MAMIE SOCK WELL, EDITOR PHONE 216 rlie Finl^ sr Party Vlnier was host at | a iwrt; at his home on MUnrintgton ,'Drive Thanksgiving , Iwnoring the men connected vlth the North Wilkeaboro Post OMlee. A five course dinner was SMrvod at 6:30 o’clock with cov- aw laid 4or fourteen.'Place cards aod" other decorations carried aal the Thanksgiving idea. Social ^ Calendar The North WUkeeboro Meth-^ odist AaxlUary will meet' Tnesday afternoon at 8:80 o'clock In the Ladies Parlor of the church. Mr. Richard Johnston Is Heat ‘At Bridge Friday Ifr. Richard Johnston was host at bridge at his home on B Street Friday evening to honor Mr. Bob DuFonr, of New York and Chapel Hill. Mr. Johnston and Mr, DuFour are schoolmates at the University, of Carollita and they spent the Thanksgiving hoi- i Idays here with Mr. Johnston’s | yaiants, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. j Johnston. K'Three tables M'ere made up for! this game and at the close of play j toother, Mrs. Johnston, | Ralph Duncan,' !'■ a'lemipting salad course. | Tile four circles of the North Wi^Resb o roi Presbyterian church will hold their monthly meetings Tuesday with the following as hostesses: Circle No. 1, Misses Grace and Lucy Plnley, 'Tuesday nigfit at 8 o’clock. Circle No. 2, Miss Julia Fin ley, Tuesday night at 7:80 o’clock. Circle No. 8, Mrs. R. W. Gwyn, in the afternoon at 8:30 o'clock. Circle No. 4, Mrs. C. D. Cof fey, Jr., in the afternoon at 3:80 o’clock. The monthly me; ting of the Wilkesboro .Missionary Society will be held Tuesday after noon at 2:30 o’clock at the home of Sirs. AVamcr Sliller. Helen Winkler Is To Friendly Circle '■ The members of the Friendly Circle met at the home of .Miss Helen Winkler on Tuesday eve ning for their’ monthly meeting. In charge of the business session .c; was the .new president, Mrs. Walter Emerson, the regular routine of business being trans acted. Thr program for the eve- aing was- given by Miss Eleanor Smoak and Miss Helen Call. A large number of the members wore in attendance and during the social hour that followed the meeting tempting refreshments wore served. Idlewise Club Members Honored At Dinner Party '«Tho mensbers of the Idlewise glob 'ware delightfully entertain- FRUIT CAKES Order your fruit cakes now and get exactly what you want. ed on Friday evening when their husbands wl*re hosts at a turkey dinner at the Brown House giv en in their honor. A three course dinner was served with covers laid for twenty. The Thanksgiving motif was carried out in the table appointments. After the dinner Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tomlinson invited the group to their lovely home on Memoriai .Avenue where differ ent ■ games were enjoyed for sometime. Punch and cakes were served at the close of the eve ning. An out of town visitor for the affair was Mrs. Brecken- ridge, of Chapel Hill,- who was a gUest of Mrs. Eugene Olive. .50c PER PCffTND Mrs. A. A. Cashion t '’V L V’. T*hme 295-M J. U. G. Club Members Entertained Friday Evening Misses Gwendolyn Hubbard and Margaret Cassel combined hospitality to the members of the J. U. G. club at the home of Miss Hubbard on Friday eve ning. Special guests for the eve ning were a number of former members, who are in college and were spending the Thanksgiving Iwlidays here with their parents. Jr short business session with Miss Elizabeth Jennings presid ing was held, after which a per iod of informal entertainment followed. To close the evening the hostesses, assisted by Mrs. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY, and THIS YEAR GIVE BOOKS! People feel complimented'when they receive books, and appreciate the forethought and consideration you show in selecting gifts with such permanent value. 'We have books for young and old, for every taste, and at prices ranging from 25c up. We shall be delighted to help you select the best. Titles not in stock can be had on special order. THE BOOK AND GIFT SHOP Mezzanine Floor Rhodes-Pay Furniture Co. never know i *wiU spring a ledL But you do know th«t tbe leak nay ba eootly. ihitek up da doubtful rooia, and gat our ^ * money Rpofiag* ? '.t. • -u—. w* mmole the L {piioglc* to replace them. We can supply tbe i(iglit rooff for any building, large or «neU. Wilkesboro Mfg. Co. 'i MONDAY,. X^. Ikbtxird, aerved dainty' 'relfeeli' -CBCUNl,- THE GREATEST LOVER,,GRAN» Attadter *> - ■ " J..-;*' ' '• I' »»J. ^ ^ Sb. CocQi* Witlk4NelI_ Hubi , "Wedneaday afternoon the 8t. ,-p^lk Jnfexlles’^ere - dellght- inily -entertained by ^ Nell Hub bard at tbe borne of bet parents, Mr. and-ddra. Julina C. Jl{nbbard. The president, MaryLoulee Clements, directed the'^^Togram, in which the TJianksgivlng theme predominated, The opening num ber “Father, ’We Thank. Thee’’ was sung by the entire clab„Nen^ Hubbard ■'gave a reading Thanks,'!* it and . Church sang “Thanksgiving Sof»g/*,i- Pl ano solos or duetts were 'Played by Flake Steelman, Don Story, Emily McCoy.-.W^nda Johnsof', Edna Garwood. Jane Perry, Bar bara Ogilrie^ Mary Gage Barber, Nellie Gabriel, Mary Parker Kel- 'y and Virginia McDuffie. Mrs. Prevette told the story of the life of Mozart. The “Club Song’’ b3f*all the members closed the Interesting program. During the social hour Mrs. Hubbard and Nell served delicious refresh ments to the twenty girls and boys. Only club members were! pvesent. j Payv Fme To Court A 8., Blai0* Alao Placed, YMU* 8(M)a|r;|fii»peiided ScBtcRoe; 1 jp I^ys fW and Costa ^ ■ ^ Albemarle, Nov. 28.—In .Su Blalock to to days on tbe ro& twp weeks'ago, .t^ Blalock’s case enme. np Tu^ mominf . and following hie eonvictioB, Jndi^' Clement rw* MSBded the defendant to rv jail, where he rematned ~ until thw elbae of court Tbnreday at noon. perior court here today J." (Ceph)-BIaloek, convicted of an aesauU i^n Representative R. L. Doaghton several weeks ago, was required to pay a fine of $60 and costs, and was placed under a -10-day snspended road sen tence, effective^me with in the next eight years should Blalock he convicted of a similar affray. :-In pronouncing sentence. Judge -J. H. Clement reversed the de cision of the county court. Judge T. B. Mauney hartug sentenced TURNER FUNERAL HOME AMBULANCE SERVICE ' PHONES Day 69 Nifirht 321 and 181 SV;3Sp Miss Julia Finley Entertained For Her Guest To fete her houseguest, Miss Bess Meade Friend, of Peters burg. Va., Miss Julia Finley en tertained at two delightful af fairs during the Thanksgiving holidays. Miss Friend, a class mate of Miss Finley’s at Agnes Scott College, was with Miss Fin ley from Wednesday until Sat urday. On Friday afternoon Miss Fin ley was hostess at an informal tea at her home on E Street to honor Miss Friend and during the hours from 1:30 to 6 o’clock around twenty-five puests call ed to meet the honoree. Through out the home the decorations were suggestive of the approach ing Christmas .season. The tea table had for its centerpiece a bowl of red nandina berries sur rounded by red candles. A luncheon was given for Miss Friend on Saturday and the guests at this time included a number of Agnes Scott girls from nearby cities. A four course luncheon was served at 12:30 with covers laid for the follow ing guests: Misses Lila Norfleet, Dianna Dyers, and Anne Brown Nash, all of Winston-Salem; Charlie Alexander, of Lincoln- ton; Peggy Link, of Lenoir, and Martha Lagoon, of Japan, and Miss Friend. Miss Lagoon was visiting Miss Link. The dining table was prettily appointed in Duchess Connie Bennett Is a- hout .tb spoil Duke Frank Mor gan’s perfectly good plans for a pleasant evening with Fay WTay (who’s hiding out on the palace balcony this very minute) by pouring him a nice, long, cool drink of sleeping potion. A hilar ious scene fro u “The Affairs of Cellini,’’ the rollicking new ro mantic comedy at the Liberty Theatre Monday and Tuesday. This program is not recommend ed for children. NOTICE! Pay your electric lig^it Ml before the lOtb of each month. 5 percent will be added after the 10th. W.M,U.0bserves Week of Prayer Services Will Be Held at Homes and at Baptist Church This Week Lafayette at the age of 16, married the 14-year-old daugh ter of a French peer. Southern Public Utilities Co. PHONE 420 — Woman’s Missionary Union of the First Baptist church of this city is beginning the observance of “Week of Prayer’’ today. Meetings will be held this week as follows: Monday after noon, 2:30, at the home of Mrs. C. E. Jenkins with Mrs. Eugene Olive leader: Tuesday evening. 7:30, at the home of Mrs. C. 0. McNeill with Mrs. C. C. Kilby leader; Wednesday evening, 7:30, public program at the church, consisting of a mission ary pageant. Mrs. Wl K. Sturdi vant leader: Thursday after noon, 2:30, at the home of Mrs. E. E. Eller with .Mrs. C. B. Eller leader; week's program will end on Friday evening, 7:30, at the church with a program to which the public is invited. This meet ing will be led by the pastor. Rev. Eugene Olive, on the theme of “Observing Day of Prayer Round-the-world Program.” a color scheme of pink and white. Card of Thanks Miss Annie Catherine Moore visited Miss Marjorie Crisp at Lenoir during the holidays. WANT ADS To all who were so kind and sympathetic during the bereave ment caused by the sudden death of our dear mother, Mrs. Rebec ca Pardue, we wish to express our sincere appreciations. MESSRS. J. E„ C. M. AND W. M. PARDUE, .MRS. T. .M. AND L. F. KIRBY. W.^N'TED— Burlap bags; will pay 3 to 4 cents each; any quantity. E. E. Eller Produce Co. 12-10-3t Taking a Trip? Don’t leave without taking a bottle of R149 with you. The best remedy for car sickness, indiges tion, headache, nausea, dizziness, gas, or over-eating and drinking. Try one bottle and be convinced. 25c and 50c siz.s. Sold at Hor^ ton Drug Company, Rexall Drug Store, Wilkes Drug Co., and Brame Drug Co. FOR S.4LE: One 1031 mo«lei Dodge coupe with rumble seat. In number 1 condition, $350. cash. Inquire Journal-Patriot office. 12-6-2t-pd. DRMAND I»AR-T-PAK Ginger Ale. The Nehi labels means quality Quarts (not 28 oz.) 10c deposit 5c. Don’t accept a substitute. 9-24-tf IKKi.S liOST OR STOLEN: One bitch, black, white and tan Walker: one large blue-speckl ed dog, large dish-faced head, collar bearing name I. M. El ler; any information will he appreciated. I. M. Eller. 666 checks COLDS and FEVER first day 12-3-tf. Liquid. Tablets, Headaches Salve, Nose Drops in 30 minutes XtmCE OF .SALE OF BONDS !)t54,000 TOWN OP .NORTH WILKKS- BORO, NORTH CAROLINA, WATERWORKS 1.MPROVE- MEXT BONTXS HELP KIDNEYS I F your kidneys function badly and you have a lame, aching back, with attacks of dizziness, burning, scanty or too frequent urination, getting up at night, swollen feet and ankles, rbeomatic pains . . . use Doan’* Pills. Doan’s are especially fof .poorly functioning kidneys. Miap>ns of boxes are used every year. They are recommended the country over. Ask your neigMorl . DOflH’S FIILS Endsal^d SOONER ■w sw* OW it***’ >9*’ PROVED BY 2 GENERATIONS Sealed bids will be received until 10 o’clock .A.. M., Decem ber 11, 1934, by the Local Gov ernment Commission of North Carolina, at its office in the City Of Raleigh. N. C., for the following bonds of the Town of North Wilkesboro, N. C.: $54,- OOO Waterworks Improvement Bonds, dated November 1, 1934, maturing annually, November 1, $2,000 1935 to 1956 and $3,000 1956 to 1959, all inclusive. De nomination $1,000; principal and interest (M and N 1) pay able at the office of the Treas urer of the Town of North Wil kesboro, North Wilkesboro, . N. C.> in such funds as are on the respective dates of payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds legal tender for debts due the United States of Ameri ca;'general obligations: unlimit ed tax Coupon ., bonds • register- able as ito prindiial- alone; ^ no option of payment before ma turity, There will be no auction. Interest 4 per cent per annum. The bonds will be awarded at the highest price offered, not lesss than par and accrued Interest. Bidders must present with their bids a certified check upon an incorporated bank or trust com pany, payable unconditionally to the order of the Treasurer of the State of North Carolina for $1,- 080. The right to reject all bids is reserved. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION, By W. E. Eas^rllng, iSecrettW^ SPECIALS Spainhour’s Shop IN CALL HOTEL BUILDING New Hosiery Perfect quality. New Fall shades. 79c value 55c pr- 2 PAIRS $1.00 New Hosiery Complete new stock of that famous Archer in all styles. New shades $l.llMliS NEW DRESSES.. NEW COATS (Absolutely no merchandise from fire stock in the building). MANY COATS AND SUITS AT REDUCED PRICES DRESSES $8.95 to $16.95 COATS $14.95 to $29.50 Fresh Pretty New UNDERWEAR FINE CREPE SLIPS SILK CREPE GOWNS SILK CREPE PAJAMAS GLOVE-SILK PANTIES RAYON PANTIES BALBRIGGAN SLEEPING PAJAMAS An Very SpedaUy Pric^ NEW GLOVES NEW BAGS NEW SWEATERS (just received) NEW HANDKERCHIEFS You are cordially invited to visit us at this temporary shop often. We ap preciate your visits. ainbour’s Shop IN GALL 'M. HOTEL BUILDING 'V

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