fl 00 IN THE STATE-11.60 OUT OF THE ^SS MEET SUGGESTED » ten Be Hdd Saturday, Feb. £24, la WiHiesboro, If the P j?*’ ' People Desire It ? WUkea connty Is facing a cri- tieel sltaatlon in the matter of tax foreclosure, according to a statement issued this morning by W. A. Stroud. Clerk of Wilkes Superior Court. Unless the provisions of Sen- ... ate Bill 180 are accepted for 'K'Wilkee county, between twenty- ^ five bundred and three thous and tax foreclosure suits must bo Instituted before October 1st of this year. However if the provis ions of this bill are accepted, a decision in the matter must be made on or before the 1st day of April. In this statement, Mr. Stroud, called attention to the fact that j If the regular course is followed i this year, the taxpayers of Wilkes j county will suffer to the extent of | from fifteen to eighteen thousand | dollars In costs for there fore closure suits. Mr. Stroud stated that the sug gestion had been made that a mass meeting of the taxpayers of WUkes countr be held on Satur day, February 24, at 10 o’clock for the purpose of ascertaining the sentiment of the people re garding this matter. Senate Bill 180 provides that at the descretion of the Board of County Commissioners delin quent taxpayers may issue in stallment notes covering a period J of five years as a lien. against ^ their property in payment lor taxes due and unpaid. It is gener- ^ allbJittaJkbat notes which would f ?rovJf.ioP8 ot tlils bill are accepted would take care of the county’s interest in the matter just as completely as. would the foreclosure suits. Mr. Stroud's statement lol-| WdUtx Jones, Wilkes Man, WiU- Be Recokmended By Dowd For Deputy Marsiwd In This District Elk Township Man Was Staunch Supporter Of Senator Robert R. Reynolds In 1932 Primaries; Loyal And Active Democrat; Reynolds Supporters Back^ Him For Marshaf Post ' New York inway Jones . . Miss Amy Hem- (above) division as sistant of the Carnegie Endow ment for International Peace, an nounces that 461 international re lations clubs have been organized in universities, colleges and nor mal schools of the United States- j These clubs are organized in schools throughout the world, to impartially study world peace j problems. 1 Walter A. Jones, of Elk township, will be reeonunoided for deputy marshal of the mid dle district, it was learned Sun day afternoon In a telejdione intjssage from W. T. Dowd, of Sanford, who has been named by President Roosevelt for marshal'of the district. The statement that Mr. Jones will be recommended was confirm ed in a tel^friun to The Jonm- al-Patriot received from Mr. Dowd this morning. Mr. Jones, long a loyal Democrat and an active party worker, bad the united and un divided aid of the support ers Senator Robert R. Rey nolds In tills county, and in both the first and second pri maries held in 1082 he rolled (Continued on page eight) To Acquire Playground Par^ Site Board Votes To Long SearcK Greens Tennessee To Taylorsville Bank and Murderers Caught At BROUGHT BACK TO N. C. Two Men Under Se«te«e*vif** Death For Ptotidpattwi^. In the Robbery The long search for B. OL tireen and hte son, Destwi ed for bank robhefy and mn^i^' in Taylorsville, ended with the ^rrest of the tw^ Aien at Morristown. Tenn. t- The two men were takeC' into custody by the chief of polios there and North Carolina ollloOm were immediately notified. Shoe- Post Office At Wilkesboro f s Sought By Many Demwratic Party!“-f-* Cha4nnanship ls| Some Noted Cases Now In Limelight Iff Len Mays, ot^aylorsTlUqepnd Sheriff W. B. ^mers, of Wllkso, Number of Candidates Are Being Mentioned For Suc cessor To Reins Thirteen Api^cants Take Ex- j jje amination; Eight Men and Five Women LIST IS ANNOUNCED A civil service examination for DECIDED SATURDAY Executive Committee Will Meet At Hotel Wilkes In This City The chairmanship of the Demo-; cratic party in Wilkes is now in| the limelight as the result of the announced intention of J. C. Reins to resign at the special meeting of the county executive committee at Hotel Wilkes Saturday afternoon (Continued on page eight) applicants for postmaster at Wil kesboro, conducted Saturday In this city, revealed that there are thirteen candidates for the office now held by Rev. W. E. Llnney. The examination was conduct ed by M. A. Vickery and F. T.. at 2 o’clock. ' Cranor, members ■f the local. Much interest centers around I civil service board. the selection of a successor to Mr.J Five women and eight men Reins Among those who have been took the examination. "Their Pup-1 mentioned for the post are C. O.j era were forwarded to Washing-j McNeill, F. C. Forester. D. J. | ton and from the list, the .hree Brookshire and James M. Ander-j highest will be certified as eligl- son. Committee members have ble for the appointment. ! given no indication, however, of‘ Those taking the examination' the probable choice. ! were: Mrs. N. O. Smoak, Mrs. | Acceptance of Mr. Reins’ resig-| Eloise Swanson, Mrs. Ray Hemp- nation and the selection of his sue-1 hill. Mrs. Helen Cashion, Mrs. Icessor will be the principal busi-| Solicitor John R, Jones, who left this morning to represent the state In Alexander Super ior court at Taylorsville, will prosecute some noted cases during the next few months. The first- of these wlU be the Taylorsville bank robbery case during the term convened to day. B. G. Green and son, Les ter Green, were taken Jnst in time for trial this court and the connty was saved a board bill of several months. At the March term of Wilkes Snperor court, the solicitor will represent the state in two not ed cases recently developed. One of thelse will be the trial of Luther Tilley and Winfield Stanley on a charge of mur dering .Andrew Eldrldge in June of 1927. The other will be the trial of the five mem bers of the TUley family in- dieted for the alleged murder of IjC-ota CSiUdress. It Is doubtful if John Henry Hauser, confessetl murderer of his son-in-law, will ever be tried again in Davie. Lease Property FromMr.Coftey Land Located Between “D” and “F” Streets Above Fin Sheeted LEASE FOR TEN YEARS Playground Payk Wffl Be Buflt With eWA Labor If It Is Approved Authority to negotiate a lease for a playground park site was vested in Mayor J. A. Rousseau by the board of city commissioners at a special meeting early Friday ' morning. I Action was taken in the matter j after representatives of various I civic organizations had urged that Cleveland . .. With three games of 238, 239 and 248, Mrs. Joan Radkin, shattered the woman’s world bowling record with a 776 series. The former three-game high for women was 769 by Mrs. Floretta McCutcheon in 1927. Judge Finley To Give Decisimi h Yadkin Case Som Hearing Held Here Saturday Afternoon Before the Local Jurist IS OVER-BOND ISSUE left Friday to bring them b^clt- Mlke Stefanott Black are already under seafenee of death for participation robbery of the Taylonrr^ -wait during which T..C. Barnes,. oaA- ier, was kUled > and igplitaat Cashier Solon Little was sefloaa- ly wounded. The death penalty was stayed by an appeal to the Supreme court and they are now occupying death row., The Greens narrowly escapet arrest on several occasions aad finally made their way to Tennes see where they had been hiding In the Mountains. They were -Ua- ' tlves of Tennessee, but had made their home at High Point for several years prior to the Tay lorsville robbery last July. • The Greens are said to have the shots which took the Airport Is Now Almost Certainty Warner Miller, FTank Hartley, Ray Herapliill. A. R. Gray, O. K. Whittingto.T. D. C. Deltor, D. R. Wright, Wm. W. Barber and M. F. Bumgarner. Formal Approval of Mrs. O’Berry Is All That Is Lacking The airport for North Wilkes- horo is now almost a certainty. It was learned this morning. The signature of Mrs. Thomas O’Berry, state CWA administra tor, is all that is lacking and this will be affixed either to morrow or Wednesday, it is be lieved. Officials at Washington lave already approved the pro ject. New Telephone Directory Out ness of the committee Saturday; afternoon. I There are 27 members of the; executive committee, there being | one member for each voting pre-1 cinct. 3 Navy Planes Pass Over City ■ a civil works project for a city playground be suimitted to the ad ministrator. In order to do this, it was necessary that the city either lease or buy property for this purpose. The C. D. Coffey property, lo cated to the rear of the Wilkes hospital between “C” and "D” streets, which was found to be available, was selected as the site for the proposed playground park. A decision as to whether the Yadkin county board of commis- i fired sloners under the law have the life of Barnes and wounded,Jdt- authorlty to issue bonds in the tie. However, death sentencos’ for . , »,,nnnn ««« uH members of a party cbnspw- amount of $140,000 for the con-j^^^ ^ struction o f school buildings attempt murder^^ls done ar« without submitting the question.a matter of course j ___ to a vote of the people will be No money was obtained in the rendered by Judge T. B. Finley, of this city, within a few days. After hearing arguments in the case Saturday afternoon here. attempted holdup at Taylorsville. Solicitor John R. Jones has al ready announced his intentions to bring the Greens to trial at the Alexander Superior court which Judge Finley announced that he; convened today. The case is ex- ' pected to get under way the lat- would withhold final decision un til he had made a careful study ter part of the week, of the law governing the ques- The board voted to lease thejtion. property for a period of ten years i -A group of Yadkin citizens are at $60 per month with an option seeking to compel the commis-j crossed them The Greens are reported, to have told officers that they think Stefanoff and Black double Will Be Distributed To Sub- .scribers By Friday of This Week I av AxivfiMX wim on vpMvst j w-- Apparently Flying From At-: to purchase same within 12 months j sloners to submit the bond Issue ^ ! lanta To Wa^ington; j at $2,000 with accrued interest j to a vote. They were represented ^ I City On Route j from date of the lease or an option Saturday by A. T. Grant to buy at the end of ten years for 1 Three large Navy planes, fly-' $3,OOO with no interest. The lease : ing in V formation, passed over | will also incorporate a provision —:—;;; „ N o r t h wilkesboro Thursday.! to continue the lease from 10 to .Mr. and Mrs. .A. W. Horton T® j j ,,, '20 years for $100 per month. I,eave Within Pmv Days j They were headed north, appar-. / submission to For California i ently making the trip from At- officials will be made up Hortons Will Be Honored At Open House on Friday; DemobUization Of CWA Begins f Mrs. Foster Notified To Start Reducing Workers At Early Date Demobilization of thp OW.\ forces In Wilkes county will be VMgnn within a few days. Mrs. G. O. Foster, county administrator, •$%ted this morning. ■ Mrs. Foster said she had not yot been advised of the exact tulmber of men to be cut off the pnyrolls, but expressed the oplu- lon that reductions will be made before the end of- the week. The 19,84 telephone directories for the North Wilkesboro and West Jefferson exchange of the South East Public Service com pany were released by the print ers last week and they are now being distributed to subscribers. Manager George Kennedy stat ed this morning that every su’o- scrlber will have received his copy by Friday of this week. Di rectories for rural subscribers will be placed in the mails by Wednesday. The directories for West Jef ferson were distributed Friday and Saturday. Those failing to receive their copy of the annual directory by the end of the week should notify the local office, but they are re quested not to call for this pur pose until that time. I The Legion ana r,egion Auxil-j'anta- t® Washington, j iarv will honor Mr. and Mrs. A.: North Wilkesboro is directly in |w. Horton, who are to leave i the Path of the air-line between soon for California where they ^ these two cities and the airport, will make their future home,; If constructed here, may mean with an “open house” at the Le-; that this course will be taken by gion-Auxiliary Club House Frl- j transport planes day evening from 8 to 10. j tween these points. All friends of Mr. and Mrs.: Horton and members of the two organizations are cordially invit ed to be present. j Mr. W. P. Kelly, congenial traveling be- immediately and forwarded to Mrs. Thomas O’Berry, state ad ministrator. Mrs. G. G. Foster, county civil works administrator, has already approved plana for the park. The Coffey property will make an ideal playground park and the Backjfl^jgie Once Only one tfiae since the bank well j was held up have the Greens known Mocksvllle attorney. back to their home at High Point, The county commissioners | they say. This was on MoMSF were represented by Avalon Hall, | after the hold-up on Saturday, of Yadkinvllle. They were there for a short (Continued on page eight) (work which will be done, if the j 1 Per Cent. Penalty | project is approved, will greatly Town Taxes March latl improve the appearance of that section of the city. The project, it is stated, will Mrs. Horton was president of j city clerk, is again calling Jncluds the local Auxiliary unit until she 1 attention of taxpayers to the ex-! resigned a few days ago. the necessary gradiqg, pipes small branch wh=ch runs W. C. T. U. Will Meet Thursday Dmtists Begin Survey Tuesday Juniors To Confer Degrees Tomorrow The local chapter of the W. C. T. U. will meet Thursday after noon at 3:30 o’clock at the home of Mrs. M. M. Darlington. All members are requested to be present. tra penalty that will go on un-: yjg property, the planting paid city taxes after March 1st. trees, construction of a small If the city tax is paid on or be-! building and other work that wiU fore March 1st the penalty will be necessary to transform the be only 12 of 1 per cent. If peidjp^pef^y into a suitable play- after March 1st, It will be 1 perj ground. cent. Mr. Kelly will be pleased fo Mayor J. A. Rousseau and Com- . I I I I (contlnuea on page eigui.; Ask Unemployed | % ri Re-Registration Must Be Com pleted By February 28, Wooten Says R. L. Wooten, manager of ‘he local office of the National Re employment Service, announced this morning that be bad been Instructed to complete the re registration of the unemployed by February 28." Those who registered prior to CeuAict Two Teachers To School For Relief and Needy Children Issue tax receipts to city taxpay ers during the next few days, and missioners J. C. Reins. I- E. Pear son and R. T. McNeill were pres ail who make payment will save s ent at the meeting Friday mom- the extra penalty. 'ing. January 1, who do not re-register A nursery school, a unit of the federal emergency relief program in education, was opened in the city high school building this morning. Miss Myrtle Clara Gentry are the Instructor! Norris" and , Miss by the end of this month, will be placed on the Inactive list. To Explain Code For Lumber Men R. E. UcElveen To Tell Lumber Men «f Code On Wednesday At 10 A. M. and will conduct the school und« Eight New Members Will Be Re ceived .4ind Five Will Be Re-Instated wm Be Out of Their Offices Tomorrow and On Thurs day of This Week As a part of the mouth health survey to be made in schools all over the state, local dentists will ’Oisit several schools tomorrow. They will be back in their offices Wadneaday, but will return to the •dmols again Faraday. . Examinations for defective teeth win be made and a report of their foldings will be submitted to par ents of the children. - Dentists W. A. Taylor, .W.. F. Jeaes and R. P. Casey will visit Ifount Pleasant, Maple Springs, HavUU. Mountain MeuriBg Ihrer, Wfors CmOt, CMdnt, WfflKabom, Fergufoa and RecrmsT adtools daring foe two Degrees will be conferred upon eight candidates for membership and five former members will be re-instated at the regular weekly meeting of North Wilkesboro Council No. 51, Junior Order United American Mechanics, to morrow evening at 7:30 o’clock. Every member of the council, especially members of the degree team, is urged to be present to welcome the new candidates. New Postmaster Will Go In Soon Although J. C. Reins, who was recently confirmed as postmast er £or*North Wilkesboro, Is out of the city and will not take of- Vm today, U is understood that ho will go in thia waok. He wRl ancoeod Jamaa M. Anderaon, act ing poatmaster for the past sev eral moatht. H. V. Wagoner, Scout commis sioner for this district, announc ed this morning that the Scout troops of Wilkes will make a one- day canvass for contributions of materials for the relief of human needs Saturday, February 24. This undertaking, Commission er Wagoner said, is in accord ance with the request of Presi dent Franklin D. Roosevelt, who offered the suggestion in an ad dress to the Scoots during the ob servance of National Boy Scont Week. It is a nation-wide move jind Is intended ^ to relieve the harden of relief uenclee. MAYOR ENDORSES MOVE OF SCOUTS FnrnltSre, blotliing pertilufole foods will be asked, Mr. Wagoasr said. The one-day canvass to be made by the Boy Scouts on Sat urday, February 24, for food and clothing for the relief of hnmaa needs is a “good turn" that does credit to an organi sation noted for carrying oat noMe objeetives. Fnmklln D, Roosevelt, Pree- Ident of the United States, made the suggestion .upon which the Scouts are actingf and It is a phMsnre for me to place the cUy’s stoiito proval npon tbeir plans and to urge timt ear tirffs enthnsiastfcidly to this ‘ - ryfL of Naafo —iM i ' household or kitchen furniture in which there remain: some serv ice , is solicited for their cause. The boys will gather this ma terial and turn it over to the di rector of relief here for utilisa tion among the families who are unable to provide for their .own needs because of unemployment, sickness or other conditions be- yxiiid their oon^l. T9ie‘ Scouts iflll begin their calls Saturday morning and com plete the job Satnrdaj^jitterfoKilJ Lumber men will hear the lum- jber code explained to them by R. Ie. McElveen, a representative of the Sonthern Pine association, at a meeting to be held at the city hall Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock. It is pointed out that every mill man and lumber dealed should be prepared to submit information re garding present .operations as to time, sales and other details. er the supervision of Prof. W, D. Halfacre, superintendent of. t^ city school system. , Only children between the n|M of 2 and 6 who are from wdlef and needy families are eligible to Local; attend. The school will provide excellent training for the"; jshll- dren and special attentlb# ■, to their health will be given by the graduate nur8q. en Dr. Jenkins Will , ' Lecture On Bible Niece of Mn. J.C. rr.v Subject Of mnatrated Lecture Wednesday Night to Be tHow We Got Our Bible’’ „VHow We Got Our Bible’’ will be'the snbject of an Illustrated lecture by Dr. W. A. Jenkins, pastor of if 0 f t h WUkeaboro Methodist church, at the mid week prayer service Wednesday at at the wUest possible afterwards. It will faclittate this work If those who have mti^WeLyVniii nt tiM.o’oloek. JeaUna has a number of Mr. and Mn. Mrs. Charies B. Chi^JRar- meriy MJss Eyfi Passes 111 M«. Charles E. ClM»iik, 27.,j®J. Fnqnay Sprin$ju* a niece of Mre. J, C.- Reias. nfifois irity,jyied In a Ralelgh.'ihospital Battifdly aft ernoon. Mr. and Kt*, BtijlMjaft . early yeaterfay monilng-fo- at tend the fnneral -nt FUqi^. ; Springs and the burial aedl®toJU , Chase City, Va. today. Before her marrj^ Cheek, she was Mtes cock. She had vlilted ' home of Ht'. and .Mre. qnently and was weli, Jieftk they the same ready wiwi' the'interesting atMea wbleh •wUl be ed to reta^ Any item of appmltoe pteea of retneat. in the eenne of foe day eg

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