■ty-ij mr . - f*i. ■■'> jj -- Mr«. J. B. Baj! this citr. motored to Btw Snada^F. vllle ■yMr. Baal McGianis, who lias 'mob ▼ary HI, Is able to be out i^abi. lir, aad Mrs. Carl Coffey, Of this rfty. were visitors to Char lotte Moaday. Mr.^aad Mrs. W. H; Clark and sda, Bobert, were visitors to Wlastoa-Salem Sunday. Mr. a |MrimaB«^^ell known treeideat Ferifason, '^as a vlsl- to t^ city jot^^aay. attorney AvafMUm Hall, of [iiHkinville, waa^p|jHlnes8 visi- in the city jlatju^>^- Mr. Frank Q.iBlioiMlt^ of Char- .lotte, was a' l^J|9*»i'0sUor in tM eity a few' jkOan k^day. ilr. and Mr&^ J. H.'Kudally, of this city, wer^ thi^ vis iting in Wiweh-^mm'Btt^ay. Mr. A. R. Yates, a welt known ^ citizen of Deep. Gap, was-a busi- ■ ^»ess visitor in tlid eity yester- i^tlay. Mrs. Faye Haleti,w.^p holds a llpsitlbn in Waslidngton. D. C., is spending a few days at her home here. Mr. J. T. .Wallace, of High Point, spent ' the week-end here with his aunt, Mrs. R. C. Hen- dren, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Holcomb spent Easter in Elkin with their son, Mr. Hugh Colcomb, family. Jdr. and Mrs. D. V. Snyder and two children, of this city, visited friends in Boone a few hours Sunday. Miss Wilma Morrison, of Scotts, is here on -a visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Vickery. Mr. C. T. Doughton and Mr. George Forester were visitors to Boone and Jefferson yesterday afternoon. Mr. and .Mrs.- Ernest Black man-,’ of this city, spent the past week-end at Winston-Salem^ and High Point. .Mrs. J. H. Finley. Miss -Mary Finley and Mr.'C. M. Finley, of this’city, motored to Winston- Salem Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. Ed Long and children, Nancy and Edwin, of Sheriff Godfrey WwftpU anl^- ^r. ••»* Mrtt C.-1C. - So^wajl John MioUuKhlln, of weat |o OibeoMUle Monday, to SuteevUle. were visitors In the! attend the fnnerel'of their uyde. «ltr a few hours ye&erday. Mr„ J^b J?a»bner.Pet Frledene Mr: W. D. McMillan ajid Mr. L«thei:an. chor^h Tu^dky ^ at W. B. Golvard, ot this’•city, wereThe mslness visitors toiWAt Jeffer-. “ ninetieth year and was he son y.^sterday tot^m hours, >* ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds and children, Henry and Sue, at tended the Moravian Easter serv ices in Winston-Salem Sundhy. Mr. W. A. McNeill, of .this city, left yesterday for Washlng- ton, D. C. where he will attend ancP to business matters, for a fewl days. " ■ Mys. J. C. Smoot is spending sometime in Charlotte with her Mr. James Allen and Mr. Itemp^ ton McNeill, students at the' G.'ti- vbAity: of Fltjrldft, GainesvilHi. Fla., arrived Sunday to spend the JIaster hoHdays wltti their parents in this city.* They have ^ their guest,-Mr. LeRoy Bethea, a former football star at ' the Florida University. »• Mrs. Vlrgifnl.^^ B.‘ kirk ’’and - — daughter, -Miss Mable Kirk, of daughter, Mrs.'R. M. Pound. Mrs. state College, Pa., spenW^^ster J. —J fQf Mrs.*" Kirks sisters, Mrs. W. H. stcNeil and Miss Em- n ma Eller, a.nd her brotherMr. E. . , Bfown An importaW*l!d&lDeA iieiftAg' of the Bpisct^t Awxiiti# held OQ Tuesdap>iaftamdon'’at Bn* homej^pf Mrs.‘'-B. a, Underwood with the -president,' Mrs. 'Morehouse presiding; whO ' also led the devotional period. Ddr-' ing the business session planr .l-'-c-:’ were discussed ’ for st^rtlnB' ‘ a church school. The meeting was well attended and during the so- '^ial hour delightful refreshments vere sCrved. Pound motored up Monday Mrs. Smoot,-..- - Mr. H. E. parks*, well knowi rural mail carrier of Roaring E. Eller. Miss Kirk returned Ladif«’ aad Misses' Spring Coate. Come la WM- see, these lov^ new cbate, tweeds, polaries and all wtidi' crepea;'' dOhble breasted, form fitttnc, aad swag ger lines. Netwet s|ariag, codon^ sizes 14 to 48. and mlg. and 87.7Q.—Hi* Goodadll ifitopw. River, Route.2, and son, Eugene, home Monday but Mrs'. Kirk re- Read Journal-Patriot ads. were visitors in the city a few malned for a longer visit, hours yesterday., Mr. F. C. Forester and Mr Walter S. Myers were business visitors to Greensboro yesterday. They attended a meeting of oil dealers while there. . Maxine’s Ballyhoo Revue At Liberty 4,-y SICK HEAMCHE Many cases of SICK EBADA.CBM are'due to oonaUpdtlon. It j6tt havs headache that Is due to com , Ipn. tMte ThOdfoM's BLACK- TOHT for., rafreshing relief. FertUUzatioii’ ■■ 'J- -7 It is just an much woiIe to fMrepare a seed bed, plant and cultivate an acre of com which yields forty bushels to tho-aczeas an acre which . yidl^oim hundred. - - YoausethesameplowSrludSi-, ' loivB, and culthwters. You jCMii|[|iM|»^Ae rci^n tor th^ p fUfRermce. Yes, one crop iva^! Mazlnb’s Ballyhoo Revue, fea turing some of the most talented; Messrs C E and Raymopd L. artists on the stage, comes to the ! _ Beeson, of Charlotte, vlsitid In Liberty Theatre Thursday ^ hate UkM the home of their parents. Mr. Friday of next week. And >>«-; SSjrf Of u2g- and Mrs. C. H. Beeson, during sides this great vatideviHe attrac-^ "1 first began to nse E.,.,«o,. hnii.iava tion there will be two outstanding;'.r headache that seemed stage productions. The first of, to come from constipaUon. the Easter holidays. Mr. H. E. N'oell, of Statesville, children, Nancy ana , .uo state the®®. “The Show Off." featur- this city, were visitors to i\in-| ivisio ^ sev- Snencer Tracv and Madge ston-Salem Sunday. “I would suffer about twenty- four hours with these headacbte. I found out that Bi.ACK-Ihu,TJeHT j highway commission, spent sev- Jns Spencer Tracy and Madge j „ , ,, eral hours in the county Tuesday Evans, will be shown Thursday,, jjgjp jj,g gp jg I Congressman R. L. Dougnton. I and on Friday. “She Made Her; i am glad to recoinmend it B;d” will he shown on ’ ^ u -'of Washington, D. C-. spent the! >» business Grw^boro News may the week here ami at; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McMillan had daily .and Sunday for 20c I s„rings land daughter - “ jLaiurei ayiiiift.. I _ Mc.Mil Her the per week. Call or write PAUL SWANSON, Local Circulation Manager PHONE 238 Dr. Taylor Building ii^LaTAjOui ...SOOTHING COMFORTING RELIEF OMRS HEAD ttUICKlY McMil- Mary Messrs. J. C. Miller. Horace! the week-end with Mr. Hayes. R. S. Calloway and Sher-.lans mother, Mrs. Mary man Ueshears were visitors to Ian. of .Vathans Creek. .Viorganton Monday. i .Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gaither and | children. Bohiiie. Jane and Ruby, Mr. and .Mrs. F.-ed Gaither spent | of this city, visited Dr. Easter with Ur. and .Mrs. Joe -M. father, Mr. J. W. Jones, of Clif- j to others, for this trouble, tot It ■ , screen. This picture features, will give relief." Clip «Dcnt I _ Richard .A.rlen and Sally Eilers. Variety, .style, plus value, makes Tlie Goodwill .Stoi-e an int. kv.stiiig place to visit. Tbedford's Black-Drauobt U u purely vegetable laxative, preferred by thousands of men and women because it is '80 effective and economical. For CHitoRSN, get the new, pleas- ant-tastlng SYRUP of Thedford’t Black-Drauaht. In 264 A 50 bottlez. Your profits come inddng the aoil prodwM» the mazimiim nt quality crops, Tou are worldnq for theae profits so why not get them? Anuour*s BIG CROP FeitiBzers work for profits. They are made from the hi^iest quality plant food anil pome to yov in concentrated form. You are not peyii^ for any useless Imlfcy filler. We ean help you in deciding the tuaalysis which ia beat suited to your needs. Let *s talk it over. 9 •' PEARSON BROTHERS Tenth Street NORTH WILKESBORO GROCERY CO. (C. O. Bumgarner Old Stand) ^ftnonr*s BIG CROP—It drills "’1/ H Gaitlier, of Boone. | Mr. June Gill left today for ton. .Ashe county, Sunday. ►o ,Messr.“. Joe Brame, Dick and , 1.-.. oft i Blair Gwvn, of this city, visited his home in Shelhyville, Ky. aft er a visit with .Mr. and Mrs. E .A. Shook, of this city. Mr. Gill .Mr. Brame's parents, : .Mrs. P. J. Brame, of Mr. and Winston- thr;^ht: oV Mrr^o;;.; >«■-. dur^g the week-end 5^5* c- Would You Know? You, as the sort of man who is called upon to decide matters of great importance in your home, and in your community—would do well in advance to inftjt'.m yourself on the subject; ? “The making of funeral arrangements.” You ma^ not need the knowledge for a long time, but now is the time to acquire it, not w.hen bereavement has made clear thinking difficult. " You should know something of caskets- aA’ailable, something of costs and values. -what is Important as it is, the selection of the casket is 01^ one of the many details in the pla.nning of a iral service—.many with which you may be un- Sliar, but which you should know. It would be a real pleasure for your local funeral director to^ Ijelp you with any problem with which you. may be unfamiliar. REINS ISTDKDIVANT, Inc. PHONES — DAY, 85 — NIGHT, 85-228 . HELEN ^ FOSTER! IN MONDAY and TUESDAY— .Mr. AV. H. Clark, manager of ! the local J. C. Penney company store, leaves today for Atlantic I City to attend a convention of I I’enney Store managers for ten ■ days. I Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Smith have I moved from the Reynolds apart ment at Fifth and “C” Streets to i the Reynolds residence on “D" Street between Sixth and Fifth streets. i .Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Parsons and children, of this city, visited I -Mr. Parsons’ brother. Mr. B. E. ! Parsons, and Mrs. Parsons’ par- jents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Bare, |of Obids. Sunday. I .Mr. and Mrs. Orten Boren, of I Greensboro, announce the birth [of a daughter, Sally. Sunday, I .April 1. Mrs. Boren is the daZigh- ter of Mrs. Clarence Call, of 1 '.Vilkesboro, ! Mr. and Mrs. Janies O’Daniel, Mies Mamie Witherspoon and Mr. i Frank Parker returned Tuesday 1 evening from Washington, D. C. j where they spent Easter with I relatives and friends. Mrs. H. B. Smith returned Monday from Cheraw, S. C., where she spent several days vls- ifing relatives. Dr. Smith went down for the week-end and ac companied her home. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Whitting ton and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mar tin, of Millers Creek, motored to Morganton Sunday to visit Miss Barbara -Ann Martin, student nurse at State Hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis, of Winston-Salem, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark, Of this city. ! Sunday night and Monday. Mr. I Lewis is an official of the Se- Icurity Life & Trust company. I Mr. J. W. King, of Pinnacle, visited hiS': i^stpr, Mrs. A. E. Spainhower here awhile Monday. He had been to Boone to accom- ^ pany his daughter. Miss Chris- jtine King, back to school at A. 's. T. C. The condition of Mr. E.. F. Spainhower, who suffered a : stroke sometime a,go remains I about the same. He is a father of -Mr. A. E. Spainhower, of this city, and makes his home with (Mr. Spainhower. 1 Mr. Archie Yates, of Wilkes- boro, underwent an operation at i the Presbyterian Hospital at ! Charlotte yesterday morning and is getting along zatlsfactorily. j He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. !w. L. Yates. Miss Serlena Gentry, who und- STORE HOURS: 8:30 to 5:30 SATURDAY 8:30 t« 9:00 NORTH WlLKESFfORO NORTH CAROLINA AFTER-EASTER SALE COATS-SUITS All the Late Sprii^ Models To Be Cleared Away atVeryLARGE REDUCTIONS COATS .! One group of about 25 Spring Coats . . . excellent fabrics. Values to $16.50. To close out $14.75 and $16.50 Spring Coats —. $4.00 S13.00 $9.75 Spring Coats - $7.95 Spring Coats — $5.85 and $6.95, Spring Coats $8.00 $6.tb $5.00 Urw'ent an operation for append!- % BAD MAN,” starring Ken Wednesday—“ALIAS THE Maynsrd.' ^ eThrtsdav—“THE SHOW OFF”, starring Spencer Tracy and .Evans. On the stage, “MAXINE BALLY- S.HOO REVUE” “SHE BIADE HER BED,” starring Richard Arien and Sally Eillers, On the stage, “MAXINE BALLY- I HOP RBVUE.F* , citis at Davis Hospital.. States- Iville, several days ago, was able j to return to her home here Sat urday. She is the daughter of Mr. land Mrs. Claud Gentry. .'vir. and Mrs. W- 0. Gilbert, of [of Lenoir, spent the past week- |end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Everett t Jarvis, of Wllkesbcro. Mrs. Jar- !vis is Mr. Gilbert’s daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis accompanied them home and visited there a few hours Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Duncan return ed to ’Peace Junior College a.: Raleigh Wednesday after spend ing the Easter holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Duncan. Miss Duncan bad as her guest, -Miss* Grace Dailey, of Capt m Hatteraa, who is , a classmate Miss Duncan. SUITS In both long and short coats. $14.75 and $W.50 Suits, Now 1-— —. fabrics. ') $9.75‘Suits, Now - $7.95 Suits, Now [45.85 and $6.95 Suits, Now Many popular $13.00 _ $8.00 $6.00 $5.00 i .1 SPRING DRESSES Every .jsjaiited styte, Levdy new twWtinents. Cfdors are beautiful and 'sm^.- Fl^ty of navys. See this co^aetion. ^98 to $18.50 NEW SPRING MILUNeY j-1 You U love these sm^, summery straws, ia white,' light shades, navy§, browns,*^ Wack& JS popular shapes f every head ■:3J'