oands. . 9sxsm^ idsoape Jire& |gji^: ' th«Jo}ioirii« art! * to amj-ter U17 a to pi«M8 for Uto: too -iaibr 1>0 din ^ 4n»i tuN ^. donOt- 70«ns KTitel adults .4 %-s Se. en- -- uM jt^vBitr.” ljr_5,Mtoa i««acd«d Id: night to . • rngklng U19 ^ ot tit^ndanco' dtU^og OBl«lttoat ]MBt |er; ’ ,, „ iiiioi lifyHW :’ii^roctor of teadef*^ ThO/Wil- VH » eordUl Isrlta- _iho coarratioa. jynyfr n. A.; 'WiU#,'og.^5^to^ who drowhed; H(»t ! •today lirthen gho- sipped J iiW. deep water aWJac'W^®^«*^^9 the No of North ' of s£o4S allotted to aad city tte wtate for ; year by the oa, ':Oh the allotmeat conunlutoB it la wooti^ Or wtU be la- t dOO addition- time tb^ tttonal teach- bere the en- !•> the of , another^ ore teaehera' ^ teadiera ^|he pab- ated ' of the r'ka ■ aprol . in thd Cat nee In.. , 'Irginla _ Fthe tarkwayl, feet ioLbe ptont ‘Phe Shenandoali^tbdt fimokyiln American roa»« Monhtatne Natiohdl ' Parlpa*y { tory. It wH^^^ alio be the bexa bj paHcb . of toni^ to-er«ato;%o> -S®*fr.’ hi allutlnr InTitatlon to w#. s, LaMKof teand s „ Woman Drbi^aMid . ‘ ■ . ■ rv .''T i GreensiO^' l%nn\ Joi .-«L dioatlm- NptiowL "Wie iv: ^•O 'ifx Off oro Maa- ^(Tntil Satarday, Jdly 6 !t^ Palntbr,>^h^ ^ , potato pricbs' it^hg »i»jj strike contftttt(^ militant east-^ ^ ern shore growera ' blocked r.'.thn roads today^^iu^ eren shot tlrBe from tj%cto- U»at= triW ^^pbtatoes into Maryland. ;' '.-S . . -■■y - - -■■■^. WaiAlngtoai Jnno' , Sl..;^Th% possibility' of nbW NSfti^leglsla- tion- this seaislott mOTed" np a notch 'tonii^t wito the. cap Pbderatlon of l«aV(rf-prwn- ^dlop to the President of a plan to UttotiM ' ihdastry In Iptoiiidata commerce. Hteowri Wants CkiOiiMa ^ Columbia. .Moi, June hh.'~Dr.. f^caak B. Graham, pfesident of the tTnlTeraity of North Carolina; ^ being sertonsly considered for ^ preeidency of the UniTereity Hissonrt, despite thb fsct'^he hae reouestedkt&it his ham be. eliminated. ^ tp^’tfibTlt ■ wh^- ^hey Bhouif not thin’'bViSr' books, WCOtd8„ etc., ;^fPi their jPQMeasJ)n to a frpi:^ alieged" b»s^ rfi^^bd" 1»y ^7, W ued ‘SaVutd^if mbi^g’ tor^ys' for "^^fne^” . ’pat'^fr'.CURierr’Neei' ' Chapel. HUV.* June canse ot the outbreak of- ipi»“* tile paralyidii-fn eaatenf: Nbt^ Carolina, the annual ccmrentlon — ^ the North Caibllna Riiral Let- rreatV''#>Mh Trlyette, carriers* association and its'*^^ « . anhiliary, scheduled to be h^, $ere Jn^ a-4, has bash jcdtpon- ^ it WM annoiHKNSd .tonight. , ■ . ■■: ' a Web Kttdiea Oshlaet Point, June 47,—R^la Rufns Bodenh^ oh her front ulerard this ^ ck an ankpdm !'toe pick; Uehe •.•*hd asked time i^toilook «hne taW; dea^^ with Ja^lction. The oil^]^ trfit .Irhs by'Judge ^^'H. Cleihen]^; will# ptesWlng- wer^^courts fh-, ,tbo' 14th dlstrto^tuid when the ,^t- .tbr- came to b® heard 'SatutiMj^ before Judge J. A. Bbnssesa tt- torneys for tie .“bid”-'hoi^ 'an nounce s]^!al appearan^ and moved for diemMiU .on, the^ grouhds that Judge cifAents, alter h&ting left the' 17t^ ^ die- trlot, bsd’ nb Jui^lctlOtt- to^iifrf; A mandam'UB acflon fbf a''matter in this dlstrtol. 'sr U - By-.regu^ of counsel for jtbe plai^ff Rhe heariog, was then; postponed -dnliii- ^hltttrday, t^iy 0.^ *. ''' qae “bli*/^SI^ was repre sented ‘by Ati^yftim C. 0; rreatV''4^gMw Trlyette, J. iM. iStoPn. F. ini B.'A, Cra^, of bar.. • Tpw: fepibsented by fiu ilttthbeM. bf ' Wlh^ stoh-Sai^f^^ S.,.W|lAbl aid of the Wilkei Bar PoittoHato of the mo n ;'!feerVc m iS '* €oBiedJ** ' ■ >>€Wwd’ J!3r to1 ■ -^e"'puBac'-ff.:5firw^«v VV imVdnlght sirfr " ^njar capacity iudfeiee. uhunalK ifl^. appToyil greeted: .the e^l- Ibttlbn. K 0 ^ ^ . j jlf ls Wljll^-bou^i tbrnniest BioMc"^aj»a^iaa;iifi*^ Afc-WtemeirtK ;"Sh6#"W^- Way,f^»b ; ■ A^’ bigi-fb*»edr'=i^iM»tl*^ j Wilkes’ JOIK, .’jgie Jounial-Pat#tot*B 2-T«eI proved to bp an Ijrtares^. 3iw^hliaripM flit® ki®® 1^ si&w®. si Benight. ■&' a audience in: the New ' ifheaUe. The film wBl bAtobv^ lin todiy,' »»esdar nnd Wtei^ y;. at, the Njw Orpbenm to with the usual-aUwu> . ^pw ^oik^, ■ mopd is hero, the huge Tad^ar-; At uncut stone being At -il.bib.boif. its sise gtroted hy Gladys BmutofWd. Jacobus jbiijj(W,'jit8: (Ihder "to South Afrtoa tost jraaf,^hbfd It In CondpA torAl^^O- i ; . the third St 21, beiw«w and tivb m, isB forvhfl tUek and knd How pie e i® V— The anto/-' , . ^ Mfce tlir>ik^'’tNMt> hbat be ,f iBa fast. bpai^tU. ■■» t-l, ; -~ nd jptod.jta.;]ilnM4ilt,i^^ 4g^' ;ifi Ire ahamt nhhdA'c :fhaflRh; o* m.-. ghis' iNiitth - f .-* a^.