.t-r- • - , “ttie JokrSal-l’atriot has W^ed'the trail of progr^ iit& I;*;---■ ’ ■ .‘‘- . Viv. '^' *r-* '’^fop 29 years. t i- m: w#xi!Ee8;:iOF as# years, j, * ,fel 1^ ,> ft/.-- WS^^M amfreesSsfia^ Published Mondays {tnd Thursdays NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C., THURSDAY, MAR. 14, 1935 M.60 OUTOF THE STi iTEIffil^OFl NATK»I , liiaclied f ^tlss., March 12.—A of alH>ut SO men late today a. n»S1ro, Ah Young, ac- fatally shooting Hardy !4. Atate highway work er, heia last Saturday night. County Coart > Morganton, March 12.—Estab- Ilshment ol a county court to go Into effect April 1 for the trial of criminal cases was announced by the Burke county board of , commissioners today. Bill Would Provide 4 More Weeks Court BiU Introduced In Senate Would Provide Two Weeks Terns For Wilkes In April and November; Placed On Calendar and Passed A bill introduced in the »>tat« senate by Senator Joe WUliams, of the a4th district, provides for four additional weeks of court for WUkes county. The act is entitled “To amend section 1448 of volume 3 of the con.solidated statutes relating to terms of court in tVilkes and Davl^ counUes." Flood.s Strike South New Orleans, La., March 12.— Flood.s and windstorms spread Injury and destruction over the Mississippi Valley and the South today. A new cold wave settled over the area tonight as over flowing waters engulfed the low lands of half a dozen states. Requirements Raised College Station, Raleigh, Mar. 12.—A revised curriculum that Increases the credit requirements for graduation in each school at North Carolina State College has been adopted by the policies committee and the faculty coun cil and will go into effect next September. River Yields Man’s Body Kinston, March 12.—The body of Jake Sutton, 47, missing four weeks, was found in the Neuse River near here, the Lenoir county coroner reported late to day. Jammed between two drift logs the body apparently had been in the river the entire four weeks. The bill sets forth the dates and lengths of the terms of court in Wilkes and Davie ' counties. According to information re ceived here th© measure, if iwssed by' both houses, will provide for two weeks of court during the month of April and two weeks in November, increasing the number of weeks of court for the county from the present eight to 12. The terms would be mixed terms and either criminal or civil cases could be tried, to be determined by the neees.slty and the condition of the re- •siiectlve dockets. It was reported here yester- lay that the measure had luissed in the senate and is now before- the house, where its i>as.sage is anticiimled. In view of the congested condition of the court dockets the Wilkes Bar A.s.sociation this yettr recommended addi tional weeks of court for the county and :ts rc.so:utlons were presented to tlie legisla tors. Training Course For Girl Scout Leaders Planned £. C. Foster Is Seriously Hurt Will Be Held Sometime This Month; Ten or More Will Take Week’s Lessons Dog I-Tods Home ,, Chicago. March 12.—Buddy, a sled^k 'brown collie, was found to day standing guard on the body of his master, who died on the street of a heart attack. Police didn’t know who Buddy’s master was hut the dog led then to the home of Wilbur h’'engel. Kongel Identified the dead man as his brother, Michael. Killed In Accident Blowing Rock, March 12.— Max Mansfield, 26, of Sanford, was killed instantly, and a com panion, Carl Richardson, wa.s seriously injured in an automo bile accident near here early this afternoon. The accident occurred on the plank road about seventy- five yards off the Linville-Blow- ing Rock highway midway be tween Linville and Blowing Rock. Plans calling for a week’s training course for Girl Scout leaders are now being formed and it was learned today that such a course may be held eith er next week or the last week in March, the exact date to be an nounced later. This move is in coordination with other plan.s for greater Girl Scout activity here during the coming summer and it is expect ed that aditiona! interest in the organization will he afous«lr'An- nouncements will he made soon regarding a summer camp. Mr.s. Long, of Greensboro, a recognized Girl Scout leader of this district, will conduct the training course here. The course will consist of S two-hour lessons and are so de.signed to train Girl Scout leaders in all phases of the work. REXALL INSTALLS ICE CREAM PLANT Play At Moravian Falls Friday Night “See You Lottr” Will Be Pre- ■sented; Rehearsals Are Now In I*rogres8 Rehearsals are in full swing' J?hinny lines are being learned; ^umorous stage situations are being perfected; dainty feet are - tapping away at delightful danc es; beautiful girls attired in at tractive costumes are tripping .. i)8ck and forth, and up and down i,;the stage singing catchy tunes. Again we say, rehearsals are in full swing under the direction of Catherine IVilllams, repiCsenting the Triangle Producing Com pany, of Greensboro, N. C., our ^ town’s most attractive young young ladles, and little tots s fast working Into shape the T>ig hit musical comedy “See You X*ter,’’ which will be staged at the Moravian PTalls school audi- % toriam on Friday, March 15th, ^under the auspices of the Mora- /■ vlan Falls School. Too much ■ can not be said nbont the ridiculously tunny laugh producing parts taken by our own Kate Laws, Sadie Smithey, Claude Laws. Tom Davis, Homer Brookshire and Lawrence Critcher. We have seen these folks behind the footlights Jpvefore. and their presence alone Twlth any play would be enough ■ to make it successful. In saying * this we are not discounting one bit the wonderful dramatic abil ity of the more serious parts taken by such well-known local ii artists as John Greer, Mattie Mae Holder, Ed Jennings and Jim mie Scroggs. Upholding a big part of the show are the differ ent groups of chorus girls, g.'s Ticket committees are re- porting very satisfactory sales, jnd Indications are that "See Fyou Later’’ will show to a packed auditorium. The North Wilkesboro Drug Comi'any, better known as the Rexall Store, has installed a Tut- hill Ice Cream plant and Is now .supplying its customers with ice cream made in the store from highest quality ingredients. The store is now furnishing this cream, which thpy declare is superior to commercial pro ducts, in all popular flavors and in any quantities. Truck Is Claimed By Hickory Firm Motor Company Held $600 Lien On Truck Captured Bv Wilkes Sheriff Hewitt Motor Company, of Hickory, on Tuesday sent a rep resentative to Wilkes to present its lien claims on a Ford truck confiscated several days ago when Sheriff W. B. Somers and a state highway pa'.rolman stopp ed it on the Windy Gap road and found more than a 1,000 gallons of whiskey as its cargo. The appraised value of the truck was $800 and It was brought out that the Hickory firm held a lien of |600. Judge Harding ordered that the firm may take the truck on payment of $200 to the clerk of court, said money to be deposited to the credit of the county school fund. The truck was driven by a man giving bis name as John Smith, of Charlotte. He escaped from the custody of the patrol man while at the home of a prospective bondsman. INCREASED SALARIES CALLED FOR BY BILL Raleigh, March 13.—With a 20 per cent increase in all sal aries for th© year July 1935- 1936 and 25 per cent for the 1936-1937 period, the joint ap^ propriations committee virtually finished its work tonight and made ready for the request for a special order Thurfday night in the senate to consider these increases. To Hold Singii^ At Shady Grove Next Session of Ronda Sing ing Association Will Be Held March 31 Next convention of the Ronda singing a.ssociation will be held at Shady Grove church in Som ers township on Sunday, March 31, it was announced this week. All singing classes, quartets and other singers are inviti'd to be present and take part In the program for the day, which will begin at 10:30 a. m. Miss Billie Spencer returned Thursday from Wingate, where she spent a week visiting her sister, Mrs. Howard Worthy. MURDERED? Authorities Investigate Death of Heiress At Pinehurst '•Ir Merchant of Purlear R. F. D. Community, Beaten By Three Youths Pinehurst, N. C. . . . Above is a recent informal photo of Mrs. H. Bradley Davidson, Jr., heir ess to the Statler hotel fortune, whose death from monoxide gas in the garage of her home here is being closely investigated. E. C. Foster, well known mer chant of the Purlear, R. F. D., community, was beaten into a state of unconsciousness Sunday afternoon by three young men and Wheeler Ferguson, Quentin Ferguson and Luther Billings are in jail at Wilkesboro charged with the assault. The men went to Mr. Foster’s store Sunday and called him from his home nearby, asking that he enter his store and sell them something to eat. While he was opening some canned goods one of the men hit him on the head with a monkey wrench, producing unconsciousness. When her>83 found a short time later by bis wife there were sev eral abrasions ■ and cuts on his head and his condition was re garded as critical, although it was stated yesterday that he will, in all probability, recover. Enraged people of the com munity began a search for the three men Sunday afternoon that lasted until one o’clock Monday morning, when the two Fergu sons and Billings were located in Charlie McNeill’s barn by a posse. It was reported yesterday that the three have confessed as the guilty parties a.ssaulting Mr. Foster Sunday and have also admitted robbing the store sev eral months ago. List Takers Are Appointed For Townships Will Meet With Tax Supervis or Soon To Get Supplies And InstructioRS Names of tax listers appoint ed by the county board of com missioners were given out today by T. R. Bryan, tax supervisor. Mr. Bryan will call a meeting of the lax listers soon in order to lay plans for the work in April and to give out supplies. The tax listers for the various townships are as follows; Antioch, Simeon Curry; Beaver Creek, Zachary Fergu son; Brushy Mountain, Commie Robertson; Boomer, Bob Phil lips; Edwards 1. H. D. Eller, Edwards 2, Jack Hoots: Ed wards 3, l.uther Pettyjohn: Elk 1. Callon Foster; Elk 2. Emma Dula; Joj)8 Cabin 1, W. A. Payne: Jobs Cabin '• 2, Grady Baker; Lewis Fork, Cicero Trip lett; Lovelace, R. V. Wright; Moravian Falls. Mrs. F. M. Jen nings; Mulberry 1, F. C. Hall; Mulberry 2, John A. Brown; Newcastle, J. T. Redding; North Wilkesboro 2, Mrs. Jim Brewer; Reddies River, Q. O. Kilby; Rock Creek, Ell Sebastian; Somers, H. C. Somers; Stanton, R. D. Coop>- er; TraphiH 1, Harrison Warren; Traphill 2, C. C. Sldden; Union, W. T. Wyatt; Walnnt Grove 1, S. T. Alexander; Walnut Grove 2, Pedro Brooks; Wilkesboro 1, Mrs. W. J. Johnson; Wilkesboro 2, C. G. Glass. Marriage Licenses Licenses to wed were issued from the office of Wilkes’ reg ister of deeds during the post few days to four couples: De- Wltt Hinson and Mattie Hol brook, both of Traphill; Curtis Posreh, Monroe, and Bulah Se bastian, Hays: J. T. Royal, Mc- Grady, and Mazye Mabe, Furr ches; W. R. Ferguson, Boomer, and A. Z. Church, Summit. 198 Bilk Are Passed On By The Grand Jury ler Verdidl Walker Case 147 Returned As True Bills „ While 28 Are Classed As Not True Bills NINE PRESENTMENTS Comprehensive Repmi; Made Of County Home and Oth er County Property LIFE AT STAKE Cleans Up Leaders Of Dope Smuggling Rack et In Country Crand jury of the present term of court completed its work Tuesday and submitted a report to Judge Harding showing that the body had examined a total of 198 bills. The report in full follows: North Carolina, Wilkes Coun ty. To the Honorable W. F. Harding, Judge Presiding at; March Term 1935 of Superior Court for Wilkes county, beg to submit the following report: Number of bills examined, 198; true bills, 147; not true, 28; bills not acted on for lack of witnesses, 23; number of pre sentments, 9. Visited County Home in a body and found the following: number of inmates in Home, 35; number of Inmates in T. B. hos pital. 5; number of inmate pris oners, 12. Stock of Farm: number of mules, 12; number of horses, 1; number of oxens, 4; number of milk cows, 36; number of heif ers. 14; number of bulls, 3; number of beef cattle 1. Plenty of food stuff on hand for inmates and stock. The Grand Jury recommends, that inmates he moved from the small building to the main build ing, also recommend that they be fed whole milk instead of skim milk, and six rubber sheets be purchased for their use. The T. B. hospital was found in first class condition and in mates well cared for, also visit ed the County Jail and found same in good condition. There were 42 prisoners well cared for. Visited the various offices in the Court House and found them in first class condition. We recommend that the toilet in the basement of the court house be remodeled and placed in a sani tary condition. We found the bonds filled by the different county officers and filed with the Register of Deeds to be O. K. We also recommend that the different guardians in the county be requested by the clerk to come and make settle ment at once. We wish to thank his Honor for the very fine and instructive charge to this body, and also the Court and all attaches for their kindness and consideration to us. We wish to say, however, that we have tried faithfully to perform our several duties to the very best of our quite limit ed ability. One In Hospital, One Is Jailed Following Affray Elkin, March 11.—A cutting affray late Sunday afternoon at Ronda sent Ollie Waddell to the hospital and Gaither Cummings, 23. of Ronda, to jail. Cummings, said to have been under the influence of whiskey, was said to have attacked Wad-/ dell with a jack knife, stabbing him on the right arm. Charged with assault with a deadly wea pon, Cummings was given a hearing this morning before Magistrate S: P. Masten. at Ron da. Basketball Tournament For High Schools of County Will Get Under Way This Afternoon For the purpose of cultivat ing sportsmanship and good will among the high schotds of the county North Wilkesboro high school will sponusor a bas ketball toumamont at the school gy'mnasium licre begin ning today. All of the county high schools will take part in this sports event, which is some thing new for this immediate section, although the practice has met with approval in all localities where it lias been tried out. Today and tomorrow will witness the first eliminations wUh boys and girls teams from the eight hlgli schools In the county taking part. , Thursday and Friday of next week will be the dates for the semi-finals and finals. On Fri day night of next week tro phies will be presented by the North Wilkesboro high school to tho winning boys team and to the giri champions. 'The aftenioon’s games, be ginning at 3:80, will bo be tween Millers Creek and Fer guson tclams. Tonl^t at 7:80 Mountain View and Wilkes boro teams will clash in what promises to be some of the fastest basketball In the en tire tournament. On FViday afternoon of this ,week, beginning at 8:80, Roaring River will meet TVapt hill and a* 7:80 Friday Bl^t Mount Pleasant and Ronda wlU clash in the continuation of .the first elimination oon- teks. On Thursday, March 21, the winners will be pitted in tlie semi-finals and on Friday, March 22 will be the finals and the award of cups. The local gymnasium has been placed in excellent con dition for the games and ail is in readiness for the opener. The oflcials for the tourna ment will be Overcash, Church and Blackburn. This tournament should at tract extra large crowds, ac- carding to the opinion of sport fans here, and should result In an intensified interest in basketball among the schools, at the same time creating a splendid feeling of sportsman ship and goodwill. The regular basketball game admission prices will be charged through out tbe.toumament. Seattle . . . For two years the life of Melvin L. Hanks (above), wasn’t worth a plugged nickel. He took the assigninent of un covering the “higher ups’’ ol opium smuggling into the U. S. He gained the inner circle to swear away his life it he “squeal ed.” He landed his men. Wilkes Solon Introduces Bill To Protect Game Would Close Season For Deer, Wild Turkey and Ring necked Pheasants T. S. Bryan. Wilkes county’s representative in the 'general as sembly. in coordination with representatives from other moun tain counties, introduced a bill in the legislature last week pro viding for closed seasons on cer tain game in Wilkes, Surry, .Alle ghany and Jackson counties. The bill is entitled an act “To close the season for deer, wild turkey and ringnecked pheas ants” and goes on to mention the above named counties. After it was introduced it was sent to the committee on game. The bill would create three separate offenses and prescribe the penalties for each: Killing deer, wild turkey or pheasants— Penalty, $100-$ 1,000 or 60 days to 2 years. Permitting dogs to chase deer or other game In the Roaring Gap and Mitchell River Reservations—Penalty, $5-$25 or not exceeding 30 days. Fishing with seines, nets, traps, or dyna mite in any streams except Yad kin River, or placing sawdust in streams—Penalty: $100-$500 or 60 days-1 year. School Lunch For Needy Here Social and General News of Community Gleaned By Correspondent By special arrangement with thp Feijeral Emergency ^Relief Administration office here chil dren of families on yeitef rolls in this city are being furnished lunch at the city schools. Although similar proceednre has been followed out in some of the county schools this is the first project of its kind ever undertaken here. Around 65 children are now being fed hot lunch at the school at the noon hour. Miss Evelyn Gentry was ap pointed by the FERA to be in charge of the lunch room and she has a colored woman as her helper. Facilities of the home economics dei>artment are being used in such a way as not to interfere at all with the regular school work. The relief administration is allowing 10 cents per day for each child and those in charge of preparing the noon day meal for the underprivileged children are placing special emphasis on a diet of balanced nutrients that will fit the child’s needs. Three thousand black locust seedlings have been distributed in Lincoln county for the purpose of demonstrating how to grow a local supply of fence posts. Was Charged With Harder (rf Thomas Church, Age 75; Sentence Not Pa^ed COURTTNEY ON TRIAL Witness Testified Today That Noah Bryant Died From Strychnin Poisoning After several hours deliber ation a jury yesterday returned a verdict of manslaughter a- gainst Bertha Walker, who was tried on a murder charge In con nection with the death of Thom as Church, age 76, in Elk town ship In December, 1934. The case was tried Tuesday and was placed in the bands of the jury in mid-afternoon, fol lowing the charge of Judge Harding. When court adjourned Tuesday evening no verdict had been reached and had not until about ten o’clock yesterday. Church was found dead with in a tew steps of a house where Bertha Walker was reported to have lived at that time. Hla body was not found until sever al days after his death and there were bruises about bis face and abdomen. It was brought out by state’s witnesses that the aged man had visited the woman on several oc casions and that they had quar relled several days before his body was found. This, added to the fact that she^went to Ashe county soon after the affair came out, was the principal evidence on which the state asked for conviction of murder in the sec ond degree or manslaughter. No sentence has been passed on the convicted woman. ■This week the court is work ing on the more Important cases, ■yeldon Bowers, who was indict ed on a capital charge of burg lar, alledging that he entered the home of Willis Miles on March 4, submitted to a charge of lar ceny and was sentenced to IS months on the roads. Murder Trial On This morning testimony start ed in perhaps the most sensa tional case during the term. Ed Courtney, colored, is on trial for the murder of Noah Bryant, also colored. The Indictment charges that Courtney caused Bryant’s death by selling him poisoned liquor. The state is asking for a ver dict of first degree murder, which carries the death penalty. The jury was selected yesterday afternoon from 36 men selected from court attendants. Attorneys J. M. Brown and Eugene Trlvette are aiding So licitor Jones in the prosecution. The defendant is represented by Attorneys J. H. Whicker and H. A. Cranor. The first witness against Courtney this morning was the widow of Noah Bryant. She told of her husband’s short illness and death. Dr. G. T. Mitchell, who at tended Bryant, testified that he administered to his suffering and diagnosed his case as strych nine poisoning. The state will at tempt to show, as the trial pro gresses, that Courtney put strychnine in liquor he sold to Bryant. Three divorce cases have been tried: Walter Hauser versus Mable Hauser; Pansy McNeill verbus Percy McNeill; Leasle Wade versus John Whde. Elmer McBride was sentenced to 12 months on the roads for assault with a deadly wapon. Richard Royal was found guilty of assault on a three-year-old child and Dave Stewart was found guilty of larceny and re ceiving. C. C. Hayes is serving his first term as clerk of court and, according to court attendants. Is getting along fine, notwithstand ing the fact that he and his of fice force are inexperienced. Several other cases are cal endared for trial this term but it is doubtful that many can. ./be reached. Solicitor Jones a n- nounced in court early^t^Is^week the cases to be tried,' white the cases not specified will be con tinued. JUNIORS-SENIORS TO HOLD RECEPTION The annual reception of the juniors and seniors of the city high school will take phtce to morrow evening at eight o’clock in the American Legion club house.

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