Published Mondsys Mid Thui^ys ChdUord WmUhiett 'Omit)' OaUford countjr, with a tax able, wealth ot 1164,768,342, is tor the second consecntire year the rfchest county in NoAh'Car- Two Kttled m Wreck Wadeeboro, Dee. 7.—^Mrs. Bes sie Reynolds. 26, died here today ot injuries received last night in ah automobile wreck which kill ed her three-year-old daughter, Joyce. k Employment Increase!* New York, Dec. 7.—The na- t i o n a 1 industrial conference board tonight reported unem ployment In October at 9,604,- fcOO—a decline of 345,000 from ’WjpStember and of 40,000 from October, 1933. Steel Prices I'p Pittsburgh, Dec. 7.—The price of scrap steel, which generally closely follows the rate of steel production, today Jumped t o 113.50 for No. 1 heavy melting, with one prominent dealer quot ing $14. laibor With Moffet Washington, Dec.' 7.—Organ ized labor tonight threw its sup port behind Federal Housing Ad ministrator James Moffett in his battle with other new dealers 1 to stimulate a building revival through the use of private capi- , ———V T?»„ ... - Farmer. WiDIVote Thi. Wedc OnlN OKF.?* nemCl Barnes’ Cotton and Tob^ Crop Control BirhChairF- Vote On Cotton Question Friday AU Cotton Farmers Ul'ged to Cast Ballot at C. L. Comer & Compwy’s Store The Bankhead referendum Friday, December 14, will de termine the future of the cotton adjustment program, says Dean I. O. Schauh. of State College. If the growers vote for the Act to continue through 1935, he says, production can he kept within reasonable bounds and prices maintained at a fair level. Wilkes County cotton farmers may cast their votes at C. L. Comer’s store on Friday, Decem ber 14, between the hours of nine a. m. and four p. m. There is only one day for voting lu the cotton referendum. If the act is voted down, grow ers who did not sign contracts IS CAPTTDiRED Tobacco Election To Be Wednnday Father, Son and Son-in-Law Electrocuted at State Pris on Friday Morning Three Pofling Places Na»rf I ELDER GREEN FIRST Selectiotf of Persoimd C^^nty Offices For Tobacco Farmers of Wilkes County, Mrs. Helen aillis. wife of the late ‘ Baby Face" Nelson and classed as “public eneuiy num- Tbe Kerr-Smit$ reffirendum in regard to continuance of the tobacco control act in 1935 will be held in Wilkes county, Wed nesday, December 12, according to A. G. Hendren, county agent. The polling places and those in charge of the voting are as follows: Dennyvllle schoolhouse, H. B. Roberts: Little Mountain schoolhouse, M. A. Cockerham; Oak Ridge schoolhouse. Rev. L. B. Murray. All polling places in the coun ty will be open for receiving bal- Trio Die NervOy for Death of Taylorsville ^nk Cashier in Jidy, 1933 . Raleigh, Dec. 7. — Smlirng cheerily and showing no signs of nervousness, three men—a fath er, his son and his son-in-law— died In the electric chair at state prison here today. They were Bascom Green, 44, textile worker; Lester Green, 24, his son, also a m'lll operative, and Robert Edward Black, 26 an engineer. All were from High Point. They died because they killed T.* C. Barnes, bank cashier, In an attempted bank robbery at officers, was taken last week by will likely push production well agents of the department of Jus- above the amount required by | tice. She had accompanied her the market and prices will again I husband on many of his exploits, tumble below the cost of produc- tion. the dean warns. | I |}|p^ l4|.A||| All contracts will be continued MjWC i/lVD * a vlax in effect next year. If the Bank-1 head act remains in force, j Sehaub -said, the 73,000 growers who signed up will be protected ' from the potential expansion of the 40.000 growers who did not her 1" after her husband’s sud-j lots on this date, Mr. Hendren den demise before a fullislde of j said. In addition, the polling | -ji^yjoygyjije jyjy jg 1933. shots from the guns of federal [ place at his office in the court- stefanoff, who was with house will be kept open until De- hold-up. was electro- cember 18 in order to give all growers sufficient time to vote. The referendum must close by December 20, according to E. Y. Floyd, of State College, director of the tobacco program In North (Continued on back page) Injuries Received In Affray Tuesday “Deestrict Skule“ Entertains Crowd tal instead of federal dollars. I Dock Anderson, Alleged At- Since the reduct.on u. acre-1 age and production required, Cast .\nd .Amlience Thoroughly I Knoyed I'l-esenlatloii .■It Wil- keslioro School Big Christmas Business Washington, Dec. 7.—A big ger early December demand for cash today foretold a better Christmas shopping business than last year. Money circulation increased ti9.000.000 in the first week of ^he holiday month. The increase in the same period a year ago was only $15.000.0o0. James Love. Windy Gap resi- Presentation ot a play entitled 'The Deestrict Skule’’ at Wllkes- aiul production required under the contracts will not be so drastic next year. Schauh pointed out. the allotments und-i , . . „ ....t „-iii s,. ‘dent, d ed in a Statesville hos- boro on Friday night under the er the Bankheaa act will be larg-. A . » .1.. er i pital Saturday morning from in-j a-“spices of the athletic ^^associ- In 19:t.5. the contract reduc-! juries received when he was al Wreck Klll.s Two . Rocky Mount. Dec. 7,—J. D. Wihite. 30, manager of a Rober- sonvlUe store, died in a local hospital early today, the second victim of an automobile-truck collision near Robersonville late Thursday evening. J. H. White- field, 17, high school boy. was almost instantly killed in the ac- ' '^^(Ident. tioiis will be only 25 per cent of! Icged to have been hit on tlie the base, as compared! head with a cliair in the hands with a 10 per cent reduction in , of Dock Anderson at the Ander- 1934, This will actually mean an | son home on Tuesday night. (Continued on page eight) 1 Anderson was arrested soon ; after the affray and placed in, Pleasant, jail at Wiikesboro. This is his= e - ation was a most enjoyable af fair for both the members of the cast and the audience. The play was given by school ^ patrons, members of the faculty I and teachers from other higii j schools in the county. Prof. cuted' last May. Jim Green, negro who had been sentenced to die today for criminal assault on a white woman, was granted a reprieve by Governor Ehrlnghaus yester day. His electrocution is schedul ed for January 11. It took three shots of electri city to kill the elder Green, three for his son. and two for Black. Bascom Green walked into the little death chamber at 10:32 a. m. ■T'm all right," he said, wav ing his hands to the newspaper men and official witnesses. “Meet me in heaven. I feel I am going there today." To Contiiiiie For Fow.Mcu’e DaiP N orth Wi&esboro WiU Be I#' (ation of ERA Office Six Counties ARE SEEKING ECONOKT Flemington, N, J. . . . Mrs. Bruno R. Hauptmann and her young son (above) still remain this town’s most interesting char acters as they make their week ly trip to the county jail to visit the father who is held for trial in the Lindbergh case which starts early in January. He swaggered toward the chair Highsmith Will for i was good in the role of school- he 1 masters and the other members I second time to be in jail ill rp I i murder. Several years ago | exceptionally I convicted for the killing of .. Address leacners Item and sentenced to the Peni-^ refreshments in the Meeting To Be Held At Wil-, tentiary when he was found j kesbolo School Building Saturday, Dec. l.> home economics department of .guilty of second degree murder, j Funeral service for Love was I held Sunday afternoon. 3:30 at Reynolds Hus Operation | Washington, Dec. 7.—Senator, Reynolds, of North Carolina, j who Monday underwent an ade noid operation at Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore, is expect-1 ed to return to his office here j H^xt week. Reynolds has an nounced he intends to remain in Washington until Congress con venes. ■Say.s Wiulthy Selfish New York. Dec. 7.—Within one of New York’s most exclus ive clubs. Secretary Wallace to night assailed the wealthy class of “chaotic, ignorant pursuit of self interest.’’ He said the pro posals for national policy that come from the rich contained in the main "nothing more pro found than such catch phrases as balance the budget’ and 're turn to the gold standard’." Dr. J. Henry Highsmith, direc-j^jj sj^ai Church. He is surviv tor of the division of higii schooi 1 |,y following brothers and inspection ot the .state *eparl-, Love, Mrs. H. M. ment of education, will address i^^jg^ggu^ Mrs. Noah Honeycutt, the Wilkes County Teachers’ as-| jiyg jg^n Stuart. Mrs. N. E. sociation in meeting at the; Love and Mrs. John Shatley. Wiikesboro school building on; Saturday. December 15. begin- Miss Elizabeth Faw, daughter ning at 10 o’clock. jot Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Faw, ot Announcement of the meeting j this city, was a member of the was made today by Prof. C. B. | cast of “A Wedding,” a play giv- Eller, county superintendent of j en in Greensboro Friday night by public instruction. Attendance j students of Greensboro College of all teachers in the county is The play was well presented, ac- required. cording to press reports. December 24-31 School Holidays and sat down unaided. The cur rent was applied at 10:36. It stayed on for one minute and 30 seconds. The second shock last ed one minute and 11 seconds.' (Continued on page eight) James Jarvis, 65, Ends Life With Shotgun Charge New organization of relief »4- minlstration 1 n Northwester* North Carolina with a dlstrfek office in North Wiikesboro for six counties has been delayed for several devs pending selection of personnel by state relief aatber- Itles and working out other de tails of the new organization- At present each county Is ser»- ed by a relief administrator and assistants with an office foree and this system will continue lot a few days. Under the new aetnp the counties of the state wlrf tm divided into 33 districts instead of the 104 that now exists, nw consolidation move was to. have gone into effect on DectemlK^ 7 but It was found that the aav organization could not get under way with such short notice and much time has been given to the selection of the administrator and the other major offices for each district. The district office in North Wiikesboro will be located on the second, floor of the Bank of North Wiikesboro building and will serve Wilkes, Waianga. Ashe. Alleghany. Surry and Yad kin counties. Each county will Coroner Pronounces Death a' adequate number of case workers but will not have an office force and clerical help. The district personnel will be Suicide; Funeral Held Sunday Afternoon Two Men Arrested i James Jarvis, well known res-1 composed of a district adminls- I ident of Lovelace township, end-1 i''ator, case work supervisor, dls- llfe Friday afternoon i bursing office, rural rehabiliU- By Revenue Agents | o’clock when he fired ; tion supervisor and statistician. Bill and CeciTH^a.'ner Jailed! a load from a 12-gauge shotgun | This staff will also serve as _ For T.-ausportatTon of Six 1 into the left side of his chest. | planning boa d for each county, r-aiinns I innni- i Goroner Iredell M. Myers in-, The consolidation move Is the ’ vestigated the death and pro- first important change in relief nounced it suicide. According to facts related to the coroner. .Mr. Schools of County Will Ob serve Uniform Number of Christmas Holidays ..1 Will Hold Mass Meeting Friday Night To Discuss Re-employment Service Schools of Wilkes county will observe the week of December 24 to December 31 as holidays, it was announced this week by Prof. C. B. Eller, county super intendent. New Year's Day will not be observed as a holiday by the school system in the county. The school system js operat ing as nearly on a Systematic scliedule this year asi possible with all the schools ending Bill and Cecil Bumgarner, giv ing their residence as Boone, were arrested and placed in jail j Jarvis was in an upstairs room Thursday night by Federal Reve-1 when his son, McKinley, heard nne Agents Leonard Roupe, J. j the report of the gun and rush- C. Fortner and L. T. Jones, on charges of transporting liquor on which federal taxes had not been paid. The young men were carrying six gallons of liquor in their car when they were apprehended by the officers. Their car was con fiscated. Preliminary hearing was | some time. held before Commissioner J. W. | He was 65 years of age, a Dula and bond was fixed at $500 son of the late Chambers and ed into the room, where his fa ther lay dying. Mr. Jarvis was a respected farmer in bis community but ^ during the past several months 1 he had suffered ill health and] the opinion was voiced that his administration since *the advent of the Emergency Relief .Admin istration. It has a double aim to reduce a '.ministration costa mat at the same time raise the stand ard of efficiency by providlnc for more case workers to inreatf- gate families on the relief rcMa. mind had been unbalanced for] Fathers’ NightFor Wiikesboro P.-TA City an(i County Officials and Civic Leaders Are Asked To Be Present Hopkins Was Winner Washington. Dec. 7.—Secre tary Ickes disclosed today that both public and personal financ es came in for consideration while he visited President Roose velt in Georgia the past few days. On the latter, at feast, he did not fare so well. He conced- le had played a little poker. ,rry Hopkins (the relief ad- miMstrator) can finance his re program himself now,’’ he d ^TMd. ll^es Fanners P Anioi^[ Winners Wilkes County White Corn Takes Prizes at Interna tional Grain Show Wilkes County White Corn scored again last week by win ning five prizes at the Interna tional Hay and Grain Show in Chicago. Among the prize winners for the fifth United States region were R. Don Nichols and two sons, Quentin and Hermit Nich ols, of Purlear, and Roberi Hayes, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hayes, of Millers Creek. The International Is the larg est grain exposition in the world and being mf^oag the winners is quite a distinction for the ex hibitor and the product entered. months of work oiji uniform each. (Continued on page eight) Clay and Calvin Welbom Arrested on Charge Robbing Ronda Man of $1,200 Will Be Observed Thursdaj Night at School BuildinK; Good Program Planned Christmas Trees On Friday night. December 14. eight o’clock, a mass meet ing will be held at the city hail here to discuss the matter of continuance of the National Re employment Service. . During the past year the local office has placed on jobs of vari ous kinds more than 2,000 men and women, during which time the office has been maintained by the federal government as a temporary organization. Under the new setup, if the service Is continued as a permanent in stitution, the fedei-al government will pay half and the state will be asked to furnish the remaind er of the cost. All members of the county board'of commissioners, the city board of aldermen, ajad officials of tbe Kiwanis Clah^he'ttons Club, The Wilkes" .American Legion, and other civ ic organizations are urgently asked to be present and the gen eral public is also invited. The department of labor, it is understood, is much in favor of retaining the service. One of the particular benefits cited is ths localizing ot labor on Public Works Projects. It is pointed out that the construction of the L. B. Mathis Recovers j dates. F’or this reason all the I schools operating under county ! For White House I supervision will observe the same number of days off for the holi day season. Car; Griggs In Jail Ii. B. Mathis, who resides on Route 2, Roaring River, re- 'covei-ed hi.s automobile early Saturday morning. The car wa.s stolen Wednesday night about 8 o’clock while parked in front of the home of Mrs. .41. W. .Mat hi.s, eight miles east of tile eit.v. M'hen recovered by Mr. >Ia- this the car was being driven by Odell Gri^s who was plac ed in jail to await preliminary b wring. The machine had not been damaged but had been driven around 600 miles since being stolen from Mr. Mathis. ! Pass Through City Wiikesboro Parent - Teacher j As.soclation will observe Fath ers’ Night with an appropriate program in the school auditor- ( lum Thursday night at 7:30. [ Carl Redding-'s Home Looted . ^ Christmas rTogram of mucb of Big Sum in Cash On ‘^““r j Novemb^l9th , FoUowing the Clav^iitid Calvin Welborn were ' Program an informal reception Bottlers Association Officials Are Guests Of W. A. McNeill Here James Oliver, secretary ot the National Bottlers Association, and C. D. Cecil, secretary of the code authority for bottled bever ages, were guests of W. A. Mc Neill, of the Coca-Cola Bottling trcj's Two towering balsam pa.s.sel through North Wllkcs- boro Sunday en route to Wash ington, D. C., where they are to be planted on the White House lawn as living Christ mas trees. The trees wire taken from ! arrested in Miami, Florida. Sat- j held. I urday on charges of entering the 1 It is earnestly desired that all home of Carl Redding at Ronda ! members ot the association, and ion November 19 and stealing | especially the fathers, attend the j $1,200 in cash. . j meeting. Other interested pa- I Redding, it is reported, is a i Irons are also invited to be prea- j tobacco farmer, and during the j ent. i depression suffered heavily in 1 bank failures, which is consider- high In the moun- j cd the cause for his placin.g his of Avery County and i savings in a fruit jar and keep- Stolen Car Found Company, here during the week- were being Imu,^ by .™ck to ‘"g the money in his home end. They accompanied Mr. McNeill home from Durham, where they attended the state bottlers’ con vention on Thursday and Friday. the capital. C. W. Stewart, C. | Although no publicity had R. Isaacs, Corbrtt Johnson and Luther Clark, in chai^ of the caravan, said they expectctl to reach Washington today. A 1934 model Ford sedan be longing to John E. Justice, stolea from the streets of this city aa 'Thaaksgiving Day, was found one day last week in the Windy Gap section of this county. CITY TAKES ON YULETIDE APPEARANCE; ONLY 12 SHOPPING DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS been given the investigation, Wilkes officers and others had been gathering evidence that led to the arrest of the two Wel- borns. Mr. Redding went to Greens-1 boro, where W. P. Whitley, iden-1 . tification expert, had finger-** prints and a record of the Wel-i horns. Circulars were prepared Dr. J. Henry Highsmith W® Schoolmasters To Meet Friday, and sent to police headquarters in several cities and on Saturday twelve With only days before Christmas North W’fitkesboro has taken on a ynle- tide appearance and 'the spirit of the holiday season begins to per meate the city and community. Work Is now going on in pre paring the street decorations. I at no other time in recent years j word came from Miami that the tor Christmasihave North Wiikesboro merch shopping needs. As a Mecca lor imr.suuas, shoppers North Wiikesboro does j Northwestern North not have its equal in any other 1 Carolina than they can during town in the state with a popula-1 the present holiday season, tion of under 5,000 people. The! The Christmas shopping sea- mercantile firms have anticlpat-1 son is now open in North Wilkes- ^ the biggest holiday trade In Great Scenic Parkway through Alleghany, Wilkes, Ashe and Wa tauga countie.s will call for a tremendous amount of PWA 1«- which will be more attraftive 1 several years and have stocked this year than for any previous j their stores completely in order holiday season in North Wilkes- j that all needs and demands, boro. On the whole the city will | great or small, can be filled In bor and that the office here will have a beautiful and welcoming I “The Key to the Bine Ridge." appearance to the people of without prolonged and exiienslve Northwestern North Carolina trips to the larger cities of Pied- wlio come here to supply thelflmont North Carolina. Pi'bably be needed in order to secure em ployment for the people of these counties. boro and the merchants have beautifully decorated their es tablishments to present to the visitors an attractive atmosphere that gives one the feeling that “Christmas Is A’comln’ ’’ and that relatives and friends should be made happy with gifts this yuletlde season. ' Address Teachers at Wii kesboro School Buildiiis.t:^ Highsmith, oC two men had been arrested. i Henry Sheriff Somers stated this 1^® state department of morning that arrangements arep*®“’ address the WitkM being made to send after the two Schoolmasters Club In men and bring them to Wilkes-!® dinner meeting to be beld-on boro to face trial on the robbery charge. Particulars of the arrest in Miami have not been learned. Gnilforct Man Killed Shube Walden, 61-year-old Guilford county farmer, was fa tally injured when struck by a hit-and-run driver on the . old Randleman roadi between 6:30 and 7 o’clock Saturday night. Friday evening, December 14, at 5:30, in the home economics rooms of the Wiikesboro building. AU high school principals, teachers and coaches who cut attend are asked to notify Pro*. T. E. Story at the Wllktesboro school not later than Thsnday afternoon. Price-, for plates will be 50 cents each.

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