J. I* Bvaie, at Galax, Va^ Is Arrestoi In Connection i With Accident - '>‘Maek 0. Felts, ij, a resident ot th» Hays community, was fa tally tnjored and six other occu pants o( the Chevrolet pickup he wwfiJhcH»K were injured Satur day about 11 o'clock when the'pickup was struck by a Plynioaith antomohile driven by J. L. Basic,';’of Galax. Va. Felts sustained a compound] fracture of the skull at d died this momi^ at 4 o’clock at the Wilkes Hospital. I The pteknp, which Felts was, driving, was traveJHng north up i Sixth Street and had almost' Washingtok Los Angeles Kay Francis, After two weeks of steady grinding, Wilkes Superior court , adjourned late Friday afternoon a'G. Bingham, member of the senate eonuaiftee to urge Sppieval of Wilkes bar, whose death occurred | the Ksetings bill whieh #onU per- ' while court was in session. | mit dissemlBation of birth eontrol ! The two weeks were marked i information. I earnestness of court of . ,, n ficials In their efforts to get rid I M Brown CnUs “ majority of the ca.ses on the^^^^^^^ furniture to her 11k- J, Ifl. uruwu V/U1» docket. The court had the com- . 1 AA-nnAvot{/an nf Irt/'ol fltiHF- ! tell her how to dress granted a divorce. of the screen, testified that her third husband, Kenneth McKen na, assumed a superior and sar- CBOWN POINT, IND..,. ShorUf idlUan HoBey, who roM over tho “oseape proof’* Labs County Jail, from whi^ John DUBngar, aolor- ioas Uller and bank robber miSt his escape with a woodea pistol he had whittled out daring spare I momeats. crossed the intersection when the ' accident occurred. Busic wa.s tmTalling east and had just pass-1 lyjn vip^t ed another car before entei’ing; the Intersection at a high rate of speed, it was reported. The car Convention of 17th District G. 0. P. plete co-operation of local attor neys who joined in the efforts, to make quick work of the cases. Judge Wilson Warlick. of New-, ton. presided and Solicitor John | ' R. Jones prosecuted the docket. At Courthouse In Ed Brown, colored, who was Wilkesboro Saturday Af- j found guilty of involuntary man-j ternoon, April 7th 1 slaughter in connection with the j , .. death of Mary I-ou Settle, little | atru^ the pickup on the corner j q NAME CANDIDATES, daughter of Register of Deeds; at the R. & 0. Grocery company. I j vir t h getMe Others injured in the wreck . A call for Republicans of Sev- ■ sn . s. . . to She was enteenth Judical district to meet of WUkes- ■boro, was gkren a suspended sen- Kiwanians Hear Vanetta, German And Higbsmith EXCELLBNTjMESSAGES to take effect if Brown cannot show good 'behavior for a period of five years. The Settle child was struck by Brown’s automobile as she walked across the highway j netta near her home in December,' ^ jjorth Carolina Grange, J. 1 •M. German, prominent Wilkes > were: Mrs. A. L. Hutchison, of =,,,.^^,.,11 Hays, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gant, convention at the .courthouse, tence of 12 months^ the se e ce | of North Wilkesboro. Route 1.,*“ WUkesboro Saturday, April 7,[ Mrs. Mack Felts, of Hays, Ray- at 1 p. m.. was issued Thursday; mond Hayes, of Hays, and Erwin I Attorney J. M. Brown, district Burchett, of Dockery. I chairman. The Galax automobile was oc-1 The principal business will be euptnd by Busic and Hale Halsey, j the nomination of Republican of Cteiax, Va. Misses Nannie Bu-, candidates for solicitor and sic, Eulah Parsons and Estelle j j>'dge. I H'iDcy. Busic and his companion The following call, signed by had come over from Galax to \ •'tr. Brown and Wade Reavis. sec- vialt bis sister and were taking retary, was issued; the girls home from a local the-, "The Judicial ConvenUon of atre. ' the 17th Judicial DistrtetTXHere- ®nslc was placed under arrest by called to meet at the Court house in Wilkesboro, North Caro lina on Saturday, April 7tli, 1934, at one o’clock p. m.. for the pur-. Brief Talks Made By Three t Speakers At Lwicheon Of j Locid Civic-Qub The meeting was presided ore? by Rev. Avery Chnrch, chairman of the dry forces. The request that "voters of Wilkes county, irrespective of, their political affiliations,’’ go to| their party precinct primaries and their county convention and see to it that each political party nominates only law abiding citi zens for the different offices of the county and state was contain- , . 4 j 1 „ ed in a resolution passed by the' dry forces. The resolution implies j the enforcement of prohibition j j legislation, but does ,not apeclfl-' p0jj]ggj. Qjj^jjuATE 1 cally point out this phase of en- j forcement. J. H. Whicker, well known lo- Whkker May Be G.O.P. Nominee For 17th Judge Likely Choice At Judicial CMivention Rev. Seymour Taylor, Wilkes-j cal attorney. Is regarded as the boro minister, was elected trustee, likely choice of the 17lh district of the dry forces. Republican judicial convention Able addt«8ses, stressing the for judge, importance of enforcing the pro-* This report has been circulated Brief addresses by E. S. Van-' hibition laws and all other laws,' for several days and Republican of Orange county, master' were delivered by Attorney A. H. | ! Casey and M. F. Bumgarner, well j known educator. A number of minor cases on j.,..0.==^ Following is a copy of the the docket for several terms | farmer and dairyman, and Dr. J. j resolution adopted at the meet- were nol pressed. 1 Henry Highsmith, of Raleigh,, ing: Following is a list of cases dls-, state supervisor of school Instruc-1 “The first civil duty of man is posed of since Wednesday: 1 . ^ NorthJ 8econdj^to_hlajS2ir.j.local bar. Prior to coming here, Benbow Mitchell. drtvlBg—'tmr j ^ ernraent, which protects and en-, he practiced'his profession In Wilkesboro Kiwanis Club at the: courages home building; third, to Winston-Salem for 15 years. by city police who investigated the accident. He was released under $1,000 bond yesterday. Occupants of the Chevrolet pickup suffered severe bruises and lasceratic us. Besides Felts, the most seriously injured was Mrs. Hutchison, who is still a patient iu the hospital. Obcupants of the Plymouth were uninjured. Felts was the so of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Feits. of Hays. Besides hk parents, he is survived by his wife, Mrs. Willie Felts, and the following brothers and sisters; Troy, Bruce and Oscar Felts, of ^ Hays, Mrs. Monroe Myers, Misses •'* Dorothy and Hazel Felts, of Hays, and Mrs. E. M. Lowe, of Saxapa- haw. • ^ Funeral services will be con ducted for the wreck victim at ^or.atain View Baptist church He WiU File In tomorrow by Rev. Landreth j Republican Primary; In ^ . ^ Blevins. The hour of the service, Years had not been set at noon today. - i I County Coroner S. A. Rash, of Millers Creek, announced Satur- his political party so long as while intoxicated, sentenced to | four months on the roads and j regular luncheon at Hotel Wilkes liceiisiPR to drive revoked for 12 . Friday. j that party stands for the beet in-‘ mon‘,hR. j The program was in charge of terest of home and government. ! Benbow Milchell. violating pro-, and Forestry' ‘‘2; “ duty of every citl-; hibition laws, judgment suspend-; | zen to attend and take part in ■ ed. ! committee and was given under; councils of his party which] Thomas Brooks, as.saiflt, six | the direction of E. G. Finley,! shapes its destiny, but is not ' months on the roads. chairman of the committee. j bound by the majority of his Vance Lovette, opejating mo-j At the business session, presid-| party when it stands tor any ^ I tor vehicle while intoxicated, , ed over by President R. G. Fin-| thing or any candidate which, North WllkMwd b an airport' constructed as a ' CWA project, the local airport com mittee was advised Thursday la a telegram from R. B. Page, ad visor to the aeronautics divisloa of the. civil wdt^^ administration;/: In North Carolina. * The telegram was received by C. T. Doughton, chairman of the local committee, and stated that the project had been approved and that instructions would be forwarded within a few days. Mrs. G. G. Foster, county CWA administrator, bad not received the instructions this morning, but it is understood that construction of the airport will get under, way ■ within a few days. The D. J. Brookshire property, located on the Boone Trail three miles east of Wilkesboro, was se lected as tile site sometime ago and has -been teased by North Wilkesboro and Wilkes county, the lease having been authorized by the city and county commis- leaders are said to be of the opin- sloners. ion that no stronger man could j The project calls for the ex- be named as a candidate. I penditure of $86,04)0.00. Whether Mr. Whicker has been practlc-! the amount was cut down was ing law in North Wilkesboro for | not stated in the telegram receiv ed Thursday. Hopes Jor the airport had all but vanished when the 'trtegram was received. Demobilization of CWA forces was proceeding so rapidly that the possibility of get ting it constructed was consider ed very remote. However, final seven years and is recognised as ' one of the abler members of the Prior to coming here. pose of electing a Chairman. Sec retary and Committees from the respective counties, and the nom ination of a Solicitor and Judge of said Di.strict and transacting such other business as may come before the convention. . The re- spective counties in the district, suspended upon are herp-by reaupsted to select: delegates lo said Judicial Con- Floyd Bro> n , j ,v. , ■ r. w vention at their regular county >ent suspended upon payment of reported Kjwaman W^ He graduated from Wake For est College law school which has given the bench some of its abl est members. He is 44 years of approval means that construction age. The judicial convention will be held in Wilkesboro April 7, ac cording to a call issued by J. M. Brown, district chairman. pay- ley, several news Items of inter-1 does not tend to the protection and encouragement of the home and good government. conventions which are to be held' on the date designated by their respective chairmen.” | Coroner Rash To I Seek Re-election cost. est were called to the attention assault, judg-' of the club. Dr. Fred C. Hubbard K. 1 Sturdivant had been a lather ex- Airflow Chry»ler Be Here Tomorrow "3. No party and no candidate ^ j^rvloe Company, Local has the right to insist upon the ; Dealer, To Show New Car; Sherman Colvard, assault with ! actly two hours, a son having . loyalty of it or his constituency i Public Invited deadly weapon, prayer for judg-! been born at 10 a. m. Friday. | when the principle stood for or ment routinued. ' J. R. Finley, good roads boost-, the character of the candidate is' The new Airflow Chrysler, ad- .'tiinie Lou Adams and others,' er, called attention to the fact', not to the h«8t interest of home I vertised as ten years ahead of i rostitution and assignation, not' that the bridge lights had .been • and government. * moto, ggg will be on dis- Kuilty. I turned on, and urged that K1-: "4. It is necessary lof Service com- i pany, will begin soon. Albert Rymer, a. with d. w. prayer for judgment continued. I wanians use their influence with Government to hare laws such as ■ Chrysler dealer, to l town authorities to get lights, protect the citizens and their in-' , This will be the first oppor- , - tunity local people have had to j candidates be sober, men g e g this modern engineering! polntments: E. G. Finley then took charge! good character and who stand for | achievement. The Airflow Chrys-! Antioch—Rev. N. T. Jarvis along path of the highway from) stltutions. Forester’a Nu-Way Service sta-' "5. It is necessary that tion to the bridge. i candidates be sober,—men Officers Destroy i'^ liferee Big Stills Sheriff Somers and H. C. Kilby Active; Colored Man Is Arrested Odell Wyatt, disturbing relig ious congregation. S months su spended sentence. Conrad Holland, trespass, ap peal dismissed. Jim Bumgarner, Ellen Burn-! Vannetta, who was here the last, thereof which tend to protect thej hundreds of people are'son. Walls Announces His Appointments Tax Listei-g For Various Townships WUl Go To Work First of April A. C. Walls, county tax super visor, announced the appoint ment of tax listers for the varioas townships of the county (Un morning. These listers will begin their task of listing property for tax ation early in April, Mr. Walls said. Following is a list of the ap- of the program and presented Mr. I all laws and the enforcement! J‘er“‘haIT very striking” appear- • Beaver Creek—Za’hary Pergn- I t day that he will seek re-election , keeping disorderly house, ' months suspended sentence garner, and Sallie Bumgarner, 1 three days of the week visiting! citizens and society from crimin-1 gar while irannincr Uionrdorlv hniisc. 12! Ir,/-!!! /Irarurp Units. Mr. Vannetta I a'a nnrt men who stimulate them-* . this year. , Elected on the Republican tick-I et in 1928. Mr. Rash has served as coroner for nearly six years. 12 local Grange units. Mr. Vannetta] als and men who stimulate them- on ; spoke of the history, organization j selves with any narcotic which t it is on display tomorrow. Boomer—G. A. Eller. Brushy Mountain—J. J. Hen- The public Is cordially invited dren. Will Fleenor, abandonment,, that there are 800,4)00 members them a nuisance to society. 15 months suspended upon pay- in the United States and more ment of cost. ] than 12,500 in North Carolina. Three large distilleries, all of ^ re-elected. i Friends of Mr. Rash say he has ’Will Fleenor, f. and a., judg-1 Several outstanding features of made a good record and that he >nent suspended upon payment of, the organization were cited. I J. M. German, Boomer dairy- tbem in operation, were destroy- ^ ed by Sheriff W. B. Somers and ^ Deputy Sheriff H. C. Kilby Sat- onlay. Die not i man and farmer, was then pre- Hotel Collaixsrs, Beirut, Syria, March 14.- sented. Mr. German spoke along -At cost. Henry Frazier, guilty. Marjorie Gilreath, -4nnie Wil-j forestery lines, telling of an acre : Hams, Joseph Bunch Gilreath, j of old field pine which he had least 27 persons were killed and; Raymond Becknell and wife, a. | thinned under the direction of R. One of the plants was located , j2 seriously injured toni.ght when? with d. w., three months suspend-' iv. Graeber, state forester. He n the Mount Pleasant comnuin- a three-story hotel collapsed in ed sentence upon payment of, stated that forest thinning was a d the other two were on ^ the heart of the city. Many were i profitable and in addition to get- Miew Ridge In the Call section. Relieved still buried in the ruins.; (Continued on pav“ four) H n/ Bob Grlnton, a colored man. was , ' 1 acre, the growth of the trees ru".;' I Home of North Carolina State ! r“““• Large quantities of beer were' _ « . __ . _ . 1 Finding that there was still a OB hand at the three places. Five gallons Of liquor was poured out, where Grlnton was operating. and work of the Grange, stating | dethrones reason and makes' \fptor Service com pany show rooms and look over the new car. T Miles To Preach Rev. G. W. Miles will preach atj “6. We urge the voters of' Wilkes county irrespective of • their political affiliations to at-' tend their party precinct pri maries and their county conven-: Edwards No. 1—C. E. Walls. Edwards No. 2—Mrs. E. G. Alexander. EMwards No. 3—J. .Major Ly on. Elk—Colin Foster. , „ . 1 Jobs Cabin—O. .M. "Batson- tions and see to It that each po-j Bethany Baptist church Satur-j Lewis Fork Com Biledge- lltlcal party nominates only Ipw.^ day and Sunday, March 24 and ■ i^yeiace—Turner Anderson, abiding citizens for the different. ,j.^g public is invited to hear] Moravian Falls—D. S. Broy- hill. Mulberry—W. V. CaudiO. Newcastle—:W. D. Rumple. North Wilkesboro — not ap- ! - : pointed. (Ww-c. ■ Reddies River—Qutcy Kilby.- Bock Creek—J. 0, BrovB, (Continued on page four) him. Grange Enjoys Master’s Visit! little extra time. Dr. 'Highsmith was called upon for a brief talk. -i ] The well known educator spoke ! E. S. Vannetta, of Orai^ County,^ SpcBks'Here bi Interest of | largely of the inadequacy Trt'HrtU i Farm Or^ranization; Present Graage Was Or * Wilkes county, home of the ! present Grange organization in Legion Post In Favor Immediate | Payment of Service Compensation Goes On Record At Meeting Commemorating Fifteenth An niversary of Founding of L^ion; W. C. Grier Gives His torical Outline of Legion} Ivey Moore Entertains widely Rev. L. B. Murray. known Baptist i North Carolina, enjoyed a pleas- gin a revival ® ! ant visit from E. S. Vannetta,' Grove Baptist churc ’ • state master, the last three day.s of. Wilkesboro, ****.,*_ will'week. Mr. Vannetta spoke' organization. I wevan. nlBg, March 2$. The khc at four different points in the. The first local and first Po- Guests for the day included run for one week and e ^ ) ,punty. climaxing his visit with mona Granges in North Carolina Dr. Highsmltl), 'W. P., ■ Creedle, an auidress at a general mas? were organized in Wilkes county state school building iSspector, meeting at the courthouse Satur- and great good has resulted from]and C. 0* McNeill, guests of Prof. C. B. Eller: O. H. Green, of Wilkes County Post No. 126,jClub Hou8e andwaspreslded ov- 7f American Legion, went on record [er by Cemmander J.^hLQuten.^^ , phf^l equipment in j TTtursday evening as favoring the] Sure “adl j of the sUte. He s^d | immediate payment of adjusted recalled the fonndltti ;;;;;;;;;; Thursday evening.] foundTher Siy“equlS^^ more | of the Legl^ and «ve an Ws- Boomer and Little Mountain on | carry on the work of edneattngj commonly referred to as tne Friday and at the courthouse-, the children. ; bonus. _ Satnrdav. Mr. Vannetta’s visit] The attendance was 90 per Legionnaires took this action stimulated much Interest in thej cent, the best record in several; at the special “Oeung called to Is cordially invited to hear^ the, well known minister. wkon the farm agent of Pas- day afternoon, anotank county culled 340 hens Addressing the farmers on the ttre flocks last'week, he die-! importance and value of the covered tl7 loafers. . f - • and great good has resulted from tbe organization. Plans are being made for re-! Philadelphia, gnest of S. V. Toin- vivlng several local Granges j linson; Judge .^.Wilson Grange organization at Mou_l' whlc.h have become inactive. .J guest of Attorney J/H. ^ ^- ^ ; ri - -5*.-' . .. ' ■ commemorate the 15th .anniver sary of the founding of the or ganization. Letters advising Ban- ator Bailey and SenWor Reynolds of the sentiment of the fc uer service men have already been put in the mails... The anniversary.^program was Legion-A uxiHary girem at - the torical outlm,. speaking of the accomplishments'o^ the organi zation and the ideals for which H stands. R:'lvey Moore, local amateur magician,' opened up his bag of tricks ad had the' Legionnaires guessing during his performance. A musical trio, using stringed Instruments, composed of Miss Lnelle Pierce, Joe Bryant and Ernest Carmichael, 'entertained in a very delightful manner. .■^7. .V . . Somert'—Henry' Johnson.';^, Stanton—J. B. Baker. Traphin—C. C. Sidden; Union—J. R. Owens. Walnut Grove—Lonnie Bil lings. WUkesboro:—George HnHaitd. Claimed iBalh Miss Nellie Brooks, 28,'died^t her home in this city Satur]^.^ She was tbe daughter of Mr. and^ Mrs. J. M. Brooks. - , The funeral service was con ducted from Hunting Crealt Bap tist chnrch Sunday at h . p. m.' with Noah Hayee in charge, | Surviving her are two brothertK. Qaincy and Robert,'and two sis^1 ters, Mrs. Vesta Billings and Ralph Settle.