NOETH: WILKESBd^O, N. C., THflJR^AY, MAY 28, 196S Cafe Sales Tax JoGolnGfiect Saturday Jme 1 Adm&l Byrd Mngs Emperor Penquins Explorer Shows Unculual Type of Aatarctic Fowl (^ Re turn F#om Stay In South Pole Region „ Bllili ^VmCOKD,^ > Boowrelt i^tpcar- »osrMB 'jresMrtay dAticied his message re- * toiag the MU prtrritSUiig fK. lmmMU»te pejment of the sol> «4iersf hsnas, chliig the dang- '?«rs of luflatioii and pointing that the works relief mea- «tue can care for needy veteis The hoMse-promptly OTcr> ^ ^ the Teto bat the smiate •has ntt roted. The vote in the senate will be close wrltb both sMca claiming victory until the Tax Oh Hotel and Citfe Sales Are Included In Sched ule “B” Levies OTHER TAXES CITED Deputy CoUector Calls At tention To Number of Changes in Taxes 'coll «dl is made. Latheraus In Meeting High Point, May 21.—The The sales tax on cafes and hotels will go Into effect on June 1 instead of July 1, when the -general sales tax lery begins, according to information gained from J. R. Rousseau, deputy col lector of revenue for Wilkes cointy. This comes about because of the fact that the sal®* cafes and hotels are included in laist convention of the N^fth the., schedule "B” taxes, which Carolina Lutheran synod opened at two-day session here tonight with 200 delegates from through- bont the state in attendance. Bams Fatal To Child 'Beaufort, May 21—Clara Dud ley, «, died early today of burns 'Buffered when gasoline l*®c fath- ' nr. Roy Dudley, a state highway section foreman, poured on as phalt to thin it exploded. Famous Lady Dies Chicago, May 21.—Jane Add- ams, internationally known so cial worker and champion of world peace, died late today in Passavant hospital, where she bad undergone a major opera tion. Body of Child Found New York, May 20.—The body ' of pretty .Ifttle Shirley Evans ” was found today buried under a ton of earth in a cave 250 yards from her^home apparently dug by bsrself and her playmates. Death by suffocation. become due on June. 1. Mr. Rousseau calls attention to other changes in state taxes under the new revenue act. Some of the changes of Interest to people here are: Tax on athletic contests will apply only to receipts from ad missions in excess of 50 cents instead of 25 cents. Any organisation wishing to put on an agricultural fair and have Us amusement exempted must file application with the commissioner of revenue 60 days before the fair, giving full de tails of exhibits, amusements, etc. A sta^e-wide tax of $150 was levied rfn real estate auction sales. Additional tax on each day’s sales was eliminated. The state tax for selling elec tric refrigerators, typewriters, etc., will be $10 for each deal er. (Continued on page five) Date Tmitatbefy Set For Sepr tember 2S,.26 iu»d^27i in North WlBi^lmro COMBOTTESS APPOINTED Hans Made For Entertain ment Of ' .400 To 600 Dele gates To Big Meet Boston—Rear Admiral Rkhard E. Byrd arrived officiaUy in Boston to receive public acclaim for his expedition’s achievements in the Ant arctic, after having been received by President Roosevelt at (Washing ton. Admiral Byrd (above) brought back Emperor Penquins, as shtwro above, the first of their type of Antarctic fowl ever brought to this country. Prison Terms And Fines Imposed On Bootleggers In Federal Court Term Manufacturers Of Illicit Li' quor Pay For Violation Of Revenue Laws Junction Wreck Demolishc^rAfttd Manufacturers of Illicit liquor and bootleggers are paying for violation of the United States revenue laws as Judge Johnson J. Hayes metes out prison terms and fines in the term of federal court now In progress in Wilkes- boro. Court began Monday morning and many cases have been tried. The term will continue through this week and as much of next we^ aa wUl be needed t^elear' T^ril^^al l»rn-^ ed yesterday. Nelson Money drew the long- National Grange Lecturer Coming For An Address “Sunny Jim’’ Farmer To De liver Address at WUkes- boro Night of June 11 Indicates Better Business 'WnMilugten, May 21. —»»Ar- 7,0,00,000 Increase in federal government tax collections in I ^ i lea, than U months of the cur- J. T.. Mil^ and„^n Slightly 1 Tent fiscal year was reported to night by the Treasury Depart- ,r Injured In Collision Be tween Wilkesboros Jobtees Face Hunger Springfield. 111., May 21.—The Sopea of Illinois’ 1,200,000 job- leaa for early resumption of re lief were dashed late today and ' they faced the prospect of re- ' ceiving no federal or state aid again until July 1. Merchants To Convene Raleigh, May 20.—Charlotte’s stats convention of the North Carolina MerchanU association -^-June 3 and 4, will smash all |3^**eords. Secretary Willlard Dow- all believes, and the meeting will .ahow the sales tax to be the llvest sort of issue still. State B. & L. To Meet Winston-Salem, May 21. — Representative Frank Hancock 1 announced today as one of speakers to be heard by the North Carolina Building and Lean league which will hold its annual meeting here May 28 and 29. Request lAquor Election Greenville, May 21.—A peti tion bearing approximately 2,- 000 names was presented today to Roy T. Cox, chairman of the PiU county board of commission- junction within the past era, requesUng a special meeting weeks, lor the purpose of calling an Two persons received minor In juries. a truck was badly dam aged and a popular make auto mobile demolished to a point al most beyond recognition in a col lision at the junction of high ways 60, 16 and 18 between the Wilkesboros early Wednesday morning. J. T. Milam and his son, Dean Milam, who was driving the au tomobile, were the injured. The elder Mr. Milam received a pain ful laceration of his scalp while his son received a less severe in jury to his left hand. However, neither was badly Injured and were released from the hospital after examination and their wounds were dressed. The automobile was on high way 16 and 18 traveling toward North Wllkesboro and the truck, driven by Guy Anderson, was traveling "from North Wllkesboro when it collided with the car at the junction. After the Impact both vehicles landed in the ditch off the road and the occupants of the car were thrown to the roadside. The driver of the truck and a companion were not hurt. The collision yesterday morn ing was the third accident at th® first two days of court. He was flnqd $100 on one count and sentenced to two years In At lanta. On another count he was fined $100 and received another sentence of two years, which will begin at the expiration of the former sentence. Dalse Money, indicted in the same case, drew a sentence of two years In At lanta and was fined $100. Other cases in which judgment has been handed ddwn follow: Lillard Lunsford, fine of $100 and year and a day in Chllll- cothe. Emmett Holloway and Manley Richardson; Holloway fine of $100 and sentence of ye'ar and a day In Chlllicothe; Richardson fine of $100 and year and a day in Atlanta. Lloyd Blevins, fine of $100 and year and a day In Chllll- cothe. Taft Higgins was placed under probation with the special pro vision that he refrain from the use of intoxicating liquor. John C. Mitchell, fined $200 and sentence of six months in Wilkes jail. Charlie L. Johnson, fined $100 and sentence of year and a day in Chlllicothe. J. M. Thompson, fined $200 and two years probation. Floyd .Mullls, three years pro- (Continued on page eight) on the whisky question •Hhe county. * Robbed of Antomobile 3Mth Boaton, Va., May 20.— Mn. Traoeee Perry, chief nnrse _ ,the local health unit, was ffotibed of her car about 10:30 ' O'clock this morning when she "atopped to offer assistance to TlctlBis of a car-truck collision •Ight miles from town between and Clover. Teachers To Register For Siinuner School b Wllkesboro On Saturday 2 Killed At Crosslnit - , Warrenton, May 20.—Mrs. J. ifevllle, 42, was Instantly kill- T; «i 4ind her 20-year-old daughter. l.Vlots. vas fatally injured this amoon about 3:20 o’clock ?en the car they were traveling was struck by Seaboard Air Lin* train No. 4 at a private f'eraasing one mile .south of Pas- tclialL Hotel Managers Will Hwr Eiqplanation of Sales Taz *WlMton-Salem, May 20.—^Ho- ogBagers from all parts of iMorth Carolina will meet here [^Thttrsday afternoon to hear from r^pretentative of the state de- tment of revenue a discas- ioB of changM In th* tax laws ; vrhlcb Trill apply, partlcalarty to hotala Jos MeCoy, ot North Wll- : prisidg»tNnt-H»» ^ Chinese Minister Will Preach Here Service Will Be Held At Jen nings Tent Instead Of Methodist Cfttnrch Pastor Cheng, native Chi nese minister who preeideB ov er a church of 629 members in Lnho, China, will preach Monday night at the J-in- nings tent instead of the Meth odist church, it was learned today as The Journal-Patriot went to press. The first announcement of the coming of the Chinese minister to the city stated that khe service would be held at the Methodist church and ar- raitgi. talents for the service were changed after the aa- nouncement had gone to press on another page of this news paper. * Many Wilibf^ Teachers Ex pected To Enroll in Lenoir- Rhyne Branch School Mrs R. M. Bmme, Jr., and R. .haTO.,J»tWmed to their home from Th* WRkee Etoa^tal. ■ ■ . "■ Registration of teachers who wish to enroll in the Lenolr- Rhyne College branch summer school in Wllkesboro will take place at the WUtkesboro school building on Saturday, May 25. according to a recent announce ment from officials of the col lege. Classes, will begin on hion- day. June 3. Approximately 100 Wilkes county teachers expressed their desire for a summer school with in the county, it is reported, and for this reason a branch summer school offering standard courses was arranged by Lenolr-Rhyne. The faculty will be composed of four teachers from the college and two local Inatructors, W. D. Halfacre and T. E. Story, super intendents of North Wilkeeboro city school and Wllkesboro dis trict schools, respectively. The first term will end on July 12 and g second term will 1. -I... Im aqjmoi anihofttlig^. Jamris C. (Sunny Jim) Farm er, lecturer of the National Grange and a speaker with a nationally known and envied reputation, wUl deliver an address at the conrthoase in Wllkesboro on Ts4idBir. alght«. It is considered quite a dis tinction to Wilkes county and the Pomona Grange that the national celebrity is coming into their midst for fui ad dress and a record crowd Is expected. While In North Carolina “Sunny Jim’’ will also fill a few other eug-igerpents, one each in Lee, jBocklngham, Mc Dowell and Mecklenburg coun ties. .In 3 meeting attended by offi cials of the North Carolina state grange and Grangers from'' all sections of Wilkes plans were made Saturday night for the state convention, which is to be held In North Wllkesboro on September 25, 26 and 27, ac cording to tentative arrange ments by the state executive committee. The meeting was held at the courthouse in Wllkesboro and was attended by B. S. Vanatta, state master, R. W* Pon, of Win ston-Salem, chairman of the state executive committee, D. J. Lybrook, of Advance, member of the state executive committee. Miss Pearl Thompson, of Salis bury, state secretary, members of the Wilkes Pomona Grange, and members of the Wllkesboro, Boomer and Ferguson subordi nate Oranges. The coming of the state Grange convention to North Wll kesboro Is already anticipated as one of the highlights of the year and the Wilkes Pomona Grange is starting early to lay plans In order that the convention will be on© long to be remembered by each of the many delegates from all r-arts of the state who will at tend. In order that all committees may have ample time in which to perform their duties J. M. German, master of the Pomona Grange, has made the. following ^cqm.mltte® appplutments: Honolulu . . . Commander E.' W. Tod tabove), was In chgrge of the 43 U. S. Navy flying boats which made up the greatest air armada ever to make a 1,188 mile water hop. The feat, was part of the Navy’s Pacific war game,, maneuvers, veiled with great secrecy. Has Aiqilkatioiis For C. M. T. C. J. B. McCoy Is Chairman For Wilkes; Wants Qaota For County FiDed J. B. McCoy, Citizens’ Military Training Camp chairman for Wilkes county, stated today that he has application forms for any youths who desire to enroll In camp this summer. Mr. McCoy may be found at Hotel Wilkes, of which he is manager. Each county In the state has a quota of a certain number who may attend the training camp at Fort Bragg this summer and ex tra ones will be allowed from some counties In the event that quotas are not filled from others, wigi J J- -Mepoy nraee tbe 'impoxt- --n.^uerrjf viru»j— • ' “ rif •who want-tokttottd. paugh.. P.«ica Robinson, Louulst A- ._l_ 1m 4... «« Board of education' in sMBfaHK Saturday named eommitteea tor the eight central sekodto Im Wilkes couaty and advisory mittees to serve each indivlAiit school in each district.. 1 ^ Very few new names amtnr on the list of committees, greater number bsteg''fMttpotag>- ments. Only minor .ehauBMI made In the school medUaSBf act and the commltflBSs mii^IlMrsm in much the same capacity, am formerly. ' School committees as Iciltows were named by the board oT education in session Saturday; Central Oonunittees Wllkesboro—C. A. Lowe, Ds. J- Brookshire, T. M. Foster, J. T. Prevette, N. O. Smoak. Mt Pleasant—T. O. Mintoa. JL C. McNeil, Dr. W; W. Miles. Millers Creek—L. L. McItoiL- J. F. Caudill, R. G. Vannoy. Mulberry—J. D. Hall, J. ▼. Jones, Gordon Shatley. Mountain View—B. W. I^a- dry, J. A Gilliam, J. G. Mayber ry, Paul Church, C. D. .Hall, Traphill — J. W. McBil^ Wessley Joynes, D. C. Castsrveas. Ronda—G. F. Edwards, E. D. Byrd, Mrs. Carl Hendrix, B. C- Sparks, M. L. Gray. Roaring River—A. W Greene, J. A. Losgbottom, B. L. Johnson. WUkesboro (District 1) Arbor—I. P. Call, Jessie An derson, Wlnt Call. Boomer—S. T. Walsh, W. R- Craft, Elisha Ferguson. - Cherry Grqve-=-W. H. TB»»- Mrs. R. B. Cassel Claimed By Death Funeral Service For WeU Known Resident Of North Wllkesboro Today Mrs. Mary Ida 'Turner Cassel, member of a well known family and a .beloved resident of this city, passed away at the hos pital here at 4:40 yesterday morning. Mrs. Cassel had been in 111 health for more than a year and had been seriously ill with no hope for recovery for the past two weeks. She was born at Dalton on July 14, 1874 and at the time of her death she was 60 years, 10 months and eight days of age. She was married on March 6, 1890, to Robert B. Cassel at Dal ton and within a few years they moved to North Wllkesboro to make their home. In early life she joined the church and when she moved here she united with the North Wll kesboro Melodist church, o f (Continued on back page)' son, T. E. Story, Mrs. M. A. Cockerbam, Edward Finley, Mrs. B. S. Call, Mrs. C. F. Bretholl, J. A. Gilliam, Clifford Moore, H. H. Morehouse and A. G. Hen- dren. Publicity—^T. E. Story, Dwight Nichols, Dr. John T. Hoyle and R. B. Pharr. Program—T. W. Ferguson, Julius C. Hubbard, T. E. Story and C. F. Bretholl. There are now five subordi nate Granges In Wilkes county. Little Meuntoln, Boomer, Wll kesboro, Ferguson and Newllfe. Plans are under way lor a great enlargement In the Grange be tween now and the date of the state convention. The state Grange is planning to place a special organization deputy In Wilkes from June 1 to Septem ber. He will work In conjunction with the county deputies and the local Grange. Any communities In Wilkes which do not have subordinate Granges and who wish to have a unit of the leading rural fra ternal organization 1 n their midst are asked to get in touch with T. W. Ferguson, who is state deputy, or J. M. German, master of the Wilkes Pomona Grange. camp to sppiy.. early in order-to fill the quoti'tor the county and .perhaps provide opportunities for others who may bo accepted to fill quotas from any counties which do not have as many ap plicants as can be accepted. Ifoore. Cranberry*-^. F. Sale, J. B Byrd, Ches Mirthls. (Continned on back page) • Plan Memorial Day Observance Wall Of Buildinfir Threatens To Fall Wall Of, Goldston Smith’s BwM ing Gives Way Because OC Excavation Nearby Tributes .To War Dead Will Be Made lAt Memorial Marker On May 30 Memorial Day will be observed in North Wllkesboro on Thurs day, May 30, with a memorial service at the marker on Me morial avenue In the evening. A short program will include a march to the marker, on which are engraved the names- of Wilkes men who fell on the bat tlefields of the World War, tri butes to the dead of the Ameri can Revolution, War Between the States, the Spanlsh-American War and the World War, and a short address. The program and time of the service will be an nounced Monday. He who would gather must not fear the thorns. Mr. and Mrs. Presley Myers were visitors to Charlotte Tues day. Mwy Attending Meeting In Tent Services Conducted By Rev. Sam S. JenninRS Here At- ti^ting Interest The tent revival being con ducted In this city, by Rev. Sam S. Jennings Is attracting much interest and the services each evening are well attended. Gospel sermons being deliver ed at each service by the local evangelist are received with clos est Interest by the audiences and much response has been noted to the gospel messages. The song services are also an Interesting feature of the meet ing. O n Monday night, Pastor Cheng, of the Lnho Friends chnrch in China, will be at the meeting^and deliver a message. „u., *. — —- t Brnryhody has k «^al_tovl- b* held if the demand for It Is tatioh to attend all the services, evident. It ;at the twit, Rev. Mr. Jemanga Saturday Prodaimed Poppy Day Mayor McNeill Urges Peoide To Honor Dead and Aid Liv- ' ing By Wearing Memturial FTovrer Saturday, May 25 Considerable excitement waa in evidence on Tenth Street Tuesday when the south wdU of Goldston Smith’s brick baildiwK adjacent to the excavation for a- new building cracked and peared to be in a most danger ous position. Traffic along thar sidewalk and street was blocked by police to insure safety. While the wall remained in a- precarious position the owner of the building sought a solution to- the problem of saving It and its contencs. The inimitable E. V. (Whistlin’ Ed) Wlilllams took the contract to brace the strwe- ture until permanent reidace- ments or repairs can be made and the Job was completed with in a short time. The wall of the building was somewhat damaged when a dis astrous fire razed the adjoining property several years ago hnt had shown no signs of coIinfM until the excavation was nuuto for a new building on the lot ad joining. Noted Pilot Visit* His Home at Raadbs Saturday, May 25th, was proclaimed Poppy Day In Norto WilkM- boro in a proclamation issued today by ^ J’ f proclamation urged all citixens to honor the ’World War dead by wea ing the Americdn Legion and Auxiliary memorial poppy on that day. and to aid the war’s living victims by contributing to the Legion and Auxiliary welfare funds. The proclamation foUows: , ^ . “The city of North Wllkesboro during the great crisis of the World War sent forth its sons in response to the nation’s call They served gallantly in the nation’s defense, and of their numbers some were called upon to lay down their lives in that service. The memory o their patriotic sacrifice should always be held dear by the citizens of North Wllkesboro. “Others of these brave young men were called upon to not life, but the heaUth and strength which makes life w^ Their families and the families of the dead also were to m^e heavy sacrifices. These disabled and dejKmdentp are still paying the human pnee of our nation’s Worid War victory. “From the battie front in France our returning soWiers brongw the poppy:-M the symbol of siwaiAce and tbe memoml flower of the dead. E-i-'h year on the Satnyday before Memorial Day the m®® the American Legion and the women of the African I^on Auxii^ ary ask us to wear this flower in tribute to the nations fallen d^ fenders and to give in exchange for the flower a contribution to aid the war’s living victims. CSiarles L. HickeiewiritefMBM S New York After Givtiag Ply ing I nKfructions . ita ■ Charles L. Hlckerson, o( New York City, ex Pan Amwloni Airways pilot, has flown baek to- New York, after quite a vtoBt with his parents at Ronda. ’The spacious lawn of tbe beian^- tiful and historic old Hlekeraon home was used as a landfac field while Pilot Hlckerson w«* giving flying instructions at near-by points. A hangar, built near old time shrubs, with great oaks In the background, gave a modern note. Ronda is IndaoS proud of her successful yoaat; aviator.—Reported. Erecting Ad|itioa To Duncan Bnfldiilg Workmen are now eaigaga* te making the exuvatloa tor addition V to the rear of RaUM Duncan’s electrical store baOS- Wsu n UtAUH ravemsaisv H _ _ “Therefore, L B- T. McNeill, mayor of North Wilkesboro. urge aUi citizens to honor tiie dead and aid the liviaa by wearing the Amen^ oonslderable floor hegim and Ameriean Legim Auxiliary memorial poppy on Saturday,, ^ xnt, egtabHslBwir “ 26th, ' ^ ' ■*'> and the building wlU B»or* ’And to tiiat end,I do hereby pr^m Saturday, Uiv 28th, Poppy qu*tely house the Hr*- Day in the dty of Norht Wnktoboro. ' a, T. McNBILL, Mayor." large stock of electric«l jH and appUancif. '

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