M ;;U 115 16^ 17 21 _24 23 ‘24' ^Vb* dr«Qtt tr tlirouKh bW. s'g to Bko on' W a«i- if ;»w c onJsiSMtlllgtlt 9^11 If" ii-ititr" ,. ,, ,-^-ir_api hem ift #tnt koine [uttle to id otor the ; up an occaatoMl H It Bdt I)« Jb iKrwCofi of‘the ’i ,. .Jj-- ’ftilKObmmtssion («iii3!o (rt>^ 'K^ir WAS lisr ctoON ‘ I:^r«i^e4 in the «tjr Pridiiy. to t^^g/easman Robert TL toonyb^ tm}:ji laairel Springi^ BtijMmBt-f ~ Rbps^valt ition Cont5i6ii In ipo^rs SOMEjfeLS PA© '^q^atlon. ot ^ Ban^ d 1527/boa been cvnyHetad, tt waa toootti^OS jjfl. .Rawisih Friday Wito tbejC^Hj^iiM '-, h&d them, n^lt ip ,t kyltemtHttj [cthe of i nciwy for th) r daiTOg- Chrji -Ye&S ^C^pnblic ^ ^ : affiB&B 8iile5^ lertakil .■tke.'__ f^ec^ ourt ^ '.!affl° "'W' evidoac ■' ^ ‘ NajMi Tp Handle tin Coge^ WHh ^ ar^ m|ht fH- aacarioff eity, a inembar atitpAt eoinniitte^ NegpotiatioM ~; sito. aM in m stmias of it. , . . the prob/ *at«lt^6Tie woul^' take if. the spt weie lObderod ‘ him _.„™ lk>b" .Indicated SsLfpu^ono doi not riito io/wiit' . “I arodW %im.d^ re|i *[\t- whe^at^w if'tke t^e'gidtot^ia^ ^ Threerof:^^P^neA^ siting hia.dto«i^ t03BtW bf Hie . . *vi i nati(*^ eWe£, t ' t» Oottptjr sJ«fr'?»i , Tlw'Vidnto district'toMBf^llll^|^ Ca^tmus. •Who l^lww cbiirn^S^^n53;»w«r-|.^e,jj bi^lt"’ In' the cpstbir of ^ j ^ ^h^^.^ltsgdto .-'ofnWs .before*' N e g^SiraWpKP'®’^- ‘4 l^/He i*iby i-rnserlTie niW iallor.^H to aldn&W oJtJi^^,.^r. .•» iLarg* ^ TomAfljifi^r^ai^eied Sal? " irdgy Iwfcreoi^d gipt ~ l,'’%oing caiiglt liC the i^er iiniftair^ d0i!toitoT«k3^^^!t^: jbj 'iXowiR' i^hm IhO^lis^iat b| depostfs'bf 'JaS&t- -Wwoh Inrere OT ' record iir^j. lh§Vlwdtatlo^ iaited. The to«' W^auffered % depositors tlierefWC |r62.Md.ftv ~ -• - • In‘State ^-* falti.ol.ike shiff-; Ao fetlon.; n-f^9«o.«R.. i.gn*.|4M0^:r 'aettW.; fid .'Ways and means't been mentionediin ® -the North ^drolind In 183^ hot k«» not, nonneement to that^ said' to' l^k 'with' gubg@p4t(irial pr ^ to cons ^fittin|^;;j( oniform fcS&jay Wtin^'kaen ignat^ ,by Com^ Siqiirtnt C/B. ElJer/., ^ ^ i%e epideinic of measles caused-J^ ptomature * WiBcedboro. /$■ Whffli the sotoolsvi Tthd" N«l_. schpoK, operating'’1 ministrati^^ltoit/ Wedpe«' ■ ' m^de-tM iiopr i». A IWVlB* ' .. _ ay. Ini*’ .iaat;. At, tO#*:Wii8i t where Kyears at Ji iPtmtefi i^taceraJ i'anip* iCupM Ifae L .tke'^CS^tl ,-«bfcN' mptos; two /Hii! -for