"v.- :C' iyn Nation Defidt Sferinks JuBe 11 — The s iiiktional committee to- to the house that its ; li^ been raduoed below the half a million ddlar mark for the first time since the Smith-Hoover fsaipaign of 1928. ^ Blows His Head Off r : Hickory, June 11—Firing the load from a shotgim into his head, Avery B. Lddli 28, committed what local police termed suicide here last night. The top of his head was blown off. , j. i Much Dmnkeniess ' Asheville, June 11—Arrests for drunkenness in Asheville reach an all-time high during the month of May when 231 persons were charg ed with this offense by the police, ' according to the monthly report of the police department 1 I ' Witness Is Beaten Tuscon. Arizona, June 11—Goyo Estrada, 11, a principal govern ment witness in the June Robles kidnaping case, was beaten by an unidentified assailant in his home last night, it was disclosed here today. Asked To Display Tomorrow Published Ifonditys and Thursdays NOigH W1LKE3B0R0, N. TOURSDAY, ^ \ Flags Flag Day To Be Observed Under Auspices of Ameri can Legion, Auxiliary Merchants and business firms of this city are asked by the American Legion and Aualliary to observe Flag Day, Friday, June 14. by displaying flaga on the front of their establishments tomorrow. Due to the fact that depart ment officers of both the Legion *nd Auxiliary will be in the city tomorrow evening it is asked tSat the flags be left on the wtreets until a late hour In order that the spirit of patriotism may be manifested among loct "peo ple and to the distinguish /visi tors. Mayor R. T. McNeill today Joined In the request for a full -display of flags here tomorrow In observance of flag day. Many Are Saving Over 500 Signers On Subscriptions Tobacco Contract To Journal-Patriot Office Gets 122 Pn^Hwaik To Sell Land Track Land Office Negotiates ^ For ■ Many lltuts In Rendecvous Mountain Park Area APPRAfSAL^RE MADE Woric Project In Solnnargina] Land Area Is Likdy In Very Near Future The federal government has received proposals from land owners offering to sell 122 tracts of submarginal land in Wilkes county In what Is known as the Rendezvous Mountain area. It was learned here today from the local land policy office of the agricultural adjustment administration. J. M. Pleasants is in charge of the land policy office here and he Is authorized by the govern ment to negotiate for submargln- al and cutover lands in that area between highways 60 and 16 In Wilkes county. The 122 tracts which land owners propose to sell have been surveyed and are being apprais ed. The government will pay ac cording to the appraisers, whe ther the price he under or over the proposals made by the land owners. A greater part of the several thousand acres on which propos als havf been tendered is cut- ver lands. However, a number of home owners with submarginal lands are Included. It was learned unofficially here that the plan of the government calls for placing these home steaders on farms purchased and developed by the government. These farms, it Is said, will be sold on long terms and many op portunities will be affordsd the families placed In that manner. A great many of the tracts negotiated for are in the heljfti- borhood of Rendezvous Moun tain, a historic shrine which has been made a state park, and ex tend to the right-of-way of the great scenic parkway on the Blue Ridge. Mr. Pleasants stated today that any others who have land in the suggested area for sale should get in touch with his of fice, located in the Carter build ing on Ninth street in North Wllkesboro, as early as possible. ^ GLORY CELEBRATES Upper left: Betsy rigkt, »«.. .,*« ^, _ Bom in 1777, Old Glofy win celebrate ite 158th ai^versary on Jme 14. Ross, traditional maker of the Stars and Stripes, from an ohl pamting. At right, her home in Philadelphia which has become a national shrine. Center, U. S. marines displaying the national flag along with their regimenUl colord. North Carolina curr^y ^re first representations of the Grand Union Flag, shown below at right Left, the KattlesnaKe flag, another forerunner of Old Glory. Waving triumphantly through the years, the Star Spangled Banner will reach another mile stone in Us history with the ob- liervance of its birthday on June 14. Romance and a certain mys tery have surrounded our flag since its adoption 158 years ago. circumstances that historians in a blue field, representing a have never been able to unravel successfully. It is known definitely, how ever. that on June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress resolved: "That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen strii.es, alternate red and white; that clouding its origin in a web of [ the union be thirteen stars, white new constellation.” Thus this date has come to bo observed each year as Flag Day. Scores of flags represented the hopes and aspirations of our forefathers. Colonial flags show beavers, rattlesnakes, pine trees, and various other insignia. Some (Continued on page two) Importance of Cooperative Effort Is Stressed By National Grange Led J. R. Calloway Supervisor of Acreage Measurements; Work Is Under Way Despite the fact that Wilkes is not generally considered a to bacco growing county there are around 600 tobacco farmers within Us boundaries, figures compiled by the department of agriculture and the agricultural adjustment administration show. J. R. Callouay, who is super visor over the work of measuring tobacco acreage for farmers who signed contracts, began work today of measuring tobacco acre age on 513 farmers, most of rhich are located in eastern jV.^lkes. Of this number 350 ffi^gned crop reduction contracts and 163 signed special base con tracts. f In addition to the contract sigaen It is estimated that there Wm Be $1.50 Per Year After June 30; $2.00 Year Out side the State It w vaavav z - are around 100 tobacco growendJl>era are warned to renew ^■who were not eligible to sign any kind of contract or who neglect- ad to sign for this year. Sheriff Ordered To Appear Tue»day In FdriSrth Court — Winston-Salem, June 12. — Sheriff W. B;' Somers of Wilkes county was ordered today to ap pear before F. F. Church, assist ant clerk of the Fonyth county Superior court, here next Tues day to show cause why he should -not be adjodged in contempt of conrL The citation was issued for the 'alleged failure of Sheriff Somers to co-operate with the Forsyth connty clerk offices In the serv- ioe of papers In Wilkes county. The order tor the sherifTs arrest and the elution were sent to the Wllkee county coroner for serv- Jee and bond was set at MOO. Sheriff Somers was aUeged to kave Ignored ewvice of an •HOfk' '' mt him in tha ease of F. r against Thbmaa WiUiaaa, t 0- Since the announcement was made last week to the effect that the subscription price of The Journal-Patriot will be rais ed to $1.50 per year for sub scriptions In the state and $2.00 for subscribers living outside of North Carolina on July 1 many have taken advantage of the of fer at the present prices for re newals and new subscriptions. The present prices of $1.00 per year In the state and $1.50 outside of the state will prevail throughout this month for new and renewal subscriptions. Any subscription with an expiration date prior to January, 1936, may be renewed durlpg this month at the present rate and Appointments For Vaccination Are Announced By Dr. Eller; People Urged To Be On Time Efcich Week Dr. A. J. Eller, county health officer, and Mrs. Bertha Bell, county nurse, are now in the midst of vaccination appoint ments in various communities iif Wilkes county, it was learned to day from the county health of fice. On Wednesday, June 18, Dr. Eller will start a new series of appointments for vaccination against diphtheria and typhoid. The vaccinations are given free and he urges the people of the communities in which appoint ments are to be filled to be on time. The dates announced are as follows: W'ednesday, June 19 Hay meadow 9 a. m.: Moun tain View 10 a. m.; Oak Ridge church 10:30 a. m.; old Scrouge- out school house noon; Traphlll school 1 p m.; Roaring Gap school 2 p. m. 'ninraday, June 20 Maple Springs school on Boone Trail 9 a. m.; Mt. Pleasant school 10 a. m.; Dunkirk church 11 a. m.; Hendrix school 1 p. m.; Claude Pearson’s store 2 p. m. Friday, June 21 Mine Ridge school 10 a. m.; Pleasant Ridge school 11 a. m.; Cool Springs school 11:30 a. m.; Pleasant Hill school 1 p. m. all eub- hol? If they wish to affect this saving of fifty cents per year. The raise in price was made necessary, as was explained last week, because on increased co^ of operation and materials and even after July 1 the price will be far below that charged by many semi-weekly and some weekly newspapers published in North Carolina. The date for the change in price was set for July 1 in order to give everybody an opportunity to renew at the present price and in order that no one will hare ftason to feel thst he has been taken advantage of. There are yet on the subscrip tion Hat several hundred sub scribers who are given the op portunity of renewing daring the remainder of this month at the present price. Readers are asked to examine the label on their papers today and note the «piratlon date. It it shows that the subscription expires before Janaary, 1M$, the present snb- scrtptlon price will gpply to re newal thia month.- _ ' ■■■ " Messenger Pigeon Starts Long Trip Paul Cushion Starts Messeng er Bird Oh 500-Mile Hop To Pennsylvania Tuesday morning at 7:40 a. m., Panl Cashlon, son of Mr. and Mrs. IMck Carillon, turned loose Bordeaux, a Messenger Pigeon. Bordeaux is ovmed,' was raised antf trained by Roger Ewing, of West Grove, Pennsylvania. Mr. Ewing sent this pigeon to North Wllkesboro to be turn ed loose and fly back to West Grove, a distance of about 500 miles. He is expected to be back home by late this afternoon. For several years, Mr. Ew ing has raised and trained pigeons. Among his stock are several winners of national races, birds which are prized very hi^ily. He is -a member of the National Federation, and has a large stock of rac ers. Paul Cashlon has purchased a few birds from Mr. Ewing and expects to raise and train them here. Legion Commander Is To Visit Wilkes Joint Meettpff Of Legioo And AnxiUary To Be Held Here On Friday Nl{^ Pis718 have been completed for the banquet meeting of the Wilkes post of the American Le gion and the local Unit of the Iie- gion Auxiliary, which will be held at the Legion and Auxiliary clubhouse on Friday evening at seven o’clock. ' Hubert Olive, department com mander 'of t^e American Legion; Jim Caldvrell, ‘adjutant; Mrs. H. M. Shamway,'department presi dent of the legion and auxiliary, and her secretary. Miss Arelie Adams, ail of Lexington, will at tend. the meeting and address the assembly. 'The occasion' will be one of the'highlights of tha year for local Legionnaires and the AuxlUaiy .liBd the full mem bership of' 1$out erganiiations Is asked to Miss Flo«|ta Oomba apent the pa8t,weyk-e|^ In Wlnaton-Salem visitiM friends. - Brother Of Mrs. A. R. Gray Is Dead News was received Tuesday of the death of R. S. Campbell, of Wilmington, Va., which occured early Tuesday morning In St. Lake’s hospital in Richmond, Va. He had been 111 for a week. Mr..Campbell -was a member of a prominent Wilmington, Va., family and was' a brother of Mrs. A. R. Gray, of Wllkesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Gray attended the fu neral service in Wlllmington Wed nesday. Miss Alpha Davis, of Spartan burg, S. C., Is a guest of Miss Mary Ella McCreddle. DeliverrAddress In Grange Meet H«Id At Courthouse In WU- kesboro Tuesday Night; Yanatta Also Speaks James C. (Sunny Jim) Farm er, lecturer of the National Grange, delivered a most Insplr- In.g address on the subject of "The Call of th© Grange” in a meeting held at the courthouse in Wllkesboro Tuesday night. The meeting and the address of the national lecturer inaugu rated a membership and activity campaign in the Wilkes Grange that will culminate in the state Grange convention in North Wll kesboro in September. J. M. German, master of the Wilkes Pomona Grange, opened the meeting and presented E. S. Vanatta, state master. Mr. Van- atta delivered a brief address and outlined the program of the Grange as It appeals to people interested in the welfare of the rural population. He discussed liability and fire insurance offered by the ^Grange companies, the part th© organi zation played In the rural elec trification purvey, efforts to ward enactment of a legislative program for the benefit and re lief of rural residents, the for mation of the Farmers’ Cooper ative Exchange. He also men tioned the Grange baseball league and announced that one enter taining feature of the state con vention here will be the state championship baseball games be tween county Granges. He then presented Mr. Farm er, who immediately entered wholeheartedly Into a discussion of the Grange and the opportun ities it affords the rural resl- denU for cooperative effort and social advancement. "The Grange,” he said, “has been In (Cbntinued on page two) of - ■ * - -L‘,. : J Link of Parkway ■,, ■ ■ - ■ NeHo L. Teer, at Durham, Suhmite Low PropoBal Foci Construction First Liuk BID IS $8fi3337.50 Firat Li^ Starts.i^t Yiigloifi Line and Extends To Pidfit Near Roaring Gap Nello L. Teer, contwtor of Durham, N, C., was announced as the low bidder for construc tion of 12.49 miles of Shenan' doah-to-Orsat Smoky moimUlns highway extending southward from the North Carolina tine when bids were opened Wednes day at the Roanoke, Va., otfiee of the United States bureau of roads. ■ Teer’s lowest bid for the job was ^$363,887.50 which calls for use od 4,100 feet of cast iroh culvert pipe rather than rein forced concrete pipe. His alter nate bid which contemplates the use of the reinformed concrete pipe was $364,862.60. Ten contractors and contract ing firms located in, several states submitted bids on the job. After opening of the bids It was said at the office of Wil liam M. Austin, highway engi neer of the bureau of roads, that the proposals will be transmitted immediately to the bureau of fice In Washington for the in formation o f officials there. Award of the contract is expect ed at an early date. The contract will affect the grading, drainage and prelimin ary surfacing of the 12-mlle length of the 500-mil© parkway connecting the Shenandoah and Great Smoky mountain parks. Teer’s bid was approximately $4,000 under that of bis nearest competitor, the E. W. Grannls company, o f rilllflUilMt This firm bid $3«7?**Ur-4*'S**t iron culvert pipe is used and $367,766 if the reinforced con crete pipe is used. Teer is well known as a con tractor in this section, where he executed contracts for construc tion oh sections of the Boone Trail, highway 16 and other mountain roads. MOVIE APPLICATION BLANK NAME .. STBEHT^ J CITY PHONE Hdght,... 'Weight...;,., In tkl* ^ ^ ft Mnm oAee good-laelring girt and nail ot bring oi Ha Jounal-Patrint. A pMograpli aeeonipwi»g *hla a»pH^ « tiM te 4i^ and may be pSrfise If I lU retwn affat tha i* Mleetad. ’ .:,ji 7 i.Tsm Age.. ProqietAive Movie Apiriy For Sereeu Pfaux lu Cast BLANK IS FUBNlgl Applicant May FiB Out Bhal^ and Mail To The Joui^iut- o Patoim ^ Girls, It’s really hare It laatF That long-cberia>0d aaihtttom for a try at the movies awafto only the nomination'.of ybnntfC or one of your friendef Wilkes county -la to have m motion picture a^i^^Ua awn. Even aia yon rekdthn, diraatanu cameramen, electriclana are owS their way hern to. aupfinfsa fOxa- ing of a twofOBFWOiaedy enBad ' "Wilkes Counts Hero.” ’' It will be produced from ba> ginning to end -right North Wilkeebord* hnd ‘'f^Sban county. Local people wlH eonatt* tate the cast and the fInlahaO product will be presented tor tbw first time at th© New (^kenaa theatre. -V T Filming of a movie abort as- pressly for Wilkes county in sponsored by The Jonmat-Pa^ triot through cooperation of n well known Hollywood prodoefnn company. Colonel Don O. New- , land, the director, will nnfan ' here next Monday and lanneb the task of finding a Iwldfng lady. Considerable equipment win be brought here for the city's first real motion picture under taking, including a studio aet and a battery ot movie stnAo- lights capable of developing 1,- 250,000 candlepower, movfa cameras and other studio eqnf]^' ment. The scenario for the pictnra Jibs been prepared. This includea. (Continued on page eight) Work On Street In Wllkesboro Is Progressing Traffic Being ^toured Off Section of StiS»t Now Be ing Sorfaced Work of surfacing a portion of highways 16 and 18 through WjUkesboro is now going forward and will be rushed to comple tion by B. W. Grannis, ot Fay- ettvllle, holder of the contract. A non-skid asphalt surface is being laid on the street from the end of the present asphalt near the postoffice to West End Serv ice Station. Work ot constructing the con crete curbs was completed sever al weeks ago and actual surfac ing did not get under way un til this week. Traffic is being de toured off the street by way of the drive on the west side of the courthouse. isohUeadir Li«t Fireman-Labor Job At Postoffice Civil Service Oommission Madu Known Ratings Severn! Days Ago Quince Hutchinson heads thw - list of ellglbles for the fireman- labor position at the new poat- office, according to ratings • is sued by the United States CM! Service Commission several days ago. Hutchinson has been fire man at the P. E. Brown lum ber plant her© for about eight years, and was recommended highly for the position. Hla rat ing was 88. Charlie L. Kelly, fireman at ♦he American Furniture Co., wan second on the list with a rating of 86, while Andy Roberts, who- Is connected with the Oak Fur niture Co., is third with a rat ing of 84. The three eligibles are Demo crats. Between thirty and forty ap plications were received tor tha local government job. Local Team Shows Much Improvement Team Here Has Won Sewn Straight Gamee Since Being Reorganized Deputies Destroy B4i StiB Outfit Large Ci^^acity. StQl aad Ma- toials Destroyed In Love lace Towndiip Deputies Sheriff H. C. Kilby and Old Wllles made a raid In Lovelace township Saturday that netted a large distillery and vast quantities ot materials for liquor manufacture. The still consisted ot a_. 100- gallon steam boiler, • 150-gallon still and mash vats on which sugar had Just been applied. About 2,000 gallons " of mash were dwtroyed along with the still, which had been in operation only a few hours'before the raid waa niade. No one was fonnd a- bont the place, howeyer. Brotkwr Of Rene* Tdc«o By Denth News Vhe received here Tues day aftamoon ot the death In Vlrgliila of Albqrt Dickenson, a brother of Mrs. Roe» aevee, of this city. The message came Jnst following .the burial of her son, Robert Roves, tho died In Wrieh, iri vu. . , North Wlkesboro’s basebaB • : club' has shown remarkablo im provement during the past twm weeks and is noif rated^^ SB m na semi-pro aggregatfon’''l^MI>P**^ of the daily newspapers’ o^ j state. The team has won' #|!|ra'v.1 ^ game, seven in .number..sinifi ing reorganised, which la m- splendld record IpdOed- • . New material’-has.bsea oAiiii -J to the club, Stallings^gnd ruff, outfielder 'ahdriMqiNi^ man, respectively,-being- amoag the latest new comers. Those i» charge of the club are now woA- ing on plans to f^rthfLAwiVaf^ the batting power and nbUSeg ability of the team in order that any competition in this sectiam of the state may be met on '’'aa eqnal it not snpeilor basis. The team right now needs tha united sniwortof the city. At tendance on the part of'the pie is needed to make the receipts balance expenditanOk'^ and'it may b« that evsm additlsa al revenue will have, to be ee- onred to finance the team, through this season. ’This afternoon at 4 o’clock Young’s ’Transfer team of Wla—^ ston-Salem will be pUfiad oa -tka ■ local diamond. Unlqae Fur^H strong team of tha Wlnsto^jj em League, williflay day at 4 y. m.

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