isi-Patriot hai” iteof r ^--■'F. -, :J-4-;v ->>;.... i^: jfi, >r PuldliM MoHdAjrg ud Thursday® h ;1 NOETH WU latSNewsof ^teand» Nation . ^^rnt^MamU' I^MalitlM ' V. FIftf-tiro persons were klUed accidents In 18 states [■^kad tog spread orer manjr loni^ot the nation over the rk-ead. Fifty were Injured, reral erltlcally. Rlchberg to Resign itiWashlngton, May 17—NR A airman Donald Richberg today kflrmed his recent hints that „ ,. expected to return to private Business after July 1. He said he ''lioped to be relieved "of govern ment obligations by that time.” Count ToU of Storms Bnrkburnett, Tex., May 19.— Texas and Oklahoma counted a toll of 20 persons dead or miss ing in flood and windstorms to day as rain-swollen streams con tinued to pound the countryside. , Try To Burn Prison Raleigh, May 17.—L. G. Whit ley, assistant director of the penal division of the state high way and public works commis sion, said today two convicts sought to set fire this morning to the Greene county prison camp. Held For Baby Murder Gastonia, May 17.—Mrs. May- belle Blackburn, 24, of Mount Holly, was ordered held for grand Jury Investigation by a coroner’s Jury today following discovery of the body of her newly-born baby In a pit near the home of her' ather, W. L. Barr. Deof Mate Sentenced Burlington, May 17—A ver dict of guilty has been found in •uperior court in the case of p.'>Ch«8ter Rivers, deaf-mute, charg- -«d .with manslaughter in the ac- ntal death of Lonnie Moore, died of injuries received Ftdetal Court GnVenes Today b Wilk^boro May Iterm For Cases Origi natinK in WOkea, Ashe, ADeghany and Watauga CHARGES"grand JURY Judge Hayes Delivers Inter esting and Instructive Charge to Body Spring term of middle North Garolina district court tor trial of cases originating in Wilkes, Alleghany, Ashe and Watauga counties convened in Wllkesboro this morning with Judge Johnson J. Hayes presiding. Due to the large number attending court on opening day the county court building is being used. Judge Hayes delivered a most interesting and instructive charge to the grand jury this morning. After reviewing their duties as grand jurors he explained a number of federal laws, especial- 'y the postal laws, the laws against carrying stolen automo biles from one state to another, and the laws against the manu facture, possession; transporta tion and sale of liquor on which taxes have not been paid. He al so called attention to the nar cotic act. Then the jurist discussed some of the late federal laws and es pecially the national recovery act and the Kerr-Smlth tobacco act. He pointed out that it is as- , serted that the laws are cpnstl- j tutional because of the power I vested in congress to regulate In- I terstate commerce and on the ther hand that it is contended that the laws do, not deal en tirely with interstate commerce. In regard to the liquor ques tion he referred to the fickle ness of people and their Ilkeli- ^0R0.TS[. a, MONDAY, MAY 20, 1935 11^ OUT OF THE NOW SJE^ATOB Chavez SScceeids * Senator Cattinife New Mexico short thne. epochs In hlstoty “I Is Drowned" | ed his opinion. High Point, May 17.—‘T in In discussing the welfare of this place is drowned.” That is the country and its possible fu- tthe epitaph left today by Palmer ture he spoke of the tendency for ^ilsott,'^ middle-aged negro, on city life and city people to domi- ^banks of the city’s reservoir nate and said that he feared the iftw he had split open his wife’s with an axe and then drown- !bimself. ' McLean Recovering Washington, May 19.—Former y ^Qovernor Angus W. McLean, of EHorth Carolina, suffering from a ! blood clot in his rliht lung, to-j mlffht was reported “improved’’| ^by his physician. Dr. Matthew W. Perry. Prison Case Continued ^QJiarlotte, May 19.—Solicitor John G. Carpenter today said the cases of five former state prison camp officials indicated on vari ous counts as the result of two jtegTO prisoners losing their feet ^would be continued until the I July term of Superior court rhere. No Liquor Commission ►«alelgh. May 19.—Governor htingbaus when asked yester- whether he has named or given any thought to the selec tion of a commission to study te liquor question and report to the next general assembly, de- f clared that he is fagged out and t Is i\pt Teady to make any such neuncement. Itbis Silled in Accident Point, May 17.—^Aaron wn, 4 6-year-o*d '/jaei^ro was almost instantly klll- and Sam Shavits, white busi- man of this city, Was pain- injured when the automo- In which they were riding i3 a transfer truck from Hick- operated by Paul Whitener, dliiM headon IS miles from dty late last night. U Ar^ j^ubmitte 'Udtover Lands • . .A Goveinment Field Asr^ts -1^- couraged With Interest Shown By CNmets PLAN DEVELOPMENT Quite Probable That Work Project Will Be Secured For Area In Wilkes Government feld agents of the land policy department of the agricultural adjustment adminis tration located here have made negotiations to buy around 60 tracts of land in the suggested development area between hlgh- ways-AO and 16 in northwestern Wilkes. The tracts on which proposals by land owners have been sub mitted range in size from five acres to 800 acres and consists principally of submarginal, cut over and badly eroded areas. Greater attention, however, has been given to the work among home owners In the terri tory who are trying to gain t living from land not suitable for agricultural purposes. It is the plan of the government, accord ing to Information received here, to buy up these submarginal tracts ;from the home owners and sell to them well developed farms with 30 years in which to pay the purchase price. J. M. Pleasants, field agent In charge of the office here, stated Rapid progress is being made today that his office is receiving on the fbur highway proJecU Santa Fe, N. M. . . . Dennis Chavez (above), former Demo cratic representative, is the new U. S. Senator from New Mexico to succeed the late Senator Cut ting, killed in a recent air crash. Senator Chavez announces that his suit for the Cutting seat which was pending will now be dropped. 4 Public Works Projecb To Be Completed Soon Graveling Ronda-EIkin and Millers Creek-Jefferson Highways Under Way under way in Wilkes county at this time, it was learned today from R. L. WJ^oten, director of the local re-employment office, who furnishes labor on all public works projects. Contractors have finished grading that ppr^t—^ Irth -’Wllkkrtwi^kln hfg way between Ronda and Elkin and work of placing gravel on the road is making much head way. Those who have Inspected the new grade are of the opinion that the road will be one of the most satisfactory in this part of the state when the oil treatment surface Is apfUed. .. Although tftisteihMIt weather has retarded'the Work to some extent contractors for the con struction of five njiles of the Millers Creek-Jefferson highway has made considerable progress in laying a crushed creek gravel surface, which will be oil treat ed some time this summer. Wet weather has postponed the paving of the approaches to the new Reddies River bridge on highways 60 and 16 at North Wilkesboro. The bridge structure day, if such a day should come, when the people of the cities will control the country. ^ He stated, in effect, that he doubted the ability of man to legislate prosperity and his be lief that the religious funda mentals of the people who settl ed this country were responsible for the nation’s growth and progress. The term of toprt which be gan this morniag will continue through this week and perhaps into next week. District Attorney Carlisle Higgins, of Sparta, will prosecute the docket. Cases from Alleghany, Ashe and Watauga counties will be tried first, it is understood, for the convenience of court attend ants. Although the majority of the cases on the docket are for vio lation of the revenue laws, there are some cases in which viola tion of the auto theft laws, post al laws, and narcotic act are charged. ' Forty-Nine Die In Plane Crash World’s Largest Air Liner Is Re-Elect Officials Wrecked by SmaU Plane in Russia; Was Stunting ! has been completed, however, and only a few days will be re quired for concrete paving of the approaches when the work Is started. In Wilkesboro workmen have finished making concrete curbs in preparation for the laying of an asphalt surface on the west end of Main street, over which highways 16 and 18 are routed. That portion of the street from th© Junction of highway 60 to preceding Friday night, the federal court building was ' resurfaced several months ago. Mr. Wooten stated further that all of the projects now und- qr way will be completed by Ju- ily 1. folly gny'sherUf Wa« Drunk hford. May 19.—Judge Wal- r L. Small has announced that Tuesday afternoon in Lilllng- nn he will hear the charges a- jt G. Ernest White, sheritf county. Sheriff White was ily cited by Judge Clawson rilllams to appear before Mge Small and show cause by he should not be suspended a charge of intoxxicatlon. Jr. O. U. A. M. Picnic Memberti of North Wilkesboro Inneil of Jr. O. U. A. M., their _ and rweethearts will gath- Kilby’s Gap on Friday eve- hg for a picnic In celebration ttbe closing of a contest be- _ the “sUrs” and "stripus.” ^‘'ttars,'* losers In the con- are to carry along baskete fell flifod with good eats for tiie rtalnment of those who at- Moscow, May 18.—The Maxim Gorky, largest land airplane in the world, crashed after a col lision with a small airplane to day. killing 49 persons. Includ ing eight women and six chil dren, in the worst disaster evet to befall a passenger plane. An official report denied - the Maxim Gorky exploded, although the plane broke Into pieces In the air. The mangled bodies of Its 48 occupants were scattered over the village of Socol, three miles from Moscow. Pilot Blagln of a small es corting plane, which rammed In to the Gorky while stunting against orders, was also killed. Soviet officials confirmed the death toll of 49. Improvements Made On D. A S. Bunlding Workmen have been engaged during the past few days In cleaning and rerinishing the front of the Deposit & Savings Bank building. The work that has been 4one has greatly added to the attractiveness of the struc- For Ensuing Term Wilkesboro Commissioners I n Special Meeting Friday Nigd>t; Mayor Harris Prerides At a special meeting of the board of commissipners of the Town of Wilkesboro held at the mayor’s office Friday night, of ficials of the town were re-elect ed for a term of two years. P. L. Lenderman, who has been policeman and tax collector for a number of years, was unanimously re-elected to serve in this capacity for the next two years, and O. F. Blevins was re elected secretery-treasurer for a similar length of time. H. A. Cranor was named attorney to the board by the commissioners. The entire hoard of commis sioners composed of C. E. Len- derman, Joe R. Barber, Ralph R. Reins, and L. B. Dula, was present for the meeting which was presided over by Mayor W. E. Harris. Hood Is Re>appomted interest shown by the landown ers, who are becoming open- minded and who are realizing the vast possibilities afforded by the government’s proposal to buy up the i. hmarginal moun tain lands in the sucgested areas. It is quite probable. It was learned from government Irled On some of the land being purchased within the next few months. The lands that are being pur chased are to be reforested and developed into game and forest reserves. Much of the land on which proposals to sell have been offered to the government lies in the vicinity of the great scenic parkway survey wile some is in th© neighborhood of Rendez vous Mountain state park, which lies in the area between high ways 60 and 16. 12 Graduate At Roaring River Commencement Sermon De livered By Rev. N. T. Jar vis; Graduation Monday Class night exercises were rendered and diplomas of high school graduation were present ed to 12 seniors in the final pro gram of Roaring River high school commencement on Mon day night. May 13. The commencement season be ga® with the presentation o "One Minute of Twelve,” a de lightful play, by the seniors on On Monday f.fternoon the 7th grade graduates* participated in a brief, but interesting, gradua tion program and various field day activities and contests fol lowed. The 8”*^" program on Monday night consisted of the usual class night exercises and Prof. C. M. presented the Pardue, Lucy Benton, Mabel Benton, Eunice Holcomb, Inez McNeill, Hazel Jordan, Esther Ray, Hazel Ray, Dorothy War ren, Norma Yates, Pauline Elmore and Nadine Staley. Children, Please Note All school children who made copy posters for American Le gion Auxiliary please turn them In at once to Mrs. W. D. Half- acre or Mrs. Andrew Kilby. tvr*. Governor Ehringhaus Monday announced the re-appolntmeht of Gurney P. Hood as commlsalon- er of banks for $ four-year term which WANTS HOME FOR THREE CHILDREN J. M. Absher, keeper of the county home, te looking for homes - tor three children which are now in. hto care. They are; Ix^s 12 and seven years of age, 18- . The childrei iawttijwt and have good Anyone who wonld like to fUr-^ nteh either of them a home te asked to get in touch with Mr. Absher «» soon as pos sible. €(>mtruction New Home M. Prince, Count and American He^e^J^^' ‘ " —,‘I '.-J-ii-—.. .. Heiress To Dime Store Millions Divorces Prince and Im mediately Marries Count of D|nmark 19V^Po«nd Fi*h Caught in Yadkin Ed Dnll blade Prize Catch day Afternoon; nur* Reno, Nev. . . . Above Is Bar bara Hutton, heiress to WoOl- worth Dime-Store MiniqDs, pho tographed outside hqj^ quarters Just before she was ■ granted di vorce from Prince Mdivanl (be low left). Above, left, is Count Kurt von Haugwltz-Reventhlow of Denmark, who arrived .in New York the week prevloiu., .to granting of 'the divorce*''here; They were matrrled in. Reno May 15. Gfty Ofticiids 'The prize fteh story of the season comes from Ed Dnll, resident of this city, who cap- turned a lOH-ponnd carp in the Yadkin River Friday. The catch was made with an old fashioned fishing pole, hook, line and sinker and several people witn^es^ the large carp weighed. The Ug fish tneoanred 22 inches in clrcnmferance and was 34 inches in length. Re cently Mr. Dull captured, but not without a straggle, an 18-ponnd carp and the one he can^t Friday is thought to be the largest fish ever taken from a stream in this part of the state. Play Blaidieteers Here Thursday Home Chair and Chatham Aggi^ations To Battle In Rival Ctmtest One of the major attractions bf the baseball season here this yedr will be the Home Chair Company versus Chatham Blan- keteers on Thursday after- noon, beginning at tour o’clock. So far the local team has fallen a bit short of a victory over the rivals from down the Yadkin but the team Is being given workouts eacl\ afternoon this week in preparation for the big game Thursday. The game between Home Mayor R. dll and city board of aldermen of North Wilkesboro. who were re-elected without opposition in the elec tion May 7, have reorganized for the next biennium. No change was made in the various committee appointments and'all present employees of*the town were reappointed at their present salaries tor no stated time, subject to action of the board. S. V. Tomliup^a^ was re-elected mayor pro tem*'Siid the commit tee appointments . by Mayor Mc Neill were as follows: Finance — S. V. Tomlinson, chairman, R. P. Casey and Hoyle M. Hutchens. WJater and lights—R. P. Casey, chairman, R. G. Finley and I. E. Pearson. Street—R. G. Finley, chair man, S. V. Tomlinson and I. E. Pearson. ^ Fire—H. M. Hiftchens, chair man, R. P. Casey and R. G. Fin ley. Sanitary—I. E. Pearson, chair man, with all other members of the board. J. R. Hlx, E. E. Eller and W. E. Jones, who were elected trus tees of the city schools, were given the oath of office. Cook, principal, diplomas. Chair and the blankets makers at The graduates were Eugene aafiii>/)aty 'vrant tn t.TlfV Bl- Elkin Saturday went to the El kin outfit 6 to 4 because of a hitting spree In the sixth Inning. A record attendance is expected for the game 'here Thursday. SENTENCE NEGRO TO DIE BY LETHAL GAS Burlington, May 18.—WUliam Long, 19-year-old negro vto. was convicted here today for murder, was sentenced by Judge Thomas J. Shaw to die of lethal gas at cen tral prison June 28. ijhc new law relating>,td the change of methods of elrotrocatio^ provides.. however, that asphyxia tion'shaU not be a means of death fecept for those prisoners convi^ «d on or after July 1. And pris- .cmers convicted and sentenced be- .Jtore July 1 shall die by electro- eution under the act. t. S. Kenerly.ErecJ^f BoantijM Residence i.qf, S. Kenerly, well known business man »this city, Is erecting a beai^al six-room res idence on Tro|aon Street. Con struction of tjie brick veneer structure Is well under-way PROGRAM OF STONE MOUNTAIN SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION The Stone Mountain Sunday School Convention will meet at Haymeadow church May 25th, at 10:30 a. m. The program fol lows: 10:30—Devotional by Rev. Hu bert Bullis. 11— Sermon by pastor. 12— Dinner on grounds. 1 p. m.—Reorganization. Following the reorganization pastors, Sunday school superin tendents, and Sunday school workers will discuss the benefits derived from Sunday school re vivals. 2 p. m.—Disenssion of music in churches and Sunday schools, led by John McGrady. Saturday evening .at eight o’ clock the young; people will render s( program. Sunday morniug at ten o’ clock C. C. Oambill will teach the Sunday school lesson after which Pyof. T. E. Story will de liver an address. Special music will be rendered >by a male quar tet. * * [FbOfCallFof' M(^ni Room New BuUding imwf; Is To Be V By November 1608* CONTRA^ AWARiaByi Foster & Alien H^i Contract; OtherC Alfe Let Work began' today ,oi cavation for a new, moder proof building for the Wflkaia hospital, which will be conokMe^ ed on the lot adjacapt*. jto' itM present hospital building ow Eighth street. Contract for the strarinsaama* let the latter part of tho by Dr, Fred C. HnbbaH;*'(#*ill«^ and manager of the hoapitil. The general contract was awnxtf- ed to Foster & Allen, local earn- traettng firm with a wide enviable reputation; plumbfag and heating contract to WHteM Plumbing company and eleetxf- cal contract to Ralph Duncan. Benton & Benton, architaek of Wilson, drew the plana fn^ the new building. The will be constructed on the lanog and most modern plana adapkdMte for ho&pital bnildings.- Benton 41 Benton' is remembered hen na the firm' which drew piano’ fbr Hotel Wilkes, Bank of SatOt Wilkesboro and the North'''^^B- kesboro school building. The new building will contain approximately 80' rooms' aUA uriH be arranged for the greota^k convenience possible. FireprooC materials will be used througte- ont. Ii -njiiimiiitr'Ti^ffi'tor egapBCijr.^ ^ building by November lA' ' Ians For Poppy Sal^ Leaders Appointed To S vise Distribution of P pies On May 25th Complete plans for the observ ance of Poppy Day here on ^at- .urday. May 25th, were annoone- ed by Mrs. Nonna Stevenson, pop py 'committee chairman of tB« Wilkes county , unit of the Amerii- can Legion Auxiliary, following a special meeting of the com mittee. Organization of a corpa of volunteer workers to carry out the distribution of the memo rial poppies throughout the dty was completed and leaders ap pointed to direct th© work In the various areas.' “The American Legion Anzilf- ary popples will be dlstribnteH entirely by volunteer workera,’* said Mrs. Stevenson. "The i»- sponse to our call for volunteers has been very gratifying from both our senior and Junior mmn- bers, and we will be able to gl*w everyone in the city an opportn- nlty to wear a poppy on Poppy Day. As the workers 'will serve entirely without pay or commte- sion, every penny contribnted Is exchange for the flowers win go- tor the welfare activities'' of gkv Legion and Auxiliary. “The enthusiasm of our 'wom en for the Poppy Day project Is due to the two great purpoass which the little memorial flower achieves. First, it pays tribntn to the gallant young men wh» sacrificed their lives Injilri of American ideals on poi studded battlefields of Tt and Belgium. Second, „l| .f]riM|„ funds for the relief and rok3ff tation of the living rictlms of war, the disabled veterans, their families and the families of tbs dead. We, are hoping that the people of North Wilkesboro win understand the significance of the poppy and give ns their sup port on Poppy Day.” Leaders appointed to dlzoct thfi PQppx dlatrlbution in the va rious parts of the city are: Ites^ W. D. Halfacre, Mrs. J. B. Jos: tloe, Mrs. Andrew Kilby and Bob Casey. Twins Born At Hays Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Richard son, residents of Hays, are the parents of twin sig^n> Thorsdayt May^-i#. ^helr names on Ruby and. Rath. Revival At ML Cas'usel Revival services will begin at Mt. Carmel Btptist chardh m the first Sunday in Jane. Serv ices will be conducted by tike pastor. Rev. H. A. Bullis. He -wfll bb ably assisted by Rev. A. n. Watts, of Tayloriivlne. ’Rte pnh- lic is cordially invited jlo attend. Mrs. Morris Eble. of LonMv Ky., 1^ caast*'ln lb. and