'•f 3-^ oumal-Patriot KSs bloisWfe trail of progress in the “Sraw,pi Wilk.es •iot^msits. - •- • s 3T , JT%*s Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH VVILKESBORO, N. C., MOiNEi«?i APRIL 29, 1935 Latel^ewsof ^ State and Nation Hogging Is> Violation Athens, Ga., April 26.—“It is \3disiinst the law in Georgia to put yonr arm around a woman with out legal reason • or excuse!” That’s what Tom Green, profes sor of law, told the niversity of Georgia Forestry club members in a recent talk. k Oonvicted For Slaying Concord. April 26.—A Cabar rus county jury late this after noon found Louis Shinn, 29, tex tile worker of Shelby and Kan napolis, guilty of second degree murder for the slaying of Bradv and Albert (Babe) Medlin in Kannapolis in March. Killed In High Point High- Point, April 26.—Mil dred H. Burchfield, 12. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Burch field. was almost instantly killed by a hit-and-run automobile to night about 8 o’clock when she was crossing North Main street near her father’s market. Killed WHiile Playing Mount .\iry, .■\pril 26.— Leon ard Hau.ser, nine-year-old fourth grade pupil, who was injured when he attempted to slide down the banisters at the Rockford street school .here and fell 1,6 feet to the first floor, died in the hospital this afternoon. Woman's Club In Wilkesboro For Better Housing 7,083 Gallons Liquor Seized In Raid By Federal Officers Committee Named To Make Canvass of Town To Ascer tain Housing Needs MISS HARRIS SPEAKS Addresses Club Representative Of F H A Starts Housing Cam paign Field Representative of Fed eral Housing Administra tion 1.1 Heard Higher Inheritance Tax Washington, April 2 6. — \ federal inheritance tax, with rates similar to the income tax levies, was suggested to Congress today by Secretary Morgenthau as “the best source of additional revenue at this juncture. ’ cither to pay the .soldiers bonus or meet ther expenses. .Wilkesboro Woman’s Club, set ting a precedent for the state, has started a better housing drive and will make a canvass of the town to ascertain the needs of improve ment of homes and business hous- es. This civic movement started Fri day afternoon when Miss Cora Harris, field representative of the Federal Housing Administration, addressed the club and Mrs. N. 0. Smoak was named chairman of the canvassing committee. Mrs. Smoak will name the committee. The results of the committee’s canvass will be available to all building tradesmen, including building supply dealers and car penters. ‘‘Join the Crusade.” i.s the ap peal that Mi.ss Harris is making to every woman in North Carolina. Miss Harris is concentrating her efforts in stimulating th^ interest among women toward recapturing the spirit of the traditional Amer ican home t’r.rcugh the Federal Housing Administration. Continu ing, Mis.s Harris said, “This is a woman's war.” She is in the Van guard of the troops and her cour age, determination and enthusiasm will lead others on to victorv. We must enlist the support of the women in North Carolina, and of this nation if we are to bring the Better Housing Program to that (Continued on page eight) Miss Cora Harris, field repre sentative of the Federal Housing Administration. She addressed the Wilkesboro Woman’s Club Friday afternoon, when a can vass of housing needs in Wilkes boro was Instituted. Gravel Surface Being Placed On Highway No. 16 Says Kiilry Forcofl Camden, April 26.—.Mrs. J. C. Bell, of the Old Trap section of lower Camden county, today charged that three revenue a.gents entered her home late Friday^ight without a search and forced themselves e room which she, her 15- ear-old daughter and 13-year- old son were occupying. Mother and Son Doomed Georgetown, Del., April 26.— For their crime more than seven years ago. a 52-year-old mother and her oldest son must pay with their lives. Sentence of death on the gallows was passed today upon Mrs. .May H. Carey and Howard Carey. 27, for slaying her brother. Robert Hitchens. 55, in a plot to collect $2,000 in i'e insurance. Two Local Bills Pass In House (’rushed Slone and Gravel Will Assure Smooth Surface On New Highway Workmen are engaged in laying a gravel surface on the new fjvfid.., Mrs. Glenn, JLohaaphv Measure Gives Power To Al dermen To Name Solicitor of Municipal Court ' Especially Interesting Junior Order Meeting To , / Be Held Tuesday Night Every member is especially re quested to be present at the North Wilkesboro chapter Junior order meeting on Tuesday night at 7:30, at which time it will be decided when the picnic to be given by the “Stars,” losers in a recent contest, will be held. There will also be degree work and plans will he discussed for the district meeting here ou Slay 7. hill introduced in the house of representatives Friday by T. S. Bryan, of’Wilkes, empowering the commissioners of the town of North Wilkesboro to name a solicitor for the mayor’s court was pas.sed and will gain a place on the calendar of the senate this week. Some people, it is understood, had questioned the legality of the office of solicitor for the mayor’s court here and the mea sure was introduced and passed in order to remove all doubt and 10 have the office backed by a separate statute. -Another bill relating to the town of North Wilkesboro was also introduced by Representa tive Bryan Friday. This bill, validating sales of property for ta.xation in North Wilkesboro, was also passed without opposi tion and xvill go before the sen ate this week. It will be recalled sale of property for delinquent taxes here was postponed later than the date set by law in order to give ample opportunity to those who had been unable to pay up to that time. I, Grover Longbottom Hit On Head With A^e; Condition Serious; One Jailed 'Rs^ing River Resider t Sus tains Severe ^ull Frac ture; Operation Made Grover Longbottom. resident of Roaring River, is in a serious condition at The Wilkes Hospital as the result of a, blow on his head with an axe and Edgar Taylor, who has admitted he struck the blow, is in jail at ■Wilkesboro awaiting the out come of Longbottom’s injuries. The altercation occured Sun- I day afternoon. According to Taylor’s story LLongbottom had followed him to llfl home and was threatening to 9rc6 entrance into his home 'when he used the axe. Taylor ran to the home of Lloyd Smithey, magistrate, and told him that he had killed a man and wanted to be brought to the sheriff. Longbottom was rushed to the hospital here in a serious con dition and where examination disclosed that he had suffered a severe skull fracture. An oper ation was immediately perform- In an effort to save his life *d the outcome Is regarded as '^doubtful. DEEP GAP YOUTH STABBED IN FIGHT Luther Green, age IS, a resi dent of Deep Gap, sustained ser ious injury in a fight at Deep Gap late Sunday night when he was stabbed in the abdomen with a knife. He was brought to the hospit al here in a serious condition and operation was made immedi ately and blood transfusion was given. The wound was described as a severe cut on the abdomen with evisceration. Delail.s of the altercation and the name of Green’s assailant could rot be learned here this morning. Young Green is a son of Clin- ard Green. Miss Robinson’s Class In Musical RecHal Miss Ellen Robinson’s music class will render a recital in the city school auditorium on Friday night, beginning at eight o’clock. The public has a cordial Invita tion to be present. The life of a good watch said to be about 50 years. is mile grade on highway 16 from Millers Creek toward Glendale Spring.s and Jefferson. Grading the first stretch of the road was completed several weeks ago but it was necessary to wait for spring weather and until the new- grade had thoroughly settled before applying the gravel surface. "nie gravel is being taken from Reddies River and before it is placed on the road it is crushed, assuring a smooth surface when the oil treatment is applied later. Meanwhile traffic to the Jeffer- sons and other points in Ashe county is still being detoured by way of Laurel Springs or Boone. To Begin Paving Bridge Approach Fills At Reddies River Bridge Shaped For Concrete Pave ment; Begin Soon Work has been going forward during the past few days on shap ing the approaches to Reddies Riv er bridge on the western boundary of this city and it is expected that the road bed will be ready for con crete pavement some time this week. The actual bridge structure is complete with the exception of pouring part of the siderails. It is estimated that about two weeks will be consumed in finish ing the bridge structure and the concrete pavement on the ap proaches. The bridge will be open for travel early in June. Meanwhile traffic is being de toured two blocks and over the old Reddies River bridge, which is looked upon as a quaint landmark because it is one of the few re maining covered bridges in the country.' To Give Minstrel Tuesday Night 2 College Gaines At North Wilkesboro School Auditorium; Is For Bene fit of P.-T. A. “Cotton Club Minstrel Show” will be presented at the North Wilkesboro school auditorium Tuesday night, 7:45, under au spices of the Wilkesboro Par ent-Teacher Association. The public has a most cordial invita tion to attend and enjoy the show. The minstrel is to he given in the North Wilkesboro school au ditorium because of the fact that the Wilkesboro school auditor ium has been condemned and no (Continued on page eight) Large Quantity Illicit Liquor Is Found In Home Home of Glenn Johnson Proves To Be Cache For Liqour and Sugar A group of federal alcohol lax investigators working in Wilkes county Saturday raided the home of Glenn Johnson, fifteen miles east of Wilkesboro, and . seized 7.083 gallons of liquor on which taxes had not been paid. The raid was perhaps the most successiul, from the standpoint of liquor seized, ever made in Wilkes county. When the investigators Satur day morning produced a search warrant and entered Johnson’s home they found five rooms packed to capacity with liquor in half gallon fruit jars. Johnson was apprehended but escaped from custody some time during the day while the officers were engaged in removing the x'ast quantity of liquor from the home, it was reported here. Officers and helpers worked until late in the afternoon Sat urday carrying the more than one thousand cases of liquor to the country road in front of the house, where the cans were bursted and the distilled spirits were drunk by the dirt of a dry hillside. Approximately 10.000 pounds of sugar were seized in an out building on Johnson’s premises. Officers estimated that the revenue and penalties on the liquor would exceed $25,000. The federal tax on liquor is $2 per gallon, in addition to pen alties and forfeitures. .Mrs. .Johnson .An’Cstert with violation of the ' revenue act, was arrested today by Depu ty Marshal W. A. Jones and hailed before Commissioner J. W. Diila, wliere she waived pre liminary hearing and filled bond of S2.000 for appearance at the term of federal court begin ning On May 20. .Stills Are Destro.vecI On Sunday a group of federal officers destroyed five stills with in a radius of two miles from the home of Johnson. Vast quan tities of materials for liquor manufacture and .some liquor were destroyed at the stills. The raid Saturday was the third in Wilkes county which has resulted in the seizure of large quantities of liquor. It is the general oprinion here that the FACES CHAIR Will Be First Woman Electrocuted In Illi nois Chicago . . . Mrs. Gertrude Puhse, 44, (above), is the only woman ever sentenced to die in the electric chair in Illinois. To gether with Thomas Lehne she WM convicted of having murder ed her husband in 1934. She is to go to the chair this month. McCoy Chairman Of C. M. T. C. In Wilkes County Youths Between Ages of 17 and 24 Can Apply For Ad mission To Camp Joe B, McCoy, of North Wilkes boro, has accepted appointment as county representative for Wilkes County to assist local youths to qualify for this summer’s Citizens’ VTilitarv Camps. • anhonnceo today. Tne county representative also made it known that public spirited physicians of the county have again volunteered their services to the Government and will give free physical examinations to candi dates for the training camps. Young men of this county should apply for the.se examinations to Dr. H. B. Smith at North Wilkes boro. A recent increase in appropri ations by Congress has more than doubled the number of men who may attend the camps this year, and all youths between 17 and 24 years are eligible to apply. The Government pays such necessary expenses a s transportation t o camp and return and furnishes wholesome food, uniform, laundry Closing program of the Wil kesboro high school commence ment will be held on Wednesday, May 15. at which time Dr. Clyde A. Milner, president of Guilford College, will deliver the com mencement address and diplomas will be presented to a class of about 40 graduates, it was an nounced yesterday by Prof. T. E Story, superintendent of Wilkes boro district seho-ols. The commencement will open with the seventh grade district exercises at the courthouse on Saturday, May 4. The morning program will be devoted to liter ary subjects and there will be a field day of athletics in the aft ernoon. On Friday night, May 10, Mrs. R. E. Prevette’s music class will render an invitation re cital in the school auditorium. On Sunday night. May 12, the commencement sermon will be preached by Rev. George 0. Hig gins, Greensboro Moravian pas tor, at the Wilkesboro Methodist church. On Monday night. May 13, a second invitation music re cital will be given by Mrs. Pre vette’s music classes in the school auditorium. On Tuesday night. May 14, class exercises will be held in the auditorium and attendance will be by invitation. The address and graduation exercises will be held in the Methodist church. It will be not ed that none of the public pro grams are to be held in the school auditorium. State insur ance authorities have condemn ed the auditorium because of fire hazards and attendance must be limited to invited guests for all programs in the school build- -SeMled progranf -for tli'e various commencement exercis es will be announced later. manufacture of liquor on a I service, and athletic equipment. wholesale scale is due to the in creased liquor traffic into neigh boring states where the bootleg liquor is sold at cut rate prices in competition with legal liquor on which taxes have been paid. Court Begins Work On Docket Convened In Wilkesboro This Morning; Judge Daniels On Th« Bench Wilkes superior court conven ed this morning for a two-weeks’ term with Judge F. A. Daniels, of Goldsboro, on the bench. The criminal docket was taken up and a number of minor cases have already been disposed of. Attendance at court today was unusually large, due in part to Solicitor Jones’ warning for all defendants and witnesses to be in court when their cases are called. The criminal docket will be taken up until all eases pending are tried. Any remaining days will be consumed by work on civil actions. Here This Week Local Nine Will Play Appa lachian On Friday and Sat urday Afternoons Two baseball games between the Home Chair Company nine and Appalachian State Teachers Col lege will feature North Wilkes- boro’s sport card at the fair grounds this week on Friday and Saturday afternoons. ' The home team, although still in the process of formation, was able to batter out a 9 to 7 victory over Appalchian in the game played (Continued on page eight) The camps run for thirty days and attendance does not obligate the candidates for future military service of any kind. Clean-up Week In Wilkesboro Mayor Asks Co-operation In Carrying Out Program Out lined For This Week Your civic chairman urges every club to launch a clean-up, paint-up, and keep-up campaign this spring and fall and offers the following program|s; Sunday—Church Cooperation Day. Ask for appropriate sermon theme and special announcement of the following campaign. “Cleanliness is next to Godli ness.” Monday—Fire Prevention Day. Clear basement and attics of rubbish, greasy rags and waste paper. All fires are the same size at the start. Tuesday — Front Yard Day. Cut lawns, prepare gardens and flower beds for planting; clean walks and gutters. Wednesday—Weed and Flow er Bed Day. Dig weeds, exchange plants, trim shrubbery and plant beds. Thursday—Paint Day. Paint and brighten up, inside and out, porches, fences, wood work, screens and porch chairs. Busi ness houses, clean windows and replace awnings. A little paint works wonders. Please have all rubbish placed where truck can get it Friday morning May 3rd. W. E. HARRIS, , Mayor. Mrs. J. E. Spainhour, Mrs. Lincoln Spainhour, Mrs. Hubert Winkler and Miss Lizzie Hlsle made up a party Thursday going down to Greensboro to attend the flower show. Closes WeAie^y Night, May ISOi President of Guilford College To JJeliver the Conmence- ment Address WiU Hold Tent Revival In City Rev, Sam S. Jennings An nounces Meeting To Begin Here Sunday, May 12 Rev. Sam S. Jennings, min ister of this city who has met with great success in the evange listic field since he began revival campaigns early this year, an nounced today that he will bring his large tent to his home town to begin an evangelistic cam paign on Sunday, May 12. Rev. Mr. Jennings has just closed a highly successful meet ing in Spindale. The tent will be located on what is known as the Tomlinson lot on B Street in North Wilkes boro. Work of grading the lot for the tent site will begin with in a few days. Rev. M r. Jennings invites everybody to attend the opening service at three o’clock in the afternoon on May 12 and a spe cial invitation is extended to all ministers of Wilkes and adjoin ing counties. inunencement ‘ At MiUers Creek Will Be May 11th Will Onen At Mille'.-3 Creek School Building On Satur day, May 11,10 A. M. LITERARY, ATHLETIC Prizes Offered For Winner^’ In Each (Contest Planned For the Day ^ - Seventh grade commenceirt for the schools of Millers CreA central district will be held at Millers Creek school building on Saturday, May 11, according to information received from school officials. The commencement will open at ten a. m. and after devotional* the literary contests will begin. The contests will be in writing, recitations and spelling and prise* will be awarded to the winners. Certificates of perfect attend ance, medals for perfect attend ance r nd dpilomas of seventh grade graduation will be presented by school officials and all who are eligible to receive any of the awards are asked to be presented. Rules for the contests, literary and athletic, are simple. Contest ants in all events must be under 18 years of age, regular in attend ance in the school they represent, and must not have finished the seventh grade in any school prev ious to this year. .All schools are urged to send representatives to take part in all the contests. Athletic contests include 100- yard dash for boys, running high jump for boys, running broad jump for boys, 100-yard dash for giris, 60-yard sack race for girls, bas ketball throw for girls. Every teacher in all the schools of the district and all interested school patrons are urged to attend the commencement. Dr, Rondthaler To Speak In City President of Salem College Is Secured For High School Commencement Address Dr. Howard E. Rondthaler, president of Salem College, Win ston-Salem, will deliver the com mencement address at the North Wilkesboro high school closing on Tuesday night. May 7. Dr. Julian Miller, associate editor of the Charlotte Observer, who was previously announced as the commencement speaker, informed Supt. W. D. Halfacre that he must attend to business matters in Washington. D. C., on that date and will be unable to deliver the address here. Supt. Halfacre stated that the school feels very fortunate in being able to secure Dr. Rond thaler. recognized as a leading educator and a speaker of abil ity, for the commencement ad dress. Decoration Day At Union Baptist Church he Next Sunday will he decora tion day at Union Baptist church near Shepherd’s Cross Roads. Rev, George Miles will preach at eleven o’clock and everybody is invited to attend the service. Wilkes County Girl Wins First Place In Keesler Memorial District Contest Two Tickets In Field Wilkesboro Election Two Candidates For Ma.vor .And Seven In Race For Com missioners "Pwo tickets will be before the voters of the Town of Wilkes boro on election day which has been set as Tuesday, May 7th. One of the tickets will be head ed by W. E. Harris, incumbent, who filed for re-election and the new ticket will be headed by J. h'. Jordon, well known attorney of thp town. The candidates running on the “Harris ticket,” issued the following statement last week to the chairman ut the county board of elections: “We, the undersigned candidates who fil ed with the Harris ticket for election to offices of the Tewn of Wilkesboro, N. C„ do hereby request that our names be placed on the ticket headed by W. E. Harris, candidate for mayor, on ly, and that this is due notice to this effect, and notice not to use our names on any other ticket that may be placed on the (Continued on page eight) Local Building and Loan Di rectors Attend District Meeting at Morganton J. C. Reins, president, A. H. Casey, attorney, J. B. Williams, secretary-treasurer. J. B. Snyder and J. H. Rector, directors, o! the North Wilkesboro Building and Loan Association, attended the district Building and Loan meeting held under the auspices of the State Building and Loan League in Morganton Friday evening. April 26th. This district meeting is known as Group 8 of the State Building and Loan League and is comprised of the counties of WSlkes, Watauga, Caldwell, Burke. Alexander, Av ery, Mitchell and Ashe. The meet ing was well attended and most of the building and loan associ ations located in the district were represented. 0. K. LaRoque, president of the Home Loan Bank, of Winston-Salem, Paul Kiker, president of the State Building and Loan League, George Groan, deputy insurance commissioner, were the visiting speakers. The address of ■wel come was made by local repre sentatives 0 f the Morganton ()qSie e»8d no penur|uoo)