Mjidge Case Nol >>^ Lat]ier 'Mey " Joins IGnitmeii AtHiwHome Defendants Had Been In Jail Since Pebrnary 2 of TWa-Year STANLEY ALSO FREED State Laddi«4n Evidence To . Deatb of Andrew Ttie state todar took a nol L pros in Wllkef court in the case of l>utner Tilley and Winfield Stafller for the alleged slaying of Andrew Eld.ridge in 1927 and the defendants are free after six . months in ]ail. >-■ THUey and Stanley were re manded to jail on February 2 of this year after a preliminary hearing was held in Wilkesboro, | at which time evidence was pro-1 duced tending to show that Til-! ley and Stanley were responsible j for the mysterious death of the I Eldridgo youth, whose body was' found in Klondyke Lake near a Elkin nineteen days after he had ■ disappeared from his home and left a note saying. “Notice, I have gone to Elkin to work. Will be back Saturday, Andrew." At the time the body was found a coroner’s hearing was held and death was attributed to drowning. During the investigation of the famous Tilley case, in which he was gathering evidence against five members of the Til ley family for the death of Leoda Childress on December 30, Soli citor Jones learned that Winfield y, Stanley had remarked to some of ^ his fellow workmen that Eld- ridge was not drowned as was found by the inquest, but that “they” hanged him. because he found their still. to frighten him but “they" (mentioning no w^es) let him hang too long ajW’he wms dead. ■The evidence alleging that Luther Tilley was connected “■with the case was offered by a handwriting expert who said Lu ther Tilley wrote the note sup posed to have been left at the Eldridge home by Andrew. In 220 BusheU Of Wheat Harvested On Nine Acres Glenn WUllaou, prominent farmer of the Goalten com munity, harvested 220 bush els of wheat from nine acres, an average of almost 24 1-2 bushels per acrev Similar yirids have been re ported from various sections of the county, indlcajting a good wheat yield. David Mathis Kills Himself With a Rifle iBru^yMt Baptist lAssociatioo Will I Meet Ai^st 24-25 ^ Program For Meeting An nounced By Moderator and Secretary AT MORAVIAN FALLS Rev. Eugene Olive Will Deliver Annual Introductory Sermon New Rocaty President Annual session of the Brushy Mountain Baptist Association will be held at Moravian Palls Baptist church Friday and Sat- ^ urday, August 24 and 25. Wilkes Resident Takes Ownj Announcement of the associ- Life At His Home Near Jonesville DEATH \ iINVESiyGATED Clear Case of Suicide, Is Opin ion of Coroner S. A. Rash David .Mathis, age 54. ended his life by firing a bullet into his brain his home near Jones- I ville Friday evening about six j o’clock. ! According to the report of ■ Coroner S. A. Rash, who investi- I gated the death and reached the ‘ conclusion that Mr. Mathis com- i muted suicide, Mr. Mathis was ation was made this week by J. L. Hemphill, moderator, and Mrs. Floyd M. Jennings, secre tary. The program tor the entire as- sociational meeting, which is given by Baptist leaders among the churches, follows: FRIDAY, ArOrST 24 10:00—Praise and Worship, Rev. H. A. Bullis; 10:15—En rollment of messengers; 10:30— Report and discussion on Relig ious Literature, Prof. T. E. Story. (1) Biblical Recorder, (2) Charity and Children, (3) Other Periodicals and Literature: 11— Report and discussion on Mills Home, Rev. Atwell Watts; 11:40 —Introductory Sermon, Rev. Eu gene Olive; 12:15—Announce- in the back yard of ’uls home) Adjournment, when the shot was fired. Mathis’ i Afternoon children playing nearby said they heard the shot and heard their father crumple to the ground. The children screamed and Mrs. Mathis, whp....3yga..„jiearby rushed to the home to find heriQu^g. - • Al 1:30—Praise and Worship, Rev. A. B. Hayes: 1:45—The State of the Churches: (1) One Minute Reports from the church es, directed by Rev. Eugpne (2) Preliminary Report husband in a dying condition. A 1 Digest of Letters (Black- physician was summoned and be j board); 2:45—The Cooperative left the home after making an | (d Report on State examination and Mr. Mathis was aid. When Mrs. Mathis reached her husband she found a .22-calibre automatic rifle lying beside him. Death occured about three hours after the shot was fired. Coroner Rash examined the man’s body and his clothes in search of a message or note but the preliminary hearing not find anything of that na youth’s father offered testimony to the effect that when the body was taken from the lake that the neck was swollen. Nol pros of the case this morning allowed Luther Tilley to join the remainder of his family, who were freed in the ture. finding lhat | jjjggjnng^ State representative; beyond mortal Report on Home Missions, Attorney A. H. Casey: (3) Re port on Fore4fen Missions; (4) Discussion on each of the above; 3:30—Closing Meditation, Rev. Avery Church. SATURDAY, AUGUST 25 9:30—Praise and Worship, Rev. N. T. Jarvis: 9:45—Report and discussion on Woman's Work, Mrs. Eugene Olive: 10:30 The Cooperative Program Mathis was a well-to-do farm-! (Continued); (1) Report and er and no cause can be attribut- j discussion of Christian Educa- ed to the rash act unless he be came almost suddenly unbalanc ed mentally. On Thursday he is reported to have told, his wife that there was something the Home of Aged ' Man Is Robbed ^ ^ Burglars Enter Honfir^ of Myers Resident and Carry Away $50 HAYS, August 13.—Add to the list of the meanest men in the world the man who entered the home of Willis Miles on last Tuesday night and robbed him of 950. Mr. Miles, who .lives in the My ers community, is a very old man and has been an invalid for the past ten years. The burglar entered the home -through a window in the room in 1^ which Mr. Miles’ granddaughter was sleeping and where the mon ey was kept in a trunk. The young lady was not awakened and the theory has been advanc ed that she was drugged. Pine coals were scattered about the floor of the room, in dicating that the thief or thieves used a pine torch for a light. Ef- ’ (Continued on page eight) Childress case by a directed ver-| with his head and that he diet Saturday afternoon. difficulty in collecting his mind. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Dora Mathis three daughters, Louise, Maxing and May, and the follow- in.g brothers and sisters: Fletch er. Ohio: John, Elkin, Va.; Jones and Joe, Jonesville; James, Cal ifornia; LaFayette, Oklahoma; Mrs. Jojin McBride, Mrs. J.andon Mendenhall, and M r s. Wiel Walker. Ronda. Funeral services were held at Swan Creek church Sunday at one o’clock. Attend ’ Conference In State Capitol W. N. Wopd, Glenn Williams. W. T. Pugh, Miss Pauline Lin- ney and Miss Rosa Billings mo tored to Raleigh Saturday to at tend a conference of corn-hog campaign administrators. Revival la HeW At Hunting Creek Church U. N. C. ALUMNI TO GATHER IN CALDWELL Former members of the stu dent body of the University of North Carolina residing in Alex ander, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba and Wilkes counties are Invited to attend a meeting to be held at Brown Mountain Beach in Caldwell county—ten miles from Lenoir—on Thursday. August 16th. Invitations are also extend ed to wives of the alumni, and their sweethearts too, if some happen not to be married. Features of the get-together meeting will be a barbecue on the grounds, bathing and an ad dress by Coach Carl Snaverly of the University, who will be guest of honor. The purpose of the convoca tion is to renew mutual Interest among the alumni and to pro mote the Ideals and welfare of the old U. N. C. A series of revival meetings have been in progress at Hunt ing Creek church during the past week. The pastor, Rev. W. G. Mitchell, has been assisted by Kev Purvis C. Parks, of Cycle. | isters Much Interest has been shown in j invitation to attend all services White Plains Meeting Will Begin August 19 A revival meeting will begin at White Plains church one half mile north of Roaring River on Sunday. August 19. The pastor, Rev. Purvis C. Parks, will be abley assisted by a corps of min- The public has a cordial the meeting. during the meeting. tion-—30 minutes, Re% . C. C. Holland; (2) Hospital—Report and Discussion 3’ minutes, C. B. Mayberry: (3) Aged Ministers’ Relief—Report and Discussion 15 minutes. Attorney J. F. Jor dan; 1'1:30—M,usic; ll:3f5— Final Report on Digest of Church Letters: (1) Summary of Year’s Achievements. Rev. Eugene Ol ive; (2) Our Goals for Next Year (On Blackboard); 12— Election of Officers tor Succeed ing Year; 12:15—Closing Medi tation, Rev. Finley Watts. Afternoon 1:30—Praise and Worship, Rev. Isaac Watts: 1:45 — Tem perance and Public Morals, re port and discussion. Solicitor John R. Jones; Schools—report and discussion; 2:40—Report and Discussion on B. Y. P. U.. Mrs. Helen Linney Cushion: 3:00—Reports pt Com mittees — Executive, Finance, Memorials, Resolutions, Place and Preacher, Special' Commit tees; 3:15—Closing Inspiration al Address, Rev. Avery Church. Detroit . . . Mr. Hobert B. L. Hill (above), of Columbia, Mo., is the new president of the Ro tary International for 1934. He was elected to the highest office by 10,000 members gathered here fro mall parts of the world. “Old Maidt’ Club Given By Scouts WUkesboro Scout Troop Enter tains Audience With Splen did Play Before an appreciative audi ence the Wilkesboro Boy Scout troop presented a comedy, “The Old Maids Club" at the Wilkes boro school building on Tues day night. The play, which was ably presented, was directed by Mrs. A. H. Taylor. The cast of characters was as follows: Miss Lula Primrose, Mrs. Hel en Cashion; Miss Susan Jane Hopewell, Douglas Linney; Miss Mary Jane Hopewell, Albert Gar wood; Miss Sallie Brown, Wil liam Gray; Miss Dora Doolittle, M. G. Edwards, Jr.; Miss Faith Snowraore, Russell Gray; Miss Julia Jones, Don Story; Miss Mary Smith, James Hemphill; Miss Viola Longfellow, Sam Smoak; Miss Lucretia De Witt, Donald Linney; Miss Martha Weinhauber, Chas. Garwood; Miss Betsey Boblnet, B. S. Call, Jr.; Mr. Tommy Doolittle, Tom Story; Mr. Phillip Andrew James, Baxter Davis. C.F. Canter Is Badly Injured Well Known Resident of Pur- lear Conrmunity Suffers Skull Fracture C. F. Canter, prominent’ citi zen of the Purlear community, was seriously injured on Thurs day afternoon when he fell from a moving automobile near the home of T. P. Elledge. It could not be ascertained whether he stepped from the car before It stopped or fell when he opened the car door. His head hit the pavement of the highway, causing a severe skull fracture. He was rushed to the hospital here, where his injury received 2:15 Sunday surgical attention. His condition today was reported as somewhat improved. Teachers Meeting Held On Saturday Teachers Now At Work I b Schools Meet With County Superintendent A teachers meeting for the schools In the county which have already started was held at the Wilkesboro school building Sat urday morning at ten o’clock. Prof. C. B. Eller, county sup erintendent of- schools, presided and led in the discussions of a number of topics relative to school work this year. About twenty-five teachers were In at tendance. Another teachers meeting will be held on August 28, 10 a. m., at the Wilkesboro school build ing for all teachers who are to begin work on fhe following day. Twelve communities in Orange county have prepared data for having rural electrical lines placed for serving the farm homes of each community. REVIVAL SERVICES BEGAN LAST NIGHT AT BAPTIST HOME A series of revival services be gan last night at Baptist Home church. .The pastor. Rev. J. E- Hayes, is being ably assisted by a number of other ministers. TTie public is cordially invited to all services. Two Held As Suspected Dillinger Gang Members Oconto, Wis., Aug. 10.—A man and a woman were arrested here tonight on suspicion that they might be members of the Dil- linger gang of outlaws. It was believed at first that the man was George (Baby Face) Nelson, w"ho has become the country’s public enemy num ber one since the death of John Dlllinger. Officers said later that the man’s description did not seem to tally with that of Nelson but that they 'were checking his fin gerprints to make certain. Unanimous approval of the Bankhead and Kerr crop'control acts was expressed by farmers attending the annual Farm and Home Week exercises at State College last week. lows Non-Suit As State Souational Case Comes To Dramatk; End When Judge Says Evidence Does Not Warrant (^ing Before the Jmy City Schools Win Begin Sept. 10 Formal Opening of High Si^hod Apartment On Following Friday The North WUkesboro city schools will open on Monday, September 10, according to a statement given out by W. D. Halfacre, superintendent, here today. Class room work will begin on that date and on the fol lowing Wednesday a formal opening program will be held for the elementary schools. On Friday, September 14, wUI be the formal opening program of the high school de- partm-Crt, program for which will be published in full at a later date. State Examines About 100 Witnesses In Effort To Convict Tilley Family; Judge Commends Solicitor For Dili- Gence and Discharges Yadkin County Jury LioiisMvea Business Meet Another Picnic? Meeting Is Planned For Thursday , Evening, Aug. 23 Meeting of the North Wilkes boro Lions Club on Thursday evening was taken up mainly by a discussion of business matters and present activities of the club. The membership and achieve ment Contest now being conduct ed for the directors’ trophy is in full sway and a score of each member’s standing is made at each meeting. The matter of sharing half the cost with the Klwanis Club for a washing machine for the coun ty tubercular hospital was taken up and It was decided that the club would enter into the pro ject. It was decided that the next meeting on Thursday evening, August 23, would be a picnic meeting and would be held at J. B. Carter’s home on the Bruish- ies. Wilford Weler was named chairman of the publicity com mittee by |the ptresident, Ivey Moore. GOOD REVIVAL HET.D AT CENTER CHURCH A most successful revival meet ing was held at Center church in Mulberry township last week. Rev. Monroe Dillard, the pastor, was as sisted by Rev. E. A. Long, of Laurel Springs, and a number of other ministers. In a splendid service held Thursday night there were five conversions. C. L. Comer Is Member Of Cotton Reduction Group All Who Want To Sign Reduc tion Contracts In Wilkes Shonld See Him Big Baseball Game Here Tomorrow Home Chair Company base ball team will play the Chatham Blanketeers at the fairgrounds here tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock. This will be the fourth of a series of games played be tween the two teams this season. “Chic” Gant who struck out nineteen Blanketeers in a game at Elkin recently will be on the mound for the Home team. The game Gant pitched as well as the other two were won by the Blan keteers by close scores, the game tomorrow afternoon may be ex pected to be a close and exciting affair. The public is urged to attend the game tomorrow. Only a small admission is charged, and the local club needs financial support, the management states. MANY ARE HOMELESS IN KENTUCKY FLOOD Ashland, Ky., Aug. 10.—^The muddy tide of a cloudburst swept away all the worldly pos sessions of hundreds of people, took two lives, and laid waste the fertile lowlands of Carter and Rowan counties today. It was the most devastating flobd ever recorded'In this section of eastern Kentucky. Property dam age will be counted In hundreds of thousands of dollars. T. S. Neal, of Ruffin, Caswell county, reports a production of 811 bushels of wheat this season on hie former ’ all-tobacco farm. Five Tilleys indicted for the murder of Leoda ChUdrew were freed of the charge in Wilkes superior court late SatOF> day afternoon when Judge John M. Oglesby promptly grant' ' ed a defense motion for non-suit or directed verdict of not guilty. The action of the court sets free four of the five defend' ants, W. W. Tilley and his wife, Mrs- Della Tilley, Mrs. Luther Tilley and Clyde Tilley. Luther Tilley was fre^ today on a first degree murder charge in connection with the deaHi of Andrew Elilridge in the Benham community in 1927. Failure on the part of the state to produce evidence for the case to go before the Yadkin county leaves the death of Leoda Childress, 18, as much a mysttty as it was on the bleak afternoon of December 30, when ho* lifeless body was found in the Tilley home by neighfaonk Nath Sharpe and Kelley Brown, who testified that they ails' wered a dis.jjaress call over the party line telephone, pre sumably froin the Tilley home. Thursday afternoon, Friday and Saturday were conaum- ed by examination of about 75 state witnesses and at 4:40 o’clock &turday afternoon Solicitor John R. Jones, leading the prosecution, announced to the court that the state had finished its'oase. Attorney J. Hayden Burke, for the defense, made.’a mU' tion for non-suit on the charge of conspiracy and the cli^llge of murder contained in the bill of indictment- Before h&ltad completed his argument, Judge Oglesby interrupted an aL lowed both motions, but not until Solicitor Jones had argued against the motion, citing some of the highlights of the Judge Oglesby commended Solicitor Jones for his dUli- gence in the case, but asserted that the evidence had not sho'wn a conspiracy, that none of the defendants had been placed closer to the sdeiie of the crime than 150 ypds, that three of them were admitted to have been about eight milea from the home at noon, the hour designated by the state as being the time the girl was killed, and that there was not evi dence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendants, or any of them, were guilty. ■— • The entire proceedings from the time the state rested the case until Judge Oglesby thanked and discharged the jury and adjourn ed court until this morning, last ed only about 10 minutes. Thus a case that has attracted the attention of the nation came to a dramatic end. The state’s chain of circum stantial evidence with which So licitor Jones fought for a con viction contained the following highlights: Nath Tharpe and Kelly Brown heard a voice over the tele phone, presumably from Leoda, saying that some drunk men were mistreating her and want ing some one to. come and help her: they found her dead and a .22-calibre rifle on the floor; near the home they saw Lather Tilley running across a field; two days later Mrs. W. W. Til ley pulled a note from the pocket of the apron the girl was wear ing when she was killed. 'The note said robbers were there and had given her twenty minutes to get $500 of Mr. Tilley’s money and that she would die before telling them where it was; In the note she said she had bidden the money in the tobacco celler, where It was found by searchera after the note was taken from the apron pocket. Jealousy be tween Luther’s wife and the girl was advanced as a motive . for the crime; handwriting ex perts said the note tound In the apron was in the handwriting of Mrs. Luther Tilley. What the defense would have tried to prove had the case con tinued could be ascertained on ly by the line of cross examina tion, which tended to show that they did not even admit the murder and that she may have committed suicide. The defenae would probably have attempted to prove alibis for each ot the de fendants. Tharpe First WitneM Tharpe was the first wltnees for the state and Brown,, who fol lowed him to the stand,'corrobo rated bis testimony in jietaH, The former was on the fM* four hours. :v-^ Tharpe related the stor# of having heard a jingling rbV’ over the party line telephoM in his home. His ring, he said, was three long rings and two short ones. The ring ho heard waa three longs in an' intermittent manner and he went to answer, thinking that someoim might he calling his home. At the time ha J , (Gontlnaed on pag« ^hD C. L. Comers, of Union Grove, is a member of the cotton reduc tion campaign committee for Wilkes and Yadkin counties. All who wish to sign the cot ton reduction contracts should get in touch with the county agent, A. G. Hendren, or Mr, Comer, who have the necessary blanks and can give all the de sired information. Kiwanians To Hear Oglesby Superior Court Jurist Will Address Qub In Friday Noon Meeting Judge John M. Oglesby, pre siding over the present term of superior court in Wilkesboro, will address the North Wilkes boro Klwanis Club at its noon luncheon. D. J. Carter will have charge of the program. A full attendance of Klwan- iajis Is expected to hear the ad dress. Seven Are Killed As , Train Hits Automowle Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 9.—Seven persons, four of them children, were killed today when a passen ger train crashed into a heavily loaded automobile driven by a one-armed man. Survey Parties Expected - To Begin Work Next Week Raleigh. Aug! 1,0. —Survey parties on the park-to-park fed eral scenic highway are expected to start work in the Low Gap section near Mount Airy next week. Chairman E. B. Jeffrees of the highway and public works commission said today, Conferences between ’ commis sion officials and engineers and representatives ot the federal bureau of public roa*|^Te been held here this week in*regard to methods to be used in acquiring rights-of-way and other details, Mr. Jeffress said, and unless there is a hitch* first;, survey crews will start work next week. Ib ' ^ 'v's

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