COnON BARGAIN CARNIVAL WEEK ACCLAIMED SUCCESS; COnON BALL BE TONIGHT Federal Court Begins Monday In Wilkesboro Gordon Forester, Jr, Winner of Baby Contest Monday Afternoon MISS HOLBROOK WINNER Twenty-seven Girls Represent} Various Firms In Beauty Contest C-otton Bargain Carnival Week X opened Monnay evening: with the i coronation of J. B. Williams and ! Miss Virginia Tomlinson as Cot- \ ton King and Queen. The coro nation ceremonies were spoken by A. S. Cassel, who placed the crowns on their heads Just be fore the parade started from the Intersection of Ninth and D streets. The King and Queen rode in the Lions Club’s float and were attended by Misses Margaret Faw, Mar.v Gwyn Williams, I^ois Term Is For Trial of Cases Origrinating In Four Counties DOCKET IS LIGHT Several Cases Calendered For I Violation of Old Reve- ; nue Laws New York . . . H. 0. Wells (above), English historian of abil ity. upon arrival in the U. S., was of the opinion that the world faces another war. “maybe bv 1340”. “it’s not the newspap Wiles and Annie Ruth Tomlin-1 husiness behind the 7"' ers mu mg mis ness oemna tne this section of the state May terra of federal court for trial of cases originating in Wilkes, Alleghany, Ashe and Watauga counties will begin in Wilkesboro Monday morning at 10 o’clock. Jndge Johnson J. Ha.ves. of the Middle North Carolina dis trict. will preside. The term will probably run into the second week. The docket for the term to begin on Monday will be com paratively light, due to the ab sence of many cases for violation of the national prohibition laws. However, federal agents ope- *on. I Pause, Leading the parade was thei band of 105th Engineers, Char-: lotte, followed by Company A of 105th Engineers stationed in this city. In the wake of the Na tional Guard were the full corps '■ of *he James C. C. Camp at Pur- lear. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts | and school children of the town : and county. The floats entered in the parade by local business , firms were very attractive and j unique. More than a score of floats were in the parade. j The band gave a concert at the j fairground from 7: SO to 8:30 Monday evening. Baby Show Winner The baby show exceeded all expectations. Twent.v-one babies between the ages of six months and two years greeted the judges at Hotel Wilkes on Monday aft ernoon. The decision of the says Wells. Street Through Wilkesboro To Be Constructed have arrested many allaged bootleggers tor violation of the old revenue law, which makes it a crime to manufacture, possess or sell liquor on which tax has The week beginning May 21 has Jjeen designated as “Clean-up Week” in Noi*th Wilkesboro and we earn estly hope that every citizen of our city will take an active part and co-operate to the fullest extent to the end that we will have one of the cleanest and most at tractive towns in the state and one that will showv^i- tors and tourists this summer that we have a beautiful city as well as one of the best for business interests. There can be no better recommendation for a town than clean streets, clean vacant lots, clean places of business and clean residences. If every one will take the proper civic pride in our city it will soon be un necessary to designate “Clean-up Week” and every week in the year will be clean-up week. During “Clean-up Week” city authorities will co operate fully by providing free transportation of rub bish, regardless of quantity. All rubbish should be placed at convenient places for the truck operated by the sanitary department. J. A. ROUSSEAU, Mayor. WOMAN’S CLUB COOPERATING IN CLEAN-UP WEEK FOR THIS CITY Dr. Jones Pulls Trout’s Teeth not been paid and for operation of a distHlery without licenses. The outstanding cases for the Mav term, according to informa- Half Mile oF^et Throughn'nnm" ^ r.- 1- L- i office, will be the trial of a mim- Town To Get Bitulithic j youths for violation of Pavement Soon | the motor theft act. TIuee or more of these cases are on the WILL COST $8,764. 30 Stale Highway and Public Works Commission has let con tract for paving number'16 high way through WilkealiTOi was announced from Raleigh Tues day, The low bidder on the project is the .Vllantic Bithilutic Com- docket. it is learned. WILKESBORO HIGH HNALS pany, which proposed to pave the judges Ijjalf mile of street for $8,764.30. | placed Gordon Forester. Jr., ffrst | .\ccording to reports here the} place: Doris Wiles, daughter of ^ pavement will iie of asphalt Large Class Graduated In Final Program At School Tuesday Night Mr. and Mrs. Cecil WTles. second place: Nell Gwyn Brame. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Brame, Jr., third place: Edward Pardue. son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Par- due. fourth place. The judging committee was will extend construction and from curb to curb. The present narrow pavement on the street is badly worn and citizens of Wilkesboro and adja cent vicinities have been work- I ing for a long time to get the composed of Dr. A. J. Eller, j street improved, county health officer. Mrs. Ber-1 Bridge Still Pending ■tha Bell, county nurse. Lieut, j Contract for a bridge over Red- Wolfe, physician at the James C.! djpg River just west of this city C. Camp, and Mrs. E. G. Finley, number 60 was not included The judging was done without; of letting so far this the names of the babies being disclosed, each baby having been given a number. Dr. J. S. Deans was head of | the Lions Club committee in charge of the baby show. The winners were announced ^ t the Armory Monday night I d a silve’’ trophy was awarded | winner by B. T. Henderson. ! Diplomas were presented to 44 'graduates in the final program of Wilkesboro high school commence ment Tuesday night, at which time Rev. C- E. Rozelle, pastor of the First Methodist church of Lenoir, delivered the annual literary ad dress. The class day ex"'rcises were pre sented on Tuesday night before a large audience. On Sunday night the baccalaureate sermon was de livered by Rev. Eugene Olive, of this city. The program opened Tuesday night with the “Stein Song” by the junior choirs with a response in song by the seniors. Rev. W. E. Linney spoke the invocation. The class president’s address _ was given by Arthur Pharr and Plsiy lOinorrOW!the next number on the program month. The project was sche duled to be let on May 8. Baptists And Methodists Will First game of the school baseball league will , 'was a piano ensemble. “Hungary,” Sunday: „ ... be I by Myrtle Yates, Mildred Smithey and Eva Lee Guthrie. played at the fairgrounds here j .j> g Story, principal, presented representing the Lions Club. , Crowd Is Entertained j Friday afternoon at four o clock I j^edals to five students for seven Prior to the beauty contest at; between the old rivals. Baptist j yg^^g* perfect attendance and five the Armory Monday night a pro-• and Methodists Bible classes of | for eleven years’ perfect atten- gram of entertainment, featuring this city. dance. The students were: Seven tricks of magic by Ivey Moore.} Both teams have been doing a was carried out to the delight of I lot of practicing aiid talking in the large crowd present. Mr.! preparation for this game and a Moore displayed remarkable tal-1 tight contest is anticipated, ent and held the rapt attention } The small admission charge to % of the crowd. Beauty Contest Miss Mildred Holbrook, of Traphill, entered in the beauty contest by the Forester Ice Cream Company, was given Jhe title of "Miss Western North (Continued on page eight) be made, should net quite a siz able sum. which will be turned over for use by the welfare de partment. Friendly rivalry between the two teams is keen and tor this reason a record attendance at the first game is expected. .4 JUNIORS WILL GATHER AT FERGUSON SCHOOL SUNDAY years — Hazel Minton, Edward Triplett, David Wright, Ada Ted- t^«r and Estelle Sloop: eleven years—Evan Souther, Bertie Lowe, Eva Lee Guthrie, Milford Tedder, and Myrtle Yates. There were 125 students in the school who receiv ed awards for perfect attendance during the term which has just just, closed. Athletic awards in the form of certificates for letters and stars were made by Benny Troutman to 25 boys and 8 girls- (Continued on page eight) Wilkesboro P.-T. A. Officers Elected North Wilkesboro Council No. 51, Jr. O. r. A. M.. and oltfier Juniors in Wilkes and ndjoining counties, will meet ii’M-^nson at eleven o clock, teMriU)'. May aoth, for the pur- pnne of presetting a flag and jmie to sdiool trustees of the Ferguson setiool. A plc- ide dinner will be provided uad prominent speakers will be heard. Hip meeting will be held at the new school at I'>egiison. Hon, B. O. Slake, state epnncll- ornf the Jni^^ Order for the of North CaroHna. and of his deputies, vttl be W^eaent. The county hoard of .O. . odneatioB composed of MeXeill, D. F. Shf|>herd and Roby Church, with C. B. El- I e r, county superintendent, will participate in tills program. Members of the Jnnior Ord er from Ronda. CUngman and Purlear will also take a part in this program. Every one attendinif is requested to bring a basket of foot! for the picnic dinner, and bring their fami lies or sweethearts. Tfie people of the Ferguson conuimnity .ore locating forwanl to this event and expect It to he one of tluv big days of the year in that vicinity. All Juniors are earnestly requested to be pres ent anld to bring their friends 4faal neighbors. Last .Meeting Of Year Held Thursday Afternoon; Tea Is Given Officers tor the coming year Dr. W. F. Jones can’t stop pulling tieth even when he goes on a fishing trip, is tlie opinion of iiiemhers of a fish ing party who went into the mountains west of here to catch trout the latter jiart of last week. The local dentist was cast ing for trout with a bass hook and one of the largest trout lie (Ver saw (it got away) struck with vim. When the third strike failed to hold the trout he says he decided to jerk on the next cast and dill so with the result that he pull ed all the trout’s teeth, along with a large portion of Its jaw hone. Needless to say that Dr. .Tones took little pride in get ting the fish’s teeth on his hook for he considers that the job was by no means a pain- legs extraction. The other members of the fishing party were W. D. Half- acre, W. E. Jones and R. E. Walters. Asks That Citizens Qear Rub bish From Vacant Lots During Cuming Week The North Wilkesboro Wo man’s Club is sponsoring Clean- Up Week, beginning Monday, in cooperation with the officials of the fity- An effort is being made this year to make Clean-Up Week a much greater success than any ever attempted before in North Wilkesboro. Attention is called particularly to the fact that many vacant lots in North Wilkesboro present a very unfavorable appearance and the Woman's Club Is asking that all citizens cooperate to the extent that the City will show the effects of Clean-Up Week a week hence. LEGION MEET FR1D,\Y NIGHT Public CordiaUy Attend AU Sessions of Meeting Busi- REV. P. B, LINDLEY Tent Revival To Commence In City Sunday Afternoon Friends Mission To Start Se ries of Services On Sixth Street Rev. Paul B. Lindley, widely' known evangelist • o f Huron, STEFFANOFF AND BLACK DIE FRIDAY Meeting Will Be Followed By Old-Time Square Dance At Oubhouse Little Hope For Men Killed Taylorsville Bank Cashier Last Year PETITION PRESENTED Black’s Wife Pleads Pitifully For Commutation of Death Sentence were elected in the last meeting of the present school year of the Mike Stefanoff, of Wilkes county, and R. E. Black, of High Point, will died in the electric chair Friday for their part in the killing of Cashier T. C. Barnes in an attempted bank robbery at Taylorsville unless the sentence is commuted. 1 Despite the desperate pleading of Mr.s. Black to the parole com-1 missioner Monday and presenta-} tion of a petition bearing 4,000 j names, including the 12 jurors who returned a verdict of guilty, little hope Is held for commuta tion. Attorney Eugene Trlvette and J. F. Jordan, of this city and L. J. Fisher, Jr„ of High Point, presented the commutation pe tition and asked that the parole commissioner and the governor study the mentality of Mike Stefanoff, whom they described as not being “quite right mental ly-’’ Mrs. Mary E. Black, mother of one of the doomed men, aifd two of his brothers wfere present for the hearing. Governor Ibra C. Blackwood, of .South Carolina, telephoned Governor Ehrlng- Wilkes Post of the American Legion will hold the May meet ing at the Legion and Auxiliary club house tomorrow night, be ginning at eight o’clock. ! Officials of the Legion call the Who I attention of every member to the fact that important matters will be up for consideration and that a large attendance of mem bers is essential. Square Dance Following the Legion meeting there will be another of those old-time square dances which have become very popular dur ing the past tew months. The public has a cordial invitation to attend. Admission for the square dance will be fifty cents with the ladles admitted free. Home Chair Team To Play Saturday Will Play Caldwell Pnmltnre Company Team In Wilkes- bord Saturday Wilkesboro Parent-Teacher As- haus that he was recomnmnding soclaticn hold on Tburoday aft ernoon. Now officers areJ'Mrs; Julius C. Hubbard, president: Mrs. A. R. Ogilvle, first vice president; Mrs. Mayberry, sec ond vice president,*' Miss Ghita Tuttle, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. William Barber, corresponding secretary. Following the meeting tea was served by the home econom ics class under the direction of Miss Tattle. The aHendance prise was awarded to the third grade. ■ : . -..-.••Ah-- commutation. -Big Liquor -Haul -Made Federal agents working in Wilkes made one of the biggest liquor hauls of the year Monday when they captured a car and 120 gallons of whisky on the Russel Gap road between Boom er and Taylorsville Monday eve ning. A man by the name of Sheppard, said to be from Obgr* lotte, was .driving the car. He was Uken| to . TaylorsvlMe for pralintiatfg](^ hearing.tfe ~ The local Home Chair Com pany baseball team will play the strong team from Caldwell Fur niture Company Saturday after noon, three o’clock on the Wil kesboro high school diamond. So far the local team has not been defeated and followers of the team expect It to retain the perfect record in the game Sat urday, although the visitors are reported to have a formidable nine on the field this year. Baptist Pastor jAt Cmiventioii W. .D, Hnlfacre To Cowdaet Serv ice At . Plwt .Baptist Sun- ' day Hondiqi Rev. Eugene Olive, pastor of the iFlrst Bajrtlst^churoh hare. Is attending the annual convention of Southern Baptiste In Fort Worth, Texas. * W, D. Halfacre, siiperinten- conduct the service Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. On^ Wed nesday evening of next week T. E. Story, principal ^ of Wllkes- the boro school, will ^^ondnet prayer aervlce. Ohio, will conduct a tent revival in this city, beginiun|: Sunday afternoon. ’ The revival is being promoted by the Friends Mission here und er the direction of Rev. Gurney P. Laws, pastor. The tent will be located on Sixth Street near the Wilkes Hosiery Mills. Services will be held each eve ning at 7:30 and Sunday after noon at two o’clock. The series of services will continue indefi nitely. it is announced. Former Resident Of This City Died In Hickory Tuesday (^lande .Iordan Made His Home In North Wlltawboro About Twenty Years Ago Claude Jordan, a former resi dent of North Wilkesboro who is remembered here by many of the older residents, died Tuesday night at his home in Hickory. Mr. Jordan made his home here about 16 years ago, being tor several years an employee of the Wilson Lumber Company. He was a brother of Rev. T. C. Jor dan, fonmer pastor of Wilkes boro Methodist church. The funeral service was held at Catawba Station yesterday afternoon. Local Girl .Is Class President Miss Elizabeth Dnncan Senior Class Head At Peace Junior College Miss Elizabeth Dnncan. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dnn can, of this city, was elected uresldent of the senior class at Peace Junior College in Raleigh for next year. Miss Duncan has made a splendid record at the college and her many friends here are glad to learn of the honor bestowed on her by the class. T Eighte-eight 4-H club boys of Orange''County _ are planting yel low com this 'season. , Annual convention of ness Men's Evangelistic Clubs of North Carolina will be heW in North Wilkesboro Saturday and Sunday, May 26 and 27, accord ing to an announcement by R. C. Bunob, of Statesville, state pres ident. The highlight of the conven tion will be an address on Sun day afternoon by Boyd W. Har graves, of Chattanooga, nation al president of Business Men’s Evangelistic Clubs. Mr. Har graves is one of the leading lay men speakers of the nation and his coming Is looked forward to with anticipation b y church workers of the state. The program of the conven tion, as announced by the state president and W. G. Gabriel, president of the North Wilkes boro Club, is as follows: Saturday, May 28 3:00—Assembly and registra tion at First Methodist church; invocation. Rev. C. W. Robinson, pastor of the North Wilkesboro Presbyterian church; song serv ice, led by Eugene Vogler, of Winston-Salem; devotional, W. G. Gabriel, North Wilkesboro: address of welcome, A. S. Cassel, North Wilkesboro: response, Ir* T. Johnston, West Jefferson; greetings, Clyde Bather, • Wins- ■ ton-Salem; secretary’s report of club activities: president’s re port on appointments of commit tees: address by R. E. Price, of Rutherfordton, state vice presi dent; duet. Rev. and Mrs^ Eu gene Olive, North Wilkesboro; 6:00, dutch supper at American Legion and Auxiliary clubhouse; 7:30, assembly at Presbyterian church; special music led by Eugene Vogler; business meet ing, including reports and elec tion of officer?: address, W. G. Haymaker, of the Lenoir Club. Sunday, May 27 7:00 a. m., sunrise prayer service led by W. T. Davis, of Winston-Salem; 9:45 a. m., Bi ble classes; 11:00 a. m., dele gates free to attend Churches of the city. Sunday .Afternoon Sunday afternoon a testimon ial meeting will be held at the First Baptist church at two o’clock. Special music will be rendered under the direction of Eugene Vogler, of Winston-Sal em. ! The address of the national president will take place at three o’clock Sunday afternoon at the First Baptist church. The last number on the program will be a duet by Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Olive, of this city. Preparations Under AVay The Wilkes Evangelistic Club is making adequate preparations tor entertainment of the dele gates, which are expected from every evangelistic club in the state. The local club wishes to call particular attention to the-, fact that all sessions of the conven tion are open to the public and everybody Is not only invited, but are urged to be present, especial ly for the address of Mr. Har graves on Sunday afternoon'. Surry county peach growers* report an excellent outlook for a good fruit crop this season de spite the freezing weather of late winter. mwmmrmmm Tbe primary leer dwH no); provide for any official mart;- ers for the primary te be held A JnSie 2, states Robert M. Bnune, Jr., chalmian of. the dent of the city schools here, wlll^ Wllkee Connlr Board of El«^ t|0«8,‘?--;’?J;, This dow mot mean thet vol4s wBl not base assbrtancH in nnuricte their ballots but It nieafU^that no Epaid Inarfcm will be affotet* ed -aa is the proeeednrej||kr the^ general election. It is pennissaMe, under the law, for any voter to get m ” member of Ids famUy to mark hJs ballot in the prtanary. n Registrars will bo at tbe regular polling places Satur day for the parpoae tS reds- tmbtg atm voters. Sabuiajr, Mar ^ win be chidlengB ^ la all ^ predaots.

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