SDiTOIt p]ttONS ni iJ’Mri. A. ilL ^ 4uay H msKben ot J» Idlewlae » tev additional sneaU, ‘•Mfhtfnlly entertained on .f^eninc when 3lr«. ▲. „J^y ^'»«.>oateeo to the club |iher ho^e on Q Street. An In al vaHod ot aewlns and eon- followed by a de- He'''Mnad 'eourae whidi was Lby the boateaa and Mrs. C. «r. Books were exchanged rthe evening. Potted plants wade ■ effective decorations lor M«« Jooea And and simplicity marked ng .^whlch Friday morn- ——‘ >1 V Social Calendar tkei The North WUkeebMro T. W. A. ueete^ Monday erenii^ at 7:80 at the homO^Of Bfirs. Tal Barnes on B Street. The Wilkeeboro IMhodlet Mtsehwisry Society meets Tues day afternoon at 9:80 at the home of Mrs. J. fL Htenderson. Mtes Irene Gnller wfU- hd hostess to the FrientUy- Circle' of the Wilkesboro Methodist church at her home mi Tuesday evening at' 7:80. The North 'Wilkesboro Meth odist Missionary Society meets Tuesday afternoon at 8:80 In the" liadies* parlor of the chnrch. ■ The North Wilkesboro Bap- . tlst Mlsstonarj' Society will ob- !ted in marriage Miss An- serve the week tf prayer for Jones, of Ferguson, and 'Mebane Robertson, ot nvUle, the Impressive jo^y .taking place here at the ^nse of Rev. C. 'W. Robin- •OB * eleven o’clock with Rev. Mr. I^binson officiating. . i TB4 bride was becomingly at- tlrod Jn a navy blue spring swag- 9BT gttit with accf»sories to match and ,imre a., shoulder corsage of freisia and snapdragons. Immedi ately after the ceremony Dr. and Mrs. -Robertson left for a wed ding tfip to Miami, Fla., and oth- •r points south. The bride Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones, of Fergu- •OB, and received her education nt the Appalachian State Teach ers College in Boone, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. For the past three years she has been employed li. the Wilkes county schools. Dr. Robertson Is a graduate of the University of North Carolina and ^he Temple University School of J^dlclne at Philadelphia. He to a mfember of Phi Pho Sigma, medical fraternity, and did Jun ior Interne at Davis Hospital in Statesville, and the State Sanltor- lum for tuberculosis at Sanltor- Home Missions on Monday and Tuesday afternoons. The meet ings will be held at the home of Mrs. C. E. Jenkins begin ning at 8 o'clock. Mrs. C. C. KUby wlU be In charge of the programs. • To observe the week of pray er for Home Missions the WU- keeboro Baptist Missionary So- "clety will hold an all day ses sion On Friday at the home of Mrs, F. G. Holman, president of the society. The morning session begins at fen o’clock and lunch will be served at noon. m w - . Tkpmai McIianiAlto waa boat |o thif4ir«elSjW« o|^e «1“*> in tbelr bus*«is ^ meondg on Thunday avenlnf '‘Locklyn'' the homo ot 6li“*lsttf, Mrs. P. ifTi ^helmari. THnner was served at seven oMock with covers laid for eight after wbia the regular .btts^MS session was held. North Wilketbdro Hohe^ Roll Following is tiie honor roll of North Wilkesboro city 8«iool for Jhe fourth six-week period: Grade l:Mary Elmore Finely, ^tty Hntchena Masie St. John, Chalina Teague, Billy Gabriel. Edwin Long, Ralph Church, Ralph Craven, Lila Ann Bush, Marie El- ler, Willa Jean Hayes, Betty Gwyn Finley, Glen Gqlli^r, Margaret Jones, Vivian Sue - McNeill, Mary Louise Newton, Fred Jenkins, J. C. Pardue, Gorman Wright, Grade 2: Franklin Horton, Wil liam Keck, Fred Miller, Henry Waugh, Charles Williams, Frances Rousseau, Billie Rudd Trogdon, Jack Anderson, Bill Halfacre, Lewis Hill Jenkins, Hope Allen. Helen Blankenship, Betty Jane jO Leadens Indicate It Will Be Hdd In Abeyanee Until Con*, gressmenr Up For Re*election Haw ' To Fed Pulae of Peo^e At Home Wasblfigton, Feb. 28.—^Theitinuing current appropriations strategy ot letting sentiment tor!for the next flseal year for In- the $260,000,000 of veterans | dependent oftlees. benefits contained 1 n senate Chairnian Buchanan, Demo- amendments to the independent I crat, Texas, of the appropriations offices supply bilt simmer for a opmmittee, and Representative while has been adopted by how. Woodrum, Dwnocrat, Virginia, Democratic leaders. j conferred early^ today at.^i.tho To carry this out, a gesture to’White Honse on the plan and lat- send the controverted bHl to con-'er Representative Byrns, of Ten- ference by unanimous consent it neuee, Democratic floor leader, to be made tomorrow, with the; I divulged It. almost certainty of objection. | Speaker Bainey described the They would automatically return senate amendments as eeytaln it It. to the approprIaUons comidlti enacted to “destroy the Presi- tee. . dent’s' economy program,” . There, leaders Indicated, it is Meanwhile, word was passed going to stay for a while In ord- that i&ould the hones agree to er to give senators and represen- them the bill faced a veto • the toHves up for re-election ample same as the $2,400,000,000 Pat* Op^rtanlty to hear from home. , man cash honue bill which is to It also was intimated that as be voted on In the house March a final effort to defeat the 12. amendments incorporating $360,-' After the honse plan had been 000,000 more for veterans which worked out, a conference of Dem- Tvere inserted by the senate, the ocratlc house members sdheduled Helen BianKensnip, Betty Jane measure might be held up un- for tonight to consider the sen- Bush, Peggy Jane Hart, Katherine: til the end of the session and a att amendments was indefinitely Hall,'Mary Moore Hix, Ruby Lee resolution adopted merely con- postponed by Byrns. Johnson, Frances Kennedy, Bertha Gene Myers, Ruth Wyatt, William Hayes, Marilena Colvard, Joyce Harrold, Betty Jane Turner, Kate Porter, Lomax Kilby, Patsy Ruth Known Cltlsen Of Hay- Hadley, Peggy Finley, Donald ^ Golden, Annie Ruth Blankenship. , HOW; TO, PiKftrB 1. tfse rii*^.'tooU, either _ _ shears or saw,, depeniiing u^n die nature of woric to be done., 2. When removing a branch en tirely, make a cloec, clean “collar” cut, very close to the trunk or stei^ so as not to leave tile least evidence of a stub or spur. A dear collar cut heals very quickly, while the stub cut never entirely heals over until it has permitted decay to enter into the heartwood of the tree. ^ > ' 3. In catting ott large branches, make an nhdd^t on the branch first Then siw off from above, , x » very dose to the main stem. This deciduous plants, rosea, etc. the B- or ov 1, do: all yt obt over three seasofis:'"so that til»: may" haw oppbiftITIlty ''to''_.„,-, . as yod^'along. ’ 9. The rejuvenation ■ of abJUM - by removing tiu; older -“iHkm' make sure that the old stem is cn- tirely removed from tiie l»ae. Ojr: crown of the shrub evun if you. have SO scratch a UttB bdenr 0w surface of tiw grouiid to do it Wb» stubs are left in thsr’pliait or tiee the shrub or treb is not being pruned, it is bdng butditond. Nbxt is8ae: '''When to -yntoe a F. T. Harrold Is Claimed By Death Grade 3: Betty Joe Craven, Gladys Dagenhardt, Margie Gal- liher, Ersie Faye Lyall, Hubert Clark, Carl Gwyn Coffey, Royal Eudaily, John Kelly, Malcolm But- ner, Billy Wade Estes, Claude Reynolds, Rose Zell Caudill, Mil dred Elledge, /Wilma Higgins,' WANT ADS The monthly meeting of the j Edna Mae Minton, Eunice Milam, Episcopal Auxiliary will be I Clara Louise Pardue, Ruby Mae . xhursday afternoon im- | Smith, Hill Carlton, Joe Clements, meadow Community; An Ac tive Church Worker “Bolero” Playing Liberty Theatre Noted Production Featuring George Raft And Fan Dance Girl On Two Days F. T. Harrold, a widely known Telling the intimate story of resident of the Haymeadow com- jjjg ufe of a world famous danc- munlty, died suddenly Wednes- er, "Bolero,” starring George Cl, day as be was in the act of Put-I Raft and Carole Lombard, opens ting wood on the fire at his' * home a two day engagement at the Liberty Theatre today. Featured His death came as a distinct 1 jn the cast are Sally Rand, the shock to his many friends. | fan dancer of 'World’s Fair fame. Funeral rites were conducted j and Frances Drake, from Zion church Thursday at 1 held Thursday afternoon Im- | Smith, Hill Carlton, Joe Clements, from Zion church Thursday at 1 “Bolero” reveals the long mediately after the Lenten Joe Hunt, Christine Byrd, Wade o’clock In the presence of a large! gtruggle for success by an ambl- sendee which is to be held at j Palmer, David 'Welbom, Lucile concourse of relatives and friends! tlous youth, who finally achieves the Hotel Wilkes beginning at i Covington, Betty Mills, Margaret 3:80. Circles of tin' Presbyterian .Auxiliary will meet Tuesday at the homes of the following No. 1, Miss Ellen Robinson, H p. in. No. 2, Miss Virginia.. l.rf»iie, 8 p. m. No. .1. Mrs. K. G. Finley, :t:80 p. III. No. 4, .Mrs. H. H. Smith, .3:.’to p. m. The Wilkesboro Y. W. A. meets with the Blevins gir' Monday evehing at 7: SO at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. F, Blevins. The hidells class of the First Baptist church will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30 at the home of Miss Mamie Mc Neil. I Rhodes, Eleanor Wright, i Grade 4: Jack Hadley, Landon, Edna w ••• — — w. - . 01.1 aw* — concourse of relatives and friends! tlous youth, who finally achieves reflecting the high esteem In | fame only by denying his erao- whicb tihe deceased was held in ; tlous, by trampling on the hearts Ah b Pmili'ne Community. i of the beautiful women who help ® ‘ The services were conducted | him on his way to the top. Henry will prevMit the weight of limb from teai^g the trunk. 4. All enta over tme inch ' in diametor should be painted at once to prevent decay. Any heavy paint with 8 little I«np black or pre ferably brown or green coloring, to make less conspicuous, is safe and good. Painb only the wood ent; avoid painting the-cambinm if pos sible, for painted cambium heala slovriy, 6. In pruning small twigs the cut should always be made just above a bud or node, for only by following this rule can you avoid dead sticks and stubs; Another pointer in this respect is to always cut above a bud which ■'points in the direction you wish the new branch to grow. If you wish the plant to become open and spread ing, cut above bud pointing out- wa^s; if you wish it to grow tall and more compact, cut just above an inside bud. Don’t try to imitate popadour hair-cuts or feather duster effects in pruning shrubs. They spoil the plant for beauty and utility. A safe rule to avoid this is to cut the heavy branches iiack a little shorter than the smaller branches and branchlets; then the evidence of heavy pruning will soon be en- ; tirely hidden- 7. Do not entirely remodel the habit of a plant. No amount of ScrenJ Cirarcliet Y«k v' . ' -To C>U Fw; Mii^ ^veral churches in the Brushy Monatsln Assoetetion bsv» s sup ply of minutes for last tesif that' have not been called for, L.- Hemphill, moderator, stated Sat-- nrday. Mr. Hemphill has these minutes at the office ot the Ixmrd ot education and requests ^ that they be called for at the earliest convenient date. Side Quit Got Stroofer, WdQl; ’ CARDUI Helped H« WOMEN! Get rid of the bai^ cape of a weak, debilitated coudS- tion with the aaaiatance of CarduL Mrs. R. L. West, of Huntsville, Ala., writes: “I was weak and run-down. I bad a pain in my sida, and I kept losing weight I grew nervous over tny condition—this was unusual for me, for I am very cheerful when I am well and doU^ easily get nervoua. I knew I ought to take aomethlng. My aunt told me I ought to try Cardnl,' which 1 did. I began to feel bet ter. I kept it np until 1 bad taken three or four - bottlee. My side quit hurting and 1 was soon feel ing strong and well.’’ Cardul la sold at drug stores bore. j Bumgarner, I^therine Finley, Nel-, “;^;-”;™^ DinardrasVlsted | numb^m Zl' woven he Gabriel, Wand^ Kerley, Nellei. ^ | .. R^rarb. TTu.shnobVS;!|^^ eager Dillard and Worth ! Maurice - - -- - IWalker. | famous Ravel's world- Cav Hpnrv Revnolds Marv Brew-i 1 famous “Bolero’’ and In one se- iS-, Betty llalfawe, Lucile Rhodes. , "'“J | Quence Raft and Miss Lombard I Grade 5: Mary Lois Frazier,I1 P^sent the tango "Raftero ;Grace Frank Kilby, Cora Pruitt,;^ |-«fhlch promises to become enor- ! Alice WelLs, Wavne Caudill, Wal-! Pallbearers were: 0. H Dil-|mously popular In ballrooms Iter Jones, Mack Miller, Walter, ^Paln Adams,, throughout the country. 'Call, Paul Haigwood, Bobby Heth- U- M. Myers, J. S. Myers and El- i„ his role of a colorful danc- * cock, Lloyd Palmer, Johnsie Lack-1 hern Brown. er. who rises from cheap music ley, Nellie Galleher, Mildred Wil-j M*"- Harrold came from a ^ halls to the most lavish cafes on i litinis. i prominent family being the son the Continent, Raft Is ruthless, I Grade 6: Pat Williams, Mary I 1®*^® William M. and Can- crafty and determined. Wlhen he I Louise Clements, Marjorie Gabriel, Johnson Harrold. ’discovers that the public does not 'Corinee Faw, Jane Perry, Frank! He was born Aug. 23, 1873. be- watch him but focuses its atten- jCranor, Joe McCoy, Russell 60 years, 6 months and 5 | tlon on the beautiful women with I son, Harry Shaefer, Odell Andrews,'days of agg. ^ .whpm he dances, he discards one ! Mitred Ford. Margaret Hendren,| He professed a hope in Christ' after another of his dancing part- I Virginia Morrison. j and joined Zion chuith In j ners, as each one outlines her j Grade 7; Ralph Crawford, Geo. 11899!'-He wasi^ortotji^a a deacon abilities to attract notice. aaaaAtttfSVVMMMtX ' Wells. Agnes Elleuge, Margaret | of Zion Baptl8V'‘oihUtoh In 19141 When tie meets Carole Lom- it-pd {♦**vv4 ^ (York Mills, Lassie Minton, Eliza- and served faithfully as an offi-j bard his plans are defeated by ■. iuin. and served his Senior i beth Neel, Mary F. Pardue, Ralph |cial of the church until death. | love. The tragic intervention of at Hampt iTosnital at Bowman, Robert Schaefer, Mabel At the time of his death he waa, the World war and Its effect up- John.ston. | choir-master of Zion church and on him and his ambition, lead to Grade 8: Mildred Finley, Charles was a very able choir leader. Mr. | a dramatic ending. Sink. Ruth Absher, Elizabeth An- Harrold was a diligent student of i In the picture Raft tangoes, derson, Grace Dancy, Helen Kelly, | the Bible and one of his favorite | does the old and new style of Emily McCoy, Mary Nichols, Sara ■ pass-tim-’s was reading and con-j Charleston, which he originally j Poole. . versing about tihe Bible. created, the strut, the modernls- j hniirtinrs- suitable! X, t- • l i Grade 9: Rose Wade Scroggs, | He was united In marriage to ’ tic “Bolero" and be initiates a dows store . , Current Topic Club Mamye Yates, Hazel Ervin, Mary x^ncy Hincher in 1889 and to brand new dance called the “Raf- *■* Entertained Wednes ay Jq Pearson, Bill Jenkins. Ithis union were horned 8 chll-.tero,” Inspired by the savage .Mrs. Hoyle Hutchens enter- " _ , _ FOB S.ALE—Wheal shaw, 2Se bale. R. K. Bolick, Conover, N. C. 3-8-2t. ■ V —J ' ’’" ^ — FGR S.ALE . . . gool Mules for sa^ cheap. See W. H. Faw near Mijiers C^»ek or Wilkesboro. N. C. Route 1. ■ ■ i"‘" and servea nis ABE'YOU DRINKING Par-T-Pak | ternahip at Hamet Hospital Ginger Ale? 10c per bottle ( 1 ' Krte, Pa. He is now a member of qt.J plus 5c bottle deposit. Us the Trivette Clinic at Hampton- ■i,>rebl product anfl must be -He. and is dmug Pr-vate pra - - At most deaters. 'i-S-tC tice in that section. Di. Robert- TOR RENT-^e 'of the Mea- I’ Robertson, of Charles. house.- -See F. C. Tomlinson. 3-a-2t u X ixiu ueiiiuiiB. .this union were Domed o cnii-jtero, I — I Grade 10: Nina Call, Elizabeth of whom preceded him rhythma of Ravel’s famous music. tained the members of the Cur-1 jgnning, Sara Bolinger. jgath. Surviving are his wife I “Bolero” is rated as one of ' rent Topic club and several oth-| Cradle 11: Gladys Bryant, Annie children, Avery, Charlie.' the prize films of the new sea- home on I Jo Haigwood, Annie Vannoy,; Lunie and Mrs. John son and Its showing at the Lib- ?. I MsiriRnna Pflccel M/ATnnor I .. . •_ liilN: -Age 1H-4.V To qualify in' friends at her ’ er irieiuis at nci w*. -1 ou naijijkvuuu, Aiuiie . Alvin Lunie and Mrs. Recall. Mercnandisiiig J'l® « | street Wednesday afternoon. The . Marianna Cassel, Sue Moring ^p^pyg „f Hays, and Mrs.' erty Theatre this week is one of Government " first part of the afternoon Mrs Clemente, Ma^aret Faw, Eliza-1 Teague, of Schoolfield, th^ first in this section of the ieilce not e.ssentiai. Man B. Johnston called the roll beth Johnson, Dovie Pardue, Ruby « t .-V *1 3 ElslO ed: trained. Personal Interview | niembers; responded with | Tuttle, Henry Bauguess, bgi writiii.g Box 44 this P^P®*"-. interesting items on flowers aft-1 Nichols. I Va. He is also survived by the country, following brothers and sisters,' . -■ I sumciiiiiT. y— - r WE {HAVE a piano in your com- marked the, guests places at ngnity that is partly paid for, fnm. tables for the game. Tempt- Elniore Harrold, North Wilkes- jboro; Marshall Harrold, Gilliam, ROLL, FIFTH MONTH ^ irfld, of Hays; and Mrs, Spencer He Young Republicans Opposed To Duncan Salisbury, March 3.—Young Republicans meeting here 10 , night effected a permanent or- f the tunpaid balance rather 3 "Hutchens with i month: i hIT I “""I have the piano shipped in. jHgg Doris West I First grade—Frances Miller, j M elected Edward F. Butler, of iss Box 262, Salisbury. Mamie Yate's.' | (also fourth month) Irene Warner, ''p''*’ Fries, Va. (Winston-Salem, chairman. As a 3-12-3tj® ' ■ ; C. G., Clifford Minton, Bud-! - -- 7~1"; .' „i(mav tn thr^A hours of discus- I Mrs. Duncan Hostess To ! Smithey. Tea And Topics Club 1 Second grade r , « *. Eldora, la., Feb. 28.—Hank lA I _ tour laoies lui iiic fiau,c. I „ „ . ... . PllAda'P NnrtJh Wilkesboro It isfdn A-iramber one shape. . refreshments in two courses I Following is the honor roll of Elledge, ^ort-h \ . wiwiUl let you have it by w’- served at the close of th® j Wilkesboro high school for the fifth, Suffers His 16th Major adjourned with- rtiiu » Blevins, | ** ^ ^ out expressing a preference foi of Black Gold, Block: j ." enjovable club party of -the! Clarence L. Mayberry, Billy Craft, “ ' ' * w' - .'TTf A. O ^tl Nr_A ^T_ Greenwood ot Black uoiu, biocr. i. enjoyable club party or -tne . l.. iua.vucrry, omy (..ran, | •».. . -- ' the state chairmanship but Tifi-'Affldrican Foxhound, Reg* ^-eek was given by Mrs. Ralph | Victoria Roupe, Edna Yates, Nan- Shafer. 83. “tihe man of many ac- j„ charlotte on . L icQ-«i7 TT K, ' _ . , , cv Lee Yates. Pauline Brown cidents.” can take it. and how. I.„_ „» btafe eonvention for will ... the cidents,” can take it, and how. ^f f.j,g state convention and „ He’s recovering In a hospital fjjgn gi^g expression to oeiioiiiu. -A— -- -lae mem»c.^ and j'®® Anderson, Beulah Welch. j’from a fracture of the hip, sus- tj,g,r choice for a leader. A reso- CsJl or write Lawrence Miller, ‘ .^3 and several other'^Jhird grade-Nell Hubbard,. tained when he fell on the Ice pagged. however, by a % of U A. Miller. North ,-i„nd3 Guests besides the club i Sarah Brooks, Nor- near his home. The recovery will g^d unaniyious vote oppos- V ...mWavwa . vri ms StnO&lC, ! U nnlr^o TVAfl {A1* AT1P I* a.\- ^ /v# T O WlAQ fi TM‘AB!erican roxiiuunu. was given oy Mrs, naipii • ■ is^tion number 169-817 U. K 'Duncan at her home on Friday | ®y Eee Yates, Pauline Brown. -Cv Sure nose, deep voice and p^gnjng when she had as guests t. and third grades—Lou b^ntlful ears. Fee $10.00. members of the Tea "s® Anderson. Beulah Weleh kejsboro, N. C. Telephone jnembers were .Mesdames 3. V. be Hank’s 16th major one. ljj,g fjje re-election of James S. 4412. The :en raisers of 3-8-2t-pd. r""‘,:„3:„ "e m. Hutchens. , grade-pJoye Miller, Bet-j in his S3 years he’s been struck' Duncan to that position. ==^ Frank Tomlihson, E. E. EUer, 1 Wiles. | by lightning tihree times. He was j —* z’ farmers and and”Minnie Hunt and Miss Mary Adams, ■ Ray j buried In a coal mine once. He Wilkes and piniey. Early spring flowers Stroud. jnins; counties to know that j made a pretty background for j Davis Sixth grade—Sam Smoak. Bax- Ernestine Mitchell fell from a high trestle. Boone 'nilett, of Charlotte, was named secretary under pow er granted to Chairman Butler. Starting Mash rnHuests wh; spent sometime in ' ^M|tehell, ,^3^ ^^m at $2.35 per 100,, needlework and chatting. Mrs. W.; g^ETelvn I ? ^ Miss Anne Dunca^ | Constance Smithey. Marjorie Hart.’;!i. Blown into the air by a can-. resolution on the present mixing Starting ye sell .thm will grow your ouivAo ,«|j Alien ana .uiss «uuo , Constance Smithey. Marjorie ln««er size as quick as any on • ggjgted the hostess in serving | Virginia Miller, Vada Roupe, Jes- tbe market rejiardless the'3^,3^ 3„d gweet courses at thei^jg Beulah Church, O and an eye.' gajes tax provoked discussion on under two tons tjjg part of the delegates who ^!Sd'""u A'rrui!'BV . -- „ i®'® Byrd. Beulah Church, Connie f.r—WH-K'ES HATCHERY, j of the sewing period. Mrs. Lowe. 1-22-tf Allen, Mrs. I. E. Pearson and Mrs. J. H. Eudalia were Wilkesboro, N- C “A LITTLE NEATER— A LITTLE BETTER” THAT’S THE WAY WE DO THE JOB RIGHT-WAY Shoe ^lop C.G, PUrnCO, Piwp. Ttitpiwt M Eighth grade—S. A. Foster, wel- : Horace Minton, Rose Stacy, How- comed Into the club as new mem-; ard Frasier. bers. I Ninth graces—Grace Joines, Dor othy Beshears, Paula Craft, Wil lie Hamby, Lee Settle, Webb Sta- Lee Jennings, Clay MUs Elizabeth Johnson j^tertains J.' U. G. Club I cy, Annie Miss Elizabeth Johnson ent®!"-j Johnson, tained the members of the J. U. j Tenth’grade-Helen Bumgarner, G. club, ot which she is a mem-,Anie Lou Ferguson. Kate Ogilvie, her, at the home of her parents, | Carmine Broyhill, Treva Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Johnson, Satur- j Eleventh grade'—Thelma Miller, day evening. Various games af-,Myrtle Yates .Geneva Wallace, forded much amusement for the Hazel Walker, Lucilc '-Hartley, guesU throughout the evening!Joggie Davis, JSadie Brookshire, after which delightful refresh-j Milford Tedder, Broadus Canter, m6Zltt W6F6 wrred. > Jim I Jim Bumgarner, Ethel Davia fallen SO feet thought a substitute should he over a cliff. | suggested but a final compromise A horse threw him and dragg-1 resulted in adding a line to the ed him through a barbed wire effect that the tax could be fence. Hank came out ot that eliminated If state office payrolls with three broken ribs and a curtailed, broken collar bone.* A horse kick-j - jgire Newell, unable to bo ed him once, too, but t^ere was present, insisted by letter that no apparent damage. jjia name be not considered for He pustained a skull fracture fjie chairmanship as he posltive- in a fall from a bobsled. jy could- not take It. Then, at 80, he hit his stride 1 , ———— to survive an attack of double * Paris, March L ( urs ay — pneumonia. At 81 a paralytic Premier Gaston Doumergue won stroke stopped him for a time, his budget fight in parliament In But he waa back In the race at a night session when tte esU- 82. to sustain a few broken bones mates were adapted by the cham- when a horse and wagon An over her of deputies at * him. And the bones were broken vote was 468 again in an anto accident later toUIs about.„ 48,603,4100,000 the same year,^S'!w ’ . francs. • ••youll be happiet wllii;a *jaeratcf # Aik any friend who owns a West- ingiiouse Refrigerstor these ques tion:: (1) "Is there anything you do not like about your Westinghouse?” (2) “If you were to choose again, would you still choose Westing- house?” A recent check of these questions in iS.COO typical American homes reveals the fact that Westinghouse leads ell others in loyalty and abso lute owner satisfaction. Westinghouse convenience, qual ity and economy will make you enthusiastic, too. Choose from 12 handsome models — in lacquer or porcelain finish — on liberal budget terms. ‘ r COMB mi LET VS DEMOliSTlOlTB BDVBNGED nUITUEES l^'^E THISSB "Handy-Latch” Door Opener Electric-Ughted Interiora "Economatic” Defrosting MAMIROilKliS i Hermetically-Seaied Mechanism All-Steel, Super-Sealed Cabinets “Sdcct-a-Cube” lee Trays Seamlen Porcelain Interior Dual-automatic Control E. T. Hackney, Q. B. Blankenship, Rom H. Pearson and I. E. Pearson are the ffrst to ^ buy 1934 WESTBSfGWOUSE ELECTRIC REFRIGERA* TORS. WHkes Electrid^ Qk W, M. DAY Phone 328 TAL J. PEARSON ^ Meadows Building North WilkMboro, 5 h • ■