Preside Over Federal V Term Beginning There On Jf*" Mmiday Next Week I i I4STS THROUGH OCT. 13 I- R^vlar Wilkesboro Term of .'SS Pedml Court To Begin November 19 In accordance with the request •of Judge John C. Knox, of New York city. Judge Johnson J. Hayes will preside over a term of United States district court in southern district of New the sessions to be held in city beginning September d continuing through Oc tober 13. Judge Knox is the sen ior United States district judge In the southern district of New York, in which seven other fed eral jurists also are regularly engaged in conducting court, idge Hayes is United States istrict judge in th© middle dis- ict of North Carolina. Judge Hayes has held two previous terms of United States district court in New York city. One year ago he presided over the trial of United States jjena- tor James J. Davis, of Pennsyl vania. when the senator was tried in New Y'ork for alleged violation of the postal laws. The defendant, who was alleged to have sent lottery tickets through the mails, was acquitted by the jury. Twice earlier this year Judge Hayes has gone out of his dis trict in order to comply with re quests that he hold federal dis trict court in Michigan—in De troit. He presided over the trial of certain bank stock cases, suits of stockholders of the First Na tional bank, of Detroit, and the Guardian National Bank of Com merce. of that city, the bank stock assessments totaling ap proximately $35,000,000. Upon his return to Greensboro from New York city Judge Hayes will proceed at once to Salisbury to conduct the regular fall term ofg^oiirt there starting October 15, with three other terms fol lowing, in regular order, in Win ston-Salem starting November 5, in Wilkesboro beginning Novem ber 19 ^nd in Greensboro start ing De^mber 3. The regular term in each case usually lasts two weeks, so it is not expected that there will be any rest for Judge Hayes until after the De cember term. During the last few weeks he has conducted tw3 terms of court in his dlatrict—a special term in Wilkesboro and a regular term in Rockingham. Washington—Above is a photo of President Roosevelt’s textile mediation boardd at headquarters here in the effort to end the cotton textile strike. Left to right, Marion Smith, of Atlanta, Ga., chairman John S. Winant. of Vermont, and Raymond V. Ingersoll, of New York. Below, ntaional guardsmen employing tear gas to scatter stiikers at a textile mill at Greenville, S. C. Textile Strike Situation Continues Tense; Allied Workers May Walkout J. T. NichoU Home Destroyed By Fire Home And Part Of Fur nishings Of 1‘urlear Resident .Yre Total The home of Rev. J. T. Nich ols. well known resident of the Purlear community, was totally destroyed by fire Tuesday after noon. The flames were thought to have originated from the kitchen flue. The fire gained headway, so rapidly that it was impossible to save all the furnishings of the borne and the toss is estimated at more than $2,000. which is a total loss, there being no insur ance carried. About 400,000 Are Now Idle as Result of Strike in Textile Plants Tax Foreclosure Suits Starting .Vnyonc Owing Rack Taxe.s Would SaviJ .Money IJy Paying Be fore Octol»er 1 Bible Classes To Assemble Simday County Attorney A. H, Casey is now preparing tax foreclosure ■suits on all property sold for ta.'ces for 1931 and prior years. This is not optional with the county but is a requirement of the law. All property owners whose lands have been sold for taxes would save considerable cost by Washington, Sept. 18.—The executive council of the United Textile workers tonight author ised the strike committee to call all allied workers from their jobs it such drastic action is necessary to v,^n the nationwide walkout. The decision was made after an allday meeting of the coun cil. Francis J. Gorman, strike leader, said an additional 120,- 000 textile workers likely would be ordered to leave their jobs by the end of the week unless in dustry agrees to arbitrate the dispute. If industry does not yield, Gor man indicated that workers In rug, dyeing, underwear, rayon and corset plants would be the first added to the strike ranks. Boartl Rushes Work The strike committee moved to consolidate its forces tonight as the mediation board rushed work on its recommendations to President Roosevelt to end the walkout. As the council went into ses sion they received reports that the Pepperell Mills, the largest textile plant in Maine, had been closed by picketers. The act add ed 3,600 mill workers to the esti mated 400.000 forced into Idle- Union Meeting of Three Class es At Sunday Schori Hour; Will Hear Jenkins Baptist, Methodist and Presby terian Bible classes will assem ble In the auditorium of the First Baptist church at the Sun day school hour Sunday tor a union meeting, at which time Dr. W. A. Jenkins, pastor of the Methodist church, will be the teacher The exchange of teachers dur ing the past month in the three paying back taxes before Octob-. v -i. , n , ..... ,K„ I ness by the strike. K p t I Sporadic clashes occurred in must be filed. ^ Eastern textile ant C. H^/^Suson has ax .sale certificates and will be glad ‘ to give full receipt to those pay ing before the foreclosure suits are begun. Mrs. Ralph Bingham Nominated For Office In Watauga County mday schools has been enjoyed ery much. The union meeting Sunday ends the program of ex changes for the month. Square Dance For ToiiKWTow Night WUl Be Hew At Deglon And AaxUUry Clubhouse', Begin ning At 8:SO Tomorrow night (Friday) at t:30 at the American Legion ind Auxiliary Clubhouse is the Jme and place for the next iquare dapce. Square dances are proving NWdlar this season and the peo- >le are invited to attend, dance 0 the tunes of good music and injoy the occasion. Proceeds :tom the 60-cent admission for nen (ladles free) will be used >y the l,^ion and Auxiliary In lome of their commendable ac- ivlties. On Buying Trip N. B. Smltbey, Joe Pearson hd tlewey Parker, of'the Ckiod- are la New York 010 •jreek baylagf niefehand^ fall a^d, wlaur sefwoaa. Mrs. Grace Sherwood Bing ham, widow of the late Attorney Ralph Bingham, of Wilkesboro, was nominated on the Republi can ticket for clerk of the su perior court in the W’atauga County Republican convention held in Boone Monday night. Mrs. Bingham has many friends here who congratulate her on the honor and wish her every success in the coming campaign. Mrs. N. 0. Smoak Gets Appointment comparatively calm under the menacing shadows of flashing bayonets held by thousands of National Guardsmen. In Pasaic, N. J., 300 strikers from the Paterson area battled 50 police at the Dayton avenue plant of the Botany Worsted ed only a few minutes. An or- (Continued on page eight) TO LAY CAMPAlGNFLAm Conciliation Commissioners to Aid Fanners In Handling Their Debts Home-Coming For Friendship Church Fifth Sunday in September Set Aside For Gathering Near Millers Creek Receives Commission as Act ing Postmaster at Wilkes boro; To Begin Today Sunday, September 30, has been set apart as home-coming day at Friendship church near Millers Creek. Sunday school will he at the regular hour, 9:46. At I eleven there will be special mus- Mrs. N. O. Smoak has receiv- e d from Postmaster General James A. Farley her commission as acting postmaster for Wilkes boro and will enter upon her new duties today. At a civil service examination several months ago Mrs. Smoak was second high on the eligible list, M. F. Bumgarner, Republi can, was highest, Mrs. Smoak second and F. J. Hartley third. Congressman Walter Lambeth recommended the appointment of MfS- Smoak as acting post master and the appointment was made promptly. The present postmaster Is W. E. Lfnney, who has held that office for the past several years. , 1- Twenty conciliation commis sioners for a like number of counties in the middle district of North Carolina, each charged with the duty of assisting agri cultural debtors in his county In the procurement of relief from financial distress, were appoint ed Tuesday by Judge Johnson J. Hayes. Attorney A. H. Casey, of this city, was named for Wilkes. These federal officials will co operate with farmers in obtain ing authority to effect composi tions with creditors or extensions of time in which to pay their debts, such assistance being made possible under sections 74 and 75 of the federal bankruptcy act as amended. Such farmers, unable to meet their Indebted-' ness, will file their petitions for relief with the conciliation com missioners, who, in turn, will present them to the court. Judge Hayes is completing the list of appointments at this time because it is his desire that dis tressed agricultural debtors in the various counties may have benefit of conciliation commis sioners’ services, thus avoiding delay in such matters, so far as the commissioners are concern ed. The work of the commission ers is regarded as highly im portant. They will. It is expected, have the cooperation of the farm debt adjustment committee ap pointed by Governor Ehringhaus and of the farm debt commit tees of the various counties. All of these activities evidence the determination of the federal government to make it possible for financially embarrassed farm ers to obtain relief either through compositions with creditors or extensions of time for payment Oi their indebtedness. Conciliation commissioners for counties adjoining Wilkes are as follows: Ashe, Joseph M. Pre- vette; Watauga, T. E. Bingham; Alleghany, R. F. Crouse; Surry, David L. Hiatt. Above is a photograph of Chick Young, North Carolina’s champion race driver, and his car, which will be one of the many fast racers to take part in the automobile races on the last day of the fair Saturday. Speed Demons WiD Compete For Cash And Honors In Auto Races On Track Here Satiu*day, Last Day pf the Fair Supreme Court Ruling Against Election Ends Row Over Constitution Ickes Withholds Final Decision on Parkway Route N. C. Speakers Contest With Tennesseeans for Scenic Highway ic directed by Mrs. Fred Gaither, followed by an address by Hon. , L. Bumgarner, of Wilkesboro. • Dinner and social hour from 12 until one o’clock. In the afternoon the program will be Informal. Several former pastors of the church have been Invited, and It Is expected that some of them will speak. The list of pastors include: J. M. Heath, of Winston-Salem; D. J. White, of Ronda; J. M. Wall. Statesville: U. A. Dry, Salisbury; D. W. H{iga, Montezuma; M. W. (jastle and Luther Maness, of West Virginia; S. N. Bumgar ner, Harmony; and J. L. A. Bum garner, Wilkesboro. All friends and acquaintance of former years, and of the pres ent, are cordially “invited to come, bring and'enjoy .occasion. ^ - Washington, Sept. 18.—The bitter quarrel between North Carolina and Tennessee over lo cation of the Great Smoky Moun tain National Parkway south of Blowing Rock, was aired In Washington for three hours this afternoon at a public hearing be fore Secretary of Interior Ickes. With the large auditorium In the Interior Department packed to capacity and more than a hun dred people In the corridors, spokesmen for North Carolina contended that If the parkway is to be located on a basis of scen ery then the route proposed by the North Carolina Highway De partment should be approved. Spokesmen for Tennessee with equal vigor and enthusiasm, con tended that the route they pro posed is Just as rich In scenery as any other proposed route and by any rule of reason and fair play one-half of the parkway from the Virginia line to the park should be located In Ten nessee. Feeling Runs High Feeling reached a high Pitch as speSkers for Tennessee charg ed North Carolina was trying to “hog” all the parkway and Tar Heel spokesmen compared the amount of money Tennesaee .al ready has received from the na tion’s ti^easury. After listening to all speakers with intent Interest, Secretary Ick^ brought the- hearing te a close around' 5 o’clock with the statement that the question in volved was of such tremendous moment to both states that be would not render a 'hasty decis ion but would weigh carefully the arguments made by both sides. i _ >'•■ *T will try to decide U strictly lipa,' its merits'and. may the 'ikwt cause ’Win,” he asserted. Raleigh, Sept, 1».—Four Supreme court justices said this afteJTioon that North Car olina held a “general election” in November, 1933, and that it was “the general election” so far as the 1808 state con- .Htitntion is concerned. 'There will l>e no election on the substitute instrument in No- ' veiiiber. Three Injured In Auto Crash Here Cars Driven Bs' Rufus Byrd And Cecil Wiles Collide 4ln Streets Of City Three persons were injured and two cars were badly damag ed Tuesday night about ten o’ clock when cars driven by Cecil Wiles and Rufus Byrd collided at the intarsectlon of Main and Sixth Streets. With Mr. Wiles was his wife, of this city. Miss Pearl Blalock and Wayne McLemore, o f Lenoir. They were traveling west on Main Street and Mr. Byrd, who was alone, was driv ing north on Sixth Street when Mr. Byrd’s car crashed Into the side of Mr. Wiles’ machine. Mr. Wiles was thrown to the pave ment and when the cars had stopped after the collision he was lying beneath the other car but was not seriously injured, sustaining only a few minor cuts and bruises. Miss Blalock was more ser iously injured. She was severely bruised and jarred by the col lision and is being treated at The Wilkes Hospital. Mr. Mc Lemore sustained minor injuries and the driver of the other car was unhurt. He was arreeted by city officers to face charges of speeding and reckless driving. Conduct Service On Sunday four members of The Wilkes Evangelistic Club conducted a service at Little Richmond church In Surry coun ty. Those taking part were A. S. Cassel, H. M. Briggs, W. B. Ray- mer and Dewey Minton. Crawford Mills Ready To Open Six Events Wi3 Make Up Big Auto Race Program; Be gin at 2 O’clock Everything is in readiness for the auto races here Saturday at the Great Wilkes Fair. Some of the drivers who hall from dist ant points are already in town getting last minute adjustments made before the big day. Nothing has been left undone to make this one of the most suc cessful racing events ever held in the state. The track has been thoroughly reconditioned and several of the boys have stated that this track will be very fMt, due to the fact that the turn/have been proper ly banked and straightways v.'id- ened. The water -wagon will be on hand to wet the track before each event. Much Interest has been shown In the races as fair officials have worked hard In obtaining the best cars and drivers and are ex pecting a banner crowd for Sat urday. The entries Include: Chick Young, McDowell special, Drlta, N. C.; Michael de Conea, Morton Britt special. Daytona Beach, Fla.; Frank Austin, Daytona Beach special. Daytona Beach, Fla.; Johnie Tadlock, Cragor special, Norfolk, 'Va.; M. Peiter, D. 0. Fronty special, Dayton. Ohio; George Ferguson. McDow ell special, Charlotte; M. P. Lipe, Jr., Fronty special. Hickory; Eldridge Tadlock, D. O. Fronty special, Norfolk, Va., and others. There will be six thrilling events. Time trials start 2 p. m. W. L. Darracott will handle the flags, W. A. Leramond is chief timer, W. A. McNeil and J. C. Wallace will act as judges. Pair In Progress The Great Wilkes Fair opened its ninth annual exposition here Tuesday -With what appeared to be a record' attendance. The ojtening ' was auspicious with a parade led by a batallion of light artillery from the U. S. Army Camp at Fort Bragg. The exhibit hall Is filled with good exhibits of the farms and homes this year. Outstanding among the exhibits were the gen eral farm display and Grange ex hibits. Clifford Moore took first prize with his farm exhibit and Ferguson Grange exhibit car ried the blue ribbon. On the midway are Marx Greater Shows, the biggest mid way attraction ever engaged for the fair here with a large num- (Contlnaed on page eight) New Hosiery Mitts Here WiUj Begin Operation About j„ — — Ptet of ortober Hechon Board Crawford Mills, now being es tablished here by J. M. Craw ford, owner and manager, will Has Discussion begin operation on or about Oc tober 1, Mr. Crawford stated to day. The hosiery mills, latest ad dition to North Wllkesboro’s manufacturing Industry, are be ing Installed In the Palmer building on East Main street. Mr. Crawford purchased a complete plant in Radford, Va., and has installed it here. Men’s half hose and children’s anklets will be manufactured for the wholesale market. Mr,. Crqw- tord hopes to employ,, about fifty people In his plirat.. Number of Citizens Heard On Progposal To Divide' Three Townships Food Saks: Saturday The Junior class of the North Wilkesboro hl^- school will sponsor a food sale oh Saturday afternoon at- TomlinMn'e '’depart ment store begianing at 2:80 o’ clock. Cakes, cohklM andi can dies will be on sa^. The i)rpeeed« will go,toiih«''treaaiire of the class. Messrs James. Larfcln Pearson and '-'VlI. .K,. Craft, . of Boomer, made a business trip te.Wiastqn-|- Salem and Greensboro Wedn^ County board of elections In special session at the city hall here Wednesday morning listen ed to discussions by a large num ber of Interested citizens on the proposal to divide North Wilkes boro township into three voting precincts, Wilkesboro and Mul berry Into two each. The three townships above wHl be split up 1H;Y aopordanco with Instruction frhm the state board of elections and a new registration will be ealled in the precincts affected.' Members of the county board :^esent for the meeting yester day "were B. M. Brame, Jr„ chairman, and J. C. G^yson, sec retary. Among those who appear ed before the board to offer rag- gestic^ on the dirisioas of the^ three 'towralPh. where . members of both political partlM. soon as the matter can be ‘ out the new precinct County «id District NeodMaes To Discuss PladUs Party Hoad - * A meeting of Republican leas ers from all parts of WBkee had some from adjoining conntlea has been called for Friday night. September 21, at the courthonaa In Wilkesboro. Announcement ef the meeting was made this imit, by i. M. Brown, chairman of the Republican party in Wllkeu. county. ' W. C. Meeklns, of Henderson ville, head of the Repubileaa party In North Carolina, ■will be honor guest and will address the leaders with reference to plans for the coming campaign. Among the other party leaders from outside of Wilkes who will attend will be A. E. Hall, of Yadkinville, Republican candi date for congress, and Joe Wil liams, of Yadkinville, candidate for the state senate from the dis trict composed of Wilkes. Yad kin and Davie counties. Chairman Brown stated that the gathering will be a pre-cam paign meeting and that all Re publican leaders in the county arc most urgently requested to be present. The meeting will be gin at 7:30. In addition to the state chair man, candidates for congress and state senate, Republican nom inees for all county offices will be present to participate In the meeting. This will be the first visit of the state chairman to Wilkes and it is expected that a large num ber of Republican leaders will be present at the meeting to meet the new chairman and to help in laying plans for the campaign. Named by Governor as Dde- gate To National Recrea tion Congress Program B. Y. P.' U. Meeting For Chnrchee Asked To gates To Meetingf At Chnrch SuadAy Extension work, BiyaBYHnrd. of Cramerton. Mrs. W. R. Absher Is ^ain Honored Mrs. W. R. Absher, who is widely known for the Public Child Welfare Survey she origi nated In North Carolina as pres ident of the American I.«gion Auxiliary in the state, has been appointed a delegate to the Na tional Recreation Congress. This assembly, composed of delegates from the 48 states, will meet in Washington on October 1st to 5th. It has as its aim the promotion of state and national parks and providing for com munity, state and national play grounds as an effort to educate, the people in ways and meant of utilizing their leisure 11 m a, which has Increased by shorter working hours. The appointment of Mrs. Ab sher as a delegate for North Car olina was made by Governor J. C. B. Ehringhaus. She Km ae^ cepted the appointment and will attend the recreation congreas. ■ -P Leaders In B. Y. P. U. work, te the Brushy Mountain Baptist As sociation have announced thw program for the anoclatioaal meeting to be held at ' Pilgrim Baptist church near Congo 3ns- day afternoon at 2:30, The pro gram, which promises to be ad much interest, is as follows; v. Devotional, Miss Beatrice Ho^ brook. Reports from dlstricf lea'den- Reports on junior and inter mediate work, Mias Marie M»- Nelll. •bJi- Report on Rldgeerest, W. K. Sturdivant. Election of assoclatiohal otft- cera. i Inspirational mesrage, Mable Starnes, of Baielgh, All ehurchea in the aaeoriatloa regardless of whether or .^^jsrt they have actlne B. Y. P. ^ vt'a, are asked to send delegatee.,' Tern nddltlonte. county farmers are [^ntteg faifa this'fall; tome for-ti^e. Ume, and others adding

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