M -f^ Joum^^atriot has fe^LZ^tfxe l-»^l yiu xxvm, NO. 55 Published Mondays and Thursdays — I ,i. .;iiy,.,^’!,r-="_^^.:j^.!^'• "' ;,.i.aj'e)|. '' t'Wwr NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C., MONDAY, JUNE 18, 19S^>! $1.00 IN THE STATE^.60 OUT OF THE ^e= r k4> State Boaid Wffl Visit Alexander, Wilkes This Week Will Probe Vote in Alexander County In Hearing On Wednesday IN WILKES THURSDAY State Board of Elections May Reach Some Settlement of Controversy The state board of elections will sit at Taylorsville Wednesday to hear charges that' the primary for the selection of a Democratic can didate for judge in the seventeenth judicial district was not conducted according to law. On Thursday the state board will meet at boro to hear charges or irregu larities in Wilkes. In the primary June 2, J. Hayden Burke, of Taylorsville, received 4.- 841; J. A. Rousseau, of North Wilkesboro, 4,746. and John W. Ragland, of Spruce Pine, 1,024, ac cording to the returns certified by the county boards of elections in the six couties in the district. Mr. Rousseau has demanded an investigation be made of the vote in Alexander county, charging that members of both political parties voted both tickets and that the practice was county-wide in the June primary. Buike supporters have alleged irregularities in North Wilkesboro township in Wilkes county, charg ing that some citizens voted as much as four times. The charges brought by the two factions caused the state board of elections to withhold certification of the returns until a full and cmplete investigation of ci irges can be made. The state boara has announced its intention to settle the matter in the two hearings to be held Wednesday and Thursday. Jobs Available In Vets’ Camps Welfare Officer Has Applica tion Blanks For Veterans In County Openings are now available for a number of World War veterans in veterans’ conservation camps, according to a statement issued by Charles McNeill, county welfare officer. Mr. McNeill has a number of ap plication blanks for unemployed veterams in Wilkes county who would consider enlisting in the camps for a period of six months. The veterans’ conservation camps were formed by the government for the purpose of giving jobs to any veterans who are in need of G.O.P. Chairman WASHINGTON . . . Henry P. Fletcher of Pennsylvania (above), is the new chairman of the Repub lican National Committee. Mr. Fletcher was a Teddy Roosevelt rough rider in Cuba, former am bassador to Italy and a Hoover supporter. Penalties To Be Added To Unpaid State Sales Tax Penalty of Ten Per Cent To Be Added When Sales Tax Is Past Due PRIVILEGE^AXES DUE Revenue Collector Calls At- ! tention To Unpaid State Privilege Taxes A penalty of ten per cent will be added to unpaid state sales tax if not paid wdthin IB days after the tax is due from merchants and business firms, states J. R. Rous seau, deputy revenue collector for Wilkes and Yadkin counties. This means that if a merchant is paying the sales taix on a monthly basis tlj^t the penalty will be added if the tax is not paid by the 15th of the following month. If a merchant is paying the sales tax quarterly the penalty will be added after the 15th of the month following the end of the quarter if it is still unpaid. Mr. Rousseau also calls attention to the fact that all state privilege taxes became due on June 1st, but that no penalty will be added until July 1. On and aCer that date a penalty will be added to all unpaid state privilege taxes. Mr. Rousseau maintains an of fice in the Deposit & Savings Bank building. For the benefit of state tax payers in Wilkes he is staying in his office each Saturday. _ He will gladly assist anyone desiring Carlisle Higgins To Take Office as District Attorney Nominatipn .pf Sparta Attor ney Confli:med By Senate Last Week TAKES OFFICE JULY 1 Will Resign As Solicitor of Eleventh District; To Ap point Successor Carlisle W. Higgins, of Sparta; will begin his duties on or about July 1 as district attorney of the middle North Carolina district, at which time he will tender his resig nation as solicitor of the eleventh judicial district. His nomination for district at torney was confirmed by the senate Tuesday without opposition. Mr. Higgins has served as solici tor of the eleventh judicial district since 1930. He was elected to the state house of representatives from Alleghany county in 1925 and was state senator from the twenty ninth district in 1929. The new di.strict attorney receiv ed his undergraduate training at Bridle Creek academy, Indepen dence, Va., from which • he was graduated in 1908. He received his A. B. degree from the Universi ty of North Carolina in 1912 and two years later earned his LL B. degree. Leaving the university, Mr.^Hig- gins formed a law partnership with Governor R. A. Doughton, of Sparta, in 1914. The partner.ship I was dissolved in 1928 after Gover nor Doughton became revenue com missioner. Mr. Higgins continued his ppractice until his election as solicitor. Mr. Higgins is 43 years old. He was bom at Ennice, N- C., October 17. 1889, and has been a life-long Democrat, and served as chairman of the Alleghany county Democrat ic executive committee from 1914 to 1918. He is a reserve officer in the United States army, a memlSSir of the American Legion, a member of the Tau Kappa Alpha fraternity and a Mason. It is believed that Allen H, Gwyn, of Reidsville, Democratic nominee for solicitor of the eleven th judicial district, will be named to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Higgins. Mr. Gwyn, senator from Rockingham during the past leg islature, is unopposed by Republi cans for the position. Three Men Taken At Still Monday Fann Scenes from dhe West T. B. Clinic Is employment. The number of va-| further information in regard to cancies. however, is limited and i the state taxes, all veterans interested should get, in touch with Mr. McNeill as early as possible. The application blanks must be sent to the veterans’ ad ministrator not later than June 20. Veterans are started in the camps with a salary of $30 per month. Board and clothing are fur nished by the government. Washington . • . From out of the mid-west comes photographs of desolate wastes in the drought areas to supplement reports of the dire need for relief and hurry the Federal Government in administer ing that relief. Upper photo shows half starved cattle vainly seeking grazing ground qn a drought-stricken farm near Dallas, S. Da. Center photo shows a concessional delegation from drought states leaving the White House after conferring with President Roosevelt. Left to right. Sen. Arthur Capper and Rep. Kathryn McCarthy, Kansas, Sen. Joseph T. Robinson. Ark., Sen. Lynn J. Frazier, N. Da-, and Sen. John E. Erickkson. of Mont- Bottom, a partly dust-buried farm house m South Dakota as a result of choking dust storms during recent weeks. Misses Heart and Fails In Attempt To Commit Suicide; Recovery Ukely son of Purlear, Federal Investigators Get Il licit Outfin In Dellaplano Section Clifford C^inrch, Fletcher Church, of R, F. D., failed in an attempt to commit suicide at his home Thursday afternoon. The young man was in a despondent condition, but ap parently in a normal state of healtli, it is learned here, and no reason is known why he at- frmptel t!»e ra.sh act. Church shot himself with a pistol, the bullet entering the chest about one Inch above his heart and leaving his body at the bock, ynaking w|iat is termed a clcian wound. Dr. W. R. Triplett was call ed to give him medical atten tion and to dress his wounds. He Is being treated at the liome of his father. It is reported this morning tliat lie is doing as well as can bf! expected and tliat recovery Ls highly probable. Relief Directors To Meet Wednesday George R. Ross, of by prohibition agents Monday net- Starting Today ^ I The three men arrested at the Sanitorium Specialist I Will'still by the federa] officers director of rural rehabilitation work in North Carolina, will pre side over a conference of relief adminisirators, farm and .garden A raid in the DeUaplane section I Program supervisors and other A raia in tne Lfeuap.a workers of ten northwest ern counties in Wilkesboro Wed nesday morning at 10 o’clock. Raleigh, I The conference will be held at the courthouse. The state supervisor will dis cuss plans for the continuation of . the rural rehabilitation pro gram and the duties of the relief administrators in carrying out the program as outlined by the state. Examine Suspects In Coun ty For Two Weeks A tuberculosis clinic for tuber cular suspects in Wilkes county be. County Board Education Selecting Bus Routes The county board of^ education, Wilkesboro this morning, composed of C. 0. McNeill, chai^ip^ Easom, specialist from man, D. F. Shepherd and R. gtate sanitorium, is making the Church, met with County Supenn-, tendent C. B. Eller today for the i clinic, which is being con- purpose of establishing school bus through the co-operation of routes in the county. county and state health de- _ _ _ I ipartments, will continue through Ixi’Axr MAAI*A this week and next The examina- IVCJ IflWl V a*^**%**» complete diagnosis of all r,MDV rwMFVT nFFICF Local lions Club ‘“*“**'^ were Jim Byrd, Enoch Staley and Reu ben Redmon, who were hailed be fore John W. Dula, United States commissioner, in Wilkesboro, for preliminary trial. After hearing the evidence, (Com missioner Dula fixed bond at $500, which they were able to fill for their appearance at the next term of federal court in Wilkesboro. The raid was made by Federal Investigators J. F. Ratledge, J. B. Banks, R. S. Bolt and W. R. Fu- trell. Officers For _ Installed In Meeting Thurs day Evening Ivey Moore was installed as president of the North W ilkes- boro Lions Club in the meeting held at Hotel Wilkes Thursday evening. Mr. Moore has been a very active member of the club for several years and has taken a great Interest in the various activities sponsored by the or ganization. Other officers installed Thurs day eveniiig were E. A. Shook-, secretary ikW. H. Clark, tail twister, V B. Richardson. Lion tamer. B. T..Henderson was formerly elected president of the club but declined because of the fact that he is a past president. The installation of the officers and the presentation, of the past president’s button to the outgo ing president. Dr. H. B. Smith, occupied the greater part of the time In the meeting. The club was delightfully entertained by musical selections given by Miss es Bert and Ila Holman. 'if they have contracted the disease, will be free of charge, the state ^suing Year and county health departments fur- — nishing all coats the office of Dr. A. J. Eller, coun ty health officer, for an examina tion during the two-weeks’ clinis. By making an appointment the pa tient can be adfeured of sin exami nation on the date and hour set. PLACES MEN ON PWA Mrs.J.L Pearson Claimed By Death Wife of Noted Poet Answers Summons At Boomer Home Sunday Night Asking World War Vets To Register In Present Survey Miss Lillian Stafford, ser for Wilkes County Public Welfare Child P Lambeth Stati Veterans Pe^ion Checks Received Checks totaling $7,735 for pen sions for Confederate veterans and widows of Confederate, sol diers have been received by Wm. A. Stroud, clerk of superior conrt. The pension checks cover a period of six months afid are made payable to eighteen vet- eransi 45 widows and one calor- ed bodyguard. Some of the checks have been delivered. Those who have not received. their checks are asked to call for them at the clerk’s office. To Erect BoildiDg: On Original Ph Congressman Lambeth Original Plans Can Be Ffdlowed Now Charlie Brown Is Seriously Hurt Sustains Severe Injury While Working At Factory Here Friday Charlie Brown, resident of the Pairplains community near this city, was seriously injured while working at the Home Chair Com pany factory Friday. According to reports of the accident Mr. Bfown was sanding a bench when it c%ught in the machine, hitting Mr. Brown and knocking him to the flfoor. He was carried to the hospital bore for examination, which dis closed that he had sustained a severe fracture at the base of the skull. He Is reported to be In critical condition. SENATE PASSES BILL Additional Fund Appropriat*i ed For Public Wmks Ad ministration BILL PASSES SENATE On Friday the senate pasaed, the deficiency appropriation bilL which assures the the additioa of $5,000 to the appropriatiim for a postoffice building in North j Wilkesboro. Dr. F. C. Hubbard Has Returned From Kiwanis Convention Dr. F. C. Hubbard returned Sunday night from a week’s vis it to Toronto, Canada, where he attended the 1934 convention of Kiwanis International. Dr. Hub bard represented the North Wil kesboro Kiwanis Club in the con vention, which was attended by memibers of Kiwanis Clubs from all parts of the United States and Canada. He was accompanied on the trip by Mrs. Hubbar^ and chil dren, Fred and Gwyndolen. Dr. Hubbard will he In charge the Kiwanis Club luncheon program Friday noon. Members of the local club are anticipating report of the convention. of Junius R. ADen Dies At Mebane ; — _ I erected within the limit oi me ai- Was a Brother of W. J. Alien, [ot„jents; while the posteffice de- Tkin Pitv? VSineml Vn.. 1tT\/\n A/Ia* In reply to a request by the dt-^ rectors of the North Wilkesboitt--; Kiwanis Club that he use his every influence to get the treasury de- partment to build the North ^0*^ kesboro postoffice building on ori-'* ginal plans, Congressman Walter; Lambeth has written T. E. Story. Kiwanis secretary, a letter, in which he states that the house of representatives has passed the de ficiency appropriation bill, setting aside $2,500,000 for supplementing PWA funds already allocated op' to ten per cent. TTie bUl, if passed by the sen ate, will provide an additional $5- 000 for the North Wilkesboro post- office, which amount will enable the treasury department to autho rize the receiving of bids on the original plans instead of changing the plans to conform with the re duced allotment. Bids on the local postoffice buildr- ing were to have been received on • June 7, but the advertisements for bids werq v^ithdrawn when it was learned that the bids would exceed the allocation. The supervising architect was then ordered _ to change the plans of the building in order that it could be erected with the allocation of $50,500. Following is the letter from Rep resentative Lambeth to Mr. Storyj “I have your letter of the 1st re garding the North Wilkesboro postoffice building. “As you know, the public works administration allotted $50,600 for the construction of the building. The plans and specifications were drawn and construction bids re quested. About thSrt time due to increased building cost, it was found that the building could not be erected with the funds avail able; so the advertisement for bids was withdrawn. The public works 'administration has consistently re fused to increase the allocation and has demanded that the building be erected within the limit of the al- of This City; Funeral Yesterday Junius R. Allen, a leading partment has insisted upon ade quate space for their activities, thus creating a deadlock- “On Monday the house passed junius x\. Monday the house passea Public Child Welfarf Progress- farmer of Orange county ana a deficiency appropriation bill ing Splendidly, Says Iiocal prominent business man of Me- $2,500,000 for the Canvasser prominent bane, died at his home at Me bane Saturday morning at four convas- o’clock. He had been 111 for sev- in theUral days but was stricken ser- Survey I iously on Friday, at which time V. al TXr T Allavi Af thift The second death within ai ruoiic .w' ' IT’u w t Allen of this week occured in the home of | now being conducted by the, his brother, W. J. Allen of this James Larkin Pearson, North I American Legion and Auxiliary, J city, was called to his bedside. poet. .“"'.JS! *" Sunday night at Boomer Sunday night at 10:50 when his wife, Mrs. Cora Wal lace Pearson, passed into the great beyond. Mrs. Pearson was born on Jan- R. L. Wooten, director of thCj national re-employment office nerej ^ daughter of Mr. nismng an costs. f^r five counties, motored to Spar-i / ’ Wallace of Mo lt will be necessary that any u Jefferson Friday to p.,,'- on May 1 1907 wishing to take advantage of the projects now’s Tames’Larkin clinic make an appointoent with;™i„^ ^^rried out in those two ■ • I A^0&uSOIi. Vac' Shortly after her marriage she chS’e'’of all em-j'^as stricken ill and for the ^st ployeyn road -n^ion work | 28^,,,, ,e- workf adSnSSn. " ‘ (Continued on page eight) 1 (Continued on page eight) M. S. Phillips Improves Some improvement is noted in the condition of M. S. Phillips, Ferguson citizen who was se verely burned when he was thrown into a vat of boiling mash at a still several weeks ago. ! Although somewhat improved he is not yet out_ of danger but prospects for his ultimate recov ery are much better, it Is learn ed here. today Issued a siaiemeni asmus | ■ all World War veterans to fill of the late Monroe and Elizabeth out a card to be filed in the of fice of the child welfare survey. The statement issued by Miss Stafford follows: ‘A large number of cards have been distributed among the World War Veterans of Wilkes county, many of which have been filled out and placed In our files In the Public Child Welfare Survey office. On the other hand, a number of the One Marriage License During the past half week only one marriage license was issued by Register of Deeds T^. H- Settle, that being to Raymond Absher, of Mc- Grady, and Nora Felts, of Radical. 35 PLANES HAVE JOWEB SKY CARAVAN Allen, of Mebane. He spent the greater part of his life at Me bane, where he operated a tobac co warehouse In the fall and winter months and was engaged In farming during the spring and' summer. He had many friends and was well and favor- aibly known throughout Orange county and that section of the state. Of his immediate family there is one brother, W. J. Allen, of this city, was three sisters: Mrs. J. R. Aldridge, Haw River; Mrs. T. G. Phelps, Cedar Grove; and 'Mrs. R. L. Newton, Prospect t Hlll. Also surviving ‘are his wife, liiiio before her rimrrlage was setting aside $2,500,000 for ths purpose of supplementing the PWA funds already allocated up to ten’ per cent. This means that when the bill passes the senate and be-, comes a law, $5,000 more will be ■ available for the^orth Wilke*"? boro building, and the supeiTOimf • architect advises me that this wffl i enable them to go ahead yrith original plans. Until this l^isl*”^ tion passes nothing can be accom- 3 plished. The architect's office i»r bolding the project in abeyanc*| until this legislation is passed. “I have,been working to get this] building since 1932 and yon may! be assured that I shall not relK*^ my efforts to secure an adeqnaten^ and suitable building for North Wilkesboro.” Thirty-five pilots have signed entry blanss 10 enter the 1934 Carolina Bdneatlonal Air Tour, which will visit North Wilkes- boro on Friday, June 29. Spon sors of the sky caravan expect that several others will join be fore the tour leaves Charlotte on Thursday, June 28. Call Coffey Joins Carl Coffey, local aviator, has signed up to enter the tour with his Stinson cabin plane. Includ ed in the entourage will be planes'of all: types. Including a trl-inotored Ford.i Army Planes Coming Commanding officers at Fort^ filfagg have stated their willing-" ness to allow a number of army, plhnes to visit this section 6n the date of the tour’s visit to N o f t h Wllkeeboro. However, they will not be Tegular mem bers of the tour for. the visit to all of the cities scheduled. Get Big Send-Off On the opening of the lonr In Charlotte on Wednesday of next week Governor J. C. B. Bhrlng- haus and''Col. A. Sneed? com- ' maudteS^ officer ^ f Field, Va., have been Invited for 'ifts Ruth ForsK^ bt Roxboro, . /"vAIsm ktld foilf the opening ceremonies. Other aau r notables In aviation are also ex pected to be present. Pilots’ Ball Ptnnned At each city visited plans are under way for the entertainment of the pilots after the air show. On the night of the touf here, June 29, a pilots’ ball will be given at the armory. Big Air Show Planned On the tour Johnny Crowell the south's premier exhibition flyer, and “Red” Harmon Langley I _ (Continued on page eight) Hdhroe, Jnle and Ida Kate. The funeral service was held at his residence Sunday after noon at three o'clock. The Jun ior Order fraternity 'was In charge of the grave service. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Allen and family, of this city, attended the last rites. Mr. J. H. Shumate and sen, Vir gil, of Yards, Va., spent the Smok- "oliend at Dehart with Mr.. Shumate’s mother, Mrs. S- C. Staaa«te Will Receive Bidg| School Bus Roirt An Contract lince 1 Let To LoweBi I This Week. Bids will be received remainder of this week on„ tract school bus routes in ty- ; . , The board;i of education session today, for the,. ^Wishing the county and the contract liner> . ready to receive aoBlad 'bldte , j C. B. Eller, couidr ent of sdiools, has tion necessary for place bids on the 1

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