STATE AND NATION Apples For Wheat «. -^Wls, March 22.—An agree- was reached today for the entonge of American apples for wheat to feed livestock in th» eastern section of the United? States. Sentenced To Die White Plains, N. Y., March 22. —^Albert H. Fish was tonight convicted of the first degree murder of 10-year-old Grace Bpdd—The verdict carrying a mandatory death penalty. A Close Shave Raleigh, March 22. — Jim Green, Pitt county negro, sen tenced to die for criminal as sault, was granted a commuta- Gon to life imprisonment by Governor Ehringhaus today just 45 minutes before be was slated to be electrocuted. Killed By Truck Morganton, March a 2. — A ■ -uck plunged over a 50-foot precipice tonight on highway No. 10, near Bridgewater, carrying to his death Clayton Miller who, with another companion, George Garland, was riding with Oscar Townsend, its driver toward Forbes, their home in Mitchell county. Dust Causes Two Deaths Springfield, Colo., March 22. —^Two deaths in eastern Colo rado were attributed today to severe dust storms. Physicians said Charles Winters, 35, of Springfield and Miss Mary Sloan, 19, of Pritchett, died of pneu monia caused by breathing large quantities of fine sand, stirred -4-UP winds. KUled In Test Flight New York, March 22.—James Collins was killed tonight when an airplane he was test-flying for the United States navy crashed at Farmlngdale, Long Island. The plane, which had been man- fc. jfactured in a nearby factory, fell approximately 8,000 feet. Discusses Ta.xcs Washington. March 22.—Des pite an Encouraging increase in income tax receipts. President Roosevelt said today the ques tion of levying new taxes de pends upon how much money Congress appropriates. That, he added with a chuckle, is not a threat. 2 Die Of- Rabies Danville, Va.. .March 22—Jim my Bennett, three, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bennett, of Ruf fin, N. C., died late last night in Memorial hospital from hydro phobia. It was the second death from this cause in this imme diate section in recent weeks, the other being a negro boy in Cas well county. ^ Killed By Ti-ain Morganton, March 22.—The mangled body of WJieeler Arm strong, 2 9, Drexel furniture worker, was found on the South ern railway tracks near Drexel early today, a victim of a train which passed in the night. Arm strong was last seen in the Bridgeport community last night, and it was thought that he was struck by a train while walking his home. ,. rict Meetingr IERA Teachers Will ^ In Hickory 5th yeral From This County Ex- >ected to Attend Gathering on Friday, April S District meeting of Emergency Relief Education teachers will be held in Hickory on Friday, April 5, according to an an nouncement released today. Sev eral from W'ilkes are expected to attend Features of the program will be addresses by Governor Ehring haus, Dr. J. H. Highsmith and Clyde A. Erwin, superintendent of public instruction, and music by the Hickory high school 'or chestra. The meeting will begin at 10:30 and adjourn at 3:30 in the afternoon. A number of group conferences, designed to aid teachers In that line of work, will be held during the day. lywood farmers estimate need 6,000 more head of 9 In the county and have n a pnrabred breeding proj- r«ct. Wilkesboro and Mountain View Emerge Champs Finals In N. W. H. S. Basket ball Tournament Played Friday Night GOOD GAMES PLAYED Mountain View Girls Upset Roaring River; Wilkesboro Beats Millers Creek Final games in the North Wil kesboro high school goodwill basketball tournament here Fri day night saw Wilkesboro boys and Mountain View girls stage almost superhuman rallies to overcome early leads by Millers Creek boys and Roaring River girls. The tournament began on March 14 and 15, at which time all eight high schools in the county had teams on the floor. The semi finals were played Thursday and the results were: Girls Roaring River 2 3, Millers Creek 15. Mountain View 2 4, Mount Pleasant, 17. Boys Millers Creek 35, Roaring Riv er 15. Wilkesboro 21, Ronda 20. Scores in the final games Fri day night were: Mountain View, 17; Roaring River, 11 (girls). Wilkesboro, 14; Millers Creek, 10 (boys). True to form the final games were the most thrilling and spectacular of the entire tourna ment. Mountain View girls, coun ty champions in the schoolmast ers’ schedule, had a hard time overcoming an early lead by Roaring River girls, who seemed destined, until the last minutes of play, to become champions. At the end of the half Roaring River had Mountain View 9 to 4 and until the last period-10 to 7. Haynes, an outstanding play er of the tournament, scored the entire 17 points for Mountain View, including nine free throws (Continued on page eight) Plant Shrubbery About Courthouse .\ppearance of Courthouse Lawn Greatly Improved by Landscaping Workmen under the direction of Floyd M. Jennings, proprie tor of Valley View Nurseries, were busil.v engaged Saturday in setting shrubbery on the court house lawn in Wilkesboro. Beautiflying the courthouse grounds is a project of the Wil kesboro 'W’oman’s Club. The county commissioners authorized the payment of SlOO toward beautifying the court house grounds and the W’oman's Club is also aiding in the project. The shrubs that have been planted about the building are very attractive and some of them are of varieties that will bloom in various seasons. Specimens of the following shrubs have been planted: pyramidal arborvilaes, ;rlsh junipers, spreading juni pers, globe arborvitaes, english laurel, ligustrum jajpanicum, spirea thunburgii, forsythia, weigella, mock orange, nandinas, spirea anthony waterer, hydran gea pee gee, hydrangea, orbore- sens, abelia grandiflora. virbun- um plicatum and cedarus deo- dora. GEORGE A. WHITE IS CRITICALLY ILL A message from the hospital in Soda Springs, Idaho, where he is now a patient, is to the effect that George A. White, who is well known here, is critically ill with little hope held out for re covery. Mr. Wlhite has been growing weaker tor several weeks, his illness being due to a complication of diseases. His niece. Mrs. Julius Hubbard, was advised today about his more serious condition. Mr. White is a brother to the late Dr. J. W. White, of Wilkes boro, and Prof. Charles White, who has been making his home in European countries for the past several years. For sometime he was engaged in the hardware business here, being one of the owners of the Jenkins Hardware Co. Cleveland county 4-H club members have organized a coun ty council with Howard Ware as president. Girl Sets Rifle Shooting Record O-ed Misses All-Time Shooting Record Bjt One Shot; Scores 598 Out of Possible 600 . Seattle—Miss Shirley Frazier (above), co-ed at the University of Washington, missed by one shot the all-time record in nfle shooting to become 1935 champion. She shot six rounds of 100 shots as follows. 100, 100, 100. 99, 99, 100, or 598 out of a possible GOO. Sales Tax Section of Revenue Bill With No Exemptions Passes House By 55-39 Vote; Amendments Killed Debt Adjustment Committee Will Meet Wednesday Persons Interebted In Taking Cases Before Body Can Do So At That Time The Farm debt adjustment committee of W'llkes county will hold a meeting in the of fice of County. Agent A. G. Hendren on Wednesday, March l -i*.-». -•i/'- -- AU members of the com mittee are asked to be pres ent as it H stated tliat there are some very important mat ters to gain the group’s at tention. .Any persons interest ed in taking their cases of debt adjustment before the commission should do so at that time, the announcement also stated. Wilkes Students Make Honor Roll Six From This County Made High Average Mark At A. S. T. C., Boone Boone, Mafch 23.—The Honor roll for the Appalachian State Teachers College for the Winter quarter has just been posted by Prof. J. T. C. Wright, head of the Mathemathics Department. To be classed in this group is a distinctive honor at Appalachia. Among other things it requires creditable conduct and average grades from 90 to 100 per cent. 141 students out of an enroll ment of 1016 are classed as honor students. They come from 46 counties and from 6 states. Wilkes county's honor stu dents at A. S. T. C. are Coit Dyer, Purlear; Harlon Gilliam, North Wilkesboro; Mary Nich ols, Cricket; Dorothy Stewart, Hunting Creek; Nora Warren, Traphlll; and C. C. Weight, Hunting Creek. Administration Levy Approv ed As Anti-Sales Tax Forces Dwindle EVERYTHING IS TAXED No Exemptions For Staple Food Pr^ucts; Maximum Tax Remains $10 Raleigh, March 22.—Guided by the deft hand of Finance Chairman Gregg Cherry, through a storm of amendments North Carolina’s sales tax was adopted by the HoMe^i^^Hng in comjBjtr, tee of {bV^wnole. ^ The $19,000,000 levy was ap proved by the committee 55 to 39. Immediately the House adopt ed the committee report and sec ond reading of the entire reve nue bill was set for shortly after midnight when Representative Clegg of Moore, declared ho would insist that all of its 291 pages be read. As adopted by the committee, the sales tax schedule, with one minor exception, is exactly as written by the joint finance com mittee. Before its final vote the House had turned down by com fortable margins, a crop of a- mendments, anyone of which would have played hob with the admini»tration’s dielicately bal anced budget. They were: 1. By Representative Douglas, of Wake, to discard the sales tax entirely and substitute a fran chise tax on tobacco products manufactured in the state. The amendment lost, 77 to 23. 2. By Representative Kerr of Duplin, to reduce the sales tax rate from 3 per cent to 2 per cent. The amendment lost 51 to 43. By Representative Williams of Hyde, to exempt meat, lard, flour, meal, molasses, coffee, salt, and sugar and all purchases by charitable institutions. The a- mendment lost 56 to 41. 4. By Representative Scholl, of Mecklenburg, to remove the max imum limit of $10 on any one sale. Lost without a record vote. Amendments by Scholl and by Sentelle, of Brunswick, were withdrawn by their authors. Scholl’s would have stricken ref- (Continned on page eight) JE GRANGE MASTER WILL SPEAK THURSDAY NIGHT AT WILKESBORO E. S. Vanatta Will Lecture On Soil Erosion Control and Movies Will Be Shown Portraying Work of Erosion Service; Large Attendance Expected A meeting that is expected to be largely attended by in- tereeted farmers from ever>'' section of Wilkes county will be held at the courthouse in Wilkesboro on Thursday night, March S8, when E. 8. Vanatta, state Grange Master, will give an illustrated lecture on soil erosion control. The meeting will b^in at 7:80. The meeting wUl be under the auspices of the soil erosion service and moing pteturee wUl be shown, portraying vividly the work of this department and otimr intereatia^ features connected with soU erosion control. The problem of soil erosion and the futility of trying to make a living from washed- away farms has been Imiuoes- ed upon the people of Wilkes in various ways since nwolts of the soil erosion survey were made' known several months ago. Efforts are now being made to organize the county for ter racing work and Uiis phase makes the meeting to be held Thursday ni^it ot man sig>' ntficance. District. School Commencemopt At Mt. Peasant Faceg ' With Graftr. ' Sevmth Grade Coommee- '' met^ For Mstrici'Win Be' , Held Friday,-'Aiwil 26 - AN ALL-DAY PROGRAM Literary Exercises In Fore noon and Field Day of Ath letics In Afternoon Group commencement for the seventh grade graduates of Mt. Pleasant district will be held at Mount Pleasant high school on Friday, April 26, according to an announcement just released by District Superintendent S. E. Matthews. All schools in the district are expected to take part in the days program and to furnish patrlcl- pants for all departments. The morning session will be devoted to literary work and the after noon to a field day program of athletics. The following program has been made out for the day: Morning Song, “America,’’ by congrega tion. Devotional, Miss Edith Church. Address of welcome, Prof. S. E. Matthews. Response, Miss Annie McNeill. Song, by Maple Springs school. Recitations, contestants from all schools in the district. Address, Prof. C. B. Eller, county superintendent of schools. Song, “Bless Be the Tie That Binds,’’ by congregation. Afternoon The athletic contests will be gin at 12:30. Each school in the district may have three entries in each contest as follows: standing high jump, boys and girls; running high jump, boys and girls; standing broad jump, boye and girls; running broad iqm-p, boys and girls; 100 yard dash, boys and girls; half mile run, boys; quarter mile run, girls; wheelbarrow race, boys; shot put, boys and girls; sack race, boys and girls. The public, and especially all patrons of the schools in the district, is invited to attend the commencement. Rev. S. S. Jennings Conducts Meeting In Rutherfordton Loral Evangelist Began Meeting I>ast Niglit In Big Teht; Cam paign Here Ijater Rev. Sam S. Jennings, evange list of this city, began an evan gelistic campaign in his big tent a t Rutherfordton last night. Services had previously been held in a tabernacle there. Rev. Mr. Jennings is assisted in the evangelistic work by J. 0. Barrett, singing leader and campaign manager. The meeting in Rutherfordton will continue for four or five weeks. Announcement that a similar meeting will be held in North Wilkesboro soon is expected to attract much Interest here. Columbus . . . Above' is Gov. Martin L. Davey ot Ohio, (D) over whose head hangs a threat of impeachment. Ohio's attorney- general charges that the gover nor's campaign committee “shook-down” business men who sold goods to the Ohio Relief Commission. Ba|^ Payors’ Confereace 2 Days This Ministers of Wilkes and Snir 'zouhding'''CoiHriie8 Td lieetil —.. At Finst-Baptist ~ ’ TU^DAY, WEDNESDAY « I ipi I General Secretary of State Baptist Convention Will Be In Charge of Meet R. H. Pearson Taken By Death Prominent Business Man Dies At Wilkesboro Home; Funeral Tuesday Riley Hampton Pearson, mem ber of a widely known Wilkes county family and a prominent business man ot this city^ died at his home in Wilkesboro this morning at 10:30. Mr. Pearson had Been in ill health tor several years and be came seriously ill about. a • week ago. This morning his condition suddenly grew worse and he died shortly. He was 64 years of age, a son of the late George L. and Mary Pearson, of Boomer. In 1908 he and his brother, W. S. Pearson, established the Pearson Brothers Store, now one of the largest business firms in this section, and was a partner in the firm until his death. He was a member of Boomer Baptist church and his kind and hospitable character had won for him many friends through out this section of the state. In addition to his wife, Mrs. Mary Jane Morgan Pearson, he leaves six children; Claude Pear son, Purlear; Tal J. Pearson, A1 Pearson, George S. Pearson, of this city, Frank Pearson, of Boone, and Mrs. Marie Bumgar ner. One son, Paul, died several years ago. Also surviving are three brothers, I. E. and Rom H. Pearson, of this city, and J. P. Pearson, of Taylorsville, and one sister, Mrs. George Crysel, ot route 1, Wilkesboro. Funeral and burial services will be held tomorrow (Tues day) afternoon, two o'clock, at the Boomer Baptist church. Wilkesboro and Mt. Pleasant Teams Will Debate At Cbapel Hi b April Ask For Bids On Wood For Schools Bids For Next Tear’s Supply For I,ar|i;er Schools Must Be In Before April 1 County school authorities will accept bids on wood supply for the schools of 3 or more teachers until April, at which time the bids will be opened and contracts awarded. The reason for contracting the wood early for the 1936-36 school term is in order to give the wood ample time to season and be in good condition. Blanks tor any prospective bidders may be procured from the office of Prof. C. B. Eller, county super intendent of schools. S. V. TOMUNSON TO HAVE CHARGE KIWANIS PROGRAM S. V. Tomlinson will have charge of the Klwanis Club pro gram in the luncheon meeting Prlilay at Hotel Wilkes. A good program is anticipated and a full attendance of Klwanians is desired. . 4. ij.. Wilkesboro Won Over Mt. Airy and Elkin; Mt. Pleas ant Is Also Winner Wilkesboro and Mount Pleas ant debating teams will repre sent Wilkes county in the Ay- cock Memorial debate to be held at Chapel Hill on April 11 and 13. On Friday afternoon Wilkes boro teams defeated Mt. Airy and Elkin In the triangle. Mount Pleasant, in a triangle with Cove Creek and Millers Creek, defeated Millers Creek and won by a forfeit over Cove Creek. North Wilkesboro teams lost to North Winston and Lexington high schools and North Winston will represent that triangle. The query this year was “Re solved: That the United States should adopt the policy of ex tending federal aid to general public education.’’ The Wilkesboro debaters who will go to Chapel Hill are Paula Craft and Lee Settle, affirma tive, Lillian Llnney and Tom Story, negative. Mt. Pleasant’s winning teams are Holly r Green and Vecie Church, affirmatire, Valeria Blevins and Grace Bak er, nefhtive. ed by greA speakers, including Rev. and Mrs. H. K. King of the local Methodist church, Mrs. Taul White, and Dr. Walter N. Johnson. These addresses will be of general interest, and the pub lic is cordially invited to hear them. Asks Co-operation In Transportation School Transportation Dojngr Nicely With Advent of Spring Weather Prof. C. B. Eller, county sup erintendent of schools, the coun ty board of education and other school authorities wish to ex press appreciation to the public for cooperation extended toward making the transportation of school children safe and efficient and asks continued support. Many buses are being operat ed throughout the county and school authorities want anybody that has first hand information of any driver violating the rules of transportation to report the infractions. They are not inter ested in complaints of “chronic kickers” but any criticism that will help in eliminating risks to the children will be appreciated and followed up. With the advent of spring weather school transportation is moving along nicely and school authorities are taking many pre cautions in order that no serious accidents mar yie records for the remainder of the present school term. COTTAGE PRAYER SERVICES CONTINUE Cottage prayer meetings for Wednesday night of the North Wilkesboro Methodist church will be held in the following homes; Group No. 1. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Lomax; No. 2, Mr. Frank Blair; No. 3, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hix; No. 4. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sock well; No. 5, Mr. I. H. McNeil. The attendance tor last week in each group was, No. 1, 20; No. 2, 30; No. 3, 13; No. 4, 23; No. 5, 23. IMPROVED BUSINESS IS SEEN IN TAX RETURNS Obviously Indicative of gen erally improved business, federal income tax collections in this state from Ifsr i 1 through March 20 of this year amounted, to $4,221,862.29, Charlea H. Robeftson, collector of'‘internal revenae in Korth Carolina, veale# At the First Baptist chnreh here a conference will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, under the direction of M. A. Huggins, general secretary of the Baptist State Convention, for tho ministers of Wflkes and sur rounding counties. Sessions ot the conference will begin at 10:00 a. m. Tuesday and will bo held throughout the day and night and until noon Wednesday; Dr. Walter N. Johnson, of Mars Hill, a former secretary ot the convention, and Rev. M. O. Alexander, the present associate ■secretary, will be leaders of tho discussions in this conference. The Tuesday night sessions are open to the public and will be of great Interest to all church workers. Throughout the entire week the local congr^atlon of , the First Baptist church will be' en gaged in a school of missions with two classes meeting each evening at 7:30. Mrs. Taul White, ot Chapel Hill, will lead the class for women in a discus sion of "The Larger Steward ship.’’ The class for men will be led by Rev. Eugene Olive in a study of the tofclc: "Human Needs and World Christianity.’’ All men and women ot the sur rounding territory are cordially invited to attend these study groups. :25 each evening inspir ational addresses will be deliver- terday. ■