liUoumal-Patriot has Blazed the l^il^f process in the orWllkeB”fdi .•■i’S;-•'-!-»■■ TTTT I r j - SJ*^. -'.4'5rir*;;.Sf!S'-y‘ i... ■i. ^ f’Z I- ^‘r :W- - T'-t^:- wo Mondays And Thuradaya NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C., THURSDAY, DEC. 20, 1984- *vr\$1.00 IN:^ STAT&r-^l^ OUT OF Tm STAjW » lTE news OF STATE ANO NATION L Boasia Shoots Terrorists K«ot. U. S. S. R., Bee. 17.— Twenty-eight out ot 37 counter- rer9t|tk>neriee - arrested in the for plotting terrorist were sentenced to death and 'Jmraediately shot today. I ^xinauvu aefl^wer A «a^-* MM 4 530 Confedlerate Vets ’■^^Raleigh, Dec. 17.^^—Only 530 surviving veterans of the Con federate War are now receiving pension checks from the state of North Carolina, Baxter Durham, .state auditor, announced today. Asheville Native Killed Washington, Dec. 17—Charles L. Pruett, 22. first class seaman attached to the naval air sta- tmi^was killed here late today when his automobile overturned after rounding a curve. Pruett iwas a native of West Asheville. Veggs Make Big Haul Newton, Dec. 17.—Loot con sisting of $200 in silver, approxi mately $300 in checks and sev eral thousand dollars in notes and other valuable papers, was taken by yeggs who blew the safe at the Smyer Motor com pany here last night. Day’s Sales Ta.\ $175,500 Raleigh, Dec. 17.—Sales tax collections at the state revenue department today totalled more than $175,500. or a record fi- ^re for a single day since the law went into effect in July. 1933, Governor Ehringhaus an nounced tonight. Ci^&rhool itiiSt Give UpMemberslup Inl^ybem Association of Accredited High Schools or Have 175 Days’ Term I Canning Cha^ Length of Term Is Only Requirement Not Being Filled Chicago . . . Campus Idol, an Aberdeen-Angus steer owned by the Iowa State College, as shown above by Alieda Nelson, was de clared Grand Champion steer of 1934 at the International Live stock Exposition here. Only Seven Schools in State Measuring Up To Asso ciation Requirements , ll9^SNatiofial 4*H Club Achievement^ Christmas To Be Observed By the Churches in City Week-End Patalitie.n I Nine persons were killed in' highway accidents in the Caro-j linas over the week-end, another was accidnetally electrocuted and a drowning was reported. Five highway fatalities were reported in South Carolina and . four from North Carolina. Pageants at Baptist, Metho dist and Presbyterian on Sunday Evening Churches in North Wilkesboro | and vicinity will have pro-rams j Wreck Injurie.s Fatal Goldsboro, Dec. 17.—Samuel D. Byrd, of Mount Olive, died in the Goldsboro hospital Saturdav afternoon from injuries receiv ed in an automobile accident be- ‘•A^ween Mount Olive and Calypso 'Hqcember 7. He w'as brought to ^ theWospital here December 9 and it was found that his skull was fractured. Explosion Kills Two ' . Gras.s Valley, Calif.. Dec. IS. f —^A powder magazine exploded at the 3,000 foot level of the f 'Nfiwot'oiit Company’s rich empire ^-^Ine, one mile from here today killing two men and seriously injuring another. ^ $1,000 .A.ssault. Damage Los Angeles. Dec. 18.—Lew Brice, brother of Fannie Brice, was ordered late today to pay $1,000 damages to Marcen Jor genson, 21-year-old pianist, who contended successfully that Brice assaulted her last December 27. Farm Income Higher , Washington, Dec, 18.—I'ara- Ooxical totals of the smallest crop production in more than 30 years and the highest farm in come in four years were report ed today by the department of agriculture. Quintiii>lets Ktslueing , Callander. Out., Dec. IS.—The Dionne babies are reducing. They were getting fat and fussy, and , somewhat lazy. Dr. A. R. Dafoe said today, and henceforth they ca^ take their food or leave it. ) Henjjl^rson. Ky., Dec. IS.— ■ -OliKiiner was killed, aiiother crltwally injured and eight oth ers reported buried tonight in an explos^n of a coal mine owned by the Green River Coal Com- xny at Spottsville, east of here. Stone Mountain Singing On 30th 'Will Be Held At Rock Creek Church; All Singing Classes Are Invited especially appropriate for the. Christnia.s season Sunday. Suii-! (lay evening and Monday. j Outstanding among th' Christ-! mas programs in the -chuFChesp here will be Christmas pageants j to be given at the Baptist. Pres-1 byterian and Methodist chuiLlies ^ Sunday evening at 7:30 o’clock. At the Methodist church Sun day morning at 10:45 will be aj special Yuletlde service and! Christmas music and a sermon I by the pastor. Rev. H. K. King, | on the subject, “The Birthday of j a King.’’ On Sunday evening a 1 pageant entitled “The Christmas | Bells’’ will be presented by the | young people under the direc-| tion of Misses Dare Eller and; Beatrice Pearson. At the First Baptist church Sunday morning will be a service appropriate to the occasion with a sermon by Rev. Eugene Olive, the pastor. On Sunday evening the church choir will present a I program of special Christmas music and on .Monday night at seven o’clock a Christmas Tree will be at the church for the chil dren of the Sunday school. At the Presbyterian church Sunday morning will be the usu al worship service and sermon by the pastor, Rev. C. W. Robinson. There will also be special Christ mas music. On Sunday night, be ginning at 7:30, the young peo ple will present a pageant for the benefit of Christian Educa tion and Ministerial Relief. On Monday night at 7:30 there will 1 be a Christmas tree at the hut | for the children of the Sunday j school. i Each church extends a cordial I invitation for the public to at-1 tend services during the holiday season. A school term of only 160 days instead of the required 175 may deprive North Wilkesboro High School from being a mem ber of the Southern Association of Accredited High Schools next year, it was learned here this week from a communication from Dr. J. H. Highsmlth to W. D. Halfacre, city school superin- ! tendent. Sixty-one of the 67 public high school association members in North Carolina are being warned this year that they will be dropped from the list of mem bers unless certain definite re quirements are met. There are only seven public schools now measuring up to the require ments. These are: Chapel Hill, Durham, Curry Training School, State School For the Blind, Roa noke Rapids, Rocky Mount and Southern Pines. The requirements on which 61 schools are being warned are: 1. Length of term. Must be 175 days. 2. Salaries. Must be material ly raised. • 3. Puiril-teacher ratio. Too high. 4. Pupil load per teacher. Too j hetft’v. However, North Wilkesboro school is warned only on one re quirement--length of term. The other three requirements are be ing met in a manner satisfactory to the association, it is learned here, through the levy of a spe cial tax to supplement state funds. The length of the present term of North Wilkesboro school is t h e regular state-wide eight mouths or 160 days. By adding at least 15 days to the school term North Wilkesboro will be able to retain membership in the a.ssociation. which, according to educational authorities, has its many advantages. The local school has maintained a mem bership with good standing In the association for the past eight years. The state committee on mem bership in the association, head ed by Dr. J. H. Highsmlth, of the state department of education, may call a conference of the superintendents of the 61 schools that have been warned in order to work out plans to raise the standards of their schools. Chicago . . . Miss Mary E. Wien, 17, of Lafayette, ind. and Wil liam Klesel, Jr„ 20, Pryor, Okla., are the 1934 national 4-H Club champions. Miss Wien in 8 years of projects in nearly all home eco nomic subjects has 11 times been state and national delegate. Her gross income was $2,100.95. Kiesel, with a gross Income of $5,- 984.52, has completed 9 years of projects which included purebred herds of Herefords and Guernsey cattle. Hampshire hogs, chickens and bees. Much Progress Being Made on 4 PWA Projects In Wilkes; About 185 Men Are On Payrolls of the Contractors Work Going Forward on Postoffice, Highway No. 16, Red dies River Bridge and North Wilkesboro Water Works; Will Start on Yadkin Bridge Approaches At Early Date J. R. Lewis, of West Jeffer son, is a patient at the 'WHlkes Hospital, where he is recovering from painful injuries about his face resulting from a head-on automobile collision on highway number 16 Wednesday after noon. Approximately 185 men are being given employment on four Public Works projects in Wilkes County, it was learned here to day from R. L. Wooten, director of the National Re-employment Office. These employes, on the average, are getting 30 hours of work per week and were selected from the tiles of applications fo’’ work by unemployed in Wilkes County. Much progress has been made on the public works projects. However, it is expected that em ployment will be given quite a number throughout the winter months before the jobs are com pleted. The four projects are:- North Wilkesboro watet works, grading and structures on five miles of highway number 16 be tween Millers Creek and Jeffer son. construction of the North Wilkesboro postoffice building, and the Reddies River bridge on the western boundary of this city. Work On Highway Nello Teer, contractor on high way number 16, has graded a- bout four miles of the five-mile project and about one month will be necessary to complete, the grading, after which a grav-1 el surface will be laid. About 12 men are being used in this work. E. W. Grannis. of Fayettville, contractor on structures, is us ing a number of men anci will complete his part of the project in about three weeks. North Wilkesboro Postoffice With the concrete foundation completed. Lundberg - Richter, contractors for the erection of the postoffice building, are us ing about -15 biiek wortters and the building is rapidly taking form. However, it will he late spring or summer before it is finished. noddies River Bridge Rapid progress is being made on the Reddies River bridge by Hobbs-Peabody, contractors. A- rouiid 50 men are being used and a great part of the concrete structure has been poured. E. W. Grannis. contractor for the fill at the ends of the actual structure, will be ready to pour concrete surface as soon as the bridge is finished. Water Work.s Project Contractors for the enlarge ment and improvement of North Wllkesboro’s water works sys tem are rounding up the odd and ends of the project and will fin ish the work in a few weeks. Around 40 men are being used by Elliot Building Company, of Hickory, and R. D. Cole Manu facturing Company. Larger and more substantial lines have been placed at several points and new lines have been laid. Three tanks and towers are in process of erection. (Continued ou page eight) RELIEF TO UNEMPLOYABLES IS TO BE DISCONTINUED AFTER JANUARY FIRST SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SERVICE SUNDAY AT WILKESBORO CHURCH A special Christmas service will be held at the Wilkesboro Methodist chiir(;h Sunday on the theme of “National Heroes.” There will be a sermon by the i pastor. Rev. Seymore Taylor. aii$ j special Christma.-i music.* The public is cordially invited to at-: tend. ! Beginning January 1 the North Carolina, E^mergency Relief Ad ministration will discontinue re lief to unemployables and turn these charges, heretofore provid ed with food and clothing, over to county, municipal and com munities agencies. This is termed as one of the steus to be taken by the national administration to reduce the bur den of relief and let states, coun- tie.s and munincipalities care for their own unfortunate. However, the ERA will con tinue its activities in giving aid to families in which there are employable persons. It there is one person in a family who is able to work that family will still be entitled to relief from the ER.4 provided the case work er who investigates the case finds it to be a fact that that person is able and willing to work and canuifl'fia^^any em ployment. This ruling will mean placing a large number of cases in Wilkes County on the county’s B«i^ IQled Initandy In Tuei^yjt Nooi^ F^ral School Holid&ys Begm oh Friday ' Sdiool’ of u WIBte# will *«*••* Friday for ' the htdlclai^ »ad r«rtU reraino- woi* on December 31, tt-to mmomioed by Bopt. O. B. Eller. cmr .SCHOOLS ^ North Wilkesboro city schools closed yesterday for the holiday seteson and will resume worii on Wednesday, January 2. Wa* Widely Knovrs' Engineer; County 20 I Was Engaged. in.CoPsthutfwi Work in Nortk Cahttlh' ■ For Several Yeaik' *’ Alahmi of U. N. C. To Have Meetiiig Banquet Will Be At Hotel Wilkes Monday Night; Uni versity Men Coming All University of North Caro lina alumni in this section are asked to assemble at Hotel Wilkes In this city on Monday evening, December 24, at which time a delightful program will be given. Announcements of the gather ing were sent out today by Pat Williams, president, and T. E. Story, secretary, of the alumni association in Wilkes County. They state In the announce ment that Dean Bob House or, perchance. President Frank Gra ham. of the University, will be on hand to address the gather ing. Alumni have the privilege of | taking guests to the meeting, wife, sweetheart, friend or a “likely” high school pupil whO| would be a good prospect for U. N. C. The cost of plate for each attendant will be 85 cents. All alumni are asked to notify Prof. T. E. Story by Saturday morning of the number of plates to have] in • Donald T. Beish, 41, resldcut of this city, was almost inatsMly killed Tuesday at noon when-lie fell a distance of 65 feet from • water tank on which he was working near the present stand pipe in this city. He was employed as a tank erector on the erection of a wat er tank and tower by the R. D. Cole Manufacturing Company, holders of the contract on the project, when the tragedy oc- cured. The superintendent bad just called the men to stop work for lunch when Mr. Beish, who evidently lost his balance, fell from where he was working and landed into a pipe line ditch. An ambulance was called but he was found to be in a dying condition and he died upon reaching the lo cal hospdtal. It was stated that his neck was broken and there were several severe bruises on his head and abdomen. Mr. Beish was born in Phila delphia. He came to this section of North Carolina about 20 years ago. For some time he was em ployed as superintendent for the Southern Construction Company, with headquarters in Charlotte, and for several years was an en gineer for the state. He was ree- ognized as an able construction engineer and held responsible positions with a number of con- I trading firms in construction work. And for several years he was a bridge contractor, operating his own business. Practically all of the bridges in 'Wilkes county, destroyed by the disastrous flood 1916, were replaced by Mr. Beish. In addition to work . of this type in Wilkes, he construct ed a number of bridges in other parts of North Carolina and neighboring states and was well and favorably known, not only in his profession and business association, but by a wide circle of acquaintances tvbo are sad dened at the news of his tragic death. He was married twice and by his first marriage there is one surviving daughter, Miss Mary — ] Beish, of Weston, W. Va. His State Revenue Department ^ jjg later prepared. The banquet meeting Monday night Is expected to be one of the highlights of the season for University alumni i n Wilkes County and adjacent communi ties and a large attendance is desired. Must Have Tags i By January Istj Issues Usual Ultimatum To All Motorists care for there are many families now on the relief list which do not have employable persons. According to a dispatch sent out by Mrs. Thomas O’Berry, state relief adminliitrator, local goveru mental agencies may pro vide funds for actual relief needs to unemployable and deposit the funds with the relief administra tion, which will administer them through the usual case worker method. An unemployable per son' is 5vne who is physically or mentally uria’ole to work. Next session of the Stone Mountain Singing Association will be held at Rock Creek church, located on the road be tween Hays and Roaring River, on the fifth Sunday in this mpnth, December 30. Announcement of the singing was made by J. A. Gilliam, chairman of the organization. He Invites all singing classes of the usociation and any visiting sing ers to be present and take part In the program for the day. Benefit Show To Be | Given Here Saturday; A show for tlje benefit of the i underprivileged w ill be given at the Liberty Theatre Saturday I morning, 9:30, under the auspic-i es of the Americdii Legion Auxil- j iary. The admission price to any body will be a quantity of un- perishable foodstuff. The Auxiliary wishes to pub licly thank Harold Kay, manager of the theatre, for providing the show for this cause. The per formance at the benefit show Saturday will consist of a num ber of comedy hits of interest to ''blldren and adults. APPEAL MADE FOR TOYS FOR OVER 300 UNDERPRIVILEGED CHILDREN IN CITY Christina.s Clieer Committee for North Wilkesboro re newed its apiienl to the |»eo- plo of (he city for toys, nuts and candles, in oixler tliat no one of tlie more than 300 und- erprivih'ged children in the eit.v would find only empty stockings on (’hristma,s morn ing. A clieck up of clUldren of relief families who cannot have the usnal Joys of Christ mas unless the people lend a hand revealed the number far in c.\c:'.s.s of wliat was original ly expected. For this reason the more lu'gcni. appeal wa-s intMlc today by tbe coiumitfee, ctAnposod of repTX'S5nltiative« of the thre;* leading churches in the city. CTiristmas Cheer headquart ers arc being maintained in the vacant store building next door to Spalnhour’s Shoppe on the comer of Main and Ninth streets. Toys, fruits and can dies for distribation to th^ need.\' children of file city will be accepted there tiirough Fri day cv('niiig. Christnias tTieer activities this year are confinetl to pro viding Christmas confection- nrhS, fruits and toys. There is an urgent need for toys and the children of the city who have toys which they do not care to ke^ are asked to take them to headquarters In order that Ouistnws joy. may be extended into the homes of the less fortunate. From out of the state depart ment of revenue at Raleigh comes the usual December ulti matum for all car and truck owners to buy their 1935 li censes plates before January 1, at which time it will be unlawful to use the 1934 plates. The license bureau for this section is located in North Wil kesboro at the Yadkin Valley Motor Company and is in charge of J. C. McDiarmld. This bu reau will serve Wilkes and ad joining counties. As has been the custom dur ing the past two years, there will be no extension of time for using the 1934 tags and any mo torist on the highways after De cember will be subject to arrest. Since Saturday, when owners were allowed to start displaying th'e new black and silver tags, sales increased throughout 48 branch offices North Carolina, the partment reported. Up until Saturday the tags had been on sale since December 1 but could not he used until the loth and only 23,397 sets had been sold, as compared with 37,130 for the same dale last year. Motorists are urged to buy theii tags early in order to avoid a rush in the latter, days of the month and on January I. North Wilkesboro city license tags are on sale at the license bureau for city resident motorists the throughout revenue de- ’?■ me? "W" :.fe married to Miss Annie Jennings, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. S. S. ennings, of this city, who sur vives. There are two children, Donald and Lila Anne. Also sur viving are two brothers, Lem Beish, Nescopeck, Pennsylvania, and C. J. Beich, Dublin, We«t Virginia, and one sister, Mrs. H. M. Drumm, of Philadelphia. Funeral service will be held today at 3 p. m. at the First Bap tist church, where he was a member. Rev. Eugene Oliv'e, the pastor, will be assisted in the service by Rev. W. F. Staley, of Winston-Salem, and Rev. C. W. Robinson, pastor of the Presbyterian church here. Jobs Available In Veterans C.C. Unemployed Veterans May Get Blanks From County Welfare Officer Legion And Auxiliary ^ Will Sponsor Square Dance Friday Night World War veterans who are now without jabs would do well to investigate the possibilities of enlisting in the Veterans Con servation Camps, which pays a substantial salary in addition to board and clothes. The bureau in charge of per sonnel of this work has notified Charles McNeill, county welfare officer, that a nnmbei' of veler- ant:s from Wilkes may enlist _to fill the vacancies that are now open. Mr. McNeill bat applica tion blanks to furnish anyone i*-- terested in enlisting. Enlistments ; are confined to unemployed vet erans who are able to do raaij- ‘ I ual labor. * Wilkes post of the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary will have a square dance at the Legion and Auxil iary clubhouse on Friday night, beginning at eight o’clock. Good music and a good time are as sured all who care to attend. Mias Robinson’s Clsiss ^ In Music R^ital Here Miss Ellen Robinson’s music pupils apreared in a most enter taining and !«lightful recital at the school auditctrltim here dn - Friday afternoon. -; All the pupils On the proferihjj, acquitted themselree well and' gave evidence of ekrefol atudy and diligent tralntof.