V ’na|;JOOittlMrPATmOt^,KC~ ^toS sk “count OF SIONtfi'ClflSTO" A CHRISTM^ TREAT^ k««» >« w *' ■■ -■' ■ ■■ ■■ ** mss MAMIE SOCKWELL, EDITOR F. D. Forester, Jr., Honored At Tea Thursday -_ A ehsrmlttg courtesy -was shown Mrs. P. D. Forester, Jr., Thorsday afternoon when her three stoter-ln-laws, Mrs. Henry Mrs. Bill Absher and Mrs. -JttaaiBle Anderson entertained at -. aa Informal tea at the home of Mrs. Moore oa ^^Street. The ;rhonn w4r^mmlKo to 5:30. ReceiTln#^ith ™e hostesses and the hofflfeee were three oth er brides, MrC.^; S- Forester, Jr., the former Miss’ Ola Church, of Klkln; Mrs. Watson Brame, the former. Miss Lina Forester, of this city, and Mrs. Thomas Mc- laughlin, the former Miss Fran- .aes Pearson, of Moravian Falls. ; honoree prior to her mar- rlagb was Miss Lorene ' Caudill, of this city. In. the dining room the tea table was graced by a Christmas centerpiece about which glowed red candles. Mrs. George For ester' and Mrs. Frank Blair. Jr., poured tea and those a.ssisting rlth serving were Misses Ruth Moravian Falls, and a number of lovely courtesies have been' shown her. fireomekers until they ^ . _ tehi^ so well ! u* Refoiw the {Jlltockings Fwere tfidwi off to tet the raniln completely emptied, -oftentlmee a firecracker exploded and we ^-glrls with a scream^ of “Oh!” acampered back op stairs shlTer^ Ing and dancing with delight to find our clothes, while the boys continued to blow their tin bone Ms Miss Belva Kilby Is Bridge Club Hostess A pretty club party of the week was given by Miss Belva Kilby on Friday evening when she entertained the members of her bridge club and a few oth er friends at bridge. Three ta bles were placed for the game In a festive, setting of .Christmas decorations and the tally cards were in the same motif. The count of tallies showed Mrs. J. D. Moore, Jr. to be hold- Misf Myrtle*''?orris°7he^"rnsoU- mas Day. This will be considered as a real Christmas Treat, as the story has bepn read by young and old and has lived in the winds of millions who have read the'story. Robert Donat and Elissa Land! are the leadin.g characters Of .the story and give a very good account of themselves in the picture. A sgeclal booking of holiday shorts also are included ui the pro gram that promises to be one of the out.standlng shows. One of the most loved storiM of Alexandre Dumas wlll.i film attraction at Liberty Theatre, Monday and Tuesday, be the Christ- tion award. At the conclusion of play the hostess assisted by Miss Rose Laws served a salad course. ■Visitors of the club were Mrs. W. K. Sturdivant, Misses Anne Dun can, Rose Laws and Louise Vyne, Mr. and Mrs. McLaugi Feted At Dance Thurpaay An enjoyable social event of Brame,'anrora’ce'' Dea'n''Fores'teV | aad Mrs. F. J. Killelea. All I given by Mrs. E. A. Shook at through the home decorations I her home Friday afternoon from ,, „ , , ,, nVlr»f»lr HnlinflV were suggestive of the Yuletide CHRISTMAS MtMUkltS By NANCY M. WELLBQEN of their clothes. ' Deu, deparfefT daysi.^T^ ol house sttir stands, surroundefl by the same towering, ma^ive oaks, and the old fireplace is Btin there, vroere Jacob’s ladder was let down. But Father gild , ,, ,, „ , .. ... , Mother lie under the snow,^and and whistles and shoot>pff their brothers and sisters are scalter- MiWii' \ I ana holo us ether. fine thing it smsild bp’s!! confa on)|F tumt backwent .ib Itw fU|ht and we -^001^4 clM again this'Chrl8t'maS'l!re!'s;® The Arctic regions of land have bumblebees. Oreen-J . (! iiivriS ‘'0- * Iv .ver ybody! season. 3:30 to 5:30 o’clock. Holiday ! colors of red and green were 1 used throughout the home, with Mrs. Clements Gave Party j holly and poinsettas as the flor- For Kindergarten Children ‘ d decorations. Numerous glow'- Mrs. J. L. Clements entertain-! ing red candles were placed a- ed the children in her kinder-1 midst the arrangement, garten at a delightful Christmas. in the dining room .Mrs. Stet- patrty at her home on Wednesday son Cochran, served a salad evening. Eighteen children were course and mints, which carried I present, sixteen members of the i further the accepted colors, • kindergarten and two visitors, while tea was poured by Miss and special guests for the eve ning were a large number of the parents of children. Two enjpya^e features of the evening fon.^K youngsters were the exchange of gifts from the beantitij^ lighted Christmas tre« and the distribution of can- d y b y a raake-believe-Santa ejiuh ' Marjorie Deans. The lea table, spread with a Maderia clrth, was beautifully appointed in the Christmas greens and lighted by red tapers. Orpheus Music Club In Meeting Wednesday The December meeting of the Orpheus Music club was held on Tie children gave a : demon-! Wednesday afternoon with Miss stration program, consisting of j Violet Johnson as hostess at her son^s and verses and other work I home in Wilkesboro. A brief bus- done, for the parents, and also j iness session preceded the pro- presented them with gifts that I gram. The theme for the after- they had made. Red candes and! noon was Christmas and winter Christmas greenery added to thejsctiies in piano literature, festive atmosphere of the h6me. j The first part of the program ! was given over to u study of an- Mrs. E. A. Shook Is icient and familiar Christmas car- Hostess At Lovely Tea. I ols and during this time Carolyn To honor Mr. and Mrs. Thom-1 Linney played Silent Night, as McLaughlin, (who were re- j Holy Night. Charlie Proffit gave cently married. Miss Lois Scroggs I ^ Spanish Christmas poem. Miss and Miss Ruth Vannoy were hoa- j prsula Blevins, teacher of the tesses at a dance at the Legion class, played .several selections clubhouse Thursday e v e n i n .g f,-om Watson Piano Suite. Christ- from nine until one o'clock. The | jp ^le country. Other num- music For the occasion was fur nished by the Silver Slipper or-jpcts, Peggy Somers, Pauline chestra, from Statesville. , (-hurch. and Rosalie Osborne. A During the evening punch was [ discussion of musical current served by Miss Clyde Scroggs events by the group completed Joy bells are ringing—Christ mas is in the air! St. Nicholas is without doubt the most popular saint in the year’s calendar. -All good children have waited pa tiently — or impatiently — for twelve long months for the re turn of this most beloved old man, whom we. in the United States, familiarly call Santa Claus. According to the legend this jolly old fellow forsook his veiy own offspring—ten children— that he might lead a quiet, re ligious life; but he afterward.s atoned for this sin by adopting the children of the entire world. Each year on Christmas Eve he visits, or presumably visits, the world’s big family, which he claims as his very own. For gen erations he has clambered down the sooty chimneys, with his pack on his back and dispensed his wares. At this season, Santa Claus is the moat real person in all th» world, and he means to most of us just what he meant to us when we were kiddies. He came through the soft moonlight, over the glistening snow, in his .sleigh, drawn by six fleet-foot ed reindeer, scampering along,’ whiffing the breeze, jingling the merry sleigh bells through the icy air of night. W|e see old Papa’s bedroom. In we march-1 ed and began pulling down our| stockings with an “Oh! Lookee. | what 1 got!” or "See, here, good-j ies, goodies, goodies!” Then with glee, w€ dove down"' into our stockings to see what we bad gotten. Full to the very top, we pulled out a package or two and unwrapiped another mysterious package wrapped up in many folds of paper. Out rolled an orange, then came an apple, a bag of colored candy sewed up in gauze, .some raisins and some nuts. We always foujnd just the very thing we wanted and won dered how In the world Santa It is our wish that the holidays will bring you joy and happiness, and that this will be the finest Christmas EVER for you and your family. M '4 All Forms of of Insurance EXKCl’TOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of E. k. Spainhow- er, deceased, all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned execu tor on or before December 10th, 1935, or thi s notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All per sons owing said estate are noti fied to make prompt payment. This December Sth. 1934. A. E. SPAINHOWER, Executor Estate E. F. Spain- hower, Dec’d. 1-14-61. „ . Santa, with his long white beard, ! hers were played by Helen Rob- and Miss Anne Duncan. Mrs. Mc Laughlin prior to her nuptials was Mi.ss Frances Pearson. oT SHORTE COLDS PROVED BY 2 GENERATIONS the program. .An enjoyable social hour fol lowed the meeting during which time delightful refreshments were served. Hostess for the Jan uary meeting will be Carolyn Sue Linney and .Mary Neal .Morrison at the Linney home. The pro gram given Wednesday after noon was one of the most out standing that has been .given by the chib this fall. This Coupon Good For 25 Cents at WILKES DRUG COMPANY Present this Coupon and 75c and receive one full size $1.00 bottle of California Stomach Tablets Recommended for Ulcerated Stomach, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Acid Dyspepsia, Gassiness, Indigestion. Sold on an absolute guarantee. If not satisfied with results in 30 days, return to us and money will be refunded. pack, muffled to the very chin in furs. Now, he grasps his long whip, flourishes it in the air, cracks it, leans forward and taps the foremost deer, which quick ly gets in line, and off they go again over the housetops, at breakneck speed. The night before Christmas— ah. that night! I am not a child, j but I still see Christmas in the j olden, golden glory of the days j gone by, "when life was like a I s:ory. holding neither sob nor I sigh.” j I remember, we sat hreaibless- I ly around t!io fi:'pp!ace. so 1 homey, thinking only of Santa, j and wondering if he would be I sure to come our way this night I of all nights. Our family, cora- Do You Want to Buy a Farm? See or write O. H. BRACEY North Wilkesboro, N. C. WE ARE GRATEFUL... . . , for the splendid patronage you have extended US during the year, of which only a few days re main . , . Your loyalty is responsible for what measure of success we have attained . . and we hope that we w’ill merit your confidence in the fu ture . . . that we will have the pleasure of con tinuing to serve you. May the New Year bring you new Prosperity, new Joy, new Contentment. Forester-Prevette Insurance Co. C. C. FAW, Manager North Wilkesboro North Carolina Hi Ho' ; ■' posed of .Mother and Father, six children, the family servant, Snow Ball, and the dogs, Shep and Bruce—not to mention the old gray cat and her two little spotted kittens, made a half cir cles around the glowing embers. Breathlessly we sat and awaited the all-important event. We had previously scribbled notes, enumerating our modest wants, and sent them flying up the chimney with devout faith and sincere earnestness. Now, it was only left for us to lean forward and call up the chimney any wish we might have forgotten— for Santa Claus was so near that we could feel his very presence, and certainly he heard every whispered word at this season. We were forewarned not to re plenish the fire, so thsU the good saint would not be endan gered by the heat, and possibly turn aside and neglect to visit our fireside. I am not sure but that Mother even put out the fire, after we had hung our stockings around the chimney, and been shooed off to bed. She followed us upstairs, tucked us in bed, kissed us goodnight, and We have assembled especially for Christmas Week one of the finest group of pictures ob tainable . . . each day’s program presents an outstanding picture for your entertainment . . . We cordially invite you to visit the LIBERTY Christmas Week . . . and every other week in the New Year . . Heartiest Season's Greetings to all our Patrons and Friends! Liberty Theetre HAROLD KAY, Manager H MONDAY and TUESDAY Special Show Christmas Day ALEXANDER DUMAS’ IMMORTAL STORY mthe count monte CRISTO” PLUS—MICKEY MOUSE COMEDY — NOVELTIES — PARAMOUNT NEWS WEDNESDAY Family Day 10c To All Return of Hie picture that played to more paid admissions than any other picture ever in North Wilkesboro «TARZAN AND HIS MATE** PLUS—Another New Mickey Mouse Comedy ... Bosco Cartoon and “Lightning Warrior” Serial No, 5 left us wide awake to sleep, per chance to dream. | We lived in the country—i or near country, and at the crack j of dawn, we all awaked at once, and shouted in full chorus, “Christmas Gift!’’ as we tumbled out of bed and rolled down stairs. Barefoot, and in our long night gowns—shirt tails flying, six of us children, belter skelter, merry din, rushed down the winding stairs into Mamma and THURSDAY and FRIDAY ZANE 44 GREY’S A Real Holiday Treat Home On the Range 99 Jackie Coogan Randolph Evelyn Brent DON’T MISS JOE ROBINSON SINGING “HOME ON THE RANGE Watch For*.. “Babes In Toyland” ... “Last Gentleman” . . . “Here Is My'; Heart” ... and Many Others. .-i i.3P.