The Jottmal-i^triot has blazed tjfe trail of progress i n the “State of Wilkes” for 28 VOL. XXIX, NO. 8 Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKESBORO. N. C., MONDAY, NOV. 5, 1934 ’, ' $1.00 INjrpijfeATE-41.50 OUT (W $100,000 Fire Damages Large Vote Is Expected In iElection V jfiectorate To March To Polls To Settle Issue DRIVERS’ LICENSES PROPOSED Congressman, State And \ Kiwanis Club Passes Resolu- County Officers Will Be Elected Tomorrow INTEREST IS HIGH t^rs; rge Registrations Are Re- rted From All Sections Of Country Tomorrow (Tuesday) is election day throughout the countrj' and from sunup to sundown citizens of the county, state and nation will march to their polling places to se lect their public servants for the next term. In the nation the people have taken it for granted that the elec tion Tuesday will be on one big issue for or against the Roose velt administration. However, in many localities the candidates and tion Endorsing Movement In State PROPOSAL IS STUDIED North Wilkesboro Kiwanis club in meeting Friday noon passed a resolution to be presented to the county’s repre.sentative to the legislature asking him to favor enactment of a bill requiring all automobile drivers to have licen- The resolution was passed at the request of the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Charlotte, which has taken much interest in this sub ject. There was much discussion among the club members, pro anl eon, and the resolution was pass ed with the view that the club should favor anything that would lessen danger on the highways. The proposed license measure I Chicago . . . Evading capture I since June 1933, Murray Humph ries (above). A1 Capone mobster, was seized, hauled into court, convicted and sentenced all w'ith- in two hours. A $5,000 fine and 18 months in prison for tax evasion was Judge Woodward’s sentence. their personalities will overshadow j a rigid examination for national issues. | stat“ licenses to operate an auto- r The usual predictions are made by national leaders of both the HOMECOMING GAME FRIDAY Democratic and Republican par ties. The Democrats confidently ex pect to hold their present majority in congress and senat" and maybe add a few seats. On the other hand the Republican party is predicting gains from the present number of representatives and senators, but does not hope, apparently, to over throw the power of the Democrstic party in national affairs. Tlirughout the nation a tense campaign interest with corre sponding high registrations has been reported from practically ev ery state in the union where elec tions are to be held tomorrow. In North Carolina the interest centers mainly on the “lection of congressmen and members of the jbdiciary. In many counties the race for county offices eclipses the activity for th“ state and national ticket. In Wilkes county an unusually large registration is on the books i for an off-year election, notwith-1 standing the fact that new regis-1 trations were ordered in four of the large townships. I Candidates are making lact min-; ute appeals for support and a large vote is predicted in the county this year. mobile and the licenses would be revocable when circumstances war- j ranted such action. Licenses would not be sold as a means of revenue hut only the cost of examination and clerical expense would be in curred by the application. Interesting Program The program Friday was in charge of W. E. Jones, who pre sented Rev. Robert Stewart More house. Rev. Mr. Morehouse spoke very interestingly on the subject of “Relative Values.” stressing Ancient Rivals of Wilkesboros Will Clash On Local Foot ball Field WILKES COUNTY CORN CLUBS TO HAVE ACHIEVEMENT DAY ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 CORN SHOW TO BE A FEATURE FOR OCCASION Five Valuable Prizes Will Be Given For Best Crop Rec ords For Year The annual football classic for Wilkes County will take place on Friday afternoon when North Wilkesboro and Wilkesboro high school football teams clash on the fairgrounds field. The kick off will be promptly at 3:30. The intense rivalry between the two schools always makes for a good game, regardless of the point that the soul and what j the records of either of the it gives to the world is the gyeat-j teams against the other high est of all values. schools of western North Caro- Dr. W. A. Jenkins, chairman of ■ Hna. ! the Red Cross roll call in Wilkes j Coaches C. A. Ritchie, of this year, outlined plans for the! North Wilkesboro and Benny drive for members, which will be- j Troutman, of Wilkesboro. are gin on Armistice Day, November 11, and continue through Thanks giving. Appeal Of Greens Argued In Capitol E. F. Spainhower Taken By Death Btink Robbers Await Decis ion Of Sumeme Tribunal Of The State Raleigh. .Nov. 2.—The Su preme court today heard argu ments in the appeal of Bascom G. Green and his son. Lester Green, both charged with the murder of T. C. Barnes. Taylorsville bank cashier, in an attempted robbery. J. .\rchie Myatt. High Point attorney, appeared for the two men, who are on death row in the state's prison. Assistant At torney General A. F. Seawell present.'-'d the case for the state. The arguments lasted more than an hour. The two Greens were convict- ”°The aged man had been in ill ed In Alexander county for the health for several years and re- fatal shooting of Barnes. Con- cently suffered a stroke of pa-1 victed with them were Mike Stef- ralysis. which caused Aged Man Succumbs At Home Of Son, A. E. Spain hower, In This City Eben F. Spainhower. age 83. died at the home of his son. A. E. Spainhower. idem of this well known res- city. Friday after working their hoys hard to get them in prime condition for the super effort Friday afternoon. •Attendance records for high school football are calculated to be shattered when the Lions and Ramblers meet. The game will he a home cont- ing affair for the two schools and high school alumni are invit ed to turn out en masse to pull for their favorites. The admis sion charge will be 15 and 25 cents and the teams are in need of funds to supplement their athletic budget for the year. Two Are Injured In Auto Collision Slarvin Coulter Ijose-s Arm In Oash By Hit And Run Driv er Near Morganton ■Marvin Coulter, a former em ployee of the Home Chair Com pany here, lost his left arm yes terday when the antomobile which he was driving was hit by Saturday, November 17. will be Achievement Day for the members of the 4-H corn club in Wilkes County. This will be a celebration of the record Wilkes members have made this year in winning corn prizes and a corn show will he the highlight of the day, giving all the people of the county an opportunity to ob.serve the exhibits that won highest honors at the North Carolina state fair and the corn that will | be on exhibit at the Internation-! al Grain Show in Chicago in De cember. County Agent A. G. Hendren, who feels a pardonable pride in the record of the Wilkes boys, is sponsoring the occasion and has secured five valuable prizes to be given to the club members. Each corn club member in the county is being asked to prepare a ten-ear exhibit of corn for the ! show' and are urged to do their! utmost toward picking the most ^ nearly perfect samples possible | for the show. ! L. R. Harrel. state 4-H club! director. O. F. McCreary, district I agent, and James M. Gray, rep-1 resentative of the Chilean Ni- j trate Company, will he honor I guests and judges of the exhibits. | They will also make a number of encouraging talks during the day. The program for the occasion will begin at ten o’clock in the morning and it is urged that each club member have his ex hibit on display at that time and it will be a banner day for the corn growers of Wilkes, whose variety. Wilkes County White, has won both state and national acclaim. The prizes will be awarded to the club members for the best record of the 1934 crop. For this reason the county agent is asking each one to prepare his record book in the best possible style. The records will be judged on the basis of yield, cost, selection of seed, neatness and accuracy of record and supplementary subject matter in the form of ex periences and stories regarding the club acre this year. Mr. Hen dren wants the record books in his office not later than Novem ber 14. Spainhour-Sydnor, A. & P., Two Beauty Shoppes and Other Firms S^er Loss In Disastrous Blaze Los Angeles . . . Ellen Wilson McAdoo and granddaughter of the late President Woodrow Wil son, is in a love tangle. Her de sire to wed Rafael Lopez de On- ate is opposed by her father who threatens disinheritance. Where To Vote In North Wilkesboro As a matter of interesting information to the voters of North Wilkesboro and Wil kesboro precincts the county board of eklctions today an nounced that the voting place tomOTTOw for North Wilkes- boro nuinlH*r 1 will be the Brame building #ext door to The Wilkes Bakery on Ninth Street. The voting place for North Wilkcfeboro number 2 will be in the building back of the B. & O. Grocery Store on Sixth Street. In Wilkesboro number one the voting place will be in the Rheuben White storH building opposite the courthouse. Wil kesboro number 2 voting place will be at Straw schoolhouse. Preaching Service Damage To Buildings Merchandise Partial Cov ered By Insurance ORIGIN UNDETERMINED Fire Discovered About Mid night Saturday; Burned For Several Hours Rev. Ed Hayes will preach at Fishing Creek Arbor on Sunday, October 11, at eleven o’clock. The public is invited to attend. CALENDAR FOR NOVEMBER TERM FEDERAL COURT IS MADE OUT; JURORS DRAWN Tilley Case In American Weekly A feature article on tlie not TUley !Two-Weeks’ Term Will Con-] vene In Wilkesboro On Monday, Nov. 19 ed TUley Case and death of Miss I,,eoda Childress will soon appear In The .American Week ly, which is the Sunday fea ture supplement of Hfurst’s metropolitan iiews|)apers from Bo.ston to San Francisco. .’Material for the feature, in- eluding story and photographs, wa,s furnished The American Weekly by Dwight Nichols, who Is connectetl with fhe .lournal-Patriot. Acceptance of this feature by T li e Hearst supplement is evidence of the widespread in terest in the in.v8terlous death of Miss on Decembf-r SO last year in the Benhnm eommunity of this county. HAYES WILL PRESIDE November term of middle dis trict federal court for cases orig inating in Wilkes, Alleghany, Ashe and Watauga counties will convene in Wilkesboro day, November 19, Fire of undetermined origin virtually destroyed four ouslness firms and caused a property dam age of around $100,OCO here late Saturday night and Sunday morning. The firms sustaining the greatest loss are Spainhour- Sydnor Company, local branch of the Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, Wisteria Beauty Salon and Mayflower Beauty Shoppe. It was near midnight when the fire was discovered and the alarm was sounded. The fire had gained much headway and was spreading rapidly. Initial efforts of the fire de partment to check the blaze in its early stages failed, and soon the entire seconcl floor of the Spainhoiir building, including the Wisteria Beauty Salon, and the second floor of the A. & P. Store building, where the May flower Beauty Shoppe was locat ed, were in flames. Local firemen fought the flames valiantly, but when it was feared that the entire block was in danger the fire departments of Lenoir and Statesville were call ed as an additional precaution, and they responded promptly. A number of hose were used to throw tremendous quantities of water into the second floor inferno, and after about two hours the fire was checked and apparently extinguished. About 4:30, Sunday morning, however, the smouldering buildings again broke out in flames, but the fire was easily put out. The Spainhoiti-Sydnor firm, on Mon-1 with Judge of the largest dry goods Johnson J. Hayes presiding. and ready-to-wear slorss in this The term will extend into the ] Pati of ike state, suffered an almost complete loss of a valu- Pomona Grange Will Meet November 13 All Members Are, Urgently Re quested To Be Present For Meeting The his death. I anoff and Ed Black, husband of He’was a son of the late William j B. G. Green’s daughter. Stefan- W and Permelia Grabb Spain- j off already has gone to the chair bower, members of a well known j and Black Forsyth County family. Since the death of his wife and during the last few years of his life he | e his home with his children. Is alive under prieve, pending the outcome the Green appeal. re- of are as follows: A. E. Spain- J. L. Mack Florida; w '$■ bower. North Wilkesboro: Spainhower. Greensboro; D. Spainhower^ Miami Welbourne A. Spainhower. Greensboro: and Mrs. Harrj Tip ping. Clayton, Ga. Also surviving are two brothers, E. I. Spain- bower, of Donnaha, and Dr. E. | H. Spainhower, of Wlnston-Sal-! em, and one sister, Mrs. .Mice j Hauser, of Pinnacle. | Funeral and burial services | were held a t Mt. Pleasant Church in Forsyth County Sun day afternoon at two o’clock. The poultry, farm seeds and livestock judging teams from Alamance county made a clean sweep of the 4-H judging con tests held at the recent State Fair. The Alamance teams won | mar H. Brown and Iva all first places. I Wellborn, both of Cycle. a truck near Morganton. truck driver did not stop. Marvin was* accompanied by his brother. Hugh Coulter, of this city. He was also painfully injured and both are patients in a Morganton hospital. P.-T. A. Fathers’ Night Thursday Marriage Licenses There will be a meeting of the Wilkes County Pomona Grange at the courthouse in Wilkesboro on Tuesday, Novem ber 13, at 7:30 In the evening. Announcement of the meeting was made today by J. M. Ger man, Pomona Master, who urges that every member be present to Opportunity Of CJhildren Will] attend to important business Bo Demonstrated to Each Parent Present Marriage licenses issued dur ing the past few days from the office of the register of deeds in Wilkesboro were to George Johnson, of Reddies River, and Sarah Jane Miller, of Daylo; La- Joan Lions Plan Another Carnival; First One Was Decided Success Kiwanis Directors Meet With Prof. T: E. Story Directors of the North Wilkes boro Kiwanis Club were enter tained in their October meeting last week by Prof. T. E. Story, secretary of the club. Among the Interesting reports of committee chairmen was the one given by J. R. Finley, good roads chair man, stating that work on the Reddies River bridge is to start soon. The community carnival held on Hallowe’en night last week for the purpose of raising funds to carry on the club’s work in fitting glasses to underprivileged children netted the sum of $70 profit and proved so popular that the club in cooperation with the North Wilkesboro Woman’s Club will stage another on November 30. Although inclement weather in the afternoon and early eve ning held the crowd down con siderably on Hallowe’en night, there were many spooks who roamed the streets and visited the carnival over Tomlinson’s Department Store, pausing to spend a little for amusement and for the Lions’ commendable ac tivity. The bingo stand and the other games proved much delight to the visitors. This was the first attempt of the Lions to stage a carnival and the one to take place at Thanks giving will eclipse the first effort in every respect if present plans are carried out. In addition to the popular phases of the carnival held on last Wednesday night many new features will be added. Thursday evening at 7:30 at the North Wilkesboro school au ditorium the patrons of the school will be given an oppor tunity to observe the opportuni ties of their children when Fath ers’ Night will be observed by the local Parent-Teacher Associ ation. Each parent attending the meeting will be given the pro gram of his or her child and will follow that through on a very brief schedule. This will give every parent an opportunity to meet his or her child’s teacher and by this means they will be matters. Caswell farmers, borrowing crop production money this past spring, paid up their loans prac tically in full after two weeks of ] lonial Products Company^ versus i selling tobacco. second week. The first four days of court will be devoted to trial of criminal cases and the re mainder of the term will be tak en up with a number of civil ac tions. Of especial interest among the criminal cases will be the trial of Hal Phillips, Blowing Rock resident, on a charge of throw ing M. S. Phillips into a vat of boiling mash at a still near Fer guson several months ago. Th6| criminal calendar, however, is i made up principally of charges of violation of the liquor revenue laws. Following is the docket for the civil actions: Thursday. Nov. 22.—Worth Harless versus United States; T. R. Roberts, administrator of the estate of Shirley Anton Roberts, versus United States. Friday, Nov. 23—Ambrose F. Brown versus United States: Robert L. Bowers versus United States: Lonnie Combs versus United States; Willie Joines ver sus United States. Monday, Nov. 26—Elk Creek Lumber Company versus D. T. Finley. Eugene F. Teeter, E. A. Harrell and Arthur Hilton; Co- (Continued on page five) able to see the kind of program j the child experiences each day in j school. I The program will be supple- j mented with Instructive and en-j tertaining features and will be appropriate for Fathers’ Night from beginning to end. It is urg ed that every member of the lo cal P.-T. A., especially the fath ers, and others Interested in the work of the organization, be present. Residents of Moore county profiting from increased cotton and tobacco prices are seeking pure bred dairy cows to round out their farm programs. Mayor’s Red Cross Proclamation As mayor of North Wilkesboro, I hereby designate the period from November 11 to November 29 as a time given over to a re view of the work of the American Red Cross and its value to the community; and I also set it aside as a time for the annual en rollment of members for the coming year. This office is in touch with the needs of those who have been affected by the depression of the last f’w years, and we have shen the ready response of the Red Cross to meet those n'eds. The or ganization’s program is so flexible that it meets emergencies and disasters of all kinds; it has also a permanent structure that is being built up year by year, to study means through which epi demics and disasters may be prevented. This community needs the permanent structure of the Red Cross as it needs the expert serv ice which is at our command to meet whatever emergencies the coming year may bring. I, therefore, call upon former members of the Red Cross to renew their memberships during the roll c^l this year, and urge thftie who have never hitherto been members to enroll their names with those who are fighting disease and disaster and need under the banner of the American Red Cross. J. A. ROUSSEAU, , . Mayor of North Wilkesboro. able stock of merchandise, in cluding a large amount of new winter merchandise and Christ mas goods that had not been un packed. The building, the top story completely destroyed and the remainder badly damaged, is owned by S. S. & .M. Realty Company. Both the Mayflower and Wis teria Beauty Salons were de stroyed by the fire. The stock of merchandise of the A. & P. Store was damaged extensively by wat er. while water and smoke dam age was heavy in Rose’s 5 and 10 Cent store, and Jenkins Hard ware Company, adjoining firms to the buildings which the, fire ravaged. While no estimate of the loss could be made with accuracy to day, the general opinion was that the fire was perhaps the worst in the history of the city, and damage estimates run from $75,000 to $125,000. The damaged firms, it is learn ed, are partially covered by in surance but the extent of the coverage could not be ascertain ed, although far under replace ment cost. Today the A. & P. Store is moving its stock of merchandise i to the build g occupied until ' now by the Wilkes Plumbing Company, which is moving today ; to the Meadows Building, i Spainhour - Sydnor Company : has opened a temporary office at the Jenkins Hardware Store. The building occupied by the A. & P. Store is owned by Mrs. ; Madaline Call Boren, of Greens boro. It is understood that the fire damage was partially cover- ' ed by insurance. The building occupied by Rose’s 5 and 10 I Cent Store, owned by P. C. Set- I zer, of Hickory, was damaged to I some extent by water. Wilkesboro P.-T. A. Meeting On l^ursday Ail members of the Wilkes boro Parent-Teacher Association are urgently requested to attend the November meeting to be held at the school building on Thurs day afternoon at 3:30. An Inter esting program will be given. AH sweet potato caring houses in Catawba county will be filled with an excellent quality . at I sweets, reports the farm. asut.^ 1

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