£al-l P.Mtel,^'M«>(bni >l>d IkvT^ fffOli™ WILKESBOBO, N. C-.lWNPAY. MAYm t988 62i 9^ i^f^ewsof: Stateand Natina . 'W«Bt CoBege lU*»peKed ' *■ «noir, May 9.—A recommen- on tor the reopening of Dev* •enfort college In the .tall ot 1919, vrithont merging' with Rifthertord college, vas made Itean yesterday by i trnatees’ committee headed by Rev. W. O. Qoode, of Leaksvllle. C. R EUfer Is R^eikted Superintendbiif Schools Board Eds^tion Takes Oatb Office Sentence Is Oonunnted Raleigh, May 9—Governor^ ®h- ringhaus today commuted to life Imprisonment the death sentence Imposed upon William (Bunk) Deal, Robeson county man, who was to be electrocuted tomor row for th#'.Jfurder of Lewis Chavis. . IlocMa Rivals. Reno Tallahassee, Fla., May 10.— Florida todhy offered quick di vorces along with winter sun shine to stimulate its chief in dustry, the tourist trade. Gov. Dave Sholts signed a bill reduc ing the minimum term of resi dence before filing divorce peti tions from one year to 90 days. Onard Shot to Death Crockett, Texas, May 10.— Virgil Welch, a guard at the Kastman prison farm near here, •was shot to death by escaping convicts today, less than 17 hours after Raymond Hamilton and Joe Palmer were electrocut ed for kUling a guard in another break from the farm In January, GIRL HONORED ‘But Sa Wal Blaylock Convicted Raleigh, May 10.—Ray Blay lock, 23, convicted late today of a second-degree murder charge, was sentenced to 28 to 30 years Imprisonment. He originally was charged with first-degree mur der In the slaying of J. J. Wilson, Raleigh grocer, last March 8. J Leaps to His Death St, Louis, Mo., May 10.—A man identified in a suicide note *as Albert Blakesley White Jr., ■ former army officer of Parkers- jUWt, W. Va., leaped to his death -■''''rrom the 14th floor of a hotel Sere today. The suicide note bit terly protested the government’s treatment of disabled World War veterans, said that he was a- xnong them, and that his act prompted by their plight. ^as Jury Is Drawo For June Court via. In a recess session of the board of county commissioners held on Friday afternoon with all members, D. B. Swarlngen, •chairman, Ralph Duncan and M. P. Absher, present. Jurors lor the term of W|lkes superior ■court to convene on Monday, June 3, were drawn. The June term of court will be for the trial of civil cases on ly. Hundreds of civil actions are pending trial in court, although the criminal docket was practi cally cleared in the term which ended Friday. Following are the jurors for the June term: First Week J. W. Cheek, Edwards; Rossle Brown, Rock Creek; F. P. Hen- dren. Brushy Mountain; J. L. 'Wood, Rock Creek; Noah Har- Reddles River; O. R. BUer, j eddies River; D. W. Bnrchette, Bdwards,; J. W. Moore, WUkes- • nF’^nrn: C. M. Spicer, Traphlll; 8. ’ C. Cgudlll, -Wlalnut Grove; T. R. ^Roberts, Somers; J. F. Combs, Wllkssboro; W. A. Roope, Rock : CrMk; O. "W. Burcham, Ed wards; D. F. SebasUan, Bock Cre^; B. H. McNelU, Elk; Arley Myers, Mulberry; Tjiya Gray, Jtewcastle; Ii. G. ■ Woodie, lewis Fork; J. A, Norman, Jr., Trap- hliif; R. G. PhUUps, Boomer; Harrison Roberts, Antioch; K. L. Hawkins, Elk; Will Kilby, Mul berry. Second Week J. G. Earp, Wllkesboro; Ed ^ Mayberry, Somers; M. B. Moore, Brushy MounUln; R. h- yflk—hoVo; Rbenben Prevette, Lovelace; Ted W. Lyon, Ed wards; R. V. Wright, Lovelace; J. M. WelU, Newcastle; J. B. ; Baker, Stanton; W. J. Rhodes, ■ Walnut Grove; David Bay, Ed wards; Grant Cheek, Edwards; Carter Yates, Stanton; W. M. .-Oebome, Mulberry; C. J. Hen- a^^;tdrwi. Brushy MounUln; O. W. Brown, Traphlll; J. O. Elter, Elk: ■'•'H. D. Bumgarner, Reddles Blv- ‘ J- C. Bradley, Elk; G. C. .•■HMtby, Lewis Fork; J; W. Casey, Bo^rs; C. M. Tevepaugh, North I ■ wBkeafaoro; J. T. West. Beaver ., re||^ Union. ^ C. 0. McNeill Is Re-elected Chairman In Session Held Today In Wilkesboro Prof. C. B. Eller, superinten dent of WJlkes county schools, was unanimously reelected for the next two years in a meeting of the Wilkes county board of education this morning. C. O. McNeill, R. R. Church and D. F. Sheppard, present members of the board who re ceived the highest votes in the June, 1934, primary, were re appointed in the omnibus bill in the recent term of the legisla ture. Oaths of offica were ad ministered this morning by C. C. Hayes, clerk of court. After Uklng the oath of of fice the board went Into session and reelected C. O. McNeill as chairman. Then followed the election of the county superin tendent. Supt. Eller will begin his sec ond term on June 1. Ite was first elected county superinten dent in 1933 and prior to that time was superintendent of city schools in Warsaw. During bis two-year administration as head of the school system In Wilkes, it Is pointed out, the schools have operated smoothly and have progressed in a splendid man- ner, considering the fact that eight-months terms have been maintained on small ^,approprta- tions. Election Is Continued Wilkesboro Matter Set For Hearing Tuesday, June 4; Came Up Friday Hearing on an order citing T. S. Miller, registrar In the con tested Wllkesboro election Tues day for contempt, was postponed until Tuesday, June 4, when the matter came up before Judge F. A. Daniels in Wilkes superior court Friday morning. It is understood that the hear ing at that time will also deal with the counting of alleged il legal votes, in which it was al leged ballots bearing the signa ture of Robert M. Brame, Jr., chairman ot the county board of elections, were used contrary to a permanent restraining order which Judge Daniels issued to the effect that the ballots bear ing the signature of 0. F. Blev ins, town clerk, were the legal ballots. Another order issued by Judge Daniels Impounded the ballots cast and prevented a canvass of the votes. Judge Daniels continued the matter until the June term of court because of bis exhausted condition to continue the work of presiding over court. Judge Daniels is in advanced age, but was highly commended for the manner in which he conducted the court through the congested criminal docket. In commeniing on the election affair Judge Daniels stated that In his opinion "the board of election officials and the town board of aldermen had so com- pllmated matters that no legal election was held.’’ 8 Prince Of ;Not a Good ancer Oklahoma City . . . Miss Vir ginia Briscoe (above), 17, is home from Budapest where re cently she was asked to dance, by the Prince of Wales. Virginia says the Prince is "no', so hot’ as a dancer and that s'ue d rath er dance with the boys here at home. Her father, Powel Briscoe, is an oil operator. County Health Department Has Very Busy Month Number Communicable Dis eases On Dedine; Schoid Children Examimd Report of the WfikS^ county health department shows that Dr. A. J. Eller, county health of ficer, and Mrs. Bertha Bell, coun ty nurse, experienced a very busy month during April, al though the number ot communi cable diseases continued on the decline. The greatest number of com municable diseases reported was 20 cases of whooping congh. However, the disease was con trolled by quarantine and there waK no epidemic. With the ad vent of warm weather the disease has practically subsided, It is learned. One case of syphilis was the only other case of com municable diseases on the report tor April. The greatest activity of the department was the examination and inspection of 784 school chil dren. A total of 290 Schick tests were given, 270 proving negative and 20 positive. Eighty-eight diphtheria immunizations were given and 14 were vaccinated against smallpox. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Steele on Saturday morning a son. Yoltili b Fatally trudk Saturday Acddent Occurred 8 ItUes East- of-wilkesboro On^ SUg’hway No. 60 DRIVKR B^JAILED Truck Driver Did Not Stop; Denies Any Knowledge .of Accident Roy Voster, age 16, was al most instantly killed ‘early Sat urday morning when a truck struck him while he was walk ing along the Boone Trail high way eight miles east of Wllkes boro. Young Foster was walking to ward Wilkesboro and a truck, said to have been driven by Hen ry Wood, of Harmony, was passing another vehicle and the bed of the truck struck Post^ In the head. The truck continued on its way to North Wllkesboro where Wood and his compahlon, Graham Joyner, were apprehend ed and placed in jail in Wllkes- 1 boro. Foster was picked up by a passing motorist but when he reached the hospital here he was In a dying condition. Examina tion disclosed that his skull was crushed. "Wood, whose truck was identi fied as the one that hit the youth, denied any knowledge of the accident and said that he did not know that his trJek hit anyone. Joyner was released after In vestigation of the accident but Wood is still being held to charge of manslaughter. The youth was a son of late Gordon Poster and Nell Barnett Foster, of the Hunt ing Creek community. His moth er and the following brothers and sisters survive. Mrs. Walter Love, Mrs. Byrd Sanders, • all of whom reside near Hunting Creek. A large' crowd attended the last rites, which were held at Fishing Creek Arbor Sunday aft ernoon at three o’clock. Rev. H. A. Bullls was in charge 6f the service. . »l> - Americans Will I^to^ead In Alaska Wo Hundred Families WiH Be Homesteaded In Fertile Valley Where Plants Thrive On 24 Hours of Sunshine ' I ~ face the Mrs. Road Comideted By CCC Forces Workmen of th® James C. C Camp located near Purlear have completed the work of grading what Is known as the Pall Creek road, which connects the Summit community with the Boone Trail at a point near Har ley. This Is a main artery of travel for a great number of people In that section of the county and It Is understood that the board of county commissioners and the county board of education have joined In a request to the state highway and, public works com mission that this grade be grav eled In order that the road may be used as a school bus line. Anchorage, Alaska—Here is pictured a typical farm house in the rich Matanuska Valley, to which more than 200 mid-wastern farm families, comprising 1000 members, are now en route from the U. S. this is a FEUIA colonization project in Alaska. Vegetation thrives here with 24 hours of sunshine and a frosty sub-soil and there is no fear of drought. April Term Wilkes Court Adjo^ed Friday; Only Few Cases Cmtinmed «r^Etetd-NextCrmnnid''~ House Satv&^ Said To M^t Ai^vnl Re- pnbtieaiis and Democrats a in County By provisions of a measno ta* trodneed sevend days ago W the senate and wMeh psss^. t» the honse of representatives 8gt- urday Wilkes county was «ac- empted from the absentee bnllog law and absentee votes wBl BoC be cast in any fnttire primsilsS of elections In Wilkes. The measure was IntrtidaeeC^ Jn the senate by Senator Joo Williams, of thto district aaA •was passed .without opposi^oa ia both houses. s'lt Is understood that tha pas^ ' sage of the act abolishing ahsen- tee voting In Willkes meets wltk the approval of both' the Demo crat and Republican parties. It has been frequently point ed out that absentee voting baa been the source of much coa- troversy In primaries and eleo- tlqns and It Is expected that the abolishment of absentee voUnu In the county will have little or no opposition. Wilketboro H^h ' Closes Wednesday Pre^dent oF Guilford ColleK« To Deliver Commence ment Address I Son-in-Law of Rev. S. Taylor Died Tuesday J. F. Thomas, of Charlotte, died on Tuesday morning. Funeral and burial services were held Thursday -t Morven. Mr. Thomas was married In 1923 to Miss Pauline Taylor, a daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Sey mour Taylor, of Wllkesboro. She and four children, '‘James, Billie, Richard and Joe, survive. Teachers’ Summer School To Begin In Wilkesboro On Monday, June 3 WillcMHoro Woman’s I Wai Be Branch of Lenoir WiiKesDoro woman »| Ta Havo Club Awarded Prize Roaring River Fii^ Tonight Commencement Programs at RoarW River High School Thursday and Friday The commencement exercises of Roaring River school began Thursday night. May 9, with the presentation by the primary grades of “The Maid and The Golden Slipper," an operetta In three acts. On Friday night. May 10th, a colored skit ^Winning Dat Gal,’’ given by a group of high sohool pupils, was thoroughly enjoyed. Following this a three-act play, "One Mlnnte of Twelve," was very ably enacted by the senior class. On Sunday evening the bacca laureate serman was delivered by Rev. N. T. Jarvis. Monday evening at eight o’ clock class nigh* -"•i gra'iiatlon oar- ' !Jl Delegates Of Wllkesboro Or ganization Attend Convention AtEUzabedi City The Wllkeeboro Woman’s club won tlie first sUte prize, .The Fannie Staton Silver Goblet, In the Garden Department contest, which was awarded last Thurs day night during the annual state convention of Wqjnen’s Clubs at Elizabeth City. This is the third time the Wllkeeboro Woman’s Club has won a state prize. It having been awarded first prize, the Fannie Staton Silver Goblet, In 1933 and the second prize In 1934, and now comes in again for the first state prize for 1935, the Fannie Sta- ton Silver Goblet. It was Mrs. R. H. Latham’s last session In which she will preside as president. She handed the gavel and the office over to the new president, Mrs. John Marshall, of Mount Airy. Four hundred women attend ed the banquet Thursday night. The address of Mrs. William Dick Sporborg. past president of the New York , Federation of Women’s Clubs, was the Jiigh light of the conventloi^ L»n Friday the women of the . .>1 i;flilOD. left. for^Dare Coon- Ooniinnad on oage eight) Rhyne CoUege; To Have Faculty of Six Lenoir - Rhyne College will open a summer school for teach ers of Wilkes county on Monday, June 8, according to an aa* nonneement sent out from Hick ory today to school officials of this county. The sohool will be held In Wilkesboro high school huilding and Saturday, May 2t, will be registration day, Approximately 100 teachers In Wilkes have signified their de sire for a local summer sohool. It Is said, and If the demand jus tifies such action a second term will begin soon after the first term closes on July 18. The courses offered ‘will be standard and may be applied to ward raising teachers’ certifl- catee. I,enolr-Rhyne will send six members of the facnlty and two members will be supplied locally. The two local school men who have been selected by the college; to occupy places on the summer school facuity are W. D. Hall- acre, superintendent ot North Wllkesboro city schools, and T. B. Story, superintendent of Wll kesboro city schools, Both are •veil prepar'ed ' by education, training and experience for teaching educaUDnu^?^^?r;1 . Seriously Hurt In Auto Wreck Clyde Mfehttd Sustains Se vere Skufl Fracture In Wreck Near Cricket C.yde Michael, age 22, Is In a very serious condition at, the Wilkes Hospital as the result of Injuries received Sunday after noon when he was in a automo bile wreck on the Boone ^Trall highway near Cricket. Michael was driving and *as accompanied by Gwyn McNeill, date Kilby, Ralph Mahaffey and a Mr. Woodie when the car struck a post, slde-Bwlped L.' T. Ber nard’s automobile and then over- turjied on the pavement. , The car occupied by the young men was reported to be going at a high rate of speed when the accident occured. Michael’s most serions Injury was diagnosed as a severe fracture at the base of his skull. He has remained In a neml-consclous condition since 4he accident. The other occu pants df the car were not. ser iously hurt. Grange To Meet Saturday Nigkt Win Lay Plans For State Grange Conventitm Here In September All Grangers In Wilkes coun ty are urged to attend a meet ing to be held at the courthouse In Wllkesboro on Saturday night, 7i80, at which time specific plans for the state Grang« con vention here In September wlU be made. It was announced to day by J. M. German, master of the Wllkef Pomona Grange. E. S. Vanatta, state Grange Blaster, and the state executive committee will be present for the meeting. Mr. German emphasis^ the fact that aU members of ^ subordihate Oranges are asSed ■to be present for > the meeting Three "Priflidiiers ITaken *^o Central State Prison At Raleigh Sunday April term of Wilkes superior court, the first court held under a recent law creating two extra terms per year for Wilkes, ad journed In Wilkesboro Friday. Judge F. A. Danlelk, of Golds boro, presided for the two-weeks’ court. Practically all of the term was devoted to trial of criminal cases and practically all of the crim inal cases were disposed ot through trial or by nol pros. Less than 20 criminal cases were con tinued, It was estimated today by C. C. Hayes, clerk of court. Among the cases disposed of during the latter days of the term were the following: Russel Prevette, possession, of liquor, judgment suspended on payment ot cost. Ernest Smith, assault, 30 days on roads. Click Pruitt, abandonment, as sault and nonsupport, sentence of 12 months suspended on con dition, that he pay cost, stay sober and be of good behavior. Ernest Brown, violating pro hibition law, sentenco of eight months 8usp_ended on condition he be of good behavior. Bruce Colbert, violating prohi bition law, sentence of eight months suspended on good be havior. Ed McGrady, operating motor vehicle while under Influence of llqnor, sentence of eight months suspended on condition that he be of good behavior. Jake W^lee, destruction of per sonal property, tq pay coet and pay Rhodes-Day Furniture Com pany 823.60. Ttoee prisoners. Click Wad d«lL 8noker>Sales, colored, and -Beamer- Redman, colored, were taken to the central state prison In Raleigh Sunday to serve sen tences Imposed during th® term. Several were sentenced to terms on the roads while a number were sentenced to work at the county home. Wllkesboro high school final* will be held on Wednesday night. May 16, at which time Dr^ Clyde A. Milner, president oC thn commencement address and di plomas will be presented to it large clan of graduates The commencement programs will be held In the Methodist church, due to the fact that thn sohool auditorium has been con demned tor use for public gath erings on account of fire han- ards The commencement season be gan for the school on Friday night, at which time the jnnlor pupils of Mrs. R. E. Prevette’* music classes appeared In recit al. A second music recital by Mrs. Prevette’s music classe*' win take place tonight. The class night exercises will be rendered in the school audi torium on Tuesday night, begin ning at eight o’clock. Attendancn must be limited to Invitation, however, on account of the au ditorium being condemned for large crowds. The commencement sermon was delivered Sunday evening at the Methodist church by Dr. George G. Higgins, pastor of the First Moravian Church of Greensboro, In an Impressive service. Marrutfe Ucenues Licenses to wed were leaned by Register of Deeds O. F. Bll« during the past lew days to the following: ^ T 'May 11—Banford Crane, Mm- pie Springs, and ■ Ella Greene, Deep Gap; Clarence Cleary, IMy- lo, and Ella Mae Bumgarner, Wilber. May 18—^W. H. Brooks and Don* Jane Wagoner, .both of Springfield. Bom to Mr.; and Mrs. Kobert M. Br*me, Jr.,^ at the Wilke* Hospital tu£ morning, a son. Two Are Held For Robbery Attempb tra and Ralph Green Charged Witii Assault On Aged Man and Woman Ira and Ralph Green, who live near Darby, are in jail at Wll- keshoro facing charges of as saulting an aged lady and am aged man for the purpose ot rob bery. The two Greens and one otttw youth whose name ‘was not learned and who has not beenL apprehended are alleged to have entmwd the home of a Mia. Walters hoar Darby on the pre- text'of getting a drink of water. It was in the home, It.ls'^iaUe*- ed, that they almoA " smothered her to,dbath with a sack and searched for some money. wltb— out success. They are also charc- ed with going to the home of John Bqnge, an aged man of the Stony Fork section, and called him s'way from the house, on th* protest of looUag ovor pomm timber. 'When they had Inred th»' a^d man Into the woods, it 1* reported, they beat him bat ram wlthont getting his money wham he called hi* sons to his aUL Both the yqang msa in iaS are said to' have admitted tkat - they threw a sack over the.j lady’s bead hnt wlU not any statement that they d either Mrs. Walters flif, eked man fc^the pnrp^^,- ■rhobery. .

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