1-iV vail; ’ lal-Patriot hasilazed the trail of aLih the “State “fofgOyej ■' ^ '"^W- i '1^ S' ^C.'‘ « T -••• »e=W XXIX; n6'. 63, i»uhliihed Mona^and Thur^ys ' LfuteNew^^l State and Mes In Anto Wreck Sxlngton, S. C., May 14.—An ^ Io|tob]l» collison near here ^'laat night cost the life of Mrs. . Annie E. Adrey, of Birmingham, Ala., and caused Injuries to six ' others. Drufocists Cautioned Winston-Salem, May 14. — Druggists of the state were call ed upon today to beware of un scrupulous price cutting tactics and encroachment of other lines upon the drug field. Mu.s.sollni Is Ready Rome. May 14.—Premier Ben ito Mussolini told the Senate to night that Italy has a “perfectly organized” armed force of 800,- COO to 900,000 trained men ready tor 'any "deplorable sud den eventualities.’’ XRA 1.S E.\t,cnded Washington May 14. — The Froin.WiHietlraro Wedne sday Night CommenMnent Address ‘De livered By President of Guilford CoU^e MEDALS ARE PRESENTED Class Exercises Given In Pro gram at School On Tues day Night Dr. Clyde A. Milner, president of Guilford College, delivered a most outstanding literary ad dress and diplomas of high school graduation were present ed to a class of forty In the clos ing program of Wilkesboro high school commencement held in the Methodist church in Wilkes boro last night. The commencement program opened wltl a song by the junior class and invocation by Rev. Avery Church. James Garwood delivered the president’s address. The class poem was rendered by Margie Allen. Dr. Milner spoke for a short Senate voted la.‘‘ today to extend | time but with a sincere earnest- the NRA until Ap-ril 1, 1936. aft er eliminating its price-fixing provisions and limiting its regu lation to interstate commerce. To Try Camp CaarR Charlotte. May 14.—T'rial of the cases against five former prison camp employes as the re sult of two negro prisoners suf fering the loss of their feet was set today tor May 27. El;?*" (Georgia Wets Lead Atlanta. May 15.—Repeal ad- ly tonight in partial- returns from Tocates forged into the lead ear- today’s referendum on the pro hibition law. The vote stood; For repeal 56.432. Against repeal 49,733. Caldw'ell Man Suicide Lenoir,. May .15.—Ivy Krank- Dn Lamm', about* 40, former highway employe, died instantly at noon today of gunshot wounds which Coroner J. R. Swanson aaid were seltinflicted. Financial reasyiSB were advanced as a mo ire for the tragedy. ' BapUsU In Session Memphis. Tenn., May 15.— Opening the 80th annual meet- ■ Ing of the Southern Baptist con- rention this afternoon, President E. Dodd of. Shrieveport, La., declared the “biggest busi-|-' n6e3’’.of Christians today “is to tell the story of God’s redeeming love.” ness that held the closest atten tion of everybody in the audi ence. The subject of his address could be termed ‘‘For Value Re ceived I Promise to Pay.’’ He said that there were three things that contributed to high school graduation and made it possible, sacrifice on the part of parents, work and training by school teachers and the fact that the graduates are the inheritors of a civilization. Dr. Milner stated that he would not offer a great deal of advice but that he would offer four suggestions to the gradu ates. They were; 1. For values received I shall walk out and work harder for my fellowmen because of the edit-' cation I have received or will acquire. 2. I shall so live that every act and every deed will en rich and inspire human life. The speaker said a civilization that would actually practice this fun damental thought could solve all social, economic and Internation al ills. 3. The speaker emphasized the great importance of making high (Continued on page eight) TPreslaertt fnaugiirates Sale Of Poppies VeteransHEn Hospitals 'Bx»u»liout Country' Make Red Me- ’»,, monal Flowers For Sale On PoK>y Day; To Be, May 26 JAY, MAY 16, 1986 WtE-61.60OUTOF^ ^ J' i": lOU *3 .WORK is SUMMARIZED Budgfet Out Of Balance; One Exemption On Sales Tax; Salaries Raised, .Washington . . . Long hours, days, weeks and months of work in veteran hospitals all over the United States, by disabled buddies, come to a focus in May each year as “Buddy Poppy” sales bring in funds, the entire amount of which goes to relief of the disabled Veter ans of Foreign wars. Above, is 5-year old Charlotte Biddle of Eaton Rapids, Mich. pinning the first 1935 Poppy on President Roosevelt. Below. A scene in one of the hospitals as disabled veterans work mak ing poppies. . . . “Buy a poppy ... by] all means.” Honor The Head and Serve The Living Is Theme F(»^ Poppy Day on May 25th McNeill Delegate T.P.A. Convention Highway Bid Letting Raleigh, May 14.—The state highway and public works com- l-'^Biisslon will call for bids for an other batch of road and street construction jobs on June 11 and the commission members will meet and canvass the bids Jun© 12, Chairman C. M. Way- nick said today. New Guilford President Dr. Luther LaFayette Gobbel, of Durham, was elected presi dent of Greensboro college at a special meeting of the board of trusteifs yesterday afternoon at the college in succession to Rev. S. B. Turrentine, D. D.. who was elected president emeritus of the college and professor of Bible. Millers Cr^ Commencement Was Held Saturday; Much Interest Shown In Contests; Prizes Awarded IlUit nar. with County IJquor Ele«ction ‘^ew Bern. May 14.—Possibil ity of call for a liquor election in Cnven county within the next ays looms likely, it is de ed by leaders who expect the 'Vivinty commissioners to call the «lection after details of the bill , have been carefully studied and it has been learned whether or not Its constitutionality will be QUeftioned. r Judge Rousseau n • inn Praised By Bar Union County Bar Association Commends Services Ren dered By Wilkes Jurist In Judge Julius A. Rousseau, of is city, was highly commended resolutions passed by the Union County Bar Association at the close of a recent term of court over which he presided at Jlonroe. Judge Rousseau has been hold ing courts in the 20th district irince he assumed the' duties of office in January but exchanged srlth the judge assigned for ihe term at Monroe for one term. Ac cording to comment by newspap- irs a®d expressions by members of^the bar associations in the Mvml counties where Judge jaotmean has presided over ^Ctmtinuad on pa(» eifki) The Millers Creek district com mencement was held Saturday, May 11, with twelve schools rep resented. Following the invoca tion by Rev. J. L. A. Bumgar- a spelling contest was held th J. B. Brookshire, of Union school, winning first place. First place in the recitation contest wa-s; won by Winnie Sue MoLean, Union: second place, Vivian Tul- burt, Millers Creek. Gay Roten. Millers Creek, won first place in the writing contest. Diplomas were presented to around fifty seventh grade grad uates by Evan Colvard. Certifi cates for one years perfect at tendance were awarded and one medal for seven years perfect at tendance was presented. Following the literary contests and the presentation of diplom as there was a track meet on the grounds. W'lnners of first places were; 100-yard dash for hoys, Richard Nichols, Millers Creek; running broad jump, Richard Nichols; running high jump, Richard Nichols. First place in the 100-yard dash for girls was won by Mary Hollar, Union; sack race by Irene Can ter, Union; basketball distance throw by Mary Hollar. Union. The following business firms in North Wilkesboro gave priz es to the winners in the various contests: Jenkins Hardware Co., Deans Jewelry Store, Brame Drug Co., Tomlinson's Depart ment Store, Horton’s Drug Store, Wilkes Drug Store, Belk’s. Spain- hour’s, E. M. Blackburn and Sons Co., Liberty Theatre, The Orpheum Theatre and The Good will Store. WILL BEGIN REVIVAL AT PURLEAR CHURCH A series of revival services will begin at Purlear- Baptist church Sunday and continue for ten days or two weeks, accord ing to an announcement by the pastor, Rev. A. W. Eller, who will be assisted by Rev. It. B. Murray. The public has a cordial inviUtioii to atteud tb« meetliig. Three Members Qt Post L At tend State ConventloBi la WiUbn Last Week W. A. McNeill, prominent bus iness man of this city, was elect ed a delegate to the National Travelers’ Protective Associatiou convention to be held in Louis ville, Ky., in June, by the North Carolina branch in convention in Wilson Friday and Saturday. Post L was well represented in the state convention. Those from here attending were Mayor and Mrs. R. T. McNeill, Mr. and Mrs. Tal Barnes and J. B. Norris. Legloii Poet Commaiider Urg es Fidlest Cooperation In Sale of PoRiies To Lay Plans For North Carolina Grange Meeting Wilkes Grangers To Gather At Courthouse In Wilkes boro Saturday Night state Grange Master E. S. Vanatta and members of the Grange executive committee will come to Wilkes Saturday night to assist in laying plans for the North Carolina Grange conven tion to be held in North Wilkes boro in September. The meeting, will be held at the courthouse in Wilkesboro on Saturday night. May 18, at 7:30 o’clock and Grange leaders are asking the attendance of , every member of all the subordinate Granges in Wilkes county.. A membership campaign is now on and efforts are being made to enroll a large number of Wilkes people in the Orange to help in welcoming and enter taining more than BOO Grangers who are expected to gather in this city. Attends Manager’s Meet M. G. Butner, manager of the local branch office of the Duke Power Company, was in Char lotte yesterday to attend a meet ing of managers of the com pany’s *many offices over the system >.in North and South Car olina. Mtj Butner' reports an enthusiastic meeting with pros pects bright tor splendid busi ness for his company in the fu ture. While the meeting was in progress, officials of Mr. Butner’s company told the branch man agers about the recent merger of the Southern Public Utilities Co. with the Duke Power Company, the name of the latter to be used “Honor the dead and serve the living,” is the message which the memorial poppies will bring to the people of North Wilkesboro on Poppy Day, May 25th, Joe B. McCoy, Commantor of Wilkes County Post of the American Le gion, in a statement today- urg ing all veterans to give fullest support to the Poppy Day ob servance. "Men who served in France have an indelible picture of the poppies in their minds, closely associated with the memory of their comrades whom they left overseas,” the Commander said. “Soon after the American Legion was organized the poppy was adopted as its memorial flower and the custom adopted of wear ing the flower on the Saturday before Memorial Day in tribute to the war dead. “The distribution of the pop- piss on Poppy Day was placed by the Legion in the hands of those loyal, patriotic women who com pose the American Legion Auxil iary. Through their volunteer ef forts they recall for all America the inspiring services of the men who died in the poppy fleck ed fields of France and Belgium. They also raise funds for the Legion and Auxiliary welfare work among those who were not called upon to die, but to sacri fice strength and health in the nation’s defense, the disabled veterans, and for the families of the dead and disabled. “The message of th© poppy la ’Honor the dead and serve the living,’ for each wearer of the memorial flower raakea eome contribution to aid the war’s liv ing victims. Every Legionnaire, of course, every veteran and every patriotic citizen should have a poppy in his button hole on Saturday, May 26th.” a price of 40 cents per hundred weight for automobile licenses tags instead of the 55 cent rate now in force. The (Change will take effect January 1. In dealing with the traffic proMem the legislature passed a drivers’ license law requiring each driver to have a license, which may be revoked for traf fic law violetibns. The state highway patrol was doubled. State wide bills calling for re peal of the absentee ballot law met with immediate defeat, al though a number of counties, in cluding Wilkes, were exempted from the state wide law and hereafter will have no absentee voting. Redistricting the state accord ing to the 1930 census was not attempted in the session which adjourned Saturday. Local Law Firm In New Quarters Jennings And Hendws^n Occu pying Office BoUe Building, Ninth Street Office of the law firm of Jen nings- and -Henderson, which has been located in the old bank building on the corner of B and Ninth streets, were moved this week into the Taylor building on Ninth Street and are now located in the suite formerly occupied by Attorney Buford T. Henderson. The new quarters of the firm have been repainted and renovat ed and ar© conveniently located. Attorneys R. C. Jennings and J. R. Henderson are principals In the firm, which was formed ^1^. JTuue, ,1»84. . , Next session of the Stone Mountain Sunday school associ ation will be held at Haymeadow Baptist church on Saturday and Sunday, May 25 and 26, accord ing to an announcement issued this week. The association will open on Saturday morning at ten o’clock with devotional by the pastor, a sermon by Rev. H. A. Bullis and reorganization. The Saturday afternoon session wiU be ^yot- «di to discussions on. benef^ of Sunday school and revival^ by pastors siid,.8np^.ntf!i^iltK.^pe- cial music will be rendered und er the direction of John Mc- Grady, The Saturday night session will be devoted to young peo^ pies’ work and a program of especial Interest has been pre pared. The association will continue Sunday morning with the Sun day school lesson and wlth_C. C. Gamblll as teacher. Following Sunday school will be special mijalc furnished by quartets from seversl communities. The asso ciation will close with a sermon at 11:30. The public, and es pecially all Sunday school mem bers of the association, is in vited to I all the sessions. Bee Specialist Here C. L. Sams, bee specialist of the extension service, spent Tuesday and Wednesday , In Wilkes visiting a nuinber of bee keepers and helping them to solve their probleiu. Mr. Sams was Accompanied in the work hy A. O. Hendren, county agent IS Ci&DibATE ’ Silver Tongued-QiiAbbr Is > Seeking Governor-, ship r r Of Revenue Cftieip Many Defendanfts Face Vdtt For Violation Reveaae Laws; Hays to Preside General assembly adjourned in Raleigh Saturday subject to call for a special session, which is considered quite likely by politi cal and economic observers. The question which gained the spotlight was whether or not sale and possession of liquor would be legalized in North Car olina and the disposal of the is sue by the general assembly is considered as unsatisfactory to the wets as to the drya. Several measures dealing with state-wide legalization of liquor were killed and in the last days of the more or less hectic session local bills were passed allowing 17 counties, most of ^hich He in eastern Carolina, to have refer- endums on the question of liquor stores. The revenue hill providing a three per cent sales tax was fin ally passed but is estimated to raise less money than appropri ations call for. The sales tax law is very similar to the one now in force except for the tact that no exemptions will be allowed on sale of staple foods, with the single exception of milk. Schools and practically ail de partments of the state govern ment received increased appro priations and provisions are made for substantial increases in all state salaries, including a 20 per cent Increase tor teachers the first year and 25 per cent for the second. UnthiilMinin IlMiiy- CLYDE B. HOEY Clyde R. Hoey Is A Candidate For Governor Shelby Man Makes Formal Announcement; Graham Also In Fidd Stone Mountain S.S. Association Meets Saturday and Sunday At Haymeadow Church; Program Outlined Shelby, May 14.—Clyde R. Hoey, silver-tongued North Car olina orator and prominent in legal and political circles for many years, today announced bis 4he gtiWfiWfthiyI ■ of North Carolina in the Demo cratic primary in 1936. ,7- Giving as one of his principal reasons for seeking the office his interest in childhood and youth and in adequate educational fa cilities for ail children of the state Mr. Hoey declares he fav ors more adequate compensation for school teachers and salary and wag.e classes generally. Pledging that if elected h^ would seek to render real service to the people of the state the candidate states that it he Is elected governor he will treat the people of North Carolina as his only client and promises to 'dedicate myself wholly and un reservedly to their service.’’ Parts of his statement follows: “To the people of the state: “I have decided to become a condidate for governor of North Carolina in the Democratic pri mary next year. “Frankly, I have no purely personal ambition to hold public office, not even to be governor. However, I am tremendously in terested in childhood and youth, in adequate educational facili ties for all the children of the state. In fostering higher edu cation, in having the state meet the challenging demand to do something constructive and per manent in translating the tenant classes into home owners and to mote equitably compensate the school teachers and the salary and wage classes generally, and to make more secure their fu ture, and to provide for the rea sonable necessities of old age among ail the people. “I feel an abiding interest in public affairs. 1 recognize the (Continued on page eight) Spring term of federal tor cases originating In WilfeMb Alleghany, Ashe and Wataaffi will convene in Wilkesboro nt Monday, May 20. Judge Johnsoa J. Hayes, of Greensboro, mtiMla North Carolina district Jodgaw will preside. ^ ’ The court wiIl,4tMe a doeksk of many criminaf casea, the ma jority growing oiit qt Alleged vio lations of the revenhe laws re lating to the manufacture, poa- session and sale of liquor. Reve nue agents have been quite a^ tive in this territory during tho past six months and many de fendants are awaiting trial. There are no cases of especial interest on the calendar aq^ very few cases other than for vi(4*- tions of the revenue act, it wao learned today from court offlcf- als., is presumed that the usual custom of calling cases from Al leghany, Ashe and Watauga counties will be carried out, in order that witnesses and defend ants residing a considerable dist ance from Wilkesboro may be spared the expense of attending court for several days. ' Following is a list of Wilkes county jurors who have been summoned for the term: Clarence Hendren, Ollreath; Monroe German, Boomer; Adol phus Brown, Halls Mills; J. La ther Jordan, Roaring - RM%r; Roby S. Ferguson, Boomer; Charles H. Day, Elkin; Jeter P. Hayes, Gilreatb,; Gaither A. Et- ler, North BSVolU^'ilni Kiewman, Ben- ham; J. Major Lyon, Ronda; Jiat McCsrterji^w Castle; Jamen Triplett, MSpfe Springs; J. A. Poplin, Ronda; H. ElmeM Bias^- roid, route 1, North WilkeeboAo; Hardin H. Jennings, route I, North Wilkesboro; David K. Baker, Summit; W'. W. Barber, Wilkesboro; Grady Miller, North Wilkesboro; R. C. Meadows, Pores Knob; Stewart Lyon. Doughton; Laddie (Ljittie) Welch, Moravian Falls; G. L. Livingstone; Ferguson; T. Luth er Byrd, Ronda. Home Conung at Frien&^p 26th Many Features On AO-daj Program For Annual Home Oiming Day Offers Summer School Courses DeJiluiaent Students May Study At Wilkesboro Thi;^ Year Wilkesboro high school is of fering summer school courses this year to students who are delinquent in one or more sub jects and- wlK> wish to pass them before starting the ne«t school year. All students who wish to take advantage of th© summer school offer are requested to be at the school building Monday, morn ing at nine o’clock, at which time their needs for summer school work will be discussed with school authorities. Teachers from the regular faculty of Wilkesboro school will conduct the summer school and sniail tnltlon charges ,^wlll he iBitdn according to the number of subjects studied. Home coming day at Friend ship Methodist church, located near Millers Creek, will be ob served this year on Sunday, May 26, according to an announce ment this week. This event ia anticipated annually by the peo ple of the community and many who have moved to take up resi dence in various parts of th* country. The day’s program will open at ten o’clock with th© Sanday school lesson,^ followed ^y s. sermon at 11 o’clock by Rev. D. W. Haga, of Montezuma. At noon dinner will be spread on th* grounds. In the afternoon there will be several interesting features, bat above all it is expected to be a- day of worship and good feDow- ship, the anuouncement stated, Singing class from Arbor Onv» church will be there to join with other singers from adjaemt communities in helping to make that feature of the occasion th« best possible. All friends of ttt* church and community are cor dially invited to be present. Tent Meeting Is . Drawing Crowds Increasing Congregations At- tending Canqi^lgn Condaet- ed jBy Rev. S. S. Jennings 1 1 •J The Rev. Sam S. Jennings la an old tim© reviv&l of religiaa in the big tent, east of tl^e po*t- oftice, Is getting the tAB ,co operation of both people aad churchea. Increasing crowds, the nightly services hcepWifc their own approval of the'WlIfeSB evangelist. ^ Rev. Jennings, modest, ^sia- esro and In nowise of the cAeiw- man t^pe of evangeUat.l^ |oeaA^

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