“IT’S A GIFT” > Plus Charley Chase (>m^y K _ THEATRE Matinee Daily at 1 :(Mi f.M. Thursday>F ridtay —On the Screen— W. C. FIELDS BABY^ LeROY ‘SOMETHING SIMPLE’ —On the Stage— Miss Mary Liuie Hlx bad the misfortune to fall Wednesday and break her right arm. Mr. Conrad Pearson, State College student, Is spending the holidays at his home here. Mr. James Lowe made a busl- atos trip to Knoxville. Tenn., ■y^dnesday and Thursday. Mrs. Charles H. Pugh and Mrs. Mack Underwood, of Gastonia, visited relatives In Wilkesboro last week. Mrs. A. L. Gritfing left Mon day for an extended visit with her mother. Mrs. H. A. Wenzel, in Helena. Arkansas. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bumgar ner, Mrs. W. A. Stroud and Mrs. G. T. Mitchell were visitors to Wfinston-Salem Tuesday. Mr. John Allen, student of State College, is here to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Allen. -Mrs. Roy McCulllns, of Wins ton-Salem, spent Tuesday night with her mother, Mrs. Lou Mc Neill, of Wilkesboro route 1. ! .Mr. J. F. Walsh, well known I resident of the Purlear com- I raunity, was in this city yester day attending to business mat- 1 ters. “MARQUIS’ AMERICA S FOREMOST MAGICIAN Comedy and Illusion.s Very Lavishly Presented Maquis Will Be Seen Mrs. John Wagoner returned to her home at .Millers Creek yesterday after undergoing treat ment at the Wilkes Hospital tor a short time. .Messrs. C. H. Cowles, T. S. Miller and G. G. Klledge have been named comnii.ssioners to plot and sell the former Van THURSDAY at 8:30 P.M. ^ant property near Elkin. Miss Katharine McDiarmid FRIDAY at 8:30 P.M. and Kiddie Matinee at 3 P.M. Saturday DOUBLE-HEADER JACK^PERIN ‘LOSER’S END’ NOAH BEERY In- “OUT OF SINGAPORE” Popeye Comedy and Third Chapter Burn ’Em Up Barns’ Coming Monday-Tuesday l Christmas Treat that a Real Treat ALEXANDER DUMAS’ “The Count of IS of Washington, D. C.. is expected I to reach North Wilkesboro Sat- , urday to spend the Holidays with her parents on "E’’ Street. Mrs. Mollie Jones, of Ready Branch, spent a few hours in this city Tuesday visiting her son. -Mr. Howard Jones, and at tending to business matters. I Me.ssrs. B. T. Henderson and ' Paul Swanson, former members of the local bar and now located j in Winston-Salem, were business I visitors in this city Tuesday. I Miss Kathleen White, teacher 1 ill the Mooresville city schools, arrived today to spend the Christmas holidays withi her 1 parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Joe White, i .Mr. Alfred Shore, JMisses Rach- I el and Jeanne Blythe, of Prlnce- j ton. Ky.. were guests of Mr. J. : A. Forester at his home in Wil- I kesboro for a few days last ; week. I Mr. M. L. Curry, of Lexing- j ton, was a Innsiness visitor in ! North Wilkesboro Monday. .Mr. , Curry is a former manager of I the Liberty Theatre and is now I engaged in the theatre business I in Lexington. Monte Cristo” Plus Holiday Shorts A Money-Back Guarantee on This Picture Ingredients of Vkdts VapoRub in Convement Candy Form >4 VICKS COUGH DROP ^ t JOURyALrPA^ofc CongVessman tod Mn.. ft. ti. Dougbtoh, 6t Sparta, were trial- tors in North WHkeaboro Mon day. Congressman Donghton, chairman of the Whys and Means Committee, is spending his holi day vacation In Sparta. Miss Bl!a McCreddle, who has been taking a, course In social service at Chapel Hill during the past three months, will arrive this week to resume her duties in M^lkes as case worker for the Emergency Relief Administra tion. Mrs. Edmund A. Johnston, of Baltimore, Md., will spend the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McDlarmId on “E” Street. Mrs. Johnston Is a slater of Mr. McDlarmId and expects to reach North Wilkesboro by, mo tor Saturday. Mr. J. D. Hall, district man ager of R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hall and daughter, Jacqueline Faye, of Lancaster, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Robertson and son, Claude, of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Klontz and two sons, of Mor- ganton, will arrive Saturday and Sunday to spend the Christmas holidays with Mrs. J. B. Hall and Mr. and Mrs. James Lowe. ak Wilkes Native Dies In Evanston, Wyoming The following clipping from a recent issue of an Evanston, Wyoming, newspaper will be of interest to* many people in Wilkes County: Funeral services for Thomas Proffit were held in the Baptist chunh Friday afternoon, con ducted by the Rev. James W. Harris, pastor of the Presbyter ian church. The Rev. Harris, Pet er W. Easton and Dan Garrard were speakers. Clifford Blacker rendered as a solo “Oh Dry Those Tears,” with Mrs. Leonard Burleigh as accompanist. Mrs. Emmett Leek and Mrs. Harry Geller gave as a vocal duet "Sometime We’ll Understand,’’ with Mrs. J. R. Smith as accom panist. Pallbearers v/ere Melvin Gunn, Adolphus Cornellison, Or- vell Kelly, John ^ Longstretch, Prank Parks and Bob Whittak er. Thomas Proffit was born at Wilkesboro, North Carolina, De cember 13. 1915, the son of George H. and Lou Ellen Proffit. He came with his parents to Evanston when he was about four and a half years old. He was graduated from Evanston high school with the class of 1933 and was married the .same year to Mary Hobson. He was a young man of high character and possessed outstanding business ability, lie was associated with his father in the management of the Proffit Grocery stores at Evanston, Urie and Lyman. .Sur viving are his wife, Mrs. Mary Hobson Proffit; h i s father, George H. Proffit. and bis sister, Mrs. Harlan Orrell. for this 1935 Model 60B PHILCO Just received! A limited number of these brand new 1935 PHILCO Baby Grands, with such big-set features as Automatic Volume Con trol, Tone Control, PHILCO High- Efficiency Tubes, etc. Beautiful Walnut cabinet. Get yours now! A91»s PHILCOS $24.50 up EASIEST TERMS! Radio Sales Co. “EXCLUSIVE” PHILCO DEALERS R. T. McNeU C. O. McNeil L- . V NIWTH WILKESBORO, N. C. ‘■ Jit-■'/*- ,v'- Marriage Licenses Dan Cupid lias been very busy during the pre-holiday season and the following couples were issued marriage licenses from the office of Register of Deeds 0. P. Eller during the past few days: Clyde Alexander, Wilkes boro, and Bessie Mahaffey, North Wilkesboro; Rome Wood and Bernice Cheek. both of Roaring River; Hamp Triplett, Darby, and Della Hendrix, Stony Fork; Glenn Griffin and Faye Wyatt, both of Wllbar; Willie W. Gore and Virginia Rycroft, both of North Wilkesboro; George Walker, Boomer, and Roxie' Braswell, Lenoir; Jesse Cardwell, Goshen, and Ruby Bumgarner, Adley; Jiles Parsons, ParsonviUe, and Beatris Parsons, Summit. WATCH FOR THE “LAST ROUND UP.” WANT ADS FOR RENT—'Aree rooms for small family: on Cherry street See or call Mrs. Myrtle Free land. 12-24-3t DEMAND PAR-T-PAK Ginger Ale. The Nebi labels means quality Quarts (not 28 oz.) 19c deposit 6c. Don't accept a substitute. • 9-24-tf Pf)R .SALE—One 1081 Dodge Coupe, with rumble seat, A-1 condition. $350.00. $200.00 cash, balance $16.00 per month. Address B. Y. care Journal-Patriot. 12-20-2t-pd FOR SALE—Pair 51ales, four years old. weight 1250, color black. Guaranteed in every re spect. Apply Ashe Motor Co., West Jefferson. FOR RENT — 10-room house near city standpipe; good barn; good garden; all mod ern conveniences. See or write I. H. McNeil, North Wilkes-, boro, N. C. 12-31-21. N. W. W»uA*« Club ' M«t.' Mondair Afternoon Mrs, Hoyle Hutebens, Mrs. W. B. Jones and Mrs. Walter New ton combined hospitality to the members of the North ,;,WIIkes- boro Woman’s Club In their By NC. Educatovi 2. cent wage cut w,bhethe coat r. of' tiviiig ^ cent. = inor ' Stud' JomfimtPitiiot Adt. Teachers College Preetdent Sees Need Of Increased Salaries 111 State ) Raleigh, Dec. monthly' meeting at the home of North Canriina’s. teach- IT.-^Improvei- * Mrs. Hutchens on Mbnd|ty after noon. The president. Miss Louise Vyne, occupied the chair for the usual business session. Ing personnel was urged by high- ranking educational leaitera >, of the state, speaking before''' the state council on the emergency OUR GIFT ITEMS An interesting Christmas pro- ' in education here tonight, gram was given by Rev. and Mrs. 1 b. C. SIske, Pleasant Garden, Eugene Olive. They sang a num- i president of the council, was In ber of Christmas carols, and Rev. Olive read Chriatmae poems and other articles In' keeping with the season. At the close of the afternoon tempting refreshmel^; .'.were served by the bobtd|j|i;^ the large number of members at tending. Mrs. R. H. Pearson’ Hostess To S. S.' Class ' The business ignd .ipotel meet ing of the Woman’s Wesley Bi ble class of the North Wilkes boro Methodist church was held on Wednesday afternoon at che home of Mrs. Rom H. Pearson with thirteen members attend- Mrs. W. P. Horton,' the presi dent, presided for the business period, the regular routine of business being transacted. Rev. H. K. King, pastor of the church, met with the group and made a talk on church work. Following .the business part of the meeting delicious refresh ments were served by the hos tess during a pleasant social hour. Read Journal-Patriot ads. Green Lantern Cafe CLEAN - MODERN - SANITARY We serve Southern Dairies Ice Cream. It’s the Beat BEACH KEfJLER, Mgr.' bbarge of the meeting. Speakers induded Clyde A. Erwin, super intendent of public instruction in the state, representing public schools; Dr. Frank P. Graham, president of the Greater Univer sity of North Carolina, repre senting institutions of higher learning, and Dr. Leon M. Mea dows, president of Eastern Caro lina Teachers College, speaking for schools of that type'. Urges Higher Salaries Meadows, stressing . the value of teaching, and, giq|4eglp||ttion of teachers, their reqiitf^ents and problems, urged tht^'g^ries be increased so as to'-hold'tlie high est type of teachers in North | Carolina. fj He also urged appropriation of;, sufficient funds to provide for needed additional equipment, and emphasized the state’s need for changes in curriculum. In discussing the economic o Will Prove a Boon To Your Shopping r The Book M Mezzanine Floor.Rhod^Day Furniture Co.,^ HOLIDAY STORE HOURS 9 A. M. TO 9 P. M. .o Positive Relief From Itch In 30 Minutes Blssett’s S-L solution will quick ly relieve the most severe cases of itch and similar skin trou bles. S-L is very soothing to the affected parts. This solution is also highly recommended for poi son oak, jiggers, sores, insect bites, mange and other skin eruptions. Ge. a bottle today and you’ll be convinced of its won derful healing qualities. For sale at Horton's Drug Store. Chrisbmas Greetings Looking back upon one year and forward to another, we want to express our deep grati tude and appreciation to those friends whb'^ have suppoi'ted us so patiently and loyally during the past year. To you, as one of those friends, we send our best wishes for a Joyful Christmas and a Happy New Year. CITY BARBER SHOP R. J. HINSHAW, Prop. JOHN B. SNYDER THOMAS E. CAIN HARRY E. PARSONS JAMES C. MILLER W. CYRUS McNBIL T CARLSON WAGNER l^OU CAN ALWAYS SAVE AT HORTON’S; YOU WILL FIND JUST THE IDEAL GIFT AT Horton’s Drug Store AND AT HORTON’S Money-Saving Prices —Leather Goods —Ladies’ Fitted Bags —Bill Folds -Traveling Sets -Cigarette Cases -Shaving Sets Elizabeth Arden, Evening of Pai’is, Houbi- gant, Yardy, ard Max Factor Cosmetics in attractive gift packages. Large assortment of Powder, Compacts and Perfumes. Kay Woodie Pipes—Yellow Bowl Pipes— Cigars — Cigarettes — Tobacco Pouches — Holiday Wrapped — a complete line of Smoker’s Supplies. MANICURE SETS Large assortment, ranging from- 20c to $4.00 In case of illness, call your family doctor. He is most capable of treating your illness. If medicine is needed he will prescribe it. Then bring your pre scription to HORTON S and be assu^;that it wiU be filled with utmost care and iust as your doctor has ordered at prices that will save you money. FREE-COUPON-FREE To the first 75 adults who clip this entire ad, sign and present to our store, we will give a miniature package of I^tman’s Jumpier Candy. Name A complete line of Drugs, Household Remedies, Patent Medicines at money-saving prices. Martha Washington and Whitman’s Candies in attract ive holiday pack ages. Candy filled cedar chest, special at Phone 300 HORTON’S AWALGREEN system DR VOU CAN ALWAYS SAVE AT HORTON CRAZY CRYSTALS New low price. Fresh shipment each week. VICK’S SALVE 24c