rtift ^ f;' ' - ■H,-->4r :. - tas blazed the trail of prog^-ess’^in the “State of Wilkes” for'29 years.' ►w. is TWO SECTIONS ■'^ $ ■ --''■''^i’^^-V V'"*- '»^-f-'"^''-:--sv.ir« ■ ..,^ - si;:^ o . .# • ■» .4 t , »« r ^OL. XXIX, NO. 60 Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C." THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1985 n.00 P^ OUT OF the gf Late News of State and Nation CROP LOANS NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRODUCTION 1935 CROPS Office For Wilkes Located In Federal Building In Wilkesboro 1. — Insnll Gets Vote Chicago, April 2.—Samuel In former utilities czar, re- ‘"^eWed one vote in today’s muni- cftal election. Someone in the 3«t ward wrote in his name on the ballot for city treasurer. Democrat Is Winner Chicago. April 2.—Jubilant Democrats steamrollered opposi tion today to elect Edward J. Kelly, mayor of Chicago in a ballot deluge that gave him the largest vote ever received by a mayoral candidate here. ,^10' Another .\nto Killing Danville, Va., April 2.—Mrs. Bessie Hettinger, 35, was in stantly killed and E. L. Weath- ertord was-severely injured yes terday when the car he was driv ing on route 5S, leading from Fall Creek, went over a 20-foot fill. I’robably Cietting Tired Washington, April 2.—A move to get President Roosevelt to withdraw much ot the contro versial legislation on his “must list” at this session and re-sub mit it at a special assembly in November today was started in Congress. Hu.sine.ss licks Vp New York, April 2.—Business of K. J. Reynolds Tobacco com- j pany in the first three months of 1935 showed an increa.se over! the same period of 193-1, offi cers of the company stated at the annual meeting ot stock holders held today in Jersey City. Farmers who are unable to secure funds for the purpose of buying seed, fertilizer or filed for stock elsewrhere for production of crops in 1935 may make application for a loan with the farm credit ad ministration, emersJency crop loan section. Farmers in WUkes county will make their applications in Wilkesboro at the emergency crop loan office in the federal building. Ijoans will be made in an amount actually required for the purpo.ses specified in the application and not to exceed the sum of $500. No loan will be iimde for an amount less than $10. Notes wUl bear in- tei-est from the date until paid at the rate of $51-3 per cent per annum and interest to the maturity date will be deducted at the time the made. All crop loans will require as security a first Hen on the crops grown during 1935. .Applicants for emergency crop loans in 1935 who desire $100 or more for the produc tion of crops other than fruit or vegetable.s, or who desire S300 or more for production of Uie last nuined crops must produce a written statement from a prcxluction credit asso ciation showing the amount applied for and indicating tliat the assiH'iation is unable to gi-ant a loan of such amount or of anj amount which will be sufficient, for the appli cant’s needs in order to be eligible for a loan. STILL WORKING Worth $2,500,000 But Still Shines Shoes For Dime SV\»' Newark, N. J. . . . Michael Bellotti, 47, (above), is going right ahead shining shoes at his stand here despite a telegram which informed him that he and his brother, a book-binder, are heirs to a $5,000,000 estate from an uncle in the Argentine. Contract Is Let For Surfacii^[ of Wilkesboro Street E. W. Grannis is Low Bidder on Project For the Sum of $7,463.65 Kliiiiinate War I*rofits Washington, April 2.—A dras tic income tax bill aimed at squeezing every last vestige of \ profit out of war, and backed by an industrial draft so rigid that It had the front lines as an alter native. wa.s made public tonight % by the senate munitions com-i Four Men Get In Toils of the Law Arrested Friday in Gilreath Community For Violating Revenue Laws mlttee. Vadkln Epidemic An aggregate of 109 cases of •whooping cough were reported in Yadkin county during the months of January. February and .March, the quarterly report compiled by Mrs. Blanche Evans, secretary to Dr. J. Roy Hege, re vealed yesterday. .Accu-sed of Flogging Laurinburg. — Kenneth Blue, 27, and Franklin McGuire. 22. faced trial here today on charg es that they kidnaped and flogg ed Raymond Manship, 23, . em ployee of a chain store. The de fendants. half - brothers, are grandsons of the pioneer textile manufacturer, the late Mark Mor gan. ) .Should Live to Be 180 Belgrade. Jugoslavia. April 2. —Man’s normal life span with clean living should be 180 years. Dr. Asen Slataroff, biology pro- feeaor In the University of Bel grade, said today. Dr. Siataroff believes human beings average one-third their normal years ause of bodily abuses. Discharged; Kiils Self „,^mbn8. O., April 2.—Ten lays after he was discharged as ;Mef of'the .state liquor en- (wcement division, Edmond G. Mathews. 39, shot and killed ilmaelf at his home today. His tvife, who was visiting a neigh- l)or at her husband’s request at the time, attributed the act to worry "about the deal he receiv- »d from Gov. Martin L. Davey.’’ Lethal Gas Bill Passes In House Measure Would Abolish Elec tric Chair; Amendments Are Voted Down y Raleigh, April 3.—Without de bate and with only one dissent ing vote, the North Carolina House of Representatives today passed and sent to the Senate the Peterson bill, to substitute exe cutions by gas for the electric chair. Before voting on the bill, how ever. the House had debated at great length on an amendment of Representative Page, of Blad en, to mount the death house on wheels and cart it about the state for public execntlous. The a- mendment was killed without a record vote. Coma Robertson, Richard Tevepaugh, Clarence Holloway and Theodore Robertson, of the Brushy .Mountain vicinity, were arrested in a raid by federal al cohol tax investigators Friday and hailed before Commissioner J. W. Dula for hearings on charge.s of manufacturing and possessing liquor on which fed eral tax had not been paid. Federal Agents J. C. Fortner, Leonard Roope, J. E. Kanipe, W. P. Lance. Deputy -Marshal W. A. Jones and Clinard Johnson made the raid, which netted one still and the arrest of the four men. Tevepaugh and Holloway were arrested at the still, while the Robertsons were arrested at their home on possession charg es. At the hearing held before the commissioners they were releas ed under bonds of $500 each for appearance at the May term of federal court in Wilkesboro. Singers Gather At Mt. Carmel Church for Fifth Sunday (invention; Six Churches Are Represented state highway and public works commission in meeting in Raleigh Tuesday received low bids on 19 road and street pro jects. including surfacing high way 16 and 18 through the west ern part of Wilkesboro. The contract calls for bitumlu-, tm» Boj face' Btr ffilfS^ .51 to be exact—and the low bid by E. W. Grannis, of Fayettville, was $7,463.75. ' This project begins at a point just west ot the courthouse front and extends to the West End Service station. It is expected that work will get under way within a short time. The commission met yesterday to canvass the low bids, which amounted to $499,261 for the 19 projects. Home Chair Open Season Soon Local Commercial Baseball Team Looks Good In Early Season Practice Singing classes and quartets from six churches gathered at Mt. Carmel church Sunday, to take part in and to hear gospel songs by the classes in a delight ful singing convention. Singers from the following churches were represented: Little Rock, Walnut Grove, classes; Taber nacle, quartet; Mt. Carmel. Mt. Olive quartet: Fishing Creek Ar bor, children’s chorus. The pres ident, Attorney F. J. McDuffie, presided over the convention. To attend to the business of the ses sions a standing committee was appointed as follows: N. C. An drews, Rose Ashley, and W. A. Jennings. Owing to the fact that the secretary, E. W. Walker, had moved away since the last ses sion, Mrs. F. M. Jennings was appointed to fill his unexplred term. The next session of the associ ation, will be held with .Fishing Creek Arbor Baptist church on Sunday, June 30. Junior Woman’s Club Will Meet On Monday Junior Woman’s Club of North Wilkesboro will meet with Mrs. Frank Eller Monday afternoon at four o’clock. All members are asked to be present. Home Chair Company’s base ball team, which bad such a successful season last year, looks right well in early season prac tice. Efforts are being made to secure a game here Saturday as the season’s opener. The Home Chair team this year will be composed mainly ot the best players of the 1934 sea son, together with a number of new players that are expected to add some strength to the aggre gation. On the pitching staff this year will be Crook, mainspring of last season, and J. A. Carmich ael, who comes to North Wilkes boro from Johnson City, Tenn. Both are rated No. 1 in amateur baseball. The team will start the season with Pardue behind the plate. The resting pitcher will see duty on the first sack while Henderson Is slated to start bolding down second base posi tion. Johnny Osborne will play short and Dula will be on the hot corner (third base). The outfield will be made up of Bil lings. Meade, Harrold, C. Bil lings and others. The players this year have been showing up well in practice and a team that should lead other commercial nines in this part of the state is in the mak ing. District Meeting U. D. C. The district meeting of district No. 2, U. D. C., will meet with the P. G. Moore chapter, at Granite Falls, Thursday, May 2. The president, Mrs. W. S. Bern ard, will be thhre. AU members are urged to attend from the Wilkes Valley Guard Chapter. Those who expect to attend please notify Mrs. Bess Gordon Grier so that ebe may notify Miss Nell Moore how many to expect. Arrangemenb Complete For B.Y.P.U. Meet West Central Region to Have Convention in City Friday and Saturday EXPECT LARGE CROWD Baptist Leaders to Appear on Program at First Bap tist Church North Wilkesboro is making plans to welcome and entertain around 600 delegates who are expected to attend the west cen tral Baptist Young Peoples’ con vention to be held at the First Baptist church Friday and Sat urday of this week. The convention wll! open Fri day afternoon at 2: SO. Friday night’s session will start at 7:30 and a sunrise service will be held Saturday morning. A regu lar morning session will be held at the church Saturday morning and the closing session Satur day afternoon. The west central region is made up of about 20 piedmont and mountain counties and each B. Y. P. U. in the region should send one or more delegates to the regional convention. Presi dent Bob Councilman, of Mor- ganton, will preside. Mrs. Helen Linney Cashion, of Wilkesboro, is regional secretary, and Miss Dorothy Crutchfield, of Albe marle, i s junior-intermediate leader. Although the full program has not been announced it is learn ed that such well known Baptist leaders as Miss Winnie Rickett, state B. Y. P. U. secretary, and Miss Mable Starnes, state field worker, will have a part in the convention program. The conven tion program is designed to be an inspiration for a broad pro gram of constructiveness and enlargement in Baptist Young To Give Senior Class Play 12th Senior Class Play of City Hi School B^ised on Inter esting Story Senior class play of the North Wilkesboro high school will be given at the high school audi torium April 12, at 8:00 o’clock. The story of the play Is as fol lows: Eddie Bond returns to Ful ton’s Ferry from college to find the entire town excited about the placing of a new bridge which is to take the place of a worn-out ferry boat. His mother, a widow and the village post mistress, owns one storeroom which would make a valuable corner if the end of the bridge came out on one street. Mort Flint, the town mortgage holder and manager of the general store, with the aid of his hench man, Alf, a male gossip and in sinuating trouble breeder, tricks Mrs. Bond into selling her prop erty for far less than it was worth. Constable Jerry comes to the rescue and tricks Flint into selling the land back to Mrs. Bond. The bridge goes in at the right street, Eddie meets the girl, the village Uplift Society, who have meddled in the affair, are shown up in their true col ors, and all ends happily. Are Agents For The International Brand Fertilizers Fertilizer Handled By Number Of Dealers In Connty Prov ing Very Popular International brand fertilizers with dolomite lime filler is prov ing very popular with the peo ple, according to information re ceived from a number of dealers in the county. International fertilizers are handled in this city by the North Wilkesboro Grocery Com pany, and C. A. Forester, and by Claude Pearson, of Purlear, A. E. Wlngler, of Fairplains, B. B. Greer, of Boomer, and C. G. Glass, of Route 2, Wilkesboro. These dealers are well stock ed with International Fertilizer and have a brand for every crop grown in this section. M. F. Shore, of Yadkin conn ty, is consigning a male and fe male Guernsey to the national Guernsey sale to be held in Trin- ton, N. J., on May 18. IN OHIO RELIEF CONTROVERSY FERA in Ohio Thken Oyer By Regional Officer; Corrupt Political Interference Charged By Hopkins Columbus, Ohio.—Above, left, is Attorney General John Bricker, of Ohio, to whom Harry L. Hopkins, federal relief administrator, sent affidavits in support of his charges of “corrupt political interferences” in the administration of unemployment relief in Ohio. On the right is C. C. Stillman, FESIA regional officer, who, upon the order of Ad ministrator Hopkins, has taken over Ohio federal relief. Produce Dealer Is Accidentally Shot; Succumbs Pete Jebas Shoots Self Acci dentally at Home Near Mil lers Creek Monday Pete Jebas, naturalized Greek who has been dealing in produce in the Millers Creek community for several months, died at the hospital here Tuesday morning from a gunshot wound said to have been self-inflicted on Mon- day able Inforn'ation concerning his death, he accidentally shot him self. a bulUt from an automatic ptitol entering the right side of his abdomen and going out the left side. An operation was re sorted to to save his life but to no avail. Neighbors stated that Jebas had been practicing with his pis tol and there were indications that he had placed the gun into his jacket pocket without slip ping the safety catch. There was an empty cartridge in his pocket that had been recently fired and a slit in the pocket as if a bul let had went through the fabric of the Jacket, according to in formation received from offi cers who investigated the affair. He was born in Smyrna, Asia Minor, and was 41 years of age. He came to America in 1908 and received his citizen ship papers. He was a veteran of the World War. His home be fore coming to this section was in Ohio. He has one brother, Dick Je bas, of Alliance, Ohio, and two sisters, Mrs. Cafira Koronios and Miss Diodora Jebas, both of whom are living in Krita, Greece. His body will leave a local undertaking establishment today for Alliance, Ohio, where the fu neral and burial services will be held Monday. Tax Settlement Bill Favorable Measure Introduced To Re peal Tax Settlement Law Gets Favorable Report A measure introduced in the senate Thursday calling for re peal of house bill 423, which validated sales of land by Wilkes county and approved fees allow ed the sheriff, was reported fav orable by a senate judiciary committee yesterday afternoon after a hearing had been held. Senator W. P. Horton, of Chatham, who is chairman ot the Judiciary committee, intro duced the measure to repeal the house bill passed several weeks ago. A number of people appear ed before the committee, speak ing for and against the measure. Food Sale Saturday The Woman’s Bible class of the North ’Wilkesboro Methodist church is sponsoring a food sale at Belk’s store Saturday after noon, April 6, beginning at one o’clock. An assortment of foods will be on sale and anyone de siring a special order please call Mrs. C. L. Sockwell. Tobacco Checks Are Given Out Happy Crowd Of Tobacco Farm ers Receive Adjnstmetat Pay ments For 1984 It was a happy crowd of to bacco farmers who called at the office of County Agent A. G. Hendren to receive their 1934 crop adjustment payments. Yesterday was the day set to give out the checks, amounting to $6,651.49 and at noon the checks, 147 in number, haf al most vanished into the hands of the contract signing farmers. There are still a number ot h.iTA tint .hMH.iittnt out of ’/Washington and ' the farmers who are to receive the checks that were delayed will be notified when they arrive at the county agent’s office. Field Day For Commencement Each School Asked to Be Rep resented in Commence ment at Wilkesboro In a communication sent to teachers of the various schools in the Wilkesboro central dis trict by the commencement ath letic committee plans were out lined for the athletic contests to be held on the afternoon of com mencement day in Wilkesboro on May 4. The morning program of the seventh grade commencement will be devoted to literary topics and the afternoon to a field day of athletics. The athletic pro gram will begin at one p. m. and the committee, composed of Van Caudill, chairman, W. T. Jones, C. D. McGee, C. R. Byrd and Nora Laws, is asking that each school be represented in the following events: Boys’ 100-yard dash, one from each school; girls’ 50-yard dash, one from each school; boys’ run ning high jump, one from each school; girls’ running high jump, one from each school; boys’ mile relay, team of three from each school: boys’ running broad jump, one from each school: girls’ bottle relay, one from each school: boys’ three-legged race, two from each school; boys’ 220- yard dash, one from each school; girls’ basketball throw, one from each school; boys’ basketball throw, one from each school. Prof. T. B. Story, district sup erintendent and principal of Wilkesboro high school. Is urg ing the teachers of each school to train children to take part in both the literary and athletic programs of the commencement. CITY TAX LISTING DATES ANNOUNCED W. P. Kelly, city clerk and treasurer and tax lister for North Wilkesboro, announces that he will meet the taxpayers of North Wilkesboro at the city hall from April 19 to April 30, both dates inclusive with Sun days excepted, between the hours of nln» a. m. and five p. m. for the purpose of listing taxable property and polls. '■ Owners of real estate are re quested to give their lots num bers and the number of ^ the blocks In which lots are sitnated. Jury Drawn the April Temi’ ofi Superior Court! To Convene in Wilkesboro m Monday, Apnl 22; Win Be Mixi^ Term COMPENSATIONS FIXED Pay For Tax Assessors Sped* fied; Ferguson Reappoi^ ed as Accountwt The board of county commie- sioners in session Monday drew jurors for the mixed term of j court to convene on April 2X,'’ri specified pay for the tax super visor and list takers, reappofnt- ed the county accountant and pointed a janitor for. the coart- , bouse. - . There will be no grand jury, at the April term of court and 48 jurors were drawn, 24 for . the first week and the same nuMhar for the second week. The jnron are as follows: First Week A. M. Blackburn, Edwards; L. G. Venable, Traphill; A. L. Reaves, Mulberry; Tyra Cpthren, Rock Creek; I. M. Pllklngton,^ Stanton; J. E. Haynes, Somers; W. M. Duncan, Wilkesboro; J. H. Tharpe, Edwards; N. M. Blev ins, Wp.lnut Grove; Vickery Ad ams, Reddies River; J. E. Fer guson, Boomer: J. B- Foster, Lewis Fork; Bruce Billings, Wal- nue Grove; M. A. Bryan: Trap- hill; W. A. Church, Lewis Fork; Geo. E. Blevins, Walnut Grove; C. P. McNeill, Reddies River; T. D. Barker, Edwards; J. A. Rob erts, Mulberry: A. L. MarlO'w, Lovelace: T. M. Roope, Rock Creek; Coy Eller, Lewis Fork; H. C. Miller, Union; G. P. John son, Wilkesboro. Second Week D. C. Sebastian, Mulberry; Clifton Smith, Edwards; W. O. Barnett. Elk; 0. W. Kiser, New- caetle’;-' G. C. Roope, Morartaa Falls: Jeff Russel. Jr., Boomer; Edgar Brooks, Wilkesboro; T. C. Anderson, Lovelace; D. J. Durham, Edwards; W. S. Wat son, Jobs Cabin; J. C. Grayson, North V7ilke&boro; T. B. Holder, Moravian Fails; John Edminsten, Elk; G. D. Smith, Newcastle; C. F. Brown, Traphill; R. G. Fer guson, Boomer; C. A. Sink, North Wilkesboro: J. F. Bumgarner, Mulberry; R. H. Green, Newcas tle; J. F. Caudill, Reddies River; John A. Brown, North Wilkes boro: Sam Johnson, Lovelace; A. F. Absher, Mulberry; Will Anderson, Wilkesboro. Tax Listers’ Pay It was ordered by the board that the compensation to be paid to the tax supervisor shall not exceed the sum of four dollars per day for a period of sixty days. It was further ordered that the compensation to be paid the different tax listers shall not exceed $2.50 per day for actual time spent in the work and in no event shall the amount for any one township exceed the amount paid for similar work for the year of 1934. Where townships have been divided and more than one list taker ap pointed the compensation for this work shall not exceed that allowed for the entire township for the year 1934, regardless of time expended on the work. Ferguson Reappointed By order of the commissioners C. H. Ferguson was appointed county accountant for the next two years at a salary of $156 per month. Janitoi- Named Millard Eller was appointed janitor for the courthouse at a salary of $40 per month. Owned By W. C. Marlow; Is Located On Comer Ninth And B Streets 1110 Men’s Shop, new business firm owned by W. C. (Bill) Mar low, will open Saturday morning In the building formerly occn- pied by Economy Auto Supply on the eorner ot Ninth and B Streets. The establishment iriU carry a complete line of men’s wearing apparel. Mr. Marlow is a popular yonng man of this city and has had nine years of mercantile exper ience. Until recently he was a member of the personnel of Belk's Department Store here. The psblie is eordially Ittvttsd to attend ths stors opsatac- The Men’s Shop to Open on Saturday