Published Mondays and Hiui^yB I I ~ I ■■■—. I , ,l'~ NORTH WII^SBORO, n: t, THORSHAY, MAY 81, IS 81.0nN THE STATE-^1J» O^OP ■■ 'I'l mil J — i^nii.iiijiii.,~~ [ORIALDAY SERVICEBELD IN THIS CITY Snerificed LiTes of Four Wars ; Honored In Service Here Yesterday DR. JENKINS SPEAKER Says War May Be Ended By Teaching Principles of Ri^rhteousness Teaching the 'principles of tigihteousness vill end wars in the world, was the thought ex pressed by Dr. W. A. Jenkins, pastor of the Methodist church here, in an address at the Me morial service held yesterday evening at the Memorial marker la this city. Line of march from Hotel Wilkes to the marker preceding the service was as follows; color bearers, firing squad of Com pany A 105th Engineers, Wilkes Post of the American Legion, Wilkes unit of the Legion Auxil iary and Boy Scouts of the three local troops. • The service was opened by the singing of “America” by the as sembly and prayer le^ by Bev. C. W. Robinson. Ladies of the Legion Auxiliary sang "Lest We Forget.” Dr. Jenkins lay particular stress upon honoring the World War dead who fell on the fields of battle and the thousands who died in hospitals in the terrible influenza epidemic while they were in the service. H© added that people can keep faith with those who sacrificed their lives by hono'ring them on Memorial Day and by honoring the moth ers and fathers who gav© their sons. In his prediction of the day and age when war will be out lawed the speaker called 'tten- tlon to the multitude of people who are becoming more and more discontent with war as a means 6{ settling differences be tween nations. Wreaths were placed on the marker honoring the dead of the American Revolution, the War Between the States, The Spanish- American War and the World War by Mrs. W. C. Grier, regent of the Rendezvous Mountain Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Mrs. B. R. Underwood, representing the Wilkes Valley Guards chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Mrs. A. E. Spain- hour for the Spainlsh-American War, and Miss Toby Turner, rep resenting the local unit of the American Legion Auxiliary. The firing squad fired a salute over the marker and the assemb ly disbanded after singing "Star Spangled Banner.” Thre^ S^ Projects In ^ ¥S Des Moines, la.'r. , John W. Studebaker, supeilatandent of schools here, has been appointed U. S. Commisslonbr of Educa tion for one year to succeed Dr. George P. Zook. Three road projects in Wilkes county wllf b© let late in June', according to a news dispatch ffom Raleigh Tuesday. The Reddies River bridge here, five miles out on Elkin on the Elkin-North Wllkesboro road and six miles of number 16, are the three projects in Wilkes to be let some time next month. The three Wilkes Tprojects are not Included in the list to be let on June 6 but are included in the list for the letting later in the 7 month. The bridge project calls or the erection of a bridge and apr proBchee over Reddies lUver oh route 60 Just west of this city. The project was scheduled^ to be let last month but - was delayed for a change of plans and com pletion of the survey. The project on number 16 calls for grading structures and pav ing of six miles, beginning at Millers Creek and extending to ward West Jefferson. ' The project on Number 268 for grading, structures and pave- meni on flye miles of t^e Elkin- North Wilkesbofo. TCMtd, begin ning at Elkin and leading west ward toward Honda and Roaring River. North Carolina’s allotment of more than 19,000,000 from the federal emergency fund for con struction of highways will be practically used up, except for, some odds and ends, with the 15 projects to be let June 5 and the 27 projects the highway de partment hopes to include in the letting late in June, which will involve almost a million dollars. B. Y. P. U. Worker Rev. Eugene To Vkit Churches On Board Truotees For Wake Forest Pastor North Wilkesboro Bap tist Church Placed On Cidlege 4oard WAS ELECTED TUESDAY of Mr. Harry Miller, of Washing ton, D. C.. was a visitor in this city Tuesday. Rev. Eugene Olive, pastor the First Baptist church of North Wilkesboro, was elected a member of the board of trustees of Wake Forest College in the 100th commencement meeting of the trustees held at the college Tue.sday morning. The lodpl pastor will succeed the late J. A. Campbell. The board is now composed of Claude Gore, of Rockingham, president; Rev. T. H. King, of Clinton, vice president; T. W. Brewer, of Raleigh, treasurer: E. B. Earn- shaw, secretary-bursar; Rev. Eu gene Olive, of this city; and J. M. Broughton, of Raleigh, at torney. The board of trustees author ized its executive committee and a Joint commlttee_ of faculty members and alumni to proceed at once with the construction of a new gymnasium. The college church auditorium will be used as a substitute tor the college auditorium until after th© gym nasium is taken care of. Wait Hall, the new adminis tration building, was dedicated yesterday. CARRY DONATIONS TO MILLS HOME Intermediate Giris’ Auxiliary of the First Baptist church mo tored to Thomasville Tuesday to carry a number of gifts to Mills Home. The donations included dresses made by the girls and a quantity of canned foods. The girls were carried by Mrs. R. P. Casey. Mrs. Tip McNeill. Mrs. Lincoln Spainhour and Miss Lura Reynolds. Men Captured At Still To Be Given Preliminary Hearing On June 29th M. S. Phillips Still In Critical Home Chair Company ^ -r "T- Condition From "Bums In Hot Mash I.4iter Report aaude TIague, alleged to ■ have been one of the men at the stm where M. S. I’hiUlps was thrown into boiling mash, wa.s arrested by federal ^ men in Blowing Rock Tuesday eve ning. Hr' will be given a hear ing with the others on June 9. Morris Matherly and Turner Laws, captured at stHl at which M. S. Phillips was alleged to have been thrown into a vat of boiling mash Sunday night, will be given a preliminary hearing betore U. S. Commissioner J. W. Dula on Saturday, June 9. Meanwhile practically all deputy marshals in the middle district have been summoned here to aid in the search lor the three men who escaped from the federal officers at the still, one 6f whom is thought to have been the on© who pushed Mr. Phillips into the mash, causing him to be severely burned. Coadltion of Mr. Phillips re mains critical and it Is learned that he has only a slight chance to recover. He Is being treated at the hospital here. So far the officers have been nnable to Identify or locate the three men, who escaped. It was intimated yesterday, however, that the officers have Informa tion that may lead to their cap ture. Mr. Phillips is a former con- sUble of Elk township and on ■ several occasions had aided fed- ■ eral officers in destroying stills. Team To Play Here Saturday Afternoon Home Chair Company’s baW ball team will play the strong team from Duchess Fabrics Com pany in Statesville on the fair ground ernoon. field here on Saturday aft- Sale of Poppies NetsSuinpf $114 Legion and Auxiliary Extends Thanks To Public and Helpers Sale of poppies oy the local unit of the American Legion Auxiliary here Satturday netted the sum of 1114.06, which is the largest sum ever raised here by sale of the memorial flowers. A total of 1.131 popples were sold by the ladies of the Auxil iary and volunteer helpers. To every one who bought a poppy or , helped in any way the AuxiUary . wishes to state Its appreciation as an organisation. They wish to thank the Wilkes Drug Company for the poppy display window and W. K, Sturdivant and Gor don Finley for furnishing the grass and miniature crosses. Part of the .money derived fit windows of World War vet erans and orphans. A pa^ will go for the benefit of disabled veterans at Oteen who do not receive government compensa tion. Rallies and Study Courses Scheduled For Stone Moun tain Association Percy Armsttoog Found Miss Mabel Starnes, B. Y. P. U. Held worker, will spend two weeks among the churches of Stone Mountain Baptist Associ ation. beginning June 3, It was annonneed here this week. During the period between June 3 and 15 an effort will be made to revive B. Y. P. tJ. work in all the churches. During the latter week study courses will be given in each church requesting one. On Sunday, June 3, at 2:30, p. m., an Inspirational leaders service will be held at Maple Grove Church. District rallies will be held at Felrplalns Bap tist church on Monday night. Mountain View’ Tuesday night and at Roaring Gap Wednesday night. Spanish-American Veterans’ Service Department Commander Ad- dre^ed Annual Memo rial Gathering Veterans of th© Spanish-Amer ican War gathered yesterday morning at the courthouse for their annual memorial service and picnic dinner. Veterans and their wives from all parts of Wilkes and several adjoining counties were in attendance. The gathering of veterans was featured by the address of De partment Commander Capers White of Raleigh. Members of camp 13 and visitors enjoyed his address very much. At noon a bounteous repast in the form of a basket dinner was spread in the courthouse. AuxiUary Organized The ladies with Mrs. Della C. Garrett, past department presi dent of North Carolina of th© U. S. W. V., and Mothers of the de partment, met and organized. With Mrs. Maggie Bryant as act ing chairman the following of ficers were elected: President, Mrs. Blanche Miller; senior vice president, Mrs. Maggie Bryant; junior vice president, Mrs. Mary Crysel; secretary, Mrs. Angle Henderson; treasurer, Mrs. Dor othy Whittington; chaplain, Miss .Margaret Belle; patriotic in structor, Miss Annie Belle Min ton; historian, Mrs. Delia Dancy; conductor, Mrs. Louise Miller; assistant conductor, Mrs. Maude Miller; guard. Miss Ressle Welch; assistant guard. Miss Ruby Oarlton; musician. Miss Caroline Belle; color team. Miss es Vallie Minton, Lassie Minton, Wanda Barnett, and Margaret Mastin; Other members' being: Mrs. Elizabeth Mastin, Mrs. Ve- ora Shepard, Mrs. Betty ^arnett, Mrs. 6oel Minton, Mis? Ruby Carlton, Mrs. Ida Carlton, Mrs. Alma Miller, Mrs. Myrtle Smith, Mrs. Blanch ^utz, Frances Ker- ley. At 2 o’clock Mrs. Garrett gave an inspiring talk to the group followed by the installation of officers of the Auxiliary. President, senior vice presi dent, Junior vice president are ex-officio delegates to the state at Fayetteville on June 27, 28 and 29. Mrs. Angie Henderson was elected, delegate- at-large. Clarksville, \Tenn. . . . Percy Armstrong, Jr., 10 years old, (above), is home here again with his mother while his fath er in Denver faced charges of kidnapping the youth from school here some time ago. Per cy is. the grandson of a former governor of Tennessee. AppUcations for Jobs which ' have not been renewed during the past three months will be cancelled on June 1, states R. L. Wooten, director of the National Re-employment office In this city. ’The offlc© here Is for five counties; W11 k e s, Alleghany, Ashe, Watauga and Alexander. Under the new set np only the applications that have been renewed each 90 days will b© kept In the active file. Renewal for applications for Jobs can be done more easily by letter than by personal call, Mr. Wooten states. IThe National Reemployment office has charge of furnishing list of workmen for all Public Works projects. E^hth Month Teachen’ P^y Expected Soon Checks Being Mailed Out From Office of State Re lief Director TO NOTIFY TEACHERS WiU Not He (Necesary, For Teachers 'To Inquire About Checks Eighth month pay for teachers in Wilkes county Is expected within the next few days. Super intendent of Schools C. B. Eller states. The greater part of the teach ers are to receive the last month's salary from the Emer gency Relief AdBilnistratlon in stead of the state, the federal government having come to the aid of the state in furnishing the money tor the last month’s pay. . ' Only the teachers jvho are eli gible to be placed on the relief list will be paid from the office of Mrs. Thomas O’Berry, state relief administrator. Principals and teachers receiving over 8100 per month will receive their pay Irom the state in the usual way. This class ol teachers will get their checks .within a short while, is the opinion of school authorities. The eighth month salary checks will be sent from the of fice of Mrs. O’Berry to Supt. Eller, who will either notify the teachers upon the arrival of tho checks or mall them out as soon as possible after the proper en tries can he made on. the books. It will not be necessary for the teachers to call for their checks until after they have been noti fied. Jobless Asked , To Re-Register. Apifdicatiions At Re-Empioy latent Office To Be Chn> celled June 1 Miss Zenna Wyatt Died Last Night Girl Who Shot Self With Pis tol Friday Nfeht Passes Away Here Miss Zenha Wyatt died at The Wilkes Hospital at twelve o’clock last night from a self-inflicted bullet wound. She shot herself at the home of her parhnts, Mr. and Mrs. Lon Wyatt, who live near this city, on Friday night. No hope had been held for her re covery. According to an account of the affair given by her father Zenna and a girl friend were at his home on Friday night. The girl who was with Zenna told her father that Zenna was play ing with a revolver and had tak en three of 'the cartridges out of the cylinder. She then told her girl friend that It would' take four-snaps of the gun for it to tire and stuck the end of the barrel In her mouth. She pulled the trigger and the gun fired, lodging the .38 callbr© bullet at the base of her skull. Her father is of the opinion that the cylin der of the gun,revolved in the direction opposite what the girl expected. Sh© was 19 years of age and leaves her father and mother and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Edna Woodie, of Laurel Springs, Boyd*Ray, Tra cy, Juanita, Bonnie, (Jnessie and Anna Lee Wyatt, of North Wil kesboro route 2. The .funeral service will be held at Peak Creek Presbyterjan church late tomorrow afternoon. Hits Sales Tax ¥l(a»fajjigtaii. May 29.—Cob- gress today handed the sales tax another blow when the House „ — . ., committee rejected the Senate from th© sale of popples wMl be bju designed to give sales tax used In Wilkes county to bene- -- -- - states the,right to tax merchan dise coming into the state from other states. , Miss Helen Abernethy, o f Wilmington, is here on a visit td her slstet, Mn>. E, M. LObg.'*’’’’' R. F. D. Carriers’ Meeting Is Held Animal CemYention Held At Hiddenite Yesterday; SroBoe Speaks Annual convention of the Rur al Lelter 3arriers AsBodation for WUkea, Alexander and If*- dell counties was held at Hlddo-kthe nite graded school ^yesterday- with each county in the asaoei- atlon well represented. ? . Ben L. Sronca, former editor of this city and now editor of the Statesville Record, was the principal speaker on the pro- pram. He used as his subject "Be Open Minded." His address was very much enjoyed by the car riers and thetr wives. In the business session all the present officers were elected. Orpheus Music Club Recital Program Given By Miss Ursula Blevins’ Class On Friday Evening COK ON Wynnowood, Pa. . /■. A nation wide search'has'been started to find Miss. Eleanor LaRue Vsn- sant {abov^. 27, socially prom inent here and student at Uni- AUvUh AACS X9 ssAsvx qww —' ochvUAUCa/> caAfcOBAAVvras w verslty of Pennsylvania, who dia- June 9, at the regpy|r^j-voting appeared from an hotel on April 5. Atlantic City Regular Term of Ciril Court To Begm Monday Several Hundred Gvil Ac tions Are Now Pend ing Trial WARUCK TO PRESIDE June term "of Wilkes superior court for trial ol civil actions will bejgin in Wilkesboro Mon^ day morning and continue for two weeks. Judge Wilson- Warllck,. of New ton, who is presiding. over, courts in the 17th district at this time, will be oh the bench. The calendar for the term was made out two weeks ago by The Wilkes Bar Association but it is doubtful that many of the cases calendared can be tried in the two-weeks term. There are sev- eval hundreds of civil actions pending trial, many of which have been on the docket for years. Rites Are Conducted For Mrs. R. F. DsJton Funeral service for Mrs. Rob ert Frank Dalton, long a promi nent resident of Greensboro, whose death occured Sunday morning at her home, 203 Fish er Park circle after lllnesS of two and one-half years, was conduct ed at the residence In Greens boro at 4 o’clock Monday after noon. Mrs. Walton was well known In "Wilkes county, having several summer seasons at, the cottages on the Brushles. F'arm women are no longer content as mere housekeepers, but are utilizing their vast "wo man power” to create ' better homes and better communities. Chainnaii D. J. BroobAlfe Issues Can For OigaBi0- ’ tion Meeting ^ PRECINCT MEEnN#HKm State , Convention Wffl Held In Raleigh On June 21 Be Cali for the annual Democratic convention for Wilkes county was Issued yesterday by D. J. Brookshire, 'chalrmaa, and C, O. McNeill, secretary.' The bobwcb* tinn will be held at the Murt- house In' Wilkesboro on tioinday, June'’fl, heginnlarfat l:S9-p. a. Th© precinct tneetlnga for the election of delegates to the . coun ty convention will be hel4 : on Saturday, afternoon t-wo. o'clock places in the county, ^ Following is the call isro^ Sy the chairman and ot the county Democratic exoMtive committee: "Ajt a meeting of the '■gtste Democratic Executive tee in the City of Raleigh N. C. held in April 1934; setting June 9th, 1934 as the date for the Democratic Precinct meetings to be held in the rarlona epnntieo of the State and 11th, 1934, for the County Con ventions of the Democratic party- for the various counties la. the State of North Carolina, for the purpose of electing townahlp and precinct committees compoeed of five members in each township and precinct, and for the furth er purpose of electltg delegates to attend County Convention for the various counties to be held June 11, 1934, at which county convention delegates will be elected to attend state conven tion to he held in Raleigh, N. C., June 21, 1934, and to trans act any furtjjer business that may come before the County Convention. "It is hereby ordered by Chair man and Secretary of the Demo cratic Executive Committee of Wilkes county that the town ships and precinct meetings in the county of Wilkes will bo held at the polling places of tho (Continued on page eight) Schenck Sworn In Raleigh, May 28. — Judge Michael Stfhenck, successor to Justice William J. Adams, of the Supreme court, today took tho oath of offlc© and went Immedi ately into conference to work out with his lour issdSMiW* “the law Involved in the appeals. A few of these cases have spent come down from Judge Schenck's own courts in which Instances of course h© will not sit. But the great bulk of appeals over which he must work will be decided on briefs submitted and the new justice will read these. The date for the final opinions has not yet been set. Voters Will March To Polls Saturday To Select Candidates For Election Fly Across Atlantic New York, May 28. — The French aces, Capt. Maurice Rossi and Lieut. Paul Codes, conquer ed the Atlantic by air again to day with new honors and, para- dWtlcally, shattered hopes. Mut^ Interest Being Show* In Coining Primary By Both Parties I Juniors In City Qect Officers Jr Miss Ursula Blevins presented her piano students in. a^ piano recital at the Wilkesboro^ school auditorium on Friday evening. Parents and special friends of the students made np the au dience, which was very apprecia tive. The students played with mnsieal nnderatanding and talent. John Kermit Blaek- burn. of this city, rendered a aelo selaetioB and an encore. The Btndenta taking part on -the program were Neal, Marjorie Dnla, Peggy Som- on. Lento Dnla. Jr.. Nonna' *"" Smoak, Irene Phillips, Rosalie Osborne, Bda Bello Phillips, Vio let Johnson, Paulino Church, Marjorie Blevins and Helen Dn- la. Marshals were Carol Cowles, Bess Stnart and Vivian Johnson. Cheering spring thought: "He that tllleth his land shall bo satisfied with bread," Proverbs 12:11. : \ North Wilkesboro council of __ O. U. A. M. met Tuesday night for the purpose of electing officers for the six-months term beginning July L Attorney Paul Swanson was named counselor. Other officers were eloste^ as follows: Bradley Dancy, 'v&e counselor; C. A. Canter, recording secretary; B. F. Bentlejr, assistant* recording secretsryj Bank of North Wil kesboro, tasasurer; H. L. “Me- cheam, ehaplalBc A. O. And*t- Bon, wariten; Dr. W. K. Nowton, outside naiitinfil; .M, G> Steel man, insido- BMtlneJ; W. K. Stnrdlvapt, trustee; O.ejo.rge condnctor: Monroe Eller and Clay PaMue,"w*r* named as repreMntgtlvefl ~to the state convention with G. O. Mc Neil! and Jack Pardue as alter nates. . All members of the degree team are asked-to be present next Tneaday nlgW to out degree work. Membership 0|1 the local council and attendance .at the regular jfaeetings to steadily on the Inctease. “ ' ' Wilkes county’s electorate will march to the polls Saturday to nominate officers for the elec tion In November. The polls will open at sunrise and Cldhe'V^ sun set. Both'political parties -will par- ■ tlcipate in the pr&»ary»" Which will h© conducted in tea 'tame ‘ manner- as an electlon.-t- Voters will vote by the Austradtofi 'bal lot system, a separate ttoket be- , ing provided for> the tw0 because of the fact that w iotw' ^ can vot© in the primaj^ only for tee candidate of tite 'pai^'with which be or 'she is atflHafe'd. Interest In the prima^ • in Wilkes has reached a high piteb. ^ there being contested 1^lti|||pffiia-^ tions in both the .Repithll^ and; Democratic parties. * In addition to eoanty' oftloeaj tee votera ndU-'lace tee ofj taming a capd_^ the Democratte^ ticket etafUdate for sdlicttoY- pobilean ticket. ’With close "oentostoi , variona nominattoiM in] ties an unprecedented pected in the primary The Jonrnal-Patriot Itohing on*''pages fpur the ^sample ballots for"t£e' mary, both Democrat publican. The reader’s ia^ is called to th© ballot^ mation as to whojs ’ itations and tor whd least their votes - a

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