CHILD WELFARE SURVEY WILL FINISH JOB TODAY Construction of Postoffice Here Will Begin Soon Perfea Pistol Score Reaching Results of Sur vey Seen as‘Final Re ports Come In IS AUXILIARY PROJECT Steps Are Being Taken To Help PhysicaBy Handi capped Children Public Child Welfare Survey being conducted by the Ameri can Legion Auxiliary in North a will end today, aceord- ini^V^hstatement issued here by w UJ^achel Payne Suggs, supervisor of the project. The project was originated by Mrs. W. R. Absher, department president of the Auxiliary and the survey has been conducted under her direction from the etate headQuarters here. A complete tabulation of the results of the survey will not be available until some time next week. It was indicated, but the workers in all the 100 coun ties in the state will send in their final reports today. ‘‘Results of the survey have been even greater than was an ticipated,” Mrs. Absher stated to ^a newspaperman here today. A complete tabulation has been made of all veterans, veterans’ wives, widows of veterans, chil dren of veterans, orphans and all physically handicapped children. Pay for ten weeks' work for the worker or workers in each county in the state was appro priated by the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administra tion. In addition to appro.ximate- ' ly 40.000 hours paid for from this course more than 50,000 hours were volunteered by the American Legion and Auxiliary, other civic orgaaivatieB# and in dividuals who showed a great degree of interest in the project throughout the state. Mrs. Absher stated today that Bj»a-wished to extend thanks for '^e'VuxUlary to every person whblfelped in any way toward making the survey the wonder ful success it has proven to be. Sine® an accurate survey of all physically handicapped chil dren was one of the primary ob jectives of the survey all chil dren listed in this class have been classified as to the nature of their disability, including deaf, dumb, blind, crippled, tu bercular, mental deficiencies, poverty, distressed and orphans. . In order that steps may be ■ made to help these children who have been throughout their lives handicapped and who do not en joy life as other children, taken the names of the blind have been turned over to the state school for blind at Raleigh . dumb to the deaf and dumb school at Morganton. and crip pled to the supervisor of rural »rehabilitation in North Carolina. In many of the counties in the state steps have been taken to correct many of the physical de ficiencies. In Wake county it is reported that every handicapped child listed in the survey has ^n given attention while many Copied children In Wilkes and Other counties have been given treatment and advice at ortho paedic clinics. IB order that this work may be facilitated a duplicate card of each child listed in the sur vey has been turned over to CLty authorities in their r^ ^pectlve home counties in the Junior Golf Champ Sunset Kiuge, ill. . . . Shirley Ann Johnson (above), is the junior U. S. Women’s West ern golf ‘champion for 1934. She defeated Hilda Llvergood in a desperately fought final round. To Let Contracts For School Wood Communication To Re-employ ment Diro.ictor Sets Date August 22 CONT.RACT IS LET Lundberg-Richter Bid of $45,■ 600 is Approved By Government August 18 Last Day To Re ceive Bids On Fuel For the Schools Contracts w'ill be let within the next few weeks for wood to supply the schools in Wilkes county, C. B. Eller, county sup erintendent of schools, stated to day. Blanks for bids for wood sup ply have been furnished to the committeemen of the various schools. Anyone wis^iljig-Jtg ..^ace a bid should ffst In touch with the school committee or call at the office of the county super intendent, where a supply of the blanks is on hand. The clesing date to re lelve bids will be Saturday, August 18, at five P- county sup erintendent’s office. State Flair Premium Books To Be Ready by August 15 I Raleigh, Aug. 6.—Premium i books for the 1934 state fair to ! be held here October 9 to 13 will I be ready for distribution August 1.5, Norman Y. Chambliss, man ager of the exposition, said to day. I The fair is offering $10,000 I in premiums, with the prizes all I to go to North* Carolina entries in the various exhibits. .Miss Toby Turner had as her guests yesterday and today her sister. Mrs. Edna T. Robertson, of Charlotte, and her cousin. Mr. A. A. Turner, of Statesville. Juniors Advance Fund To Orphan e survey has attracted much eat, not only in North Caro- but in other states, irom \x have come many letters of nendation of Mrs. Absher s atlve in originating and rvlsing this project. commenting on the splen- cooperatlon received from ,U8 sources Mrs. Absher In- 1 that news accounts of the sy carry mention of the or- lation’s appreciation to the papers of the county an for calling attention of the ic to the survey in so many and for the backing they the project in the editorial Miss Faye Adams Will Be Sent To College This Year By Local Club Faye Glass, a student in the Junior Order Orphanage school at Lexington, will be given a one-year scholarship to Catawba College at Hickory. The scholar ship is an award by_ the North Wllkesboro council, number 51, of the Junior Order fraternity. The scholarship was voted in the meeting of the local council held here Tuesday night. Miss .Adams’ father was a member of the local council. It was pointed out that Miss Glass has been in the orphan age at Lexington for six years and that she has a splendid rec ord. She is graduating from high school this year. The fund for her expenses in college during the coming year will be advanced as o. loan. ICE CREAM SUPPER ! AT ROARING RIVER r© Award Degree* Augi e^Appalachlan Teachers college will hold >r school commencement les August 23 with close to rsons scheduled to receive On Saturday evening at six o’clock an ice cream supper will be held at Roaring River high school. A pleasant time is assured all who will attend. Proceeds from the sale of lee cream, cold drinks and other refreshments will be used for the benefit of school library. The public has a most cordial invitation to attend and enjoy the evening. According to a communication received here by the National Re-employment Office, construc tion of the North Wllkesboro postoffice building should begin during the latter part of this month, probably around August 22. Bids for the construction of the building were received some time ago by the treasury depart ment in Washington. The low bid was submitted by Lundberg- Richter, of Oceanport, N. J., in the sum of $45,600. On August 2 the low bid was approved by the treasury de partment and the contract was awarded. According to the communica tion received by R. L. Wooten, director of the re-employment office, from the supervisor of reemployment in North Carolina kesboro. He is connected with the project within 20 days after the date of the contract, which would be around August 22. The contracts call for furnish ing all labor and materials and erection of the building within 250 calendar days from the date of notification by the treasury department, public works branch. Mr. Wooten was officially no tified of the anticipated Btarting of work on the building because of the fact that the postoMlce building is a public wor’scs pro ject and labor for such work must be furnished from the files in his office. The postoffice lot on C street has been cleared of personal property in order that the site may be ready for the contractors when they come to this city to begin work. j| Third Special Vinire Ordered From Yadkin Reported Today Jury Box Filled Albany, N. Y. . . . Extensive checking up discloses that a world’s pistol record was estab lished when S’gt. A. M. Stanwix, (above), of Troop G„ N. Y. State Troopers, scored 45 bullseyes in 45 shots on the U S. Army range, using a 38 calibre. Daniel Call Is Found Dead In Field of Com Lifeless^ Body Discovered By Neighbors Thursday Afternoon DEATH INVESTIGATED No Evidence of Foul Play; Be lieved Death Caused By Natural Causes WILKES TAX RATE WILL BE 80 CENTS FOR COMING YEAR Wilkes county’s tax rate for the ensuing year will remain at eighty-cents on the one hundred dollars' valuation of property, according to the ten tative budget adopted by the county cdnunlssioners. In keeping the tax rate at 80 cents the commissioners worked downward on all items of the budget where possn>Ie in order to provide for the small incivhse expedient in some funds. ' The utmost in economy was sought (by the commissioners throughout the compUing of the budget estimates with the county accountant. The ei^ty-cent tax rate Is the same that has been in force for the past year, the rate having been reduced from 91.20 to 80 cents last year. Mrs. W. C. Moore, Jr. Nominated In Lenoir Daughter Of Mrs. W. W. Bar ber, 8r., On Caldwell Coun ty Ticket Re-Employment Given Figure! Many Have Been Placed On Jobs Since Re-Empteyment Daniel Call was found dead In a cornfield a half mile from his home near Call postoffice Thurs day about noon. The body was first discovered by Seth Love, who paSsed along a road in a wagon. He saw the body but did not Investigate for himself, eaillng attention of his helghbors to what he had seen. When some of the residents of the community reached Call they found that he was dead and had been dead for sometime. Coroner S. A. Rash was called to investigate the affair at the insistence of Mrs. Call, who su spected that her husband had been killed. Dr. A. J. Eller, county health officer, was summoned by the coroner to examine the body. The county physician stated fol lowing the examination that Call had died sometime Wednes day niglit, probably around mid night. No wounds were found on Service Began A recent summary of the work accomplished by the National Re-employment office here for five counties shows that since th' office was established in the latter part of November that a total of 3.238 people have been placed on jobs of various kinds. At the time the re-employ ment service was started in No vember each county was given one office until three months ago, when the offices in five counties. W’ i 1 k e s, Alleghany, Ashe. Watauga and Alexander were merged with headquarters here. The total of 3.238 placed on jobs is for the five counties since the service was instituted. The placements are classified as follows: CWA. 2,470; PWA, 441; farms, 8; government serv ice, 9; lumber industry, 31: commercial, 4; domestic, 47; (Ceutlaued on page Mght) the body and the theory of foul play was discarded by the coro- The ground about the spot where Call’s body was found had been trampled and there was evidence of much commotion. Dr. Eller said he thought it probable that the man had been stricken with an attack of acute indigestion. Information gathered by Coro ner Rash was to the effect that Call had been drinking exces sively for several days. His tracks was said to have been found leading from a spring to the spot where his body was found. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Call, of the Call commun ity. In addition to his parenU he leaves his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Call, and four daughters, Irene, Inez. Beulah and Mary Call. The funeral service was held at Antioch church yesterday morning at eleven o’clock with Rev. H. A. Bullls In charge. Mrs. W. C. Moore, Jr., of Le noir, formerly Miss Margaret Barber, of Wllkesboro, was nom inated for register of deeds on the Democratic ticket in the Caldwell county convention Mon day. Mrs. Moore gained the neml- nation on the first ballot, receiv ing 127 votes to her principal opponent, Frank White, 95. Mr. White was the incumbent candi- Housekeepers Are In Demand At 10:40 Toda^ Evidence Begins Total Of 275 Men Sununoacd In Special Venires Fnwi Yadkin FIVE ARE ON TRIAL Tilley Family Being Tried ¥• Lives For Death of Leoda Childress Middle Aged Women With Good References Asked To Register Here aulonai venire or du men to re- There is a great demand for o’clock this momfng' middle aged women for house- in order to secure the required keepers, R. L. Wooten, director number, twelve regular Jurors of the national reemployment alternate to serve in .41 case of emergency. office here, told a representative .. . of this newspaper yesterday. In response to a request that jury Judge Oglesby ordered a people wanting a housekeeper second of 100 and of this nmn- vv sisvc? rvc*© tuo xjit/ uaii fscTcioA date, having held the office for have put in calls for honsekeep four years. j - V.. — „. era and the supply registered at Friends of Mrs. Moore and her his office lacks much of filling family here congratulate her on the demand. the occasion of her nomination to this important office. Noml nation is tantamount to election UOrVlVit *o w.-s,. wl/UL ITir. TTUULCU BLaktSS (.Uai. tUC due to the fact that Caldwell is demand is for older women who a Democratic county . . uttll lUl UlOU euuu Mrs. Moore is a daughter of housekeepers who can care for Tim Mrs. W. W. Barber. Sr., of Wll kesboro and a sister of Miss Elizabeth Barber, Joe Barber and W. W. Barber, Jr., all whom are well known here. children. During the past several days a number of people have been placed by the office here. Night Game On Home Chair Card To Play At Hkkory row Night; High Point Team Here Today Local' baseball'lilayers on the Home Chair Company team will have a new experience Friday night when they go to Hickory to play that aggregation in night game, beginning at 8:15. Many local fans are expected to attend the game. This afternoon Horae Chair will play the Adams-Mlllis team on the local field at 4:30. The visiting team is reported to have won a number of games this year and a close contest is ex pected. On Saturday afternoon the lo cals will play Winston-Salem’s Unique Furniture team at South- side Park in Twin City. Genic Cardwell WiH^ Have Program Friday In Kiwanis Luncheon Oenio Cardwell will have charge of the program for to morrow noon’s Kiwanis Club meeting. A good program is an ticipated and a large attendance of the club’s members is ex pected. STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEERS TO BEGIN WORK ON SCENIC PARKWAY IMMEDIATELY Engineers of the North Caro lina state highway and public works commission will start staking the location of the 'Ireat Scenic Parkway through .'lorth Carolina within the next few weeks, it was Indicated bj Chair man E. B. Jeffress on his visit here a few days ago. States through which the park way will be located must furnish the rlglit ol neers must survey the route, subject, of course, to the approv al of the federal bureau of roads and the Public W'orks Commis sion in Washington, D. C. Surveyors now at work on the North Wllkesboro - Statesville highway will start at ' Adney’s Gap at the North Carollna-Vir- ginia line as soon as they com plete the work now under way. It Ir the intention of the high way chairman and the commis sion to place as many corps, of engineers on the parkway route as possible in order that the sur vey can be completed and work started on construction. It is unofficially learned that the route now getting most con sideration in North Carolina is to follow as nearly as possible the crest of the majestic Blue Ridge. It is also learned that there will be only one primary objective in selecting the route and that Is scenery. The great scenic parkway is destined to become the outstand ing achievement of recent years, is the opinion of those who have discussed the matter with the powers that be. With a sixty- foot pavement and a right of way of 200 feet it will be the prin cipal artery of travel between two great national parks. The Shenandoah and Great Smoky Mountains. The route has been selected in North Carolina from Adney’s Gap 12 miles northwest of Mt. nute North Carolina wanting It least 600 people, r * ... ft to go through the scenic Ashe- jt'wpic naubiue a uuuBvivwpct gcvuiiu vl aw aim tiiiB uiuia—’ register at Mr. Wooten’s office her only three qualified, briaga in the city hall several people Ing the total selected until thto Several girls aged- 20 or less have registered for employment but Mr. Wooten states that the can furnish good references a» Lions Will Have Meeting Tonight BUI Absher Will Have Charge Of Program; Large Attend ance Expected Members of the North Wllkes- boro (Lions Club will gather at Hetel Wilkes this evening at seven o’clock for the regular semi-monthly meeting. Bill Absher has the program for tonight and has something wort-iwhlle and entertaining planned. In addition to the pro gram of entertainment some very important projects will be up for discussion and attendance of every member is urgently re quested. Champion Wood Chopper Victor Peter McLaren Won in a Walk Over Opposition Here Yesterday Peter McLaren, champion wood chopper of the U. S. A., came to North Wllkesboro yesterday, met all comers and is still champion. The contest, sponsored by diameter was the specimen on Among the Yadkin county men which the choppers vied for hon- were several who declined,-to,, be 1 axir/bm rotatnor fHoIr rferkf kaiM( ora. Gao 12 miles DOrvunent ua — — T ” . „ a. w i* a I a a a, tA Riowlne Rock. The re- ends the log had fallen apart be- It discussed. A Juror sUting ..... M aU. ro«A t\f of Ha koi9 TIAf rAOfI akAIlf Airv to HiowinK itocit. it?- —— . « malnder of the route is in dis- fore the astonished gaze of at he had not read about the, .. I.—. Knn or heard it discussed wsuj ir At 10:40 today the jury box was filled for the trial of five Tilleys for the death of thefr foster child, Leoda Childress. When court adjourned yester day afternoon only eleven Joron had been selected from two'sgiM- cial venires, totaling 225 men, from Yadkin county and Judge John M. Oglesby ordered an ad ditional venire of 50 men to re- When the first special venire of 125 men failed to produce & Church Hardware Company, was held on the poetofflce lot here yesterday afternoon at five o’- — clock. A pine log 12 inches in calmly watching the proceedings. .. X.1-. morning eleven. The eleven’JBZ*- ors are G. M. Holcomb, R. B. Crlssman, A. C. Steelman, A. Clifford Shore, W. A. WllIiXBU, Hubert Williams. Kyle Johnson and G. H. Brinkley, selected Tuesday. C. D. Spillman, J. tf. White and Howard Dixon, select ed from the second speelxl ve nire. The defendants, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Tilley, their sons. Lather and Clyde, and Mrs. Luther TH-. ley, are on trial for their live* for the alleged slaying of their foster child and sister, Leodn Childress, on December 30 at the Tilley home near Benham. Trial of the Tilley family im the sensational case was called Monday, at which time Judge John M. Oglesby ordered a spe cial venire of 125 men summon ed from Yadkin county. ’ Of this number 107 reported at court and were examined Tuesday, resulting in the selec tion of eight of the necessary thirteen Jurors. When the IfeC was exhausted at four o’clock the presiding jurist ordered an additional 100 men from Yadkin to report yesterday afternoon at two o’clock, to which hour court adjourned. Prospective jurors were re jected in rapid succession oa they stated that they had form ed or expressed an opinion that the defendants, or some of them were guilty. Many proved their incompetence by stating thefr unalterable opposition to capital punishment while some few stated thrft they would hesitate to return a verdict of first de gree murder on circumstantial evidence. In answer to a direct question propounded by defense connael a number of men stated they had formed or expressed an opinion that Luther Tilley was guilty. The defendants sat at the bar behind their counsel throughont the selection of the jurymen. Among the Yadkin county sworn, raising their right B. * ^ ^ Tom Redding won in the ellm- and making the required stafee- Ination contest and gained the ment of affirmation. They wera right to challenge the champion, members of the Friends Church. Redding was instructed to chop which does not allow its mem- XVBUUIAI5 *a*oi,* ............. ..WWW ..w- ..w first and was able to get the log hers to swear an oath and which. in two pieces in what looked like incidentally, is opposed to capi- . . 3~ tal punishment. Widespread interest in the a record breaking time minutes and 22 seconds. , — Then the champion got on the case, which has been strouded tx log and started making the chips mystery, is shown by the fact fly. In less than one minute he that practically all of the Yadkin had cut the log haif way through county men stated that they.,1^ and in one minute and 26 sec- read about th® case or had The champion offered fifty an exception, Other Gaaes Coatintiefl to KO luruusu tuo pvoaaav, **««« - - vine part of the state and Ten- dollars to his nearest competitor nessee wanting a part of the if he used more than two thirds the of the time used by the chal lenger. A Plumb Axe was given road and its entrance to Smoky Mountains Park. —. Secretary of the Interior Ickes Redding for winning the ellml- has planned to go over the two nation ..contest. The contest was oroposfcrt routes in dispute be- to demonstrate Uhe Plumb Axe, fore making a final decision. w.v.f.a a- which the ^ champion used. ‘ In anticipation of a loac* drawn-on t trial Solicitor Jobm announced just before adjona^^ ment of conrt Tuesday >* eveiifiiif^ that all other'’ cases .,caleadah9. ’ for this week are continued and / JSr: (Continued on page elcht) ^

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