■4 , V*.'* !e Jotffiuil-Patriot blazed the tralP'of^ m ' J* ^ m XXVIII, NO. S3 Published Mondays Thursdays NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C., MONOAt, APRIL 2,^1934 $1.09 IN THE STATlKMl.50 OUT OF THE STATBf^ MOWN CHAIRMAN OF G O P. C^ention (M Sta4 Grange Sought For City Kllppuais Chib Directors Go On 1 As Favoring Move ment For Meet WANT HIGHWAY PROJECT .Jtoeal Civic Organization In Readiness To Help At* Postmasters Meet With the Idea of further ad- Tertteing North Wllkesboro as the eonTention olty/'dir^tors of the North Wilkeshoro Kiwanis Club at their monthly meeting Thursday eve^ng voted to urge that the Influence of their or ganization and other people of the city be used to bring the 1935 state convention of the Grange to North Wllkesboro. ^ Wilkes Pomona Grange lead- -ers are of the opinion that the city has an excellent chance of securing phe« convention. 11 would bring a,pproximately 500 of the best farmers of North Carolina here. The club directors also voted to offer the services of kiwan- ians in arranging for the enter tainment of postmasters at their state convtntion which will be held here in June or .Inly, A. resolution asking that the good roads committee petition the state highway commi-ssion to include some of the needed Wilkes highway projects in the next letting was also pa.ssed by the directors. The directors were guests of W. E. Jones. Tlie meeting was held at Hotel Wilkes. Secretary to Moule Negro Youth Is Slain By Daise I Money In F^ht M.ii Roi^ ch«g. I iPreadent Lauded 'By Senator Gark At Jackson I%ier Slayer Surrenders To Officers and Says He Shot In De- fetnse of Himself SAYS MARTIN BAD GUN LOS ANGELES . . . When Miss Carolyn Shafer (above). Is not rushed to death answering movie fan mail for her boss, she is ra ther prideful that she is the only secretary in the world to a mouse. His name Is Mickey House . . . and w'hat a boss. Wilkes Students At Wake Forest Are Making Good Five of Them Representing Wilkes At Famous Old Baptist Irestitul|!on OBSERVE CENTENNIAL I. Legion Post To Meet On Friday Membership Drive Here Is Very Successful; Urge l.arge Attendance • Wilkes County Post No. 125. American Legion, will hold its regular monthly meeting on Fri day. April 6. at 7Hit) p. m,. at the American Legion-Auxiliary Club House. In the recent membership drive, the local post is in the lead over other po.sts of this dis- . trict. There will be automobiles leav ing the Wilkes Hotel at 7:15 on -the uight of the meeting, tor the benefit of members who do not have transportation facilities available. This will no doubt be the best attended meeting this year, due to the important matters to be brought before the membership. J. M. Quinn, post commander, said this morning. 'CWA Work Ended In Short Order Expected To End .Saturday, But Orders Came To Stop On Thursday Evening Wake Forest, March 31.—-Five men from Wilkes county are I among the 900 students enrolled this session at Wake Forest Col lege. Two are from I’urlear: and one each is troni North Wilkes- horo. Wjlke.sboro and Honda. Two of The group are .second- year law students: and one is a senior and three are sophomores in the academic school. They are: From Nprtjj^JVil^kes- boro-J. J. Anderson, son of .Mrs. Annie .Anderson. From Purlear—C. C. Hayes, Jr., son of -Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hayes: and J. A. Hayes. From Wilkesboro—E. S. Lowe, son of Mr. and Mrs, (’. .A. l>owe. From Honda- H. O- Poplin. Jr., son of Mr. and -Mrs. R. 0. Poplin. This delegation from Wilkes county is making a significant ct>ntribiition to the campus life at the century-old institution. Mr. Anderson is photography edi tor of The Howler, college an nual. and a member of the Bap tist Student Union Council, the Dramatics club and the college band, C. C. Hayes and J. A. Hayes, both second year law students, belong to the Barris ter’s Club, an organization of select law students. R. O. Pop lin. Jr., is on the debating squad and is a prominent figure in the Statesman's Club. During the last week in May In connection with the com mencement program. Wake For est will observe her 100th birth day. The occasion will be marked by the dedication of a handsome n e w administration building. (Continued on page eight) Negro Was Attacking Mon ey's Brother At Time of Fatal Shooting 1,000 or More Young Demo crats In Raleigli For Big Get-’^ogether . i. WILKES REPRESENTED n.' ' ' ' Ernest Martin, 19-year-old col ored boy of the Honda commun ity, was shot to death by Daise •Money, white raan.of New Castle Eh'ringhaus Defends " Admin- istration; Dooghton Hits At Republicans township, Thursdt^ about 7 o’clock. Immediately after the fatal shooting. Money came to Wilkes- Memorial Stadium, Raleigh, —-—, March 31.—With more than 1,- Mae Blalock, (above), an cx-Iq^o representatives of every sec- pectant mother and. reputed ; (,( North Carolina present, Raaii Rans-hart. Heella’s young Democratic evening sweetheart of Basil Banghart, ' Toughey gangster who was sen tenced to 99 years for kidnaping, is charged with having some con- oxivxv/i.ziie>» vw , |g w*v»» - boro and surrendered to Sheriff j nection with the |105,000 mall- W. B. Somers and is being held! truck robbery at Charlotte. She in the county jail pending a pre- j was recently brought to this liminary hearing. I state for trial, but was released The killing took place just | under bond. above the Money home in New Castle township. Two of iMoney's brothers were witnesses to the killing. According to the statement of the slayer, the negro boy had been loafing around his home all the afternoon and was drunk at legions tonight held their bien nial Jackson Day dinner here. Principal speaker for the oc casion was young Senator Ben nett Champ Clark of Missouri, and Democratic messages were brought by Governor Ehriaghaus and members of .the state’s con- Nineteen Wilkes Boys Get Places With C.C. Camps the time. The colored lad was carrying a .45 pistol and had | (Carried To Asheville drawn the gun on Money and his j Morning By Mrs. G. G. Foster, F.E.R.A. Head brothers several times in a! threatening manner. .Money shot | him in the alidopien with a pis-j ALTERNATES ALSO GO tol when he picked up an axe | ,,-ti , , ,, ,u Nineteen Wilkes boys will be and struck Harvey Money on the I gressional delegation. I Senator Clark in his address, coupled praise for the Roosevelt ! administration with a defense of members of congress who have not “bUndly” followed the Presi dent in all his policies. Describing President Roose- , velt as the most “invincible and This] triumphant foe of entrenched ACTIVE DEMOCRAT special privilege since Andrew Delegatkm Is, In^'cted Ta GoForDiincaffii^ Lar^e Wilkea DHassHott U Given To Present Head of State RepuMiauis WLI^ATES ARE NAIKD H» C, IQIby Replaces L T. "■ Prevette As Mauibdr «f State CoJutfattWr^'".^ s-nM-r-:' J. M. Brown, North;'‘Wllkee- WASHINGTON . . . Walter j, Cummings (above), C,hIcago broker, is the new treasurer of the National Democratic Com mittee. Mr. Cummings is the man who put into operation the Fed eral Deposit Insurance Corpor ation. Ralph R. Reins Amounces For Sheik’s Post Prominent World-War Vet eran and Legionnaire Is Out For Nomination ana struck i-iaivey .uonev on replacements hack with n twice m rapid sue-, ^ Conservation cession, officers said he told them. His brothers corroborated' taken his statements. . | ,„ Asheville Recruiting elation ■Money is a married man and is, . ^ , I this morning and from this nuni- about .3,-) years of age. I The victim of the shooting was the son of Jim Martin, of Honda. Funeral services were conduct ed Sunday from .Mountain Valley church at 11 a. ni. Expected to die a natural death Saturday at noon, the dril works administration was not granted this privilege, but In stead had its head chopped off aaexipectedly Thursday evening when instructions were received trom the state administrator to nd no men eul 0*) projects Fri day morning. The telegram was not received until late in the day and there waa a rush to scene of projects to prevent workers from starting to work Friday morning. Mount Pleasant Wins In Debates Mrs, Tilley Is Free Under Bond Obtains Liberty By Furnish ing $2,500 Bond; Was Released Saturday .Mrs. Luther Tilley, one of the five members of the Tilley fam ily under indictment in connec tion with the death of Miss Le- oda Childress on December 30 last year, was released under bond Saturday. She furnished a $2,500 bond which was accepted by the state. Privilege of bond was granted her by Judge Wilson Warlick at Bakersville last Wednesday fol lowing a hearing on a writ of habeas corpus. Other members of the Tilley family are still in jail. ber, 1!) will be chosen for places with the civilian camps. Mrs. G. G, Poster, director of federal emergency relief, accompanied the boys to Asheville. The boys going to Asheville were: Ernest Lawrence Johnson, , Roartng River; Carl Brown, ! Halls Mills; Clyde Eugene Smith. State Road; John Laws. North Wilkesboro; Herbert * Durham, i Honda; Ruel E. Norman, Thur mond; R. C. Vannoy, Reddies River; Lee D. Ross, Benham; William Stalth Hester, Boomer; John Charliq Teague, Radical; Sherman Bryant Kilby. Boomer; Leander David ' Cothran, Roaring River; Edward Jordan Hayes, North Wilkesboro: Charles H. Dula, Moravian Falls. Fred Rob erta, North Wilkesboro, Route 1; Barney Johnson, North Wilkes boro; James Wilson McNeill, Beaver Creek; Claud Parsons, Parsonsville: Herman Bauguess, fiterl Blackburn, Harrison Vestal and Dennis Willard Woodie. Jackson,” the Missouri senator declared some of the President’s measures were temporary and “frankly experiments’’ and he, along with others, could not fol low them. “Some of them to my mind have lieen extremely dangerous experiments and I have not al ways followed the President,’’ Clank asserted. “Such I conceive to have been the theory of the fathers of the republic and such will be my course as long as I re main in a position of responsi bility under the constitution.” He said he had not patience with those who “blindly” follow a leader. He pointed to Senator Bailey of North Carolina as one who had not always followed the President. Defending the President, Sen Ralph R. Reins, prominent World War veteran and a mem ber of the firm of Reins Bros. Monument company, announced this morning that he will file as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for sheriff in the June primary. Mr. Reins’ entry into the race for the sheriff's office is the second, James M. Anderson hav ing announced several days ago. Friends ofdhe Wllkesboro man have been urging him to make the race for sometime.*'hut'’*'fie had withheld a decision until to day. He is the son of the late Mr boro attorney, was man of the Wilkes county Repnb- lican executive committee, H. C. Kilby and Mrs. F. M. Jfennlnga were named members of state executive commitee fiMK Wilkes county, the Wilkes dele gation was Instructed to caSf vote as a unit at the- state con vention for James S. Duncan, and John R. Jones was endorsed‘for re-election as solicitor at the county convention held atf courthouse in Wilkesboro today. A convention which opened harmoniously, ended late this aft ernoon after the resolution to In struct for James S. Duncan bad been hotly contested. The con vention was called to order at 11:20 this morning and adjourn ed shortly before 5 o’clock this afternoon. Mr. Brown was elected to suc ceed -A. H. Casey as chairman without opposilion, no other can didate being placed in nomina tion. The vote to instruct the Wilkes delegation for Chairman Duncan was 88 1-2 to 32 1-2. The oppo sition to instructions had been defeated a few moments earlier when an amendment to allow pro rata representation for those not in favor of instructing the delegation was defeated 114 1-2 to 25 1-2. H. C. Kllbjr. was elected a mem ber of the state executive com mittee over J. T. Prevette. a member of the present commft- and Mrs. W. F. Reins, of Wilkes- , boro, and is a member of one of ■ j>y a vote of 84 1-2 to 35 1-2 the county’s best known fam-^ Immediately after the conven- ueienaing me rreaiuem, ocu- j - , ator Clark said Roosevelt has; spent one year overseas. Mr. |Kyle Hayes as secretary, succeed- Profes.sor Is Suicide John T. Nelson, 28-year-old North Carolina State .College his tory professor, was found d'ead yesterday of asphyxiation from carbon monoxide gas in his auto mobile parked in a wood near Needham Broughton high school. The death was pronounced a sul- effie. -A rubber tube ran from the exhaust pipe to the inside of the coupe. New Ford V-Eight Trucks Are Received Two convoys of Ford V-Eight — . trucks and cars arrived this agreements, declaring the world favmAra hoa hppfl convinced the people that he stands tor government for the masses instead of for special privilege and also has convinced the people that he is carrying out his pledge “to drive the money changers from the temple.’’ The Missouri senator declared the nation was emerging from a crisis more serious than any the natron "has faced with ,the pos sible exception of the Revolution and the War Between the States. Favors Trade Pacts Ultimate recovery, however, he asserted, will depend upon con- gres.s giving President Roosevelt the power of reciprocal trade morning at the Yadkin Valley Motor company and the new units are now on display in the ! showrooms. TTiis was the first arrival of truck units and pros pective purchasers of trucks are invited to call in and see the latest Ford product. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Pugh, Gastonia, spent a few hours Wilkesboro Friday. of in market of the farmers has been destroyed by high tariffs. From the mountains to the sea the legions of young Democracy were represented by young men and young women and the Easter season was reflected in the gowns afld corsages. Formal wear was intermingled with informal both at the speakers table and in (Continued on page eight) Both Teams Defeat Mountain; View Teams To Win Tri angular Honors LATEST NEWS BRIEFS FROM STATE AND NATION Reins has been an active mem-j jng j. M. Brown, the new chair ber of the Wilkes County Poet of man the American Legion since its or .ganization and has twice been commander of the post. Captain Reins, as he is gener ally known, is commander of Company “A”, 105th Engineers of the North Carolina National Guard, and is widely known throughout the county. Since early manhood, Mr. Reins has been an actly^ Democrat and his friends assert that he would make a good race if he is nomi nated for the office. At present, he is a member of the Wilkesboro board of aider- men, this being the only public office he has ever held. He has never been a candidate for office before. McElwee Named Bank Attorney Approved For Pr«j»aration Of Abstracts By Federal Land Bank Of Cidumbia .Tar Heel Revenue Shows An Increase Is Seven Million Dollars Ahead Of Same Periol Ijist Year; Good Record Mount Pleasant high school ■ debating teams won victories over teams representing Moun tain View high school Fri. ay and earned th^ right to represent their triangle in the finals at Chapel Hill two weeks from now. Millers Creek, which was in cluded in the triangle, withdrew and left Mountain View and Mount Pleasant to debate each other. Both of Mount Pleasant’s teams won, thus siicceisfully passing the first obstacle to a de bating championship. Hht Raleigh. March 31—Revenue olleetions of the .state of North arollna were more than $7,000,- m more the current fiscal year fcroogh today than they were >r the same period last year, A. Maxwell, commissioner of avenue, revealed tonight. Highway revenues increased 2,407,783.^4 over last year’s tgures for the nine months of lie fiscal year and general fund g^pts were up $4,722,829.40, 4h Um I per cent general sales IX bringiag In $4,248,435.09';of amount. f ' Mail Contracts Asketl Contracts for carrying air mall were asked by the post office de partment at Washington last week. Former contract holders besigned the department, asking for information regarding any re organization that might be de manded. Hunt For Money Having voted bigger payments to veterans and postal employees, Otto Kahn Dies Otto Kahn, one cf the world’s outstanding financial leaders, died suddenly at his New York home Thursday. Business Is Good Business completed the most active first quarter since 1931 last week, with a tew lines, not- a b 1 y automobile production, making the best showing since The Roosevelt Easter President Roosevelt observed Easter yesterday In a unique service aboard his yacht on the high sea off the coast of Miami, Fla. The President himself con ducted the service. 1930. This information Is based Congress is now concerned with on a careful study of the busi- Boomer Grange To Meet a hunt for money with which to make the payments. Just where the money is coming from has not been made clear. ness situation by experts. The Boomer Subordinate Orange will meet at Boomer schoolhouse on Friday evening at 7:30 o’clock. All members and prospective members are urged to be present. Banks Closed Today The Bank of North Wilkesboro and the Deposit & Savings Bank are closed today in observance of the Easter holidays. They will re-open tomorrow- ^morning af the usual hour. Son Vlsite Mother Earl Wynekoop. son of Dr. Alice Wynekoop, who was con victed of murdering his wife, reached the door of the Illinois .vomen’s reformatory Just in time Thursday to bid his mother an affectionate farewell as she entered upon a 25-year prison term. They fell into a close em brace and clang to each other in silence before ithe 6S-yearTOld woman physician was taken into the prison. - • ' RMcer Is KUlrU W. B. Folk, of Charleston, S. C., was Ifliled at Jacksonville, Fla. yesterday as his racing anto- moblle crashed into a tree while he was warming up for a JOO- mlle race. Folk crashed his car tp avoid a midget automobile which had come on the course in front of him. Samuel Insult Again ^ Samuel Insull, former utility magnate, will he turned over to American anthorltlen by the Turkish government today... In- snll is wanted for embezslemeuL 40,000 At Salem Forty thousand people attend ed the beautiful Easter sunrise service of the Moravian church in Winston - Salem yesterday morning. Bishop Pfohl led the service. Congressman Deaxl Edward W. Pou. dean of the house of representatives, who represented the fourth North Carolina district for 34 year®, died Sunday at his home in Washington. Fears World Suicide Expressing alarm at war talk and war clouds, ^Dr. Nlcholna MuiWf Butler, president of Co- lumlhia*^ .ITnlverslty, prophesied yesterday that the world will ei ‘ H#ln economic snlclde «un|( :the nations chang^e their present 'course. W. H. McElwee, promising young attorney of this city, was approved last week by the Fed eral Land Bank of Columbia, Co lumbia, S. C„ In connection with the preparation and examina tion of abstracts for loans in this territory. The appointment of Mr. Me-; Blwee is considered quite an hon or for him. NotiflcaUon of his approval was made by S. B. Rogers, as sistant counsel for the bank. Local Baseball Lndm Ippt M^l Local Team Mag Yie Orgaiihm«-’ At Meeting A* CNjr Hill to morrow Eventagi at 7:80 A meeting for ihd .purpose of org'anizing a- local baoehall elnb has been announced for tomor row evening at 7:30 o’clock at the city hall. This .meeting ha* no connection with the organisa tion of a team to enter the pro posed slx-connty 'league, out. it . is the field an aggreefive organlm- ton this seuon. Duffle. T. S. Bryar (Continued on page four) Gladly ^1 leader, iplan to.,pat on ond"of the largest in the eountry and Its store# bnjey i wide pit- rtmaae. B I '■i ■% ■jk =■1 ilioB. He served In the American | uon. the county executive com- army in the World War and [ mittee met and elected .Attorney Complete harmony marked the early proceedings of the conven tion. Called to order by A. H. Casey, chairman of the Republi can executive committee for the past eight years, all credentials of the township delegations were found to be satisfactory exc^ those from Moravian Falls town ship where a contest was an nounced. Chairman Casey appointed P. W. Eshelman. J. C. Wallace and D. C. Sebastian as members of the credentials committee, which heard arguments in the matter and decided to give both factions to the controversy equal repre sentation in voting. White the committee was out, speeches were made by a num ber of prominent Republican leaders. All of these wefh main ly a plea for harmony and unity. Among those who spoke .were Representative Charles H. Cowles. ex-Senator Linville Bum garner. Vance McChlnnls, Solici tor John R. Jones, H^pry , Rey nolds. ex-Sherlff P;_|l.^wn, J. T. Prevette. Attorney,,. Kij-.il- _ ... _ „ R. J- ■T & C. Jennings, and other With the report in, the mat ter of organization was taken up. In calling Charles H. Cowles to the chair as temporary chatymna. Mr, Casey expressed apprecfsrtfc to the Republicans of Wilkes for their co-opei^ion^ during services as chairman and de clared that he would always pe found battling for the principle of the Republican party. Mr. Casey was given a rising vot»*Bf P ".i -i Haaager JL G, Penney GsHgnnp Store WW Spend PMr ’Imys At A»l»»flc W. H. Clark, manager of the loosl store of the J. Penney company, will leave Thnred^ to attend the annual convciuiott of the Penney store mana^fs in AtlanUc City. He wUl be away for several days. ^ Thp Penney company chain W

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