^oumaJ-Patriot^hoi^laz^^ TO ;;:'H 1.,«" '4.& Z-?.t^ ^S' •' V •?- *Jf r.'v^vi W'fj^ I' VOl* xxvm, N6. 48 Published Mondays and Ihursd^l^ ji yOR^'^^iV^^^ORO, N. C„ fe-SiiM-g MAY 24, 19JJ4 "W j Mad Dog Goes On RampageJn N. Wwesl^ro New Baby Has 5 Grandmotl^rs ^^^$1.00 IN THE STATE—11.60 OUT OF THE Sti I iii -' - ' / EaMd' Canine Shot Seven Times By Polioeman Tues- ’ day Aftenioon TWO BEUEVED BITTEN A son was bora to Mr. and Mrs. Blair IfouBf, of Grassy Oeek, at The Wilkes Hospital Monday. Thd youngster, who has not been ^ven a name yet, is the fifth living generations of that s family and has \ five grandmothers. Uving Several Dogs E.ined; Atten-' tion Called To Gty Dog Ordinance An epidemic of rabies among the canine family is feared here because of the fact that a sup posedly mad dog ran rampant over the city Monday and Tues day, biting several dogs. The mad dog was killed Tuesday aft ernoon on E street by Patrolman J. E. Walker, who found it necessary to shoo : it seven times. The dog’s head was so badly mutilated that it was impossible to ascertain whether or not it haA rabies but the police are firm in their belief that the dog was mad. Todd Wyatt, resident of this city, and Betty Jane Hart, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill hart, were reported to have been bitten by the mad dog and the pasteur treatment will be given them immediately. Sevtral of the dogs which were said to have been bitten have been Killed, while others have been vaccinated and arc be ing kept confined. Although the mad dog was j loose in the city Monday and i CARRIERS WILL MEET MAY 30TH Annual Gathering of Rural Carriers’ Association Be Held At Hiddenite Annual convention of the Brushy Mountain Unit of Rural Letter Carriers will be held at Hiddenite graded school on May 30, it was announced here today. The Brushy Mountain unit is composed of members in Wilkes, Iredell and Alexander counties. The program will open at 10 o’clock with singlt g of “Amer ica” and devotlonals by Chap lains Kyles and Parks. Address of welcome will be by Rev. J. G. Miller, of Hiddenite, and response by R. R. Crater, of Ronda. Welcome from carriers will be from E. A. Shaver, presi dent. and response by S. R. Guy, of Statesville. At 10:40 Ben L. Sronce, edi tor of the Statesville Record, will address tlie carriers. The me morial service will be held at R. C. Bunch (above), state president Evangelistic clubs, will preside at the state convention here Saturday and Sunday. Boyd W. Hargraves (right), national, president, will speak at the First Baptist church Sunday after noon, three o’clock. Mr. Har graves is recognized as one of the outstanding lay speakers in the country. Il:l.=>. bu.siness session will loose in me cuy j end the program tor the day. Tuesday it was not reported to | the police until Tuesday after noon! Police Chief J. M. Ander son calls attention to the fact that a report of any dogs act ing suspiciously should be made immediately. In order to keep down a dan gerous mad dog epidemic the police department is warning all dog owners and keepers to keep their dogs confined and to give them the rabies vaccine. Atten tion is also called tp the city or dinance.. Kbich .ajakes vaccina tion and registration of dogs compulsory. The city ordinance in regard to vaccination of dogs reads as follows: “Sec. 14. Dogs To Be Vacci nated: All persons owning any kind of a dog of the age of six months or more, or those who District Meeting U. D. C. In Boone Will Re Held kViday; Several Delegates Prom Here Plan To .attend of Di- The meeting of the second dis trict United Daughters of the Confederacy will be held in Boone Friday, May 25th, at 10:45 o’clock in the Methodist church. Miss Lgcy North Wllkesboro. District '' rector will preside over, the meet ing. An interesting program has been arranged, and delegates are expected to attend from all the chapters in the district. Granite Falls, Lenoir. Marion, Morgan- ton. North Wilkesboro. Old Fort, have possession, and keepers of, and Sparta. any kind of a dog of the age of (Continued on page tour) S. S. Rally Day Moravian Falls Baptist Church All Day Rail,.- Program Planned For Sunday: Prof. Story To Speak Day A Sunday Schocl Rally program is plar.neC at Moravian Falls Baptis: church S,^nday. The public If invited to attend. The morning session will be devoted to Junday school at 10 o’clock and the regular church service at 11 o’clock with a serm on by thf pastor. Rev. A. E. ■WaVs, of Taylorsville. At no'm will be dinner on the grounds. Those attending are re quested to bring out a bountiful basket dinner for this feature '1 the day’s program. In the afternoon will be a varied program of singing and speaking. Including an address by Prof. T. E. Story, principal of Wilkesboro high school. A special feature will be the address of Mrs. James Edwin Woodard, president of the North Carolina U. D. C. The Boone chapter will be hostess to the at tending delegates at luncheon at the Daniel Boone Hotel, each delegate paying for her lunch, which is a rule in the district. The regular routine of business will be transacted, and officers elected at the meeting. Those who will attend from North Wilkesboyo will he. Miss Lucy Finley, district director; .Mrs. C. D. Coffey, Sr., secretary: Mesdames B. R. Underwood. W. C. Grier, and Miss Ellen Robin son. Schenck Appointed To Supreme Court Kiwanians Hear About Universe Dr. W. A. Jenkins and Miss Sussa ()• Prosram At Chik Meeting^ Dr. W. A. Jenkins, pastor of the Methodist church here, sur prised members of the local Kl- wanls Club Pviday by giving a discouree on astronomy. His ad dress was very interesting and contained much information about the universe Another feature of the pro gram -arranged by J. C. Reins, PvMay VMS w talk by Miss Back- el Payae 9»m, atate director iietaag tiw *d»|>watton of wanto «a liations ft tMsTSWjWrt. -J BntBer’s PPO((ran* F’rWay Tomorrow noon’s Klwanis luneheon program will be in charge of M. O. Bntner, manager of the North WllkeaborO, braneh of the Southem Pabllc Utilities Company. Nr. Bntaar haa ar ranged an Interaatinf ^ogram and a fnll attendaace of mem- tSera la expectei.'- Judge Michael Schenck. super ior court Judge, has been elevat ed to a place as associate judge of the North Carolina Supreme court. The appointment was made yesterday by Governor J. C. B. Ebi-inghaus. The place was first offered to Major L. P. McLendon, who de clined. J. Wallace Winbourne, of Marion, has been named as superior court Judge in place of Judge Schenck but he has not accepted. Judge Schenck will fill the vacancy on the supreme 'court bench caused by the death of Justice Stacey Adams. Building Bridges On Elk Cre^ Road State highway forces have just completed a bridge over Elk Creek on the road leading from Elk Creek church to the Caldwell county line. The state highway commission the ObIM Wrtfaww Survey by tlU timber. VttlWW state Anil^TV tbroi^ bridges on ^Ik -SJSdfe ’»«*■ the V«RA. Aa^Hery le Hap as Darby will be , Mso^-fte-Hbad and Mmsd %«re. ’fbe brklgbs ■^pgy ■flttftrtiy been needed for some time. JTos. M. Dixon Dead Missoula, Mont., May 22. JdBeph M. Dixon, former gover- iBgtoB a year Ago. He was 66. Highlights ol State Evangelistic Club Convention In City Saturday, Sunday Assembly and registration at Jii-thodist chnrcli Saturday afternoon at thr')e o’clock. Ad- lress by R. E. Price, of Ruth- erfordton, will also be in the Saturday afternoon service. Dutch supper for all dele gates and vLsitors at American Legloji and Auxiliary Club- ■“timise Saturday at six p. in. per .Maximum cost 50 cents plate. Saturday '*venlng service at Presbjteriaii cliurch at 7:B0; election of officers and atl- dress by M'. G. Haymaker, of Lenoir. Sunday morning at 7 a. m. a sunrise eervice vlU be held with W. T. Davis, ot M’inston- Salem, In chatg^. Sunday afternoon, two o’ clock at the First Baptist church will be the ttlstimonial meeting. Sunda.v afternoon at three o’clock will be the address of the national president, Hon. Boyd W. Hargraves, at the First Baptist chnrch. Saturday To Be Poppy Day Here Legion Auxiliary Will Sell Replica of Flanders Field Flowers Saturday will be “Poppy Day” throughout the United States. Millions of Americans will wear little red poppies in tribute to the men who gave their lives on the poppy-studded battle fields of France and Belgium I’uring the World War. An army of ap proximately 100.000 women will distribute the memorial flor.ers on the streets of practically ev ery city and town in the coun try. .Arrangements for observance of “Poppy Day” here have been completed by the women of the local American Legion Auxiliary Unit under the leadership of Mrs. R. P. Casey and Mrs. Andrew Kilby, poppy chairmen. Auxiliary women will distribute poppies on tlie street throughout the day, and will receive contributions for the welfare of disabled veterans, their families and thf, families of the dead. The poppies to be offered by the Auxiliary tomorrow are pap er replicas of the wild poppies of France which grew on the battle fields and war cemeteries. They have been made by disabl ed veterans working in 58 gov ernment hospitals and Auxiliary workrooms In 40 different states. 'The local Auxiliary Unit will distribute poppies made at Oteen, N. C. The bulk of the money con tributed for the popples will be retained In the city to be used for the relief of aeed^ veterans and their families during the coming year. Part will go to support state and national acti vities of the American Legion and Auxiliary for the disabled and dependents. The poppy sale is the principal source of sui^, «wWMbed labor «sd ''**®^'**¥ Jfbr'^ contftttMkn AvelftrtW tbit no BMiiffcWfs W* Fro-' ^ krrtdge and inWftet^'wfWW^ vbktWfitatldn dW’-' ''Hand for ttre THWary^ «r stile community fnrnisllba r^y the 4l«t ■ - Saturday Admission Price Two Days At Liberty .... . Harold Kay, manager of the nor. United States senator, and Liberty Theatre, states that Sat assistant secretary of the Inter- nrday admission prices for adults' noted tenor of this city, will sp ier In the Hoover administration, will prevail at The Liberty Thea- jlear on the program. Works by died here tonight. He bad been tre Friday and Saturday tor Beethoven,, Gri^ and nvnpiak ill since bis return from Wash- “Ytva Villa,’* super movie * - - '’thcactlon. POPPY DAY PROCLAIMED Poppy Day, which will be observed Saturday, May 26, by the local unit of the American Legion Auxiliary, has been given the official sanction of Mayor J. A. Rousseau, who issued a proclamation asking the consideration of the public in behalf of the occasion. The sale of poppies will be conducted by the local legion Auxiliary for the benefit of disabled veterans, their wi dows and oi’phans. The proclamation follows: Whereas, the Amerioau Legion Auxiliary is a patriotic organization dedicated to human service and the advance ment of jthe public welfare; and Whereas, the funds received each year from the sale of poppies are devoted by these organizations to the care of disabled veterans, or their widows and orphans; Now, therefore, I. J. A. Rousseau, mayor of the town of North Wilkesboro, do hereby designate Saturday, May 26, as poppy day and I do commend to our citizens a generous support of this most worthy cause. Done at North Wilkesboro, N. C., on this the 22nd day of May, 1934. J. A. ROUSSEAU, Mayor of the Town of North Wilkesboro. Saturday To Be Challenge Day Tent Meeting Begins Sunday Primary Will Be Held On Sat urday, June 2nd, By Both Parties WiU Be Held In Tent On Sixth Street; Ohio Evangelist Is Coming , Saturday of this week will be challenge day in the 27 precincts in Wilkes county, according to the state law governing pri maries for the county and state. Large Registration Reports from many precincts show an unusually large regis tration In both counties, Indicat ing that Interest in the primary has already reached a high pitch. The primary will be held on Saturday, June 2, for nomina tions to both county and -state offices. Nominations .will be made by the secret ballot under the same arrangement as- the general election, except for the A tent revival will begin on Sixth street In thft ?lty Sunday afternoon, the first service to be held at 2:30 p. m. The revival Is being sponsored by the Friends’ Mission here under the direction of Rev. Gur ney B. Laws. Rev. P. B. LilBdley, evangelist from Ohio, will do the preaching. Services will be held each eve ning at 7:30 and Sunday after noons at 2:30. The public is in vited to any or fU eervices. Seven Children Needing Hbm^ C%arie* McNelll,^»wat3r wel fare offt^. Is se^dnv homef. for seveii ‘ewdren, 4 boys and S girls. The dUIdren range in ages from S to IS years and can he recomjnended-' Anyone de siring to give on» oe mdre of the children a home are ashed to get In toneb with Mr. Mc Neill at his offlee in the court- house. MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE 30TH Long Pen T Are M^ed ByMge H Hardened CriminalT' Mercy la Fedend (^rt In May Term THEFT CASES TRIED Nmnber of Defendanhi To Atlanta Pen For Steal* ] ing Automobites Will Be Held By Legion and Auxiliary Here Wednes- " day Afternoon Annual Memorial Day service by the Wilkes Post of the Amer ican Legion 4nd local unit of the Auxiliary will be held at the Memorial Marker on Memorial Avenue In this city ^Wednesday evening at 7:10 pi'm.rit was an nounced here today. The service will about 30 minutes In last only nionths In the penitentiary at g about 30 minutes in order lo , , , year in the Chlllicothe refonna- make It possible for the people liy « - . . - - Atlanta while Jones was given B to attend regular mid-week serv Ices at the churches of the city. 08 at the cnurcMs 01 me cuy. automo- All members of the American . Legion, Legion Auxiliary, Boy Scouts and Oirl Scouts are re quested to gather at sexen quested to gatner at sexen o - clock in front of Hotel Wilkes . fnr fnn» for the march to the marker Company A of the 105th En i^ompany a oi me luom luu- glneers will furnish colors, color guard and a firing squad. The general public Is cordial ly Invited by the Legion and Auxiliary to attend the service. The full program for the occas ion will be announced in The Journal-Patriot on 'Monday. Welfare Officer jj. JUUUHUIl Ulcn DCUl.x;uuc;o *Jt. xv Wants Books Back months each in the Atlanta prl- Many School Books Ijoaned For Needy Children Have Not Been Retnnied “Book loaned to school teach ers for distribution to the needy and unfortunate children shOuM be returned to the welfare* of fice,” Charles McNeill stated Tuesday In asking that teachers return all the school books loan ed by his office. He pointed out that the books can be used again next year and insisted that all books Iqnned from the welfare department be returned in as good condition as possible. Methodists Have District Meetii^ District Conference Held At Rural Hall; Local Min isters Attend District conference of the Methodist Episcopal church was held in Rural Hall Tuesday and Wednesday with practically eve ry charge In the district repre sented. Counties Included in the conference are Wilkes,' Surry, Stokes, Yadkin, Ashe and Alle ghany. The North Wilkesboro Metho dist church was represented by the pastor. Dr. W. A. Jenkins, who preached Tuesday night, J. H. Rector, Mrs. W. P. Horton. Miss Lizzie HIsle and W. G. Ga briel. Rev. Seymour Taylor, pas tor of the Wilkesboro charge, was accompanied by Mrs. N. 0. Smoak, of Wilkesboro, C. W. Mahaffey, of Union Church, and Miss Lois Parks, of Roaring Riv er. Rev. W. H. Benfield, pastor of the Moravian Falls charge, and'Mrs. Hattie Gaither, of Mil lers Creek, also attended the con ference. Mrs. N. O. Smoak, of Wllkes- .tooro, was named one of the dis trict’s 17 delegates to the annual conference. Beatric« JeuiSm Is Fnze •' MiM'-‘‘'Beati1d5®^ Jennings, of Pores Knob, won first and sec- dHl .jfttati ^ ’‘Glean^aii ^NiMk’’ 1B « tnnteat -ipBieioyed^ '1^4|l):)Wit WBihan’e Blub. Mlsx IjgWIi Rtewt Peitt tuia lUrlse. ''fids "tmt ptKe podtef hi ox Meti(iQ4»^ To Hear Boyd W. Hargrave# descendant of one of the ehartet.^ members and Is a grandson of a DiSBilfeA ideBt IN no PBlpit SoB- .g,jd»y At 11 W. Malkmal! fomni; HredWbttt at tl» «u«nes8 «Sn*x *VBtB6aU«tlif Cl«he BBd ♦ tomlng W ^ oAltfr, Vin flU the putplt at tte wWkSiWftV. Mies UtbbIb Bfevtas 4H11 .pn-. sent'ber piano pSplls in e pftvate' recital at the Wllkesboro sebool auditorium Friday evening at 8:16.' in addition to the piano'num bers John Kermit Blackburn, ' Nt' HifMiontMlFMEir the «t the posttiRee. -morning servlee at Hhu0 Chair Team To Play At Tayloravillo The itb^ .bi* s?; Home Chair Company baseball team, local aggregation which has not .been defeated in __ __ Dvorjak at-1 will ^ iilNIefBa'br Mtoa Blavlns’ pupils. ant regular gSine thte year, will play TayloravUle baseball cluh at Taylorsville Saturday afternoon at 3:30. In eight fields'planted to reap- aita af the 'brlglBSl’ehnroh [berries In Catawba county.this iag-^The pnorer of drfi spring, the fariB agent found no was spoken hy a W, Hof dead planta. ' " ^ Hardened ^criminals are showa : little mercy by Judge Johnson J. J Hayes In the term of federal j court now In progress In Wilkes- boro, as shown ^ tlvely long prison^wmSSB^h he } has meted out a-Snoi^r ’ bf^ offenders since. ’ court '' opened * Monday morning. . ^ : Charles Richardson and,,Odell '] Jones, charged with robbing the i postoriiee at Batrrel Springs on 1 Christmas Day, were cooiHeted. Richardson drew a sentence ’ Of tory. Otis Love and Thomas . Llttk* bile in Roanoke, Va., and brought It to Wilkes county, plead guilty to violation of the leased under probation for four years on the condition that they completed the eleventh grade. Cecil Austin, Clyde Brown? Sid- Mize were also convicted of vio lation of the motor 1 vehicle theft laws. Mize was sentenced to three years In Atlanta prison while the others were released under probation. Oliver Lee Grimes and Lector J. Johnson drew sentences of 15. son for violation of motor theft laws. The following were sentenced for violation of the old revenue laws, .which makes it a crime to manufacture or sell liquor on which federal taxes have not been paid: Ambrose McCoy, two years probation; Walter Combs, fined $200, three months in jail; Reece Billings, two years proba tion; Lundee B. Holbrook, year In Atlanta and fine of $200; Charlie Bau.vuess, 15 months in Atlanta and fine of $200; Theo dore Bangness, fine of $200 and two years probation; James Har- lie Billings, fine of $200 and two years probation; Lawrence Holbrook, three years probation; Nelson Money, fined $200, six months in-jail; George Shew, 18 months in Chitlicothe; Herman Johnson, 16 months In Atlanta; Orville Johnson, year in Chll licothe; Wm. Stanford Majors, 15 months In Chlllicothe; Wm. C. Morrison, fine of -200 and year In Chlllicothe; Bert Cleary, two years probation; Will Knight, fine of $200 and 90 days in Watauga county jail. Officials of the middle dis trict attending court included District Attorney J. R. McCreary and assistants T. C. Carter, J. T. Allen and Miss Ruth Robbins. Clerk Henry Reynolds Is assist ed by Deputy Clerk Miss Lillian Harkrader. “ Marshal W. T. Dowd is accompanied by Deputy- Marshals E. M. Huffmao, L. M. Lomax, John Stevenson', C. L. Vanstory and Miss Addle Morris. Local Milder Rev. C. W. RolbliKibB At tends AnniversMT Ohardh CelebratioB'' Rev. C. W. RobinitoBU'Pfraby- terian minister of UUs 'bity, at tended the anniversary eolBbra- tlcm of Sugaw Creek POM^^r- ian Church near Cbariltft#’ Sun day. . *11118 chnrch was founded in 1756 and is one of the oldest Preebyterian churches 4h tks; - ' prSBOytenan ennrenee m rae Natknal BvangeUstlc Club Pres- jiey, jjr. Robingoa. la a> X *Blin a«t1hx ... X fhie morning progral sd of the- regular ehne ^ Skip, fli WMch 1»W, ’ and Rev. T. W. Ungle, of David rity from hto home In Chatta-i— - . . . mioga. r^nn,. to attend the state: county, delivered tto sermj convention of evangelistic oluh# to be held. In the ehurches here Ssturdsy^snd Sunday. O The afternoon program devoted princlpaliyxto the __asa_.^ —M x». *wkAmWIeaa veiling of Ubtot, marking insoa.

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