le trail of Ip'roi i«r 'Sfi M. i-M XXVIR; N0, 27 Published Madsy8 and Thursdays - - --- - . NORTH Wim FvJ rotts^Fire :urs; Hortcm s Store Is Bmned lO; N. C., MONDAY, MARCH 12, 19M ' fl.W IN THE STAfE-^tSO OUT OF^TiEltirr^ 1_ ,L ','.'jr-";fr mm ■ ■ ' Blue Eag^e Exetcises S^k Of Drug Store Is Al- ' arast Total Loss; Doctor’s Office Damaged Ralph Bingliam, ITfai^ Man Is I [I Local Attorney, i Shot KiH^ Dies In Ral^l^: In I^tdl Batde Prominent Lawyer Stricken i Marvin Holbrordc, 26, ,'Dies While There On Business [ From Injuries 15 Minutes With Supreme Court j After Shooting LOSS BlAY BE $18,000.00 FUNERAL ON SATURDAY' ILL-FEELING IS CAUSE lue Ridge Studio And The Pool Room Are Also Dam- r; «*«d Some by Water He Was Former A.ssistant Recovery Ot His Assailant District Attorney; Was i Is Doubtful; Occurred Staunch Republican | Near Doughton Tifley Trial Is Coined Some Other. T a.it: «£ l^iM pre»umably starting be- jlWoea the eeUing ot the tlrst -ateCr aad the floor of the second «Ory played haroc with the Hor- toa Drug Store building, located la the heart of the North Wll- keeboro hnslness district, early Sunday momrng. The stock of the drug store, to gether with all furniture . and fixtnres, was almost a total loss. The offices of Dr J. H. McNeill, located on the second floor, were badly damaged and expen- sire' surgical equipment was ruined. Considerable damage was al so suffered by the City Recre ation Hall, owned by S. L. Par- dne, and the Blue Ridge Studio, located in the adjoining building to the east. The fire was discovered about Ralph G. Bingham, former as- ! 10.-Marvin Hol- sistant district attorney and 26, was shot to, prominent North Wllkesboro at-! death and Ralpn Holbrook, 27. i torney. died at his room in the . was perhaps fatally wounded In Carolina Hotel in Raleigh al-; a pistol battle last night at most suddenly Thursday between j Doughton, Marvin lived hardly 15; 12:30 and 1 p. m. ! minutes after the shooting. Ralph BEBMUDX . . . ^n>er« being no code eoTering a Bine Eagle on vaca tion, htiss Dorothy Ford of New York (above) who is “Jdiat NBA of the IT. 3. A." felt free to ei^srees herself in the way the hked; beet otf the Bermuda bead^ as the pboto shows. Miss Fordj’^'nuodel for the beet known iUnstrators of feminine beauty, was chosen "Miss NBA" last fan. M. Si BRUSSELS, Belgium ^ 4 r50'o’clock by Elisha Bumgar- uer^ who occupied a room on the second floor over the drug store. Mr. Bumgarner was aroused by the smoke and immediately rush ed across the hall to the Blue Rtdge Studio to awaken A1 John- •on. proprietor of the studio. Be fore he could get back Into his own room, the fire bad gained such headway that to re-enter might mean death. Mr. Bumgar ner lost all his furniture and clothing, being unable to salvage even a pair of shoes. The fire alarm was turned In and the fire truck was on the scene within five minutes. How- 1 ever, the fire hqd already done ‘^uch of its work of disaster. The ^./fflre was brought under control within a short 'time and It was Negro Acquitted In Murder Case Unwritten Law Helps To Free Armstead Brown Of Killing Tidline Armstead Brown, aged 58, col ored man of the Traphill com munity, was acquitted In Wilkes Mr. Bingham and Attorney J. i was brought to Hugh Chatham | .... Brown went to Raleigh Wed-! Memorial hospital here. The, nesday to make oral arguments occurred at the home of ^ In cases which they had before Mrs. Amanda Holbrook. | the Supreme court and remained i battle last night Is, over until Thursday to look after j revival of some other business. They had! IH-leellng of a number of years.; appeared before the pardon com-jknife battle occurring on Oc-- mlssioner Thursday morning and | tober 21, last, sent Marvin Hol- completed their business Just hospital here for, fore noon. They had Just return- | treatment. | ed to their room to pack up to. The two Holbrooks are dis-, return home when the local at-' related and their wives are , torney was stricken. ' cousins. It was learned. Mar-, Clutching at his heart, Mr.' vin Holbrook Is a son of Mr. and | . . i « i iir i m 1 Bingham said, “Mack. I’m sick,” I Mrs. Minton Holbrook, “ ® ® *■ TTA (^IIATSFIIC WapIt Ta/IsIV and lay down on the bed. A phy- iTraphill, who survive him. His 10 mWaillS vlllD^ IT CCK 1 OQaJ sician was called, but Mr. Blng-!^idow. Mrs. Leota Owens Hoi-, ~ ham was dead before he arrived. ,Supenntendent Of City]Term Robbed Of Its Glamor Death was due to acute dilation ‘^ree years of age, and Sonny, a, Schools Heard In An Ex- | By Postponement Of Counsel For Defense *^AiiA State Consent To . Post ponement Of Caak i FIVE ARE ARRAIC Judge Wibon WaxlUc ^fllpi He Reconuneods Special ir Term To Try Case The five members of Ui« ley family under indictment^fdg the alleged murder of Leode Cbildreee at the Tilley hoine noor Benham on December 30 wtft Hot be tried at this tera^of irnkM Superior court, it witt annOaneed . His ropteme boor of bdag deelared "Leopold 111, King of the BelgUas," tempered bj aa agoaisiBg grief at tho audden and tragie death of hit father, Albert I, killed in a mountain fall, has further eadeaisd the former Crown Priiiee to his people and today he has an entire nation’s sympathy and support Top photo, a most recent picture of Uie new King, Leopold HI a^ hto Queen, wiio was Crown Princess Astrid. Inserts; the late King, Albert I and portrait of Leopold IlL Halfacre Speaks I Court Enters On of the heart. two-months-old infant, one broth- Hol- cellent Address The bodv was brought to the sisters, Clyde , d- ♦ • i » * j ' Bingham home in the east end brook. Mrs. Ira Dowell and Mrs. I Pictunng the people of today. Childress Trial Friday afternoon al arraignment of the quintbt. This action was forecast by The Journal-Patriot several daya ago when a glance at the caljpi;, dar disclosed'the crowded condt- tion of the docket. Three bills" or Indictment charging the five Tilleys with murder, conspiracy to c o ra- mit murder and accessory before and after the fact, were retorued by the grand Jury Thura^ - morning. Quite a number' of witnesses was examined by the grand Jury. Solicitor John R. Jones, who spent most of the week at hie home with a deep cold, came ieto court Friday afternoon at > o’clock to arraign the Tilleys. All of the murder of John Tidline, alleged sweetheart of Brown’s wife, four years ago last Octob er. Robbed of much of Its glamor, f defendants were brought in- of Wnkesboro Thursday evening! • Holbrook, of Traphill, sur-jln somewhat the same light as j by the postponement of the Chil- to court. They were arraigned Ralph Gray Bingham was 35 jibe Immortal character In John' dress-Tllley trial, Superior court years of age on February 9. He The body tvas removed from a “Pilgrim’s Progress” i entered upon Its second week who in the midst of trials and!this morning, conflicts and confusion struggled Much progress is being made on toward the light. Prof. W. D. I and indications are that more Halfacre, superintendent of the! than 75 per cent of the cases on Superior court Friday afternoon was a son of the late Mr. and local undertakers thjs Bingham, of Wa- morning to the home near Traphill to await the final rites to be con- Mra. Thomas tauga county. , ^ Mr. Bingham had practiced ducted from Round Hill Baptist law in North Wllkesboro for a oburch, three miles south of The verdict was returned by . little more than seven years, hav- ; Traphill, tomorrow. under the names of W. W. Til ley, Della Tilley, Luther ’Tilley, Minerva Tilley and Clyde ’Tilley. To Solicitor Jones’ query as to their plea, each defendant re plied, "not guilty.” Questioning whether the case the Jury at 4 o’clock after five I ing offices in the Bank of North | Ralph Holbrook, whose : city school system, delivered an the calendar will be disposed of; could be tried In five days and hours of deliberation. Brown took the stand in his ’■c* inspiring address at the luncheon' during the term. Wllkesboro building. He came doubtful, Is a son of of fjje Klwanls Club Friday at here soon after retiring as assist-: Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Holbrook, of Hotel Wilkes, own defen.se Thursday afternoon | ant district attorney under the j *^be TrapliiU community. He haaj and admitted shooting Tidline to late Prank A. Llnney, ot Boone, i ® children. I the wisdom of continuing the The responsibility of the home,' Fashion Show At Liherty Theatre j the church, the school and the! I civic - organization 1 n aiding j wnnin a snon ume ana waa ^ ne man lap-on-the-bed Mr. Bingham served In that ca-{ n • aiir a- prevented from spreading to the grown’s two small daugh-' pacity for two years. ' DUSineSS Meeting j youth to find the light was dealt f adjoining buildings. ters in the Brown home. He tes- Prior to receiving his law lie- |c Bv LionS ® splendid manner by tbe „ Mo.,,,,,.* Most of the damage _suffered tidline had been hav-|ense In 1925, Mr. Bingham had nCl^Dy 'Merchants Showing Newest numerous cases on the docket. Judge Wilson Warlick Indicated his preference for a continuance Immediately after the arraign ment. There was some discussion pro and con, the state insisting on trial and the defense, led by A. T. Grant, of Mocksvllle, doubt- by the Blue Ridge studio was and'servbd as a federal prohibition, They X>ge That Black Walnut i Mr. Halfacre was presented by'. Styles At Lo^ Theatre |ing whether It would be possible Today And Tomorrow to complete the trial In five days. For a moment it appeared that of ling in the r ial fields of Pennsyl vania 13 months and had been a month before the the Horton Drug companj, ®stl-1 Tidline, he had been mated the loss on his stock and ; frequently visited his building at between 315,000 , i,ome wiiile he was away and con- 318 .000. I tinned to call after his return, Olay Pardue, a member of the | Sunday before the killing _ . . __ _ prohibition ^ They X>ge That Black Walnut from water. All the damage to warned th'. ;■ luagL;' '-'•"'"er under the late Benjamin .And rho.stnnt Be Used In C. j D. J. Carter who had charge of ! the pool room was from water ^ pis'Tharp,\ ('. Forestry Work the program. j fashion show, sponsored , ... v , used In extinguishing the fire, Yhe l.vrl attorney had long Guests for the day were: H. H. . , . , j i ^^® would be set to start Pool tables were soaked with "’Town said he had been work- been \cti . o in ThT Republican ^ business meeting for the, Morehouse, guest of Genlo Card-;merchants of the city% started j corning and that a special per-,;..., ,ho,. ,,,I party He hid been mentioned PU^Pose of outlining plans forjn-en; Charles Mc.N’eill, county! the Liberty Theatre this after- »enlre would be ordered frOB frequently a- ■ potential candl-l ™®*'® effective work was held by ^^,elfare officer, and J. L. Hemp-, noon at the matinee perform-1 Caldwell county, but the exclto- date for the H publican nomina-■ Thursday evening , i,in, clerk to board of education, j ance. 1 ™®"‘ ®”‘*®‘^ ““ tion tor soli*-' or and more re-!®^ Hotel Wilkes. The matter of guests ot County Superintendent! The fashion show, revealing' consenting to a post- cently had been talked for coun-'‘''® i C. B. Eller; T. H. Andrews, of | the new spring styles In men’s j ^ ty chairman. He was ever loyal ®'‘®' P'®«‘b®«-s and In-1 Greensboro, guest of J. R. Flu-' and ladles’ feminine apparel. Is Jnilse Warlick said he would to his party and stood high in ceasing the attendance received jey, judge Wilson Warlick, guest | in addition to the regular attrac-i «ecommend a special court to try the councils of the Republican ®“ention at the meeting. [of Attorney J. H. Whicker, and . tions at the theatre. Harry Shan-i the case in June or at the earliest organizations both county and ®»®«®e for 30 w. C. Jenkins, of Concord. N. H., i non’s vaudeville troupe will be! date that could be arranged. If .seconds as an e.\pression of sym-1 guest of his brother. Dr. W. A.' models for the fashion show and; a®t tried at a special^ term, th» ! also give a remarkable vaude-! cese goes over to of Wilkes and Wa-,""” soaked water land were believed manently damaged. Palmer Horton, proprietor ho„^e onh- estl- TOlunteer fire department, who. pj^^jy Tuesday morning. Brown ooUapsed from exhaustion and deceased to stay oold while the fire was in Pt’P'juway from his home and declared gress, was reported as resting' satisfactorily this afterncon. His clothes were saturated with wat er,. and fear that pneumonia the August »/ develop was expressed yes- McNelll Is taking care of ;te patients at his home at 713 lensington Avenue. Spker Indicted On Rape Charge that he wouldn't stand for him jin the co': i to go on as he liad been. Despite this warning. Tidline I For sometime he was a member Mr. Bingham had practiced law P^t^y fo'' ^Jon X- P- i Jenkins. 'also give a remarkable into whose home tragedy entered j Reports from J. D. Moore and \ vllle show. On the screen will be I term, tauga .n;ul surrounding counties.' i E- G. Finley, both of whom were j Bing Crosby and Marlon Davies! The question of bail for the The activities committee re- absent from the meeting on ac- j in "Going Hollywood.” ' defendants was not disposed of. returned on Monday evenin.g. the ..f ihe law firm of Llnney, Bing- letters asking that count of illness, were made at The show lasts for two days, Solicitor Jones declining to agree evidence disclosed. After asking 1 ham and Blnggham, his partners . chestnut l>e j the meeting. him to leave early in the evening, being his brother, T. E. Bingham [ “®®‘* *^^® | Called upon for a talk. Judge! noon and the evening. Brown said ’Hdllne told him he and Baxter F. Llnney. Offices members of the C. C. C. In-; warllck responded with an ex-' j with showings both in the after- to release the Tilleys. It was In dicated that habeas corpus pro- couldn’t leave because he had no lights on his car. Brown then furnished a lantern and think ing, the negro would leave, he went to bed. Brown testified he was awakened by a chair falling early next morning and went into the room occupied by his two 'ceedings will be Instituted by de- ,re llocated here'and at Boonl j f ®®‘*^ ^^“® P*®® | presslon of pleasure at the ac-j R, £. Hoke Again i y u Whicker The local attornev was a mem- written to Representa-! tivlty of Kiwanis and a word oft A j. D ' Solicitor Jones, J. H. Whicker, ^ _ __ _ ! Hvo T.am.hAtVi aniT t^aiiirhtATI nnrt I i « »»_ »_ _ j I Alt BRlTDdr ijilOp ^ J, A. Rousseau and Parks Hamp- her of Wllkesboro Methodist,‘*''® Lambeth and Doughton and | approval for Mr. Halfacre’s ad-| (Continued on page eight) True Bill Found Against, small children and found Tidline ftoarklg River Man For I stretched across the bed. When Assault On Girl other officials at Washington.' dress. ' This request was made because It I Rev. C. W. Robinson expressed I . I is generally believed that black, himself as so strongly Impressed! Post Orfice Exainination ' walnut and chestnut would be ^ with Mr. Halfacre’s message that j At Champion Is Called | far more beneficial in Wilkes. ihe thought the entire speech The United States Civil Service, r^e~ i should be published in the news- commission announced last week Dowd lakes XJirice ton, the latter of Elkin, are ap- he entered, the defendant said ^^at applications for postmaster | Popular Local B u-ber Goes B»®ki pgaying for the state. All the Tll- To Cliair In VI likes liarber j jeys, with the exception of Mrs. Shop Here I Luther Tilley, are represented by R E Hoke who served on the Mr. Grant and J. Hayden Burke, city police force during the ab-|of ’Tayloravllle. Eugene Trli^ sence of Chief J. M. Anderson, re-j and J. P.- Jordan appear for Mrs. turned to his chair in the Wilkes Luther Tilley. . . returned a River man. , ^ ipleer. Roaring HPi^arging him with a criminal as- on Opal Harris, ot the same MaaBU&lty* jjThe alleged assault took place l^h 6. details of which were VpUp^^oown to officers this morn- : -Spicer, under bond in other court cases, had not been taken tod,^ on the caplUl charge. Con- yfffinn upon tho latest charge Is a capital offense and punishable hr (loath in the electric chair. , papers. In response to this re- , W. T. Dowd, successor to Watt ^ ^ Tidline reached as If to get a Champion will be accepted un- H. Gragg, was sworn in as Lnited Klwanlans, The Journal-! Barber Shop today. His services Kun which he had been in thel^^* March 23. The office pays a j States Marshal for tim m ddle | secured the address! with the police department ended habit of carrying, and In defense salary of approximately 3800,^federal district at GreeMboro p„j,npatIon Thursday. Saturday. of himself and his home, he shot,‘"i8 estimate being based on the Saturday. Jim Rivers, of Boone v, i Mr. Hoke has been connected| Tidline in the side, fatally ®°“P®a®ation for the past fiscal who has been offered the post of | Mrs. J R. Marlow and son, Mr. „any wounding him U®®*'' The examination will be chief deputy, did not enter upon ^Bill Marlow visited Mr. and Mrs. | ^ jg cne of the moat] former customers call in to see Vannetta To Be Htre Thioleek Hackett To Seek OiBce Of Clerk PTOiBiinent Local Attorney To Make Race For Demo cratic Nonrination HMfcett, ii''' Attorney mnk D. MXBlnent member ot the 1^* bar mad member of a widely kBomi North Carolina family, an- Munaed tor the Democratic nom- tebtlon for clerk of Superior M>art thia miMmlng. jlr. Hackett haa served as the unwritten law which doubt-.receipt of applications, less aided in the acquittal of' Brown. Brown was ably represented by Attorney P. J. McDuffie who won a great victory In clearing his, man. Attorney J. H. Whicker', prosecuted the case for the state , in the absence of Solicitor Jones who was ill. pected to go in soon. ■Tf' COOKING SCHOOL TO BE CONDUCTED BY MISS LOREHA GRAY HERE ON FRIDAY l;lm. Visit Local Granges Last Of The Week County Teachers Ever](thing is in readiness for the cooking school which will be conducted here Friday under the sponsorship of North Wllkesboro | Meet Called Off ' merchants in co-operation with The scheduled meeting Satur day of the teachers was called oft on account of Illness In the fam ily of County Superintendent C. B. Eller. No neVr date has 'been set for the meeting, but It will be announced In the near future. Chas. F. Smith, of Greensboro, distributor jf Pyrofax gas and Magic Chef ranges. The school will be conducted in the Call Hotel building and Miss Loretta Gray, New York dietician, will be in charge. The first elMs will begin at 2 p. m. Friday and the second class will be conducted at 7:30 p. m. I Attendance at the school .is wlthont cost and entails no obli gation whatever. Miss Gray is a most competent' Instructor Tom McNeill Is Given Promotion Is 'Transferretl From Store At War, W. Va. To Larger Store At Welch Tom McNeill, manager of an V,. ' •W. • i housewives will find the school.'a. & P. company'store at War, really worth their time as well j nearly four years, has as having a chance at one of the|j^j^ transferred to Welch. W. Miss Gray will show tho advant- FROM HOT SPRINGS ^ modern science in cook- mu LOIBTTA OPAT |r«v 7eri DIPfMmi MilMlpAl ol«k of the House oi (Weeks. Members of the -—TenUtlree and Senate M ^ere gibatly pk. Ipr tw«*ty;flve by the hot baths taken ill qaalific^ lor the office ,nd advertised Hot Springe ituMiTSTL. -•>) 1“ • Messrs. S. V. Tomlinson, T. C. Ing and furnish a number of reel- Caudill and A. B. WIngler re- pes for those who attend, turned ’Thursday from Hot) The famous Instructor wel- Springs, Ark. where they spent comes a large class and hundreds ■ ‘' lot housewives of this section are expe;ted to attend. They are urg ed'to ‘bring their huebaads-with them to the evening souion.., To stimuli^ Intereet In en away at the school, school, Mr. Smith will give away a Magic Chef range as the grand prise. However, local merchants ha-ve donated' a number oi at- traotive prises which will 'be glv- priiee. . j Attention Is called to the date Friday, March 18—and to the two classes which will be con ducted. Among thoee who will be here for the school in addition to Miss Gray and Mr. Smith are: Fay Grow, of New York City, representing the American Stove company, makers of Magic Chef ranges; Jaek_ BMCkmait, of New York City* representtag and Carhoh Chemical cotppl^.' dlstrHnitors of Pyrofax - gas, hnd Fjfaok'JS^dwB, bt Bvansvine, Va. and made manager of a new store opened by tho company In that city. The transfer Is con sidered a dlstlncU promotion for the yonng man. Mr. McNeill Is the son of Mr. I. H. McNeill, prominent local groceryman. Mount PleuiA^ Tewne Win From Rourmf Riv^ state Master E. S. Vannetta, of Orange county, will spend tho last three days of the week la the county in the interest of the Grange organisation. Mr. Vannetta’s schedule fol lows: Little Mountain, Thursday, 7:30 p. m.: Boomer, FrWhrtj^i p. m.; Mount Pleasant, 'FtiMjte?' 7:30 p. m.; general mess msilj' .; Ing at courthouse Saturday M 1:30 p. m. ' ~ Legion To_HoW Meet On Tnorsdoy Ewening ■'? g 1 ML Pleasant hlgk sehool teams won a donbleheader from near ly River high school Thursday. The boys won 32,ito 8| while the rere victorious Wilkes County Post No, American Legion, North Wliky'^^^ boro, will hold a special moelSi^ In the American Legion. HOt*. North Wllkesboro, at 7:30, p. m. Thursday, March IS. TWp special meeting Is held ta eow> memorate the ISth AnatviMiMy - of the American Legbn. Fltlsan yean ago, In Parts, Proaci^ on M^ureb 15, the AmertoiA Legion was horn. A la^n- the'

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