r$; V^I#-- :0>' -'i "‘ ' ■ The^ J^urnat^^ the tritl of pi»i|^]^jin the “Staft ojPiWlk«B’*^ for 28 ^ ■ ■ fflr- ' i’■^ V' - .-^V:V:3 voL.xxvm,m96 Published Mondays and Thursdays north WILKESBORO, N* C., MONDAY, OCT. 1, 1984 ..... dL 11.00 IN THE STATE—IL50 OUT OF THE ;, -„-i.i s^ I »:« In Club Has First Meetmgof Year Traphin Priadpal To Head Or- .ganizatioB For Ensuing SclM(#¥«ar ATHLETIC PROGRAM dob Win Again Sponsor Ath letic Events In High Schools 4ji the Coonty Wilkes County Schooijnssters’ club held Its first tpeeting of the present school year Thursday erening at the home of C. B. El- J^r, county superintendent of . ^Pflar to the meeting the school principals and their^ wires were entertained at a dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Eller and Mr. and Mrs. C. O. McNeill at the McNeill home. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hill, of Ron- da; Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Day, of Millers Creek; Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Wright, of Traphill; Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Spruill, of Mountain view; Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cook, of Roaring River; T. E. Story, of Wilkesboro; and C. M. Dickson, of. Ferguson. Attorney and Mrs. A. H. Casey were also guests for the occasion. After the dinner party the To Be Held In Boji I LiimsTo Priodptb and Scene in Uiicovtting of tiadbagh Hansom Maaef | principals gathered at the home | of Supt. Eller for a business ses sion of the Schoolmasters' club. Pr^ident C. M. Cook presided ad’asked for the reading of the niinutes of the last meeting held in April. Election of officers resulted as follows: D. R. Wright, presi dent; George H. HH, vice presi dent: T. E. Stori, secretary- treasurer; R. V. Day, program chairman. * Program of athletics for the schools this year was discussed at length and the president nam ed C. M. Cook as chairman of a committee to work out a plan for systematic athletics this year among the schools. Prof. Cook ^inted T. E. Story and R. V. as the other members of the ^ pfie committee and they will ■R-ithin the next tew days to work out the athletic program. In the neantime they will appre ciate suggestions from principals of other iiigl. schools. NEW YORK ... Aboro ii presented a picture review e£ the uneotering of $13,750 of the Lindbergh $50,000 raaspm money and the arrest of the German carpenter, Bmno Hichard Banptmann, in eonneetion with the erfane. ... Above, the Hauptmann home on the ontskxrts of New York 3ty. Arrow points to garage where money was bid. . , , Below, loft to right; Welter Lyle, gasoUae station manager who took Banptmann *$ aato Bcense nnmbor when tendered a $10 guM eertilleate in payment for gasoline, later resnlting in amrt of (Second) Dr. John P. Condon, the famous who aided CoL Lindbergh in turning over the ransom money. (CSrtle) Bruno B. Hauptmann. James M. Fawcett, New York attomqr retained to rep resent Hauptmann by the carpenter's wile. State Road Farmer Is Killed In Wreck Martin V. Smith Fatally Hurt In Automobile Accident Near Dobson Interesting Meet For Kiwanis Club Humorou.s Talk Delivered By Attorney B. T. Hender son on “Folks” North Wilkesboro Kiwanians thoroughly enjoyed the program lor the Friday noon meeting. A. A. Finley wss in charge of the 1 program and he preseuted Attor-1 •ney Buford T. Henderson, who j delivered a humorous address on the subject of “Folks.” Kiwanians were delighted at Ae reading of a telegram from J. M. German, at that time at tending the State Grange con- : Elkin, Sept. 29 — Martin V. ! Smith, 84. elderly fanner of the [State Road communitjusuccumbed I last night at his home vo injuries I sustained on the previous day in ! an automobile mishap while en j route from his farm, wivh his I brother to Mount Airy to market a I load of tobacco. The accideit oc- ' curred near Dobson when a defect ; in the steering gear was .bought I to have caused the machine in .which the two were traveling to I leave th > road, crash into a tree :and send the elderly man through I the wire guard beside the road. No ' fractures were apparent when med ical aid was summoned immediate ly after the wreck, however, inter nal injuries result'd in his death Ia.st night. The deceased is survived by his wife and several children. The funeral rites were h»ld Sunday at State Road church. Weapon Found In Hauptmann’s Cell Junior Order Meeting Be On Tuesday Night ^2 (Continued on page five) North Wilkesboro cbajiter of Jr. O. U. A. M. win meet Tues day night at 7:30. Due to the fact that degree work will be carried out all members of the degree team are urged to be on band. All members of the local council and any visiting Juniors New York, Sept. 28.—Sharp ened to a knife-like edge, a me tal spoon was found today in the cell of Bruno Richard Haupt mann, shortly after his counsel said a psychiatrist would ex amine the alleged Lindbergh ran som extortionist, presumably to determine the possibility of an insanity defense. To prevent any attempt at suicide, or escape. Sheriff John Hanley of the Bronx doubled the guard outside Hauptmann’s cell after finding the spoon. Accompanying this spectacu lar development, a close friend of the German alien ex-convict, Hans Kloppenburg, was picked up and questioned by District Attorney Samuel Foley. Kloppenburg's picture was in the Hauptmann album and he has been sought for several days. Asked what he thc'ight were Hauptmann’s intentions with the spoon, Foley said: “You may use your own Im- I agination.’ stolen from j The spoon was the h.-eakfast tray. It was brok- 6 Wilkes Pe^ Cany hi^tion Grangre Recommends Broad Prosrram of Legislation In North Candiha en into sections. The bowl had been whetted down to a keen edge, evidently by-' -rubbing it against the steel slats of the cell. Its absence from the tray not ed in the kitchen sometime lat er, the prisoner was taken to an other cell. Search was made at once. The sections we-e found in the drain of the toilet and wash j basin. At about the same time. At torney James Fawcett, Haupt mann's counsel, disclosed he had instructed a psychiatrist to ex amine the prisoner. “1 intend to call in a doctor and a psychiatrist Fawcett said, “to look over my client as a part of our defense. The examination will be made tomorrow . In the jail. I am going to be guided by their advice.” Farmers Pleased With AAA Checks are Invited. Checks For Com-Hog Crop Reduction Being Taken. Out Rapi^y Work Pri^ressing Rapidly On City Water Works Improvement Project BoDding Company Has m>loyed 60 Men So Far On Water Works I Local Legion Post To Install Officers Elliot Building company, of ,y, holders of the contract for ling and improving the pre^ »ter wnrks system of No^ sboro. have used about sixt^y taring tim post two weeks ave made consid€r*able prog- in the project. (■ company is the _hokter of tntni contract for the work the exceotion of the erection ree towers, which I be built by the R. D. Cole factniing company, of New- Ga. Representatives of this iny have been here ^d are g preparation to begin work m as possible, it was learned October Meeting Will Bo Held Thursday Night; District commander Coming shed work- so far has been con- , tiie laying of water lines tallation of valves, which eessitated cutting off the n various sections of the • short periods of tinde and tag of portions of streets ipes are bsing laid- for the project is bring by the national re-em- offige and unemployod of the city are bring Jetsaams and ' -who * • are being given American- Legion Post No. 125, North Wilkesboro, will hold its regular monthly meeting at 7:30, p. m. Thursday night. The meeting is being held Thursday instead of Friday to avoid con flict with other affairs. The meeting Thursday night is of special Interest and will be well attended, as new officers for the Post will be Installed. In addi tion to the regular membership several visitors are expected. Dr. C. L. Sherrill, National Commit teeman, will be in charge of installation ceremony. District Commander Neeley Kincaid will preside. Farmers of V/llkes county who were fortunate enough to be able to sign contracts lor reduction of corn and hog production are pleased with the benefit checks they are receiving from the Agri- cutural Adjustment administra tion department of the federal government. Last week the Wilkes Produc tion 1 control association received checks ranging from $6 to $200 for the first payment to 117 farmers in tbe county. The to tal aggregated $3,542.50, repre senting two-fifths of the entire payment. The next payment in November Will be- one-fifth and the final payment about tbe first of the year will be the remain ing two-filths. Expenses of the Production Control association will be de ducted from the final payment. Most of tbe 117 checks receiv ed last week have been called tor by tbe recipients, who invariably were pleased with the payment for not growing too many hogs or too much corn. Civil Term Court Is Now Under Way MAN POl-ND DEAD ON HIGHWAY 20 Judge Jdui M. Oglesby Presld- tng: Mai^OBses Are Docket ed RVw Trial 'A/'.' *'■ ^ * an- Gastonia, Sept. 28.-—William A. Robinson, 20, of Belmont, was found deM on highway No. I. near here," early tpday,. and near Mm- was Fred Hembree, rirec- J6. Belmont, unconscious. Officers riipressed belief they had been struck blti;$ad- rU& BOtOKH^ Ootobef term, of^Wilkes periqr oottrt trial of civil ac- tloba; "'Bni'resbSnf this morning with Judge John M. Oglesby presiding..^' v.’^- Cases numbptlri^ several- ban- dred$ ace pending t$^ and.only a comparatively small number can be disp^d. of afetbls term, wbicb will coiitiw#^ for tita- ".S‘ Home Coming Day Friendship Church North Wilkesboro -will be the scene of the 1936 convention of the Grange in North Carolina, it was decided in the final Session of the 1934 convention hold In Lnmberton Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday. Invitation for the Grange to come to Wilkes county next year was carried to the state meeting by Mr. and Mrs. J. M. German^ Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Cockerham. delegates from the Wilkes Po mona Grange. The Grange is the outstaudlng rural fraternity and wields a great influence with a large membership. Around 500 dele gates gather for the annual con vention of the state Grange. Among the honors confered on the Wilkes delegation In the convention last week was the ap pointment of T. W. Ferguson, of Ferguson. • as a member of the board of direc'.c.'j of the mutual fire insurance company sponsor ed by the organization. A spirited discussion on mat ters of state and national Import ance featured the closing session of the North Carolina State Grange. Reports from the com mittees on education and legis lation particularly drew much j fire from delegates, the Grange I* taking a prominent stand on I vital issues. I Gn education, the following ! recommendations -were adopted: placing salaries of teachers on a par with salaries of other people of the same ability and training, revision of high school curricul um to take care of vocational agriculture and home economics and asking appropriation for them to match the federal ap propriation; teaching effects of alcohol; election of school com mitteemen by people of the dis trict; asking that representatives of two major parties be Included on governing board of state school .commission, provision for adequate library facilities. Reso lutions for free text books. The legislative committee ask ed enactment of the principles (Continued on page eight) Program Featured By Address By L. Bumgarner And For mer Pastors Baptists Have Meeting Here Camivfiiiiul Win Begin Thnrsday, Oetokerf! 25, and Continw tW Three Days PLANS BEING FORMIC Commanity Ounival WO Ik ^ Gala Eivent; Chib W9' . Use PiBfita Los Angeles . . . Mickey Roon ey (above), with b Superior Court judge looking on, signed his name to a movie contract calling for $1,000 per week to “just be a boy” on tbe^ screen. Quarter Price On Automobile Tags License Plates Now Being Sold For Last Three Months of Year Price of 1934 automobile and truck licenses was cut in halt Saturday at the branch office of the Carolina Motor Club here along with all dealers in tags over the state. This means that tags are now being purchased for the remain der of the year at'one fourth of the yearly price. So far this year the local of fice for dispensing tags has sold approximately 4,150 tags, J. C. McDiarmid, manager, stated Sat urday morning. The approximate figures in classifications- are 3,- 150 automobiles, 930 trucks and 70 trailers. Licenses plates for new cars in this territory have far exceed ed the sales of last year, Mr. McDiarmid stated. A big community canitvak ' with the gaieties and anttlB- ments of a county fair, will te held In North Wilkesboro Cir three days, beginning October Plans for this gala occasloto were discussed by the NortU kesboro Lions club In regritor rqeeting Thursday evening, which time Spencer RichardaoK was appointed chairman of tb» community carnival committoK Present plans call for holdtag the carnival in the Call buildtag' at the corner of Main and Nintb streets, where there will b* myriads of entertaining devleas and games, including the chnek- aluck wheel, bingo, musical con certs. fortune tellers, and Vhak not. No admission will be charged for entrance to the carnival but. the club expects to make some profits because many of tha prizes are going to be presented by public-spirited business fines. All profits from the carnival will be used in promoting some of the club’s commendable activi ties. The Lions’ meeting Thursday evening was characterized by & j good program under the direct I tion of W. J. Bason and spirited I interest in the discussion of plana for the carnival. Features • of the program were vocal selec tions by Miss Ellen Robinson, ac companied at the piano by Mlse Myrtle Norris. Singers Gather At Bethel Church Four Choirs And Children’s j Clas.ses Featur- Succes.sful Sinking Welfare..0ffice Needing Bo^ A large crowd of people from widely separated sections of Wilkes and many from distant points gathered at Friendship Methodist church near Millers Creek Sunday in observance of the annual home coming day at that place. Sunday school was carried out at the usual hour and then fol lowed an inspiring address by L. Bumgarner, of Wilkesboro, who used* as his subject, ^’What,- soever ye sowest that shall ye also reap.’’ At noon a picnic dinner with an abundance of good eats for th© large crowd and then some to spare was spread, near tbe church. In the afternoon Rev. S. N. Bumgarner and Rev. David White, former pastors of the church, addressed the congrega tion. It was decided that hence forth home coming day would be oteerved on the fourth Sunday In May. The following were ap- ,pointed as a program commit tee for next year: Rev. E. P. Green, pastor, chairman, Rob- Brooks, Mrs. Fred Gaither, Mrs. N. M. Bumgarner, M. F. Bum- gamer. *^ • Give Pastor Poimdinf Bpworth League of Aybor Grove Methodtet church-jaVe pdstor, Rev, E.- ^*. Greeii. * poinhUuk-'On Suadi^ night, I Many useful 'gifts WAW prteented by the members df the oggai^iMtjlo^ The peach aarisnt fruit and H aeen^ singular no *ntentian.,la'h>ade of it . the Bible, . menti^ tor It'4 known Co tcoduced ioto .iuly ,M time of 1 I — -X Delegrates From Mt. Association Churches Hear Morgfm of Delegates from a number churches In the Brushy Mountain Baptist Association gathered at the First Baptist church here Wednesday evening to hear dis cussions on the promotion and enlistment campaign In the Bap tist State Convention. Hlghlighte of the program were talks by Rev. J. R. John son. pastor of the First Baptist church of Mt. Airy, and Perry Morgan, Sunday school secretary of the Baptist State* Convention. On Thursday aad Friday Rev. Eugene Olive, ..pastor of the First Baptist church here and chairman of the state Baptist committee on promotion and en listment. accompanied Mr. Mor gan on a speaking tour to Boone, Spruce Pine, Bakersvllle, and other points In Northwestern North Carolina. Pre8b3fterian Meet Glendale Springs Will Be Held On Friday Morning At Glendale Springs Hotel; Many To Atte^ Several ladles of the , iTorth Wilkesboro Presbyterian church and the other Presbyterian churches in the .o«».“ty are «g- PUPted to attend the gronp ooa- friience to .be ■ held at Glendale Springs on Friday morning at eteven o’clock. This conference Is for all cli^chea In WBYea, i>he. Alle- ghaoji and, .-®Uier north'westenr connUeayi The most successful sessio.n in th© history of Stone Mountain Singing Association is the way the singing at Bethel church yesterday was described by J. A. GiUIam, chairman, and others at-; tending. | There were four well trained i singing classes who raised their harmonious voices 1 n Gospel | songt Bethel, Hay Meadow, Rock Creek and Harmony. There were classes made up of children from Hay Meadow, Harmony and a class led by Rev. Elbert Jen nings, of Fairplalna. Singing by the children was marked by evi dences of training and singing ability.' A quartet from Harmony added to the program for the day. People Who Have Discarded School Books Asked To Donate To Charity The population of the earth has more than doubled since 1800. ' There is a distressing need among the people of the county for school books, accordin.g to a statement today by Charles Mc Neill, county welfare officer. Mr. McNeill Is asking that aU families who have discarded school books to donate them to his office if they can conveniently do ,80. These books wlU .JftB dls- tributed to the teachem ifl, the schools where need is tlld* greut- est and will be returned to U* office after the school year closes. Any kind of eehool readers or elementary schori text books wB be- appreciated by the coaaty "welfare department and the peor- pie who wish to. donate swell books: are assured tbagiiho books will be i placed where the need is most apparent. Work Begins Today aiid Culverts For First SecHoh'ld It Democrats Attend ^ District Meeting Organixation leaders Of Eighth Congreseloani District Have Banquet In Troy Members of- the Democratie or ganisations la the several comi ties of the eighth congressional dlrirlct met in Troy Friday eve ning for a banquet and organi sation meeting. ... Democrats from 'Snikes attend ing wore J. H., Reusaean, D. J. -Brookshire, J. O. Hackett, R. M. Brame, Jr., J. M. Pearson, C. -O. McNeill, D. J.. Carter, >Attortey and Mrs. J. A.. Rousseau and Julius Rousseau, Jr. Congressman. Walter Lambeth, who is opening ..his. campaign for reelectlon, was toastmaster. Wal lace Winbenrne, state? Demo cratic chairman, and other lead ers of the party in the state, were honor guests and. speakers for the oocasion. XKNSaar'FEO^X.B MS AS TRAINB HIT TR.AOK ‘‘i" WaVrln^on, England, ,Sopt. 48 'i—About a dpiien persons w.ere klUed aad 46- were lijured 'to- nighj:; in a, colltalon bsftTveen an express train from Lohdon and a slow locil train. « The cxinag tra.lp, bound mt Grannis Goiutniction Co. k '‘Crew Ob Job; T«er To Start Smn ReprbbeBtatiVes o f Grannie Constrnction ConpipTi of .Fayetteville, were in Satiurdar makingarrw^WtaMa to begin work on bridgsd aaS eulverts on 5.68 mll^ of hifb- way number 15 Isai^ng Mbx Millers Creek toward GleWAdn. Springs and Jafferson. In a September letting bgjtha »ubnq. '1 state highway and pnbBq.'w«)g^: commiiision E. 'W> Granii^ structlon Corapany was.awwjilaS contract for atruetures ‘for thn sum of $15,818.60.. Contract for grading and gravri snrfiMng Rag let to Nello L. Teer, xit. Durham, for tbe sum of $50,95$.20. ’nUa firm Is gathering equipm^ ^ preparation for beginning w$b4b In a short time. . GrannlS i Constroetlopii Cori* pany eall^ on the Natiohal Jig- employment Office here . day* for 44 men to begin todays all labor-on labile W«| FtajectS being fwrdM&ed that pfftoe, aad-'tlw m$a bd this mornlnf. Dub ty«. States that vet en . pr^renee. . In. 'praeflritlly all of porting for woA.^

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