.1 ^:-v z& r-!;- Published Mondays and ISiursdays NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C., MONDAY, 6, 1934 ■■».i. »ii Pl.00 IN THE j|'ATEu^l.^ Ot)TJ>F TOE 8TJ FtMiir Hsm t 9r. 6- Year- L- 1 ;ss Receives! WanungHimi it TestSyingj Heart'BtcilaK TI Annual Banquet Of Berean-Bibie Class Held Here Expert, E. B.' Found Note At ! Winston-Salem Home Xo West Point Members and Their Guests Enjoy Excellent Program At Club House PAINHOWER IS JUDGE vo Defendants Are Held In Jafl Without Bond UntU March Court P At tl»« close of one of the most MOMtlonal preliminary hearings In recent years In Wilkes, Justice of the Peace A. E. Spalnhower on | afternoon ordered Luther .TUiey and Winfield Stanley held > bbUI the March term of Superior for the alleged murder of ■'^Andrew Eldrldge, whose lifeless j iras found floating on enidike Lake near Elkin In I iitiBe., It27. IS days after thej t 'young man had disappeared from; ^S'the home of his parents i'l the | edge of Wilkes near Bv. nham. j ^The two men were con nitted to JaU without privilege f bond i findings of the c. 0. McNeill presides Debate On Humorous Topic is Feature; 84 Persons in • | Attendance The annual banquet of the Be- \ rean-Blble Class of the First' Baptist church held in the Le- Baton Rouge . . . Undergradu- j gion-Auxiliary Club House Thurs- ates at Louisiana State university j day evening was a most enjoyaole have twice elected Virginia Kil-iattalr. bourne the school’s champion C- O- McNeill, president of the “heart-breaker.” Other honors also I class, was toastmaster and wel- bestowed are cheer-leader, a movie corned the members and their bid . • . and a newspaper job. | Kuests at the banquet at 7 -: o’clock. ' The invocation was spoken ) Rev. C. W. Robinson, pastor of j Uhe Presbyterian church, a guest, | i and the members of the Legion i National Scout Week Observance Starts Tlmrsday of Escape ThroHih Blazes Bam%'E^d^ Told % Sistt ^ Dead ^ At InqiKrt New Evidence I^'lBrooght To Light j|t Fourth Coroy^u 0 Cff CATXU^IIW xp JLPALfU|^ll» XV m w* ' Heuring In WfllMbc^ fState Bfideavors To Liids miBfs Witt House BursUg Nile I^ CSly ^ Local To Present Ex cellent Program On Thurs day Evening MURDER CONSPmACY WARRANT RBCOMMfflfDfiD BE HELD AT 7:30 O’CLOCK Nath Tharpe, State’s Star Witness, Testifies He Luttw Tilley Running From Tilley Home When He Answered Cries For Help; Experts Say Itfrs. Latter Tilley Wrote Note i Scout Troops To Decorate I Windows Saturday and Hear Broadcast Omaha . . ■ Verona Gruenther, former Omaha Women’s single tennis champion, is soon to become j Boy Scouts of Wilkes will he- ; gin their observance of National ' Boy Scout Week on Thursday, February 8, the 24th anniversary of the founding of the organiza tion, with a program at the Pres byterian church at 7:30 p. m. The piogram Thursday even ing will be only one feature of Checks For Post Office Property To Be Delivered the bride of Lieut. Garrison David- the observance here. The next Ison, football coach at West Pointistep '•y i Military academy. served Auxiliary unit here then an excellent dinner. A delightful entertainment feature of the early part of the to await the grand Jury. | . . , . a singing of the • Introduction of a new note, the 'Uisinci Aiiorney I g^otijers quartet which BW**^T'ance on the stand of an' GiV6 Checks To OwTiei^ armed witness and clashes be- On Wednesday tween Solicitor Jdhn R. Jones " „ .1 and attorneys for the two de-! Checks in payment for the Barber Brothers quartet which is composed of Orisco, Lewco, Roscoe and Dawkins Barber. They sang several negro spiritii- Buu — — , lals to the delight of all present. fendants were the high lights of | property on which a new-post of-j ^ (jygj also given by Rev. i fice will be erected here have and Mrs. Eugene Olive. Rev. Mr. State President P.-T, A. To Speak Here Thursday decoration by each troop of a window in some local store Sat urday. All troops will assemble at the Baptist Scout hut on “B Street at 11 o’clock I uu o reaay in jau. ijui-ner was aireaay in jaii lor me auegpa Saturday -murder of Andrew Eldridge in June of 1927. Mrs. Luti^ morning and will march in a body 'pjijgy held on a warrant swom out by Hill Cox, biother- the Leglon-AuxlllaiT Club jj. Leota. on a charire of killing the GhiMrMM oirt. Mrs. J. L. Henderson Will Deliver Address On Foun der’s Day At 3:45 " _ - X IJJlCJf W «*0 VAX Or VTWiAWAAV O VWX AX VM4 V XXHX IwaWwaXW** to the in-law of Leota, on a charge of killing the ChildreM girl. House where they ^iii listen to Clyde Tilky, 18-ye^-oW youth, was being heM^^ a Am- terial witness. The fMter parents of the dead girl, gave are themsclves up to She^f W. B. Somers soon after the hear- the ing Saturday and w^. not formally arrested. The fourth coroner’s a radio broadcast including an address by President Roosevelt. ‘ All troi)ps in the county I expected to participate in program Thursday evening. Girl ! Scouts have been invited to join the hearing E. B. Brooks, handwriting e*'' alr'*ady been drawn and will be Olive, pastor of the First Baptist ^,rt who testified in the Chll- Wednesday, dress coroner s hearing at Ronda 'church, gave the toast to the la dies who were guests of the class. ed to be the hit of the evening. I J. C. "WaffittB ftii(!l' ttoTner-»n- ttiorneym- ap jjjg program, following. ford T. Henderson, representing a social hour. * The Wilkesboro P.-T. A. has been ed. The note was introduced in Tenth sireet.s and evidence after Brooks had testi- „{ lied that in his opinion the note , j, t. 'tonnd by the parents of Andrew Eldridge when they returned on January 21, told of finding Thomas C. Carter, of Mehane. ^ debate on the query. "Pe .note On the porch of his Wins-1 assistant district attorney, solved. That I'hings Are Not As i-Salem home three days later, jjgre la.st week in connection with Good As They Used To Be,” prov ’‘"°:''.the post office site.. ,H^ w^e- rwhat is hefrt* TOT-yva.. you won’t- , who wrote that n^e. And turn Wednesday to deliver tTIe Vou won't show this note. You checks. the affirmative, carried off the think you dam sharp.’’ The property on whicii the honors from J. li. Williams and The note was printed in capi- office will be built is located j. c. Reins who upheld the nega- tal letters and was not punctual-1 ...q-- street between .N'inth tive side of the query. The hu- consists niorous aspects of the topic kept ithe banqueteers in an uproar of J. T. Prevette, who owns four laughter throughout the entire six lots, ivill receive the | debate. , largest check. One lot is owned a serious note was touched by home the day the boy disappear-|j,y w. F. Absher and the'Attorney A. H. Casey, teacher of ed and the handwriting of Luther [g, jg owned by Absher and the class, who spoke eii the bet- Tllley were identical. The expert gj^gj^jjarn, J. C. Henry and C. D. jter things of life. . stated positively that the same coftey & Sons. j Rev. Mr. Robinson also talked *’j>er4on wrote both papers, the j Early erection of the Post of- briefly and was heard with much note and the letter written by Til- fjgg jg anticipated, a committee I interest. = having already been named to I Atten.. , — supervise the North Carolina jning were won by Mrs. Carl Cof buildings, including the o n e fey and Shelton Brewer. I fof ; here. Attendance at the banquet was , fhej |S4_ the number including mem-' court that this was the first time Io |bers. their lady guests and a few 2^ bis experience that he had had t to cross examine a witness who| •was carrying a pistol. Mr. Brooks | €jn»l»ined that he had secured a ' -mit to arm himself following I — . . rry ipt of the note, but at the j Legion and Auxiliary To ,^,^gestion of Solicitor Jones re-j Sponsor Festival Again On Ipoved the weapon and gave it to I February 16th Mrs. J. L. H';;;5^on. of Hick-jBoy Scouts ory. president of the North Caro- ’ Following is the progiam as lina Parent-Teacher Association, outlined. will deliver a Founder’s Day ad- Song— dress at a meeti.ig of the North: M^ilkesboro P.-T. A. Thursday | afternoon at 3:45'o’clock in the . """"T'^^Tr-^^hsirman of school auditorium. | tion of speaker-chairman of Mrs. Henderson’s address nieetlng^^^_^^ ^ ^ ■Girl Scouts. ■Boy Scouts. Program Program Song. Benediction—Rev C. W. Rob- invited to meet with the local as sociation. I. A Founder’s Day offering will | inson. be taken. Mrs. E. G. Finley, pres-' Scout leaders plan some excel- ident of the local P.-T. nounced this morning. A. Wreck Vicrim an_ i lent features for next week which jhas been officially designated as National Boy Scout Week. Teacher Named Buried Sunday, Wakesboro "When J. Hayden Burke. Taylorsville, of counsel for defense, took tlje w’itness cross examination, he told ! Raymond Grinton, Colored, R„miramer Succeeds Attendance prizes for the eve- Dies of In juries Sustained succeens In Accident I special invited guests. Fun Festival Is To Be Repeated Miss Andrews Is Taken By Death an officer. iTlIley and Stanley were repre sented by Mr. Burke and his son, The Fun Festival, which prov- .. — - -- .,ed 80 popular last year, will be Harold Burke, and Turner Grant, repeated under the sponsorship of Yadkinville. Solicitor Jones was aidfed in the prosecution by J. H. Whicker and Parks Hamp ton, the latter of Elkin. Stsuiley was linked with the killing by statements witnesses aaid he made to them. Tilley was lyinvolved by the similarity of his »lmitdwritlng with the handwrit- 'ins of the note found in the Eld- ■ Eidse home and by evidence that rlia had*accused the Eldridge boys j of the Legion and Auxiliary on Friday evening, February 16, at 7:30 o’clock. The festival will be held this year in the Call building where city and township elections are held. Bingo, auction sales and many other interesting bits of enter tainment are in store for those who attend. Those present last year will recall the worlds of fun provided and will welcome the Member of Well Known Fam ily Passes; Funeral Held On Saturday Miss Robena Andrews, memoer of a well known family, was claimed by death at her home in ^ the city Thursday morning at I 7:45 o’clock. She had been in ill I health for the past six months. I iMiss Andrews was the daugh- 1 ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Irv- I ing Andrews, of Orange county, 1 who moved to North Wilkesboro Funeral rites for Raymond L. Grinton, colored, who died Wed- j nesday from injuries sustained in Ian automobile accident, !conducted yesterday from Damas- I CUB Baptist church in the pres- j enee of one of the largest crowds ever to attend a service at the church. Rev. G. L. Carlton was in change of the service. Grinton was injured in an au tomobile accident a week ago this morning about nine miles from Winstoft-Salem. He was an employee of the 'Reynolds Tobac Mrs. Charles EUedge, Who Recently Resigned ab''’at 30 years ago. She was a kad..accused the Eldridge boys provided and will welcome the | faithful member of the First Bap- ateallift his liquor and that he: opportunity to again attend t e church and "was highly es teemed by a wide circle of ac- Mrs. W. E. Harris, who has 1 inquired of neighbors about Itjoe boys. ’The note found when parents fonng Eldridge returned home ■ troM vrork on the day of the i boy’s disappearance read: “No- tJee—I have gone to Elkin to ^irork. W»5 be back Saturday. An- [drew.” ■ ' InsU;ad of returning home, the, 'boy was not found until 19 days' • later. Jeff Sadridge, father of Andrew iSdridge, was the first witness to be ^a^ on the stand by Solicitor jOTes. He testified that he and Hn. Hdridge left Andrew at home the day of his disawMrance and that 'tiiey went to the field to work. He said they found the note upon their return to the house about dark. Nineteen days later, Mr. EW- ' ridge said be saw the body of his son in Klomfike lake near Elkin. The face was swollen and there WfB a ytry black mark around the Deck, he testified. Mr. KUMge then told of a been critically ill at her home in Wilkesboro for several weeks, continues to improve, we are pleased to state. Course Will Be Given At Churd esbvterians Will Studv ‘The Presbyterians Will Study Christian Home’ Febru ary 11,12,13 and 14 Classes In the study of ’’The Christian Home” will be organiz ed at the Presbyterian church here on February 11-12-13-14. ’The family budget, child train ing, social and religious life are some of the subjects to be dis cussed. The first class Will be held Sunday afternoon at 3:30, while the other classes will be held on the three succeeding eve nings at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. W. J. Bason, Dr. H. B. quaintances. Surviving her are two sisters, .Miss Nettle Andrews and Mrs. Lorena Jones, of this city, and one brother, G. A. Andrews, of Camargo, Okla. Her parents and one brother, C. P. Andrews, pre ceded her in death. The funeral service was con ducted from the residence Satur day morning at 7:15 o’clock with ^he! B®''"' Eugene Olive, Baptist pas tor, in charge. The body vi'aB then carried to Mt. Herman church near Durham, Orange county, where Interment was made in the church cemetery. Rev. ..Mr. Olive was also in charge of the service at the grave. Active pallbearers were'A. H. Andrews, E. E. Eller, E. M. Blackburn, A. W. Horton, C, O. McNeill and J. E. C^^udiil. Smith, R. G. Finley and Rev.'0» n«t he aadJj^JQto^e RpWnson will be the Insttuc- ^ HSontlaaed o^naexptee) ^ ^' tors in the order named.' I), Mr. W. F. Miller, of Boone, was among those In the city 6at-. urday looking after bupinesa mat ters. Mr.' Miller Is well known here an he was engined In bust*' .-- ih; No^. WUke^fo for a' i^tri number of year*.'**— The central committee of Wil kesboro school district met Fri- iday evening and elected John R- were j Bumgarner to fill the vacancy in Wilkesboro high school created by the resignation of Mrs. Charles C. EUedge, who before marriage was Miss Grace Gllreath. Mrs. EUedge tendered her resignation several days ago. Mr. Bumgarner is the son of Rev. and iMrs. J. L. A. Bum garner, of Wilkesboro, Route 1. He is an A.B. graduate of Lin- Har- . coin Memorial University, CO company, having been in their I rogate, Tenn., and a B.S. gradu- employ for seven years. He died g^ate College. He has com at City Memorial Hospital, Win- pjeted the course for an M.S. de- ston-Salem. gree with the exception of his Grinton was 24 years of age. He was the son of Robert and Ida Grinton, of Wilkesboro, who with the following brothers and sisters survive: Nevada, Willie, Grace, Brack and Selma. A number of Winston-Salem people attended the funeral. Wilkesboro Boy In Boxing Match Tom Dula Goes To Quarter Fin als Of Observw’s Golden Gloves Tonmammtt Tom Dula, a student at Pres byterian junior college at Max- ton, boxed his way to the quarter finals of fhe Charlotte Observer’s Golden Gloves tournament before being eliminated Saturday. He made an excellent showing. Young Dula is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Dula, of Wtlkes- boro. thesis on which he is now work ing. Mr. Bumgarner will fill out the remainder of Mrs. EUedge s term as teacher. Reins Confirmed For Postmaster derson About Middle of This Month Wilketborb'P.-T» A. ■- To Meet Wedneodny The Wilkesboro Parent-Teach er Association will hold Its regu lar monthly business and pro gram meeting in the school audi torium*’.Wednesday afternoon at 2:15. The'association has invited to meet, with the North Wilk^borq association Thursday afterpoon amd h^r the 'addsnss of Mrs-'-J: L. Hei'derson, ' If manfrmeSBers'wnratten The appointment of J. C. Reins as North . Wilkesboro postmaster was confirmed by^. the United States Senate Saturday. Mr. Reins stated this morning that he had hot received his commission, but e:^ecled ,to take office about the middle of the month. He will succeed James M. An derson, who has, served as acting postmaster since Captain R- R- Walters left office. :te Eugene Reevia Taking ^Pasteur Treatment Brnshy Mountain township, to plans will be made for a field taktoif the Pasteur treatment as meeting Thursday. -Tim fruit Lresnlt of being bitten fiy hto growers are now jutuMar' January 87th. Re- spray schedule and this togeth- itlcS ^i^RSelgh stated that the er wl%.gjMf»l "T®**®"* problems ' ‘ ■ raiBI^v - Sr. Five members of the Tilley family are held in the county jail at Wilkesboro without bond for the alleged mur^ of Miss Letoa Childress,'whose lifeless body was found in the home of her foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Tilley, near Benham, between Ronda and Elkin, on Saturday afternoon, December SO. The five held are Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Tilley, their sons, Luther and Clyde, and Lutter Tilley’s wife, Mineiwa 'Mey. The warrants diarging all five witii a conspiracy to mur der the girl were swom out Saturday afternoon following tte adjournment of the fourth coron»’s hearing which was held at the county courthouse in Wilkesboro. Tfie action itts taken at the recommendation of the coroner’s jury whidi Saturday heard considerable additional evidence wUch tend ed to further implicate members of the Tilley family in the mysterious death of the Childress girl. ' All of the five, except Mr. and Mire. W. W. Tilley, were al ready in jail. Luther was already in jail for the alleged — hearing j Saturday was convened about 10 [o’clock. Long befofe the hour of I the hearing every available foot I of space in the spacious court- I room had been appropriated to ,1 himself by some interested spec- 'tator. The balcony was filled and 1 hundreds were unable to gain Don, Dick and Joe Jokiesl®'^"'*®®*®" T**® c^oua was eeti- HeldInJail:ToJBc^G|yqn Hearing "February 10' I _ Z ; The heanng was conducted William W. Gambill, 28, an . under the direction of Coroner S. employee of the Grier Cotton i A. Rash and Solicitor John R. WiDiamGamyi Killed In Auto Wreck Saturday: Mills, was fatally injured Satur-1 Jones, whose relentles's investiga- day afternoon on the Taylorsville j tion has resulted in new evidence road near Pores Knob when the; at each probe. Assisting Solicitor driver of the automobile in ' Jones were J. H. Whicker, of this which he was riding lost control | city, and Parks Hampton, Elkin and the car turned over in the attorney. road. I The story of a narrow escape The injured man was rushed from a burning building was told to the Wilkes Hospital where he; by Mrs. Hill Cox, sister of Leota died 30 minutes later of internal ^ Childress, as Solicitor Jones at- injuries. j tempted to link the death of the Don Joines, Dick Jolnes and 20-year-oId orphan girl with the Joe Joines, who were said to have [burning of the Cox residence and been in the wreck, were only i the destruction of correspondence slightly injured. Don Mias arrest- j of Leota with her sister, ed by Patrolman S. D. Moore | fourth wit- Saturday afternoon and placed in | placed on the atand. jail, The other Joines boys snv-|sbe testified that a few days be fore her sisler was allegedly rendered to county officers morning. this! I I slain, she saw two men near the An investigation of the wreck | residence which was then lo- * is now being made and the Joines p^ted on the faring of boys will be given a preliminary bearing February 10. Gambill was the son of Mrs. Vick Gambill, of Cricket. He is Solicitor, Jones. She heard one of them re mark, ■'That’s her there.” She , testified that the men went away, but that she advised her survived by his mother, two, busband and Solicitor Jones who brothers, Charlie and John, and j fben kept pomeone watching the one sister, Mrs. Verna Crysel. home most of the time. At the time the accident occur- j recalled that the note red, the boys were traveling purported to have been left by north. The accident took place Childress was found on at the bridge at the foot of the mountain. Funeral service for Gambill was scheduled to be held at Union Methodist church this aft- er’ oon at 2 o’clock with Rev. Monday. Mrs. Cox testified that she and the members of her fam ily barely escaped witfi tbelr lives on the toUowlog'' 'Btiilnilng between 2 and 3 o’clock wben c. .«/wu »v - - j they were awakened and fonod Seymour Taylor, pastor, and Rev. | melr home In flames. All the let- Hubert Bullis-ln charge. |ters written by Leota, telling of Tn Stzidv Aviation [quarrels in the TlUey fanMl^, WashSftoS^pt? t-Presi-'"’^®"® destroyed In the fire, Mrs. Washington reo ■ rresi- ^ testified. There wa. (t sW dent Roosevelt box full of them, she said. . Secretory ope . ^ . . ( A direct connection wltli the inter-departmentol study of gf the note, the deatli of ^rl and the 'burning of the He Win Succeed Jimmie An- a u orm ^ Soimtor a Fruit Growers Meet Thursday Niswimger To ^peak At Cmurty Courthouse In \mesboro At 2 P. M. The Brushy Mountain Fruit Growers Association and , others IpteiiMted in fruit growing will the courthouse In Wllkes- boro Thursday afternoon to hear an address H. R. Ntowonger, state ihortlculturiat. 'Mr. Ntewon- — 7 , ger will speak at 2 o’clock. iMr,^ Eugene i^vto, clttoen of ^ meeting Thursday, „ . Sotb^tor Jones. Mrs. Cox said shn wmit to the county jail on Frtttoy and Identified Luther 'riUey as one of the men she saw near her home a few days before her house 'was burned. ^ 's--" Mrs. Cox said that Lepto had^ written her abont quarrato in,the HUey family and bad sent word for her to- coma atter-rhiM'. She said she and her has band with Will McOlsminery went 4o the Tijley home for Leota sotm X^r receiviug this letter.' When Lwta had gotten her tUngs'^to^aCher. she asked. Mrs. THlejr lor tter bank 'book, Mrs. Cox n tieflfied. > Mrs. 'niley replied thgt "4t-yon . go. yon’U never get ft"-'' t.. - The witness said that spehdtng some time ’'^th decided to home of her. took the t was the lasV : (Contin , r ’ s.