ie Jo^al-Patriot has blaze^tfe^a^ the *‘StSe ces’4^: ®-, ■ i#i Mete ».,K».i,.l'iira.k;v, T».,t»1.« , NORTH WILKESBORO, N. &. MONDAY, ATOIL 80, IWT $100 IN THE STATE—11.60 OUT OF THE ST4 ..liW'gy ' ■■ ■' i -r::-=Sgg ;V % ^ J. ABSHER fiLL DIRECT CHILD SURVEY American Auxiliary Project Approved By State Relief Administrator Cotton Cunivai Week Will Be -. Staged Here During Wedc May 14 To 19; Sponsored By Lioni » ■ Cannon Leaving Coim |; te List Ammced IN ~ 7'*' ^ *" ' Commissioners Say Tnere Are No Wdl Be Largest Trade Event Ever Attempted In This ...iSeaMdi*”"'"’ ML F. Bumgamc kesDpro List mast leads WU- ar Post- Provisions h County Bu^et For Financing An Extra Teroi of Court OTHERSARE MENTIONED FOR oFna HAVE OFFICE HERE EVEJji^ EVERY DAY^ Two ivpubl^ DouiocintX coS gible list Survey Will Include Every County In State; Will Name Supervisor | A state-wide project calling for, a chad welfare survey in each of: the 100 counties in North Carolina has been approved by Mrs. Thos. I O’Bwrry, state relief administrator, j ’nds project was originated and| sponsored by the North Carolina ( department of the American I Legion Auxiliary through Mrs-1 W. R. Absher,, of this city, depart- j ment president. She will direct] the survey in her offices herei through a supervisor. State offices for the survey will be established in North (Wilkesboro today or tomorrow, Mrs. Absher states. The proposed activity of the FERA in North Carolina, j through the Auxiliary, is drawing: nation-wide attention. Mrs. Ab-1 sher has received letters pledging' co-operation from many of the leading civic organizations in the state ^4 Baby Show, Beauty Content, ^ Big Parade, Cotton Bafl - ' Schooled i -i ■■\up Cannon .Acquitted Washington, .\pril 27.—Bi shop James Cannon Jr., and Cotton Carnival Week, spon-. i sored by the North WUkesboro Lions Club in cooperation with the merchants and manufactuiv era. will be staged in Norti WUkesboro during the week be ginning Monday, May 14. Tbty will be the largest trade event ever attempted in this section of the Carollnas. Cotton Carnival Week will be the local observance of National Cotton Week. Preparations for the event have been going for ward for the past month and with this announcement tenta tive plans have been made for the major events for each day during the trade carnival. Cotton Carnival Week will be gin on May 14 with a parade, in which several out-of-town or ganizations are expected to take part. The week wllf be filled learned of Those elig eel by the mission the list and one the eli- naster- It was turday. ^nnoune- com- Solicitw Jones A^ing For Special Term To Try Til ley Cases GOVERNOR AGREEABLE SEEKS NOMINATION County Board Insists .Law Does Not Allow Them To Borrow Money theV ap( : ner. Republican, \Mrs\ Snioak,! Republk i. Harney, Democr The AvUkesboro tlon wa» held in tf by mJ A. Vlckerj', Norm Wilkesboro ter. Ion February 17th. 'W'’’ tedg citizens, member^ of both political parties, sto the examination. AHEMPT TO ROB STORE NESR CITY The noted TUley and Stanley cases may not be tried at a special term of Wilkes court beginning June 18, due to inability of the county commissioners to finance the extra term under present budget limitations, it was learned today. Solicitor John R. Jones petition ed Governor Ehringhaus to call the special term and the governor is agreeable, provided the commis sioners can finance it. The solici tor has also petitioned the hoard of commissioners to provide for the extra term. The solicitor states that the com missioners insist that the budget for the present year contains only a certain amount for courts arid that the regular June term will exhaust the funds appropriated for McKinley Hank» T. H- Settle | and M. F. Bumgarner For Register-Deeds _ C. C. HAYES FOR CLEBl^ T. S. Bryan For Legislature; F. G. Brewer Files For Commissioner Bumgarner Millers RepubllcSn politics in WlllwO, county took on added Impetnt today as six candidates aanonnO^ ed that they would seek nomlns-f.. tions to the various offices In the primary to be held on Jnne t. The announcements today are Charlie C. Hayes for clerk of court, T. Sherman Bryan for leg-' Islature. T. H. Settle, M. P. Ram- garner and McKinley Hanks for register of deeds, and F. G-. Brewer for commissioner, y. Others who have been promt- nentry mentioned as candidate* ^ who may file this week Include 4 H. H. Jennings for sheriff, C. EL Brown for register of jfeeds, B,. T. Henderson for leggislature, O. P. Eller for register of deeds, Jennings for Contributions for expense of the survey have been made by the | ..... North Carolina department of the;-Miss Ada L. Burroughs were ac-: with such unusual attractions as Leeion. the North Carolina AuxiH-] quitted by a jury in District of; a baby show, cotton style show, a W and national headquarters of Columbia Supreme Court today beauty show and a street dance, the Legion in Indianapolis. Ind I of charges of conspiring to vio-1 citmaxing the event with a Details will be worked out at a i late the corrupt practices act.; ton ball, conference Wednesday in New ..—3Ithat purpose. The county board Thicv6s Abandon that the law does 611 From Church sna Key^ allow them to borrow money store Wednesday Creek who today announced his Attorney R. C candidacy for the Republican | nomination for register of deeds | in the Jane primary. cot- Ehitrants to the baby show Bern at the home of Chaptain Tom | To Crown Cotton I will be accepted at The Journal- j Patriot office at any time be tween now and the beginning of ! Cotton Carnival Week. Miss Ma- - ] ble Wiles will be in charge of Ffflr CottonrW*ek'“‘'"‘ King And Queen Bntrants to the baby shoyf wfil C. Daniels, dtate Legion comman-. der. Mrs. Absher, CapUin Daniels] and other Legion and Auxiliary] leaders will attend. j The American Legion has a na-. tional endowment fund, now' morfeJ than $5,000,000, the income of[ -- •which is used for orphans and i Nominations Will Be .——^ - needy children of veterans. North | Today, Tomorrow and Wed- ! six months and 2 years. Carolina children have not received' nesday At Theatres i Ixiving cups have been pur- thelr share of this fund because no! ! chased for the winners of the ^effort has been made to locate the j Cotton King and Cotton | show and beauty show and needy and bring relief to them. Queen tor the great Cotton Car- „ow on display in Carl W. , , l>e confined to Wilkes county. Made i any babies between the ages of necay »iiu uikik — . . ^ w- The survey will cover every county nival Week to be staged here be- in the state andi will provide a ginning May 14 will be selected roster of the children of veterans ] by the theatre goers here this in need of relief. j week. . , ■ , The survey also will result in a' With each paid admission to complete roster of the deaf, blind either of the theatres here to- and crippled children in need of day, tomorrow or Wednesday, a care and will enable them to get; slip will be given on which the into touch with state agencies set, holder is requested to nominate up for their care and training. | some lady as Cotton ^ueen and A state supervisor will b“ named j .some man as Cottoibj^ng. The to direct the work and there will .voter writes the name of some- he an asrent. selected by county re- '■ one whom he or she’- wishes to a s__ ynv 2-^*^ Koll «2 IVIT1 lief directors, in each county- The | nomi.iate and the ballots will be rate of pay will be fixed by Mrs. | dropped in boxes conveniently O’Berry but work will be directed ] placed at each theatre, from North Wilkesboro, state] On Wednesday night after the headquarters for the Legion Aur-, show the ballots will be taken j]i3jy : out and counted and the names The estimated cost of the sur-!of the ten highest will be posted is $13,068 8*', of -w-hich the jp the theatres for voting during 6. ele’s jewelry store. Both theatres have booked ex tra added attractions for each day of Cotton Carnival Week. The Armory has been secured for all the main events which will take place each evening d> ing the week. Booths will be constructed and displays of var ious kinds will be made with capable salesmen and saleswom en in charge. Each issue of The Journal-Pa triot will carry additional infor mation regarding the attractions for Cotton Carnival Week, which Is destined to be the outstanding event of the year tor Northwest ern North Carolina. for the purpose of financing extra Two men. probably unable to { raise the necessary capital for the . i manufacture of “mountain dew,” were unsuccessful in an attempt to make away with 200 pounds of sugar from the Church & Key store, one mile north of this city. Wedne^ay night. j solicitor Jones, states, in As Ross Watkins, colored tj,at the extra term for the employed by a local firm, was re- — ■ ... -i — turning his home about midnight htf^oteetyitLtwo men JMvtrig the stofilf bae^y load^ He called to R.R. Reins Is Oat For Sheriff The Journal-Patriot gives be^ i low the announcements releas- ' ed by the various candidates: rilARUR C. HAYEB Charlie C. Hayes, of Purlear. further darified by the statement! V/Ul TOr Jlierai!RepubUcan party that in case the docket cannot be i |W Ikes «unty. toder aa^un^ De^mtic Lead-, the budget of the next fiscal year] ^ issued Formal An- | court and filed his notice of can- hisi nouncement Today didacy with the board -of elec tions. Mr. Hayes states that he Archie Rhoades, who lives nearby, and the trail of the two-legg:^ packhorse began. The 200 pounds of sugar was evidenly too much of a load for men wanting to get somewhere else in a hurry and they dropped the bag about a hundred yards from the store. Relieved of their load, the fugitives made better time and were soo^ lost in the darkness. ' Officers in the city assisted by Sheriff iW. B. SoWrs and the county bloodhound in search for Ralph R. Reins, widely known trtal of cases could m^'a8*toe^8M"arirOT the dock-!candidacy as follows: lerous friends and leaders in the et and must be tried. In the two j “To the Democratic Voters of j Republican party cases five defendants are being held in jail without privilege of bond. The solicitor further states that the greatest additional coat for an extra term would be the extra Wilkes County: j Friends of Mr. Hayes who Being repeatedly urged by the] have urged that he enter the Democratic voters of Wilkes race point to his record as an of- county to enter the primary for' flclai and business man as fit- the nomination for sheriff, I have ting him for the office of clerk. He was superintendent of roads in Wilkes for two years sn 6XXr8 terin WUUIU ifC UUllllllttllUll xui ouciiiia, a money the county would have to entered my nam^ind have paid pay the presiding judge, in view. the filing fee. — of the fact that special venires will I “j have been a Democrat alii and during that time, It is point be necessary eveli if the cases are',^y have always sup-ied out, he performed his dutiea^ tried at the August term. | ported the Democratic party. I; in a way that was a credit to the The (fifficulty to be faced in al- j believe the voters of the county; county, his supporters assert, lowing the cases to go on without ] should be free to select the can- | and that the roads were in bet- trial until the August term, So- i didates for the different offices licitor Jones says, would be that j without coercion from anyone, the men and two suspects were|^j.jjj the cases in the Augr^ ..j „Qt the hcndpicked can- arrested- They Were released,|tg^, ,rould completely disorganize] gj person, clique or however, when the officers werC|tjje calendar for that term ana] branch of the Democratic party unable to connect them with the few* If any* other cases could j n^minotoH i arnpnt tr theft- The store was t-ntered by break ing the glass in the dpor and turning the lock from the inside- A check by the owners of the store showed no other merchandise miss ing. vey IS »io,uoo cr , Ml --- 1,11 . North Carolina Legion and Auxili-^the remaining three days of the ary will furnish $1,100 in cash ^ week. On Thursday, Friday and and $900 in supplies. The cost is | Saturday theatre goers will be divided as follows: Supervisor,| given tickets to vote for Cotton $264; survey canvassers, $8,140.80; i King and Cotton Queen out of and mileage for workers, $2,664. | the ten men and ten ladles One hundred and eleven persons, whose names were selected in •will be given work, of whom 86; the nominating voting during will be women. the first of the week. ; The votes will be c.tunted fol- City Tax Listing Will 'lowing the shows Satu-day night Begin On Tuesday, 2nd ^ ^nd the names of the Queen and published in Candidates For All County and Township Offices Must File With be reached, thus resulting in a badly congested criminal docket in the county. and if I am nominated I expect to be the candidate of the whole party. "I have never asked for any e couniy. "i nave never asaea lor any In commenting on the situation I office before, and as far today. Solicitor Jones said i Know, no ex-service man has honed that some satisfactory ar- i ever been nominated for any of- rangement can be worked out.^^^ Democratic party in whereby the cases can be tried at county. J nominated I expect to make the best race I know how to make, and if elected I will serve the people of Wilkes coun ty to the best of my ability.” Tax listing for the ' Journal-Patriot on Jionday. May ] this week from the county board North Wilkesboro will begin at the i elections. Robert M. Brame 2,, ■ Ian early extra term i When the cases were continued 'from the March term of superior J court. Judge Wilson Warlick A I recommended that a special County Election Board This WeeklSrsi"detondai2 a?the*eartiest I possible date. After looking over Registrar. May Get I Filing Time Will Qose Satur-jthe calendar of the courts m sev- I " Election Supplies Now! day May 5 At 6:00 Is Is U Clock F. M. I starting date for FEES ARE REQUmED the extra tern. Monday following the regular Registrars who have been ap pointed for the primary and The! election may get their supplies city hall or. Wednesday. May U,, contest i? open to every and ctwitinue through May 15.; body and theatre goers may states W. P. Kelly, city tax lister, and J- Wm Jones, county lister for North Wilkesboro townsh-p Mrs. Dan Carter and Mrs. Carl Coffey returned Saturday from Charlotte where they visit or, tyieads for two days nominate anybody they choose. Rev. E. P. Green, pastor of the Wilkesboro circuit of M. E. Church (North) left Monday to attend the conference of the Asheville (district in Marion- RlUBoke Youths Are Facing Charges Of Stealing 2 Autos; Both Recovered Odis Love and Tommie Link- enhoxer, youths who reside in Roanoke. Va.. are In jail at Wll- kasboro facing a charge of vio- latton of the federal motor ve hicle theft act. ( The two men are alleged to hare stolen a 1933 model Chrys ler In Roanoke several days ago. They used the car, according to reports, to come to Wilkes corin- ty to visit their uncle. Turner Church, who lives in the Pattons RidRe vicinity. ^erlff Somers was notified to watch for the car and learned Friday that one anstrerlng that description was > bet&g driven In the Pattons Ridge neighborhood and in Ashe county. Deputy H. C. Kilby went Fri- j day in search of the car and found It wrecked near Idlewild. Deprived of the borrowed Chrysler the two men came to North Wilkesboro Friday noon and were not here two hours be fore they had stolen another car, driving Charlie MoNelH’s Buick coupe from where It was parked On Ninth Street. The police here notified Yadkinville and officers there stopped them just as the local officers were closing in. The two alleged thieves were given a preliminary hearing be fore Commissioner J. W. Dula in Wilkesboro and remanded to jail in default of bond. Jr., chairman, or J. C. Grayson, | secretary, have the supplies ready for distribution. IS BADLY HURT IN EXPLOSION Percy Prevette Sustains Seri ous Injury In Boiler Ex- plosdon Thursday Percy Prevette is receiving treatment at The Wilkes Hospit al for serious injuries sustained Thursday morning when he was almost killed in a boiler exekts-' ion. Prevette’s home In the Roarinyli River vlcUvlty Thursday mofulMf as he was standtag near a mill engine when the boOsr ex ploded, the debris and .steam from the boiler inflicting serious to all parts of his body. He was rushed to the hospital here where examination showed severe lacerations on • his face, bruises and burns over his ab domen and legs. t Although his condition Is re garded as very serious, some slight Improve'ment was noted this morniug. All Notices of Candidacy Must Be Accompanied By the Required Fees All members of either political party who expect to run for any county office will indeed be “fool ish virgins” if they do not file notice of their candidacy with the county board of elections before 6 p. m. on Saturday, May 6. Filing time for all county and township offices will definitely close Saturday at 6 o'clock and those who will have filed before that time will be the candidates for the primary to be held on June 2. Particular attention is called to $he ieet that-ail who aspire to any ehEioo liwst .tile with the board of June term for trial of civil cases The five defendants now in jail in the two cases are Mr- »*'^ **”' W- W. Tilley, Luther and Clyde Tilley, in what is generally l®.o^ as the Tilley case. Luther Tilley and Winfield Stanley are in jail m the Stanley case, charged wth the murder of Andrew Eldndge m 1927. In the Tilley case, in which five members of the Tilley family are charged with the murder of Miss Leoda Childress on December 30, 1933; at the Tilley home near Benham. Mrs. Luther Tilley wm recently released from jaB by writ of habeas corpus. She is under bond of $2,600- G. G. Pendry For Register of Deeds The accident ocvured *«ar ^e^^s, Seb«t M. Brame, Jr., efaairiMm. A filing fee of $1 .mttstiKweropeny *R of cati- dWeey for tx^vp^p. offices and cotti^ offices which 'do not pay a yssrty salary. For all .county of fices"^paying a yearly salary the filing fee is one-half of one per People of tto city and com munity wdeeme another one -of those old-time square dances, which will be held uftder the aus- ^rlent of the yearly salary as]pices of the American fixed by the laws of the state. I Auxiliary at the LcKMn clubhouse The f ling fee for a candidate. here on Tuesday night, for the general assembly is $8- t For this djmee Notice of candidacy may be filed [have arranged for Ralph Swamw with any member of the - >»rd. | and bis sew-piece which Is composed of Robert H.itra from Boomer. Men^ll ^ Brame, Jr., chairman: J. e tow^! charged 60 cents each ^ the la son, secretaty^^n. M. PaWso^dies adndtted free. Grover C. Pendry, prominent citizen of Kays and a recognized leader in the Democratic party, filed today for the office of reg ister of deeds, subject to the wishes of the Democratic voters in the June primary. Mr. Pendry is widely known and his friends are of the opin ion that he would be a strong candidate and an effictent offi cer. Other Democrats who have filed with the board include James M. Anderson and Ralph R. Reins for sheriff. ter condition then than at any time in the history of the coun ty. Before be was named as road supervisor he 'was manager of the Cash Hardware Store hero and since the road system was taken over by the state he has been in the employ of the Jen kins Hardware company. For the past two years he has been a member of the board of county commissioners, during which time the tax rate for the county has been reduced more than one third and economy has been the watchword, it is furth er acclaimed by many who are backing his candidacy. The statement issued today by Mr. Hayes follows: . "To the Republican Voters ot Wilkes County: “I hereby tile notice of my candidacy for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilkes county, subject to the wishes of the Republican voters in the June primary. “I pledge that if I am nomi nated and elected that I will serve the people of Wilkes coun ty to the best of my ability and always in a courteous manner. I will appreciate the support of each and every Republican vot er." T. S. BRYAN T. S. Bryan, resident of ,TV*P* hill and an outstanding '^leader in the ranks of the Republican party, today announeed Umt he > (GoDtinued on page tobr) Junior ^rvice To Be Held At .a Juaiors of WlUtee county .will hold a dedication iaenriee. at the new -i^guson sdhoot building on Sunday. May 29, at 11 a. m., sUtes Prof. C.« B. Eller, eounty superintendent of schools: This program was originally scheduled for May 6 but was postponed in order to allow more time for completion of the building. The Juniors ars hoping to have B. C. Slake, of Greensboro, state counselor of the Jr/ 0. U. A. M., deliver an address during the service. U4.JII ’nsre.wiBkbs laying .cerstMgy Wble will he^parass#eilbs school by the membenhia ./jibe fraternity. All tour councils la Wilkes, North Wilkesboro, Cllafown. New Hope vnd Ronda, arejtyked to have large represMsistions pment or to attend in a body if possible. The new Ferguson school building was erected by CWA forces and replaces the^buUdfng recently destroyed by fire.