Irtkday Ball Promises To Be Gala HiJcets Now On CALL TO THE COUNTRY TO HAIL HER LEADER ; Will Hear loosevelt Speak Miiieh Entertainment Is, cored For Party At Local Armory QUARTET WnJu SING Radio To Be Installed By Radio Sales Company; 9- Piece Orchestra The Rx»evelt Birthday Party, j which will be given for the bene fit of Warm Springs Foundation. | at the National Guard armory I here Tuesday evening, promises, to be a gala event for the people j ■ A , of North Wllkesboro and aiir- Tonnding territory. Indications are that nearby *(11^ counties which are not sponsor ing a ball will be well represent ed. Interest to date stiems to in dicate that the charity affair will result in a sizeable gift to foun dation. The committee in charge of ticket sales, of which J. B. Mc Coy is chairman, placed blocks of tickets in all the drug stores.- at the Wilkes Hotel and fn the hands of young ladies, who are to assist in selling them, on Tuesday. The tickets are $1.50 each, $1.00 of which goes to the Warm Springs Foundation. The entertainment committee announced yesterda.v that in ad dition to the John C. Peddicord IjProsperotts Year Enjoyed By B. & L of This City Annual Report of Year’s Ac tivities Is Given By J. B. Williams DIRECTORS ARE NAMED More Than 200 Shares of New Stock Series Subscribed '^At Meeting remarkably heard by The story of a successful year was stockholders of the North Wil- kesboro Building and Loan As sociation aJt their annual meeting in the city hall Monday evening. Pointing to the fact that no ! building and loan association in North Carolina had failed dur ing the year, J. B. Williams, sec retary-treasurer of the local as sociation, made an optimistic statement relative to the associ ation’s business last year. The meeting Monday evening was presided over by R. G. Fin- 1 e y. Twenty - six stockholders were represented in person and \h2 ihy proxy. J. C. Reins, president of the On Ainnail Cofltzacts, I 'a 4 Washington The senate in vestigating committee hearing ^ie- tails of Postmaster General Wal ter E. Brown’s granting of airmail contracts during the Hoover ad ministration, learned from James Maher (above), stenographer, that he had been ordered to bum portions of both official and per sonal files of Mr. Brown’s prior to last March 4. ' association, made a verbal report Lions Club Will Observe ‘Ladies Night’At 7 P.M. lin which he stated that the asso- Local Civic Organization To Entertain Guests This Evening elation had just finished one of j I the most prosperous years of its, history. ' Directors ratified unanimously the proposition to set up a con- .tingent reserve to meet any emer- , ^ igency which might arise and $3.- a'fair for the North Wilkes- This striking poster was painted by the famous artist, Howard aside for this pur-; boro Lions Club, will be observ- Ch'imilcr Christj', when he heard of the national movement to observe' pose. This is considered a pro- ■ ed this evening at a meeting EXCELLENT PROGRAM “Ladles' Night,” popular an Orchestra, of Winston - Salem. | Roosevelt’s birthday on Tuesday night, January 30, by rais-1 gressive step and gives added se- whlch consists of 9-pieces, they j endowment fund for Warm Springs Foundation for Infantile j curity to purchasers of stock. Paralysis at Presidential Birthday Balls give simultaneously in every J Optimistic talks were made by communitv in the land. He gave it to the national committee as its! P*’- f - ^'V Done in md, White and blue, the poster depicts Miss iRector, S. \. Tom- America at the left protecting two children who are looking up to (Continued on nacK page) which will give negro spirituals. President Roo.sevelt, shown above the capitol. The slogan across the i —— tap dancing and other entertain- top, ‘‘.\merica, to our President,” was coined by Mr. Christy as a ment. toast to Mr. Roosevelt from the nation. A radio over which the party had secured a variety of enter tainment for those who wished to attend but do not dance. .A.mon.g , the features will he the appear- ofhcial poster, ance of the Sunshine Quartet I ■will hear the address of Presi dent Franklin D. Roosevelt will be Installed this week by the Radio Sales company, local deal ers in Phllco and Magestic ra dios. This will be a courtesy favor to the local committee The Grand March will be led by .Mayor and Mrs. J. A. Rous seau. Sponsors of the ball here point out that everybody who possibly „ , ■ . ■ can. should attend and thus help fPfnt Monday in Raleigh in the a worthy cause, a cause which the President is giving his warm est support. With the funds received from the birthday balls in nearly 5,00o Wilkesboro Woman’s Club Ladies Are At Work On Community House Equipment Added By S. E. P. S. Co. DeleRation (Joc.s To RaleiRh To Confer With Mrs. Thomas i O’Berry In Regard To Getting CWA Project A|>- i proved; Prospects Are Very Bright ; Telephone Firm .Spends $3,- I 000 At Local Office; New ' Lines Added New equipment, costing ap- I proximately $3,000.00, was in- I stalled at the North Wilkesboro A delegation of representatives of the Wilkesboro VV’oman's Club interest of the Community House, a proposed CWA project in which the club is especially interested. I The Woman's Club members wjio made the trip were Mrs. P. E. Brown. Mrs. F. G. Holman. Mrs. A. R. Ogilvie, Mrs. C. H. Cowles and .Mrs. A. R. Sherman. They were accompanied by .Mrs. j 0. G. Foster, civi works admin- Supper Net* Senior listrator for Wilkei. Represenla- Uu Of Wilkesboro $11 i five C. H. Cowles, Attorney W. . ! H. McElwee and T. .M. Foster. 'A box supper and entertain-. understood that Mrs. communities, the Warm Springs Foundation will be endowed to carry on the fight for sufferers from Infantile paralysis. ment program gi"en by the sen-1 Q-ygrry ^.ju approve the Com- lor class of Wilkesboro high | House project if funds school Tuesday evening netted |^ are made available for addition- j al CWA work. All new projects, however, are contingent upon the appropriation of funds for continuing the civil works admin istration. Lots for the Community House, which the Woman’s Club is work ing for. were very generously j donated by Mr. and Mrs. F. G. exchange of the South East Pub-1 lie Service company last week. | George Kennedy, manager of the local branch office, stated] Tuesday that the new equipment enalbles the operators to give quicker service with greater ease and that a better service is as sured. A new position was added to be held in the banquet hall I Hotel Wilkes. i Wives and "sweethearts” of , Lions will be guests of honor and I a large, attendance is expected. The program tor the meeting j will be in charge of Dr. J. H. Mc- I Neil, B. T. Henderson and S. B. I Richardson, who were named at I the last regular meeting to ar- I range the entertainment. Lions, as seen on the streets, will parade before the eyes of their wives and sweethearts in a moving picture which will be [shown under the direction of Dr. McNeill. There will be an eyefull for everybody in this "movie.” .A one-act play, music and en tertainment galore are In store tor those who attend. Holman, of Wilkesboro, some board and 100 new lines were time ago. The club has'been rais-| New Plymouth Is On Display Now In Showrooms of Motor Service Company; Agency Secured ing money to supplement CWA funds, if the latter are made available, and prospects are con sidered extremely good, it being generally believed that Congress will continue CWA at least until May. ! The Motor Service company The capacity of the board is|now has one of the new 1934 now' 1,200,' giving double the to tal numbers needed at this time. R. R. Church Buys Marvin Lo\ire Home the class approximately $11. The attendance was small, but the program! was thoroughly enjoyed ! by those present. Harry Summers Is Scoutmaster Directors Of Kiwanis Club To Meet Tonight ^ Appointment Was Made At , mrectors of the North Wilkes-1 Meeting Sunday, Boys boro Kiwanis Club will hold their Will Meet Monday . moathty meeting tonight at Ho- . Harrj'"si;^ers was ap- Wilkes at ^«i,,h wni' pointed scoutmaster of Baptist ^^nley. president of the club, wilL^ be host to the directors. i America, at a meeting of the I Berean-Bible Class Sunday and I will take active charge Monday I evening at the regular Scout meeting in the Scout Hut. The meeting Monday evening : will be held at 7:30 o’clock and Is every members of the troop is es Addition To Dry Kiln Is Started Will Move Into Residence From Adley Section In Two Or Three Weeks Oak Furniture Company Building Addition 25 By 125 Feet Status of CWA Still Unchained Cartuhnent of Program Stffl In Effect; Congress ipeclally urged to be present and Must Act {welcome the new scoutmaster. 'Installation of Mr. Summers will was still I be in charge of the troop com- The status of CWA useluuiged this morning and nojmlttee. indleation as to whether Con-| All boys who are interested in ’grees will appropriate additional becoming Scouts are invited fandt to continue this work has been given by Congress Hoars of CWA workers were wartonaly curtailed last week, nnU project workers being re- itnoed to 15 hours weekly to be -preseng. It is especially requested that a large number attend so that plans can be made for the observ ance of National Boy Scout and 1 Week. workers in North Wilkesboro 1>«-1 , - ,, TT3 lag eut to *4 hours per week. [Helen CWI ^Minted Unless Congress appropriates! As Court stenographer additional fnnds, OWA work will (MasMarUy be • -diseonMnaed at aa early data Bowerer, the gen eral o^on bM bOM that It will ' I'jdpsttonad natn the u* •n- Miss Helen .Call, danghter of Mss. B. S. Call, of Wilkesboro, was appointed court stenograph er for Wilkee county to succeed Mrs. borne Work was started last week on a large addition to the dry kiln at the Oak Furniture company, located on the south side of the Southern Railway tracks in this city. The addition will be 25 feet wide and 125 feet in length. It will be of brick construction. Much progress has been made and the building will be rushed to completion. A real estate transaction of considerable importance took I place Tuesday when R. R. Is j Church, local automobile sales man, purchased the Marvin Lowe property in Wilkesboro from Mr. Lowe. The amount of money in volved was not disclosed. Mr. Church, who now resides] in the Adley community near Wilkesboro, expects to move his family into his new home within two or three weeks. Report Many Buyers At High Point Show Messrs. C. G. Day and Xarl Coffey, who spent the first^ of the week in High Point purchas ing furniture for the Rhodee-Day Furniture company, reported up on their return that there w«re many buyers at the show and that indications point to a good business in the furniture line this year. W. C. T. U. Meet The Jianuary meeting of - the W. C. T. U. wUi be held thls^r- Faye Halet, who rtUfSiiSAtornoon at StSO.o’eloek eL, w time ago,' '' home of Mtei. 'J ■ J.'- ,-5 iv. • Plymouths on display in their show rooms and invite the pub lic to Inspect the new car. Many improvements have been made in the car and the 1934 model has many outstanding features. It was announced this morning that the Motor Service company has secured the agency for the White truck. The local firm Is now han'dling the Chrysler and Plymouth lines of automobiles and the White truck. At Conference Broadcast To Be Heard Over Co lumbia Tomorrow Mrs. W. R. Absher and Mrs. T. A. Finley, of this city, left Tues day to attend the nation-'wlde Woman’s Patriotic Conference an National Defense at Washington, D. C. iMiss Arelia Adams, secretary at the local office of the State i Department of the American Le gion Auxiliary, received a tele gram yesterday afternoon stating Interi(»' of Entire Bonding I ^ “ broadcast Coca-Cola Firm Enlarges Office Is Being Repainted and Improved The Coca Cola Bottling com pany, progreselve local business firm, is making a number of Im provements in their bnitdt^ which is located oh Tenth Street. ’Fhe office hM ibeen enlarged and will be rePpainted, adding greatly to the convenience and appearance of itbe office. The in terior of the entire building is being re-painted. The Goes GoU Bottling com pany’ is owned by JieesM. C. O., B. T. and V. A. MefMll, of t&tk dty, and Mr. a A. MeNelU, over the Columbia system from the confecanoe tomorrow morn ing from 10:45, Auxil iary mepiibew will: be Interested in hearing this broadcast. Rich Beggar Arrested Atlantic City, N. J., Jah. 21.— Arrested -wliile begging on the board walk today, 85-year-ol4 Louis Block was found to be car rying money and seenritiet total- iU ISi200. Searched at hall, ^e money and adenritlea were found In yarions inidde (pockets. .orimers Until Pdiniaiy 3 After Wititesses Are Placed On Stnidi I'i ’1 Result of Hearing Was Largely To Sum Up Facte Are Already Known; Sister of Leota Chfldreas Saym ElaipiiaticaSy That Slain .Girl Did Not Write Note NEARLY 1,000 PEOPLE ARE PRESENT AT Facts About Six-Year-Old Alleged Bfurder ftroughf To As Solicitor Endeavors To Obtain Missfatg Link In Cnahi of Evidence in the Childress Case ‘ • The release of Andrew Smoot, reputed' sweethe^ confessed admirer of Miss Leota Childress, from jail unwr bond last night was the outstanding late development in the mysterious death case which since December SO has funuMk* ed county officers the most puzzling problem in the history of Wilkes. . ...r- The young married man, whose name was used in ai$;4|f'> fectionate manner in the note purported to have been left by the slain girl, was given his freedom under bond of $1,000. Since his incarceration in the county jail at Wilkesboro where he was placed following his airest at Sohoolfield, Va., Smoot has quietly maintained that he is innocent of the charge lodged against him and i-ecent developments tended to Clear him of responsibility for the alleged murder. Action in Smoot’s case came late yesterday foUowinjg.^A fourth coroner’s hearing held in the high school gymnagiiBi at Ronda yesterday afternoon under the direction of Coroner S. A. Rash and Solicitor John R. Jones, The hearing was continued until February 3 at 10 a. m,, in Wilkesboro after only 20 of the more than 100 witnetefai under subpoena had been examined by Solicitor Jones. .The “"continuance was decided upon soon ' after a Winston-Salem hanjwrit- ■.Jii 0 OUT ON BOND ANDREW SMOOT LOCAL PEOPLE HEAR DANIELS ing expert had testified that )ie desired more time in which ’tb study the note purported to been left by the girl and compare' the handwriting with several spm- mens which have been collected by the investigators. A crowd estimated at nearly 1,- DOO people attended the hearing yesterday afternoon and listened eagerly to the testimony offered by witnesses. No other case in the history of WilkoB baa created . greater interest than the one now being investigated, observers say. The lifeless body of Miss Chil dress was found in the home of her to.ster-parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Tilley, near Benham, on Saturday afternoon, December 30. From the appearance of the home, the disappearance of mon ey and other valuables and the i statement Nath Thanpe heard i over the rural telephone line, it I was deduced that Miss Childress’ ' death was an act of robbers. The finding of a note, 'shiek Mrs. Tilley said she found in the apron worn by the girl at the Attend District Meeting of]time of her death, hdVevet, led American Legion Held In ; to recovery of the money. ^ The Statesville ^ *’®*® *®'^ officers to believe that I the girl committed suicide over Dr. R. P. Casey and A. F. Kil-1 m,fgquited love, this theory be- by, of this city, represented j ing developed when it was re- Wi’lkes County Post. No. 125,1 Ported thst Smoot had promised American Legion, at the 16th dls- to get a divorce, but failed to keep the promise. trict meeting of Legionnaires in j goiicUor Jones discounted tbe Statesville Tuesday evening. | probability of suicide and began The address of 'Tom Daniels, | a relentless investigation of New Bern, state commander, ' arrested for the purpose wMeh has so far led to the arrest of ,' ten persons, most of whom were was the outstanding feature of' niimoHe of li the program The local accompanied Mrs. R. P. Casey. I vestlgation. Legiannaires were j The ten arrested, four of the to Statesville by, number being taken prior to t^o I finding of the note are: Btatiie i Norman, Taft Norman, Por4er j Norman, Jesse Brewer, Luther I'niley, Clyde Tilley, Ray John- •son, Andrew Smoot, Mrs. Luther 'Tilley and Bud Martin, co1qi^ -.> Efforts to link the deal^’fOf Niswonger Will Visit In To Help Ruit Growers Thursday and Friday, February 8-9 'Andrew Eldridge, «whoed.’ I —— - lake, near jEIkla I was found in a 0“,ln 1927, with the ChlldreM death. H. R. Niswonger, state exten sion horticulturist, jwlll be with fruit growers of Wilkes on Thurs day and Friday, February 8-9, to help them with their orchard problems, according to an an nouncement of': Mrs, Almedia Bretholl, secretary bf the Brushy Mountain Fmlt Growers Associ ation. A program, ineiiidlng a meet ing Indoors aod> some field - work, if the tweatber ia favorable, will be annonneed later, 'Mrs. Bretholl Stated. were made at the hearing yester day. In both cases not^ were left and Solicitor Jones' indtrated that he felt there inlgbt be a similarity in the handwriting of both notes. This is the jury hearing th* (Continued oa pdkd fdiH4;4 *4 ■ VannettaToBr «Ho« Graiq;e Official To PfMDOiis Grannie day Aftenoon 'ood Sale Stete Master Bi promiiient Orange; eonaty trill V address Wilkes Orange at the eoUrfehonae kMboro Tneadajr aftetao44'. Mlkla. '.V Mr. B. B; Rea-ris, of ,.8tatee- vilte, -was a bnatnew vialtor here ■ Taeaday. The BuslnteS Wadnaa'a circle of the Presbyteiten ehnneh The iwiifliW'Mte te oondnet a food.a^ mt Spalnhoar-, Sydnor’s story, tomorrow aftor- nom at 2 o’elock. Preparation take advaatagp to the pWbUe aad many, and baslaess measwn oina*:: haa been made to take «are of a tty to hea^ theJIMtin large nnmber 0^ tore ■ >)>/

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