NORTH WILKERBORO, N. C„ THURSDAY, JULY 26, 7.;.^... ; v' Npver rf Death Car Jailed On National Marble Champ. Murder Charge R. W. Lee Placed In JaU Afon- Fmr Death M Mr& J. G. Teacve • [VrECKED THURSDAY Bond of $5,000 Asked By So- HoMw Jeoes; To Seek Freedom R. W. Lee, driver of the car la ^hlch his mother-in-law, Mrs. J. Teagae. was killed Thurs- day afternoon, has been placed In Jail at Wilkesboro on a charge of murder. Warrant for his arrest was owQjn out by members of the de- ce^^Q's family before Magis trate A. E, Spainhower and he was Incarcerated Monday. The wreck occured four miles east of Wilkesboro on the Boone Trail highway near the Brook shire farm when the car driven by Lee, containing Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Teague, left the road on the left side and overturned In a ditch. Mrs. TeagUe suffered'internal Injuries which resulted in her death early Friday morning. Mrs. Lee Is recovering from serious Injuries. Lee, himself, suffered severe lacerations and bruises. | He protests his innocence on a^the grounds that the wreck was ; » purely an accident. He stated on Tuesday afternoon that the snn blinded him as he was passing another car and that the car he was driving swerved as one wheel hit the dirt alongside the . pavement. He said that in the excitement Mrs. Lee placed her foot on the accelerator, causing the car to gain greater speed. Lee has stated his intention to seek a preliminary hearing to gain his freedom from Jail. COLORED. MAN SHOT TUESDAY NIGHT TELLS CONFLICTING ‘ STORIF..S TO THE OFFICERS Ocean City, N. J. '. . . Clifton H. Seaver, 13, (above), of, Springfield, Mass., is the nation- ■ al marble champion of the U. S. | for 1934. He won over a big; field from all parts of the coun-1 try. I County Agent Will | Attend Convention ! Carolina Farmers! Green Gilreath, local color ed man, can’t pull himself to gether as to how come he was seriously wounded on Monday night. , Sheriff Bill Somers was call ed .to investigate a shooting in the woods just south of the county seat, where'he found Gilreath plugged in the left chest hy a 32-callbre bullet. • Gilreath was in a pretty bad way and is reported to have .old that he shot twice toward his girl, whom he was accom panying home. Her screams were such as to make him quake and tremble tor fear he had fatally wounded her and he shot himself, is one current report. On Tuesday Gilreath had a revised version of the myster ious affair and his last story was more puzzling than his first. He said that a mhn jumped from behind p tree, shot him and ran. In giving the attempted murder account of his beln.g wounded, he Is reported to have stated that he told on, Monday night that he shot himself in order to throw su- ,spicion fr:m his girl friend. He said he thought he was going to die and was afraid that the shooting would be fas tened bn her. The attempt at suicide or murder came very near being successful. The bullet entered right over his heart but rang ed outward, missing the vital spot, and going out through his hack. Sheriff Somers car ried the wounded man to the hospital here where his wound was given attention. Recovery is likely if complications do not arise. .i'Frmht Trtick state Farmers Convention To Be Held In Raleigh Next Week County Agent A. G. Hendren will leave Tuesday to attend the annual State Farmers Conven tion. The convention will convene in Raleigh Tuesday and will con tinue through Thursday. Mountain View Institute Property Is Purchased By County For School Use; Buildings Will Be Repaired - m Transaction Made With Mrs.! J. S. Kilby By Commis- | I sioners Wreck Claims Its Second Victim INCLUDES 3 BUILDINGS Will Be Used By High School; [ and Elementary Gi’ades | Next Term ! l^ipns To Hav« Picnic Meeting -a. , will Meet .\t Izaak Walton Rec reation Ground This Kve- ning No Tmn Wilkesboro Lions Club will i^anish routine proceedure this week and hold a picnic i meeting at the izaak Walton Recreation Grounds this evening | Instead of the regular dinner j meeting here. ! All Lions and their wives are asked to assemble at Hotel' Wilkes this evening at 6:30. A( varied program will take place_^ at the picnic spot following the picnic dinner. Saturday Will Be Last Date Signing Tobacco Contracts Two colored boy.s are dead fro:n injuries received Sunday in a 'vreck of their father's car 12 miles east of Wilkesboro on the Boone Trail Highway. The victims were Joshua Bur- iv.'t. Jr., and Oti.s Burnett, sons of Tosh ia Burr.ett. of th1.>t Mty. P. rn''t; was dWving a mode! T Fr»”d rntipe when it left the road and overturned against a tree as h» ::::d his only two sons were returning from a visit to Wlns- ton-Salt-ni. Joshua. Jr., age 11, was dead from a broken neck when his body was taken from between the car and a tree. Otis died In the ho.-^nital here yesterday from a fractured skull. The wreck reduced the family to Burnett, his wife, and two daughters, .Ann and Slattie Jean. Funeral service for Otis will he held today at the colored Bap tist church here. 80 Year-Old Man Kills Rival For Hand of Girl County Agent Points Out .Ad vantages Of Signing Reluc- tion Contracts IvA jturday of this week will be last day for tobacco- farmers sign reduction contracts, nty Agent A. G. Hendren has )unced. he time for signing allotment tracts, however, will be ex- led for some time. It Saturday is the last chance farmers in Wilkes to sign reduction contracts. Regard- of whether or not a tobacco ler approves of the workings •he Agricultural adjustment ilnUtration. it is to his bene- o sign the reduction contract, Hendren said yesterday In interview with a representa- of this newspaper, obacco farmers who do not the reduction or allotment racts will be taxed for 25 cent of the tobacco they sell, tment contracts are for the )ose of giving the small to- 0 farmer a chance to grow market his tobacco without g taxed. Florence, Ala.. July 23.—Riv alry between 80-year-old O. B. Hill Jr., and 55-year-old H. A. Fuller for the attentions of 21- year-old Dollie Perry came to a head late today when Hill shot Fuller and the girl’s brother to death. Wilkes county has purchased the property of Mountain View Institute, which formerly operat ed as a denominational .school. The transaction, which is sub ject to the approval of the local government commission, was made by the county commission ers with Mrs. J. S. Kilby, owner of the prop^^rty by virtue of a court decision. The property conai.sts of about 3" acres of land and three buildings; t h e administration building, the Pearl Kilby Home for girls and the Boys Dormi tory. Since the discontinuation of Mountain View Institute several year.s ago Mountain View ^igh school and the elementary grades have been using the buildings but It became necessary that permanent arrangement he made to accomodate the school, which is one of the largest rural schools in the county. The buildings are of brick construction and will serve the purpose ol housing the district central high and olementary school after a number of alter ations and repairs have been made. All three of the buildings are badly in nted of repair and necessary furnishings for class rooms. New York . . . When Miss Ann Middleton (above) drove her big White freighting truck out onto the streets this week she became New York’s first woman truck driver . . . and the third in the U. S. . . . The other two are Emily Libe of Phillipsburg, N. J. and Mrs. Y: Kemp of San Francisco'. Singings Planned For Fifth Sunday Large (VowAs And Good Singing Anticiimted At Singing Conventions Sunday, July 29th, is a fifth Sunday and singers will gather at various points in the county , for singing conventions, which are eagerly anticipated by all who are Interested in sacred singing. The Southside Singing will be held at Moravian Falls Baptist church, beginning at 10 o’clock. Those in charge expect several classes and quartets to take part. The Blue Ridge Singing Asso ciation will convene at Big Ivey near Walsh postoffice. The pro gram embraces both morning and afternoon sessions. Stone Mountain Singing will be held Sunday at Chestnut Grove, located north of this city near highway number 18. The Ronda singing convention will be held at Bethel Church. Those in charge of the singing programs at the various New York . . . Miss Mary French (above), daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. John F’rench of New York and Greenwich, is to be the Fail bride of Laurence S. Rockefeller, grandson of John D. Rockefeller. all singers to take part. Salvation Army Services Bein^ Wilkesboro M. £. Revival Is On Tent Is Ijocatcd On Vacant Lot On Ninth Street In This City )urv^w^WiIl;B^[in Stakiog ai Sranic Parkwai Archie F'lurchild . It Bitted By Rat '‘ 'nier {(dlowlng new* iten alxmt Anitle Fairchild, fbFia- er resident' of thl* citf. was clipped from Frldair's Issue ot the Hlg^ Point Enterprise: “Bats,” said Ardile Fair- child, a fixer at the Huntley- Jackson Hosiery mill this morning as he shoved a badly injured digit up for first aid treatment by tho plant doctor It was a well-fed rodent, some who saw it. said a squir rel seldom is larger, to which Archie gave chase The rat ran under a box but left about eight Inches of his tall ouG side Archie seized It, and at about the same moment Mr. Rat seized Archie’s finger to take oat a big hunk of the flesh and thus obtain his im mediate release from an em barrassing situallon for him self. Western North CaroUna ed Over Selection of . C. Route ■m-' TO FOLLOW MOUNTAl!f$f People in 11118 Section Route To Follow Blue Ridge Crest Committees in four school dis tricts in the county have announc ed their opening date as |Wednes- day, August 1- according to infor mation received from C. B. Eller, county superintendent of schools- The schools which will begin on Wednesday of next week are Hendrix, Big Ivy, Miller school in Union township, and Shady Grove. Some few other schools in the county may open on the same date. All state high schools in the in programs a. .... slnT eight central districts will open on ings extend a cordial invitation Wednesday, August along with for the public to attend and for the greater part of the elementery Washington, July 24.—Sur veyors soon will start stakiaff out the Shenandoah-Great Smoky- national parkway as far south as Blowing Rock. Representative Doughton was assured of this by Associate Paitk Director A. E. Deraaray and Di rector of Public Roads Thomu H. MacDonald today, following confereneeb with them at which he urged that construction begin as soon as possible. Doughton said he hopes the work may be started from both ends to assure early completion, as well as to give employment to as many men as possible. The representative said he la elated over location of the park way so far, and intends to keep up his efforts to have it con tinue down through LlnvlUo Gorge, Little Svx,ltzerland. Mount Mitchell, the Asheville section, Pisgah Forest and enter park on the North Carolina side. “The tact that the route hna been located through my district, the section in which I am pri marily interested, will not cause me to cease my efforts one lotn to have it remain on the North Carolina side ot the park, enter ing through the Balsam moun tain section,” the congressman said. Today’s is Doughton’s third trip to Washington lu the Inter est of a North Carolina location of the parkway. “The roadway will be a won derful thing tor North Carolina,” he said today. “It is Impossible to fully realize just what it will mean in years to come. “I am anxious for them to get it located and get to work on it 'so that Jobs will be provided for schools. No school having inter locking transportation with another, tnat JODS will oe proviu. school will be allowed to open jobless along its route, until August 29. 'The schools to j surveyors who will go to > . open next week-are in the outlying' I-Iawo districts where circum-stanees per- l^onductea nere ^ term b'.fore winter. The county board of education Presiding Elder A. C. Gibbs Is Assisting the Pastor This Week Quarterly Conference Subordinate Granges in Oran.gc county have embarked upon a program of rural electrification with every grange having a com mittee in charge of the work. Sunday evening 6 o’clock, Ju ly 29, at Millers Creek Metho dist church, the third quarterly conference of the Moravian Falls circuit will convene. All officials ot the different churches of the circuit are urged to he present. People Die At Rate of 15 Per Hour As Sun Parches Country A series of evangelistic servic es which began at the Wilkes boro Methodist church will con tinue throughout this week. Services are held each morning at eight o’clock and each even ing at the same hour. Rev. A. C. Gibbs, presiding elder of the Mt. Airy district, is assisting the pastor. Rev. Sey mour Tlpylor, in the meeting. Powerful Gospel sermons are be ing delivered each day and much interest has been taken in the meeting by the church. The public has a most cordial invitation to attend each service. Siamese Twin and Lambert To Wed In Pennsylvania Evcingelistic services are being cendneted in the tent on Ninth str-et opposite the Yadkin Val ley Motor Company each evening by members of the Salvation .Army. Evangelist J. F. Craig is in charge of the meeting. The services will continue In definitely and the public has a cordial invitation to attend. lay out the route shortly will, of course, stake only that section approved by PWA Administrator Ickes last week, which will fol low the main ridge formation of ■' - iUW lUC iuaiJi Siw&x; iv/i and Supt. Eller set two dates for James river, after leaving , A i, ^ ^ tilt? Jsllllca npeni-g of schools. Au-ist 1 for j,, Shenandoah na- r ^ OUULll CUIA UJ. ^ any elementary schools w'here there Virginia, to Adney is no interlocking trar.^portation gj, the and wher- the people desire an pinnacles of Dan and close to early opening date, and August 29 (jgp_ Virginia, entering for all the high schools and the Garolina about 10 miles schools which do not open on Au- . ^ ^iry. The park- i X L i way then passes Laurel Springs, The opening dates set by the i springs, and on to county authorities does not affect gjp^ipg gpck. B, E. Altman Will Have Kiwanis Club Program B. E. Altman will be in charge of the program for the luncheon meeting of the local Kiwanis Club tomorrow at noon. An in teresting program has been planned ana a full attendance of Kiwanians is expected. North Wilk-'sboro city schools, which operatp as a city adminis trative unit. Lions Select Nebraska ^ Man As President Vincent C. Hascall, of Omaha, Neb., yesterday was elected pres ident of the International Asso ciation of Lions Clubs during the final session of the eighteenth annual convention which closed j at Grand Rapids, Mich. Overcash Resigns From City Faculty Death Total and Temperature i Mounts Throughout the Nation Member Of City School Faculty Accepts Position With S. P. r. Co. .gent A. G. Hendren rs of the tobacco re- trol committee are iveek measuring the en from tobacco in In order to receive ct benefits. H. V. Overcash, member of the city school faculty here for the past three years, has resigned to accept a position with the South ern Public Utilities Company. Mr. Overcash has been athletic director of the high school in ad dition to regular classroom work. He was a popular member of the faculty. The resignation of Mr. Over cash makes the second member of the faculty leaving to accept better positions. Miss Tlmoxena Crawford having resigned as music teacher several days ago. evival In Progrew At Maple Sprmg* Church A splendid revival meeting is progress at the Maple Springs Iventlst chnrch. Rev. N. W. irrtaon, of Durham, is doing e preaching. Services are held 10:30 a. m. and 7;30 p. m. le public is most cordially In- ;ed to attend. Father Admits Killing One Of Twin Girls to Get Cash To Raise Surviving Sister Houston, Tex., July 24.—E. H. Stuart, 28, and unemployed, confessed, police said, that he killed one of his small twin aughters for her insurance so _'nat he would be able to support the other. Continued sizzling heat has claimed an estimated 700 lives throughout the nation during the current seige. At 2 p. m. (central standard time) Tuesday 688 fa talities had been reported at the rate of 15 an hour. Virtually no deaths have been reported from the Pacific coast or the Rocky Mountain states but in other parts of the nation additional deaths occurred hour ly- The temperature in Chicago jumped 30 degrees within five hours to establish a new all time record in the history of the city with 103.2 degrees at noon. An hour later it had climbed to 104 and A. C. Donnell, United States weather bureau forecaster pre dicted the mercury would hit 106 in the absence of the usual lake breeze. The previous all time high was 103, established July 21, 1901. Cattle and grains suffered se verely. Thousands of head of cat tle faced starvation and death from thirst in the great central plains. Stockmen sought t o market' unusually large ship ments to save them from ruin. Geneva, O., July 22.—Violet Hilton, one of the Siamese twins who recently was denied a court order forcing New York officials to issue her marriage license, will be married within the next two weeks in Pennsylvania, she said here today. Statistical Reports of Schools In County For 1933-34 Show Progress Six millions of the $16,000,- 000 allocated by the PWA for the parkway la now available for expenditure. Good Ball Games Here This Week Alexander Is Swept By Wind And Hail Storm Taylorsville, July 24.—A hea vy rainstorm, almost reaching' the proportions of a cloudburst In some sections, swept Alexan der county early today. Officers Get Two Men At Distillery Ralph Bowman’s Home Chair Company team has a tough card •for the remainder of this week. Today the local boys go to Elkin In an effort to revenge a nose- out defeat by the Elkin Blanket- eers here Tuesday. The White Oaks team from Greensboro will play the local j Folie Anthony and William Dimmette (jet In Toils of the Law Folie Anthony and William Dlmmette, of the Traphill Com munity, were arrested at a still Saturday b y Federal Agents Leonard Roupe, J. T. Jones, J. C. Fortner, assisted by Howard and Carl Roland. In a preliminary' hearing >e- fore Commissioner J. W. *'Dula bonds were fixed at $500 and they were released - until the next term of federal court at Wilkesboro. Greensboro Team Coming Fri day; Hanes Hosiery MlUs gatnrday Enrollment of Past Term was 9,969; Promotions Total ed 6,353 Enrollment In the schools of Wilkes County for the 1933-34 term reached a total of 9,969, according to figures on the final report of Prof. C. B. Eller, coun ty superintendent of schools. These figures do not include the enrollment of the North Wilkes boro city schools. The 1933-34 school term In the county is termed highly suc cessful. despite the fact that the schools were operating for the Greensboro will play tne locai j under, the new set up team here Friday afternoon at months’ term with 4:30. This is a good team ttot, promises to give the home b ys , amount formerly used on I for a six months term, School census, enrollment, Since the announcement from Washington that a part of the route of the scenic parkway in Northwestern North Carolina has been selected citizens of this Immediate part of the state, and more especially in northeastern Wilkes county, have become con cerned over reports they have heard to the effect that the crest of the majestic Blue Hidge may not be selected for the survey of the proposed great boulevard- News dispatches from Wash- (Continued on page eight) Cokesbury School At Moravian Falls Class Will* Begin bonday NighO And Continue Throng FViday * Sheen growers of-Washington school colored 180; eleniOTtory ^d Tyrrellcounties pooled 1,- school white 8,011; elementary 658 pounds'of wool wiick ^ey school colored 886. sold through the "-United Wool^ A total of 7,«7« average nrowersv Association,- (Continued on page eight) Beginning at 8 o’clock Sunday night, July 29, and continuing each night at samt, hour tbrqpgh Friday night, August 3, a Cokee- bury Sunday school trainii|g class will be taught at the Meth odist church of Moravian F’alls. The subject to be discussed 1* “Educational Work ot, the Small Church.’’ The Instructor will be Rev. P. E. Cook, student from the School of Religion of Duke University. There Is no cha for admission. The public _ - Roosevelt Fishin|;^ In Hawauan Wa^- plenty of trouble In staying ‘°The week’s games will be cll-l SchooL census yUed to attend each'night Tne weeas gauiea ” 'average daily attendance and maxed here Saturday »“®riioon showed an In- when Hanes Hosiery M il teana figures for the from Winston-Salem previous term, here Saturday for ® 8 ; iphe school census for the past 3:30. Hanes has a winning out- whites and fit this year and Saturdy s tilt colored. The enrollment of may he one of the hardest « - jjg divided as follows: the year for the locals. | school white 1,093; high Kaitaa, Hawaii, July ^ pearing tanned, fit, -and well*':-/ rested after his 5,000-mIle voy age ihere from Panama, Presi dent Roosevelt arrived today on the historic coast—the tinri! President' of the United States,, ever to visit Hawaii—and then- went fishing without coming ashore. ' f