LT 1 Uk vjiboBtyuMd from imc« one) la a raeant tosaa of Wtnstoa- >#alam papar tiara ware cerUla iWaisaaU aa to Irrasnlaritiea te •a fttaary ield la WUiaa coon- oa June Sad, atatlag that Re- ryaUlcsns TOtad for ma: that •lateBiaat la aatme. The rotar aa Re aatarad the poUing place waa iaadad one ticket and his party sIBRatlon was entered on the paOlna books. Yhe normal Republican rote Wilkes county is approxlmate- 1R seven thousand. There w'jre a Rvge number o f Republican ■ominees in the June Primary antd the Republicans had a spirit ed contest and cast around ser- em thousand ballots on June 2nd. The normal Democratic vote of Wilkes county until (wo years ago was approximately forty-fire Randred. The last Presidential Section the Tote for the state and national ticket \7aa approxi- aaately fifty-eight hundred. In the primary held June 2nd the Bemocratlc vote for Mr. Burke amd myself was approximately Ibur thousand. Prior to the Primary June 2nd, 1' recelTed a number of reports from Alexander county to the ef- ■sct that the Republicans and ]>emocrats Intended to vote two ■sts of ballots; that the Repub- ■cans would vote for Jones, Re publican, and Burke, Democrat, and the Democrats would vote Ibr Burke and Jones. That on Tuesday prior to the primary I talked to the chairman •f board of Elections of Alex ander county in Taylorsville and asked him if this report was true. He stated to me under the ruiin.g of the State Board of Elections that the voter could not vote both the Republican and Democratic ticket: that he intended to see some of his Reg- day R. ''iK- Jr.; Chairman of * Board of Unctions for Wilkes County, snde a trip to Taylorsville and heard Mr. Da«lahart, Chairman of - Board of Elections tor Alexander Coun ty, In the presence of wltnessee. Instruct Que of hts registrars that each voter had the right to vote for both Mr, Burke and Mr. Jones, one being n Republican and other Democrat. On Mr. Brume’s return to Wilkes coun ty he told me of this conversa tion and I Immediately called Mr. Daglnhart and be denied that he had Instructed any Reg istrar to this effect and I asked him his opinion as to whether you could do this and he stated that the voter had the right to vote both tickets. Immediately after talking to Mr. Daglnhart 1 communicated with Mr. Maxwell, secretary of State Board of Elec tions, and Mr. L. P. McLendon, Chairipan of State Board of Elec tions and related this conversa tion to them. They stated to me that they would wire Mr. Dagln hart and they did wire him the next day, sending me a copy, to the effect that a voter could not vote but one ticket, the Repub lican vote the Republican ballot and the Democrat the Democrat ic ballot. That on June 5th at the Court house in Taylorsville at the hour set for tabulation of the returns of the county, I filed a written protest alleging that the Alex ander County votes were cast il legally and attached to the writ ten protest affidavits by citizens of Alexander county to the ef fect that the election officials after ten A. M. on June Jnd, iianded to ?ach voter as they en- the pi 'ling place a set of Democratic ballots and a set of Republican ballots and that they did vote both sets of ti ;kb*s. the Republicans voting for Jones and Burke and the Democrats voting for Burke and Jonus; that prior to ten A. M. the election officials gave the voter.s only one ballot as they entered the polling place, and after ten A. pt to Uw pblUng place ka!i the other bnllot C In one precinct there were two hundred forty-«ix persona' voted on June 2nd end Mr. Burke, Democrat, received 22( votes, JoneOt rtepnhllcan, received l«8 votes, McDnfflef* Republlcnn re ceived 8 votes and Roussean, Democrat, received 6 voteO, mak ing npproximntely four hundred ballots cast. In another precinct 114 voted, Burke received 9S voteo, Rous seau received one vote, Jones re ceived 89 votes and McDuffie re ceived 8 votes, making total of 191 ballots east. In Tnylorsvllle Number One, six hundred three voted, Bnrke received 693 votes, Rousseau re ceived five votes, Ragland re ceived three votes and Jones re ceived 365, making total of 966 votes cast. On the presentation of protest and affidavits the election Board of Alexander County was of the opinion that it had no right to Investigate any allegations as to illegal or irregular votes cast in Alexander county and it did not make any investigation. I have in my possession affidavits from voters in Alexander county snp- porting the facts set out above and stating that Republicans all over the county voted tor Jones and Burke and Democrats voted for Burke and Jones; that prior to the prlmarj^ the report that Republicans and Democrats of Alexander county intended to vote both tickets was circulated throughout Wilkes County and votoH^iirteti" tSdSi ffH* eHlwr RaonbUsa or There won only one bollot given to the voter as liKor «he entered the pblUng plaoe;5^.that the lockl newspapers In Vhlkes County pablisbed the ruling of the Stote; Board of Elections to the eftMt that the RepnbUcans could not participate In 5 Democratic pri mary and Democrats could not participate in Republican prl- mar/; that so far as I know thore were 00 irregnlaritles in the votee cast lU Wilkes county on June 2nd. I have Invited the State Board Elections, through the press, to make any Investigation they see fit as to the voting in Wilkes County, and I again invite and welcome Sn Investigation of the votes east in Wilkes county. I also stated through the Press that I had affidavits In my pos session as to Illegal rotes cast In Alexander county,' and ask the people of Alexander County to deny that they voted two sets of ballots, and I again ask the peo ple of Alexander County to deny that they did this and to deny that this practice was carried on tbroughont the county. A written portest * has been mailed under registered mall to Chairman of Board of Elections of Alexander County alleging that the votes cast June 2nd were illegal, with copies of affi davits supporting the allega tions; that a written protest has been filed with State Board of Elections supported by affidavits alleging that the votes cast In Alexander county were Illegally Workers To Be Seof Into Ckvrefcw San- day SAed Practically aU of the Baptist chun^hes in th? section will par^ tleipate In the Sunday school en listment campaign dnring the week, of July 29 to August S, it Is learned here. The Southern Baptist Sunday School board and the state Bsp- tist Convmition ta furnishing each church taking part in the campaign a worker tor an entire week. This worker, w instructor, will bold a meeting at the church each evening and a thorough census of each community will be made with the aim In view of getting more of the people to attend Sunday school and church services. be fad ^ develo]^ birda d«)r>. lag thS' summer meathsT Aatwat: Where an amite. ni^ ply of ineenlaitt green feed ts available the cod liver oil is nsnaliy left ont. Be sure, how ever, the green feed Is not . too fiiurbns as thsre are aiany. Tbs bsit Jdw crops tw birds (>n ldato tafouMtkm on tag crops Is toud In Station Bnlletin No. may tfcJind by wrltlnf,^] Agrlcu^ral Editor, Statefe, legs, Ratllgh. As Itoa FiremiUK^ burner Instsllstioa may be able to saeke ^ suhsisttriei fod mv-' logs tor you. Ask for frM Siiag survey of your heating or power pleat. No obli^Kioa. BOOMER NEWS AUTOlUm OAk hundreds of Republicans Inland irregularly cast, and I call Wilkes County expressed them- .selvcs as wanting to cast their ballot for me if they could do so legally. I stated to them that they could no legally do this; that the Chairman of Board of Elections 0 f Wilkes County, leading Democrats of Wilkes County and myself instructed the Registrars of the different precincts of Wilkes county that the Republicans could not vote the Democratic ballot and that the Democrats could not vote the on the voters of Alexander coun ty to request the State Board of Elections to Investigate their county as to any illegal and ir regular votes cast in the Primary June 2nd. The affidavits that I have In my possession tend to support that hundreds of Republicans voted for Burke and Jones and that hundreds of Democrats vot ed for Jones as well as Burke. I have talked to a large number of Alexander County- citizens and my friends have talked to a large number of the citizens of Alexander county, and I am con fident that most of these voters who cast their ballots in this manner did not feel that they were voting contrary to the law and cast their ballots upon being advised that they had a right to vote in this manner. I feel that the office of the Judge of our Superior Court is one of the most exalted positions in the gift of the people and no man should be elevated to this position by illegal votes. J. A. ROUSSEAU. Commends Party Loyalty J. E. Howell Mr. Howell Gives Up Chairman ship Boomer Tomnship After 30 Years’ Service After thirty years of capable service as chairman of the Demo cratic executive committee i n Boomer township, Mr. J. fi. Howell at the primary last Saturday re fused to be chairman this time- The primary was attended by most of the leading Democrats of the township. Having the good of the party at heart, and knowing that Mr. Howell has done more for the Democrat party than any one else in the township he was heart ily urged to accept. Mr. Howell has been a faithful Democrat all his life. He has nev er let personal differences stand in the way of party loyalty. He has always supported ’ the nominees, and never “scratched a ticket’’ in his voting experience. In refusing the chairmanship, he declared his loyalty to “his party” and said he “expected to live and to die a 100 percent Democrat-” There are very few anywhere who will give as freely of their itime and means to the cause of the Democratic party as he has. We wonder if there is another man in Wilkes county whom the people have chosen as their town ship chairman for thirty years, and who has been as loyal to the party as Lish Howell has always been-— Contributed. To bind a bargain with a friendly glass is an s^e-old gesture of good fellowship. To fill the glass with BUDWEISER is to choose what gen» erations of good fellows/with an eye toward the best in life, have i egarded as the very finest incentive to companionship and well being. BUDWEISER has made such out- stating contribution to good living that no other brew ever has matched its record— the biggest'selling bottled bee^ in history. Marriage Licenaea ANHEUSER-BUSCH LOUIS On/gr by tht Case for your Hoase KINO or tOTfLID IIIR THE PEPSI-COLA BOTTUNG CO., Dbtributon NORTH WILKESB0«0, N. C, Since Friday of last week lic enses - to wed were Issued by Register of Deeds T. H. Settle to four couples as follows: Fred M. Staley, Wilbar, and Sallie D. Whittington, Reddies River; Claude Absher and Vergle El- ledge, both of North Wilkesboro; Stacey Boyd Moore and Ruby Oneta Gilliam, both of North Wilkesboro; W. J. Poster, Wil- kesboro, and Vergle B. Dlllanl, Hays. Libby Baek Oa Stage PhUadelphtai^hfra. msbetk Holman ReyBOlda—-or fast Lib by Hoiiaan—^makaa her bow In dramatics on June IS at the Hedgerow^ Theatre, Rose Valley. The one-time "tcwch” alnger and atar of tka nnsical comedy stage has been a pupil of Jasper Deeter, director of the Hedge row playera, lor the peat teat months, traTsllng’ from Mont- etaanln, Del,, to yOelaware coun ty, PetHtaylvania,! tor her lee- BOOMER, June 13.—The choirs from Three Folks church in Alex ander and Beaver Creek met with the Little Rock church Sunday, June 10. Dnring the morning the three choirs mitertained a large crowd with some very fine sing ing. A picnic dinner was served on the grounds at the noon hour. In the afternoon the Rev. E. V. Bum- gamer filled his regular appoint ment there. Saturday- and Sunday was the regular preaching time at the Baptist church. The pastor, the Rev. J. W. Watts, is unable to preach at the present time. The Rev. Nolar Benfield, of Lenoir, preached a very helpful sermon each day. Miss Annie Ruth German has re turned home after having attend ed summer school at Knoxville, Tenn. Mrs. W. A. Caudill is in the Davis Hospital at Statesville for treatment. Mr. Ham Parsons has returned home from the Wilkes Hospital, but he is still quite indisposed.' Miss Nolene Greer, of States ville, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs- A. F. Greer. Misses Leora and Roberta Ger man have returned home after fin ishing school at Berea, Kentucky, and N. C. C. W. respectively. They are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. German. riRiHd few H.M- J. B. STEELE BOONE, N. C, Carlton-LeSueur Farmvllle, Va., June 12.—Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Carlton announce the marriage of their daughter, Hazel Deane, to Mr. Robert Wes^ ley LeSueur, Monday, June 11. They left immediately for their home In Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Le Sueur was formerly of Goshen, N. C., but for several years has lived in Farmville. NATURE YOUR BEST FRIEND She gives you your soil. . . Your seed, and Chilean Natural Nitrate ^ a What a friend old Mother Nature Is to evety man vto puiV— a crop. Your land—Nature created it. The iced ycM plant—^Nature creates it. Sun and rain—gifts from Nature, tofc And Chilean Natural Nitrate—this ma^c plant food b of Nature’s miradee. Into Chilean she put b-e vital “impari ties”, cadi one a plant food in itself. They are all essential to your crop. Chilean Natural Nitrate is the ideal dde^lresser—proved by over 100 years of use on Southern crops. Two Mnd« of Chilean—both are genuine. Champioo Brand (granulated) and Old Style. * Protect yourself. The way to be sure you get what you want is to say Cbaminon Chilean or Old Style Chilean when JM order. Play safe. ^ 1 Chilean HATURAL NITRATE THE ONIY NITROGEN THAT COMES FROM THE GROUND: THE GENUINE ORIGINAL “SODA" NT ■5|r>' Are Your Tires Safe for Summer? 4 Don’t Forget Danger of Blotvouts Grows as Roads Get Hotter Watch your speed—if your tires ars thin! Hot roads quickly sap their last strength—they’re liable to fail you at any moment. Better be safe than sorry—put on new Goodyears now. Come in—see the greater value we offer because Goodyear Dealers sell the most tires—by millions! Drive In for a tire Inspection, get an accurate report on the condition of your tires. Sensational GOOD/TEAR The G ( c ci i e i f N dm. in R'ubber GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHER SwpartwblCoMl Tiros 42% More Miles of Real Non-Skid Safety-no extra cost! • Get Our Price M YOUR She ^1 C. & C. SERVICE STATION CARL r. COfcVARD, Muucer . . . Nertk C, Saves Year FltMB Oaefcs ClieddnK i' Rirtthir er Leaking; We will apply a luctroua protective coat of (Jood- year AU-Weatiier Top^ Dreasing— ™ lor (»dy SOc .

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