in M( l^RCsdiy Niifht itty EM«y’* WM Pf tin# Swrtlj Wilkw- ot l*al9P Nd Tudf4^ Hfflf »U offtoew llir We^ h Wad^gton at^il *Wlt. 'wote Mtmed tor aoatlia term. The memlMrnhip ol{ the local council Is growing lilr and ’new members ' are meeting ■-S- -■ "' '• hlght. Tie hhwljr feUctei bitlce:^i»re: js^UAe# bihcy, councilor; _ Proi. ti, B. Bllerr vice counclloi';’ C. A- Canter, recording secretary; B-^ F. Bentley, assistant , recordl^rj^ Mcretary; C. G. Day, fUihnclal a^cretary; Bank ot'Nirth Wll- kaaboro, treasurer; •/A. H. An- r A- BUILDING CTASH ■ tWashittgton, Deo,%iS. • (AutO' caster) ^The , big clash in . the inside ot the Administrktion right now la between Harold Ickes' hnd jim Moffett. Ickes, hesldM being Secretary of the (JoBftiejr W»» -Uncle gam.Already .Government loans amount A^'a bout ten thousand mtiUon dol* lars, put out throllgi^ thirty dif* fmrent Federal agencies. There nra' loans to farmers, through farmeoii^jliiss^lod^ eooperatires and othewise; loans to** Indiahs to finance industry and agricul- tare; loans io banks, railroad- and industir through^ the constructldn Finance = . tion; farm mortgage l' xJgrpJl|pi| beOn Tibserted by the three lead- mortgage loans, Ir-'d^is, home flhfe'^nrohee In North Wtlkes- hffldera jA)t]§ jgmlnlstrator of tbejct^ city honsli^^-i^js tor low-tbofe ^r several years, a union the' next -slgrl Qll ood# Is, aS WiW^lMHJy knows, I through th^ projecta, loans, seJ^fce will Public WftrK« Ad- Author^^^ .ennOsseo • Valley „ u » ministration. Jim Moffett Ig finance mmnlclWll.-^Mboro Methodist chureh. , to Standard ^ >loe--PT««*-{plants and wwperatlve^'f^elTOme Its new Paetor. Rev. H. prises In the s»ea; 'loaim ^ jout K. King 9i\ Chacdi ^ FofiVWlhg % custom tiuik has Gryui iwry May Xnvdait^piM'Mys- tcf7 Of MjtaBtac Fidl Books |i"Va|anca ■ ■ n ■,i> 1- '--1 Raleighi. Dec. Jb—Ibe , News and Obaerver says “grand jury layrattgatlon of the mystery of the mleeing'poll books in two former dent who Is kead of the Housing Administration.. A; the clash Is over tUW ■policies of promoUftS building. , - *ibtfetl’s job- jj.y ggj jW dsewe. private eapi»*^j j^to this field. He has far mad»'. better .an. anyone progress expected thus him tO’t But lust as he got things go- condnctor; 'A. G. Andetv "ing along where lending Institu- aon. Warden; J, R. Beaman, tu- aMst lentineU Newland* Camp- “*■ IsMe sentlpel; Paul .'•Junior Past Coun^ror; C. O. McNeill, W. K;,, Sturdivant and Clay Phrdue, trustees; H. L. Mecham. ^^I^hrin. A^j||0H^nbip drive in accord- .auaco with a plan submitted by the state councilor is now being carried out. The local council Jias been divided into two groups ■with Clay Pardue as head of the “stars” and Bradley Dancy the “stslpes.” Each group is trying to ouOstciP the other in number of amdicatlons taken in. Bvdry-member of the , local council and any visiting juniors are asked to attend the meet ing on Tuesday night. 7:30. This is described as a very important meeting. Four new members will be Initiated. The 900 bale cotton crop_ of Burke county in 1932 was worth $27,000, The crop of 600 bales allowed to be sold tax free in 1934 Is worth $36,000 and the remaining 300 bales is worth an additional $12,000 after paying thei 4c a pound for surplus cer tificates. However, the increased price of the seed will pay for the certificates, says the farm agent. WANT ADS SPECaAl. PTRVmTtE BAR. tJ.kINS during the month of I>e- rember. Join our list of satisfied customers.—GR.4Y BROS. FTR- NTTURE CX>., Wilkesboro, N. C. WANTED— jBld^ap bags; will pay 3 to 4>'c^ts ','eaoh; any quantity. R E. Eller Produce ' Uo. i.AK 12-10-3t spotted hound dog. to Frank Tomlin.son week and receive $10.00 regard. 12.-C-U FOR S.4.LE: One- 1031 nuKltM Dodge coupe with In number 1 condition. $350. cash. Inquire Journal-Patriot office. 12-6-2t-pd. WE ARE (TiOSING OTT our Stock of GOODRICH Tires and Tubes in several popular siz es. Price.s have been ctlt way- down for quick sell out.—MC NEILL SERVICE ST.4TION on "D” Street. 12-10-2t. DEM.%ND PAB-T-P.4K Ginger Ale. The Nehi labels means quality Quarts (not 28 oz.) 16c deposit 5c. Don’t accept a r substitute. 9-24-tf IjOBT: Three weeks ago, a Waek and red-spotted female pig. Information leading to where abouts would be appreciated. Henry Kilby. Wllkes^ro route 1. i 12-,6-U-pd. WAN , W.4VTED for Ratrieigh RquVe of 860 families. Write tbday. Rawleigh, Dept. NCL- 14-SA,' Richmond. Va. 12-(6-20)-pd TOUR RANGES,or Cjook 8Mt%^More .Jann^-y l$t. 1^- you ^dw 4o save wmaa»y. Rangeo priced from «SLOO up.—GR.4Y BROS. FLTU NITCBE X)., WUkesboro, N. C. lJOi^|^7rBluaU black fice with 3 ■white feet. Toe nail on right foot off. Finder please return to B. W. Can. owner, or C. G." Glass’ Store, Wilkeeboro, route 2. Will pay liberal reward. 1^-6-lt-pd tions were about prepared to put out several billions at 5 per cent to finance new home build ing, Ickes came out with a broadcast declaration that he thought the Government ought to do this financing with public funds at 3 per cent. That threw a scare into the lending institutions. Wouldn’t they look foolish offering money at 5 per cent when the Govern ment was offering it on better terms—Ickes even suggested “no down payment"—and at 3 per cent? lck-ti and Moffett So Jim .Moffett and the folks who have money they want to put to work want to know which of the two policies is to be adopted. Secretary Ickes is very close to the Presidential ear. He also has built up a strong fol lowing among members of Con gress, most of whom will fol low anybody who will spend pabtie money in their districts. Jim Moffett is not any kind of a politician at all. He suffers under the illusion that so many business men have when they Come to Washington, that all they have to do is to do their job. That, as everybody who has been around the national capital very long, fully understands, isn-’t the halt of it. Getting a- round among the boys, making himself a good fellow with the insiders, talking to the public in a personal -way and making glit tering, though vague promises, is an important part of the technique of making good at the head of any Federal bureau. Up To President The Presidjent himself will have to make the final decision between Jim Moffett’s plans and those of Harold Ickes. Mr. Roose velt has been much interested in the project of getting building trade -workers back on the job without using public funds to do ii. But a strong group of his advi.sers. including Ickes, Harry Hopkins, the Relief Administra tor, and . some others, protest that the Moffett program won’t do the trick fast enough. Look ing forward to a larger demand for direct relief this Winter than ever before and realizing that the longer men stay off the pay rolls of industry the lower their morale sinks and the less likely they are to ever want to go oack to work at all, Harry Hop- I kins is for anything that will provide, plenty of real work at real wages and provide it quick. John Fahey, head of Home Owners Loan Corporation, is wisely keeping out ot the con troversy. His appropriation of two billions is exhausted, all having been lest to needy home owners, and he is uot likely to ask Congress for any more until it is decided whether tbe FHA plan or tbe PM'^-V plan is the pro gram finally adopted. . Congress, it is believed here, will be strongly inclined to give Mr, Ickes the five or more bil lions he wants, with which to enable anybody who would like to own a home to build a brand- new one with no down payment whatever and twenty years or so in which to pay off the in stalments. Uncle Sam's Loans It that plan carries through tbe Government can hope and expect to get most of the mon ey back. It will be lent, not giv en away. And being a creditor on a big scale will be no novel- door lost or STOLEN: One Mt«b, black, white and tan Walker; one large blue-speckl- ; ed,4og, large dish-faced head, coUfr bearing name I. M. El- * „lqr;'.aay information will be MPireclated. I. M. Eller. 12-3-tf. WOODIE CABS Ck)^ and heated Cabs PHONE 431 iVANTED —„The = public to ■i idaovr that we have a llae of fnmiture, rugs, floor covering, stoves, twnitrirw and beatrolas. complete felt base ranges, Let os show you. Special prices during f bto month. EXTRA .Si^SlClAL Mr' iprCHKN OABINEtS AND RAIfOBS. GRAY BROS. FURNI- 'OO., Wilkeeboro, N. C. ANNOUNCEMENT We are now open for business in the W. W. Call Motor Co. building on Gordon Avenue (near Hotel Wilkes), and we will be pleased to have your ra dio repair work. We repair all makes of radtoo reasonable prices. Give us a trMl. PALMER^S Radio Soiince JOB PALMER, Owner Phone 887 N. Wilkeeboro, N. C. ..ipptng comiHaieB; iluats *t» veterans on tbolr adHuBtea-'Cem- pensation eertlTlcates; 'loans to states for pubMc works. The United States cdf JkBierica has thus become -the largest banker in the world, and financi al control of all -of these lending agencies Is sow centered in tbe Treasury, making Henry Mor- genthau, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury, who up to t-wo years ago was a “gentleman farmer’’ in New York state and the pub lisher of an agricultural paper, the most powerful figure in world finance. And those who know most about such things say that he has grown as fast as his job has grown. On Foreign Debts The question of debts owed to the United States by foreign nations is going to come up for action when Congress meets. The report of the economic com mission headed by President Hutchins of Chicago University takes the realistic view that since we can't collect them we might as well cancel them, or at least set a small lump sum for final settlement. The novel sug gestion that we might take the defaulted bonds of states that tried to secede from the Union in 1861 in exchange is arousing a 'K. King, to the city. Mr.~King, fomer secretary of religious education in foreign fields, was recently assigned to North Wilkeeboro when Dr. W, A. Jenkins wgg transferred to Chapel Hill.- The ukual senrltes tor young people will be held at the First Baptist' and the Presbyterian churches Sunday evening at the usual time before the evening worship hour but all three con gregations ■will join at the Meth odist chnrch for the church wor ship service. Rev. Eugene Olive, Baptist pastor, and Rev. C. W. Robinson, Presbyterian pastor, will assist in the service. The public is invited to attend. Optimism Permeates Ford Organization “Ford Dealers throughout the country are optimistic over the prospects for the comipg year, when the Ford Motor Company is to produce one million cars and trucks,” said W. C. Patter son. branch mana.ger of the Ford Motor Company, at Charlotte, yesterday. Mr. Patterson las-t week returned from a branch managers’ meeting at Dearborn, Michigan, headquarters of the company. ‘Four years have passed since good deal ot interest here. That: the Ford Motor Company had a would be about an equal swap, one piece of worthless paper for another equally worthless piece of paper. production of one million units. Ten Per Cent of Car Drivers In Most of Wrecks However, Henry Ford said when asked about bis 1935 produc tion: ‘Make it one million or better. Our experience during tbe past six months and what we see in the future tell us a year of Improved business i.s ahead.’ precincts of Watanga o6unty ap pears likely." The books allegedly dlaappear- ed on elTOtion' night, November 6, and r^resentatives of txAh sides In an inter-party ''dispnte about the election results have professed i$noraDce eoBeenting whereabouts of the books. .4 Raymond Maxwell, secretary of the state board of elections, today notified W. A. Lucas, of W|il8on, who served as chairmSm of the board at its meeting last week, that his office had been informed t he missing books could. not be located. At the board’s, meeting', last Tuesday, the Democratic and Republican factions ot Watauga, In dispute, over the election, were warned to produce the books by last Saturday noon, threatening to refer the matter to the prose cuting attorney of that district. The “deadline” came and passed, but the books of Cove Creek' and Boone precincts - ap parently have not been found, Maxwell said today. > Under the state’s election laws, the registrars are held respon sible for delivery of the poll books to the clerk of court. The Watauga clerk of court said the Boone and Cove Creek books were never delivered to him. Republicans asked a recount, charging that a number of per sons were voted illegally, and that otljer illegal ballots . were cast. I ' Funefil'Sonitt Todftgr. Fdr Meaiber of WdH Known Pnikar Funfly FuBerai senrioe wlH be held at Mt. Peasant Baptist church th4i afternoon, • two o’clock, fpr Mrs. Zora Ellen Church,, age 64, who died ‘Tuesday. Mrs. Church was a member of a well known fam ily and. her passing is an occas ion of sorrow to many relatives and'friends - , She leaves;the following chil dren: A. O. Church, Purlear; C. C. Church, Cricket; J; C.„Chuch„ North Wilkteboro; Bob Chprch, North WUkesboro; Mrs. Avery Triplett, Mrs.' Com Huffman, Mrs. Robert Jonss, Misses Ma- ree Church, Purlear. Roaring River inJiidd. Purlear;, Alberri|cNelIl,'*?lfi«-J tana; J. C.' MeKelll, .GfcaatpioB; Mrs. J. F. Bllerr-Champion; Mrs. R L. Proffit, Goshen; Mn. A- M. FoBterr^Pnriewr; Mr*. H. I. Shoemaker, Pongo. MODERN WOMEN tNrtMbranmUppOtoi ~ ' Lhiidd, TaUMl, COUDS FEVER firiit 4ay Headadies V NAM^ OF LOCAL STORE HAS BEEN CHANGED If ten per cent of all automo bile drivers could be eliminated from the road, accidents would be reduced to a nominal figure, according to Mr. J. B. Williams, representing the Marylan'd Cas ualty Company here! This is the opinion of Holger Jensen, nationally known safety engineer of the Maryland, after a study of thousands of motor mishaps throughout the United States. ' The objectionable ten per cent are the “repeaters,” the drivers who are involved in frequent ac cidents. “It is a fact that more than sixty per cent of all automobile accidents are caused by the some ten per cent of habitually reckless or incompetent driv ers” said Mr. Jensen. “They are the real of innumerable accidents in which they do not figure in the record. “Why is this ten per cent al lowed to continue driving and menace our lives and property? Why are they not removed from the roads? Most of them are known. One reason is the lack of facilities for furnishing every '.na.cisiratc with the past record of every driver charged before him. "When the time comes, and it has just about arrived, when an aroused public demands that auto accidents be reduced, all that is needed is to drive the guilty ten per cent off the roads.” The name of tbe store owned by Rom H. Pearson and manag ed by M. W. Green, the store being located 1-2 mile west of the city on the Boone Trail High way, has been changed. The store ■was formerly operated und er the name of North Wilkesboro Grocery Co., but the store Just opened by Mr. Pearson on Tenth street will bear this name in the ftiture, and the store man aged by Mr. Green will hence- as Green's DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY, and THIS YEAR GIVE BOOKS! People feel compliment when .they receive books, and appreciate the for^ouglifr and consideration you show in selecting gifts with such permanent value. We have books, for young a^ PW> every , taste, and at prices ranging from 25c up. We shall be delighted to help you select the best. Titles not' in stock can be had on special order. THE BOOK AND GIFT SHOP Mezzanine Floor Rhodes-Day Furniture Co. , The owner of the two stores as well as Mr. Green will appre ciate very much the public tak ing notice of the change in name of the store and make out etc., accordlng- BRAME'S RHEUMA-LAX FOR RHEUMATISM -Quick Relief R. M. BRAME & SON North Wilkesboro, N, C. War Shouts Ring At Clouds Of Discttfds Hover Over urope London, Nov. 25.—An atmos phere of warlike excitement pre vailed in Europe at the begin ning of a new ■R’eek tonight as nation after nation joined in the cry “WTio's your ally?" In the last few days new shouts of discord have . echoei across tbe bbrders' of European nations. Like children seekibg- shelter from an approaching storm, countries big and small were hunting new security un der the skirts of alliances with powerful neighbors or distantly strategic countries. Even the United States figur ed in this new phase of world politics when the question of a ne(w Angi(vAuierican jander- st^dlng wa's'^'i^ijortbd to ^ave bean under cantemplation toloffr set Japan’s insistent dehiands-' at the London naval conversations for parity in armaments. Calm counsels in the princi pal European capitals continued to believe warfare would be lim ited to words and that the old world would escape, as it has al ready narrowly escaped several times this year, a repetition the cataclysm of 1914. “Not only Ford dealers," con tinued Mr. Patterson, "but men handling practically every other make of automobiles are elated over Ford's reassuring state-! be known ment. The general opinion is | Grocery Store, that if Ford will build one mil lion cars in 1935 business will be good for other manufacturers and their dealers. “Proving that Ford’s an-^ nouncement of a projected mil-1 invoices lion-year for 1935 is more than 'y- ■an optimistic statement, Ford I — ■ dealers throughout the country j point to the fact that for several weeks commitments have been, going out from Ford headquar-' ters at Dearborn on a buying and production program that will en tail a total expenditure of more than 415 million dollars. This vast amount is to be spent a- mong 6,008 suppliers scattered throughout the United States. “It is estimated that when the drive to produce one million cars is in full swing 87 thousand men will be employed in the Ford industrial army. The Ford monthly payroll in the Detroit area alone will run over $6,861,- 000, “The Ford 1933 project calls for spending tremendous sums. For instance, it is estimated that tbe bringing in of raw materials will require 164 thousand freight cars and outgoing products will require 160 thousand freight cars, involving payment of freight bills, largely to the rail roads, of 74 million dollars. “One of the large expendi tures of major importance,’’ con cluded Mr, Patterson, “will be for non-ferrous metals. In ad dition to the steel made in the Ford mills, the sum of 63 million dollars will go for steel in the open market.’’ IF... Williams Auto & Radiator Shop Phone 3S4-J — N* WSkesboro Route W Radiator Repairing, Body Ku- building, Motor Blocks Rebored, Extemaobs ^Tdided in Tnieh Frames, General Repair Work a Sp^alty. T. WILLIAMS, Owner. You are undecided just what to give him - you don’t know the size , . . the color or type of ^ft he will like and appreciate . . . not a GIFT CERTIFICATE for the amount, you would spend? • 9*" the ■why. Merchandise Certificate No„ This certifies that there have been deposited to the credit of the bearer Dollars $ Said sum to be used for the purchase merchandise in any section of the store. of Per Abshers We have these Certificates all ready for you to sign and send or give to the parties. ABSHERS THE MAN?S .G1ET STORE NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C, ‘Tagan Lady” at State Theatre, WinatoD-Salem To produce the 1.000,000 Ford cars and trucks as planned by the Ford Motor Co. for 1936 will require an outlay of approxi mately $415,000,000, according to figures released by Ford of ficials. ^ “ First come, first served,” Is adage that is quite appro priate for theatre tickets as well as every other commodity. Those foresigbted theatregoers unwil ling to wait for the opening of the seat sale at the box of floe at a later date, are securing, via mail orders, the best .locations for “Pagan Lady,’’ the dramatic hit by 'William DuBois which, with the inimitable Lenore Ulric In the starring role, ■will be pre sented by Wee and Leventbal at the State Theatre, Winston-Sa- leo^', tor one performance only on Thursday evening, December 6. The huge success scored by Miss Ulric in this vehicle, com parable to her past triumphs on the Broadway stage in “Kikt,” “Lulu Belle,’’ “Tiger Rose,” “Mima’’ and others, has caused the producers to book tbe play with its brilliant star on a tour of that extends from coast to coast, affording lovers of flesh-and- blood entertainment opportunity to enjoy the type of divertisse ment which 80 seldom is offered them. . The cost of the World 'War In money has been estimated at ap proximately $186,000,000,000. : ’i To Our Many Customers: Our firm b no longer being o| the name, “North Wilkesboro Grocery Go.” as this store is now lo cated on Tenth Street Qnr’new n^e is..i. J' 1 Green’s M. W. GREEN, Manager On Boone Trail Highway, One-half Mile West of North Wilkesl^ro. ROM H. PEARSON, Owner Location: r:i

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