■n'rLr’' ' -'.-Jt MondsTB iiMi 10, N. C« il6m>At/ JAIf445,^?» tOla'CUdress iohn R. lones Is jiS^liTestigatioa iHto ttie Case griLL IN JAIL' _ Jl^ Opportunitjr To LC^pope Is Sten aa P^t In His Favor stnnse OeMb ot mas Oda irltoge 4tt«teM body IMS’ at tlis borne of her yareata. Mr. aad Mrs. W. w. ’Utter, near Beniham, Decem ber SO, fhM still shrouded in aystery this moralac. “Thwe bays been some new deratopaents, bat there is noth- tas yet for pabUeatioa.'* Solici tor John R. Jones told a Joamal- Pblrlot repreeentaitlye. “I believe laystery will be remoyed wttUn a tetw days and Jost as soon as we are ready to act, ervsry tact known to ns will be Stsen^to the pablic,” he con- ttaoMd- bonbt has frequently been ez- pSeseed that Smoot wrote the ante which was found in the het of the apron worn by the girl. Solicitor John R. Jones is not convinced ot Smoot’s inno- esBoe. however, and is still hold ing the reputed sweetheart of the deiSd girl In the county Jail. Tlhoee who hold to the suicide theory say the “fact that Smoot did not take advantage of the oyportanfty to eecape from Jail yesterday morning is a point in his favor. Solicitor Jones declined to state JiMt what turn his investi gations are taking. "We will famish the public every bit of Information possible in the near fataro." he promised. Roosevelt “BirlMiv ToBeStogedHereJon.391^^^ Decision I« Reached At Meeting Hdd Friday Blor^g At City Hall; Ccwamlttees Are Named To Arrange De- jg Anxious Pw’ It To. Run tails; To Be Hrid At Local Armory Along Crest of Btae Ridge A Roosevelt "Birthday Ball" to President Roosevelt’s address and Near Here the galaxy of ^o staw who wdl HENDR^ -SPEAKS aid in the endowment of the (Warm Springs Foundation will be staged in the city on the evening of Janu ary 30, birthday of President Roosevelt. Decisimi to sponsor the ball was reached Friday morning at a meeting of dvic and' fraternal leaders at the city hall at the call of Mayor J- A. Rouaseau. The vote was unanimous that the city should join in the movement in which more than 6,000 communities all over the nation have manifest ed great interest. 'The Warm Springs Foundation is to be endowed as a national center for the development of methods of treatment of infantile paralysis. Mayor J. A. Rousseau was made chairman of the committee which will be responsible for putting the ball over. Jimmie Andmson, act ing postmaster, was elected treas urer. The executive committee ap pointed by Mayor Routseau fol- .■ tr- ' i- ’4a b*? assembled for the radio program which will be broadcast over both the National and Columbia sys tems. Following adjournment of the regular meeting Friday, the execu tive committee met and appointed the following ^cial committees;. House and arrangement—^A. F, Kilby, Ed Vannoy and Ralph Reins. Entertainment—Ivey Moore, Ed- 'Vannoy, C. O. McNeill, Miss Tira Crawford and Mrs. C. S. Sink- Refreshments — Mrs. Russell Hodges. Mrs. P. E. Brown, Mrs. P. W. Eshelman and Edmund Rob inson. Ticket sales—J- B. McCoy, Prof. T. E. Story, Prof. W. D. Halfacre. Attorney Paul Swanson. A. S. Cas- sel, Carl Coffey, Mrs. W. C. Grier, Miss Frances Somers. Floor and order—Jimmie Ander son, John Walker and R. G- ley. EifyaoQif ^ (xnd By Somers In D^eme ot MhnbSiamAg BankOfNorth ^M^esoro Had Excelleiit Year tlon ot the state. Friday's luncheon meeting was f’in- opened by the new president, R. j G. Finley, and Oenlo Cardwell Patrons and patronesses—Mayor j spoke the Invocation, lows: Dr. H. B- Smith, R. R.jand Mrs. J. A. Rousseau, Mr. andj M G. Hendren, county agent Reins, Mrs. J. C. Reins, Mrs- B- R.|Mrs. J- G. Haekett. Mr, and Mrs.: for the past 22 years, was pre- Underwood, Mrs. A. W. Horton, I W. R. Absher, Judge and Mrs. T. sented to the club, and called at- _ Mrs. W. It. Absher and R. G. Fin-|B. Finley, Hon. and Mrs. Charles tentlon to the excellent workjj^poait Insurance Corporation ley. j H. Cowles, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. done by the 4-« Club members of %„^ insurance went Into Olive Announces His Program List For Period Between Now and July 6 The North WUkeaiboro Kiwanls Club manifested its intstest in the scenic highway which will connect the Shenandoah National Park and the Smoky Mountain National Park by passing a reso lution endorsing the Sparta, Jef ferson, Boone and Lenoir route at Its meeting at Hotel Wilkes Friday at'noon. The resolution requested Con gressman ' DoughtoB, Congress man Lambeth and other state jj^ leaders to use their Influence toj jjjj_ ijjj, annual report, obtain a portion of the scenic gtat^jj that some important highway for this northwest M*-j changes had taken place in the banking structure of the country. Among the Important changes, Mr. Hlx referred to, is the temp*- orary deposit insurance which guarantees deposits up to $2,600. Mr. Hlx pointed out the Bank of North Wilkesboro had qnallfled for membership in the Federal Optimism Expr»sed By J. R. Hix In His Aimual Re port Thursday DIRECTOI« ELECTED 'Ihe Bank ot North Wilkesboro had a very successful yeay, J. R. Hlx, president of thp^ hank, re- poried to stockholders at their annual meeting Thursday morn- It was decided to hold the ball at the armory of the National Guard here. Prior to January 30, a radio will be installed in the building . j and guests on that occasion will “' be given an opportunity to hear Spainhour, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. i Wilkes last year. Mr. Hendren Eshelman, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. I said the 84 members last year Brown, Sheriff and Mrs. W. B- j made an average com yield of Somers, Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Hub-j 84 bnshels per acre. He said the bard, Mr. and Mrs. J- R. H'ic, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jenkins. / McDuffie Out For Sdkitor Salesmen View | Furniture Men New Chevrolet highest yield was 96 bushels. The prises won by Wilkes Cora at the state fair and at the Inter national Grain and Hay Show at Chicago were cited as evidence effect January 1. In his report, Mr.'Hix said; ‘TThe business outlook is con sidered very encouraging. While all of our manufacturing plants are not on full time basis, they are hopeful of securing business In a abort while that will enable them to run the full amount of 4 ■■ 1 PI splendid progress made byjynje prescribed by-^ the Attend ijDOWS - i codes. Farmers Asked To Register Needs “A number of farmers who have places to rent have reg- iatetrM with us and we have been able to find desirable reaters," B. L. Wootim, mumi- ager ot the local office of the Natkmal Re-«nployBUnt Serv ice stated this mondiig. "1 feel smwt however, that many ex- ocdleBt connections can be mailn if both ttaose wfao have places to rent sad those who wish to locate on ftuw will register at the office’' ^ Mr. Wooten said be had more persons wanting to rent pUeep than be bad places which fanners want to rent. He la asking that those inter ested in the vegistntlon serv ice register at once. Four Prisoners . Get Out of Jail One Is Recaptured Here By City Police; Smoot Passes Up Chance made FN Ou'^Siia IConm^s Jury. ExwMnte SMeriH of Bfmne fie ' nectioa -With Deatli"; IkILLI^ with SHOTiG;^ Atwood Had Vowed He Wodi Never Be Taken Alive, Witnesses Said Local Companies Represented At High Point And New York This Week u ^Local Attomey. (^>pose Jones In Primary This Year Representatives of Hafer Chevrolet Company Are Very Enthusiastic J. H. Alexander and R. R. | Local furniture manufacturing Church, salesmen of the Hafer! companies are represented at the Chevrolet company, 1(^1 Chevro- High ^Int and New York furni- let dealers, represented the local’ture expoeitlonT this week. , I The general outlook is development of dihelr variety of bright and the great majority of corn. Most of the winning com - gg|. people are grad-nally assum- was the Wilkes County Whitea more hopeful attitude to- varlety developed near Purlear. .^ard return of normal condl- flrm at a pre-showing of the new ' „ ..... '1934 Chevrolet In Charlotte Sat- Atterney F- J. McDuffie, of cRy, is almost certain to opi»se| ...pbe new car is everything one Solidtor Joto R. Jones^ in the ^agj. {gf jg the way of sale able product,” they stated en thusiastically following tv„ir re turn here. "The new Chevrolet will, we feel sure, again prove the most popular car in its price class this year,” they continued. The new car will be placed on display here In the near future. Announcement of the date will be made soon. publican primary for the nomina tion for solicitor of this district, it was learned this morning. The local altorney said he was planning- to become a candidate, knt would not make a formal an nouncement at this time- ' Questioned today, he said he was in the running and that he appre ciated the numerous pledges of siqiport which he has received. Legion Auxiliiti7 To Brunswick Stew ■ A BrnnMrick stew will be g;iv- eai by the Legion Auxiliary at the Legion-Auxiliary club house Fri day evening at 7 o’clock. Mem bers of the Legion and Auxiliary will be the invited guests. Tf. O. Smoak Is representing th'i Forest Fhirniture company at High Point, while J. R. Finley will leave late today to represent the same nrm at the New York show. John E. Justice, who is now attending the High Point show for the Oak Furniture company. As a result of Mr. Hendren’a address, the Klwanis Olnb may offer corn prizes this year,-'The matter was referred to the agri cultural copimltt^ f^ Investi- gatioo. J. R. Hlx had charge of the program and called upon Rev. Bugene Olive to lead in singing “The Old Oaken Bucket." He then presented Dr. W. A. Jen kins, pastor of North Wilkesboro Methodist eburCh, who spoke of his observations of 12 years of civic club work. Dr. Jenkins praised the civic clubs for their tlons.” The bank’s finances were shown to be in excellent condi tion. A substantial profit was Four Wilkes prisoners their escape from the county jail at Wilkesboro yesterday morning by prying loose the bars from a window on the north-east side of the bastlle and lowering them- varions geives to the ground by means of blankets which they tied togeth er as a substitute for a ladder, j made a TTie break was made about 4 o'clock. George Ballard was captured by city police early yesterday morning, hut the other three are still at large. The three who have thus far factory business last year when opndltions ware not so promis- made by the bank aqd_tlsg_aati|!(;, nvada goQd..tKBlf~6Bdape ara. Hpw- Bd Atwood, an escaped coavtat from state prison at Raleigh, wa» shot and killed about •;$$ last night by Sheriff W. B. Sola- ers, who shot in defense ot, ms life. The killing took place near tha home of Mrs. Cletus Byers, ona and one-half miles north ot the Wade Harris Bridge on tha Boone Trail Highway,. when. Air wo6d ran from tte oftteen- wto- sougbt to arrest him and turaaS upon Sheriff Somers with a Skot^ gun. Sheriff Somers tired tinffe . and fatally wounded Atwo^L; . A coroner’s jury, assemfbted. hF' Coroner Stephen A. Rash, heli^ evldenee last night and exonpi*^ ated Sheriff Somers of .all blfkia i n connection with Ati$ood% death. Their verdict was that tha officer did not use uaneciiuagy’ force and that be shot in defetam of his own life. Solicitor John R. Jones, urho went to the scene ot the slaying. thorough investlgatfim came to the conclusion that Sheriff Somers had used no un necessary force. Atwood was a man * of bad reputation and is said to have. committed numerous robberies in the county since his escape from prison after he waa-seaLi^ ard iBller, Clyde Coffey and Clatelfrogi Watauga county to serve Church, the latter a federal prls-jfrom three to five years for Ing gives rise to the hope that|ggg|., of them ate charged jjiousebreaklng and lafceny. The 1934 win be one of the best In the history of the bank, Mr. Hlx said. with minor violations of the law. Five other prisoners, inelnding Andrew Smoot, held in connec- The stockholders elected theitjon with the death of Miss Oda following board of directors at I Quidress, passed up the oppor- the meeting Thursday morning: Itgnjty to escape. There were nine MissScroggsls New Case Worker will leave the middle of the week'service and fori the opportunity for New York. J. B. Carter will I rive for fellowship, take his place at High Point. ! Rev. Eugene Olive, permanent J. E. Caudill and his son,]Program chairman, announced Bryce, are representing the Kevii^ia Program list until July 6. The City Furniture company at High Iof program sponsors as an- j poned. jnounced follows: | Henry Moore is at the High! January 19, W. E. Jonw, | Silo MeetillRS To '■ " February 2, J. E. _ ,, , 1 A. A. Finley, R. O. Finley, B. M. Blackburn, S. V. Tomlinson, Ralph Duncan, John B. Justice, J. fe. Hlx and R. W. Gwyn. Because of the absence of sev eral members of the board, the directors’ meeting was post- A. Harris Dies At Home At Ferguson laura A. Harris, 79, died Thursday at 10 a. m. at her home s4 Ferguson. Funeral service was coadacted Friday at 3 p. m. at •Wplett cemetery. l>orothy Richardson Dies Diur^y Richardson, 4-months- Old liUwlfhter of Mr. and Mrs. J. .HlqbardBon, of this city, died >niartday afteraoon at 6 o’clock .body was taken to Ashe ■tF'tor burial Friday. Endorse Krikday BaO Oab Votes To Hold “Ladles’ NMrht” Next Meeting; ;. S|4^tkUd Program -Lfanis ehib gave its i-ndorse- to the. Idea of holding a ‘fBirtixlay Ball” here on _ , 30 and pledged its sup- i at tiie regular dinner meeting *tbe etub Thursday evoiing at Wilkes. Dr. H. B. Smith, admit of the elnb, was in of the program for the Is Recommended By Waller Wynn, District Supervisor; Subject To Approval Miss Clyde Scroggs, of this city, jP,-T. A. ScGlcmST was recommended for case worker MoF6 RoomS FoF for Wilkes county by Waller Wynn, district supervisor of emergency; relief and CWA, last week. 1 The appointment is subject to; the approval of the state adminis trator Upun her confirmation. Miss Wilkesboro High I Committee Appointed To Go Into Matter, Excellent Meeting Hdd On Friday The (Wilkesboro Parent-Teacher Airy And Farnham To Aid Holding DemonstraticMis In County Point show for the , company and J. M. Quinn left J- R- yesterday to represent the com-jJ®®klns; 23, Miss Lois Scroggs; pany at the New York show. March 2, Eugene Olive, 9, C. W. Most of the local representa-1 Robinson; 16, D. J. Carter; 36, j tlves returned only last week' T. E. Story; April 6, J. R. Pin-i from the Chicago show. J- McCoy;.20, W. K. Trench silo Sturdivant; 27, Oenlo Cardwell; meetings will be May 4, E. E. Eller; 11, A. O. Hendren; 18, J. C. Reins; 26, M. G. Butner; June 1, S. 'V. Tomlin son; 8, A. A. Finley; 15, J. D. Moore; 22, Dr. F. C. Hubbard; 29, P. W. Eshelman; July 6, J. H. Whicker. Be Held Thursday prisoners In whom made away. the room, no effort five to of get In Scrog^ beTsi^eS te ii^rst! Miami Trip Called Off Washington, Jan. 10—^Unable to obtain an army plane for con-| demonstration held at two I places in the county Thursday, j County Agent A. G. Hendren an- ;nounced this morning. { The first demonstration will I be at the county home in the 'morning at 10 o’clock, while the j second will be at the C. C. Hayes :farm at Purlear at 1:30 p. m. State Dairy Specialist Airy and ri 10 Church Leaders To Visit City Methodist Institute To Be Held At Local Church On Wednesday Miss Lucy Stout and Miss Mary Ella McCredie, who are the present case workers. possibility of securing additional rooms for the school building at its meeting Friday afternoon. A committee was designated to Girl still Sleeps ; go into the matter and give its Chicago, Jan. 10.— Patrlcja co-operation in every way possible. The school is . handicapped for the lack of sufficient rooms and the P.-T. A. expressed a hope that be made to F. R. Farnham will assist Mr. Hendren and Assist County veyance, the house mllltaiy »*-jA^ent W. N. Wood in giving the Maguire today had one ot her most restless days since she eank Into a coma nearly. two years ago. It was a restlessness that encouraged her family to con tinue to hope that the 27-year- old Oak Park girl, a victim of sleeiping sickness, may be ap- prtwOhing closer to conscious ness. fairs committee today Posti>on«d i demonstrations a proposed air trip to Miami, Fla., where It was to study the site for the wfojected $11,314,- 500 army air base at Chapman field. About 100 representatives from Methodist churches In the Mt'. Airy district are expected to come here Wednesday for the district Kingdom Extension Institute which- wilt be conducted at the North Wilkesboro Methodist church. Rev. A. C, Gibbs, of Mt. Airy, presiding elder, will be In charge. The first session will be held a. m. An afternoon ses sion will also be held. The public Is invited to attend the institute. Uons voted to make their on January 26 “La- t" and appointed Dr. J. S. B. Richardson and I a committee to the proi^sni; ay evening’s meeting was , by some very intgreeting h on B n|fr~’ snbji&s. The subjects were: “Pigs"; B- T. H.Y..Wkr Willard Taylor In Charge Of Circulation Mr. Willard Taylor, son oi Rev. and Mrs. Beyntonr ;tay> hw, of Wilkesboro, has been l^aiced in charge of the etrea* lad«m departmmt of The Jo«> aal-Patrlot and la now in soUrtting sabecrlptiens for the paper. Mr. Taylor is the airtherised represeatattye of the pt^per and he will appredata year sab* ■cri^iaaa. SidMecibers are reqaeaOed to note the date oa the label of ttdb’ pi«er aod at the ttaoe of the expliatioo, ettfaer give 5: their leaewpl to Mr. Ta^or or W briiv it to 4(hem>. arrangements could relieve this situation. Mrs. Archie Ogilvie, president of the association, presided at the meeting. T. E. Story, principal of the school, conducted the devotion-, als. An interesting feature of the meeting was a program- by the fourth grade, under the direction of the teacher. Miss Grace Blevins, which emphasized the idea of clean foods. The treasurer. Miss Ghita Tuttle, read her report for the year which showed that the association haa kept within its buddet and has money in the treasury. Teadben’ Loana Profitable Kanaaa City, Jan. 10.—^Tbere’s « pndit and no lossw in lending to one another, Kansas City teeelien have found. Participants lii a Teacberu' Credit union, formed to bdp one another dror the depression’s tougb spots; have been paid a dividend of $ 1-2 per cent on their loyest- ment for last year, A; not a doltar Iuui-bM«y;Iosri on Asks Vocational Pnod 'Washington, Jan. 10.—Sena tor George, Democrat of Geor gia, Introduced a bill today ask ing $3,760,000 for vocational) training, to bo allotted among tbe states according to the i»er> centages of fam, rural and non farm population. All farmers are invited to at tend these meetings which are being held for the purpose of showing an economical way- tb build trench silos and to point out the economy they offer cattle raisers. Franklin Circle Will Meet Tomorrow Evening The Franklin Circle of the Methodist church will meet to morrow evening at 7:46 at the home of Mrs. Ira D. Payne. All members are requested to attend. Chicken Tkieves Leave Onlyv 3 Roosters to Mr. PldIli|M Elkin.—Sparing the owner three slim roosters only, chicken rogues who raided the yard of A. C. Phil lips at his farm north of Kkln last night made off with 60 bens. No noise was he^ in the fowl quar ters although the thieves used a pick' from Mr. Phfllips’ blacksmith shop to force til* lock of tha gate. Three sizeable men’s tracks lead ing from the poultry quarters intll- catod the number of men taking Associatioiial Sunday Schod Meet To Be Hrid AtlWapte Grove Chi^ Sheriff received a report, yeetet^ day afternoon about S o’olook that he was in that neighborhood and immediately went' In teawk ot him. Sheriff Somers was ac companied by Deputy Sheriff H. O. Kilby and J. H.‘Alexander. They surrounded the . Byers home, where they understood 1^ was in biding. Atwood ran froat the building and almost into tha arms of Deputy Kilby, who com manded him to halt. Deputy Kil by fired Into the air without at tempting to hit the fleeing mau. but Atwood did not stop. Sheriff Somers followed Atwood's move ments with tbe" aid ot a powerful tlaehllght. Atwood ran acroM a. branch bridge and turned qdiofc- ly with his shotgun and only th* alertness of Sbediff Somers pre vented his death. Sheriff Somei* fired, the shot taking effect fu Atwood’s chest. Atwood fell mortally wounded and died al-■ most inOtantly. Atwood was a native of 'Wa tauga county, but is said to 'hare been (hiding in the edge of r. Wilkes since bis escape from prison. D. H. Wood and L. A. Wood, who 'Were at the Byers home, and Mrs. Byers testified at tha coroner’s bearing last nighi that Atwood had vowed that he'would die before he. would submit to arrest. Tbey quoted him as hav ing said a nomber of times that he 'would be arrested only "wliea his toea were sticking up." 'riiey said he had come into ike Byers home with his shotgun ia his hands and had kept it be tween his knees w^e sitting in the bouse. ' V - Earlier in the day, Atwood ,14 said to -have drawn his gun o& J. W, Greene and threatened take his me. The evidence disclosed Id^. part in the thievery. Produce deal- , m of outside eftfes are being com- t® effect tbat^ municated with by officers. An assoeiational Sunday .^ool meettog will’ be held at- Maple Grove Baptist cburch on Jan uary 2A, J,, A. Gilliam, of Hays, announced this meflihig. 7%e general theme of the meeting will be ‘‘Sunday School Management.'' Fallowing ia the program fer the meeting,'^ which will heglii at 2 p. m.; 2:06 Song service. > 2:16 Readisyg of 'the tare*. super- tetration Defined”, B intendeut. Three ten-minute talks: 1. Tbe Pastors Work in Sun day School Mani^ment,. by a paator. 2., Tbe Qeneyal Superinten dent’s Work iis a'lmaitf of all the forces, by a ■n^iinteodent 3. The Teacher’s Flees,1a. Sub- day School Adulniafri^ui'tF, a tsacher. g JijpBfidy (trood was a dgngerous cliai j Solicitor-Jones stated tiSr yirginia MdWe Is liag. The crlmlaal ^eo: Sfnidr Of Aatomobiie slain man was Virginia . McDuffie, V-year-old daughter of Attorney and Sbn. F. J. McDuffie, of .WOkesboro, nar rowly eseap^ death last qjgkf when she was stncek mobile driven by IbdeYrdBl^ IK Goti^ 5he-«n* k»»ilwriw«e on tiM^ ibvrii ani 4N tie 'll £moit Amtiy in the priti not svallable, but it is has been.involved-in' erimra :4wth before ms jgpleneH At the. wood a ntor ia saM mt0 'fhd l>ndai04,) -kNt' -I'

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