NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C., THURSDAY, MAR. 8, 1934 . f IN fATiMl.W OUT OF^THE STi Queen :vtHHL Case Casey Renounces His JR^MTo Tax Forcuosnre Fees Case Is Celiil Not Be 8l tion, Jme8 Says County Attorney Tells Com missioners He WiU Dwuite Work Oh Suits IE WILI. URGE TRUL tree Attorneys Employed To Appear For Private Proscciitkm HAS BROUGHT 400 SUITS Be- MlttOTBey 3. A. Ronss«au has 4^1^ ^employe^ by relatires ot Iltat Leo^ Cbildrete, whose life- tmily wae tpuad in the home ^ her teeter-parents^ Mr. and Jirs. W. W. Tilley, on December 30, to assist the state In prosecut ing the murder case against the five members of the Tilley family now held In connection with the biime. Solicitor John R. Jones announced yesterday. ▲t the time he made this an- aoaneement. Solicitor Jones re iterated a statement made some time ago to the effect that he will urge trial of the defendants at the term of Superior court now in session. “It the case is postponed, it will not be on motion of the proeecutlon,” the solicitor em phatically stated. The state Is ready to iMgln trial Monday, the day es^whlch the case is on the calendar, he declared. Notwithstanding, the solici tor’s statement, the feeling exists that the ease will hardly be reached at this term. Solicitor Jones will be aided In the prosecution by Mr. Rous seau and J. H. Whicker, of the local bar, and Parks Hampton, of Blkln. The Tilley family Is represent ed by J. Hayden Burke, of Tay- lorsTllIe, A. T. Grant, of Mocks- vllle. and Eugene Trlrette and J. >. Jordan, of the Wilkes bar, the latter two being employed to represent Mrs. Lnther Tilley. Fees Renounced Total tween $1,500 and Three Thousand Dollars Brussels . . . Another beautiful Queen graces the throne with her King, Leopold III. She was Crown Princess Astrld, daughter of Prince Charles of Sweden and the Princess Ingeborg of Den mark. This new portrait study is said to be the farorlte of the new Queen. W-LWinWerTo Be Retained As Policeman Here Return of J. M. Anderson As Chief Causes Shift On Police Force HOKE QUITS J. H. Alexander To Build Home •WUl Be Located Near Baptist Church In WUkesboro On Somers Lot J. H. Alexander has let con tract for the erection ot a six- room Colonial style bungalow on a lot, located near the Baptist jing postmaster church in WilUesboro, which he j the release of one recently purchased from Sheriff W. B. Somers. The new residence will be modern in every respect and will be an attractive addition to Wilkesboro’s residential sec tion. Mr. Alexander moved here from Taylorsville several months ago when U. L. Haf.^r purchased the local Chevrolet agency. He is a salesman for the Hater Chevrolet company and is a promising young business man. Good Chance To Get Courtroom The board ot city commission ers at their regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening voted to retain W. E. Winkler on the police force and to dispense with the services of R. E. Hoke effective Saturday. The commissioners expressed regret that they were unable to retain Mr. Hoke anji placed them selves on Fecord as deepfy ap preciative of the excellent man ner in which he has performed his duties as an officer. Return of James M. Anderson to his post as chief of aft-'r an absence of s''vrial months during which Uo served as act- made necessary member of the force. City Clerk W. P. Kelly was in structed to make out a list ot auto tag delinquents and turn it over to the chief of police for action. The meeting Tuesday evening was held at the city hall at 7 o'clock and was attended by Mayor J. A. Rousseau and all members of the board of com missioners with the exception of S. V. Tomlinson who Is absent from the city. A. H. Casey, attorney for the Wilkes county board of commls- afoners, handed delinquent tax payers between $1,600 and and $3,000 Tuesday when he an nounced that he will not collect his fees on more than four hun dred foreclosure suits which he has brought on behalf of the county. If delinquents will come In alid pay up their delinquent taxes, no charge for attorney fees will be listed on the bill of cost as the result of Mr. Casey’s liberality. Mr. Casey’s announcement was made to the board of coun ty commissioners who were strug gling with the ever-present prob lem of tax delinquency. The liberality of the county attorney was disclosed by Regis ter of Deeds T. H. Settle, clerk to the county board, who said Mr. Casey had brought suit In more than 400 cases and that under the law, he is entitled to fees ranging from $10 to $25 for each suit. The original fee for fore closing was $25. This was later reduced to $10. The last general assembly reduced the fees still further, but no suits have been SATURDAY i instituted since the last reduction was made. Mr. Casey told the commission ers that In view of the inability ot the taxpayers to meet their obligations, he felt that if the eliminaton of attorney tees would be an inducement to come In and pay, he was authorizing the coun ty accountant to accept payment without the fees. The foreclosure suits required much time and work on the part of the county attorney and ordi narily attorney fees in the four hundred suits would have amounted to several thousand Ji'.'.rirs. Wall 1$ Named Tai' Supervisor Will Direct Lasting of Taxes In Wilkes For His Six^h Year Local Men Visit Capital In Interest of Addition To Postoffice Building *> Chances for getting an ade quate federal court room built In the new North WUkesboro post office building soon to be erect ed are very good. Attorney A. H. Casey, C. T. Donghton, J. T. Prevette and J. i.* 0. Rotas retnrned Tuesday from Washington, D. C. where they conferred with government offl- eiala In the Interest of the move- fMjit- They conferred with Con- grauman Walter Lambeth and ongressman R. L. Doughton, itk of wJiom appeared with then In conferences with postal department and treasury offlcl-| alB. An official of the treasury) Merchants Will Sponsor Cooking School March 16 Miss Ix>retta Gray To Conduct School Under Direction Of Chas. P. Smith During the past decade, free cooking schools have been a year ly feature in most metropolitan centers throughout the country as the result of co-operative ef forts of leading newspapers and merchants. The interest in these schools has encouraged Chas. F. Smith, distributor of Pyrofax gas and Magic Chef ranges for North Wil- kesboro and vicinity, to under take the sponsorship of a free cooking school, with the co-oper ation of a number of North Wll- kesboro merchants. Through the co-operation of the influential companies Mr. Smith represents. depKTtment said his office he has been able to secure Miss the room “ Loretta Gray, New York dietician tloa to the Public Works Admln- ' Istration In charge of Secretary Ickes of the Department of In- tarlor. The Idea was favorably recelv- •'ed by the authorities there and a final decision will be rendered irtthin a few days. laUglitly Improved Paidwe May Recorer Prom Seelo— Injarlee Jamed PMdne,^ of this city, whose skull was fractured Sun day when he was kicked on the of the head by a mule, was t ftigntiT improved this morning. It was learned at the Wilkes Hoe- -Ital wlwre he to a patient. He tea been In n semi-conscious ooadltlon etee® the aecldent. chanoe to and domestic science specialist, for conducting both sesBiona of the school which will be held here on March 16th. One session will be at 2 li! m. and the other at 7:30 p. m. Miss Gray has a training and knowledge by which she holds the undivided attention of her audiences while showing the ad vances of modern science in the culinary arts. Each recipe Is carefully ex plained as Miss Gray prepares It before her audience. "Time nnd Temperature Cooking,’’ originat ed by American Stove company, makers of Magic Chef ranges, to the methoa MIjs Gray nses. She explains Its advantages and eco nomics as proved by millions , of liaen thconghont the eoantry. t—rffla -ed%«eiRMb>4iata; A. C. Wall, prominent citizen of Edwards township, was named Wilkes coviity tax supervisor for the sixth consecutive yiar at the meeting of the board of county comniisoioners Tuesday. Mr. Wall Is regarded as a very efficient tax supervisor and his re-appointment to the post was not unexpected. Township listers will be named at an early date and tax listing will get under way on April 1. Loses Fingers In Attempted Theft Glean, N. Y., March 5.—Au thorities here are looking for a man who tried to move a 900- pound monument and left three fingers under its edge. The fin gers were found today when the granite company which owns the stone righted it. It was upset Saturday night. Patrolman Gets ModeLT When Car Hits Tree DR. WYNEKOOP CONVICTED OF MURDER ■Hf’ mim I ,* -m PatroUn*n S. D. Moore came into town, driving a ModeItT Ford Tnesday as a result Of a chase, the latter part of which was made on foot. Riding along on his motor- cycle down the Boone TVail, the patrolman ol^nred the ancient vehicle proceeding on the public highway without license. He tamed quickly when the driver passed the signal to halt, but the Model-T was driven off on a side road wher-'e motorcycles go not at all hi ralny-innddy weather. Abandoning, his motorcycle, Mr. Moore started on foot and caught up several hundred yards distant when the fleeing car struck a tree. But for his muddy chase. Pa trolman Moore ifot nothing more than the ancient automo bile. Driver and his passenger escaped Into the woods, leaving the veteran of many years to Its fate. Local OfficCiOf N.R.S. SeekrTo A^ Co-q»crstioii „ ers In Fiiufing JofaA'l 1,442 Workers ^ JOBS SECimED fO& 501 Total of 3,341 Recrifltered With N.R.S. Since Office Opened November 23 T' The Local office of the National Re-employment Service to now seeking to obtain the lull co operation of industry in]* placing those registered os V hnemployed on Jobs when vacancies "occur, R. L. Wooten, manager, said in a statement Issued yesterday. The office has found employ* Above are showrjt Alice trr 1 u . inent of 601 persons and regtoter- Wynekoop, who was convicted " - - ed 3,341 applicants, the state- Of the total nnmber Everythii^; Ready For Fashion Show Monday, Tuesday Tuesday of the marker of her daughter-in-law, Rheta (lower left), whose lifeless body was found on the operating table in the Wynekoop offices. At upper left Is shown Dr. Wyne- koop’s'sbn, Earl, husband of Rheta^ Merchants To Present New Spring Styles On Living Models At Theatre TWO DAYS AND NIGHTS Dr. Alice Wynekoop Convicted Of Murdering Daughter-In-Law Everything is In readiness for the spring fashion show which will be staged by North Wllkes- boro merchants In co-operation with the Liberty Theatre Mon day and Tuesday. Arrangements are now com plete and indications point to a very successful showing of the latest styles in ladles’, men’s and children's wearing apparel. Patrons of the focal theatre will be treated to an excellent screen program In addition to the fashion show and vaudeville en tertainment. Wearing the feminine apparel 63-Year-Old Chicago Physician Sentenced To Twenty-five Years In Prison; Is Tantamount To Life Impds onment; An Aw>eal Is Taken Chicago, March 6.—Dr. Alice been reached. A call was then Lindsay Wynekoop was convicted tonight of the murder of her daughter-in-law, Rheta. She was sentenced to 25 years in prison. The jury deliberated only 36 minutes, exclusive of time taken out for dinner. The defendant received the sent for the Judge, the defendant, and the attorneys. A long delay ensued while bailiffs sought Defense Gounsel W. W. Smith aAd Milton Smith. They reached the courtroom at 8:25 p. m., and the judge hushed the room while the Jury foreman announced the 13 had agreed on a verdict and then that it was O.At J/. Ui. wvyav. from the stocks of local stores jj^ur’s Intermission for dinner be- will be the beautiful girls of Harry 3(hannon’s vaudeville troupe. Mr. Shannon and mem bers of his band will be models for the men’s clothing stores. The Shannon company is making a return engagement with a com plete change of program. On the screen during the fash ion show will be “Going Holly wood.” featuring Bing Crosby and Marion Davies. The showin,? of spring styles will be on at both matinee and evening performances on each of the two days. Regular admission charges will be made by tbe theatre and many people are expected to take advantage of the opportunity to view the next spring merchandise as shown on living models. verdict quietly In the wheel chair '‘guilty.’’ in which she was brought into The penalty was jegurded as the Courtroom. [ tantamount to life Imprisonment The Jury received the case at ^ for the 64-year-old physician! 6:14 p. m. and were given an'who is in failing health. , Burdine Gardner of Indlanap- fore they began deliberations to j oils, father of the slain Rheta, determine the fate of the 63- clasped his hands tightly togetb- year-old physician and write a|er as the jury foreman read the solution to one ot the most amaz-j verdict. . ^ ing crimes in Chicago history. | “Twenty-five years—yes,’’ he At 7:40 p. m.. there was a said. “Justice has been served.’’ knock from the Jury and the an-j Mrs. Gardner was with her nouncement that a verdict had i husband. Forester Leaves To Attend Meet State Master of Grange To Visit Here Next Week .Attended OU Code Meeting In Dnriuun Yesterday; In Ra leigh For Meet Today WiU Address Subordinate South Georgia counties late yes- Grange Units On Thurs day and Friday MASS MEET SATURDAY Assaults Woman And Gets Term Wilson Grider Sentenced To 30 Months On Roads In Five Cases Wilson Grider, who slapped his own grandmother, Mrs. Eliz abeth Roland, was sentenced to 30 months on the roads yester day by Judge Wilson Warllck when five cases against him were tried. in Wilkes Superior court. Grider, who resides near the county home, received 12 months each in two cases and six months in three other counts. The assault on his aged grand mother was committed some time ago when Grider was allegedly in a drunken condition. (Cioattoned on paim (onr) Ritdile Flaw Vacatton Baltimore, Maroh 5.—Got. Al bert C. Ritchie of Maryland to to leave his executive'duties Thurs day tor a v^k or hO-day yaoa- on the., ot JBeewd iJew York flnanlderV a Georgetown, S. C. , j A. S. Vannetta, state master of Jthe Grange organization, will vis it Wilkes county three days next week, J. M. German, master of Wilkes Pomona Grange, a n- nounced yesterday. The Grange master will visit the Little Mountain subordinate Grange Thursday evening at 7:30 o’clock. He will have two en gagements Friday, addressing the Boomer Grange at 2 p. m. and the Mount Pleasant Grange at 7:30 p. m. Climaxing H r. Vannetta’s three-day visit will be the gener al mass meeting which will be heldy at the courthouse In 'WIl- kesboro Saturday afternoou- at 1:30 o'clock. At this meeting, he, will discuss financial mattem ot Interest to every Wilkes farmer, Mr. German said. All farmers, whether members of the Grange or not, are invited to attend the masa meeting. After the speaking, a meeting of the Pomona Grhnge will be held. Mr. Vannetta to a realdent of Orange county. P.-T. A- To Moot The tacaJ Parent-Teacher^ Aa tion meet^ Uito atter- ^^n^t 8:« o^o^^ Atl =fiem-j^gina In every F. C. Forester, of this city, is in Raleigh today to attend the called meeting of the Democratic state executive committee. Mr. Forester left yesterday morning and attended a regional meeting of the planning and co ordination committee for the petroleum Industry, of which ho Is a member. In Durham before going on to Raleigh. 30 Made Homeless Albany, Ga., March 6.—A tor nado, whipping through three terday left at least 30 persona homeless, and caused consider able damage. Red Cross reports today showed. Newton Speaks To Medical Society President O f Wilkes County Group Addresses Doctors At Monthly Meeting An address by Dr. W. K. New ton, president of the Wilkes ment said. _ „ registered, 1,44$,.did not ra-ngto- ter when the re-registration was called for in January aad Feb ruary. Mr. Wooten’s statement fol lows: “Since opening tbe free em ployment service here November 23, 1933, we have registered 3.- 341 applicants desiring work ot every typaatkft-cDuld be 4eund in Wilkes cahnty. Of‘ this nnmber 501 have been pla^d on CWA, PWA and private employment. “When we called for re-iegto- tration January 1st, 1,423 failed to re-register which showed thifi number was no longer interested in employment for different rea sons. Possibly, the most import ant was the Increase in business and industries which required a great number of our applicants that were not placed by our serv ice. We have now on our active file, 1,418 available men and women from which we can sup ply qualified workers for most any business or industry In Wilkes county listed as follows: "146 carpenters, including building contractors; 14 building and construction: 19 painters; 92 skilled IB road construction; 21 plumbers, mechanics and electricians; 2 landscape' gard- tiers: 129 truck and team driv ers; 3 well diggegrs; 61 clerical workers includins experienced teachers; 75 mill and factory workers; 691 day laborers. “Besides this number, we have women registered for the follow ing: “52 experienced office help; 11 store clerks;• 21 housekeepers: 10 cooks: 52. seamstresses: 6 nurses; 14 mill workers. “We also have sixteen famlliez desiring to move back to the farm. “We realize that every form of industry has received benefits from the National Recovery Pro- i County Medical Society, featured vram and we are now the regular monthly meeting of the county physicians at the city hall Monday evening. Dr. Newton used as his subject, “The duties of physicians to each other and to the profession at large.’’ Following the address, a gener al discussion ’ held. The entire program wa, pf unusual Interest, The engii. of the„ airplane which carried the Lindberghs on their 25,000-mlle ■air voyage weighed approximately 1.22 pounds per horsepower and was of 716 horsepower. County Tax'Officiak Invited To Meet In Ral«^ Next Week Tax Supervisora, County Commissiwiers, Ouirty Attorneys andOther Officials Invited To Attend Gathering Auspices of Institute of Government On March 14 mid 15 Tsuc Supervisors, County Com missioners, County Attorneys, list-takers and all other officials of this county Interested in tax listing problems are Invited to attend a meeting to he held In Raleigh March 14 and 16, under the auspices of. tbe Tex Super- vtoors’ Division of the Institute of Government, at which time Inten sive dtocnsalons ot the problenta of tax Hating siad valuation will be led by Revenue ConunteBloner A. J. Maxwell, Attorney Oenefal Dennis G. Brnnimltt, Asstotant Attorney General A. A. F. Sea- well and O. 8.^ Thompson, Secre tary of the State Board of Aaseis- ment. i The gathering to. heing.^ .he»d at ;tion for the The meeting, which has the of ficial sanction of the State Board of Assessment, will he devoted chiefly to discussion of problems regarding the listing of solvent credits, the Constitntlonal exemp tion on homeeteads, the listing of property by corporations, trus tees, estates and guardians, the methods of valuing various types of personal property, and the dis covery of property es«u)tag tax ation. AU dtoenssions will he in formal, and qnestlons from the floor will he perinitted at any time. Tbe sessions wlR ho held in the Hall of the House of Repre- sentativee to the State Capitol Bnlldlng. Registration will begin at 1:00 p. m. Wedneaday. March 14. The, first session -will hs hold this time in nreoaraUon for the 14. me nrsi seeuou wiu , ItottngTwti^ and per- at 2:00 p. m. on that day and i-^annual listing ^ , sMinwaii hv sessions Wed- aonal property for will he followed by sessions Wed nesday night, Thureday morning and Thnnrttor afternoon. these Industries to helpt up find employment for the remaining applicants we have that could not be placed on CWA projects. W# ask that you cooperate with us when you arc in need of help in any kind of work such as man ufacturing, store clerks, steno graphers, bookkeepers, and oth er Industries listed above. By co operating with us, you are help ing the Government to relievo Itself of the unemployment situ ation and helping our President to carry out his recovery pro gram. “We want to ask especially the farmers, who have houses and room, to take care of a num ber of our cases, to call at this office and let ns help you place the help you need from our list of needy. Our service to free,^and we are wUllqig to help yon . to any way we can." v „ Mnlbenfy Mai’s HomelsBmned T. M. Brown Loses ResMenw and Furniture In Fire Tuesday Aftemotm' The hom^ipe.f?.'M. Bw^n, lo cated west of '^ghway 18 about seven mll^ from thS city, “Fas dealroyed by lire Thesday after noon about 2:30 o’clock. Tim flra caught from a spark whteh fell on the roof and ripl®y burned the reeidenoe. The home and practloaUy all its contents, Inclndtag furniture and peraonal effects, weri a total loss. Tho loss, esUmated rt, ^ tween $2,600 and'|S,00«, ,'•»» .only imrttolly covered by taiinr*_ ance. Mr. and Mrs.' Ssilth RlMata, ^ MUlsrs Creek, aiaipSp tkP : birih of a bob 8a»fiO)>.

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