the shotgun entered bis right knee. Sparks was placed" under ar rest and brought to jail at Wll- kesboro. east, J. O. Carr, Wilmington, has i No one Interested In the propo- been formally indorsed. Assist-1 sltlon would venture a guess w ants will be D. M. Strlngfleld, of } to the number of unemployed who will be given work if the project goes through. HOWever, it is known that as many as |i00 ' men are at work on similar pro jects at other places. The project has the unanimous support of people of the dty who have learned of the details Fayetteville, and John Hall Man ning, of Raleigh. i Before making the recommen-1 datlons, Senator Bailey gave the | matter painstaking consideration, j realizing as he does that the du- j ties of all those holding judicial | positions will Increase in import-1 _ ance with the passage of time.and It Is known that city author- and as new questions will he sub-itles look with favor upon the H. Clarit BQd son, Hnbert, are spending the hol^ MSJWUp W* ““ w—» aty shopping a few. honn Friday, vfflt, S. 0.',. ' ■ ■■■ . . - ■ ■■ ® S , _ ■ Rates Not Hi^er Raleigh, Dec. 20.—Fire insur ance rates have not been increased in North Carolina, Insurance Com- ntissioner Dan C. Boney said to day in response to questions rela- to recently received letters complaining of these ratia. mitted for adjudication in con nection with the broadened ac tivities of government. These recommendations com plete the line-up of major politi cal appointments in these two districts. W. T. Dowd of Sanford already has been put forward for mar shal in the Middle district and Ford Worthy of Washington for the same post In the Eastern dis trict. plans which have been advaared. AUTO OWNERS URGED TO BUY CITY PLATES Mr. '‘M % W. P. Kelly, city., dork, urges all automobile owaorS'Vttf the city to call at the maybr’s office during the next few days for their city license plates. Appointments Occasion UtUe Surprise At State Capital Raleigh, Dec. 22.—Little sur prise was occasioned in political circles here by Senator Bailey's announcement he had recom mended appointment of J. O. Carr and Carlisle Higgins. Carr held the'^ same position during the first term of the Wil son administration. He bad been mentioned as a poMlhle candi date for the post of Democratic national commtttednan from the sUte following'the rsalgaation ‘of former Governor Gardner. Higgins has been eonaldered tor ^ lejUMt" as the likely choice for the middle district. He is present solicitor of the state’s lltfc JUdl- The law requires all 1934 tags_»,.'i' to be on the cars used oif''‘the*-' streets of the city by JannaiT 1st. Prompt action on the part of car owners of North W'llkes- boro will be greatly apprecii^^ by Mr. Kelly. ^.r’ clal district. ^ Recommendations of aart^titut attorneys, also were ezpeMsd here. Senator Bailey named., the middle district attortiey thic^iA a patronage agreement wlttrOMr ator I Reynolds, who is to appoint the marshal there. It was generally heliaved .iMii that J^n P. Stedman, fonder state treasurer and 4iead of the federal regional agrtcaltmnsl credit corporation , here, noiR be ing liquidated, would be made commissioner of thel TeteraM* loan fund tor the .state, an otOce how held by Mannlitg. a