J6irhal-Patriot has blazed of Wilkes* ■M VOL. XXIV, NO. 10 m Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WHJIESBORO, N. C., THURSDAY, NOV. 1£«4; v*.!^T^TOa iN THE STATEb=|Uft:OUT OF THE SI LATE NEWS OF STATE AND NATION THE SPIRIT OF THANKSGIVING I'm 1V4ANKFUL - TMAT THilW mu. » fUMWINB. TV«T mu. I cm auMPtf tub bu* op tv« «cv. Mule Attacks Men Ferdinand Harman died in a hospital in St. James, Mo., Mon- .^j^trom injuries receired when mule jumped into his car as he 'was driving along the road. The r mule's shoe fractured his skull. t AMO, IN MV rrUMiUM* OMWAftO >Mav, CONTINUB TO l-OOK UP 1 tVl TUANKFUL - POP F1UCMDS wrm TMB klNOUV SMILI ANDTVW CHCSRPUL VtOPO, AMD -mAT I CAM, AT T1MSS, CONQU6R MV POMV BSIBPS AMO PBTTV CAPES, AMD AMEWEB. IM KMD I I'M TWANKFUL- War Clouds Hover Trouble between Austria and Jugoslavia over trade and pass port treaties threatened to break open the war clouds which have been hovering over Europe dur ing the past few days and throw the world into turmoil. THAtV I CAM STBADBABTLY 8BLICVB IN AM EvBP Guidimp Destiny WHICM LEADS TNB WOBLD ONVWABO, TNOUPH eVEtt SLOWLY, AMD , KM THANKFUL- VUAT, rOB MAWV BLESSINGS S-RBAT AMO SMALL, THIS 15 INDEED * "nME FOR. GRATEFUL ^ t Cotton Farmers Benefit i” Cl^^^^shington. Xov. 27.—A to or OR • at of $75,969,192.40 has been paId“'to producers co-operating in the 1934 cotton adjustment pro gram. the a.gricultural adjust ment administration announced tonight. Protest Freight Iiiorea.se Strong protest against the railroads’ proposed 10 per cent increase in freight rates has been filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission at Wash ington by Stanley Winbourne. Xorth Carolina's utilities com- "feissioner. THANKSGIVING-! .Alleged Kidnaper Held [Mn Oscar H. Robson, 30-year-old ^fance hall operator in Tucson. Ari., is being held on a charge of kidnaping Little June Robles] ■- in Arizona last summer. Hand writing e.xperts say he wrote the ransom note received by • the child's parents. Waives Hearing Lenoir. Xov. 27.— Re.x .Mar shall. Burke county filling sta tion operator, who is under in dictment for murdering R. M. Loyd, of Mocksville, this after noon waived preliminary exami nation when brought before Judge W. F. Harding. Solicitor Jones Strongly Opposed To Clemency for Greens and Black Favors Sound Curreney Paris, Xov. 27.—Premier Pier- -Etienne Flan-din declared pub- y tonight in favor of sound Jrarrency for France and ali.gned anew with forces fight- Ing'^evaluation of the franc or departure from the gold stand ard. r Cops .Are Kidiia|M‘d Paris. Te.x.. -N'ov. 26. —Fear for Uie safety of two Paris po- jicemen who were kidnaped and carried away in their patrol car by two men believesl to be des perate fugitives increased to night, as searching parties fail ed to find any trace of tlie miss- g ptXicers or their abductors. Confes.ses 2 Miirdeis Martinsville. Va.. Xov. 27.—. Dewey .Manns Vernon, negro. I self-confessed slayer of Curran B. Fulp. Rockingham county North Carolina farmer, today! confessed to Sheriff J. M. Ilavis and Sergeant .1. R. Hensley that e was the slayer of Cora .-Vlcorn, j artinsville uegress. I Wants I,ess Spending AVarm .Springs. Ga.. Xov. 27.— The administration’s determina tion to keep normal government expenditures for 1935 within the income, is the tonic that the nation’s business has been wait ing for. Secretary of Commerce Daniel C. Roper told President Roosevelt today. Thanksgiving Proclamation By Governor Ehrii^haus “Once more the President of the United States has desig nated a day of thanksgiving for the nation and has set apprt for that purpose Thursday, November 29. Once more in obe dience to a time-honored -American custom official action strives to center the hearts and minds of the people upon the duty and privilege of grateful praise for the great and good that is our inheritance. “For the inspiration that comes out of our past, for the blessings and privileges of our present, for onr preservation a.gainst the dangers and difficulties that beset us and the long way we have come along the highway of hope, for the ideals which we have preserved and the dreams which we still cherish, for Uie promi.ses and prospect which we still cherish, for the promises and prospect which are ours for the future and for the chance that we have to play our part in our day and generation, for God, for country and for human ity, let u.s each and all be thankful. “in sincerity and truth and faith and trust and coutidence, as well as gratitude, therefore, as Governor of North Caro lina. I call upon our people to ob.serve this designated day as one of thanksgiving and on this day to render at tlieir respec tive places of worship or in the humbleness of their liomes, or wheresoever they may be. their thanks to a Providence that has protected and provided the great in onr past, the good in our present, and tiio security and hope for our future." Three Face Chair On December 7th Jones Says Evidence in Case W. F. Gaddy Buysj Big Carnival Chevrolet Agency Friday Night Want ChartiTl Course C. L. Bardo, president of the National Manufacturers’ Associ- atKp^cadled on President Roose- •TBl^^Onc day and informed the president that industry must know what the government is planning to do before confidence jding to expansion can be ^fought about. He reported, -however, that business Is on the np-grade. Quintuplets Age 6 Months Callander. Ont.. Xov. 27.—The ^Dionne Quintuplets will have a ^ -.six-month birthday anniversary i.teast tomorrow'—of cow's milk f-and cooked cereal. Dr. R. A. Dafoe, physician in ’{■charge of the five babies, said they were “quite satisfied” with that fare. Two Girls Kllletl Covington. Va., Nov. 27.—An .lleghany county grand jury to- ly returned murder In-dictments .Inst four negroes held in con- ;ion with the death of Alice Hill, 13. and Ellen Hill, 6, on ivember 18. .The girls were found murder- on the morning of November on the farm of PhlHp Jones, lar Forge. Hafer Chevrolet Company Sold To Thomasville Au tomobile Man Lions and Woman’s Club Join in Sponsoring Thanksgiv ing Gala Event The Hafer Chevrolet Com pany. owned by U. L, Hafer. hag been purchased by IV. F. Gaddy, formerly of Thomasville. The trade. Involving a considerable amount of money, was consum mated on November 21st, follow ing negotiations which had been going on between Mr. Hafer and Mr. Gaddy for only a few days. The Hafer Chevrolet Company was opened here by Mr. Hafer sixteen months ago. and the firm has enjoyed a splendid pat- rtmage. Mr. Gaddy is an exper ienced automobile man. having during the past several years served as Chevrolet's distributor in both Kernersville and Thora- asvllle. He comes to the city with splendid recommendations, and a well-established business career. The new name of the Chevro let agency here will be Gaddy Motor Company and Mr. Gaddy will give kis personal attention to the business. The same sales force, with the addition of Joe D. Welborn and Robert Hill, of Thomasville. will continue with t’ae new company, it Is under stood. and the same shop per sonnel will continue to serve the (Continued on page four) Everything is being made rea dy in the upper story of the To.mlinson's Department Store building to entertain a large crowd at the Thanksgiving Car nival to be held there Friday night of this week. This gala occasion of the hol iday season Is being sponsored jointly by the North Wilkesboro WVinian’s Club and the North ■Wilkesboro Lions Club. two wide-awake civic organizations that are desiring to raise some funds for worthy objectives and at the same time be providing amusement and grvTng away valuable and attractive prizes. The Woman’s Club will use its part of the profits of the occas ion to supplant their building funds, with which |they exjiect to erect a clubhouse in the very near future. The Lions will con tinue their compalgn tor better sight for underprivileged school children. The public Is asked to patron ize the carnival for a good time Friday night and to help the worthy causes for which the oc casion Is planned. A small ad mission of 10 cents will be charged at the door and after (Continued on page four) in Direct Contrast to Claim of Greens Solicitor John R. Jones of the 17th district made public in an interview yesterday his unequi vocal and unalterable opposition to commutation of the death sen tences imposed on Bascom and Lester Green and R. E. Black, who face death in the electric chair on December 7 for the killing of Cashier T. C. Barnes in an attempteil robbery of the Taylorsville bank in July, and described the crime as one of the most horrible ever committed in North Carolina. After reading Bascom Green’s claims that Stefanoft forced him and the others into the bank raid Solicitor Jones reviewed the evidence in the case, which he said showed that all four men were armed and that they came to Stefanoff’s home near North Wilkesboro with five pistols and a shotgun, trading one luger gun for gasoline in North Wilkesboro and insisted that Assistant Cash ier S. E. Little’s testimony as to the men being armed and who did the shooting should be be lieved. He uointed out that . ' '’■yS Funds-Rroii Side'ttf Tiny Stickers Do Great Work in Fight On Tuberculosis MONEY IS USED HERE Woman’s Club of Two Wilkes- boros to Promote Sale of Seals Again One of the first evidences of the Christmas season will be the sale of Christmas seals here next week by the North Wilkesboro and Wilkesboro Woman’s Club. The little seals used on Christ mas mail are just tiny stickers but what has been accomplished by the sale of the seals would be astounding if all the results could be tabulated. The sale of the seals in Wilkes County is by the Woman’s Clubs under the direction of the State and Na tional Tuberculosis Associations. Just one cent each Is the price for seals and yet funds have been raised in previous years that have gone a long way in the fight against the white plague. The two organizations of the Wilkesboros will retain three-fourths of the money gain ed in the sale of seals and the Other fourth will go to the state association to fight tuberculosis all over the state. Mrs. R. T. McNeill Is sales chairman for the North Wllkes- boro Woman’s Club and Mrs. L. B. Dula holds the same position for the Wilkesboro organization. The seals will be sold through the schools, throufeh the mails and by the Boy S-outs between now and Yuletide. During the past tew years the Woman’s Clubs of the Wilkes boros have raised enough through the sale of seals to fur nish the county tuberculosis hos pital and purchase a radio for the enjoyment of the shut-in in mates. In addition to this they have purchased equipment for the North Wilkesboro high school gymnasium and have car ried out several objectives, all of which liave been directly or indirectly connected with the great drive civilization is direct ing against tuberculosis. This year the funds will be used in similar commendable activities and the sponsors of the sale of Christmas seals will ap preciate the support of the pub lic. Shipping Corn ! To faitemational Grain, Hay Show Wilkes County White to Com pete in Big Exposition Starting Dec. 1 when the sheriff arrested Black in Wilkes County on the day of the robbery-killing that he was armed with an automatic pistol and that he was In the Taylors ville bank, was armed, and had in his possession paper bags in which to place the loot. The Solicitor insists, on the testimony of Little, that Stefan- off was on one side of the bank enclosure, Lester Green was at a window on the opposite side and that Bascom Green was at the center window. Stefanoff and Lester Green both shot Barnes, one from one side and the other from the other and that both bullets went entirely through his body in opposite directions, in direct contrast to the state ment of the elder Green that his son was not armed, and that Bascom Green shot Little as his hands were uplifted in surrend er. In the interview today Solici tor Jones said, "Stefanoff, an uneducated alien who knew but little of our laws, customs and traditions, has been electrocuted. Black and the Greens are Amer ican citizens with reasonably good education and intelligencr and who knew bur laws am customs. The -attempt of thesi three men to place all the blam on Stefanoft is repulsing.’’ After stating his belief tha Black “furnished the brains fo (ContlBUBd OB imge four) After winning sweepstakes at (he North Carolina State Fair a group of Wilke.s farmers of the Piirlear community are seeking larger field.s to conquer and have sent their specimens of Wilkes County White Corn to the In ternational Grain and Hay Show- in Chicago. The International is the larg est exposition of farmers pro ducts in the world and is open to all nations. However, the Unit ed States is divided into regions according to climatic and soil conditions. The farmers have shipped to the exposition a number of ten ear exhibits to compete in the ten-ear single ear class, the ten- ear prolific class and the 4-H Club department. Quentin Nich ols. who won sweepstakes at the State Fair, made only a few sub stitutes in his ten-ear exhibit and will put North Carolina’s best against the rest of the world. During the past several years that the Wilkes corn has been on exhibit at the International show it has not failed to win prem iums and on three occasions has won Blue ribbons. The International show build ing was destroyed in the disas trous fire last year but has been replaced much larger than be fore. North Carolina will send a judging team from State College to compete In the judging con tests and W. H. Barst and Dr. I. B. Cotner will look after the ixhibits from the state at the exposition. Reports from all parts of astern North Carolina indicate 'lat a heavy acreage of oats, arley and wheat is being .plant- .lA^thU tall. Nuraanaid Trenton, N. J. . . . Betty Gow (above), nursemaid to the Lind bergh baby at the time of the kidnapping, is returning from Scotland to testify in the trial of Bruno Hauptmann for the child’s murder. County Officers Will Be S worn In On First Monday Sheriff and One Member of Board of Commissioners Will Remain in Office December 3rd will be first Monday and the day for the newly elected county officers to take office at the courthouse in Wilkesboro. The officers will be sworn in at that time. Sheriff W. B. Somers and M. F. Absher, member of the board of county commissioners, are the only incumbents to remain in office, none of the other officers having been seeking renomina tion or reelection. Following are the officers to take the oath of office Monday: W. B. Somers, sheriff; C. C. Hayes, clerk of court; O. F. El ler, register of deeds; Ralph Duncan, M. F. Absher and D. W. Swaringen. commissioners: Ire dell -M. Myers, coroner; W. E. Fletcher, surveyor. The retiring officers are Wm. A. Stroud, clerk of court; T. H. Settle, register of deeds; X. B. Smithey, commissioner. C. C. Hayes, commissioner who is elevated to clerk of court. All county officers taking office •Monday are Republicans, having made a clean sweep in the elec tion on November C. Offic e F ^ct to Be bet In This City 6 Counties Are' Grouped In lAiit With Office Here Relief Offices in State Cat From 104 to 33 for SaSie of Economy GREATER EFFICIENCY One Administrator WBI Senre Entire District; 'Will Save $180,000 Inspector Is At Work In County Making Survey of Sewer Sys tems and Water Supplies of Schools in County Sanitary Inspector C. C. Foard, formerly of Statesville, has begun his work in the coun ty in cooperation with the coun ty health department and his services are now available to the public. At present Mr. Foard is mak ing a survey of the sewer sys tems and water supplies of the schools of the county and will make recommendation for any changes that he deems necessary to keep the best of sanitary con ditions and to safeguard the health of the children. He urges the construction of sanitary privies for private homes and will gladly assist any one in giving them plans approv ed by the state board of health. He calls attention to the fact that the FERA will furnish labor for the erection of a sanitary privy and the only cost to the owner is what expenditures may be necessary for .materials. Rev, E. V. Bumgarner Is Zion Hill Pastor Rev. E. V. Bumgarner, widely and favorably known minister of TayolrsvlUe, has accepted the pastorial call of Zion Hill Bap tist church at Boomer. The church and community are de lighted with his acceptance, he being considered a most able minister. . . Services are held each fourth Sunday afternoon and eveningy^ Effective December G The North Carolina Emer.gency Re lief Administration will work through district Instead of coun ty offices and a district office for six counties will be located in North Wilkesboro, according to information given out from Mrs. Thomas O’Berry, state re lief administrator. Wilkes has been selecteH*^ ae the district office for Watauga, Ashe, Alleghanyr s4Vry and Yadkin counties and the office will be located in the Bank of North Wilkesboro building. By reducing the number of of fices and units from 104 to 33 in the state it is expected that $180,000 can be sliced from the cost of relief administration. The consolidation move will be the first important alteration of the relief administrative set up since its organization more than a year ago. Virtually every county in the state will be af fected by the change. Mrs. O’ Berry said. The consolidation plans pro vide that the 33 districts will be each under the supervision of a district administrator. Each county will continue to have a branch office, but clerical assist ance in these offices will be eliminated. District administrators have not 'been announced, and those not retained as administrators may be employed in other relief jobs, Mrs. O’Berry said. “Increased efficiency with re duced expense is onr aim,’’ Mrs. O’Berry explained. “Enough case workers will be added to staffs of each dis trict to provide one worker for each 100 families on relief. “More thoroiLgh investigation is expected to reduce drastical ly the number of persons on re lief rolls and the savings can be u.sed to provide adequately for those qualified for relief.’’ I'ndcr the new set-np. each of the 33 districts will be staffed with the following key person nel: district administrator, case work supervisor, disbursing offi cer, project supervisor, rural re habilitation supervisor and sta tistician. This staff will serve also as a planning board Only four counties wi’! be maintained as relief units with in themselves; Wake county with headquarters in Ralejgfa. Mecklenburg with headquarters in Charlotte, Dare with head quarters In Manteo. anti Carteret with headquarters in Beaufort. NewGroceryFirm To Open Saturday North Wilkesboro Grocery Co. Will Be bocated in Phillips Building The North Wilkesboro Grocery Company, owned by Rom H. Pearson, will open for business Saturday, December 1st. in the Phillips building on Tenth street. The firm will carry a complete line of groceries, fiour, feeds-mnd fertilizer. Mr. Pearson is well and faypr- ably known by hundreds «CidilK>- ple residing in Wllkqs and ad joining counties. -He former ly a member of the firjp of jR^ar- son Bros., one of flio city’s best known firms. ^ j*. The new company will carry on both a wholesale and retail business, and merchants are in vited to get wholesale prices as all merchandise will be sold at a very narrow margin of proit. The grocery store owned ’ by Mr. Pearson and located a short distance west of the city on the Boone Trail Highway will con-^^^ tlnue to be operated-under ’ tha management of Mr. W. Mw OwbnL^

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